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8 05 The Philosophical Connotation of BodyShadow and Mind by Tao Yuanming and its Position in Chinese Ideological History Qian Zhixi Department of Chinese Language and LiteraturePeking UniversityBeijing 0087China Abstract With abundance of philosophical connotationsthe group of poems entitled BodyShadow and Mind by Tao Yuanming represents the height of the idea about life during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Tao drew three categories from lifenamelybody shadow and mind which represent three states of human life and reflect various views about the values of life during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Probing into bodyshadow and mindtao acquired the supreme rationality of the idea that mind conforms to the Nature of which the main content is the idea of trusting the fate and the Creator. Based on new naturalism proposed by Chen Yinque this article observes the relationship between Tao and the ideas about life during the HanWei and Jin Dynastiesand discusses the academic methods used by Chen to study the relationship between Tao and Buddhism. This article further elaborates the similarity and dissimilarity of ideas about life between Tao and othersso as to highlight the unique value of Tao s idea about bodyshadow and mindespecially its originality and practicability. Tao s idea about bodyshadow and mind has had a far-reaching influence in Chinese ideological historyand it has something in common with Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties Wang Yangming s philosophy of mind and Zenismthough ancient people were different in understanding his ideas. This article also explores Tao s rational knowledge and complicated feelings about drinking and immortals. Key words Tao Yuanming BodyShadow and Mind philosophy of lifeneo- Taoism in the Wei and Jin DynastiesBuddhist and Taoist ideologies 7