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Influenza Influenza is also called the flu or seasonal flu. It is an infection that starts in the nose, throat and lungs and spreads to the whole body. Flu virus is spread through coughing and sneezing by people with the flu. The flu also spreads when a person touches a surface or an object with flu virus on it and then touches the eyes, nose or mouth. Signs You may have some or all of these signs: Temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or 38 degrees Celsius (C) or greater Cough or sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Headache Feeling very tired Sore or aching muscles Vomiting Diarrhea Chills 1

流行性感冒 流行性感冒也叫流感, 是一种由病毒引起的疾病 它是始于鼻子 喉咙 肺部, 然后散布到全身的感染病症 流感通过流感患者咳嗽或打喷嚏而传染给别人 流感还会在有人接触有流感病毒的表面或物体后触摸眼睛 鼻子或嘴巴而传染 症状您可能有以下一些或所有的癥狀: 体温华氏 100.4 度 ( 摄氏 38 度 ) 或更高 咳嗽或喉咙痛 流鼻涕或鼻塞 头痛 感觉非常疲累 肌肉酸痛或疼痛 呕吐 腹泻 发寒 Influenza. Simplified Chinese 1

If you have the flu: If you are sick with the flu, protect yourself and limit the spread of the flu: Take flu medicine as directed, if ordered by your doctor. Be sure to take the medicine as many days as your doctor ordered. Call your doctor s office or health clinic if you have any side effects to the medicine such as nausea, vomiting or a rash. Take a fever reducing medicine such as acetaminophen, also called Tylenol, or ibuprofen, also called Motrin or Advil. Ask for help in reading the label for the amount to take and how often to take it. Take over the counter medicine for cough and runny nose as needed until you feel better. Ask for help in reading the label for the amount to take and how often. Get plenty of rest. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of fluids each day such as water, broth or sports drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade. If you have vomiting or diarrhea: Drink plenty of fluids. Take small sips throughout the day to ease nausea. Eat foods such as toast, rice, crackers, applesauce, bananas or low sugar dry cereals. Use a cool-mist humidifier to ease breathing. Humidifiers must be washed with soap and warm water each day to keep them clean. Stay away from others as much as possible to prevent the spread of the flu. Wash your hands or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer often. Cough or sneeze into the bend of your arm, not your hands. If you have a tissue, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue away, and then wash your hands. 2

如果您有流感 : 如果患流感, 应保护自己并避免传染给他人 : 根据医嘱服用流感药物 一定要按医生规定的天数服药 如果药物有副作用 ( 例如恶心 呕吐 出疹 ), 要致电医生办公室或诊所 服用退烧药, 例如 acetaminophen( 也称为 Tylenol) 或 ibuprofen ( 也称为 Motrin 或 Advil) 可以请人帮助您看懂标签上规定服用的药量以及服药次数 根据需要服用治疗咳嗽和流鼻涕的非处方药, 直到病情好转 可以请人帮助您看懂标签上规定服用的药量以及服药次数 多休息 每天喝 8 至 10 杯流体, 例如水 汤 运动饮料 Gatorade 或 Powerade 如果呕吐或腹泻 : 多喝流体 整天小口抿入流体, 以缓解恶心 吃烤面包片 米饭 饼干 苹果酱 香蕉或低糖干麦片 用冷雾潮湿器帮助呼吸 每天必须用肥皂和温水洗潮湿器, 保持干净 尽量远离他人, 以防传染流感 常洗手, 或使用酒精洗手剂 咳嗽或喷嚏请低以手臂掩住, 而不要用手 当您咳嗽或打喷嚏时, 如果有纸巾, 请用纸巾掩住口鼻 丢掉纸巾并洗手 Influenza. Simplified Chinese 2

Call your doctor right away if you have: Chest pain or a deep cough with yellow or green mucus. Trouble breathing. The flu can cause pneumonia. Severe neck pain or stiffness. Trouble thinking clearly. A fever that lasts more than 3 to 4 days or your temperature is over 100.4 degrees F or 38 degrees C. A temperature that keeps getting higher, even after taking medicine for it. Vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than one day. Ear pain. Coughing that will not stop and it is hard to breathe. Seasonal Flu Vaccine Talk to your doctor about whether you should get the seasonal flu vaccine each year. Do not get the flu shot if you are allergic to eggs or have had an allergic reaction to a previous flu shot. The flu shot cannot cause the flu. You may have mild side effects from the shot, such as arm soreness, a slight fever and muscle aches. Contact your doctor or local health clinic for information about when and where to get a flu shot. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. Copyright 2005 12/2009 Health Information Translations All Rights Reserved Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3

如有以下症状, 请立刻打电话给您的医生 : 胸痛或有黄色或绿色痰液的深沉咳嗽 呼吸困难 流感能引起肺炎 严重的颈部疼痛或僵硬 很难清晰地思考 持续超过 3-4 天的发烧或体温是华氏 100.4 度或摄氏 38 度以上 体温持续上升, 甚至在服药之后仍然如此 呕吐或持续超过一天的腹泻 耳痛 咳嗽不止, 呼吸困难 季节性流感疫苗 请向您的医生询问是否应该每年打季节性流感疫苗 如果您对鸡蛋过敏或以前对打流感针已有过敏反应, 则请不要打流感针 流感疫苗不会引起流感 打针可能会造成轻微的副作用, 如手臂酸痛 低烧和肌肉疼痛 请和您的医生或当地医疗诊所联络, 以得到何时和何地能打流感针的资讯 如果您有任何疑问或关注事宜, 请告知您的医生或护士 Copyright 2005 12/2009 Health Information Translations All Rights Reserved Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Influenza. Simplified Chinese 3