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1 2002 2002 12 14-15 E-mail: wachang@mx.nthu.edu.tw

2 1 1

3 IT (1) 1990 3-5 You can use your payment card to pay for your purchases at 4 million merchant locations in the United States and another 11 million merchant locations in other countries around the world. You can pay by presenting the card to the merchant, by reading the account number and other information over the phone, by writing that same information out for mail orders, or by sending information electronically to the merchant via Internet. 2 1960 Now think about what happens after you present your card to a merchant. The merchant probably swipes the card through an electronic terminal near 2 Evans, David S. and Richard Schmalensee 2000 Paying with Plastic: The Digital Revolution in Buying and Borrowing. p.1. Massachusetts: The MIT Press.

4 the cash register. Within seconds, the terminal connects to a computer miles away and verifies the willingness of the entity that issued your card to pay for your purchase. 3 (network joint MasterCard venture) The MasterCard joint venture involves cooperation among thousands of financial institutions. Each member issues payment cards, signs up merchants, or does both. The MasterCard joint venture is a network because each member of joint venture must be able to conduct transactions with each and every other member of the joint venture. The member that issued your MasterCard has to reimburse the member that signed up the merchant whom you paid with your MasterCard. 4 98% 2% The remaining 2 percent difference is called the merchant discount, which is the fee paid to the acquirer for providing its services. The acquirer, in turn, pays about 1.4 percent of purchase amount to issuer, in this case MBNA. That 1.4 percent is called the interchange fee and is set by VISA; MasterCard has the similar fee. Neither American Express nor Discover need to set interchange fee, because they are both the issuer and acquirer on all transactions and keep the entire merchant discount. 5 3 p.3. 4 5 2 p..9.

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