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HOTEL CAREER GUIDE 508-511 Silvercord Tower Two, 30 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 2375 3838 Fax: (852) 2375 7676 E-mail: Website: 30 508-511 : (852) 2375 3838 : (852) 2375 7676

THE WORLD AT YOUR DOORSTEP A hotel is a microcosm of the wider society in which we live. The task of managing, administering and operating a hotel calls for all of the skills and disciplines we would expect to find in the world at large. Most of all, it calls for the skill of working with people; anticipating what they want and knowing how best to provide for their needs with a strong service attitude. A hotel brings the world to your doorstep. Through its doors come travelers from all countries, all customs and all creeds, embracing a greater diversity of humanity than can be found in any other working environment. You could be one of the privileged people to enjoy the challenging experience of working in a hotel. Whatever your abilities and aspirations, there is a career for you to pursue in hotel service, provided you are determined to give your best and get the most out of what you give. Hotel service offers you a wide range of options, from accounting to engineering, public relations to housekeeping, gourmet cuisine to guest reception. Whatever niche you choose, you will find that the will to serve is in itself not enough. You will require training, and the good thing about it is that, in most cases, the training is not academic, but is obtained on the job, which will help you gain experience at the same time. Hotels will provide on the job training that enables you to learn, to improve, to develop and to work your way up through a rewarding and successful career path. If you demonstrate that you possess the personality, the aptitude and the will to succeed, you will have the world at your fingertips when you choose a career in the hotel industry, no further away than a menu card, or the other side of a reception counter. In a hotel, the world seeks you out for the high standards of excellence you achieve.

HOTEL ORGANISATION CHART General Manager Resident Manager Food & Kitchen Public Sales & Accounts Purchasing Front Human Housekeeping Engineering Security Beverage Relations Marketing Office Resources

Prepare all tableware and set up tables before opening hours Serve guests in bar and dining area Take orders and make recommendations about food and drinks Serve food and drinks to guests Assist guests in billing matters and bid farewell Promotion Opportunity Food & Beverage Manager Assistant Food & Beverage Manager Restaurant Manager Head Waiter / Waitress Assistant Head Waiter / Waitress Captain Waiter / Waitress Trainee

(Cook) Responsible for all kitchen preparation work before opening hours Follow proper instructions in handling and preparing all food items Record and keep track of all kitchen supplies Keep all kitchen areas clean Working area may be located in Main Kitchen, Butchery area, Bakery, Grill Kitchen, Chinese Kitchen or Coffee Shop Kitchen Promotion Opportunity Executive Chef Sous Chef Cook Apprentice Cook

(Room Attendant) Responsible for cleaning guest rooms Provide in-room necessities to guests Responsible for informing concerned departments of any defects or damages in guest rooms Handle guest enquiries Promotion Opportunity Executive Housekeeper Assistant Housekeeper Head Supervisor Floor Supervisor Room Attendant

(Bell Attendant) Welcome and bid farewell to guests and assist them with their baggage Make transportation arrangement for guests Deliver incoming guests letters, messages, parcels; newspapers and magazines to guest rooms Assist guests with their baggage storage needs Introduce hotel facilities to guests Handle guest enquiries Promotion Opportunity Chief Concierge Bell Supervisor Bell Captain Bell Attendant

(Front Desk Clerk) Welcome guests and handle check-in and check-out procedure Responsible for reservations and room allocation Answer telephone calls, convey messages and handle guest enquiries Assist guests with billing matters Promotion Opportunity Front Office Manager Assistant Front Office Manager Assistant Manager Front Desk Supervisor Front Desk Clerk

(Telephone Operator) Connect all in-house and outside telephone calls Convey messages to guests and provide morning call service Handle guest enquires Handle telephone and other relevant bills Promotion Opportunity Telephone Services Manager Telephone Services Supervisor Telephone Operator

Medical Scheme Meet Many Faces Provident Fund & Retirement Scheme Education & Training Especially for YOU Show Your Competence Gratuity Paid Leave Duty Meal Career Development Staff Activities

Are you Qualified?? Personality Pleasant & Courteous Helpful Adaptable Decisive With a sense of humour Appearance Presentable With Friendly Smile Education & Skills Form 3 Standard or Above Vocational Training Preferred Good Spoken English / Putonghua / Ability to speak another language would be an advantage

How can you be one of us? There are many ways! To name a few: Through recruitment advertisements published in Chinese and English newspapers / magazines / internet. Send resume directly to hotel. Apply in person at Human Resources Department of respective hotel to obtain and complete application form for vacancies available. Obtain professional training or tertiary education prior to joining the industry. Attend recruitment activities organized by government and other educational institutions / media. We all look forward to welcoming you to the industry!?