桃 園 在 地 好 物 Taoyuan local specialty 番茄沙沙醬 Tomato Salsa Sauce 材料 小番茄 15 顆 洋蔥 1/4 顆 紅辣椒 1 支 蒜頭 5 瓣 九層塔少許 調味料 檸檬汁 1/2 大匙 TABASCO 醬少許 橄欖油 1/2 大匙 鹽適量 糖適量 黑

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水 稻 米 果 Fruit 每年 5 月至 7 月拉拉山水 蜜桃季 ( 詳細時程請洽桃園市 政府 電話 03-3322101 或復 興區公所 電話 03-3822323) Mt. Lala Peach Festival held f r om M a y t o Jul y e v er y year (For detailed schedule, please contact Taoyuan City Government Tel: 03-3322101 or Fuxing District Office Tel: 03-3822323) 桃園市地貌多元 坐擁海岸 台地 丘陵 階地以及高山峻嶺 同時也蘊藏 著豐沛的水資源 得天獨厚的自然環境孕育出豐富多樣且高品質的農產品 其中 座落於海拔 1200 公尺以上高山的復興區 是桃園市境內唯一的山地 四周山巒起伏 終年雲霧繚繞 日夜溫差大 且日曬充足 加上當地多石易排 水的土質 造就出品質絕佳的水蜜桃 甜柿 柑橘等水果 成為台灣頂級水果 的指標 此外 桃園西瓜更是不容錯過的夏季聖品 桃園沿海的觀音 新屋 大園 等區擁有排水良好 質地疏鬆的砂質壤土 所生產的西瓜水分多 甜度高是台灣北 部重要的西瓜產地 近年來 桃園市八德 新屋 大溪等區積極發展高品質設施洋香瓜 所出產的洋香瓜 果肉質地細緻 水分飽滿 甜腴懾人 成功以水果精品形象打響桃園洋香瓜知名度 Taoyuan City has multiple topography included coastline, plateaus, hills, terraces and high mountains as well as contains abundant water resources. Under this unique natural environment that has nurtured diverse and high-quality agricultural products. Fuxing District is located at the altitude of 1,200 meters, the only mountainous area in Taoyuan, surrounded by mountains with mist all year round, having large temperature difference between day and night, adequate sunlight, rocky and easily drained soil that producing high quality peach, sweet persimmon and citrus and become the top quality indicator of fruits in Taiwan. In addition, watermelon of Taoyuan is one of the fruits not to be missed in summer season. Guanyin, Xinwu and Dayuan districts which are along the coastal line of Taoyuan have well-drained, loose sandy loam soil thus producing juicy and sweet watermelon. It became an important watermelon production area in Northern Taiwan. In recent years, Bade, Xinwu and Daxi districts have developed high-quality facilities to grow muskmelon. The muskmelon has delicate flesh, juicy, sweet and delicious. It has successfully marketing as high quality of Taoyuan muskmelon. 20

桃 園 在 地 好 物 Taoyuan local specialty 番茄沙沙醬 Tomato Salsa Sauce 材料 小番茄 15 顆 洋蔥 1/4 顆 紅辣椒 1 支 蒜頭 5 瓣 九層塔少許 調味料 檸檬汁 1/2 大匙 TABASCO 醬少許 橄欖油 1/2 大匙 鹽適量 糖適量 黑胡椒適量 做法 1. 小番茄底部以刀劃淺十字 滾水燙約 15 秒後撈起 並以冰水泡涼剝皮 2. 剝皮後小番茄與洋蔥切丁 辣椒去籽後與蒜頭 九層塔切碎備用 3. 將所有調味料與做法 2 的材料攪拌均勻後 放入冰箱冷藏約 30 分鐘 即可使用玉米片或法式 麵包沾食享用 Ingredients: 15 cherry tomatoes, 1/4 onion, 1 red pepper, 5 garlic, some basil Seasonings: 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice, some Tabasco sauce, 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, and salt, sugar and black pepper powder to taste Method: 1.Make a shallow cross shape cut on the bottom of cherry tomatoes; scoop up the tomatoes at boiling water for 15 seconds, then soak into ice water for cooling and peeling. 2.Diced the peeled tomatoes and onion, chopped the seeded red pepper, garlic and basil and set aside. 3.Mix and stir evenly all the seasonings and method 2 materials, store in refrigerator for about 30 minutes. It is ready to serve with corn flakes or French bread. 21

Fruit 水 果 蜜桃雞柳沙拉吐司 Peach Chicken Salad Toast 材料 水蜜桃 2 顆 雞胸肉約 300 公克 蘿美生菜 1 株 紅甜椒 1/4 顆 黃甜椒 1/4 顆 洋蔥 1/4 顆 吐司 6 片 調味料 薄醬油 1 匙 白胡椒粉 1 小匙 味醂 1 匙 橄欖油 1/2 大匙 鹽適量 糖適量 檸檬汁 1 大匙 白芝麻少許 做法 1. 雞胸肉拍打後 加入薄醬油 少許白胡椒粉醃浸 15 分鐘 隨後將雞胸肉煎熟後 切條狀備用 2. 水蜜桃切片 蘿美生菜切小段 紅 黃甜椒切細條 洋蔥切絲 泡冰水後撈起備用 3. 將做法 1 與 2 的材料混和後 再加入味醂 橄欖油 鹽 糖適量以及檸檬汁 並撒上白芝麻 4. 搭配吐司 即成一道清爽可口的早餐或下午茶點心 Ingredients: 2 peaches, 300 g chicken breast, 1 romaine lettuce, 1/4 red pepper, 1/4 yellow pepper, 1/4 onion, 6 toasts Seasonings: 1 teaspoon low sodium soy sauce, 1 teaspoon white pepper powder, 1 teaspoon mirin, 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, salt and sugar to taste, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, some white sesame Method: 1.After beating the chicken breast, add soy sauce and white pepper powder to taste and marinated for 15 minutes. Fry the chicken breast until done then cut the chicken breast into stripe and set aside. 2.Slice the peach, cut the lettuce into small pieces, red and yellow peppers cut into thin strips, the shredded onion soak into ice water and set aside. 3.Mix the method 1 and 2 materials, add mirin, olive oil, salt and sugar to taste and lemon juice then sprinkle with white sesame. 4.It is a refreshing and delicious breakfast or afternoon snack when served with toast. 22

拉拉山水蜜桃 正宗的拉拉山水蜜桃外表有細細的纖毛 底部渾圓 柄部有道溝 在果農精心照 顧之下 果實碩大飽滿 果肉柔嫩 獨特的風味 令人吮指難忘 供應月份 6 7月 Honey Peaches of Mt. LaLa The authentic Mt. Lala peach has thin fuzz on the fruit skin with round bottom and groove on the top. Under the care of hard working farmers, the large and full-size of fruits have tender flesh, unique flavor and unforgettable thumb-sucking taste. Supply season June to July 復興區農會 Fushin District Farmers' Association Tel 03-3822318 http://uic.efarm.org.tw/fushin/ 23

Fruit 水 果 小番茄 溫室栽培生產的小番茄 經過吉園圃認證 及產銷履歷認證 皮薄 汁多 甜度高且果 肉肥厚 細緻 日日鮮採直送 每一口都吃 進新鮮 安全 美味 供應月份 11 3月 Cherry Tomato 香瓜 哈密瓜 全溫室栽培 品質優良穩定 甜度高 肉 質細膩 水分飽滿且風味十足 一口咬 下滑順綿密 汁液迸發 絕美滋味讓人 口齒留香 供應月份 6 9月 Melon and Cantaloupe The melons are all under greenhouse cultivation. It has high and stable quality, high sugar content, delicate flesh, juicy and full of flavor. Take a bite the smooth and dense flesh and delicious taste will burst and lingering in your mouth. Supply season June to September 八德區蔬菜產銷班第3班 Marketing No. 3 team Tel 03-3629440 八德區蔬菜產銷班第6班 Marketing No. 6 team Tel 0937-107347 24 The cherry tomatoes are grown under greenhouse condition and have acquired the GAP and Traceability Agricultural Product certification. It has thin skin, juicy, sweet and thick and delicate flesh. It is freshly picked and direct delivery every day. Every bite is fresh, safe and delicious. Supply season November to March 八德區蔬菜產銷班第2班 Marketing No. 2 Team Tel 0935-005252 八德區蔬菜產銷班第3班 Marketing No. 3 Team Tel 03-3629440 八德區蔬菜產銷班第5班 Marketing No. 5 Team Tel 0928-292024 八德區蔬菜產銷班第6班 Marketing No. 6 Team Tel 0937-107347

桃 園 在 地 好 物 Taoyuan local specialty 柑橘 生長在高海拔復興區的柑橘 皮薄多汁 酸甜適中 橘香濃郁 且較一般平地柑橘 延遲1 2個月採收 因此消費者在每年3 4月份還可以品嚐到美味柑橘喔 供應月份 3 4月 Citrus 甜柿 復興區甜柿主要產地集中在中高海拔地 區 日夜溫差大 主要品種以次郎及富有為 主 果粒大 甜度高且果肉細緻 採收後不 必脫澀即可立即享用清脆甜美的甜柿 供應月份 10 11月 Sweet Persimmon The production of sweet persimmon of Fuxing District mainly concentrated in the high altitude areas with large temperature difference between day and night. The main varieties are Jiro and Fuyu. They have large fruit size, high sugar content and delicate flesh. It does not have to under deastringent treatments and can enjoy the crisp and sweet persimmon immediately after harvest. The citrus of Fuxing District is grown in the high altitude areas with thin skin and juicy, moderate sweet and sour, strong citrus aroma. It is usually delayed 1 to 2 months harvest than that of lowland citrus; consumers still can enjoy the delicious fruits in March and April. Supply season March to April 復興區農會 Fushin District Farmers' Association Tel 03-3822318 http://uic.efarm.org.tw/fushin/ Supply season October to November 復興區農會 Fushin District Farmers' Association Tel 03-3822318 http://uic.efarm.org.tw/fushin/ 25