31 The Training Committee sends its first delegation to visit the ethnic regions in Sichuan /10-1/11 In 2006, the Chamber

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明 爱 专 上 学 院 暨 四 川 之 友 协 会 ( 香 港 ) School of Business and Hospitality Management and Friends of Sichuan Association (Hong Kong) 找 同 异 寻 机 会 求 发 展 港 川 金


农 业 部 办 公 厅 关 于 调 整 2015 年 农 业 部 百 家 重 点 批 发 市 场 信 息 采 集 点 的 通 知 /26 农 业 部 办 公 厅 关 于 公 布 2014 年 畜 禽 标 准 化 示 范 场 的 通 知 /29 农 业 部 办 公 厅 关 于 加 强 草 原 畜 牧


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Contents 目 录 1. Summary Page 3 报 告 摘 要 2. Research Report.Page 4 报 告 正 文 3. Analyst Resume.Page 20 作 者 简 历

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310 日治時期前臺灣醫療發展之探討 逐漸發揮著重要的作用 因此臺灣早期醫療的發 臺灣的歷史發展 自明朝時期荷蘭 西班牙 展即是以原始醫療及從中國大陸傳習至臺灣的中 來臺灣發展之後 臺灣的史料記載才逐漸多了起 醫體系為主 而此時期來臺灣之中醫師 其技術 至清朝 從中國大陸移民來臺的人數大量增加 水平


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( 三 ) 產 業 實 習 組 撰 寫 赴 大 陸 產 業 實 習 構 想 與 規 劃 (1,000 字 ) 具 良 好 學 習 意 願 與 工 作 態 度 部 份 跨 國 企 業 需 具 備 外 語 能 力 五 研 習 課 程 * 參 見 附 件 二 六 獎 助 對 象 研 習 期 間 將 有 陸

农 业 部 办 公 厅 关 于 发 布 2014 年 中 国 最 美 休 闲 乡 村 和 中 国 美 丽 田 园 推 介 结 果 的 通 知 /27 农 业 部 办 公 厅 关 于 开 展 全 国 十 佳 农 民 2014 年 度 资 助 项 目 申 报 工 作 的 通 知 /32 农 业 部 办

2 着

国 际 视 野 中 国 立 场 原 创 诉 求 专 业 精 神 读 者 寄 语 Readers of the Message


30 Cooperation with the Mainland The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 2006 Annual Report 4,700 1982 4,723 Training over 4,700 Talents from the Mainland The Chamber continued to organize the "Hong Kong Industry and Commerce Training Program", inviting participation from officials of economic and trade-related departments from various Chinese provinces, municipalities and the central government. The program aimed at supporting the Mainland's economic construction, assisting the management personnel in the Mainland to familiarize themselves with international practice and strengthening economic exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland. 4,723 participants have completed the training program since its inception in 1982. Program participants grasp the concept of running a modern enterprise through on-site visits.

31 The Training Committee sends its first delegation to visit the ethnic regions in Sichuan. 2006 119 132 14 2 12 395 27/10-1/11 In 2006, the Chamber organized a total of 14 sessions (119th- 132nd sessions) of the training program for 395 participants, including 2 comprehensive sessions and 12 thematic sessions. The thematic sessions were specially designed for people in the field of operating chambers of commerce, finance, economic management, credit risk management, business management, as well as for private entrepreneurs, middle and senior ranking government officials in Northeastern China, officials from ethnic minorities in the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, woman mayors and members of the All-China Women's Federation. The Training Committee organized its first Mainland delegation to the ethnic regions in Sichuan province. The delegates met with local government officials and participants of the training program from Sichuan. They had an in-depth discussion about training and development in Hong Kong and the Mainland. 27/10-1/11 Review of the Chamber's Major Events

32 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 2006 Annual Report 20/3 3 3 9+2 5-6/6 4 23/8 Exploring Opportunities from the 11th Five-Year Plan and Pan-PRD Region China's 11th Five-Year Plan mapped out the blueprint of the country's future development. As Hong Kong and Macau were included in the national plan for the first time, the plan would have a profound impact on the social and economic development in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. A "Forum on China's 11th Five-Year Program" was co-organized by the forum's Organizing Committee and the Chamber as well as other organizations. Mr Xu Jialu, Vice-chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, and the Hon Rafael Hui, Chief Secretary for Administration, were invited to speak on the opportunities brought by the plan to Hong Kong. 20/3 The Chamber has been keen on promoting the Pan-PRD regional economic cooperation. During the year, the Chamber's delegates attended "The 3rd Pan-PRD Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation Fair" and "The 3rd Pan-PRD Business Association Joint Meeting" held in Kunming. The Fair enjoyed enthusiastic support and participation of the parties from the "9+2", and attracted leaders and delegates from ASEAN and South Asian countries. It provided a platform for further regional economic and trade cooperation. 5-6/6 The Chamber also participated in "The 4th 'Red Delta' Economic Cooperation and Trade Seminar" in Nansha in mid-2006. The seminar was held to promote the economic ties and cooperation among Ganzhou in Jiangxi, Shaoguan in Guangdong, Chenzhou in Hunan, Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong. 23/8 "" The Chamber co-organizes a forum to explore the position of Hong Kong under the national 11th Five-Year Program.

33 " 3" The Chamber continues to support "The 3rd Pan- PRD Business Association Joint Meeting" to explore the potential in the Pan-PRD region. Review of the Chamber's Major Events " 3 " The Chamber's representatives pose with the Hon Donald Tsang (third from right), the Chief Executive, during "The 3rd Pan-PRD Regional Economic and Trade Co-operation Fair". " 4'' " The Chamber's delegates attend "The 4th 'Red Delta' Economic Cooperation and Trade Seminar".

34 2006 Representatives of chambers of commerce from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau attend the round-table conference 2006 to foster the economic cooperation in the Pan-PRD region. The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 2006 Annual Report 17/3 12/5 Enhancing Exchanges with the Mainland Representatives of chambers of commerce from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau gathered to attend the annual roundtable conference in Macau, discussing their functional roles in encouraging a sustainable development of Hong Kong and Macau enterprises in Guangdong. In light of the fact that the mechanism of cooperation in the Pan-PRD region had already been activated, the chambers of commerce agreed to coordinate their efforts to pursue the same course. 17/3 The Chamber also co-organized its first "Chamber of Commerce Cup" Golf Tournament with the Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce. It aimed to foster friendship between Hong Kong and Shenzhen business communities through competition. 12/5 "" The picture shows the kick-off ceremony of "Chamber of Commerce Cup" Golf Tournament of the industrial and commercial communities in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

35 2006 WTO 22/3 Providing Information on Mainland Economic Trends and Regulations In view of the fact that China is going to meet its World Trade Organization (WTO) accession commitments by late 2006, Prof Hai Wen, Vice President of the Peking University, was invited to speak on the "Challenges and Strategies of China for Meeting WTO Commitments". He gave an incisive analysis on the progress of the opening up of the Mainland market and the impact on China's economic development brought by its entry to the WTO. 22/3 "WTO " "Seminar: Challenges and Strategies of China for Meeting WTO Commitments" is well attended. Review of the Chamber's Major Events The Joint Business Liaison Committee organizes a seminar to explicate the latest policies and measures implemented by Guangdong and Hong Kong Customs. 15/9 In line with the increasing integrating economies, the Guangdong and Hong Kong Customs have been introducing new measures in recent years. Founded by the Chamber and several chambers of commerce in Hong Kong and the Mainland, the Joint Business Liaison Committee of Hong Kong and the Mainland held the "Seminar on Customs Policies in Guangdong and Hong Kong". Principal customs officials from Hong Kong and Guangdong were invited to speak on the latest measures of cross-boundary clearance procedures. 15/9

36 A talk is held by the Chamber to give a briefing on the Arrangement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income. The training course enables the Chamber's members to have a better understanding of the current situation of their motherland. The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 2006 Annual Report The Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation signed by the central government and the HKSAR Government has aroused great concerns from the business community. The Chamber 18/10 therefore organized a seminar of its impact on Hong Kong's investments in the Mainland. 18/10 Furthermore, the Chamber initiated a training course on China's 38 national affairs with the Peking University so as to enrich members' understanding of the Mainland. A total of 38 participants have enrolled on the course. Co-organized Activities 76 During the year, the Chamber co-organized 76 seminars, trade fairs, exhibitions and conferences in Hong Kong and the Mainland with the Mainland government departments as well as industrial and commercial organizations. 2006 Tianjin Week in Hong Kong 2006 Investment & Trade Expo 2006 Anhui China (Hong Kong) 2006 Hebei (Hong Kong) Economic & Trade Fair & Hebei (Hong Kong) Culture Week 2006 2006 The Chinese International Exposition (HK) of Chinese Medicine Materials, Medicines & Health Products Shenzhen Yantian Port Free Trade Zone (Hong Kong) Trade & Investment Fair 2006 Business Fair for Hong Kong - Guangdong Economic, Trade & Technology Cooperation 2006 Ningxia (Hong Kong) Economy, Culture & Tourism Week 2006

37 2006 2006 2006 Jiangxi (Hong Kong) Week for Promotion of Investment & Economic Cooperation Seminar on Investment Cooperation on Hubei & Hong Kong Modern Service Industry & Wuhan Foreign Investment Dense Area Seminar on Investment Promotion & Financing for Shandong State-owned Enterprises Shandong Private Enterprises Business-matching Conference Shandong - Hong Kong Commercial Trade & Logistics Seminar Symposium on Hubei Investment Opportunities for Coastal Hong Kong Investors 2006 Jiangsu (Hong Kong) Modern Service Industry Promotion Conference 2006 2006 Hong Kong Hubei Week 2006 10 The 10th China International Fair for Investment & Trade Promotion Luncheon in Hong Kong 2006 2006 2006 Liaoning (Hong Kong) Investment Symposium & Signing Ceremony Briefing on the Cooperation between the Commercial Distribution Service Sectors in Liaoning & Hong Kong "Brand Promotion Campaign" Activities in Hong Kong Briefing on Scientific & Technical Cooperation between Heilongjiang & Hong Kong 2006 Heilongjiang (Hong Kong) Activities Week Seminar on Guangdong's Economic Restructuring & Development of Western Pearl River Delta - Opportunities & Challenges for Hong Kong Review of the Chamber's Major Events 2006 2006 10 2006 The 4th China Henan International Investment & Trade Fair 2006 Hong Kong Brands Products Expo, Chengdu & Shanghai The 10th Investment & Trade Forum for Cooperation between East & West China The 14th China Kunming Import & Export Commodities Fair Forum of the Development of the Private Enterprises in China 2006 Ningbo - Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Forum 2006 Seminar: New Policy for Hong Kong Entrepreneurs to Invest in Guangzhou 2006 Asian Manufacturing Forum 2006