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246 s 二 研究動機 legal order 三 研究目的. 四 研究方法 () :

247 () () 貳 公寓大廈管理條例 制定前有關建築物區分所有權的規定一 現行民法第 799 條及第 800 條 799 208 3 1991 804 4 5 800 (1) (2) 6 799 8201 820 3 7 二 高樓集合住宅管理維護法 ( 草案 ) 5 1991 36 4 17 6 19929 204 3 41 4 42 9 35 7 41

248 (1987 年 6 月 ) 19876 9 45 1 4 5 6 7 11 12 17 18 23 24 32 33 35 36 39 41 45 8 (1) 11 3 10 8 (2) (3) 25 (1) (2) 5000 1 (3) 50% 6 9 三 公寓大廈及社區安全管理辦法 (1992 年 1 月 3 日 ) 199213 10 11 12 9 42-43 8 129 45-62 10 43 4 24-25 11 43 4 24-25 12 43 4 24-25

249 13 14 四 土地登記規則 之規定 () 71 70 15 () (1) (2) (3) (4) 16 () 17 參 公寓大廈管理條例 制定的目的及制定的過程一 制定的目的 13 43 4 24-25 14 43 15 1991.364 18 16 18

250 () () 19 () 18 20 二 行政院及立法委員推出 公寓大廈管理條例草案 之各種版本 () () 17 18 19 81 90 18 84 18 20

251 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 21 13. 1. 14. 2. 15. 3. 16. 4. 5. 17. 18. 6. 19. 20. 7. 21. 21 81 9294 184 84 147 22.

252 (2) 23. (3) () (4) (5) 1. 2. 3. 1. (1)

253 (8) (9) 2. (10) (11) (12) 3. (1) (13) (2) (14) (3) (15) (4) (16) (5) (17) (6) (18) (7)

254 (19) (20) () 22 1. 2. (1) (2) (3) (4) 3. 22 22

255 4. (1) (2) 5. 23 () 24 肆 外國之立法狀況一 法國 () 23 8612 17 84 26 24 84 29

256 25 1561 (Auxerre) 26 Drleans 33 28 34 5 850 29 32 1720 100 8000 35 30 31 36 25 1992 7 26 19836 8 1804 664 1938 628 32 33 1974 27 8 28 8 29 8 30 9 728 8 33 9 34 9 35 9 31 36 9-10 728 8-9 199516

257 2. 1965710 1967317 19657 10 664 19 664 () 664 664 1 664 41 664 42 1. 1804321 664 ( ) (1) (2) 664 180012 37 38 39 664 40 37 17 38 17 39 17 40 72 9 41 19847 43 42 ( ) ( ) 1980 28-29 44

258 () (1938628) 1. 664 43 1938628 664 (Loi tendant áúég ler la stat ut de la copropriété des immeubles divses par appartments ) ( 1938 6 7 (1) ( ) (2) (3) ( ) ( ) ( ) 44 2. 1938 14 664 664 43 44 44 309-314

259 45 46 1938 47 48 () (Statut de la copropriete des immeuloles batis) 1938 1965710 1938 1938 1938 48 1967317 1965 114 1.1965710 48 1 16 45 Kischinewsky-Broguisse, Statut de la copyopyiété des immeubles et sociétés de construction, Librairies techniques, n.24 46 72 10 47 72 10 48 ( ) 28

260 30 37 1985 38 41 ( ) 42 48 49 2.1967317 1965 66 12 1 6 7 21 28 39 40 42 4345 47 62 63 66 50 1965 1967 50 737 49-50 49 315-338

261 ( ) 51 二 日本 () 23 1890 40 52 664 53 29 1896 40 208 54 55 208 56 208 57 12 58 59 51 737 50 56 4 52 1984 10 4 57 19836 11 (7) 356 55 4 53 1984 10 5 54 1984 10 6 58 11 55 1991 36(4) 16 59 58 1961

262 60 14 61 37 37 208 65 20 80 66 208 62 () 58 3 70 1 64 1 10 11 21 22 24 1960 63 1960 64 37 196244 37 3841 60 58 61 57 12 65 61 62 61 66 1985 (No.828) 82-83 1995 28 63 5 64 6

263 () 58 225 25 29 30 46 47 56 57 60 61 64 58 37 67 37 68 3 47 17 21 31 46 2 26 4 5 35 1 4 36 46 1 57 60 65 68 67 795 12 69 70 7 68 737 63

264 69 37 70 37 71 37 72 三 德國 () 20 50 73 Eigentun zur geearnten Hand. 74 75 76 77 1896 190011 BGB 19 78 73 1991 36(4) 14 74 1991 36(4) 15 75 1991 36(4) 14 1984 21 1975 10 69 737 63-64 70 737 64 76 1963 15 14 71 737 63-64 77 65 14 72 737 65 78

265 19 Pandektisten 79 1900 80 1914 1945 81 1924 33 82 83 84 85 1938 1942 ( ) ( )1948 86 1951315 ( ) () ( 1951315 ) 1. 1951315 64 1 30 1 2 9 10 19 20 29 30 31 42 42 58 43 50 1982 226 79 165 80 19837 6 84 19837 6 81 175 85 737 21-22 82 737 21 86 21-22 737 22 83 175

266 51 52 53 58 59 64 Sondereigentum Teileigentum ( ) 88 89 (1) Auflassung (2) 90 744 91 2. 1951315 ( ) Miteigentumsanteil am gemeinschaftlichen 87 737 22-23 88 737 23-24 90 737 22 89 737 24 91 737 22-24

267 Eigentum Mitgliedschaft 92 93 94 95 3. 1951315 96 97 1951315 70 1973 70 98 1951 99 1956 1957 18000 EGBGB 131 uneigentlichen stock werkseigentum Mischform eigenwohnen gen osssenschaft 92 165 93 57 94 169 97 175 95 165 98 737 24 96 166 99 737 25

268 Wohnungs AG Wohnungs Gmb H 100 19566 27 Wohnung Sbaugesetz 12 101 1961530 102 1961 1966 1966 1971 50 7973 70 ( ) 103 () 1. 1951315 60 ( ) 104 2. 1951315 70 19735 30 1973730 1973530 313 730 100 Diester Zwanzig Jahre Wohnungseigentum, NJW, Heft 27,S.1153. 737 24 101 737 25 102 Diester, Zehn Jahre Wohnungseigentum, NJW, Heft 30,S.1329. 103 737 26 104 737 26

269 105 3. 1973730 1973730 106 ( ) 107 (Langfristlge oder unwiderrufliche Verwaltug) (Aushohlung des Eigentums) 108 (1) (2) 107 737 28 108 Hans Diester, Wichtige Rechtsfrage des Wohnungseigentums, Schriftenreihe der Neue Juristischen Wohenschrift, Heft 19,S. 1S1.(Munchen 1974) 737 29 105 737 26-27 106 737 27

270 (3) (4) 四 美國 () Condominium dominium Condominium () Common Law 1950 1951 1976 1977 1.Common Law 1950 Superimposed freehold Veterans 2. 1951 1976 1951 1958 Horizontal Property Act Horizon National Housing Act 109 167 279 110 7310 1 111 Condominium and Cooperative Apartment, 1976, Carl T. Drechsler, American Jurisprudnce 2nd Edit. V. 15A

271 Condominium Unit Federal Housing Administration Model Statute for the Creation of the Apartment Ownership DeclarationBy-Laws (1) (2) (3) 3. 1977~1980 The Uniform Condominium Act (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) 112 South Carolina Real Estnte Manual (7 th edit.)/1977/gary W. Eldred/S.C. Real Estate Commission. 113 Finnancial Management Of Condominium and Homeowner s associations2nd. Edit.1987, U.L.I. & C.A.I.

272 (Deed) 伍 結論 Covenants 21 16 Condominum 114 Jonathan New Town, Articles, by-laws, Covenant, Condition & Restrictions, 1974, The Jonathan Associate. 115 28 116 Condominium and Cooperative Apartment, 1976, Carl T. Drechsler, American Jurisprudnce 2nd Edit. V. 15A

273F.H.A a--- --- ------ ( 84 20)

274 一 區分所有權人會議決議之效力? ()

275 ( ) 117 二 規約的性質 118 () 1. 119 (1) 117 118 < > 200 119 19958 115

276 (2) (1) 120 (2) 121 () 120 (2) 1978 390 121 79

277 2. 1991 36 4 3. 4. 1995 5. 19836 6. 19929 7. 19847 8. 9. 1995 10. 1992 11. 1995 12. 13. 129 14. 42 9 15. < > 43 4 16. 17. 184 1995 18. 199712 參考書目 19. 1. 19936

278 20. 34. South Carolina Real Estnte Manual (7th 21. edit.)/1977/gary W. Eldred/S.C. Real Estate Commission. 167 copyopyiété des immeubles et sociétés de 22. 1992 23. 1980 24. 33 1974 25. 26. 1961 27. 198410 28. (7) 55 29. 1975 30. 1982 31. 1985No.828 32. 33. Jonathan New Town, Articles, by-laws, Covenant, Condition & Restrictions, 1974, The Jonathan Associate. 35. Kischinewsky Broguisse, Statut de la construction, Librairies techniques,n.24 36. Diester Zwanzig Jahre Wohnungseigentum, NJW, Heft 27,S.1153. iester, Zehn Jahre Wohnungseigentum, NJW, Heft 30,S.1329. 37. Hans Diester, Wichtige Rechtsfrage des Wohnungseigentums, Schriftenreihe der Neue Juristischen Wohenschrift, Heft 19,S. 1S1.(Munchen 1974) 38. Condominium and Cooperative Apartment, 1976, Carl T. Drechsler, American Jurisprudnce 2nd Edit. V. 15A 39. Finnancial Management Of Condominium and Homeowner s associations2nd. Edit.1987, U.L.I. & C.A.I.

279 The Aims and the Process of Making the Law of Condominium Shu-Huei Li* Abstract We will discuss the aims and the process of making the law of Condominium. Before we have the Condominium, we have the Civil Law, the draft of gather buildings management, the manner of building and community safe s, the regulation of land register etc. The aims of making the Condominium is to have good neighbours, to have the domestic management organization, to have the public safe. Before making the Condominium, We have many drafts. Other country also have the Condominium, I discuss the Condominium of France, Germany, Japan, U.S.A. Their expirences can give us many references, in the last, make a conclusion. Keywords:. * Shu-Huei LiThe Center of General Education in the Ming Shin University of Science and Technology