Nature Rounded House Allegra Grade 4 Red

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Nature Rounded House Allegra Grade 4 Red

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开学的第一天 今天是开学的第一天, 我已经上四年级了 我早上五点起 床后, 就穿上新校服 我吃了早饭后, 就高兴地去学校 我学校的校舍很雄伟, 设备也很齐全 我的学 校有游泳池 小卖部 厕所 教室等等 我最喜欢跟同学到图书 馆去看书 我在体育馆里上完周会后, 就和同学一起走去我们的新教室 我们的新教室在二楼 我选了一个座位就坐下来, 我的好朋友坐在我的左面 上课了, 我们都认真地听老师讲课 之后, 老师便带我们去电脑室上电脑课 我喜欢上电脑课因为我可以得到很多新知识 铃! 铃! 铃! 午饭时间到了! 我肚子饿得咕噜咕噜叫, 所以我飞快地走去餐厅买东西吃 我买了面包 牛奶和煎蛋后, 就坐下来大口大口地吃 吃饱后, 我就和朋友一起去图书馆看书 我从书架上选了一本 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 这是我最喜欢看的英文故事书 之后, 我们又回到教室里上课 Gemma Allegra Halim Grade 4 Red

不要乱扔垃圾 明明喜欢把香蕉皮随手乱扔到门外 这是明明的坏习惯 一个星期天上午, 明明觉得肚子饿, 就从桌子上拿 了几条香蕉来吃 他吃了香蕉后, 就把香蕉皮随手扔到门 外的地上 过了一会儿, 爸爸放工回来了 当爸爸走到门外的 时候, 他没有看见地上的香蕉皮 他踩到地上的香蕉皮, 结果滑倒了, 扭伤了脚 啊! 爸爸大喊一声 当妈妈听见爸爸的喊叫声的时候, 她立刻跑到门外扶爸爸起来, 然后她给爸爸搽药 回到屋里, 爸爸怒气冲冲地说 : 明明, 你把香蕉皮随手扔到门外, 弄得我扭伤了脚 你这样做太没有公德心了! 明明知道自己闯祸了 于是, 明明硬着头皮向爸爸说对不起, 并保证他不会再把垃圾乱丢在地上了 爸爸听了, 对明明说 : 虽然你知道错了, 但是我还是要处罚你抄写五十行 : 我不会再把垃圾乱扔在地上了 Sthephanie Lee Grade 4 Advance

我的家人我的名字叫 Balqis 我九岁 我家有三口人: 爸爸 妈妈和我 我的爸爸在一七五六年十月二十六号出生 他属羊 我的妈妈在一九六四年八月二十号出生 她属龙 我的大哥在一九九零年十月十三号出生 他属马 我二哥在一九九四年四月十六号出生 他属狗 我家住在 Kalibata Raya 路一号 我有一个爷爷和一个奶奶 我还有一个外公和一个外婆 我外公去世了 我有五个姑姑和七个叔叔 我有一个伯伯 我的其中一个伯伯和一个叔叔去世了 Balqis Bamenda Grade 4 Foundation

我的学校 我叫 Sandra 我九岁 我是英国人 我上四年级 我在雅加达英华国际学校上学 我的学校很大 在一楼有一和二年级的教室 食堂 体育馆 操场 游泳池和美术室 在二楼有三 四 五 六和八年级的教室 电脑室和图书馆 在三楼有七 九 十 十一和十二年级的教室 音乐室和礼堂 Sandra Trixi Imeldaline Pike Grade 4 Foundation

我每一天的生活 我叫 Vanny 我九岁 我的生日是二零零二年五月十三号 我属马 我的家有四口人, 有妈妈 爸爸 姐姐和我 我住在 Mangga Besar 我的学校叫英华国际学校 我的学校在 Bantar Jati 路 我的学校大大的 我今年上四年级, 在红班 我的教室在二零二室 我的同学中, 有的是印尼华人, 有的是印尼人 我的班有十七个学生 : 七个男生和十个女生 女生穿白色的衬衫和蓝色的裙子 男生穿白色的衬衫和蓝色的裤子 我一般五点起床 我五点一刻洗澡 我五点半吃早饭 我六点上学 我两点放学回家 我十点睡觉 我早饭吃面包 我不吃午饭 我晚饭吃炒饭或鸡蛋 Giovanny Inez Reyanto Grade 4 Standard

我每一天的生活 我叫永嘉 我是印尼华人 我今年九岁了 我的家有四口人 : 爸爸 妈妈和我 我二零零二年九月二十号出生 我属马 我是一个小学生 我住在 Royal Gading Mansion 九百一十号 我会说印尼文 日文 中文和英文 我想学中文 我在英华国际学校上学 我的学校在 Bantar Jati 路 我的学校很大 我上四年级, 在红班 我的同班中, 有的是美国人, 有的是印尼华人等等 我的班有七个男生和十个女生 在学校, 男生穿白色的衬衫和蓝色的裤子, 女生穿白色的衬衫和蓝色的裙子 我在学校上中文课 英文课 数学课 科学课等等 我喜欢科学因为我可以看很多影片 我的学校有体育馆 图书馆 礼堂 美术室 音乐室 游泳池 小卖部 停车场等等 我的教室在二楼

我四点半起床 然后, 五点半洗澡 我六点吃早饭 我早饭吃面包 我六点半上学 我十一点五十五分吃午饭 我午饭吃米饭 牛肉和炒菜 两点半放学以后, 我先上课外活动, 然后回家 吃晚饭以前, 我先洗澡 我五点做作业, 然后睡觉 Jason Christopher Grade 4 Standard

My Diary By Stephanie Lee Grade 4 Red 29 th December, 2011 Today I travelled to Medan. This morning I packed my bags and then I went to the airport. I was really excited because I was going to meet my cousins from Malaysia. I was also going to meet my other cousin who lives in Australia. My Malaysian cousins are Shaun and Cliff. They are nice boys. My cousin from Australia is called Chris. Cousin Chris is humorous. We were going to stay in a resort called Simalem but to get there we needed to take a bus. My mum rented a bus to get us around. It was going to be a long journey because it would take us five hours to get to Simalem. I slept on the bus. When we arrived, I found out that the place I was staying in was a tree house. Wow! It s so cool! I got a bunk bed! Today, I returned to Jakarta. My Diary 31 st December, 2011 I was so excited to go home. But I would miss Medan and my relatives too. I was so sad I played alone at a park nearby. I was so lonely! After playing at the park, I went to the airport. When I arrived, I suddenly realized I had left my passport in the taxi! I rushed back to the taxi and got my passport back. Phew! That was a close one! Anyway, after getting my passport, I went to board the plane. I was sitting down in my seat when an flight attendant came to me. She told me I had to move because I was sitting next to the emergency exit. Children below seventeen are not allowed to sit there so I had to change seats. When I arrived in Jakarta, I rushed back home to see my dog. My dog looked sad. Usually, she jumps on me but today she just looked at me and walked away. I asked my maid what the matter was. She said my guinea pig had died. It was my dog s best friend. No wonder she was depressed. Stephanie Lee Grade 4 Red

A Pourquoi Tale Why Parrot is Colourful By Gloria Isabella, Grade 4 Red In the beginning of the beginnings when God was still creating the world, there was a bird named Parrot. There were many birds that God had created and each of them was given a different colour. The Parrot s feathers were dull and grey so all the other birds laughed at him. One day, an announcement was made that a beauty contest would be held to choose the most beautiful bird in the world. Parrot wanted to join but he looked at his dull, grey feathers and felt discouraged. He decided to just sign up and try his luck anyway. When he went to sign up for the contest, he was shocked that many beautiful birds were there. It was impossible for him to beat them. Suddenly, an idea came to him. Why don t I get a few professional painters to paint me different colours? But I must get the ones who really know art! he exclaimed. Parrot knew five famous painters and he flitted to visit them one at a time. The first one was Cat. Can you paint me a beautiful colour? screeched Parrot. Oh, I d love to and I will paint you blue, purred Cat. So he took out his paintbrush and painted Parrot blue. It wasn t good enough for Parrot so he flitted to Bear next. Can you paint me a beautiful colour? screeched Parrot. Oh, I d love to and I will paint you yellow! growled Bear. He took out his paintbrush and painted Parrot yellow. Parrot flitted next to Hen. Can you paint me a beautiful colour? screeched Parrot. Oh, I d love to and I will paint you green! cackled Hen. She took out her paintbrush and painted Parrot green. Parrot flitted to the last painter, Man. Can you paint me a beautiful colour? screeched Parrot. Oh, I d love to and I will paint you orange. After that, I ll dip you in a magic potion so all the colours will stay, said Man. So he took out his paintbrush and painted Parrot orange. Parrot was really beautiful with different coloured feathers but as the colours wouldn t stay, Man prepared the magic potion and Parrot was dipped in it. After a day of being in the magic potion, Parrot flitted back to the beauty contest and won the crown. Many birds were shocked and even envied Parrot. So that is why parrots have colourful feathers today. Gloria Isabella Grade 4 Red

Tokoh favorit saya dalam cerita Legenda Batu Menangis adalah Darmi. Darmi adalah gadis yang berpikir bahwa dia sangat cantik jelita. Kerjanya hanya berdandan dan mengagumi kecantikannya di depan cermin. Setiap sore ia selalu berjalan-jalan di kampungnya tanpa tujuan yang jelas, kecuali untuk memamerkan kecantikannya. Darmi adalah gadis yang malas. Dia malas karena dia tidak pernah mau bekerja membantu Ibunya di sawah. Karena dia takut nanti kuku dan kulitnya terkena lumpur. Darmi juga adalah gadis yang manja. Karena apapun yang dia mau harus dibelikan. Kalau tidak dibelikan, Darmi akan marah. Darmi juga tidak sopan. Dia tidak sopan karena dia pernah mengatakan bahwa wajah Ibunya keriput dan tidak akan ada lakilaki yang tertarik kepada Ibunya. Karena Darmi adalah orang yang sombong dan tidak sopan, dia dikutuk menjadi batu. Farheen Grade 4 Blue

Surat untuk Kartini Jakarta, 16 April 2012 Ibu Kartini, Terima kasih karena Engkau perempuan bisa ke sekolah. Mereka bisa belajar karena Engkau, Ibu Kartini. Engkau menolong wanita-wanita di Indonesia. Engkau bekerja sangat keras untuk wanita-wanita Indonesia. Wanita-wanita sekarang punya hak untuk membuat pilihan sendiri dan tidak hanya harus kerja di rumah. Wanita-wanita sekarang pintar dan juga bisa bekerja. Wanita-wanita sekarang sangat bahagia karena Engkau. Karena Engkau gigih, ini semua bisa terjadi. Ibu Kartini, apa yang Engkau rasakan waktu wanita tidak bisa sekolah? Aku sangat sedih kau hanya hidup sebentar. Terima kasih Ibu Kartini. Stephanie Lee Grade 4 Red