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學校如何善用社交媒體 Nov 2014

學校如何善用社交媒體 1. 香港學生使用社交媒體的現況 2. 社交媒體對老師工作的正面作用 3. 社交媒體引起的潛在問題 4. 設立校本社交媒體管理措施的需要 5. 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引

1.1 學生使用社交媒體的現況 常用社交媒體 o Facebook o Twitter o WeChat o Whatsapp o Line

1.2 學生使用社交媒體的現況 青少年使用網絡溝通工具情況普遍 o 六成 (62.1%) 青少年有透過參與網絡社群與他人聯繫 o 逾九成 (95.6%) 受訪者表示平日有使用電郵或 MSN, 平均每天花 98 分鐘 o 超過六成半 (66.9%) 青少年有透過網上討論區與別人聯繫 ( 青協,2008)

1.2 學生使用社交媒體的現況 接近 100% 本地青少年是活躍的網上用戶, 當中逾 50% 青少年主要運用互聯網進行社交網絡通訊之上 平均每星期花 20 小時上網, 其中社交媒體用戶花 7.7 小時用於社交網站, 即平均每日超過一小時 採用社交媒體的主要原因為與朋友聯繫 (73%), 以及共享資訊 (26%) (Mircosoft & HKCSS,2010)

1.2 學生使用社交媒體的現況 2014 年 7 月向 1494 位中學畢業生進行新聞與社交媒體使用行為調查 使用社交媒體方面, Whatsapp 佔第一位 ; 社交媒體的最常使用行為依次為 : 瀏覽 訊息 即時通訊 點選讚 支持 同意 上載相片 分享資訊到其他社交媒體 留言 修改個人資訊, 分享音樂 及 上載視頻片段 ; 分析顯示, 女受訪者在社交媒體的參與度從多方面都比男受訪者高 ( 香港樹仁大學新聞與傳播學系網絡傳播研究中心,2014)

1.3 學生使用社交媒體的現況 社交媒體特點 o 隨時隨地 ( 全球化互聯網 ) o 即時性 ( 配合智能電話的使用 ) o 單對單溝通 ( 個人情感溝通 ) o 單對多溝通 ( 群體性討論 ) o 多媒體訊息 ( 個人自製及引用他人作品 ) o 轉發 ( 廣泛傳播性 ) 隨著資訊科技的發達與大環境的迅速變化, 社交媒體越來越普及, 已經改變整個學習環境

2.1 社交媒體對老師工作的正面作用 促進班級經營 o 現在的高中學生幾乎都有自己的臉書, 自己的班級也有成立臉書社團, 學生幾乎每天都會上臉書 o 在這樣的潮流趨勢下, 老師所面臨的學生 家長與外在環境問題, 用傳統式的班級經營已經無法負荷 o 學生對老師使用臉書在班級經營上的態度是正向的且頗受好評 o 在有限的時間裡, 非主科老師經常利用空餘時間去關懷學生, 在線上進行班級經營的評價也頗高

2.2 社交媒體對老師工作的正面作用 提升學校形象 o 學校應重視社交網站的影響力, 著眼於學校正面電子口碑的建立, 展現學校價值 o 若能於舊有的學校官方網站之外, 另經營 Facebook 粉絲專頁等社交媒體, 即時更新學校資訊, 使訊息接收者對學校活動具有參與感與臨場感, 對於提升學校的正面口碑有一定的幫助 o 在發佈內容方面, 可以朝特色學習活動 閱讀 生態 溫馨 知性等學校多元特色發展, 吸納不同族群訂閱粉絲專頁 ( 中原大學資訊管理研究所, 中小學運用社交媒體進行學校網路行銷之研究,2013 )

2.3 社交媒體對老師工作的正面作用 提高學生投入感 o Facebook can be useful as a way of keeping in touch with the school orchestra or rugby team, o teachers need to make sure that they don't do this from their own personal page. They can set up a group which will work well for this type of thing. o some schools told teachers that they cannot have a Facebook account, to others who haven't even given it a thought, where staff are friends with pupils on Facebook. (Karl Hopwood, an internet safety consultant and former head)

2.4 社交媒體對老師工作的正面作用 突破課時限制 o o Stacey Roshan, an Advanced Placement calculus teacher at Bullis School, faced the problem of keeping her students engaged with difficult mathematics curriculum. Roshan made radical changes to her lesson plans by using Camtasia Studio to record, upload her lectures to itunes and assigned them as homework. o Taught with the video lectures, Roshan's students in the 2010-11 school year scored an average of 4.11 on the AP calculus test, compared to the 3.59 average among her students who were taught in the traditional classroom setting the year before. Ryan Lytle, USNNEWS, 2011

2.5 社交媒體對老師工作的正面作用 According to the study I'll See You On Facebook : The Effects of Computer-Mediated Teacher Self-Disclosure on Student Motivation, Affective Learning, and Classroom Climate, o high teacher self-disclosure may lead students to higher levels of anticipated motivation higher levels of affective learning more comfortable classroom climate Teachers may consider the use of Facebook as an important tool to foster the student-teacher relationship; however, they should proceed with caution. The qualitative data reveals that students were highly concerned with how the teacher would be perceived as a professional. Mazer, Joseph P., Murphy, Richard E. and Simonds, Cheri J., Communication Education, 56:1, 1-17

2.6 社交媒體對老師工作的正面作用 對老師工作肯定有正面作用, 例如促進班級經營, 提高學生投入感, 突破課堂時數限制, 甚至提升學校形象 但也要顧及專業形象, 保持恰當師生關係, 否則適得其反

3.1 社交媒體引起的潛在問題 Culture of informality( 不拘文化 ) o Electronic media > greater access + illusion of a private space + written evidence o Accessibility of teachers > Potential for over-familiar relationships, o Teacher-pupil relationship > friendly relationship >? o Teachers have to ask themselves: if a third party sees this, is it open to misinterpretation?" o culture of ever greater accessibility > ever greater involvement and engagement > far easier for essential boundaries to be eroded."

3.1 社交媒體引起的潛在問題 Case 1 : 不恰當師生關係 Helen Goddard, a 26-year-old public school music teacher sentenced to 15 months in prison following an affair with a 15-year-old student that included a weekend in Paris. Christopher Reen, a classroom supervisor of Headlands school in Bridlington who became the fifth member of staff in three years at his school to face criminal charges over a sexual relationship with a pupil. Christopher Reen Helen Goddard

3.1 社交媒體引起的潛在問題 Case 2 : 老師易惹不公平誤會 瑞典希爾星堡市一名老師以私人帳號在學生的 Facebook 和 Instagram 留言和送上心心 Emoticon, 以增進師生關係 學生在班上被欺凌, 及後有家長發現這些欺凌同學的學生原來是老師的 朋友 ; 部分學生投訴老師厚此薄彼, 沒有加他們做 朋友 雖然家長們不認為老師有心這樣做, 但仍然選擇向教育部門投訴 調查發現老師的 朋友 清單中亦包括了部分家長 教育部負責人表示, 老師的行為不恰當 the local, 2014

3.2 社交媒體引起的潛在問題 Case 3 : 網絡欺凌 26 歲中學女教師近月屢遭頑劣學生挑戰, 更有學生在社交網站開設群組向她圍攻, 女教師 - 感慨 學生唔聽教 激心又痛心, 昨清晨上課前危坐土瓜灣 14 樓寓所欄河企圖跳樓, 事後因情緒波動送院檢查 蘋果日報 - 2011-05-06

3.2 社交媒體引起的潛在問題 Case 4.1 : 以 言 入罪 ( 網上言論, 證據確鑿 ) o Connecticut teacher Jeffrey Spanierman was fired because of two cyber conversations with students on his MySpace page. In one posting, he teased a student about his girlfriend, and the student responded, dont be jealous cause you can t get any lol:) Spanierman replied: What makes you think I want any? I'm not jealous. I just like to have fun and goof on you guys. If you don't like it. Kiss my brass! LMAO. He also jokingly threatened another student with lifelong detention for calling him sir. Pretty mild stuff, really. o o But a federal court ruled that Spanierman s termination didn t violate the First Amendment because his speech was likely to disrupt school activities. The court faulted the teacher for failing to maintain a professional, respectful association with students and for communicating with students as if he were their peer, not their teacher. Social Networking Nightmares - speak no evil, by By Mike Simpson of NEA

3.2 社交媒體引起的潛在問題 Case 4.2 : 以 言 入罪 ( 網上言論, 證據確鑿 ) o Tara Richardson was a mentor for beginning teachers who sued the Central Kitsap (Washington) School District claiming that she was demoted because of comments she posted on a personal blog. She described one administrator as a smug know-it-all creep who has a reputation of crapping on secretaries. o Last June, a federal appeals court rejected her First Amendment argument, her nasty, personal comments interfered with her job because they fatally undermined her ability to enter into confidential and trusting mentor relationships with beginning teachers. Social Networking Nightmares - speak no evil, by By Mike Simpson of NEA

3.2 社交媒體引起的潛在問題 Case 4.3 : 以 言 入罪 ( 網上言論, 證據確鑿 ) o Pennsylvania college senior Stacey Snyder who was dismissed from her student teaching position because of unprofessional postings on her MySpace site, which she urged her students to visit. Her site included comments criticizing her supervisor and a photograph of her wearing a pirate hat and drinking from a plastic cup with the caption drunken pirate. o She did not complete her student-teaching practicum, was forced to graduate with a degree in English instead of Education,preventing her from applying for a Pennsylvania teaching certificate. o Snyder sued, but a federal court found no First Amendment violation. The court ruled that her MySpace postings dealt only with purely personal matters, not issues of public concern. Social Networking Nightmares - speak no evil, by By Mike Simpson of NEA

4.1 設立校本社交媒體管理措施的需要 A headteacher said : The difficulty is that we didn't grow up with social media, and therefore we fear it and don't understand how our children interact with it. It's easy to see the negatives, hard to understand how to protect the children and very easy to ignore the positives. When Departments of Education, administrators and teachers haven t created the appropriate technology policies and curriculum around online activity, lawsuits are bound to happen. Even if students are participating in a cyber project closely supervised by their teacher, incidents still occur when technology standards haven t been adopted by the instructor and passed down. SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE CLASSROOM: THE DIGITAL SAFETY DEBATE

4.2 設立校本社交媒體管理措施的需要 ( Foreign School based guideline - UK ) At Holme Grange school, o o o o ban Facebook on the school's computers staff are advised not to accept parents or pupils as friends; teachers do get requests but they did have to take them off [as friends] and stop immediately if there were any existing relationship having a school Facebook page that nobody could comment on for information and marketing. With school trips, with permission, we could post pictures of an event that you could see almost live. Existing parents would automatically be accepted as friends, and when those parents are on the page, up would pop pictures of their children off on a trip, and having a wonderful time.

5.1 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引 ( Teacher Guide from facebook ) Facebook advises teachers on o how to use friend lists to sort friends into different groups, o decide which list to share content with. Facebook for Educators.pdf

5.2 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引 ( Teacher Guide from NYC Ed. Dept. ) Create the Digital Image You Want Post Responsibly Be Mindful of Your Audience Consider the Consequences of Your Online Actions Take Threats of Cyberbullying Seriously

5.2.1 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引 ( Create the Digital Image You Want ) Ask students why image is important: How does the way others perceive them extend to the digital world? Introduce news articles on young people who have unique opportunities because of their positive digital image or are being denied entrance to the college or job of their choice because of their poor digital image. Have students Google themselves or each other and consider how the results might look to a potential employer or friend, a college recruiter, or even a family member. Could be done in computer literacy lesson or as moral education activities. Ask students to create and share one sentence to represent how they want to be seen online. When they look at one another s social media presences (on Facebook, Edmodo, Twitter, etc.), is the image they want to convey coming through? If so, how do they know? If not, what can they change to improve the way they are perceived online?

5.2.2 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引 ( Post Responsibly Be Mindful of Your Audience ) Review the Department of Education s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (IAUSP). Whenever you use a social media tool with your class, review proper posting etiquette. Start a collection of questionable as well as positive posts and have your students do the same: real-world examples are powerful. No authorized standard for students to follow in HK Select a social media tool that provides the option to view and approve all posts before being published. Use the social media tool yourself before using it with your students. Lack of professional support in HK by teachers unions Have students create a class contract defining proper posting, questionable posting, and inappropriate posting. Have the contract posted in the classroom, and have students sign it. If you re not sure of something, need advice, or support, share in the Digital Literacy and Citizenship group on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/digilitnycdoe/. There you ll find educators sharing ideas and building their learning networks.

5.2.3 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引 ( Consider the Consequences of Your Online Actions ) Have students create a chart of online activities and potential consequences (both positive and negative) to be displayed in class. Create a handout of the product that can also be displayed at home. With the class, create a poster with terms, definitions, and examples describing potential benefits (e.g., social action, connecting with experts) and hazards (e.g., phishing, scams, identity theft, cookies) when using the internet. Have a counselor, advisor, and/or college admissions officer speak to students about the importance of maintaining a positive digital profile. Class Teachers Role Career Masters Effort

5.2.4 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引 ( Take Threats of Cyberbullying Seriously ) Teachers, families, and students should be familiar with the The Discipline Code and Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Share real stories from the media and discuss them with your students. Consider having your students help with this. Any Legal support for teachers? Teachers are not familiar with laws. Discuss how students can behave constructively in such situations and who they might turn to for help if they know someone being bullied or are bullied, themselves. Discuss what the consequences would be, based on the discipline code. Many animated resources in HK can help. Know your school s Respect for All liaison and guidance counselor. Find out how they can support you should cyberbullying situations present themselves. Have your principal contact your network to set up a Cyberbullying workshop through the Office of Digital Communication + Strategy. School based staff development can help.

5.3 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引 ( The law, S411, in New Jersey ) Policies governing electronic communications between students and district staff members. Prevent improper communications between school employees and students made via e-mail, cellular phones, social networking websites, and other Internet-based social media. Does not apply to staff members communicating with their own children who are students in the district. Do includes limited exceptions for ECAs like sports teams or field trips, when a staff member needs to be able to communicate directly with students via text message. Imposes tight rules on those situations, with approval from the superintendent needed, and dictates that the messages must go to every member of the team or activity. Teachers and support staff are not allowed to be friends with their current students on Facebook or other social media sites, and unfriend those currently friended students. Authorities responsibility to set up the boundaries for using the messaging tools. Is there any practical needs for outdoor ECA activities? Headteacher / Superintendent approval for fair use of messaging tools. Will Toms River Teachers Be 'Unfriending' Students?, August 28, 2014 by Karen Wall

5.4 各國教育部門對使用社交媒體的指引 (Senate Bill 54 / the Amy Hestir Student Protection Act) To fight inappropriate contact between students and teachers, Missouri state Senator Jane Cunningham : prohibits hidden communication between educators and minors who have not graduated. Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA) : the new law would violate free speech and other rights Cole County Circuit Court Judge Jon Beetem issued the injunction: The court finds that the statute would have a chilling effect on speech." MSTA (Teachers) : the bill was so unclear as to define what a teacher could and could not do. The injunction is set to expire on February 20, 2012 Discussions needed to come to a proper resolution rather than rushing to piece together language that doesn't resolve the concerns of educators or allow time for teacher input. "Social networking is extensively used by educators. It is often the primary, if not sole manner, of communications. Should Teachers And Students Be Allowed To Communicate Via Social Media? by Steve Olenski, Sept. 2011