FTW brochure 2015-E version-02

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Commit your love to a fairy tale wedding

Let Disney Differences make your big day Celebrate your big day at the happiest place imaginable where the magical Disney Difference ensures a perfect fairy tale wedding like no other. Located just 30 minutes from downtown, the splendid resort-style Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel features a magnificent Victorian-style ballroom where your choice of distinct banquet themes is complemented by our heartfelt one-stop wedding services to ensure every moment will be treasured for years to come. 30

Leave all the details to our dedicated team At Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, we have the magic to make your dream wedding come true! Once you set the date, leave all the planning to us from romantic photos taken against iconic theme-park landmarks to exchanging your vows on the lawn, and a sumptuous feast prepared by our award-winning chefs to your choice of a Disney fairy tale setting. We ll also choreograph your first dance to a sweet Disney love song played by our live band with beloved Disney Characters on hand to fill your special day with the most magical moments imaginable.

Hold your nuptials at any of our dreamy seaside venues Amidst the breeze and sunshine, there is nothing as romantic as holding your wedding ceremony in the lush green gardens of the hotel, complete with delightful Disney decorations and splashes of whimsical charm. There s a choice of 3 picturesque outdoor venues which can be decorated in your selection from 6 color schemes. The most magical moment is when you make your entrance through an ornate archway and say I do in an elegant gazebo in front of your seated guests. 3 6

Seal your love at fairy tale banquet Our unique banquet packages offer you themed venue settings ranging from a stately Royal Wedding and a personalised Touch of Fantasy to the merriment of Mickey & Minnie or the romance of Cinderella.

Royal Wedding Your fairy tale dream of a Royal Wedding comes true in the stately splendor of a Victorian royal court. With a golden archway on your regal stage glittering beneath chandeliers, the Royal Wedding will set your heart racing. Your entrance is proclaimed by a Grand Steward. Let him herald your romantic first dance and invite guests to raise a joyous toast to your lasting happiness.

A Touch of Fantasy See a time capsule of each of your life journeys through a fantastic portrayal of your photos and videos displayed on a giant LED screen. Our creative team will depict your love story as only Disney can with various projection options ranging from Western and Chinese to chic, dreamy or animated in a tailored Disney theme. Let us know your preference and we will tailor your dream LED backdrop in unique Disney style, enhanced with the most spectacular lighting effects, designed to transport you and your guests into a magical wonderland. LED LED

Mickey & Minnie The adorable Mickey & Minnie setting creates a cheerful atmosphere for a wonderful celebration. Your blissful wedding theme is echoed by spectacular ballroom ambience in the style of Chinese traditional chic, bathed in vivid golden and red lighting, auspiciously symbolising happiness and fortune.

Cinderella There is only one true love for Prince Charming.and she is kind, sweet Cinderella! We embrace this timeless romantic fable to tailor her enchanting fairy tale especially for you! A dazzling glass slipper symbolises the magical moment Prince Charming knew he had found the love of his life. The glory of his adoration will become a tribute to your touching love story, and destiny to live happily ever after.

Ensure picture-perfect memories Your fairy tale wedding would not be complete without those unique shots in your wedding finery and where better to take them than in the magical and fantastic surroundings of Hong Kong Disneyland and Resort Hotels! Our talented photographers will capture your timeless romance during the day time or night time, with pre-wedding photos incorporating iconic theme park landmarks that will be a testament to your love forever and ever. * Disney s Fairy Tale Weddings Photography Package is exclusively for couples who host their Fairy Tale Weddings lunch banquet package, dinner banquet package or ceremony at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel. *

Seize the moment to embrace your Happily Ever After In the magical kingdom of Hong Kong Disneyland, your own happily ever after is about to begin. Embrace a pinch of Pixie Dust for the perfect day uniquely created here by us! (852) 3510 6868 disneyweddings@hongkongdisneyland.com www.hongkongdisneylandweddings.com Disney 2016 Jan