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品牌體驗 滿意度 來源國好感度與忠誠度的關係 以星巴克咖啡為例 THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG BRAND EXPERIENCE, SATISFACTION, COUNTRY-OF-ORIGIN AFFINITY AND LOYALTY TAKE STARBUCKS COFFEE AS AN EXAMPLE 指導教授 : 孫碧娟 (Prof. Pi-Chuan Sun) 研究生 : 黃雅芳 (Ya-Fang Huang) 大同大學事業經營所碩士論文 Thesis for Master of Business Administration Department of Business Management Tatung University 中華民國一百零三年六月 June 2014


品牌體驗 滿意度 來源國好感度 與忠誠度的關係 以星巴克咖啡為例 指導教授 : 孫碧娟 (Prof. Pi-Chuan Sun) 研究生 : 黃雅芳 (Ya-Fang Huang) 大同大學 事業經營研究所 碩士論文 中華民國一百零三年六月

品牌體驗 滿意度 來源國好感度與忠誠度的關係 以星巴克咖啡為例 指導教授 : 孫碧娟研究生 : 黃雅芳大同大學事業經營研究所一百零二學年度碩士論文摘要 隨著科技的進步和物質生活的提升, 消費者不僅追求商品本身的功能屬性也著 重在商品所帶來的額外價值和所提供的體驗 隨著時間的過去, 這些長期的品牌體 驗將會儲存在消費者的記憶中而因此影響著消費者滿意度和忠誠度 (Oliver, 1997; Reicheld, 1996). 隨著品牌體驗的時代來臨, 除了了解商品的功能屬性外, 進一步的 檢視和了解提供給消費者更優質的體驗和所帶來的正面影響是相當重要的 本研究 旨在探討品牌體驗 滿意度 認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠之關係 並以國家好 感度為調節變數來檢驗其帶來的調節效果 本研究以台灣台北市 25 歲以上曾在星巴 克咖啡消費的消費者為研究對象, 總回收 343 份, 經刪除遺漏作答及規則性作答等 無效問卷後, 有效問卷為 312 份, 有效回收率為 90.97% 實證結果顯示, 品牌體驗對三種不同階段的品牌忠誠度的影響路徑並不完全相 同, 尤其是其對情感忠誠與意動忠誠的影響係完全透過滿意度來影響, 與過去研究 發現的並不完全一致, 此結論將有助於解釋過去相關研究發現認為品牌體驗對忠誠 i

度有直接影響或間接影響的不一致現象 此外, 本研究發現品牌體驗對情感忠誠與 意動忠誠的影響係完全透過滿意度來影響, 可能的原因是品牌體驗對忠誠的影響可 能會因產品類別而有所不同 針對星巴克咖啡這種體驗產品, 品牌體驗是透過滿意 度才能影響顧客的情感與意動忠誠度 所以, 本研究對於探討品牌體驗對忠誠度的 影響時, 應該將忠誠度區分為三種不同的忠誠 提供實證的支持 本研究結果也發 現國家好感度在滿意度和認知忠誠之間有調節效果 關鍵詞 : 品牌體驗 滿意度 認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠 國家好感度 ii

誌謝辭 本論文能夠如期完成, 首先感謝指導教授孫碧娟博士的細心指導, 從一開始討 論研究主題, 文獻的整理架構的建立與研究結果討論, 老師盡心盡力地教導我與幫 我修改論文, 雖然老師公務也很繁忙, 但她總是能擠出時間幫我們修改讓論文更加 完整, 每次看到老師已經很累卻又繼續幫我看論文時, 其實內心很感動也覺得自己 很幸運能當你的指導學生, 謝謝您, 真的 此外, 非常感謝指導教授和洪雪卿老師 的幫忙, 您們給予我的寶貴意見讓我有更清楚的方向與更不同的角度來分析論文 另外十分感謝沈培嘉老師的細心修正, 使我的英文版論文更為流暢 在研究所兩年裡, 很感謝指導教授孫碧娟院長, 吳啟絹老師, 葉焜煌老師和林 南宏老師 很謝謝你們除了教導我書本上的知識以外, 也常常分享生活上的經驗使 我的研究所生活除了成長以外也增添了很多樂趣 您們的指導讓我有更多信心去學 習我過去沒有接觸過的領域 另外, 也謝謝在研究所裡陪伴我的每位朋友, 以及最 重要的大學同學, 謝謝你們的陪伴, 讓我在論文人生裡一點也不枯燥 最後, 謝謝我最棒的家人, 沒有爸爸媽媽的鼓勵, 讓我在每一個新的挑戰裡都 充滿希望, 非常愛你們 還有我的哥哥和姊姊們, 你們總能給予我不同的視野來看 研究所的一切, 當然還有工作上的分享都讓我獲益良多, 謝謝每一個你 ( 妳 ) 黃雅芳於大同大學事業經營研究所 June 06, 2014 iii

目錄 頁摘要... i 誌謝辭... iii 目錄... iv 表目錄... vi 圖目錄... viii 第一章緒論... 1 第一節研究背景與動機... 1 第二節研究目的... 3 第三節研究流程... 4 第二章文獻探討... 6 第一節品牌體驗... 6 第二節品牌體驗對忠誠度的影響... 7 第三節滿意度的角色... 11 第四節國家好感度之品牌體驗差異... 15 第五節咖啡產業現況分析... 16 第三章研究方法... 19 第一節研究架構... 19 iv

第二節研究假設... 20 第三節研究變數定義及衡量問項... 24 第四節抽樣設計... 30 第五節問卷前測分析... 31 第六節資料分析分法... 32 第四章資料分析與結果... 34 第一節問卷前測... 34 第二節正式問卷基本資料結果... 36 第三節信度與效度分析... 41 第四節假設驗證... 46 第五節檢驗調節變數的影響... 49 第六節結果討論... 51 第五章結論與建議... 56 第一節研究結果... 56 第二節研究貢獻與管理意涵... 57 第三節研究限制與後續建議... 60 參考文獻... 62 附錄 : 問卷... 72 v

表目錄 頁 表 1 台灣咖啡館總家數及總銷售量... 18 表 2 各變數之定義... 25 表 3 品牌體驗四個構面之衡量問項... 26 表 4 滿意度之衡量問項... 27 表 5 認知忠誠之衡量題項... 28 表 6 情感忠誠之衡量題項... 29 表 7 意動忠誠之衡量題項... 29 表 8 國家好感度之衡量題項... 30 表 9 前測樣本結構 (N=50)... 35 表 10 前測問卷各構念之 Cronbach sα 值... 36 表 11 有效問卷回收率... 36 表 12 正式樣本結構... 37 表 13 星巴克咖啡問卷衡量題項與變數名稱... 38 表 14 受訪者對星巴克咖啡的飲用情況表... 41 表 15 正式問卷各構念之 Cronbach s α 值... 42 表 16 Pearson 相關分析... 43 表 17 配適度指標判定標準表 ( 衡量模式配適度 )... 44 vi

表 18 驗證性因素分析結果 ( 因素負荷量 )... 45 表 19 各構念組合信度與平均萃取變異... 45 表 20 信賴區間之檢測... 46 表 21 配適度指標判定標準表 ( 路徑模式配適度 )... 47 表 22 模式檢定結果... 48 表 23 整體模式... 49 表 24 階層迴歸分析... 50 表 25 模式摘要... 50 表 26 調節效果檢定 ( 滿意度 -> 情感忠誠 )... 51 表 27 調節效果檢定 ( 滿意度 -> 意動忠誠 )... 51 表 28 未納入調節變數的研究檢定結果整理... 54 表 29 實證結果... 55 vii

圖目錄 頁圖 1 研究流程圖... 5 圖 2 台灣歷年咖啡豆進口量... 17 圖 3 本研究架構圖... 20 圖 4 研究模式... 48 viii

第一章緒論 第一節研究背景與動機 行銷學者的看法已從消費者強調理性的選擇, 逐漸變成非理性的購買需求 (Olshavsky and Granbois, 1979) 現代的行銷觀點也從過去重視產品功能效益的傳統 行銷, 進入了塑造消費者內部回應 ( 感覺, 感受和認知 ) 以及由品牌相關刺激所喚起 行為反應的體驗行銷 (Brakus, Schmitt, and Zhang, 2008) 換句話說, 隨著科技的進 步和物質生活的提升, 消費者不再只是追求商品本身的功能屬性, 而是商品帶來的 附加價值與品牌所提供的體驗 隨著時間的過去, 這些的長期持久的品牌體驗儲存 在消費者的記憶中, 影響著消費者滿意度和忠誠度 (Oliver, 1997; Reicheld and Teal, 1996) 近年來, 品牌體驗逐漸成為一種趨勢, 像是星巴克咖啡和誠品書店皆逐漸重視 品牌體驗, 以誠品書店為例, 消費者到商業空間的消費場所, 更能感受到其空間的 氣氛, 在美好的身體感官體驗下, 消費者的理性思考能力也許會暫時拋到腦後, 使 買書成為一種感性的消費行為 ( 蔡其睿,2000) 統一星巴克咖啡 (Starbucks Coffee) 總 經理 徐光宇先生 (1999) 在 體驗行銷 一書序中提及 :Starbucks Coffee 所努力的 終極目標就是 : 在世界上成為一家擁有令人激賞與尊敬的品牌及偉大恆久的公司, 是以鼓勵並滋潤人類心靈而聞名於世的 而兩企業也都在提供絕佳的品牌體驗同 時, 贏得了許多消費者的心 隨著品牌體驗的時代來臨, 除了了解產品的功能屬性 以外, 透過帶給消費者美好體驗而獲得更多正面影響的做法是值得學術界與實務界 探討與研究的, 此為本研究動機一

在 2006 年遠見十大服務評鑑中, 統一星巴克以 81.13 分得到連鎖咖啡店的第一 名, 這對星巴克咖啡無疑是最佳的肯定 星巴克咖啡從開業以來, 秉持體驗行銷的 概念在服務客人, 所追求的理念除了提供優質的咖啡, 也致力於追求感官上的體驗 對星巴克咖啡的企業理念來說, 已不只是販售咖啡本身, 而是咖啡以外的附加價值 誠如星巴克創辦人霍華舒茲 (Howard Schultz) 表示 一個壞的品牌體驗, 會讓你終生 失掉一個顧客 由此可見體驗的好壞可決定消費者的去留 迄今有許多品牌體驗的研究, 大多顯示了品牌體驗對品牌忠誠度有正面的影響 (Brakus, Schmitt, and Zarantonello, 2009) 然而對於品牌忠誠度這部分, 較少有鑽研 在忠誠度的階段發展 Oliver (1997) 將忠誠度分為認知 情感 意動和行為忠誠, 引發我對於忠誠度發展的好奇心, 因此, 本研究希望能深入了解消費者在星巴克咖 啡消費且產生忠誠度時, 為哪一個階段的忠誠度? 此為本文研究動機二 不少文獻均有記載, 消費者對產品的評價, 偏好和購買意向並不僅僅基於產品 的線索, 如價格, 品牌名稱, 或質量, 但是感覺也會影響消費決定 (Batra and Holbrook, 1990; Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982) 根據情感依附理論 (Bowlby, 1979) 對於特定的 參考群體之情感會影響人與事物的互動 引起這種感覺的事物或線索可以是個地方 (Thomson, MacInnis, and Park, 2005) 或產品來源國 (Obermiller and Spangenberg, 1988) 然而, 現存關於國外品牌的研究大多集中在去阻礙外國產品的消費的負面感 受 ( 例如 : 起因於敵意的感受 )(Klein, Ettenson, and Morris, 1998), 民族中心主義 (Shimp and Sharma, 1987) 和民族主意 (Kosterman and Feshbach, 1989) 然而,Oberecker, 2

Riefler, and Diamantopoulos (2008) 提出 消費者的好感度 之構念, 他們將之定義為 喜愛 同情甚至是依附的感受 消費者好感度是由於消費者自身的經驗和 / 或規範 性的接觸對特定的外國國家已變成一種內群體的感受, 而且發現其正面影響消費者 對來自該好感度國家的產品與服務的決定 消費者對某個特定的對象有強烈依附的情感聯結會展現出行為來維持與標的物 ( 對象 ) 的接近 (Hazan and Shaver, 1994) 並可能對該對象 ( 財務 ) 承諾 (e.g., Jiménez and Voss, 2007; Thomson et al., 2005) 在一個國家的情境,Verlegh (2006) 指出, 消費者 可能有意購買一個特定的外國產品去建立與對有景仰的國家有更緊密的連結 由此 可見, 消費者不只是理性地推論對某國產品的感受, 隨著國家好感度的概念日趨重 視, 非理性的情感因素似乎也是重要的參考因素, 然而, 過去關於品牌體驗的相關 研究幾乎未考量消費者對品牌來源國的情感因素 事實上, 對台灣消費者而言, 星 巴克是一個來自國外的品牌, 因此, 本研究認為有必要將國家好感度對消費者的影 響納入考量, 此為研究動機三 第二節研究問題與目的 根據上述的研究背景與動機, 本研究主要探討消費者在消費過程中所感受到品 牌體驗是否會直接或透過滿意度影響認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠? 此外, 國家好 感度是否會影響滿意度與認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠的關係? 基於上述的問題, 本研究以星巴克咖啡為例子, 針對其消費者進行調查, 以驗證品牌體驗, 滿意度與 忠誠度之間的關係, 並分析對來源國好感度的調節效果 所以本研究的目的為 : 3

一 探討品牌體驗對忠誠度 ( 認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠 ) 的影響 二 探討滿意度對忠誠度 ( 認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠 ) 的影響 三 探討國家好感度在滿意度和忠誠度 ( 認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠 ) 之間 的調節效果 第三節研究流程 本研究流程架構如圖 1 所示, 詳細步驟主要由研究背景與動機開始, 配合研究 目的確認研究方向, 然後針對研究方向進行文獻收集及相關理論的探討, 釐清整體 研究主題 其後, 發展研究主要架構, 從國內外文獻中確認變數間關係是否成立, 進而對 架構之變數間提出研究假設 而為了驗證研究假設的可行性, 利用問卷發放的方式 並輔以前測進行修正調整, 以求在正式問卷發放時能獲得最精準的結果 最後, 以 SPSS 20.0 及 AMOS 21.0 統計軟體做量化分析並進行檢測, 分析結果與假設是否相 符後, 對整體研究最終分析結果做一完整說明, 並提出結論, 研究貢獻與未來研究 方向以提供學術及實務參考 4

確立研究主題及方向 研究目的 文獻探討及理論整理 發展研究架構與假設 問卷擬定與前測修訂 問卷發放與回收 研究結果驗證 結論與建議 資料來源 : 本研究整理 圖 1 研究流程圖 5

第二章文獻探討 本章藉由國內外相關文獻回顧與匯整, 將有助於增進對過去研究內容之瞭解, 同時分別探討各研究變數定義及理論之演進, 進而發展研究論述基礎, 並作為研究 方法設計的重要依據 本章分為五小節, 第一節介紹品牌體驗之概念, 第二節探討 品牌體驗對忠誠度的影響, 第三節介紹滿意度的角色, 第四節說明國家好感度之體 驗差異, 第五節為咖啡產業之現況分析 第一節品牌體驗 體驗的觀點其實已有很長的一段時間應用在行銷與消費研究中 包含產品體 驗, 購物服務體驗, 消費體驗和品牌體驗 (Bateson and Hui, 1987; Hoch and Ha, 1986; Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982; Kerin, Jain, and Howard, 1992) Schmitt (1999) 認為品 牌若只表示所有權與品質保證的標記, 將會遺漏掉品牌很重要的本質 他認為品牌 是知覺 情感與認知的豐富資源 要建立起品牌或是品牌形象必須和品牌有所連結, 因此必須透過傳遞體驗 Arnould, Athanassopoulos, Gouiiaris, and Stathakopoulos (2001) 等學者認為, 體驗是在環境之下身體 認知與情感彼此互動, 任何經驗導入 之努力與技巧, 影響消費者的身體 認知與情感互動 此外,Schmitt (1999) 也提出 五種策略體驗模組, 其目的在於為顧客創造不同的體驗形式, 分別為 : 感官 情感 思考 行動和關聯 而 Brakus et al. (2009) 則著手對品牌體驗的衡量 目前為止, 大 多數的體驗研究著重在功利性的產品屬性和類別體驗而不是品牌所提供的體驗 當 消費者找尋 購買和消費品牌時, 他們接觸到功利性的產品屬性 然而, 他們也接 6

觸到多種特定與品牌相關的刺激, 像是品牌識別顏色 (Bellizzi and Hite, 1992; Gorn, Chattopadhyay, Yi and Dahl, 1997; Meyers-Levy and Peracchio, 1995) 形狀 (Veryzer and Hutchinson, 1998) 字樣 背景設計要素 (Mandel and Johnson, 2002) 標語 吉祥 物和品牌特徵 (Keller, 1987) 這些與品牌相關的刺激呈現出品牌設計和識別的一部 分 ( 例如 : 名稱 商標和招牌 ), 包裝 行銷傳播 ( 例如 : 廣告 宣傳手冊和網站 ), 及 品牌在被行銷或被出售環境中 ( 例如 : 商店 事件 ) 這些與品牌相關的刺激構成主 觀, 消費內部反應的主要來源, 我們稱之為 品牌體驗 因此, 根據 Brakus et al. (2009), 我們將品牌體驗概念化為主觀的 消費者內部的回應 ( 感覺 感受和認知 ) 以及由品牌相關刺激所喚起的行為反應 第二節品牌體驗對忠誠度之影響 1967 年 Cunningham 的研究, 開啟了後世學者對於品牌忠誠度的研究與興趣 Oliver (1999) 將品牌忠誠度定義為 一種再次購買的承諾或是未來對其偏好的產品 或服務重複性購買之行為, 無論在任何的情境影響下, 或受到轉換行為的行銷活動 刺激時, 仍重複性選擇同樣的品牌 另外, 由行為面的觀點出發,Jacoby and Olson (1970) 則定義品牌忠誠度是 一種非隨機性 長時間存在的行為反應, 是由某一決 策單位在考慮了一個或一個以上不同的品牌時, 所形成的一種心理上 ( 決策 評價 ) 對品牌承諾的購買歷程 除了由消費者的行為面來對品牌忠誠度加以定義, 亦有 學者認為品牌忠誠應包括消費者對品牌的 態度, 其可解釋成消費者對於特定品 牌的一種好惡的傾向 由上述的定義可以看出, 品牌忠誠度可說是消費者對於特定 7

品牌的綜合性正面評價, 一方面為消費者對品牌一種正向行為 ( 如重複購買 ) 上的反 應, 另一方面則是消費者對於品牌抱持正面態度 ( 如喜愛 ) 的傾向 Stum and Alain (1991) 指出一個滿意的顧客也許會是一個重複的購買者, 但一 個忠誠的顧客將會持續地重複購買並且向他人推薦該公司的產品 Hepworth and Mateus (1994) 認為顧客忠誠度會再次購買或購買該公司其他產品的意願及向他人 推薦的意願 Griffin (1995) 認為只有忠誠的顧客才會主動地支持該公司產品和服務 的顧客, 當一個顧客是忠誠的, 乃是透過某種決策單位有目的性地重複購買 Sirdeshmukh, Jagdip, and Barry (2002) 認為顧客忠誠即顧客可能想要維持與現有公 司的關係, 因此可能有意願採取多種不同的行為, 包括提高對某服務供應商產品的 使用 讚美該公司以及重複購買 過去文獻研究顯示, 品牌忠誠度可為企業帶來較 高的收益, 得以預測潛在的銷售及利潤, 使得顧客願意購買較多的產品及服務, 表 現出較低的顧客流失率, 並且透過口碑效果為企業吸引更多新顧客 開創更多的收 益來源 (Aaker, 1992) Chaudhuri and Holbrook (2001) 的研究證實品牌情感也會正向影響行為忠誠, 而 Bennett and Rundle-Thiele (2002) 則提出消費者對特定品牌有態度時, 此態度可以解 釋未來購買行為的傾向 Zarantenello and Schmitt (2000) 和 Ha and Perks (2005) 皆 表示品牌體驗對消費者滿意度和品牌忠誠度及品牌的信任有正向的影響 Mittal and Kamakura (2001); Oliver, Rust, and Varki (1997); Reicheld and Teal (1996) 皆認為從品 牌體驗獲得愉快的感受, 消費者將會再重複此體驗, 品牌體驗不僅受到滿意度的評 8

斷, 也影響著未來消費者忠誠度, 消費者有可能再購買品牌並推薦給別人 此外, 在 Brakus et al. (2009) 文獻中實證地支持了在品牌體驗和品牌忠誠之間有直接的關 係 綜合以上學者的論點, 我們可推論出 高度品牌忠誠者對品牌有著正面的情感, 至於品牌的再次購買與態度也會有正向的影響 Jacoby and Chestnut (1978) 認為 忠誠度不能單以行為面指標來定義, 而應該進一步從消費者態度之結構來探討 也 就是消費者品牌忠誠度會表現於決策之三個階段中, 分別如下 (1) 信念 (belief): 消費者對於此品牌屬性之評價較其他競爭品牌為佳 (2) 態度 (attitude): 品牌資訊符合消費者情感上之偏好 (3) 行為意向 (conation): 消費者對於此品牌商品會較他牌有更強之購買意願 此外,Oliver (1997) 根據上述 Jacoby and Chestnut (1978) 所提出之模式加以擴 充, 提出顧客忠誠四階段論點 (loyalty phases), 並認為忠誠度乃是先產生於消費者之態 度層面, 進而表現於外在之購買行為 茲將四階段分述如下 (1) 認知忠誠 (cognitive loyalty): 消費者在此階段之忠誠僅止於對於某品牌之信念, 亦即相較於其他品牌, 消費者較為偏好某品牌之屬性 認知忠誠主要是由於消費者 先前對於產品之知識或經驗所形成, 其所重視的僅是產品所表現之績效, 很容易受 到競爭者所影響 (2) 感情忠誠 (affective loyalty): 在此階段中, 消費者由先前所累積滿意之使用經 驗, 產生對於某品牌之喜好態度 然而, 感情忠誠仍易受到競爭者影響, 使消費者 轉換至其他品牌 9

(3) 意動忠誠 (conative loyalty): 意動忠誠是受先前對某品牌之正向情感影響, 所形 成對於特定品牌之重複購買承諾 但是這種對於特定品牌之意動忠誠, 仍然有可能 不會進行重複購買行為 (4) 行為忠誠 (Behavioral loyalty): 顧客實際購買的行為與再次購買的意願 根據 Pedersen and Nysveen (2001), 認知忠誠為忠誠的第一階段, 品牌給予消費 者可取得的資訊指出某一品牌優於另一替代品 認知忠誠是在消費者可取得產品資 訊的基礎之上 舉例來說, 如果一間銀行提供較高的存款高於其他銀行, 只要它能 提供最高的利率, 認知忠誠的消費者可能繼續使用該家銀行 (Oliver, 1997) 然而, 在忠誠的形式中, 認知忠誠被發現是最弱的 (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001) 認知忠誠 大大地藉由消費者的評價回應到體驗來影響, 特別是提供相對價格的知覺性能 (Evanschitzky and Wunderlich, 2006) 情感忠誠為忠誠發展的第二個階段, 在累積滿意使用情況為基礎的發展之下, 喜歡品牌或對品牌的態度 這反映滿意度定義的愉悅層面 達到愉悅感受 當情感 發現較認知來的強時, 情感忠誠不是一個行為忠誠裡很好的預測因子 (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001) 消費者有可能對在服務目錄裡的產品滿意, 且他們會對相同目錄裡 的很多品牌產生情感性忠誠 (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001) Pedersen and Nysveen (2001) 認為意動忠誠是消費者持續在未來使用品牌的行 為意圖 與認知和情感忠誠相比, 被認為是最強的預測因子 (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001) 如同藉由不斷地對品牌的正面情感 意動, 定義為特定品牌承諾到重複購買 10

意動忠誠, 在忠誠定義中指出是一個忠誠的狀態, 剛開始是深深地保有承諾去買 然而這個承諾是再購這個品牌的意圖比較像是動機 實際上, 消費者渴望再購, 但 類似任何 良好意圖, 這個渴望可能是預料中卻沒有實現的行動 (Oliver, 1997) 第三節滿意度之角色 Cardozo (1965) 是最早提出顧客滿意度觀念的學者, 他指出顧客滿意會增加顧 客再次購買的行為且會購買其他的產品 Ostrom and Iacobucci (1995) 認為顧客滿意 是顧客經由一次購買之後, 比較所獲得的品質與利益以及所付出的成本與努力, 對 企業所提供產品的整體性判斷 Oliver (1981) 認為滿意度包含情感與認知成份的一 種購買後評估行為 ; 而 Churchill and Suprenant (1982) 則認為顧客滿意度是一種購買 與使用的結果, 是由購買者比較預期結果的報酬和投入成本所產生的 然而, 滿意 度的定義一直以來都是分歧的, 有些學者則認為, 滿意度是顧客在使用產品之後, 會對產品績效與購買前信念二者之間的一致性加以評估, 當二者間有相當的一致性 時, 顧客將獲得滿足 ; 反之, 將產生不滿意的結果 (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel, 2001; Tse and Wilton, 1988) Kotler (1996) 歸納各學者意見, 指出滿意度是顧客所知覺的功能與期望兩者之 間差異的函數 因此, 顧客滿意度是來自於對產品之功能特性或知覺結果以及個人 對產品的期望, 兩者比較後形成其感覺愉悅或失望的程度 所以, 若功能特性遠不 如期望者, 則顧客將會感到不滿意 ; 如功能特性符合期望, 則顧客會感到滿意 此 外, 顧客滿意度是一種消費的態度, 為一種購後反應, 它能反應出顧客在經驗後喜 11

歡或不喜歡的程度, 同時顧客滿意也是一種以經驗為基礎的整體性態度, 此因素可 能會影響顧客對服務品質 購後意願和行為的評估 (Bolton and Drew, 1991; Woodside, Frey, and Daly, 1989) 雖然學者們對於顧客滿意的定義, 尚未有一致的共識 但顧客滿意度是建立在 購買前顧客對產品的預期與購買後對產品績效的認知, 以兩者間的差距來表示滿意 與否 因此, 顧客滿意是一種結合了認知與情感的綜合評量 一 品牌體驗與滿意度之間的關係 人們尋求知覺刺激 (McAlister and Pessemier, 1982) 和顯示在知覺被剝奪下的負 面影響 (Goldberger, 1993), 他們需要智能刺激去避免無趣 (Cacioppo and Petty, 1982) 因此, 體驗提供價值和效用和利他屬性相似 (Brakus, Schmitt, and Zhang, 2008) 體驗價值的概念也在體驗上有應用的著作, 特別是 Pine and Gilmore (1999) 的 著作 因為體驗提供價值, 我們預期一個品牌能夠喚起更多種體驗構面, 在尺度上 的整體分數就會更高, 而消費者將會對品牌更滿意 Oliver et al. (1997) 和 Brakus et al. (2009) 皆認為由於消費者每天暴露在許多不 同的品牌相關刺激, 無形中將會把品牌轉化為長期記憶中的品牌體驗, 並且在心中 留下記憶, 進而影響滿意度 Papadopoulou, Andreou, Kanellis, and Martakos (2001); Urban, Sultan, and Quails (2000) 皆表示品牌體驗與滿意度呈正相關 另外,Schmitt (2000) 也表示品牌體驗對消費者滿意度和品牌的信任有正向的影響 12

由於體驗是由刺激而來且導致愉悅的結果, 我們預期消費者會想要去重複這些 體驗 也就是, 品牌體驗應該不只影響過去導向的滿意度判斷也會影響未來導向的 消費者忠誠度 消費者應該會更有可能的去再次購買品牌和推薦品牌給其他人, 而 較不會購買替代品牌 (Mittal and Kamakura, 2001; Oliver, 1997; Reicheld, 1996) 二 滿意度對忠誠度的影響 當一個消費者對關係感到良好和喜歡產品或品牌, 就會有高度的承諾和產生忠 誠 (Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Mittal and Kamakura, 2001; Oliver, 1997) Prus and Brandt (1995) 認為顧客滿意驅動顧客忠誠, 且顧客忠誠包含顧客對某一品牌或公司 的長久關係維持的承諾, 最終由態度及行為的組合表現出來 態度包括再次購買或 購買該公司其他產品的意願 向他人推薦的意願及面對競爭者免疫力 而行為則包 括重複購買 購買該公司其他產品及向他人推薦的行為 顧客滿意可以導致顧客忠 誠, 顧客在購買特定產品或使用服務過後會對該產品產生一種態度, 若覺得滿意則 再次購買的可能性較高, 久而久之形成一種態度上的忠誠, 而且可能會透過口耳效 果, 將對此特定產品的經驗分享給親朋好友 (Fornell, Johnson, Anderson, Cha, and Bryant, 1996; Reichheld and Sasser, 1990) 因此消費者滿意度是對最後一次購買整個 品牌體驗後消費者的整體情緒反應 在多數研究中顯示, 消費者滿意度影響忠誠度 Brakus et al. (2009) 發現, 當滿 足顧客滿意度時, 顧客忠誠與品牌承諾的程度會提高 Kasper (1988) 的研究也顯 示, 品牌忠誠度與顧客對產品的認知 產品滿意度有高度相關 Oh (1999); Arnould et 13

al. (2004); Yu and Dean (2001); Bigne, Andreu, and Gnoth, (2005) 的研究發現滿意度 和忠誠度兩者之間有顯著相關 另外,Sui and Baloglu (2003) 支持了滿意度為忠誠 的主要前置因素 而總體滿意度對經營業績和未來的忠誠度是一個更好的指標 (Fornell et al., 1996; Johnson, Gustafsson, Andreassen, Lervik, and Cha, 2001) 另外根據 Oliver (1997) 所提出的忠誠階段, 分別為認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動 忠誠和行為忠誠 認知忠誠,Janis and King (1954) 認為個人基於先前所取得的資訊 來評估一個特定的行為, 當獲得正面評價時確認行為的合法性 此過程中確認信念 和提高對該對象之態度的信心程度 另外, 在先前 Back and Parks (2003) 的研究指 出在顧客滿意度和認知品牌忠誠之間是顯著的 Oliver (1980) 認為現在的滿意水準會對顧客購買後的態度造成影響, 這樣強化 的效果可以維持或加強對於該品牌先前的態度 而 Westbrook (1987) 指出顧客在購 買過程後的情感性回應, 有正面與負面情感的兩種面向來形容, 而對該產品的滿意 度判斷與正面產品消費的情感性回應頻率有直接相關 Swan and Oliver (1989) 指出顧客對於組織或行銷人員的滿意度提高時, 顧客對 於零售商有關的三種購後溝通反應 : 正面 / 負面的口碑, 推薦 / 警告他人, 抱怨 / 稱 讚都會增強 Oliver (1993) 認為對商品正向經驗的總和 ( 滿意地歸因效果 ) 會導致正 面的情感 意動忠誠為忠誠的第三階段, 指的是顧客對某一特定品牌的再購意圖作承諾, 而此種承諾較近似於一種動機 Yuksel and Bilim (2010) 文獻中指出滿意度和意動忠 14

誠之間有顯著關係 此外,Valle, Silva, Mendes, and Guerrio (2006) 指出較高的滿意 度除了會導致重複拜訪的可能性也會較願意推薦給其他人 然而, Shoemaker and Lewis (1999) 發現在 casio 產業中, 消費者滿意度和品牌 忠誠度之間的關係是微弱的 根據 Heskett, Sasser, and Schlesinger, (1997), 只有百 分之百滿意的消費者才會變成品牌忠誠也才會有相對較高的再購比率 此外,Bowen and Chen (2001) 指出消費者必須極端滿意才會展現品牌忠誠度 因此, 滿意度的程 度會影響購後態度和行為仍是受到質疑的 第四節國家好感度對品牌體驗效果之影響 隨著國際化的發展, 全球性品牌進入各個不同的地區, 在國際行銷領域中, 對 於產品來源國也是廣受討論的 來源國最早在 1965 年由 Schooler 學者所提出, Nagashima (1970) 對來源國定義為消費者以及商人對產品製造之國家的形象 刻板 印象以及國家的聲譽, 由國家的特性 政治 經濟 代表性的商品等等造成各自不 同的形象 對於形象的定義,Kotler (1994) 認為是人對事情和物品所產生不同喜好 不同態度及廣泛性的概念 而 Bilkey and Nes (1982) 將國家形象定義為消費者對某國 家所生產製造之商品的品質知覺 最後, 根據 Khan and Bamber (2008), 來源國的種 種訊息都是消費者購買國外產品的一種衡量方式及評斷品質優劣的重要指標 Oberecker et al. (2008) 將消費者對來源國的好感度定義為由於消費者自身的經驗和 / 或接觸的結果, 使得某個外國國家對消費者而言已經變成一種內群體, 致使消費者對 該國所產生的喜愛 同情 和甚至依附的感受 ; 而這種感受會正面影響消費者關於來 15

自該好感度國家的產品與服務的決定 當消費者會用價格來評斷商品時, 可能會有兩種原因 : 第一種是當消費者對產 品的資訊缺乏的時候 (Jacoby, 1971), 第二種是當消費者對該產品不是很熟悉的時候 (Monroe, 1976) Oberecker et al. (2008) 強調消費者親和力結構, 這是他們定義為喜 歡的感覺, 甚至向特定的依附同情, 直接與消費者的個人組內經驗和規範性風險, 並積極影響消費者對源自親和性國家之產品和服務的相關決策 Oberecker et al. (2008) 指出, 來自有好感國家的產品和知覺風險之間有負相 關, 當消費者面臨數個產品選擇時, 因為信心的增強使知覺風險減少 所以當消費 者對產品的來源國有比較高的認同感 喜好程度, 就會認為來自該國的產品有比較 低的風險 (Oberecker and Diamantopoulos, 2011) 所以, 作為一個某特定的國家正向 情感的結果, 該情感被預期是受個人對一個國家直接或間接的經驗所帶動, 消費者 可能將該國考慮為是團體內的一部份, 最後導致對從好感度國家來的產品之強烈購 買意願 (Goldberg and Baumgartner, 2002; Oberecker and Diamantopoulos, 2011) 第五節台灣咖啡產業之現況分析 根據台灣咖啡協會統計顯示, 我國每年咖啡消費金額達 135 億元, 全台 咖啡人口達 540 萬人 財政部關稅局統計資料顯示,100 年咖啡豆進口量相 較於 90 年成長了 1.5 倍達 17,685 公噸, 從數據中明顯顯示出國內咖啡人口 快速增加的趨勢, 如圖 2 所示 16

圖 2 台灣歷年咖啡豆進口量 資料來源 : 財政部關稅局, 中華徵信社 (2013) 咖啡消費量增加, 除消費水準提升外, 多數廠商帶入的咖啡文化亦是主 要原因 回顧過去,1998 年星巴克咖啡進入台灣市場後, 帶動喝咖啡即是享 受生活的品味風潮, 吸引一群想離開現實生活並喜愛咖啡文化氛圍的死忠客 戶, 提升國內咖啡銷售 根據財政部統計資料庫的資料顯示, 2011 年國內咖啡館的總家數達 1,592 家, 占整體飲料業 11.1%, 銷售總額更達 703 億, 占整體飲料業 21.6% 如表 1 所示 17

表 1 台灣咖啡館總家數及總銷售量 家數總計 ( 家 ) 飲料業占比 銷售額總計 ( 千元 ) 飲料業占比 2009 年 1,483 10.7% 5,891,343 19.7% 2010 年 1,497 10.6% 6,255,010 20.5% 2011 年 1,592 11.1% 7,035,521 21.6% 資料來源 : 財政部統計資料庫, 中華徵信社 (2013) 在 2006 年遠見十大服務評鑑中, 統一星巴克以 81.13 分得到連鎖咖啡店 的第一名, 這對星巴克咖啡無疑是最佳的肯定 星巴克創立於 1971 年於西雅 圖創立 當時這還只是一家賣咖啡豆和香料的小公司, 專門販售世界頂級阿拉比卡 豆 此時的星巴克僅售咖啡豆而不賣咖啡, 店內亦無設座席 (Schultz and Yang, 1999) 在 1982 年, 現任星巴克的總裁霍華蕭茲 (Howard Schultz) 接掌星巴克的行銷 業務 蕭茲決定將義大利咖啡館的氣氛及飲品引進美國, 星巴克才逐漸從西雅圖寧 靜小店, 轉變成國際性咖啡連鎖店 (Schultz and Yang, 1999) 統一星巴克在 1998 年 3 月 28 日星巴克在天母開幕 當時台灣的連鎖咖啡市 場屬高度競爭時期 雖然台灣星巴克在連鎖咖啡市場店數占有率為 12%, 但挾著統 一集團豐厚財力做後盾和頂著美國星巴克的超級品牌, 統一星巴克很快就成為台灣 咖啡市場的領導品牌 ( 動腦雜誌,2006) 對統一星巴克而言, 品牌不光是個名字, 他們認為品牌要有個性 內涵 要長大 要被人家認同 要有意義 在競爭日益激 烈的咖啡市場中, 星巴克的策略是提供客人最好的咖啡 最親切的服務 最優雅的 氣氛並印製咖啡常識小冊, 非常重視和客人的互動關係 ( 動腦雜誌,2006) 18

第三章研究方法 根據第二章文獻探討, 本章首先建立研究架構, 其次介紹本篇研究假設 變數 定義與衡量問項以及抽樣方式, 最後敘述問卷前測結果與資料分析的方式 第一節研究架構 本研究主要探討品牌體驗與品牌忠誠度的關係, 根據 Oliver (1997) 將忠誠度區 分為認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠和行動忠誠, 而本研究著重於態度面的忠誠度, 因此, 本研究參考 Back and Parks (2003) 的主張, 探討品牌體驗對態度面的三個忠 誠度構念 ( 認知忠誠 情感忠誠和意動忠誠 ) 的影響, 與品牌體驗對品牌忠誠度是否 會經由滿意度影響, 以及國家好感度在滿意度與品牌忠誠度之間的調節作用 ; 最後 亦將進一步探討各種不同的品牌體驗構面對忠誠度是否有不同的影響 本研究將以 連鎖咖啡廳星巴克咖啡為主要探討的範疇 根據各變數關係的探討推論, 而得出以 下研究架構, 參照圖 3, 並提出六項假設 19

H5a H2 認知忠誠 H5b 品牌體驗 H1 滿意度 H6a H6b H3 情感忠誠 H6c H4 H5c 意動忠誠 國家好感度 資料來源 : 本研究整理 圖 3 本研究架構圖 第二節研究假設 Oliver et al. (1997) 和 Brakus et al. (2009) 皆認為由於消費者每天暴露在許多不 同的品牌相關刺激, 無形中將會把品牌轉化為長期記憶中的品牌體驗, 並且在心中 留下記憶, 進而影響滿意度 Papadopoulou et al. (2001) 及 Urban et al. (2000) 皆表示 品牌體驗與品牌信任和滿意度和呈正相關 另外,Schmitt (2000) 也表示品牌體驗對 消費者滿意度和品牌的信任有正向的影響 綜合上述學者論點, 本研究認為因為體 驗提供價值, 我們預期品牌喚起越多樣的體驗層面, 因此在整體評分就會更高, 消 20

費者將會對品牌更滿意 而且, 因為體驗由刺激而來且導致愉悅的結果 因此, 本 研究推論出以下假設 : H1: 品牌體驗對滿意度有正向影響 Oh (1999), Athanassopoulos, Gouiiaris, and Stathakopoulos (2001), Yu and Dean (2001) 及 Bigne et al. (2005) 研究發現滿意度和忠誠度兩者之間有顯著相關 對於總 體滿意度對經營業績和未來的忠誠度是一個更好的指標 (Fornell et al., 1996; Johnson et al., 2001) 而 Sui and Baloglu (2003) 支持了滿意度為忠誠的主要前置因素 由上 述的學者文獻, 本研究認為高度滿意將會使消費者產生更高的忠誠度 所謂認知忠誠,Janis and King (1954) 認為, 個人基於先前所取得的資訊來評估 一個特定的行為, 當獲得正面評價時確認行為的合法性 此過程中確認信念和提高 對該對象之態度的信心程度 在先前 Back and Parks (2003) 的研究指出在顧客滿意 度和認知品牌忠誠之間是顯著的 因此, 本研究認為忠誠形成的初始, 是顧客經由 自身對該品牌的資訊, 經過成本效益分析比較過後所選擇的結果 倘若對一間商店 或是其服務有正面評價時, 也會確認信念和提高對該品牌的信心 因此, 本研究推 論出以下假設 : H2: 滿意度對認知忠誠有正向影響 Oliver (1980) 認為現在的滿意水準會對顧客購買後的態度造成影響, 這樣的強 化效果可以維持或加強對於該品牌先前的態度 而 Westbrook (1987) 指出顧客在購 買過程後的情感性回應, 可以正面與負面情感的兩種面向來形容, 而對該產品的滿 21

意度判斷與正面產品消費的情感性回應頻率有直接的相關 Swan and Oliver (1989) 指出顧客對於組織或行銷人員的滿意度提高時, 顧客對於零售商有關的三種購後溝 通反應 : 正面 / 負面的口碑 推薦 / 警告他人 抱怨 / 稱讚都會增強 Oliver (1993) 對 商品正向經驗的總和 ( 滿意地歸因效果 ) 應該會導致正面的情感 綜合上述之文獻, 本研究認為滿意的結果會強化顧客使用該商品之後的情感回應, 並由此建構顧客對 產品態度中的情感成分滿意度越高, 會導致情感忠誠越高 因此, 本研究推論出以 下假設 H3: 滿意度對情感忠誠有正向影響 意動忠誠為忠誠的第三階段, 指的是顧客對某一特定品牌的再購意圖作承諾, 而此種承諾較近似於一種動機 Yuksel and Bilim (2010) 文獻中指出滿意度和意動忠 誠之間有顯著關係 此外,Valle et al. (2006) 指出較高的滿意度除了會導致重複拜 訪的可能性也會較願意推薦給其他人 綜合上述論點, 本研究認為受先前對某品牌 之正向情感影響, 所形成對於特定品牌之重複購買承諾 因此, 本研究推論出以下 假設 : H4: 滿意度對意動忠誠有正向影響 Mittal and Kamakura (2001) Oliver et al. (1997) 與 Reicheld (1996) 皆認為從品牌 體驗獲得愉快的感受, 消費者將會再重複此體驗, 品牌體驗不僅受到滿意度的評斷 也影響著未來消費者忠誠度, 消費者有可能再購買品牌並推薦給別人 此外, 在 Brakus et al. (2009) 文獻中實證地支持了在品牌體驗和品牌忠誠之間有直接的關係 22

然而, 根據 Oliver (1997) 過去的研究採用了忠誠的概念化順序 : 認知忠誠 情 感忠誠和意動忠誠 依據各階段來表示消費者對產品或服務不同程度的忠誠 綜合 上述文獻, 本研究認為良好的品牌體驗將會對忠誠度有正面的影響 因此本研究推 論出以下假設 : H5a: 品牌體驗對認知忠誠有正向影響 H5b: 品牌體驗對情感忠誠有正向影響 H5c: 品牌體驗對意動忠誠有正向影響 根據 Goldberg and Baumgartner (2002) 與 Oberecker and Diamantopoulos (2011), 國家好感度為對某一特定的國家正向情感的結果, 該情感被預期是受個人對一個國 家直接或間接的經驗所帶動, 消費者可能將該國考慮為是團體內的一部份, 最後導 致對好感度國家的產品之強烈購買意願 Oberecker et al. (2008) 強調消費者親和力 結構, 這是他們定義為喜歡甚至是依附或同情的感覺, 已成為外國作為一個結果, 直接與消費者的個人組內經驗和規範性風險, 並積極影響消費者對親和性國家的產 品和服務之相關決策 因為有好感的國家與其產品有可能成為一個熟悉的選項 品牌體驗對消費者的影響, 須考量對來源國好感度 倘若對某品牌來源國有好 感度時, 我們預期會強化對品牌體驗的影響, 也就是說品牌體驗對其中程度的影響 可能會受到消費者正面情感而提升, 尤其是滿意度對忠誠度的影響可能會因對該品 牌來源國的好感所強化, 因此我們納入國家好感度這個調節變數來檢視對滿意度與 和忠誠度之間的影響 本研究認為若對某一特定國家有好感度的情境之下, 將會強 23

化對來自該國的品牌之滿意度對忠誠度的影響 因此, 本研究推論出以下假設 : H6a: 國家好感度對滿意度和認知忠誠具有調節效果 H6b: 國家好感度對滿意度和情感忠誠具有調節效果 H6c: 國家好感度對滿意度和意動忠誠具有調節效果 根據本研究目的和和文獻探討之假設推論, 茲將研究假設彙整如下 : H1: 品牌體驗對滿意度有正向影響 H2: 滿意度對認知忠誠有正向影響 H3: 滿意度對情感忠誠有正向影響 H4: 滿意度對意動忠誠有正向影響 H5a: 品牌體驗對認知忠誠有正向影響 H5b: 品牌體驗對情感忠誠有正向影響 H5c: 品牌體驗對意動忠誠有正向影響 H6a: 國家好感度對滿意度和認知忠誠具有調節效果 H6b: 國家好感度對滿意度和情感忠誠具有調節效果 H6c: 國家好感度對滿意度和意動忠誠具有調節效果 第三節研究變數定義及衡量問項 根據本研究架構, 本研究將對六個變數, 包括 : 品牌體驗 滿意度 認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠和國家好感度, 針對其構念進行定義與衡量 而各衡量構念主 要依據李克特七點尺度進行衡量, 依序為 (1) 非常不同意 ;(2) 不同意 ;(3) 24

有點不同意 ;(4) 普通 ;(5) 有點同意 ;(6) 同意 ;(7) 非常同意, 藉此來衡 量變數間的相關問項 在定義與衡量變數方面, 本研究依據文獻探討的內容, 並配合本研究之案例, 謹慎選擇變數的定義與衡量題項 本研究將變數與定義列於表 2 表 2 各變數之定義 變數 定義 參考文獻 品牌體驗 品牌體驗定義為消費者被品牌相關刺激 ( 如 : 品牌的設計 標識 包裝 通訊和環境 ) 所引發的一種主觀 內在 ( 感官 情感 認知 ) 和行為反應 Brakus et al. (2009) 認知忠誠情感忠誠意動忠誠國家好感度 消費者根據品牌本身的相關資訊 ( 如價格與功能 ), 理性判斷其所能提供的成本與效益, 進而衍伸出的忠誠 顧客根據使用或購買後累積的經驗, 產生出對於 該品牌的一種態度或喜歡, 進而發展成的忠誠 意動忠誠為特定品牌承諾到重複購買 意動忠誠 是消費者持續在未來使用品牌的行為意圖 由於消費者自身的經驗和 / 或接觸的結果, 使得某 個外國國家對消費者而言已經變成一種內群體, 致使消費者對該國所產生的喜愛 同情 和甚至 依附的感受 Kalyanaram and Little (1994); Sivakumar and Raj (1997) Oliver (1999) Pedersen and Nysveen (2001) Oberecker et al. (2008) 資料來源 : 本研究整理 一 品牌體驗 本研究將品牌體驗定義為消費者被品牌相關刺激 ( 如 : 品牌的設計 標識 包裝 通訊和環境 ) 所引發的一種主觀 內在 ( 感官 情感 認知 ) 和行為反應 Brakus et al. (2009) 品牌體驗分為四個構面 : 感官 (sensory) 情感 (affective) 行為 (behavioral) 25

智力 (intellectual) 在情感構面的衡量包括 : 品牌觸動情感和心情 對品牌的情緒反 應及令人感動的品牌 同時採用 Dewey (1922, 1925) 的分類,Dube and LeBel (2003) 的愉悅構念以及 Pinker (1997) 的心理模組, 特別是假設我們將 Pinker 的感官模組當 作是有包含感覺和行為的組成要素 表 3 為品牌體驗四個構面之衡量問項, 以十二個 題項衡量之 表 3 品牌體驗四個構面之衡量問項 品牌體驗四構面 題項敘述 1. 星巴克咖啡讓我在視覺及其他感官有強烈的印象 感官體驗 2. 我覺得星巴克咖啡在感知 / 感受部分是很有趣的 3. 星巴克咖啡並沒有吸引我的感受 1. 星巴克咖啡引誘我的感覺和感情 情感體驗 2. 我對於星巴克咖啡並沒有強烈的情感 3. 星巴克是一個會使我產生強烈情緒與感受的品牌 行為體驗 1. 當我飲用星巴克咖啡時, 我會參與實質的行動和行為 如 : 購 買星巴克咖啡時, 會想了解星巴克咖啡的特色與風味 2. 星巴克咖啡讓我有實質上的體驗 3. 星巴克咖啡並沒有有行動的導向 26

表 3 品牌體驗四個構面之衡量問項 ( 續 ) 1. 星巴克咖啡會讓我思考或是多瞭解有關咖啡的知識 如 : 購 買星巴克咖啡時, 會想了解該品牌咖啡的特色 智能體驗 2. 星巴克咖啡不會讓我思考 3. 星巴克咖啡會激發我的好奇心 如 : 促使我想找尋與咖啡相 關問題的解決辦法 資料來源 :Brakus et al. (2009) 二 滿意度 本研究將滿意度定義為對購買的特定產品或服務 零售商店或即使是零碎型的 行為像是購物和購買行為, 以及整體市場所提供的體驗之一個情緒上的回應 (Westbrook and Reilly, 1983) 因此, 消費者在購買或飲用咖啡時, 對於產品或服務 所提供的體驗, 可能會產生一些情感上的反射和回應 同時以 Oliver (1980) 的量表 進行研究探討 表 4 為滿意度之衡量問項, 以五個題項衡量之 表 4 滿意度之衡量問項 變數 ( 構念 ) 題項敘述 1. 我對星巴克的咖啡及其服務感到滿足 2. 如果我能夠再選擇一次, 我不會選擇買另一個品牌的咖啡 滿意度 3. 我選擇星巴克咖啡是一個明智的選擇 資料來源 :Oliver (1980) 4. 我覺得我購買星巴克咖啡是正確的 5. 我覺得我在星巴克咖啡上的決定是開心的 27

三 認知忠誠 本研究將認知忠誠度定義為顧客根據品牌本身的相關資訊, 理性判斷其 所能提供的成本與效益, 進而衍伸出的忠誠 對顧客來說, 當有其他品牌的 成本效益更好時, 顧客便會轉換服務提供者 (Kalyanaram and Little, 1994; Sivakumar and Raj, 1997) 同時採用 Back and Parks (2003) 的量表來研究與討論, 以 四個題項衡量之, 如表 5 所示 表 5 認知忠誠之衡量題項 變數 ( 構念 ) 題項敘述 1. 相較於其它曾經去過的咖啡廳, 星巴克咖啡能提供我較好的服 務品質 認知忠誠 2. 沒有其他的咖啡廳比星巴克咖啡好 3. 就整體品質而言, 星巴克咖啡是最好的咖啡廳 4. 和其他咖啡廳比較, 我相信星巴克咖啡會提供給我較多的利益 資料來源 :Back and Parks (2003) 四 情感忠誠 本研究將情感忠誠定義為顧客根據使用或購買後累積的經驗, 產生出對於該品 牌的一種態度或喜歡, 進而發展成的忠誠 (Oliver, 1999) 一般而言, 對於品牌的態 度, 是由先前的經驗而來的 ; 而此態度指的是顧客對品牌本身的一種情 (Woodruff, Cadotte, and Jenkins, 1983 ) 同時採用 Back and Parks (2003) 的量表來研究與討論, 以五個題項衡量之, 如表 6 所示 28

表 6 情感忠誠之衡量題項 變數 ( 構念 ) 題項敘述 1. 我愛待在星巴克咖啡 2. 當我待在星巴克咖啡時我覺得比較好 情感忠誠 3. 我喜歡星巴克咖啡勝過於其他咖啡廳 4. 我喜歡星巴克咖啡 5. 我享受星巴克咖啡的感受 資料來源 :Back and Parks (2003) 五 意動忠誠 本研究將意動忠誠定義為消費者在未來持續使用品牌的行為意圖 (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001 ), 如同藉由不斷地對品牌的正面情感 意動, 定義為特定品牌承諾到 重複購買 同時採用 Back and Parks (2003) 的量表來研究與討論, 以三個題項來衡 量之, 如表 7 所示 表 7 意動忠誠之衡量題項 變數 ( 構念 ) 題項敘述 意動忠誠 1. 如果我有機會, 我會經常待在星巴克咖啡 2. 我將星巴克咖啡視為是咖啡廳的第一個選擇 資料來源 :Back and Parks (2003) 3. 我會將星巴克咖啡推薦給其他人 29

六 國家好感度 本研究將消費者對來源國的好感度定義為由於消費者自身的經驗和 / 或接觸的 結果, 使得某個外國國家對消費者而言已經變成一種內群體, 致使消費者對該國所 產生的喜愛 同情 和甚至依附的感受 ; 而這種感受會正面影響消費者關於來自該好 感度國家的產品與服務的決定 (Oberecker et al. 2008) 同時採用 Oberecker and Diamantopoulos (2011) 的量表來研究與討論, 以七個題項衡量之, 如表 8 所示 表 8 國家好感度之衡量題項 變數 ( 構念 ) 題項敘述 1. 美國這個國家使我有愉快的感覺 2. 我喜歡美國這個國家 國家好感度 3. 我對美國這個國家的人事物等常覺得感同身受 4. 美國這個國家使我著迷 5. 我對美國這個國家感到依戀 6. 我熱愛美國這個國家 7. 美國這個國家對我有所啟發 資料來源 :Oberecker and Diamantopoulos (2011) 第四節抽樣設計本研究之抽樣設計包含兩個部分, 第一部分為抽樣對象之選擇, 第二部分為抽 樣方法之決定, 其相關內容分述如下 一 抽樣對象 統計推論是利用樣本統計量來推論母體的特質, 而樣本是否具有代表性則 30

會受到抽樣方法的影響, 並期望研究結果可以推論到整個母體, 因此抽樣方法 非常重要 而本研究母體為台灣台北市曾經在星巴克咖啡消費過的二十五歲以 上的族群 根據相關報導指出星巴克咖啡的主要消費族群, 接近一半的銷售額 來自於二十五到四十歲的消費者, 所以本研究選定以二十五歲以上為調查對 象 基於二十五歲以上的族群為就業者, 本研究的調查地點考量主要以鄰近辦 公大樓的門市為主 基於以上考量與便利性, 我們選定這些門市地點來調查, 主要針對兩間門市 ( 中山門市和松江門市 ) 的消費者進行調查, 這兩間門市都因 緊鄰辦公大樓而大多的消費族群為上班族 二 調查方法 本研究採用立意抽樣方式, 考量上班族群到星巴克的時間和地點, 本研究 為針對台灣台北市二十五歲以上曾在星巴克咖啡消費過的男士女士們, 採用不 計名自願填答的方式進行, 並採用紙本問卷調查法施測 紙本問卷是以人工檢 閱的方式, 刪除無效及規則性作答 問卷施測時間為 2013 年 12 月 25 日至 2014 年 03 月 22 日, 為期 88 天 紙本問卷發放及回收則以親自到星巴克咖啡發放來 進行 第五節問卷前測分析 本研究於前測階段採紙本發放方式, 將設計好的問卷於 2013 年 12 月 9 日 ( 星期 一 ) 至 2013 年 12 月 12 日 ( 星期四 ) 進行問卷前測 時段則為早上七點半至九點以及中 午十二點半至三點 ), 由於這兩個時段一為上班族購買早餐與咖啡的時段, 而中午則 31

為上班族午餐休息時間, 故較多的上班族會到星巴克咖啡消費 第一次針對星巴克 咖啡的消費者發放 25 份問卷, 受訪者填寫時發現用字措辭有誤用的情況, 有兩項品 牌體驗的題項過於相似, 以及基本資料的部分, 對於年齡的範圍和工作性質都應再 做適當調整以符合消費者可填答的範圍 回收修正錯誤後, 對星巴克咖啡的消費者 進行第二次前測並發放二十五份問卷, 受訪者並無反應問卷有瑕疵部分, 回收後進 行 SPSS 基本資料敘述性統計及檢驗各構念之信度分析, 於 2013 年 12 月底針對台 灣台北市二十五歲以上曾在星巴克咖啡消費過的男女士們發放正式問卷 問卷發放 方式採用紙本問卷 第六節資料分析方法 本研究問卷經發放回收後, 首先將無效問卷刪除, 接著將有效問卷編碼輸入至 SPSS 20.0 統計軟體, 最後依據本研究目的及研究架構之假設, 進行劑量方法之資 料分析及假設檢定, 採用之資料分析方法如下 : 一 敘述性統計 本研究將所蒐集到之樣本進行描述性統計分析, 藉以描述樣本資料的結構分 佈, 並且分別計算各問項與所含構面之個數, 平均數, 百分比及標準差等, 藉以簡 單描述樣本的特性及分布情形 其中, 平均數較高表示該問項受測者較為同意, 而 標準差較小則代表受測者看法較為一致 二 信度分析 本研究為使前測與正式問卷施測時的量表具有穩定與一致性, 將各變數與構念 32

進行信度分析, 利用 Cronbach s α 係數測量各因素衡量問項的內部一致性, 也就是 說,Cronbach s α 值是用來測量個變數的一致性或穩定性, 並且檢驗本研究的問卷是 否具有可信度 Cronbach s α 值越高, 顯示該因素內各問項之間的相關性越大, 亦即 內部一致性越高 三 效度分析 效度分析則是指資料的有效性, 它是指測量工具能夠準確測出所需測量之特質 的有效程度 四 驗證性因素分析 本研究以 AMOS 21.0 統計軟體來進行驗證性因素分析, 藉以分析衡量模式的 各項適配度指標 五 相關分析 Pearson 績差相關是用以檢驗兩個變項之間是否有顯著程度上的關係, 主要表 現於各變項間是否有關聯及相關程度的強弱 本研究採用相關分析來檢視品牌體 驗 滿意度 認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠及國家好感度等變數, 藉此瞭解變數 與變數間的關係, 若變數的相關係數愈大, 代表兩個變數的相關程度愈高 六 結構方程模型 本研究是以 SEM 來驗證品牌體驗 滿意度 認知忠誠 情感忠誠 意動忠誠和 國家好感度之間的關聯性 33

第四章資料分析與結果 本章將回收之問卷進行前述資料分析方法, 並以 SPSS 20.0 及 AMOS 21.0 版本 作為分析工具 首先, 第一節將說明問卷前測的經過與結果, 並且依據前測結果修 改不適當措辭與語意模糊等問題, 並經過信度分析後進行正式問卷的設計與發放 ; 接著在第二節, 說明正式問卷基本資料分析結果, 作為後續統計分析基礎 ; 第三節 將進行變數之信度與效度檢驗 ; 第四節針對第三章推導之假設進行驗證, 採用 SEM 分析方式進行 ; 第五節檢驗調節變數之影響 ; 第六節則針對分析結果進行討論 第一節問卷前測 本研究問卷乃根據國內外相關文獻所設計之問卷, 為預測本問卷之題項是否可 靠並探究其可行性 本研究於前測階段採紙本發放方式, 於 2013 年 12 月 9 日至 2013 年 12 月 12 日進行問卷前測 第一次針對星巴克咖啡的消費者發放 25 份問卷, 受訪 者填寫時發現用字措辭有誤用的情況, 有兩項品牌體驗的題項過於相似, 以及基本 資料的部分, 對於年齡的範圍和工作性質都應再擴大範圍 回收修正錯誤後, 將設 計好的問卷於對星巴克咖啡的消費者進行第二次前測, 問卷其他部分並無瑕疵, 因 此回收問卷, 回收問卷後進行 SPSS 基本資料敘述性統計如表 9 及檢驗各構念之信 度分析如表 10, 於 2013 年 12 月底正式針對台灣台北市二十五歲以上並有飲用星巴 克咖啡的男女士們發放正式問卷 問卷發放方式採用紙本問卷 34

表 9 前測樣本結構 (N=50) 人口統計變數人數百分比男 20 40% 性別女 30 60% 25~30 21 42% 年齡 學歷 31~35 11 22% 36~40 6 12% 41~45 3 6% 45 以上 9 18% 高中 7 14% 大學 ( 專 ) 30 60% 碩士 11 22% 博士 2 4% 金融業 13 26% 資訊業 9 18% 餐飲業 4 8% 職業 科技業 10 20% 營造業 2 4% 零售業 4 8% 製造業 2 4% 其他 6 12% 月收入金額 20001~30000 15 30% 30001~40000 11 22% 40001~50000 13 26% 50001~60000 4 8% 60001~70000 4 8% 70000 以上 3 6% 最近半年內造訪 平均一周一次以上 7 14% 星巴克的頻率 平均兩周一次 7 14% 平均一個月一次 15 30% 平均兩個月一次 8 16% 平均三個月一次 13 26% 飲用星巴克外帶或內用 資料來源 : 本研究整理 外帶 27 54% 內用 14 28% 一樣高 9 18% 一般學術上的信度分析, 大多以 Cronbach s α 值作為衡量的指標 Nunnally (1987) 建議 Cronbach s α 值在 0.7 以上代表高信度, 但若值低於 0.6, 則應該要重新 修正該研究的量表 而問卷各構念之 Cronbach s α 值皆大於 0.7 如表 10 所示, 因此 35

可得知本研究量表具有良好的信度, 衡量出的結果具有穩定性及一致性 表 10 前測問卷各構念之 Cronbach s α 值 構念 構面 題項數目 Cronbach s α 值 Cronbach s α 值 品 感官體驗 3 0.865 0.895 牌 情感體驗 3 0.886 體 認知體驗 3 0.778 驗 智能體驗 3 0.903 滿意度 5 0.896 認知忠誠 4 0.902 情感忠誠 5 0.864 意動忠誠 3 0.905 國家好感度 7 0.958 資料來源 : 本研究整理 第二節正式問卷基本資料結果 為了解本研究回收資料的樣本結構, 本節將分別針對研究對象基本資料與飲用 星巴克咖啡習慣與情況來進行敘述性統計分析 本研究問卷總回收共計 343 份, 經 刪除遺漏作答及規則性作答等無效問卷後, 有效問卷為 312 份, 有效問卷回收率為 90.97%, 結果如表 11 以下針對有效問卷進行分析 表 11 有效問卷回收率 問卷取得數 有效問卷數 無效問卷數 總問卷數 343 312 31 百分比 100% 90.97% 9.03% 資料來源 : 本研究整理 一 樣本回收來源 本研究採立意抽樣方式, 進行問卷調查受訪者的選取 本研究問卷針對台灣台 北市曾經在星巴克咖啡消費過的二十五歲以上的族群, 採不記名自願填答方式進 36

行, 採取紙本問卷的方式進行, 再以人工檢閱方式, 刪除無效及規律性作答者 問卷正式試測期間為 2013 年 12 月 25 日至 2014 年 3 月 22 日止, 共計 88 天 紙 本問卷發放及回收以親自至星巴克門市 ( 松江門市與中山門市 ) 進行發放 二 正式樣本結構 根據回收的有效樣本, 彙整研究對象統計變項, 分述如表 12 由回收樣本可發 現填答者以女性居多 (53.8%); 年齡多數集中於 25 至 30 歲 (42.3%); 教育程度大多為大 學 / 專 (64.1%); 工作性質大多為科技業 (17.3%); 月收入金額集中於 30,000 元 ~40,000 元 (28.2%) 表 12 正式樣本結構 (N=312) 性別 工作性質 男性 46.2% 金融業 14.4% 製造業 4.2% 女性 53.8% 資訊業 7.7% 營造業 4.2% 年齡 百貨業 8.0% 餐飲業 7.4% 25-30 歲 42.3% 零售業 7.4% 科技業 17.3% 31-35 歲 24.4% 教職 6.7% 公務人員 9.9% 36-40 歲 15.7% 學生 3.5% 其他 9.3% 41-45 歲 7.7% 月收入金額 45 歲以上 9.9% 20,000 元以內 8.7% 20,000 元 ~30,000 元 14.2% 教育程度 30,000 元 ~40,000 元 28.2% 高中 2.6% 40,000 元 ~50,000 元 17.0% 大學 / 專 64.1% 50,000 元 ~60,000 元 16.0% 碩士 32.1% 60,000 元 ~70,000 元 8.3% 博士 1.3% 70,000 元以上 7.1% 資料來源 : 本研究整理 37

三 敘述性統計分析 本研究將主要衡量變數問項 變數名稱之對照 有效問卷的平均數及標準差彙 整如下, 表 13 為針對消費者對星巴克咖啡的問卷衡量題項與變數名稱, 可藉此瞭解 變數的分布情況 表 13 星巴克咖啡問卷衡量題項與變數名稱 構念品牌體驗 感官體驗構面衡量題項 變數名稱 平均數 標準差 1. 星巴克咖啡讓我在視覺及其他感官 1SE 5.70 0.986 有強烈的印象 2. 我覺得星巴克咖啡在感知 / 感受部分 2SE 5.50 0.990 是很有趣的 3. 星巴克咖啡並沒有吸引我的感受 3SE 5.38 1.090 情感體驗構面衡量題項 變數名稱 平均數 標準差 4. 星巴克咖啡誘發我的感覺和感情 4AE 5.21 1.121 5. 我對於星巴克咖啡並沒有強烈的情 5AE 5.28 1.222 感 6. 星巴克是一個會使我產生強烈情緒 6AE 5.32 1.039 與感受的品牌 行為體驗構面衡量題項 變數名稱 平均數 標準差 7. 當飲用星巴克咖啡時, 我會參與實質 7BE 5.20 1.329 的行動和行為 如 : 購買星巴克咖啡 時, 會想了解星巴克咖啡的特色與風 味 8. 星巴克咖啡讓我有實質上的體驗 8BE 5.37 1.005 9. 星巴克咖啡並沒有行動的導向 9BE 5.14 1.035 智能體驗構面衡量題項 變數名稱 平均數 標準差 10. 星巴克咖啡會讓我思考或是多瞭解 10IE 5.11 1.183 有關咖啡的知識 11. 星巴克咖啡不會讓我思考 11IE 5.09 1.112 12. 星巴克咖啡會激發好奇心 如 : 使我 想找尋與咖啡相關問題的解決辦法 12IE 5.09 1.235 38

表 13 星巴克咖啡問卷衡量題項與變數名稱 ( 續 ) 構念滿意度構念認 滿意度構念衡量題項 變數名稱 平均數 標準差 13. 我對星巴克的咖啡及服務感到滿足 13SAT 5.74 0.833 14. 我選擇星巴克咖啡是一個明智的選 14SAT 5.43 0.986 擇 15. 我覺得我購買星巴克咖啡是正確的 15SAT 5.37 1.025 16. 我覺得我在星巴克咖啡上的決定是 16SAT 5.41 1.026 開心的 17. 如果我能夠再選擇一次, 我不會選擇 17SAT 5.14 1.331 買另一個品牌的咖啡 認知忠誠構念衡量題項 變數名稱 平均數 標準差 18. 相較於其它曾去過的咖啡廳, 星巴 18CL 5.51 0.992 克咖啡能提供我較好的服務品質 19. 沒有其他的咖啡廳比星巴克咖啡好 19CL 4.81 1.364 知 忠 誠 20. 就整體品質而言, 星巴克咖啡是最好的咖啡廳 21. 和其他咖啡廳比較, 我相信星巴克咖啡會提供給我較多的利益 20CL 5.03 1.278 21CL 5.19 1.169 構 念 情感忠誠構念衡量題項變數名稱平均數標準差 22. 我愛待在星巴克咖啡 22AL 5.43 1.031 情 23. 當我待在星巴克咖啡時我覺得比較 好 23AL 5.36 1.010 感 24. 我喜歡星巴克勝過於其他咖啡廳 24AL 5.15 0.979 忠 誠 25. 我喜歡星巴克咖啡 25AL 5.46 1.001 26. 我享受星巴克咖啡的感受 26AL 5.47 0.959 39

表 13 星巴克咖啡問卷衡量題項與變數名稱 ( 續 ) 構念意動忠誠構念國家好感 意動忠誠構念衡量題項 變數名稱 平均數 標準差 27. 如果我有機會, 我會經常待在星巴 27CL 5.50 1.030 克咖啡 28. 我將星巴克咖啡視為是咖啡廳的第 28CL 5.23 1.115 一個選擇 29. 我會將星巴克咖啡推薦給其他人 29CL 5.50 1.049 國家好感度構念衡量題項 變數名稱 平均數 標準差 30. 美國這個國家使我有愉快的感覺 30CA 5.31 1.164 31. 我喜歡美國這個國家 31CA 5.14 1.130 32. 我對美國這個國家的人事物等常覺 32CA 4.86 1.219 得感同身受 33. 美國這個國家使我著迷 33CA 4.87 1.297 34. 我對美國這個國家感到依戀 34CA 4.67 1.369 35. 我熱愛美國這個國家 35CA 4.79 1.343 度 36. 美國這個國家對我有所啟發 36CA 4.83 1.290 資料來源 : 本研究整理四 研究對象對星巴克咖啡的飲用情況 統計資料顯示, 所有受訪者都曾造訪過星巴克咖啡 ; 而飲用方式則是以外帶占 多數 (48.4%); 大多數的受訪者在近半年內造訪星巴克咖啡的頻率是以平均兩周一次 (35.6%); 每個月花費在星巴克咖啡的比例為 80% 至 100% 居多 (29.2%); 針對星巴克 咖啡背景部分, 有 98.4% 的受訪者知道星巴克咖啡來自美國, 如表 14 所示 40

表 14 受訪者對星巴克咖啡的飲用情況表 (N=312) 曾經去過星巴克咖啡 近半年內造訪星巴克咖啡的頻率 是 100% 平均一周一次或以上 27.6% 否 0% 平均兩周一次 35.6% 飲用星巴克咖啡外帶內用的頻率 平均一個月一次 22.8% 外帶 48.4% 平均兩個月一次 5.8% 內用 37.5% 平均三個月一次 8.3% 一樣高 14.1% 每月咖啡費用占多少比例在星巴克咖啡 星巴克咖啡來自於 80-100% 29.2% 60-79% 17.6% 美國 98.4% 40-59% 20.2% 韓國 0.6% 20-39% 17.9% 台灣 1.0% 0-19% 15.1% 資料來源 : 本研究整理 一 信度分析 第三節信度與效度分析 本研究將各個構念之 Cronbach s α 值列於表 15 中, 本研究各構念 Cronbach s α 值皆大於 0.7, 因此可得知本研究具有良好的信度, 顯示本研究量表均具有高度穩定 性以及一致性 41

表 15 正式問卷各構念之 Cronbach s α 值 構念品牌體驗 構面 題項數 Cronbach s α 值 ( 未刪題項 ) Cronbach s α 值 ( 未刪題項 ) 感官體驗 3 0.803 0.901 情感體驗 3 0.861 行為體驗 3 0.788 智能體驗 3 0.858 滿意度 5 0.865 認知忠誠 4 0.858 情感忠誠 5 0.858 意動忠誠 3 0.862 國家好感度 7 0.948 資料來源 : 本研究整理 二 相關分析 本研究以 Pearson 相關分析各變數與變數間的關聯性, 如表 16 其中, 品牌體 驗與滿意度相關係數為 0.704; 品牌體驗對認知忠誠相關係數為 0.719; 滿意度對情 感忠誠相關係數為 0.774; 滿意度對意動忠誠相關係數為 0.762 結果顯示各構念間 皆有顯著相關 42

表 16 Pearson 相關分析 品牌體驗滿意度認知忠誠情感忠誠意動忠誠 品牌體驗 1 Person 相關顯 著性 ( 雙尾 ) 滿意度 Person 相關顯著性 ( 雙尾 ) 0.704 **.000 1 認知忠誠 Person 相關顯著性 ( 雙尾 ) 0.719 **.000 0.740 **.000 1 情感忠誠 Person 相關顯著性 ( 雙尾 ) 0.698 **.000 0.774 **.000 0.729 **.000 1 意動忠誠 Person 相關顯著性 ( 雙尾 ) 0.678 **.000 0.762 **.000 0.787 **.000 0.800 **.000 1 ** 在顯著水準為 0.01 時 ( 雙尾 ), 相關顯著 資料來源 : 本研究整理 三 效度分析 本研究使用驗證性因素分析法來檢驗量表是否具有效度 模式適配度如表 17 所示 本研究個因素負荷量皆大於 0.5 且達顯著水準, 如表 18, 組合信度 (Composite Reliability, CR) 皆大於 0.7, 且平均萃取變異 (Average Variance Extracted, AVE) 均在 0.5 以上, 如表 19 所示 表示具有良好的收斂效度, 本研究的適配度分析是參考 Hair, Black, Babin, and Anderson (2010) 所提出來的 衡量模式之適配度指標, 結果顯示如表 18 CMIN/DF=2.117, 表示模式適配度良好 ; 漸進殘差均方和平方根 RMSEA=0.060, 小於 0.08 之適配標準 ;AGFI=0.961, 大於 43

0.90 的標準, 表示本研究模式配適良好 在相對適配檢定中, 規範適配指標 NFI=0.929, 比較適配指標 CFI=0.961, 增值 適配指標 IFI=0.961, 皆達到 0.8 最低建議, 超過 0.9 之優良適配標準 而在簡約適配指標方面,PGFI 數值越大表示模式愈簡效 一般設定此數值必須 超過或等於 0.50 為宜, 方可接受此模式 而本研究 PNFI=0.752,PGFI=0.658, 皆大 於理想的判定標準, 因此本研究模式是可以接受的 表 17 配適度指標判定標準表 ( 衡量模式配適度 ) 衡量指標基本配適度評估範疇 (preliminary fit criteria) 絕對適配指標 (absolute fit measurement) 整體模式適配度 (Overall model fit) 相對適配指標 (relative fit measurement) 簡約適配指標 (parsimonious fit measurement) 理想判定標準 因素負荷量 介於 0.50~0.95 (factor loading) 誤差變量 無負的誤差變異 (error variance) 參數估計值 達顯著水準 (Parameter estimates) (t value>1.96) 理想判定標準 檢定結果 χ2/df <3 2.117 GFI >0.90 0.894 RMR <0.05 0.048 RMSEA <0.08 0.060 AGFI >0.90 0.961 NFI >0.90 0.929 IFI >0.90 0.961 CFI >0.90 0.961 PNFI >0.50 0.752 PGFI >0.50 0.658 資料來源 : 本研究整理 44

表 18 驗證性因素分析結果 ( 因素負荷量 ) 構念名稱 變數名稱 因素負荷量 標準誤 t 值 (Factor loading) 智能體驗 0.833 0.031 26.87097*** 品牌體驗 行為體驗 0.876 0.026 33.69231*** 情感體驗 0.818 0.033 24.78788*** 感官體驗 0.785 0.034 23.08824*** S1 0.667 0.042 15.88095*** S2 0.790 0.040 19.75*** 滿意度 S3 0.803 0.031 25.90323*** S4 0.773 0.042 18.40476*** S5 0.734 0.040 18.35*** CL1 0.628 0.050 12.56*** 認知忠誠 CL2 0.785 0.035 22.42857*** CL3 0.839 0.030 27.96667*** CL4 0.863 0.032 26.96875*** AL1 0.780 0.037 21.08108*** AL2 0.779 0.034 22.91176*** 情感忠誠 AL3 0.542 0.054 10.03704*** AL4 0.808 0.031 26.06452*** AL5 0.800 0.035 22.85714*** COL1 0.827 0.030 27.56667*** 意動忠誠 COL2 0.834 0.027 30.88889*** COL3 0.809 0.031 26.09677*** 註 :*** 為 p<0.001 資料來源 : 本研究整理 表 19 各構念組合信度與平均萃取變異 構念 組合信度 (CR) 平均萃取變異 (AVE) 品牌體驗 0.884 0.687 滿意度 0.868 0.570 認知忠誠 0.863 0.615 情感忠誠 0.862 0.560 意動忠誠 0.863 0.678 資料來源 : 本研究整理 45

四 區別效度 在統計學中, 一個可信區間是一種總體參數的區間估計, 是用來顯示估計的可 靠性, 並以相關係數的兩個標準物的信賴區間是否包含 1 來檢測, 由表 20 可知符合 信賴區間的標準 因此, 可知本研究具有區別效度 表 20 信賴區間之檢測 構念 構念 下界 上界 品牌體驗 <--> 滿意度 0.722 0.864 品牌體驗 <--> 認知忠誠 0.724 0.843 品牌體驗 <--> 情感忠誠 0.707 0.856 品牌體驗 <--> 意動忠誠 0.692 0.830 滿意度 <--> 認知忠誠 0.715 0.855 滿意度 <--> 情感忠誠 0.829 0.914 滿意度 <--> 意動忠誠 0.805 0.910 認知忠誠 <--> 情感忠誠 0.739 0.867 意動忠誠 <--> 認知忠誠 0.841 0.930 意動忠誠 <--> 情感忠誠 0.892 0.963 資料來源 : 本研究整理 第四節假設驗證 本研究使用 AMOS 21.0 統計軟體來進行結構方程模型 (SEM) 分析, 並且為了驗 證本研究的研究假設是否都成立, 使用了最大概似法 (Maximum Likelihood) 求取各構 念之間的參數 經由 AMOS 的分析結果顯示, 整體適配度檢定如表 21 結果顯示,CMIN/DF=2.752, 表示模式適配度良好 ; 適配度指標 GFI=0.857; 漸 進殘差均方和平方根 RMSEA=0.075, 小於 0.08 之適配標準, 表示本研究路徑模式 配適良好 在相對適配檢定中, 規範適配指標 NFI=0.903, 比較適配指標 CFI=0.935, 增值 46

適配指標 IFI=0.936, 皆達到 0.8 最低建議, 超過 0.9 之優良適配標準 而在簡約適配指標方面,PGFI 數值越大表示模式愈簡效 一般設定此數值必須 超過或等於 0.50 為宜, 方可接受此模式 而本研究 PNFI=0.765,PGFI=0.661, 皆大 於理想的判定標準, 因此本研究模式是可以接受的 表 21 配適度指標判定標準表 ( 路徑模式配適度 ) 衡量指標基本配適度評估範疇 (preliminary fit criteria) 絕對適配指標 (absolute fit measurement) 整體模式適配度 (Overall model fit) 相對適配指標 (relative fit measurement) 簡約適配指標 (parsimonious fit measurement) 理想判定標準 因素負荷量 介於 0.50~0.95 (factor loading) 誤差變量 無負的誤差變異 (error variance) 參數估計值 達顯著水準 (Parameter estimates) (t value>1.96) 理想判定標準 檢定結果 χ2/df <3 2.752 GFI >0.90 0.857 RMR <0.05 0.045 RMSEA <0.08 0.075 AGFI >0.90 0.815 NFI >0.90 0.903 IFI >0.90 0.936 CFI >0.90 0.935 PNFI >0.50 0.765 PGFI >0.50 0.661 資料來源 : 本研究整理 本研究的整體模式圖如圖 4 所示, 以及路徑係數之模式檢定結果列於表 22 其 中, 本研究發現品牌體驗對滿意度 (β=0.770;t=10.833) 為顯著且正向的影響, 支持本 研究假設 H1; 滿意度對認知忠誠 (β=0.699;t=7.510) 和情感忠誠 (β=0.896;t=9.664) 意 47

動忠誠 (β=0.916;t=10.044) 皆有顯著且有正向影響, 支持本研究假設 H2 H3 及 H4 品牌體驗對認知忠誠 (β=0.218;t=3.283) 有顯著且正向影響, 支持本研究 H5a 而品 牌體驗對情感忠誠 (β=0.048;t=0.769) 及意動忠誠 (β=0.026;t=0.414) 顯示無顯著影 響, 不支持本研究假設 H5b 及 H5c 表 22 模式檢定結果 變數關係 假設 標準化路徑係數 標準誤 t 值 品牌體驗 -> 滿意度 H1 0.770 0.071 10.833*** 滿意度 -> 認知忠誠 H2 0.699 0.093 7.510*** 滿意度 -> 情感忠誠 H3 0.896 0.093 9.664*** 滿意度 -> 意動忠誠 H4 0.916 0.091 10.044*** 品牌體驗 -> 認知忠誠 H5a 0.218 0.066 3.283*** 品牌體驗 -> 情感忠誠 H5b 0.048 0.060 0.769(P=0.442) 品牌體驗 -> 意動忠誠 H5c 0.026 0.062 0.414(P=0.679) 註 :***p<0.001 資料來源 : 本研究整理 資料來源 : 本研究整理 圖 4 研究模式 48

第五節檢驗調節變數之影響 本研究將國家好感度設為調節變數, 來探討國家好感度是否會影響滿意度與認 知忠誠, 情感忠誠和意動忠誠之間的關係 首先, 本研究依照國家好感度題項之平 均數將總樣本分為兩群, 高於平均數為高國家好感度的受訪者, 低於平均數則為低 國家好感度的受訪者, 並依此發展出限定與非限定的兩個結構模型 本研究藉由兩 模型的卡方差異值來判斷模式是否存在著調節效果 本研究將進一步地分析各構念 間的關係是否會係國家好感度而有所不同 表 23 整體模式調節效果檢定 路徑 模式 CMIN DF CMIN/DF 卡方差異 檢定結果 整體模式 未限定模型 600.168 346 1.734 20.16> 滿意度 -> 認知忠誠 限定模型 620.328 348 1.7825 20.16 χ2(2,0.05)=5.991 ( 具有調節效果 ) 標準化估計值高國家好感度 :0.89*** 表示高國家好感度較低國家好感度效果強 低國家好感度 :0.82*** 註 :*** 為 p<0.001 資料來源 : 本研究整理 一 滿意度與認知忠誠之關係 : 表 23 為整體模式, 從表 23 可看出未限定模式和限定之間的卡方差異為 20.16, 大於 χ2(2,0.05)=5.991, 表示具有調節效果 高國家好感度的標準化估計值為 0.89, 低國家好感度的標準化估計值為 0.82 皆達顯著水準, 但是高國家好感度較低國家好 感度效果強 另外, 由階層迴歸分析可知, 滿意度和國家好感度的交互作用項達顯 著, 調整後 R 2 為 0.588, R 2 平方為 0.009 從參考估計值也可看到交互作用項的 t 顯著 (t=2.739, p=0.007) 此一結果顯示, 滿意度和國家好感程度彼此會調節對認知忠 49

誠的影響 本研究為以國家好感度為調節變數, 因此結論為 : 國家好感度對滿意度 與認知忠誠的解釋具有調節效果, 國家好感度的高低, 滿意度對認知忠誠的影響程 度不同 對品牌來源國國家好感度愈高, 滿意度對認知忠誠的影響就愈大, 也就是 好感度會強化滿意度對認知忠誠的影響 如由表 24 及 25 所示 表 24 階層迴歸分析 ( 應變數為認知忠誠 ) 模式自變數未標準化係數標準化係數 t 顯著性 B 之估計值標準誤差 Beta 分配 1 2 3 ( 常數 ) 0.352 0.250 1.408 ** 滿意度 0.882 0.046 0.740 19.356 *** ( 常數 ) 0.099 0.246 0.401 ** 滿意度 0.745 0.051 0.625 14.496 *** 國家好感度 0.202 0.040 0.219 5.085 *** ( 常數 ) 1.722 0.708 2.434 ** 滿意度 1.104 0.141 0.926 7.858 *** 國家好感度 0.638 0.164 0.693 3.891 *** 滿意度 * 國家好感度 0.084 0.031 0.689 2.739 ** 註 :***p<0.001, **p<0.05 資料來源 : 本研究整理 表 25 模式摘要 模式 R R 平方 調過後的 R 平方 估計的標準誤 1 0.740 a 0.547 0.546 0.68204 2 0.763 b 0.582 0.579 0.65624 3 0.769 c 0.592 0.588 0.64944 資料來源 : 本研究整理 二 滿意度與情感忠誠之關係 : 未限定模型與限定模型之間的卡方差異為 0.08, 小於 χ2(2, 0.05)=5.991, 表示不 50

具調節效果 結果如表 26 所示 不論國家好感度的高或低, 滿意度對情感忠誠的影 響均為顯著, 但效果並無不同 表 26 調節效果檢定 ( 滿意度 -> 情感忠誠 ) 路徑 模式 CMIN DF CMIN/DF 卡方差異 檢驗結果 滿意度 -> 未限定模型 600.168 346 1.734 0.08 0.08< 情感忠誠 限定模型 600.248 348 1.724 χ2(2,0.05)=5.991 ( 不具調節效果 ) 資料來源 : 本研究整理 三 滿意度與意動忠誠之關係 : 未限定模型與限定模型之間的卡方差異為 2.058, 小於 χ2(2,0.05)=5.991, 表示 不具調節效果 結果如表 27 所示 不論國家好感度的高或低, 滿意度對意動忠誠的 影響均為顯著, 但效果並無不同 表 27 調節效果檢定 ( 滿意度 -> 意動忠誠 ) 路徑 模式 CMIN DF CMIN/DF 卡方差異 檢驗結果 滿意度 -> 未限定模型 600.168 346 1.734 2.058 2.058< 意動忠誠 限定模型 602.226 348 1.730 χ2(2,0.05)=5.991 ( 不具調節效果 ) 資料來源 : 本研究整理 第六節結果討論 本研究根據研究結果的數據分析, 進行結果討論 : 在不考慮干擾變數的情況下, 七條路徑關係中, 有五條路徑關係達顯著水準, 兩條路徑關係為不顯著, 詳細分析結果整理如表 28, 實證結果如表 29 所示, 並將 七條路徑關係的實證結果說明如下 : ( 一 ) 品牌體驗對滿意度之關係 51

本研究發現品牌體驗對滿意度 (β=0.770;t=10.833) 有顯著且正向的影響, 支持本 研究假設 H1 此項發現和過去的學者 Papadopoulou et al. (2001); Urban et al. (2000); Schmitt (2000) 的結果相同 因此, 本研究的假設 H1 成立 換句話說, 有正向及優 質的品牌體驗, 讓顧客可獲得滿足與正面情緒, 可使得滿意度提升 ( 二 ) 滿意度對認知忠誠之關係 本研究發現滿意度對認知忠誠 (β=0.699;t=7.510) 有顯著且正向的影響, 支持本 研究假設 H2 此項發現和過去的學者 Back and Parks (2003) 的結果相同 因此, 本 研究的假設 H2 成立 也就是說, 當消費者有高滿意度時, 認知忠誠也會隨之提高 ( 三 ) 滿意度對情感忠誠之關係 滿意度對情感忠誠 (β=0.869;t=9.664) 有顯著且正向的影響, 支持本研究假設 H3 此項發現和過去的學者 Pedersen and Nysveen (2001) 的結果相同 因此, 本研 究的假設 H3 成立 換句話說, 當消費者感到滿足, 就會有較高的滿意度, 情感忠 誠也會隨之提高 ( 四 ) 滿意度對意動忠誠之關係 本研究發現滿意度對意動忠誠 (β=0.916;t=10.044) 有顯著且正向的影響, 支持本 研究假設 H4 此項發現和過去的學者 Bilim and Yuksel (2010) 的結果相同 因此, 本研究的假設 H4 成立 換句話說, 較高的滿意度會使顧客對某一特定品牌的再購 意圖作承諾, 而此種承諾較近似於一種動機 ( 五 ) 品牌體驗對忠誠度之關係 52

本研究發現品牌體驗對認知忠誠 (β=0.218;t=3.283) 有顯著且正向影響, 與先前 Back and Parks (2003) 的研究結果相符 因此, 本研究假設 H5a 成立, 也就是說, 當消費者在品牌體驗中得到愉悅的感受程度越高將會對認知忠誠的影響愈大 本研究發現品牌體驗對情感忠誠 (β=0.048;t=0.769) 和意動忠誠 (β=0.026; t=0.414) 皆無顯著影響 雖然過去 Zarantenello and Schmitt (2000); Ha and Perks (2005) 的研究認為品牌體驗對忠誠度有正向影響, 但本研究發現品牌體驗對忠誠度沒有直 接效果, 而是透過滿意度影響忠誠度 因此,H5b 和 H5c 不成立 也就是說, 消費 者對一品牌之品牌體驗的好與壞並不會直接影響到對該品牌的情感忠誠和意動忠 誠 ( 六 ) 國家好感度對滿意度和忠誠度的調節效果 本研究將整體模式未限定模型與限定模型之間的卡方差異來做比較, 結果發現 國家好感度在滿意度對認知忠誠之間的關係具有調節效果, 支持本研究 H6a 也就 是說, 國家好感度會對滿意度與認知忠誠之間的關係產生影響 然而, 結果發現國家好感度在滿意度對情感忠誠和意動忠誠之間的關係不具調 節效果, 不支持本研究 H6b 和 H6c 也就是說, 對產品來源國情感面的感受會強化 對來自那好感國家品牌滿意度對認知忠誠的影響, 但不會影響滿意度對情感和意動 忠誠的效果, 可能的原因是, 認知忠誠的消費者較為理性, 在購買前也會對該國的 背景有初步的認識 53

表 28 未納入調節變數的研究檢定結果整理變數關係假設標準化路徑係數標準誤 t 值預期方向驗證結果品牌體驗 -> H1 + 支持 0.770 0.071 10.833*** 滿意度滿意度 -> H2 + 支持 0.699 0.093 7.510*** 認知忠誠滿意度 -> H3 + 支持 0.896 0.093 9.664*** 情感忠誠滿意度 -> H4 + 支持 0.916 0.091 10.044*** 意動忠誠品牌體驗 -> H5a + 支持 0.218 0.066 3.283*** 認知忠誠品牌體驗 -> H5b 0.769 + 不支持 0.048 0.060 情感忠誠 (P=0.442) 品牌體驗 -> H5c 0.414 + 不支持 0.026 0.062 意動忠誠 (P=0.679) 註 :***p<0.001 資料來源 : 本研究整理 54

表 29 實證結果 研究假設 驗證結果 H1 品牌體驗對滿意度具顯著且正向的影響支持 H2 滿意度對認知忠誠具顯著且正向的影響支持 H3 滿意度對情感忠誠具顯著且正向的影響支持 H4 滿意度對意動忠誠具顯著且正向的影響支持 H5a 品牌體驗對認知忠誠具有顯著且正向的影響支持 H5b 品牌體驗對情感忠誠具有顯著且正向的影響不支持 H5c 品牌體驗對意動忠誠具有顯著且正向的影響不支持 H6a 國家好感度對滿意度和認知忠誠之間具有調節效果支持 H6b 國家好感度對滿意度和情感忠誠之間具有調節效果不支持 H6c 國家好感度對滿意度和意動忠誠之間具有調節效果不支持 55

第五章結論與建議 本研究為探討品牌體驗, 滿意度, 認知忠誠, 情感忠誠, 意動忠誠與國家好感 度之間的關係, 於 102 年 12 月底正式針對台灣台北市之二十五歲以上有在星巴克咖 啡消費的消費者發放正式問卷 問卷發放方式採紙本方式進行, 總回收共計 343 份, 經刪除遺漏作答及規則性作答等無效問卷後, 有效問卷為 312 份, 有效回收率為 90.96%, 並以 SPSS20.0 及 AMOS21.0 版本做為分析工具 彙整第四章之研究結果 分析, 本章將分為三節來闡述研究結果與建議 首先, 在第一節將先討論研究假設 驗證結果 ; 接著, 在第二節中提出研究貢獻與管理意涵, 最後於第三節提出研究限制 與未來研究建議方向 本研究結果說明如下 : 第一節研究結果 一 品牌體驗對滿意度之影響 本研究結果顯示當消費者接受的品牌相關的刺激時, 會產生品牌體驗 而這樣 的感受越強烈, 對於消費者的滿意度會有提升的效果 也就是說品牌體驗與滿意度 之間有著正向的關聯性, 因此, 本文之研究假設 H1 成立 二 滿意度對顧客忠誠之影響 本研究結果顯示滿意度對認知忠誠有正向影響 當消費者感到滿意, 也會增加 其認知忠誠 另外, 本研究結果顯示滿意度對情感忠誠有正向的影響 ; 消費者若感到 滿意, 將會提升其情感忠誠 也就是說滿意度和情感忠誠之間存在正向的關係 本 56

研究結果顯示滿意度對意動忠誠有正向的影響 若消費者對產品或服務感到滿意, 對該品牌的意動忠誠也會隨之而升 因此, 本文之假設 H2,H3 和 H4 成立 三 品牌體驗對忠誠度之影響 本研究顯示品牌體驗對認知忠誠為正向且顯著的影響, 因此, 本文假設 H5a 成 立, 也就是說, 若消費者對品牌體驗的感受愈強, 認知忠誠的程度也就隨之提高 另外, 本研究顯示品牌體驗對情感忠誠和意動忠誠的影響並不顯著, 亦即品牌體驗 需透過滿意來來影響忠誠度 因此, 本文之假設 H5b 和 H5c 不成立 四 國家好感度對滿意度和忠誠度的調節效果 本文將國家好感度此題項的樣本區分為高國家好感度與低國家好感度兩群, 來 探討國家好感度對滿意度和忠誠度 ( 認知忠誠 情感忠誠和意動忠誠 ) 之間的關係是 否有調節效果 本研究將整體模式非限定模式與限定模式的卡方差異來做比較, 結 果發現國家好感度在品牌體驗和認知忠誠度之間有調節效果, 支持本研究 H6a 但 國家好感度在品牌體驗和情感與意動忠誠之間標準化估計值顯著皆不顯著, 並沒有 顯著的調節效果, 因此, 不支持本研究 H6b 和 H6c 一 研究貢獻 第二節研究貢獻與管理意涵 ( 一 ) 過去的研究很少著重在忠誠度的發展階段, 而本研究依據 Oliver (1997) 的忠誠 度階段發展, 並探討品牌體驗對態度面的忠誠度 ( 認知忠誠 情感忠誠和意動忠誠 ) 之影響, 並進一步地探討滿意度與不同形式的忠誠度之關係 由本研究的數據可知, 57

品牌體驗與滿意度對三種忠誠形式有不同的影響, 而以認知忠誠為最顯著 實證結 果顯示, 品牌體驗對三種不同階段的品牌忠誠度的影響路徑並不完全相同, 尤其是 其對情感忠誠與意動忠誠的影響係完全透過滿意度來影響, 與過去研究發現的並不 完全一致, 此結論將有助於解釋過去相關研究發現認為品牌體驗對忠誠度有直接影 響或間接影響的不一致現象 所以, 本研究對於探討品牌體驗對忠誠度的影響時, 應該將忠誠度區分為三種不同的忠誠 提供實證的支持 本研究結果也發現國家好 感度在滿意度和認知忠誠之間有調節效果 ( 二 ) 由於服務產品類別為信用品 體驗品和搜尋品 而本研究以星巴克咖啡為例, 此為一體驗品, 必須經過消費者消費或是體驗過後, 才能夠評估其價值 本研究發 現品牌體驗對情感忠誠與意動忠誠的影響係完全透過滿意度來影響, 可能的原因是 品牌體驗對忠誠的影響可能會因產品類別而有所不同 針對星巴克咖啡這種體驗產 品, 品牌體驗是透過滿意度才能影響顧客的情感與意動忠誠度 ( 三 ) 本研究雖以品牌體驗為主軸, 但也考慮品牌來源國的影響, 並以品牌來源國好 感度的概念作為調節變數, 由於不少文獻均有記載, 消費者對產品的評價, 偏好和 購買意向並不僅僅基於產品的線索, 如價格, 品牌名稱, 或質量, 但是感覺也會影 響消費決定 (Batra and Holbrook, 1990; Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982) 另外, 根據情 感依附理論 (Bowlby, 1979), 對於特定參考群體的情感會影響人與事物之互動 引 起這種感覺的事物或線索可以是個地方 (Thomson et al., 2005) 或產品來源國 (Obermiller and Spangenberg, 1989) 從結果我們可得知國家好感度在滿意度和認知 58

忠誠之間有調節效果 雖然探討品牌體驗, 但本研究發現品牌來源國的因素可能也 需要納入考慮 二 管理意涵 提供美好的品牌體驗不僅能夠帶給消費者更深刻的消費體驗也能為品牌提升其 競爭優勢 如何讓顧客對產品或是企業忠誠是很重要的, 不管是那種形式的忠誠, 滿意度的影響都是很顯著的 站在行銷或是業者的角度, 提高消費者的滿意度例如 : 可依照顧客需求的基本結構以不同層面進行加強, 像是 : 品質 功能 外延和價格 需求 本研究發現品牌體驗是影響滿意度的重點因素, 若要強化或提升消費者對星巴 克的品牌體驗, 需要了解品牌體驗總包含四大面向, 分別是感官體驗, 情感體驗, 行為體驗和智能體驗 我們進一步地進行迴歸分析, 由本研究的數據可知, 忠誠度 皆需要透過滿意度來影響 ; 若要提升忠誠度, 則需先提高消費者滿意度 另外本研 究針對品牌體驗四大構面 ( 感官體驗 情感體驗 行為體驗和智能體驗 ) 對滿意度的 影響來做更進一步的探討, 從數據中我們發現, 四大構面皆對滿意度有影響, 其中, 以感官體驗對滿意度的影響更為明顯 也就是說, 若公司或是企業想要給予消費者 更高的滿意度, 可從感官體驗著手 因此, 公司或是企業可以透過視覺聽覺與觸覺 等感官體驗中發展出更別出心裁的巧思, 使得消費者能對產品或服務有耳目一新的 感覺 如此一來, 不僅能夠提升滿意度也能對忠誠度有正向的影響 近年來咖啡產業蔚為一陣風潮, 各國的咖啡產業也都各有其特色, 在本文研究 59

中, 以星巴克咖啡為主軸來探討, 因此, 來源國的好感度也會成為消費者選擇消費 的重要來源之一 以星巴克咖啡來說, 美國好感度也可能會影響到好感度的增加, 而國家好感度強化滿意度和忠誠度之間的關係 第三節研究限制與後續研究建議 本研究雖然在建立研究架構 研究方法設計以及資料收集都力求嚴謹詳盡, 但 礙於時間 經費與個人學識等因素之影響, 仍有以下研究限制, 使本研究尚存未臻 完善之處 對此, 本節將提出研究不足之處, 並提供建議以作為未來後續研究之探 討方向 一 僅針對台灣台北市的星巴克消費者 由於人力以及時間的限制, 本研究之研究對象僅採立意抽樣的方式, 且樣本僅 針對台灣台北市二十五歲以上有在飲用星巴克的消費者, 並未針對學生族群進行探 討, 這可能會面臨到樣本代表性的問題, 建議未來可以針對不同族群 不同地區一 此模型做進一步探討 二 橫斷面研究, 因果關係的推論尚待強化 本研究的調查方法是採取問卷調查法, 只在某一時點進行調查, 屬於橫斷面的 研究, 建議後續的研究可以進行縱斷面的相關研究, 以利長時間觀察, 數據的結果 顯示也較能符合因果關係的推論 三 僅針對單一調節變數進行分析 本研究僅針對國家好感度為調節變數, 未探討其他可能的調節變數, 建議後續 60

的研究可以納入其他的調節變數 品牌來源國會影響, 但本研究僅以國家好感度的 因素來影響, 並未考慮其他因素, 像是來源國形象或是民族主義等 61

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附錄 親愛的男士 / 女士您好 : 首先衷心感謝您在百忙之中撥冗填空本問卷 這是一份學術論文調查問卷, 主要目的為探討 品牌體驗與品牌忠誠度 --- 滿意度的角色 本研究問卷採匿名方式, 一切資料僅供學術研究用途, 並不對外公開, 敬請您安心作答 您的寶貴意見對本研究助益良多, 各題的答案並無對錯之分, 請直接依照您個人之體驗與意見填答即可, 謝謝您的幫忙與支持! 敬祝平安快樂大同大學事業經營系研究所指導教授 : 孫碧娟博士研究生 : 黃雅芳敬上 E-mail: smash-hit100@hotmail.com 本問卷共分為兩個部分, 第一部分為針對星巴克咖啡之題項填答 ; 而第二部分則為基 本資料填答 請在各題項框框內打勾即可 第 非 不 有 普 有 同 非 一 常 同 點 通 點 意 常 部 不 意 不 同 同 分 同 同 意 意 意 意 1. 星巴克咖啡讓我在視覺及其他感官有強烈的印象 2. 我覺得星巴克咖啡在感知 / 感受部分是很有趣的 3. 星巴克咖啡並沒有吸引我的感受 4. 星巴克咖啡誘發我的感覺和感情 5. 我對於星巴克咖啡並沒有強烈的情感 6. 星巴克是一個會使我產生強烈情緒與感受的品牌 7. 當我飲用星巴克咖啡時, 我會參與實質的行動和行為 如 : 購買星巴克咖啡時, 會想了解星巴克咖啡 72

的特色與風味 非常不同 不 同 意 有點不同 普 通 有點同意 同意 非常同意 意 意 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 星巴克咖啡讓我有實質上的體驗 星巴克咖啡並沒有行動的導向 星巴克咖啡會讓我思考或是多瞭解有關咖啡的知識 星巴克咖啡不會讓我思考 星巴克咖啡會激發我的好奇心 如 : 促使我想找尋 與咖啡相關問題的解決辦法 13. 我對星巴克的咖啡及其服務感到滿足 14. 我選擇星巴克咖啡是一個明智的選擇 15. 我覺得我購買星巴克咖啡是正確的 16. 我覺得我在星巴克咖啡上的決定是開心的 17. 如果我能夠再選擇一次, 我不會選擇買另一個品牌的咖啡 18. 相較於其它曾經去過的咖啡廳, 星巴克咖啡能提供我較 好的服務品質 19. 20. 沒有其他的咖啡廳比星巴克咖啡好 就整體品質而言, 星巴克咖啡是最好的咖啡廳 21. 和其他咖啡廳比較, 我相信星巴克咖啡會提供給我較多 的利益 ( 利益包含實質上金錢方面的利益也包括服務上 73

享有更多的利益 ) 非 不 有 普 有 同 非 常 同 點 通 點 意 常 不 意 不 同 同 同 同 意 意 意 意 22. 星巴克咖啡能引起我飲用咖啡的興趣 23. 星巴克咖啡完全提供我所需要產品與服務 24. 星巴克咖啡整體上與我的預期不同 25. 我喜歡星巴克咖啡 26. 我享受星巴克咖啡的感受 27. 如果我有機會, 我會經常待在星巴克咖啡 28. 我將星巴克咖啡視為是咖啡廳的第一個選擇 29. 我會將星巴克咖啡推薦給其他人 30. 美國這個國家使我有愉快的感覺 31. 我喜歡美國這個國家 32. 我對美國這個國家的人事物等常覺得感同身受 33. 美國這個國家使我著迷 34. 我對美國這個國家感到依戀 35. 我熱愛美國這個國家 74

36. 美國這個國家對我有所啟發 [ 第二部分 ] 基本資料 1. 性別 男性 女性 2. 年齡 25 歲 ~30 歲 31 歲 ~35 歲 36 歲 ~40 歲 41 歲 ~45 歲 45 歲以上 3. 學歷 國中或國中以下 高中 大學 碩士 博士 4. 工作性質 金融業 資訊業 百貨業 零售業 教職 學生 製造業 營造業 餐飲業 科技業 公務人員 其他 5. 月收入金額 20,000 元以下 20,001 元 ~30,000 元 30,001 元 ~40,000 元 40,001 元 ~50,000 元 50,001 元 ~60,000 元 60,001 元 ~70,000 元 70,000 元以上 6. 我曾經去過星巴克 是 否 7. 請問您最近半年內造訪星巴克的頻率 平均一周一次或以上 平均兩周一次 平均一個月一次 平均兩個月一次 平均三個月一次 8. 飲用星巴克外帶或內用的頻率 外帶頻率較高 內用頻率較高 一樣高 9. 星巴克咖啡是來自於 日本 韓國 美國 台灣 10. 我每個月花費在咖啡的費用上有 % 是花在星巴克咖啡 * 本問卷到此結束, 煩請再次檢查使否漏答, 感謝您抽空填寫 * 75


THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG BRAND EXPERIENCE, SATISFACTION, COUNTRY-OF-ORIGIN AFFINITY AND LOYALTY TAKE STARBUCKS COFFEE AS AN EXAMPLE Advisor: Prof. Pi-Chuan Sun Student: Ya-Fang Huang TATUNG UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MASTER S THESIS June 2014 ABSTRACT With the advance of technology and the enhancement of material life, consumers are not only pursue products itself functional attributes but products which bring additional values and brand which provides experience. With time passing, these long-term brand experiences will store in the memory of consumers and thereby affect consumers satisfaction and loyalty (Oliver, 1997; Reicheld, 1996). With the coming era of brand experience, except for understanding the functional attributes of products, it is vital to explore that brings wonderful experiences for customers could obtain more positive influence. The research is mainly exploring the relationship between brand experience and loyalty, which include three steps of loyalty (cognition loyalty, affection loyalty and conation loyalty). Finally, we put a moderator, country affinity, to see whether country i

affinity will have the moderating effect or not. The participant is mainly focus on Starbucks consumers who over 25 years old in Taipei City. The total retrieve questionnaire is 343, after removing invalid questionnaire, the valid questionnaire is 312, and the valid questionnaire is 90.96%. The results show the effect of brand experience on three different kinds of loyalty have distinct results, especially the effect on affective loyalty and conative loyalty are influenced by satisfaction, which is inconsistent with former research. This conclusion helps to explain the former research studies which indicated that the direct or indirect effect of brand experience to loyalty. In addition, this research discovered that the effect of brand experience on affective loyalty and conative loyalty are influenced by satisfaction. The probable reason is that the effect of brand experience to loyalty may differ from products categorization. As for experience product of Starbucks, the effects of brand experience on affective and conative loyalty are through satisfaction. Thus, this research provides empirical support that When exploring the effect of brand experience to loyalty should separate into three kinds of loyalty. The result also discovers country affinity has the moderating effect between satisfaction and cognitive loyalty. Keywords: Brand Experience, Satisfaction, Cognitive Loyalty, Affective Loyalty, Conative Loyalty, Country Affinity ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This student would like to thank those who assisted her during the process of conducting this research. First, this student would like to thank Prof. Pi-Chuan Sun for her patient guidance, from discussing the research topic to the end of this research; she strived her hard to teach this student in every detail to make research more precisely and intact. Besides, this student would like to appreciate Dr. Copper ( 沈培嘉 ) for correcting her English grammar and usage, which make her context more fluently. During the process of graduate school, this student would like to express her thankful to Prof. Pi-Chuan Sun ( 孫碧娟 ), Prof. Kun-Huang Yeh ( 葉焜煌 ) and Dr. Chi-Chuan Wu, except for teaching professional skills they usually share life experiences to this student. Their guidance makes this student possess more confidence to teach the field which she hadn t been contacted with. Moreover, this student feels thankful to all of her friends, and her best sisters in Tatung University. Finally, this student would like to express her fully appreciate to her greatest family. With their encouragement and assistance, this student could face every new challenge and always keep positive attitude toward everything. Ya-Fang Huang iii June 06, 2014

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS... iv LIST OF TABLES... vi LIST OF FIGURES... viii 1. INTRODUCTION... 1 1.1 Background and Motivation... 1 1.2 Research Objectives... 4 1.3 Research Procedures... 5 2. LITERATURE REVIEW... 7 2.1 Brand Experience... 7 2.2 The Effect of Brand Experience to Loyalty... 9 2.3 The Role of Satisfaction... 13 2.4 Brand Experience Differences in Country Affinity... 19 2.5 Analysis of the current status in Coffee Industry... 21 3. RESEARCH METHOD... 24 3.1 Research Framework... 24 iv

3.2 Research Hypotheses... 25 3.3 Definition and Measurements... 31 3.4 Sampling Design and Sampling Structure... 38 3.5 Pre-test and Analysis of Questionnaire... 40 3.6 Data Analysis... 40 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH RESULTS... 43 4.1 Pre-test Analysis of Questionnaire... 43 4.2 Basic Information of Formal Questionnaire... 46 4.3 Reliability Analysis and Validity Analysis... 53 4.4 Verification of Hypotheses... 59 4.5 Moderating Effect... 62 4.6 Discussion of Empirical Results... 65 5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS... 71 5.1 Research Conclusions... 71 5.2 Research Contributions and Managerial Implications... 73 5.3 Research Limitations and Recommendations... 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY... 78 VITA... 89 v

LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Coffee Shops and Total Sales in Taiwan... 22 Table 2 The Definition of each Variable... 32 Table 3 The Measurement Item of Four Dimensions in Brand Experience... 33 Table 4 The Measurement Item of Satisfaction... 35 Table 5 The Measurement Item of Cognitive Loyalty... 36 Table 6 The Measurement Item of Affective Loyalty... 37 Table 7 The Measurement Item of Conative Loyalty... 37 Table 8 The Measurement Item of Country Affinity... 38 Table 9 Sampling Structure of Pre-test... 45 Table 10 Pre-test Cronbach s α Value of each Constructs... 46 Table 11 The Effective Questionnaire Response Rate... 47 Table 12 Formal Sampling Structure... 48 Table 13 Measurement Items and Variable Name of the Questionnaire... 49 Table 14 The Drinking Habits of Consumers in Starbucks... 53 Table 15 Cronbach s α Value in Formal Questionnaire vi

of each Constructs... 54 Table 16 Pearson Correlation Analysis... 55 Table 17 Models Fit Analysis... 57 Table 18 The Results of CFA... 58 Table 19 CR and AVE of each construct... 58 Table 20 Confidence Interval... 59 Table 21: Model Fit Indicator Standard (SEM Model)... 60 Table 22 Path Description Model... 61 Table 23 Moderating Effect of Overall Model... 63 Table 24 Step Regression Analysis... 64 Table 25 Model Summary... 64 Table 26 Results of Moderating Effect(Satisfaction-> Affective Loyalty)... 65 Table 27 Results of Moderating Effect(Satisfaction ->Conative Loyalty)... 65 Table 28 The Empirical Result Without Moderating Variables... 69 Table 29 Empirical Results... 70 vii

LISTS OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 Research Process... 6 Figure 2 Taiwan Import Coffee Beans Annually... 21 Figure 3 Research Framework... 25 Figure 4 Research Model... 62 viii

1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background and Motivation Marketing scholars consider customers have changed the way they pursue. They emphasized rational selection in the past; however, nowadays customers become irrational purchase needs (Olshavsky and Granbois, 1979). Modern marketing viewpoint has changed the viewpoint of traditional marketing which put emphasis on functional benefit in the past, but now, experimental marketing creates customers inner response (sensory, feeling and cognition) and behavioral reaction evoked by brand-related stimuli (Brakus, Schmitt, and Zhang, 2008). In other words, with the advance of technology and the enhancement of material life, consumers are not only pursuing functional attributes of products but also emphasize on the additional values and experiences of products. With time passing, these long-term brand experiences will store in the consumers memory and thereby affect consumers satisfaction and loyalty (Oliver, 1997; Reicheld and Teal, 1996). In the recent years, brand experience becomes a tendency, Both Starbucks coffee and Eslite are gradually emphasized on the concept of brand experience. The General Manager of Starbucks Mr. Shu (1999) in the book Experiential Marketing indicates that: The ultimate goal of Starbucks Coffee is Having an inspired and respected brand company in the world. The company is well known for encourage and

nurture human soul. With the coming era of brand experience, except for understanding the functional attributes of products, it is worth for academic and practical field to explore the wonderful experiences for customers and thus obtain more positive influences. This is the first motive of this paper. The service evaluation in 2006, Starbucks was ranked as the first prize among coffee chain shops, which is undoubtedly a best affirmation. Starbucks has kept marketing concept to serve customers, they persist on providing best coffee and devoted to pursuing sensational experiences. For Starbucks, they are not only sell coffee itself, but additional value beyond coffee. Just like the founder of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, had stated that a bad brand experience will lose a customer in a whole life. This demonstrates the quality of brand experience could decide whether a customer leaves or not. So far, most of the brand experience researches studies indicated that brand experience has the positive effect on brand loyalty, such as Brakus, Schmitt and Zarantonello. Nevertheless, as for the part of brand loyalty, fewer research immerse in the stage development of loyalty. Oliver (1997) divided loyalty into sensory, affective, intellectual and behavioral loyalty. It triggered my curiosity for the development of loyalty. Therefore, the researcher hopes to investigate when consumers consume in Starbucks and generate 2

loyalty would belong to which stage of loyalty. This is the second motive of this paper. Previous research has indicated that the evaluation of customers to products is not only based on products clues, such as price or brand, but feelings could also influence customers decision (Batra and Holbrook, 1990; Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982). According to the attachment theory (Bowlby, 1979), the affection toward the specific reference group could affect the interaction between human and things. Triggering these feelings could be a place (Thomson, MacInnis, and Park, 2005) or country-of-origin (Obermiller and Spangenberg, 1988). However, most of the research studies of foreign brands are focus on the negative feelings toward hindering foreign products, (For example, due to the hostile feelings (Klein, Ettenson, and Morris, 1998), ethnocentrism (Shimp and Sharma, 1987), and nationalism (Kosterman and Feshbach, 1989). Nevertheless, Oberecker, Riefler and Diamantopoulos (2008) proposed the construct of customers affinity, they defined it as affection, empathy, and even attach to the customers experiences and/ or regulatory connection has become an inner group feelings, which is positively affect the decision toward customers to services and products from affinity country. Customers have strong affection to specific objects show some behaviors to keep closer with objects (Hazan and Shaver, 1994) and may have financial commitment 3

with objects. (e.g., Jiménez and Voss, 2007; Thomson et al., 2005). In a context of country, Verlegh (2006) pointed out; customers may have the intention to purchase specific foreign products to build and to get closer connection to the respected country. Thus, customers are not only inferring the feeling of a foreign product rationally, with the concept of country affinity has becoming more important; an irrational affective factor seems to be a vital reference factor. Nevertheless, the former research studies of brand experience were nearly neglecting the affective factor of country-of-origin for consumers. Actually, for consumers in Taiwan, Starbucks coffee is a foreign brand. Thus, this research thinks it is necessary to take the effect of country affinity for consumers into account; this is the third motive of this paper. 1.2 Research Objectives First of all, according to the three motives and the background given above, this paper discuss whether brand experience is the key factor in a customers choice of a product, and whether loyalty is affected by brand experience or through satisfaction. In addition, to see whether country affinity will affect the relationship among satisfaction, cognitive loyalty, affective loyalty and conative loyalty. Based on the questions above, this research use Starbucks coffee as an example and do surveys for customers to examine the relationship among brand experience, satisfaction and loyalty, besides, this research will examine the moderating effect of country of origin 4

affinity. Thus, the purposes of this research are: First, to examine the effect of brand experience to loyalty (cognitive, affective and conative loyalty). Second, to examine the effect on satisfaction to loyalty(cognitive, affective and conative loyalty). And to examine the moderating effect of country affinity between satisfaction and loyalty(cognitive, affective and conative loyalty). 1.3 Research Procedure The research process architecture is shown in Figure 1. It begins with research background and motivation and follows by the purpose to confirm the research direction. Due to the direction of this study, literature review and sampling collection will be conducted to clarify the overall research theme. Subsequently, it gives the main framework of the development research based on the literature to confirm whether the relationship between variables is established or not. Besides, set up the architecture of variables between the research hypotheses. Then this study will try to verify the feasibility of the research hypotheses. To modify and adjust the feasibility of the research hypotheses, pre-test of questionnaires were conducted to obtain the accurate results. Finally, this study uses SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 21.0 to conduct the quantitative analysis and testing. After making the overall examine and description of the analysis, this study will illustrate the conclusions and 5

gives some suggestions and directions for further research. Confirm the Research Topic Research Objectives Literature Review Research Framework and Hypotheses Creating Questionnaire and conducting Pre-test Distribution and Collection of Questionnaires Results Verification Conclusions and Suggestions Source: This study Figure 1 Research Process 6

2 Literature Review In this chapter, the relative domestic or foreign journal articles are integrated and organized for the purpose of understanding the studies from the past. Besides, the basic concepts of this paper and the designs of this research are based on studying the definition of parameters and the progress of the theories from different research studies. There are five sections in this chapter. The first section introduces the concepts of brand experience. The second section discusses the effect of brand experience on loyalty. The third section introduces the role of satisfaction. The fourth section explains the different experiences from country affinity. In the fifth section, the analysis of coffee industry is done in a practical manner. 2.1 Brand Experience The concept of marketing has long been applied in marketing and consume research, it includes product experiences, shopping service experiences, consume experiences, and brand experiences (Bateson and Hui, 1987; Hoch and Ha, 1986; Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982; Kerin, Jain, and Howard, 1992). Schmitt (1999) regarded brand as enrich resource of sensory, affective, and cognitive. To establish brand and brand image, it s necessary to connect with brand, thus, it is vital to express experience. Besides, Arnould, Athanassopoulos, Gouiiaris, and Stathakopoulos (2004) regard experiences are the interaction between body, cognition and affection under overall situation, skills and efforts put in any experience will influence the 7

interaction between customers body, cognition and affection. On the other hand, Schmitt (1999) proposed five strategic experience modules, aimed to create various form of experiences for customers, which includes sensation, affection, thinking, action, and relation. In addition, Brakus et al. (2009) make efforts on the measurement of brand experiences. Most of the research on experiences to date has focused on utilitarian product attributes and category experiences, not on experiences provided by brands. When consumers search for, shop for, and consume brands, they are exposed to various specific brand-related stimuli, such as brand-identifying colors (Bellizzi and Hite, 1992; Gorn, Chattopadhyay, Yi and Dahl, 1997; Meyers-Levy and Peracchio, 1995), shapes (Veryzer and Hutchinson, 1998) typefaces, background design elements (Mandel and Johnson, 2002), slogans, mascots, and brand characters (Keller, 1987). These brand-related stimuli show a part of brand design and identification (such as brand name, logo, signboard) package, marketing communication (such as advertisement, brochures and web) and under the on sell situation (such as stores, events). Those brand-related stimuli create subjective, and the main origin of customers inner reaction, we called it brand experience. Thus, according to Brakus et al., we conceptualize brand experience as subjective, customers inner reaction (sensory, feeling and cognition) and the behavioral reaction evoked by brand related 8

stimuli. 2.2 The Effect of Brand Experience to Loyalty In 1967, the research of Cunningham started to investigate brand loyalty. Oliver (1999) defined brand loyalty as a re-purchase commitment, or products and service re-purchase behavior in the future. No matter in what circumstances, or in the stimulation of marketing campaign, people still choose the same brand. On the other hand, from behavioral perspective, Jacoby and Olson (1970) defined brand loyalty as a deliberate, long-term behavior reaction is based on considering one or more than one different brand which lead to a mentally(decision, evaluation) purchase process toward brand commitment. Except for the perspective of customers behavior to define brand loyalty, there are still some scholars believe brand loyalty should include the attitude toward brands, which could explain customers have positive or negative inclination to specific brands. From the former definition of brand loyalty can be said as customers have mix evaluation to specific brands. For one part, customers have the positive behavior reaction to the brand (for example re-purchase), for other part, customers possess positive attitude tendency toward the brand (such as affection). Stum and Alain (1991) pointed out that a satisfied customer may be a re-purchaser. However, a loyal customer will sustain re-purchase and recommend to others. Hepworth and Mateus (1994) see customer loyalty as re-purchase or have 9

willingness to buy other products in the same company, and willing to recommend it to others. Griffin (1995) regards only a loyal customer will actively support products and service in a company. When a customer is loyal, what he does in purchasing is re-purchase on the purpose through several decision units. In addition, Sirdeshmukh, Jagdip, and Barry (2002) all consider customer loyalty as customer would like to keep relationship with company, thus, they may willing to take various behavior, which includes increase the frequency of using the products, acclaim company and re-purchase. The literature in the past shows that brand loyalty could not only gain more profit but predict potential sales and profit. Brand loyalty also leads consumers to purchase more products and service which shows lower Customer Attrition Rate, besides, it could attract more new customers and gain more profit through word-of-mouth (Aaker, 1992). The research of Chaudhuri and Holbrook (2001) verify brand affection is positively influenced behavior loyalty. Besides, Bennett and Rundle-Thiele (2002) proposed that consumers have inclination to specific brand; this attitude could be explained as future purchase behavior inclination. Zarantenello and Schmitt (2000), Ha and Perks (2005) all indicated brand experience has the positive effect on consumers satisfaction, brand loyalty and brand trust. Mittal and Kamakura (2001); Oliver, Rust, and Varki (1997); Reicheld and Teal (1996) all believe that consumers 10

feel delightful from brand experience; they will have the experience again. In other words, brand experience is not only evaluated by satisfaction but influence consumers loyalty in the future. Moreover, the literature of Brakus et al. (2009) empirically support brand experience has the direct relationship with brand loyalty. To summarize all arguments above, we could infer that- higher brand loyalty has positive affection with the brand. For brand re-purchase and attitude, higher brand loyalty also has positive influence. However, Jacoby and Chestnut (1978) consider that the definition of loyalty could not only base on the aspects of behavior, it should further investigate the structure of consumers attitude. That is to say, consumers brand loyalty will perform in three steps, which are listed as followings: (1) Belief: compared with other competitors, consumers have better evaluation with brand attributes. (2) Attitude: brand information meets consumers affective preferences. (3) Conation: compared with other brands, consumers have more intense purchase intension toward one brand. Furthermore, according to the module of what Oliver (1997) proposed, Jacoby and Chestnut (1978) expand the module and develop four loyalty phases of brand loyalty. They believe that loyalty is produces from consumers attitude and perform with purchase behavior. The four steps of brand loyalty are as follows: 11

(1) Cognitive loyalty: in this step, the loyalty for consumers only refer to the belief of one brand, in other words, compared with other brands, consumers are prefer to one brand. Cognition loyalty is mainly based on products knowledge and experiences from consumers. What consumers emphasize is only the performance of products, which is liable to affect by competitors. (2) Affective loyalty: In this step, consumers are based on positive usage experiences, which generate affection attitude toward one brand. However, affection loyalty is still liable to influenced by competitors, which make consumers to convert with other brands. (3) Conative loyalty: conative loyalty is influenced by positive affection toward one brand in the past which leads to re-purchase commitment to a specific brand. Nevertheless, the conative loyalty of specific brand still may not have re-purchase behavior. (4) Behavioral loyalty: use actual behavior to support a company or a product. According to Pedersen and Nysveen (2001), cognition loyalty is the first step of loyalty. A brand give some acquired information for consumers which point out one brand surpass other substitute. Cognition loyalty is based on consumers acquired products information. For example, if a bank could offer higher deposit net than other bank; a cognition loyalty consumer may keep using this bank (Oliver, 1997). 12

However, in the form of loyalty, cognition loyalty is found to be the weakest. (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001) Cognition loyalty largely influenced by consumers evaluation toward experiences, especially provide perceived function of relative price. (Evanschitzky and Wunderlich, 2006) Affective loyalty, the second step of loyalty, which is based on accumulate satisfaction usage circumstances. This could reflect the definition of satisfaction--- feel delightful. Affective loyalty is found to be more intense than cognitive loyalty, (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001) consumers may possibly satisfy with products in service catalog, and thus they will have affective loyalty to other brands in the some catalog. Pedersen and Nysveen (2001) regard conative loyalty as the behavior intention for consumers keep using the brand in the future. Compared to cognitive and affective loyalty, conative loyalty is considered to be the strongest predictor. (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001) However, this commitment is much like a motivation. Actually, consumers eager to re-purchase which is similar to good intention, however, this aspiration may not take actions (Oliver, 1997). 2.3 The role of satisfaction Cardozo (1965) is the first scholar who proposes the concept of customer satisfaction. He pointed out that customer satisfaction will not only increase the 13

re-purchase behavior but also buying other products. Oliver (1981) suppose satisfaction as an evaluation after buying products which includes affective and cognitive; as for Churchill and Suprenant (1982), they think that customer satisfaction is a result of buying and using products, it is produced from buyers predicted result and input cost. Nevertheless, the definition of satisfaction has been always split in opinion. Some scholars believe that satisfaction is when customers using products, they evaluate the difference between the product performance and the belief before buying. When these two is correlate, customers will feel satisfied and vice versa (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel, 2001; Tse and Wilton, 1988). Kolter (1996) summarizes each scholars opinions. Satisfaction refers to the differences between perceived function and expectation. Namely, if functional characteristics are far from expectation, customers will not feel satisfactory and vice versa. In addition, customer satisfaction is a consume attitude, which could reflect the degree of liking or dislike. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction is also an overall attitude based on the experience; the factor may influence how customers evaluate service quality, willingness of purchasing and behavior (Bolton and Drew, 1991; Woodside, Frey, and Daly, 1989). Although scholars have the different definition toward customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is based on the gap between customers expectation to 14

products before buying products and the cognition of products performance after buying products. The gap could symbolize whether satisfactory or not. Thus, customer satisfaction is combined with cognitive and affective evaluation. 2.3.1The Relationship between Brand Experience and Satisfaction People seek out sensory stimulation (McAlister and Pessemier, 1982) and show negative influence when deprive from sensory (Goldberger, 1993) they need intellectual stimulation to avoid boredom (Cacioppo and Petty, 1982). Thus, experiences provide values and utility which is similar to utility attributes (Brakus et al., 2008). The value of experiences also has applied writings, especially the works of Pine and Gilmore (1999). Because experiences provide value, we expect that a brand could evoke more diverse experience dimensions, the total score in the scale would be higher, and thus customers would be more satisfied with the brand. Oliver et al. (1997) and Brakus et al. (2009) all suppose that consumers expose to various brand-related stimulation, which intangible transfer brand into brand experience in long-term memory and further affect satisfaction. Papadopoulou, Andreou, Kanellis, and Martakos (2001) and Urban, Sultan, and Quails (2000) all stated that brand experience has the positive effect on satisfaction. Besides, Schmitt (2000) also pointed out that brand experience has positive effect on customers satisfaction. 15

Because experience is from stimulation and lead to delight, we expect that customers would like to repeat these experiences. That is to say, brand experience is not only influence the satisfaction in the past but also have effect on customers loyalty in the future. Customers have more possibility to re-purchase and recommend to others instead of buying alternative brands (Mittal and Kamakura, 2001; Oliver, 1997; Reicheld, 1996). 2.3.2 The Effect of Satisfaction to Loyalty When consumers feel the positive relationship and fond of products and brands, that will have commitment and loyalty (Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Mittal and Kamakura, 2001; Oliver, 1997). Prus and Brandt (1995) think customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty, customer loyalty includes customer has sustain commitment with one brand or company, finally present in an attitude and behavior way. The attitude includes re-purchase or willing to purchase other products, willingness to recommend others, and could compete with competitors. As for behavior aspects, this includes re-purchase, willing to purchase other products, willingness to recommend others. Customers satisfaction could lead to customer loyalty, when customers purchase a specific product or use service, they will produce the attitude. As they satisfy, the possibility of re-purchase will be higher. Little by little, it becomes an attitude loyalty; thereby recommend specific products experience to others through 16

word-of-mouth (Fornell, Johnson, Anderson, Cha, and Bryant, 1996; Reichheld and Sasser, 1990). Thus, consumers satisfaction is the overall emotional reaction for purchasing brand experience for the last time. In most of the research, consumers satisfaction affects loyalty. Brakus et al. (2009) find out that when satisfy consumers satisfaction, the degree of consumer loyalty will arise at the same time. The study of Kasper (1988) also indicated that brand loyalty has highly related with products cognition and satisfaction. Oh (1999); Arnould et al. (2004); Yu and Dean (2001); Bigne, Andreu, and Gnoth, (2005) their findings discovered that the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty is significantly related. Besides, Sui and Baloglu (2003) supported that satisfaction is the antecedent of loyalty. And the total satisfaction will be a better predictor for business performance and the future loyalty (Fornell et al., 1996; Johnson, Gustafsson, Andreassen, Lervik, and Cha, 2001). As for cognitive loyalty, Janis and King (1954) thought based on the acquired information in the past; an individual will evaluate a specific behavior. Besides, in the past research of Back and Parks (2003), it has indicated the significant relationship between consumers satisfaction and cognitive loyalty. Oliver (1980) refers the levels of satisfaction will influence customers attitude after purchasing, these enhancement could keep or strengthen the attitude toward 17

brands. Besides, Westbrook (1987) point out that customers affection reaction during the process of purchasing, which describe in positive/negative affection. The determination of product satisfaction is directly related to the frequency of positive products responses. Swan and Oliver (1989) point out that when customers enhance the satisfaction toward marketing staff, customers have three kinds of after-buying communication reaction related to retail: positive/negative word-of-mouth, recommend/ warn of others, complain/acclaim will enhance. Oliver (1993) regard the summation of positive experience will result in positive affection. Conative loyalty is the third step of loyalty, which referred to consumers to have the commitment of repurchase intention toward a specific brand, and this commitment is close to a motivation. Yuksel and Bilim (2010) indicate the significant relationship between satisfaction and conative loyalty. Furthermore, Valle, Silva, Mendes, and Guerrio (2006) pointed out the higher satisfaction will not only result in the possibility of repetitive visits but also willing to recommend to others. However, in the research of Shoemaker and Lewis (1999), they discovered that the relationship between consumers satisfaction and brand loyalty is weak in the casin industry. According to Heskett, Sasser, and Schlesinger, (1997), only 100 percent satisfy consumers will become brand loyalty and thus produce higher 18

repurchase percentage. In addition, Bowen and Chen (2001) pointed out that consumers produce brand loyalty only if consumers extremely satisfy. Thus, the degree of satisfactory will affect purchase attitude and behavior is still questionable. 2.4 The Effect of Country Affinity to Brand Experience With the development of globalization, worldwide brands are able to enter into various zones. Country-of-origin has been widely discussed in the field of international marketing. The concept of Country-of-origin had proposed in 1965, Schooler, who had first proposed. In 1970, Nagashima defined country-of-origin as consumers and merchants have image, stereotype, country s prestige, characteristics, politics, and symbolized products toward country-of-origin. As for the definition of image, Kotler (1994) believes that it is the concept of people has various distinct favorites and attitude toward things and goods. Besides, Bilkey and Nes (1982) refer country image as consumers have perceived quality for several specific production countries. Finally, according to Khan and Bamber (2008), the messages from county-of-origin are all the important indicators of measuring quality to purchase foreign goods for consumers. Oberecker et al. (2008) defined Country-of-origin affinity as consumers experiences and/ or the results of contact with, which made the foreign country has 19

become an inner group for consumers. That will lead consumers to generate affection, empathy and even the feelings of attachment. And the feeling will positively influence the consumers decision of products and service in country affinity. When consumers value products with price, it may have two reasons: the first one is that consumers are lack of products information (Jacoby, 1971), and the second one is that consumers are not familiar with products (Monroe, 1976). Oberecker et al. (2008) emphasizes the consumer affinity structure which they defined as liking, even to specific attachment. Oberecker et al. (2008) indicate that the products from country affinity have the negative influence on perceived risks. When consumers face various product selections, the enhancement of confidence will decrease perceived risks. Thus, when consumers have higher degree of recognition and favorites to country-of-origin, it is supposed to have lower risks toward country-of-origin products (Oberecker and Diamantopoulos, 2011). Therefore, having positive affection in specific countries, the affection is expect to influenced by a person s direct or indirect experiences, consumers may consider themselves as part of an inner group. Finally, it will cause intense purchase willingness (Goldberg and Baumgartner, 2002; Oberecker and Diamantopoulos, 2011). 20

2.5 The Current Status of Coffee Industry in Taiwan Nowadays, the coffee industry in Taiwan includes instant coffee and coffee shops. According to the Taiwan coffee association, the annual spending on coffee up to 135 hundred million dollars. The statistics results from Customs Office of the Ministry of Finance, compared to the 90s, 100 year has grown 1.5 times. We could see clearly that the population of people who drink coffee has arisen rapidly. As figure 2 shows. Figure 2 Taiwan Import Coffee Beans Annually Source: Customs Office of the Ministry of Finance, China Private Investigation Agent (2013) There are several reasons for driving Taiwan s coffee booming, one is the increase of coffee consume level, the other is lots of manufacturer take coffee culture into Taiwan. When Starbucks coffee enters into Taiwan market 21

in 1998, it truly drives the popularity of drinking coffee and thereby increases coffee sales in Taiwan. According to the statistics results from Ministry of Finance, the total amount of coffee chains in Taiwan in 2011 is about 11.1% in the total beverage industry. The total sales volume is up to 70.3 billion, which is about 21.6% in the total beverage industry. As Table 1 shows. Table 1 Coffee Shops and Total Sales in Taiwan Numbers of The Percentage of Total Profit The Percentage of Shops Beverage Industry Beverage Industry 2009 1,483 10.7% 5,891,343 19.7% 2010 1,497 10.6% 6,255,010 20.5% 2011 1,592 11.1% 7,035,521 21.6% Source: Ministry of Finance, This study In 2006, the evaluation from Global Views Monthly, among the coffee chains, Starbucks won the first prize which undoubtedly could be the best affirmation for Starbucks. Starbucks found in 1971, Seattle. In 1982, the director of Starbucks, Howard Schultz took over the marketing affairs. He decided to adopt the Italian coffee and atmosphere in Starbucks. Starbucks gradually from a little Seattle shop to become an 22

international coffee chain (Schultz and Yang, 1999). Uni-president Starbucks opened in Tienmou in 1998. At that time, coffee chain shops are in a highly competitive era. Although the market share of coffee chains in Taiwan is 12%,with substantial finance of uni-president bloc and the super brand of America Starbucks, Starbucks has soon become a leading brand among Taiwan coffee market (Brain magazine, 2006). For Starbucks, brand is not only a name. They thought brand has personality, inner part and accepted by others. In a competitive coffee market, the strategy of Starbucks is provide the best coffee, the kindest service, the most elegant atmosphere and care about the interaction with consumers (Brain magazine, 2006). In 2006, the evaluation from Global Views Monthly, among the coffee chains, Starbucks won the first prize which undoubtedly could be the best affirmation for Starbucks. 23

3 RESEARCH METHOD According to the previous literature, this chapter will first establish research framework. Then introduce hypotheses, variable definition and measurement as well as data collection procedure. Finally, we will introduce the result of pre-test and the procedure of data analysis. 3.1 Research Framework This study mainly explores the relationship between brand experience and loyalty. According to Oliver (1997), it separated loyalty into cognitive, affective and conative loyalty. And this research is focus on attitude loyalty, thus, this research refer to Backs and Parks (2003), to explore the effect on brand experience to three loyalty constructs. Besides, to explore whether satisfaction will influence the relationship between brand experience and brand loyalty or not. Besides, examine the moderating effect of country affinity in the relationship between satisfaction and brand loyalty. Besides, explore whether different kinds of brand experience dimension have different impact on loyalty. This research is mainly exploring in the context of Starbucks coffee. According to exploration and discussion of the relationship with each variable, refer to figure 3, and made a total of six hypotheses are as follows: 24

H5a H2 Cognitive Loyalty H5b Brand Experience H1 Satisfaction H3 Affective Loyalty H4 H5c Conative Loyalty H6b H6a H6c Country Affinity Source: This study Figure 3 Research Framework 3.2 Research Hypotheses Oliver et al. (1997) and Brakus et al. (2009) all considered that as consumers are exposed to many different brands stimulation every day, it may potentially transfer brand into the brand experience in their long-term memory, and keep memories in consumers mind, thereby affecting the satisfaction. Papadopoulou et al. (2001) and Urban et al. (2000) thought brand experience and brand trust has positive effect on 25

satisfaction. Besides, Schmitt (2000) also indicated that brand experience has the positive influence on customers satisfaction and brand trust. Integrated the literature, this study supposes that because experiences provide values, we expect that brand will evoke more diverse experience dimensions. Thus, the overall scores will higher, customers will more satisfy with the brand. Because experiences evoked by stimulation and thus lead to delight. Thus, this study proposes the following hypothesis: H1: Brand experience has a positive effect on satisfaction Oh (1999), Athanassopoulos, Gouiiaris, and Stathakopoulos (2001), Yu and Dean (2001) and Bigne et al. (2005) discovered that satisfaction has significant related to the loyalty. As for the business performance and future loyalty, total satisfaction is a better indicator (Fornell et al., 1996; Johnson et al., 2001). Sui and Baloglu (2003) supported satisfaction is the antecedents of loyalty. According to the scholars literature, this study supposes high satisfaction will bring consumers to higher loyalty. Janis and King (1954) regard cognitive loyalty as a person who based on the perceived information to evaluate a specific brand. When acquiring a positive evaluation, they tend to confirm the legal of behavior. These processes confirm belief and enhance the confident level of the attitude toward the object. In the former 26

research of Back and Parks (2003), they pointed out that the relationship between customer satisfaction and cognitive loyalty is significant. Therefore, this study supposes it is the beginning of loyalty. It is the results of customer themselves who choose a brand based on the information of a brand after comparing the cost-effectiveness analysis. If having a positive evaluation to a store or services, it will also confirm belief and enhance the confidence to its brands. Thus, this research infers the following hypothesis: H2: Satisfaction has the positive influence on cognitive loyalty Oliver (1980) supposed that the satisfactory level will influence the attitude of customers of future purchasing; the enforcement could sustain or strengthen the attitude toward brands. In addition, Westbrook (1987) pointed out that customers have affective response after purchasing, which could be described with positive/ negative affection. And the determination of satisfactory of a product is directly related to positive affective responses. Swan and Oliver (1989) think when customers increase the degree of satisfaction, they tend to have three kinds of communicative reaction toward retailer: positive/negative word-of mouth, recommend/warn of others, complain/ acclaim will enforce. Oliver (1993) thinks the accumulation of positive experiences may result in positive affection. To sum up, this research supposes that satisfaction will reinforce the affective responses after using products, and thereby 27

customers have higher satisfaction of their attitude and lead to higher affective loyalty. Thus, this research infers the following hypothesis: H3: Satisfaction has the positive influence on affective loyalty Conative loyalty is the third step of loyalty. It is refer to customers have re-purchase commitment to a specific brand, and this commitment is much like a motivation. Yuksel and Bilim (2010) pointed out satisfaction has the significant relationship with conative loyalty. In addition, Valle et al. (2006) believe higher satisfaction will not only cause the possibility re-visit but also willing to recommend others. Integrated these points, this research regards the positive affection influence re-purchase commitment to a specific brand. Thus, this research infers the following hypothesis: H4: Satisfaction has the positive influence on conative loyalty Mittal and Kamakura (2001), Oliver et al. (1997) and Reicheld (1996) considered consumers feel delightful from brand experiences; they would like to repeat experiences. Brand experiences are not only judged from satisfaction but also influence loyalty in the future. Consumers would re-purchase the brand and recommend to others. Furthermore, in the research of Brakus et al. (2009), he empirically supported the direct relationship between brand experience and brand loyalty. 28

However, according to Oliver (1997), the past researches adopted the conceptualize stages of loyalty: cognitive loyalty, affective loyalty, conative loyalty. Each stage could indicate the different degree of loyalty. To sum up, this study supposes that the positive brand experience will have the positive effect on loyalty. Thus, this study infers hypotheses as follows: H5a: Brand experience has the positive effect on cognitive loyalty H5b: Brand experience has the positive effect on affective loyalty H5c: Brand experience has the positive effect on conative loyalty According to Goldberg and Baumgartner (2002) and Oberecker and Diamantopoulos (2011), country affinity is the results of the positive affection toward a specific country, the affection is expected to be directly or indirectly influence by experiences. Consumers may consider themselves as part of the group. Finally, it will lead to the intense purchasing willingness toward the product from affinity country. Oberecker et al. (2008) emphasized consumer affinity structure, which defined as the feeling of liking, even attached or sympathy to a specific object. Due to the affinity and its products, it would potentially become a familiar choice. When brand experiences have influence on consumers, they need to consider country-of-origin affinity. If having affinity of country-of-origin, we expect that will strengthen the effect of brand experiences. That is to say, the effect on brand 29

experience may influence by the increase of consumers positive affection, especially the effect of satisfaction to loyalty may strengthen by country affinity. Thus, we put country affinity, the moderate variable, to examine the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. This research believes that in the context of one specific country will moderate the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. Thus, this research infers the following hypotheses: H6a: Country affinity has moderate effect on satisfaction and cognitive loyalty. H6b: Country affinity has moderate effect on satisfaction and affective loyalty. H6c: Country affinity has moderate effect on satisfaction and conative loyalty. The hypotheses complied based on the purpose of this study and the literature, this study summarizes as follows: H1: Brand experience has a positive effect on satisfaction H2: Satisfaction has the positive influence on cognitive loyalty H3: Satisfaction has the positive influence on affective loyalty H4: Satisfaction has the positive influence on conative loyalty H5a: Brand experience has the positive effect on cognitive loyalty H5b: Brand experience has the positive effect on affective loyalty H5c: Brand experience has the positive effect on conative loyalty H6a : Country affinity has moderate effect on satisfaction and cognitive loyalty. 30

H6b: Country affinity has moderate effect on satisfaction and affective loyalty. H6c: Country affinity has moderate effect on satisfaction and conative loyalty. 3.3 Definition and Measurements According to our research framework, this study will use six variables, which includes brand experience, satisfaction, loyalty (cognitive, affective and conative loyalty), and country affinity. Besides, we will define and measure each constructs. Each constructs will measure by seven-point Likert scale, followed by (1)extremely disagree;(2) disagree;(3) a little bit disagree;(4) so so;(5) a little bit agree;(6) agree;(7) extremely agree,using this method to measure relative items between variables. As for defining and measuring variables, according to the contents of literature review and accompany with the context of Starbucks. This study will choose the definition and measurement of each variable, as table 2 shows. 31

Table 2 The Definition of each Variable Variables Definition References Brand experiences defined as consumers are influenced by brand-related stimulation (For Brakus et al. (2009) Brand Experience example: the design, logo, package, telecom and environment of the brand) which triggers a subjective, inner (sensory, affection, cognition) and behavioral reaction. Cognitive Loyalty Based on the brand itself related information (for instance: price and functions), consumers rationally value its cost and what they could provide, and thereby produce loyalty. Kalyanaram and Little (1994); Sivakumar and Raj (1997) Affective Loyalty Conative Loyalty Country Affinity Source: This study According to the accumulative experiences from consumers who use and buy a brand, which produces an attitude or favorites to the brand and thereby become loyalty. Conative loyalty is having commitment and behavioral intention to specific brands and re-purchase. Owing to the results of consumers themselves experiences, consumers regard a foreign country as an inner group, which lead consumers feel in love, sympathy and even the attachment. Oliver (1999) Pedersen and Nysveen, (2001) Oberecker et al. (2008) 3.3.1 Brand Experience This research defined brand experiences as consumers are influenced by brand-related stimulation (For example: the design, logo, package, telecom and environment of the brand) which triggers a subjective, inner (sensory, affection, 32

cognition) and behavioral reaction (Brakus et al. 2009). Brand experience could separate into four dimensions: sensory, affective, behavioral and intellectual. For measuring affective dimension, which includes brand touched affection and mood, the emotional reaction toward brands. At the same time, applying the categorization of Dewey (1922, 1925), Dube and LeBel s (2003) delight constructs, and Pinker s (1997) physical module, especially assume that we regard sensory module as includes the composite of feelings and behavior. Table 3 is the measurement of four dimensions of brand experiences, measured by twelve items. Table 3 Dimensions and Measures Items of Brand Experience The Four Dimensions of Brand Experience Sensory Experiences Affection Experiences Behavioral Experiences Items description 1. Starbucks coffee makes a strong impression on my visual sense or other senses. 2. I find Starbucks coffee is interesting in a sensory way. 3. Starbucks coffee does not appeal to my senses.* 1. Starbucks coffee induces feelings and sentiments. 2. I do not have strong emotions for Starbucks coffee.* 3. Starbucks coffee is an emotional brand. 1. I engage in physical actions and behaviors when I drink Starbucks coffee. For example, when buying Starbucks coffee, you would like to understand its feature and taste. 2. Starbucks coffee results in bodily experiences. 3. Starbucks coffee is not action oriented.* 33

Table 3 Dimensions and Measures Items of Brand Experience (continue) Intellectual Experiences 1. I engage in a lot of thinking when I drink Starbucks coffee. For example, when buying Starbucks coffee, I would like to understand its feature of each coffee. 2. Starbucks coffee does not make me think. 3. Starbucks coffee stimulates my curiosity. For example, it drives me to figure out the way to solve problems. Source: Brakus et al. (2009) 3.3.2 Satisfaction This research defined satisfaction as the behavior of purchasing specific products or brands, retailer or even piecemeal behaviors, such as shopping and purchasing behavior. And the emotional reaction of experiences on the entire market (Wesrbrook and Reilly, 1983). Therefore, when consumers are purchasing or drinking coffee, they probably generate affective reflection and reaction toward products or services. At the same time, with Oliver s (1980) scale to explore the research. Table 4 is the measurement items of satisfaction, measure by five items. 34

Table 4 Dimensions and Measures Items of Satisfaction Variables (constructs) Satisfaction Items description 1. I am satisfied with the brand and its performance. 2. If I could choose again, I would not buy a brand different from Starbucks. 3. My choice of getting Starbucks has been a wise one. 4. I think the decision of buying Starbucks coffee is correct. 5. I am happy with the decision on Starbucks coffee. Source: Oliver (1980) 3.3.3 Cognitive Loyalty This research defined cognitive loyalty as based on the brand itself related information (for instance: price and functions), consumers rationally value its cost and what they could provide, and thereby produce loyalty. For consumers, when one brand has the better cost-effectiveness, they tend to transfer service provider (Kalyanaram and Little, 1994; Sivakumar and Raj, 1997). At the meanwhile, use Back and Parks (2003) measurements to explore and discuss, with three items to measure as shown in table 5. 35

Table 5 Dimension and Measures Items of Cognitive Loyalty Variables (constructs) Cognitive Loyalty Items description 1. Compared to other coffee shops which I had been visited, Starbucks could provide a better service quality. 2. There is no other coffee shop better than Starbucks coffee. 3. As for entire quality, Starbucks coffee is the best coffee shop. 4. Compared to other coffee shops, I believe that Starbucks could provide me with more benefit. Source: Back and Parks (2003) 3.3.4 Affective Loyalty This research defined affective loyalty as customers who produce an attitude or favorites and thereby develop loyalty after accumulative usage or shopping experiences. This research defined affective loyalty as according to the accumulate experiences from consumers who use and buy a brand, which produces an attitude or favorites to the brand and thereby become loyalty (Oliver, 1999). Generally, the attitudes toward brands are from former experiences. The attitude refers to customers have affection to brand (Woodruff, Cadotte, and Jenkins, 1983). Using Back and Parks (2003) scale to discuss and examine, with five items to measure as shown in table 6. 36

Table 6 Dimension and Measures Items of Affective Loyalty Variables (constructs) Affective Loyalty Items description 1. Starbucks could trigger me the interest of drinking coffee. 2. Starbucks totally provide me with the products and services which I need. 3. Starbucks is different from my expectation. * 4. I love Starbucks. 5. I enjoy the feeling of Starbucks. Source: Back and Parks (2003) 3.3.5 Conative Loyalty This research defined conative loyalty as the behavioral intention for consumers who keep using brands in the future (Pedersen and Nysveen, 2001). Conative, defined as brand commitment to re-purchase for specific brands. Using Back and Parks (2003) scale to examine and discuss, with three items to measure, shown in table 7. Table 7 Dimension and Measures Items of Conative Loyalty Variables (constructs) Conative Loyalty Items description 1. If I have the chance, I would usually stay in Starbucks. 2. I regard Starbucks as the first choice of coffee shop. 3. I will recommend Starbucks to others. Source: Back and Parks (2003) 3.3.6 Country Affinity This research defines country-of-origin affinity as the results of consumers experiences, which made a foreign country becomes an inner group for consumers and generate favorites, sympathy and even the feeling of attachment for one country; 37

and this feeling will positively influence consumers decision of choosing products or service in affinity country (Oberecker et al. 2008). Applying Oberecker and Diamantopoulos (2011) scale to investigate and discuss, with seven items to measure as shown in table 8. Table 8 Dimension and Measures Items of Country Affinity Variables(constructs) Country Affinity Items description 1. America made me delightful. 2. I love America. 3. I always feeling the same with the people and things in America. 4. America fascinates me. 5. I am attaching to America. 6. I am passionately fond of America. 7. America inspired me. Source: Oberecker and Diamantopoulos (2011) 3.4 Sampling Design and Sampling Structure For this research, there are two considerations for the sampling plan. The first consideration is the selection of the samples, and the second one is the correct sampling method. 3.4.1 Sampling The basic concept of statistics is to learn the feature of whole population from the observation of statistical samples. The sampling method affects the selection of samples which are correctly representing the features of the whole population. For this research, the definition of the population is over 25 years old who usually drinks 38

Starbucks coffee in Taipei city. According to the related report, almost half of profit rate of Starbucks coffee comes from the age of 25 to 40; therefore, this research decided to choose the participants who are over 25-year-old. Based on the age rage, the person who over 25 years old is considered to be employed, this research decided to choose the store which near office buildings. Based on the following consideration and convenience, we choose two stores to investigate, (Zhongshan store and Songjiang stores). Because the locations are near office building that would gather more office workers. 3.4.2 Investigation Method Based on the judgmental sampling, we choose the appropriate time period to investigate our participants. The anonymous questionnaires were issued to the population is over 25 years old who usually drinks Starbucks coffee in Taipei city via hard copies. The hard copies are examined by human. The questionnaires which were answered in a pattern or answered by the same person were removed as invalid information. The questionnaire were issued from 25 Dec 2013 to 22 Mar 2014, the duration was 88 days. The hard copies were issued and retrieved by researcher in person. 39

3.5 Pre-test and Analysis of Questionnaire The tests for the preliminary questionnaire were issues in the form of hard copies, and date of the tests started from 09 Dec 2013(Monday) to 12 Dec 2013(Thursday). The time period is from seven to nine in the morning and twelve to three in the afternoon. Because there are lots of offices workers gather in Starbucks coffee. The first test gave 25 consumers in Starbucks coffee. According to the feedback of the test, the content were found incorrect wording, and the two items in the questionnaire were too familiar. Besides, for the part of general information, the range of age and nature of work should both expand its range. As the errors were fixed, the second test was conducted and given another 25 questionnaires to customers in Starbucks. According to the feedback of the second test, no defects were found in this version of questionnaires. The results of the test were analyzed with SPSS. In December 2013, the questionnaires of final version were officially issued in the form of hard copies to the population who over 25 years old and usually drinks Starbucks coffee in Taipei city. 3.6 Data Analysis Before analyzing the data with statistical program SPSS 18.0, the invalid data has to be removed. To prove the goal and hypotheses of this research, statistical analyses and the tests for hypothesis were conducted. The data was analyzed with the 40

following methods: 3.6.1 Descriptive Statistic: The collected data was analyzed with descriptive statistical analysis. From the average, mean, and standard deviation of the data, the basic composition of the samples is presented in a broad version. The item with higher average and less standard deviation in score means more interviewees agree on this item. 3.6.2 Reliability Analysis: To verify the consistency of the results of preliminary and official questionnaires, the construct validity and the variables were tested by reliability analysis. The consistency between the factors and the questions are measured with Cronbach s α coefficient. The value of Cronbach s α is used for detecting the consistency and stability between different variables. In this case, the consistency of results from the questionnaire is tested with it. With higher value of Cronbach s α, the correlations between the factor and the items are more consistent. For Likert scale, the value of Cronbach s α is most used in most research. If the Cronbach s α value is above 0.7, the data is considered good reliability. 3.6.3 Validity Analysis: The result of validity analysis indicates whether a measuring tool can accurately measure the specific feature or not. 41

3.6.4 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) For confirmatory factor analysis AMOS 18.0 statistical analysis program is used to analyze fit index of the measurement model. 3.6.5 Person Correlation The correlation coefficient is a measure of the correlation and strength between variables. It is designed by Pearson. Therefore it is also known as Pearson correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient was used for verifying the correlation between variable of brand experience, satisfaction, cognition loyalty, affection loyalty, conative loyalty and country affinity. The higher the value of the correlation coefficient is, the more these variables correlate. 3.6.6 Structural Equation Model: This research verified the relationship between brand experience, satisfaction, cognition loyalty, affection loyalty, conative loyalty and country affinity with SEM. 42

4 DATA ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH RESULTS This chapter will use SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 21.0 for conducting the data analysis. The first section will describe the process and results of pre-test, and then modify the inappropriate wording according to the results of pre-test. After reliability analysis, the formal questionnaires were distributed. In the second section, the result of data analysis of formal questionnaires was illustrated and has become the basis of subsequent statistical analysis. The third section will examine the reliability and validity of variables. The fourth section will verify each hypothesis with SEM analysis. And in the fifth section, the moderating effect was examined. Finally, in the last section, the results of analysis were discussed. 4.1 Pre-test Analysis of Questionnaire The questionnaire of this study is designed based on related literature to see whether the item in the questionnaire is reliable or not, and this research will explore its feasibility. The tests for the preliminary questionnaire were issued in the form of hard copies, and date of the tests started from 09 Dec 2013(Monday) to 12 Dec 2013(Thursday). The time period is from 7 to 9 in the morning and 12 to 3 in the afternoon. Because it is the time when lots of office workers gather in Starbucks coffee. The first test was given to 25 consumers in Starbucks coffee. According to the feedback of the test, the content were found incorrect wording, and the two items in 43

the questionnaire were too familiar. Besides, for the part of general information, the range of age and nature of work should both expand its range. As the errors were fixed, the second test was conducted and given another 25 questionnaires to customers in Starbucks. According to the feedback of the second test, no defects were found in this version of questionnaires. The results of the test were analyzed with SPSS. In December 2013, the questionnaires of final version were officially issued in the form of hard copies to the population who over 25 years old and usually drinks Starbucks coffee in Taipei city. In general, most of the reliability analysis use Cronbach s α value as the indicator of measurement. Nunnally (1987) suggested Cronbach s α value over 0.7 symbolize high reliability; however, when value lower than 0.6, the scale should be modified. In this research, all of the Cronbach s α value of each constructs are above 0.7, as shown in table 10. Thus, we could see that this scale has good reliability, stability and consistency. 44

Table 9 Pre-test Sampling Structure Demographic variables Gender Age Education Background Occupation Income per month The frequency of visiting Starbucks during six months In or take out while drinking Starbucks coffee Numbers of people Percentage Male 20 40% Female 30 60% Age of 25 to 30 21 42% Age of 31 to 35 11 22% Age of 36 to 40 6 12% Age of 41 to 45 3 6% Age of over 45 9 18% Senior high school 7 14% University/College 30 60% MBA 11 22% PHD 2 4% Financial industry 13 26% Information industry 9 18% Catering industry 4 8% Technology industry 10 20% Construction industry 2 4% Retail business 4 8% Manufacturing industry 2 4% Others 6 12% Under $20,000 15 30% Among $20,000- $30,000 11 22% Among $30,000- $40,000 13 26% Among $40,000 - $50,000 4 8% Among $50,000 - $60,000 4 8% Among $60,000 - $70,000 3 6% Once a week or more 7 14% Once two weeks 7 14% Once a month 15 30% Once two months 8 16% Once three months 13 26% Take out 27 54% In 14 28% Same 9 18% Source: This study 45

Table 10 Pre-test Cronbach s α Coefficient of each Construct Construct Dimension Items Cronbach s α Cronbach s α Brand Sensory 3 0.865 0.895 Experience Experience Affective 3 0.886 Experience Behavioral 3 0.778 Experience Intellectual Experience 3 0.903 Satisfaction 5 0.896 Cognition Loyalty 4 0.902 Affection Loyalty 5 0.864 Conative Loyalty 3 0.905 Country Affinity 7 0.958 Source: This study 4.2 Basic Information of Formal Questionnaire To understand the structure of the collected data sample, this section will conduct the descriptive statistical analysis about the respondent s basic information and their habits of drinking Starbucks coffee. 343 questionnaires was collected in total, 31 questionnaires were excluded as incomplete responding or answering the same items, left 312 valid questionnaires in total. The effect responding rate is 90.97%, and the details were stated in the table 11. 46

Table 11 The Effective Questionnaire Response Rate Collected Effective questionnaires Invalid questionnaires Total 343 312 31 Percentage 100% 90.97% 9.03% Source: This study 4.2.1 Source of Sample Collecting This study uses judgmental sampling to select participants. The participants are over 25 years old in Taipei City who used to consume in Starbucks coffee. Moreover, it is volunteer and anonymous. The questionnaire is via hard copies and examined personally to avoid invalid questionnaires. Formal questionnaires were distributed from Dec. 25, 2013 to Mar. 22, 2014, total 88 days. Paper questionnaires are distributed and retrieved from Starbucks (Songjiang and Zhongshan stores) personally. 4.2.2 Sampling Structure According to the effective sampling, this study integrated the statistical variables as shown in Table 11. The majority of the participants were female, which accounts for 53.8%; in the age distribution, the majority of the participants (42.3%) were between 25 to 30; as for educational background, most of the participants (64.1%) were University/College; and the nature of work, the majority of the participants (17.3%) were focus on technology industry; the majority of the participants (28.2%) 47

income per month were between NT$30,000 to NT $40,000. The detailed sampling structure was indicated in the table 12. Table 12 Formal Sampling Structure (N=312) Gender The nature of work Male 46.2% Financial industry 14.4% Manufacturing industry 4.2% Female 53.8% Information industry 7.7% Construction industry 4.2% Age Department industry 8.0% Catering industry 7.4% Age of 25 to 30 42.3% Retail business 7.4% Technology industry 17.3% Age of 31 to 35 24.4% Teachers 6.7% Government officer 9.9% Age of 36 to 40 15.7% Students 3.5% Others 9.3% Age of 41 to 45 7.7% Income per month Above 45 9.9% Under $20,000 8.7% Education Background Among $20,000- $30,000 14.2% Among $30,000- $40,000 28.2% Senior high school 2.6% Among $40,000 - $50,000 17.0% University/College 64.1% Among $50,000 - $60,000 16.0% MBA 32.1% Among $60,000 - $70,000 8.3% PHD 1.3% Above $70,000 7.1% Source: This study 4.2.3 Descriptive Statistics Analysis The measurement items, variable name, mean and standard deviation are listed as follows. Table 13 is measurement items and the name of variable in the questionnaire, which could realize the distribution of variables. 48

Table 13 The Measurement Items, Variable Name, Mean and Standard Deviation Construct Measurements Items of Sensory Experience 1. Starbucks coffee makes a strong impression on my visual sense or other senses. 2. I find Starbucks coffee is interesting in a sensory way. Variable Name Mean Standard Deviation 1SE 5.70 0.986 2SE 5.50 0.990 Brand Experience 3SE 5.38 1.090 3. Starbucks coffee does not appeal to my senses.* Measurements Items of Affective Experience Variable Name Mean Standard Deviation 1. Starbucks coffee induces feelings and sentiments. 4AE 5.21 1.121 2. I do not have strong emotions for Starbucks 5AE 5.28 1.222 coffee.* 3. Starbucks coffee is an emotional brand. 6AE 5.32 1.039 Measurements Items of Behavioral Experience Variable Name Mean Standard Deviation 4. I engage in physical actions and behaviors when I 7BE 5.20 1.329 drink Starbucks coffee. For example, when buying Starbucks coffee, you would like to understand its feature and taste. 5. Starbucks coffee results in bodily experiences. 8BE 5.37 1.005 6. Starbucks coffee is not action oriented.* 9BE 5.14 1.035 Measurements Items of Intellectual Experience Variable Name Mean Standard Deviation 1. I engage in a lot of thinking when I drink Starbucks coffee. For example, when buying Starbucks coffee, I would like to understand its feature of each coffee. 10IE 5.11 1.183 49

Table 13 The Measurement Items, Variable Name, Mean and Standard Deviation (Continue) 2. Starbucks coffee does not make me think. 11IE 5.09 1.112 Construct 3. Starbucks coffee stimulates my curiosity, eg: it drives me to find the way to solve problems. 12IE 5.09 1.235 Measurements Items of Satisfaction Variable Mean Standard Name Deviation 1. I am satisfied with the brand and its performance. 13SAT 5.74 0.833 Satisfaction Construct Cognition Loyalty 2. If I could choose again, I would not buy a brand different from Starbucks. 3. My choice of getting Starbucks has been a wise one. 4. I think the decision of buying Starbucks coffee is correct. 5. I am happy with the decision on Starbucks coffee. Measurements Items of Cognition Loyalty 1. Compared to other coffee shops which I had been visited, Starbucks could provide a better service quality. 2. There is no other coffee shop better than Starbucks coffee. 3. As for the entire quality, Starbucks coffee is the best coffee shop. 4. Compared to other coffee shops, I believe that Starbucks could provide me with more benefit. 14SAT 5.43 0.986 15SAT 5.37 1.025 16SAT 5.41 1.026 17SAT 5.14 1.331 Variable Mean Standard Name Deviation 18CL 5.51 0.992 19CL 4.81 1.364 20CL 5.03 1.278 21CL 5.19 1.169 50

Table 13 The Measurement Items, Variable Name, Mean and Standard Deviation Construct (Continue) Measurements Items of Affection Loyalty 1. Starbucks could trigger me the interest of drinking coffee. 2. Starbucks totally provide me with the products and services which I need. Variable Name Mean Standard Deviation 22AL 5.43 1.031 23AL 5.36 1.010 Affective Loyalty 3. Starbucks is different from my expectation. * 24AL 5.15 0.979 4. I love Starbucks. 25AL 5.46 1.001 Construct Conative 5. I enjoy the feeling of Starbucks. 26AL 5.47 0.959 Measurements Items of Conative Loyalty Variable Mean Standard Name Deviation 1. If I have the chance, I would usually stay in 27CL 5.50 1.030 Starbucks. Loyalty 2. I regard Starbucks as the first choice of coffee shop. 28CL 5.23 1.115 3. I will recommend Starbucks to others. 29CL 5.50 1.049 51

Table 13 The Measurement Items, Variable Name, Mean and Standard Deviation Construct (Continue) Variable Mean Standard Measurements Items of Country Affinity Name Deviation 1. America made me delightful. 30CA 5.31 1.164 2. I love America. 31CA 5.14 1.130 Country Affinity 3. I am always feeling the same with the people and 32CA 4.86 1.219 things in America. 4. America fascinates me. 33CA 4.87 1.297 5. I am attaching to America. 34CA 4.67 1.369 6. I am passionately fond of America. 35CA 4.79 1.343 7. America inspired me. 36CA 4.83 1.290 Source: This study 4.2.4 The habits of Drinking Starbucks Coffee toward Consumers According to the statistic results, all of the participants have been to Starbucks coffee. And the majority of participants (48.4%) were choosing take out. Moreover, most of the participants (35.6%) have been to Starbucks coffee twice a week. As for spending, the majority of participants (29.2%) are spending 80% to 100% on Starbucks coffee a month. And 98.4% of the participants know the origin-of country of Starbucks coffee as table 14 shows. 52

Table 14 The Habits of Drinking Starbucks Coffee toward Consumers (N=312) Have you ever been to Starbucks coffee? Source: This study The frequency of visiting Starbucks coffee during six months Yes 100% Once a week or more 27.6% No 0% Once two weeks 35.6% In or take out while drinking Starbucks coffee Once a month 22.8% Take out 48.4% Once two months 5.8% In 37.5% Once three months 8.3% Same 14.1% The percentage of spending on Starbucks coffee per month Starbucks coffee is come from? 80-100% 29.2% 60-79% 17.6% United Stated 98.4% 40-59% 20.2% Korea 0.6% 20-39% 17.9% Taiwan 1.0% 0-19% 15.1% 4.3 Reliability Analysis and Validity Analysis 4.3.1 Reliability Analysis The Cronbach s α value of each construct is stated in the table 15, all of the constructs in this research are over 0.7. Therefore, this research has good reliability which shows the stability and consistency. 53

Table 15 The Cronbach s α value of each construct Construct Dimension Items Cronbach s α value (without deleting items) Cronbach s α value (without deleting items) Sensory Experience 3 0.803 0.901 Brand Experience Affective Experience 3 0.861 Behavioral Experience 3 0.788 Intellectual Experience 3 0.858 Satisfaction 5 0.865 Cognition Loyalty 4 0.858 Affection Loyalty 5 0.858 Conative Loyalty 3 0.862 Country Affinity 7 0.948 Source: This study 4.3.2 Correlation Analysis This study use Pearson correlation analysis to analyze the correlation between variables, as table 16 shows. The correlation between brand experience and satisfaction is 0.704. The correlation between satisfaction and cognitive loyalty is 0.740. The correlation between satisfaction and affective loyalty is 0.774. The correlation between satisfaction and conative loyalty is 0.762. The result shows each construct has significant correlation. 54

Table 16 Pearson correlation analysis Brand Experience Satisfaction Cognitive Affective Conative (ave) (ave) Loyalty(ave) Loyalty (ave) Loyalty (ave) Brand Experience Person correlation Sig.(two-tailed) 1 Satisfaction Person correlation Sig.(two-tailed) 0.704 **.000 1 Cognitive Loyalty Person correlation Sig.(two-tailed) 0.719 **.000 0.740 **.000 1 Affective Loyalty Person correlation Sig.(two-tailed) 0.698 **.000 0.774 **.000 0.729 **.000 1 Conative Loyalty Person correlation Sig.(two-tailed) 0.678 **.000 0.762 **.000 0.787 **.000 0.800 **.000 1 Note: ** (α= 0.01, two tailed), significant correlation Source: This study 4.3.3 Validity Analysis This research use CFA to examine whether the scale is valid or not. The model fit is as table 17 shows. The factor loading in this research are all over 0.5 and reach the significant level; composite reliability(cr) are all over 0.7; and average variance 55

extracted are all over 0.5 as table 18 and 19 show, which indicates this research has good convergent validity. The model fit analysis is followed the model fit indicator by Hair, Black, Babin, and Anderson (2010) proposed. The results show in the table 18. CMIN/DF=2.117, which shows good model fit; RMSEA=0.060, which lower than 0.08; AGFI=0.961, which over 0.90. We could see that this research has good model fit. In relative fit measurement, NFI=0.929, CFI=0.961, IFI=0.961, which all higher than 0.9 and reach good standard. In parsimonious fit measurement, PNFI=0.752, PGFI=0.658 all higher than 0.50, revealed that the model pass the standard. The average standard is higher or equals to 0.50, which is regarded as the acceptable model. Thus, the research model in this research is acceptable. 56

Table 17 The Standard of Model Fit Indicator (Model Fit Measurement) Measurement indicator Preliminary fit criteria Absolute fit measurement Overall model fit Relative fit measurement Parsimonious fit measurement Ideal standard Factor loading Between 0.50 to 0.95 Error variance No negative Parameter estimates Reach significant level (t value>1.96) Ideal standard Results χ2/df <3 2.117 GFI >0.90 0.894 RMR <0.05 0.048 RMSEA <0.08 0.060 AGFI >0.90 0.961 NFI >0.90 0.929 IFI >0.90 0.961 CFI >0.90 0.961 PNFI >0.50 0.752 PGFI >0.50 0.658 Source: This study 57

Table 18 The Results of CFA (Factor Loading) Constructs The name of variable Factor loading Standard t value error Intellectual Experience 0.833 0.031 26.87097*** Brand Experience Behavioral Experience 0.876 0.026 33.69231*** Affective Experience 0.818 0.033 24.78788*** Sensory Experience 0.785 0.034 23.08824*** S1 0.667 0.042 15.88095*** S2 0.790 0.040 19.75*** Satisfaction S3 0.803 0.031 25.90323*** S4 0.773 0.042 18.40476*** S5 0.734 0.040 18.35*** CL1 0.628 0.050 12.56*** Cognitive Loyalty CL2 0.785 0.035 22.42857*** CL3 0.839 0.030 27.96667*** CL4 0.863 0.032 26.96875*** AL1 0.780 0.037 21.08108*** AL2 0.779 0.034 22.91176*** Affective Loyalty AL3 0.542 0.054 10.03704*** AL4 0.808 0.031 26.06452*** AL5 0.800 0.035 22.85714*** COL1 0.827 0.030 27.56667*** Conative Loyalty COL2 0.834 0.027 30.88889*** COL3 0.809 0.031 26.09677*** Note:***p<0.001 Source: This Study Table 19 CR and AVE of each Construct Constructs CR AVE Brand Experience 0.884 0.687 Satisfaction 0.868 0.570 Cognitive Loyalty 0.863 0.615 Affective Loyalty 0.862 0.560 Conative Loyalty 0.863 0.678 Source: This study 58

4.3.4 Discriminant Validity In this research, we use confidence interval to see whether this research has discriminant validity or not. In table 20, the correlation coefficients between each construct are not including 1. Thus, this research reaches confidence interval and has discriminant validity as well. Table 20 Confidence Interval Constructs Constructs Lower Upper Brand experience <--> Satisfaction 0.722 0.864 Brand experience <--> Cognitive loyalty 0.724 0.843 Brand experience <--> Affective loyalty 0.707 0.856 Brand experience <--> Conative Loyalty 0.692 0.830 Satisfaction <--> Cognitive loyalty 0.715 0.855 Satisfaction <--> Affective loyalty 0.829 0.914 Satisfaction <--> Conative Loyalty 0.805 0.910 Cognitive loyalty <--> Affective loyalty 0.739 0.867 Conative Loyalty <--> Cognitive loyalty 0.841 0.930 Conative Loyalty <--> Affective loyalty 0.892 0.963 Source: This study 4.4 Hypotheses Verification This research use AMOS 21.0 statistical software to conduct SEM analysis.besides, use Maximum Likelihood to get parameters in each construct to verify whether the research hypotheses is supported or not. After the results of AMOS analysis, the overall model fit shows in the table 21. The results shows CMIN/DF=2.752, which shows good model fit; RMSEA=0.075, which lower than 0.08. We could see that this research has good 59

model fit. In the relative fit measurement, NFI=0.903, CFI=0.935, IFI=0.936, which all reach lowest suggestion 0.8 and higher than 0.9. In the parsimonious fit measurement, PNFI=0.765, PGFI=0.661, all higher than 0.5, revealed that this model pass the standard. The average standard is higher or equals to 0.50, which is regarded as the acceptable model. Thus, the research model in this research is acceptable. Table 21 Model Fit Indicator Standard (SEM Model) Measurement indicator Preliminary fit criteria Ideal standard Factor loading Between 0.50 to 0.95 Overall model fit No negative Error variance Reach significant level Parameter estimates (t value>1.96) Ideal standard Results χ2/df <3 2.752 Absolute fit measurement GFI >0.90 0.857 RMR <0.05 0.045 RMSEA <0.08 0.075 AGFI >0.90 0.815 Relative fit measurement NFI >0.90 0.903 IFI >0.90 0.936 CFI >0.90 0.935 PNFI >0.50 0.765 Parsimonious fit measurement PGFI >0.50 0.661 Source: This study The overall model fit and the results of path description model is as figure 4 and 60

table 22 show, this research discovers brand experience has positively influence on satisfaction (β=0.770 ; t=10.833), which support research hypothesis 1; satisfaction has positively influence on cognitive loyalty (β=0.699 ; t=7.510), affective loyalty (β=0.896 ; t=9.664) and conative loyalty (β=0.916 ; t=10.044), which support research hypothesis 2, 3 and 4. Brand experience has positive effect on cognitive loyalty (β=0.218 ; t=3.283), which is support hypothesis 5a. However, brand experience has no significant influence on affective loyalty (β=0.048 ; t=0.769) and conative loyalty (β=0.026 ; t=0.414), which is not support hypothesis 5b and 5c. Variable relationship Brand Experience-> Satisfaction Satisfaction-> Cognitive Loyalty Satisfaction-> Affective Loyalty Satisfaction-> Conative Loyalty Brand Experience-> Cognitive Loyalty Brand Experience-> Affective Loyalty Brand Experience-> Conative Loyalty Note:***p<0.001 Source: This study Table 22 Path Description Model Hypotheses Standard Standard t value Coefficient Error H1 0.770 0.071 10.833*** H2 0.699 0.093 7.510*** H3 0.896 0.093 9.664*** H4 0.916 0.091 10.044*** H5a 0.218 0.066 3.283*** H5b 0.048 0.060 0.769(P=0.442) H5c 0.026 0.062 0.414(P=0.679) 61

Source: This study Figure 4: Research Model 4.5 Examine the Effect of Moderating Variable This research designed country affinity as a moderating variable to explore whether country affinity will influence the relationship between satisfaction and cognitive loyalty, affective loyalty and conative loyalty respectively. According to the average score of country affinity to separate sample into two parts, one is the participant with high country affinity, and the other is the participant with low country affinity. And develop unlimited and limited two structural models. Next, the Chi-square testing is used to determine the moderating effect. Table 23 is the overall model. This research further analyze whether country affinity will influence the relationship between each constructs. 62