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Practical Chinese Expressions ----Beijing Life Tips Made by CUCAS All Rights Reserved

目 录 Contents 常 用 词 汇 Common Phrases... 1 问 候 Basic Greetings... 1 提 问 Asking Questions... 1 地 点 Places... 3 其 他 问 题 Solving Problems... 6 实 用 汉 语 Practical Chinese Expressions... 7 在 中 国 餐 厅 点 菜 Order dishes at a Chinese restaurant... 7 租 房 Rent an apartment... 12 北 京 交 通 Local Transport... 16 坐 火 车 飞 机 旅 行 Travel by train/plane... 20 看 病 See a doctor... 25 美 发 Hairdressing... 31 2

常 用 词 汇 Common Phrases 问 候 Basic Greetings bú yòng xiè 不 用 谢 You re welcome duì bú qì 对 不 起 I m sor ry qĭng wèn 请 问 Excuse me 提 问 Asking Questions shén me 什 么 What zěn me 怎 么 How zài nǎ lǐ? 在 哪 里? Where? shén me shíhou? 什 么 时 候? shéi 谁 When? Who? 1

wèi shén me? 为 什 么? Why? duō shǎo 多 少 How much/ How many? qù nà lǐ zěn me zǒu? 去 那 里 怎 么 走? nǐ zhù zài nǎ lǐ 你 住 在 哪 里? wǒ zhù zài 我 住 在 How do I get there? Where do you live? I am living at wǒ xiǎng mǎi 我 想 买 I want to buy wǒ xiǎng qù 我 想 去 nǐ néng ma 你 能 吗? I want to go Can you nǐ néng bāng zhù wǒ ma 你 能 帮 助 我 吗? Can you help me to? zhè gè duō shǎo qián 这 个 多 少 钱? How much does it cost? 2

地 点 Places xí shǒu 洗 手 间 jiān bathroom cháng tú qì chē zhàn 长 途 汽 车 站 long distance bus station dì tiě 地 铁 Subway gōng jiāo chē 公 交 车 Bus pài chū suǒ 派 出 所 police station chū kǒu 出 口 the exit yín háng 银 行 Bank chāo shì 超 市 super market yī yuàn 医 院 Hospital xué xiào 学 校 School xiǎo qū 小 区 residential area shāng chǎng 商 场 shopping mall 3

diàn yǐng yuàn 电 影 院 movie theater kā fēi tīng 咖 啡 厅 Café chá guǎn 茶 馆 fàn diàn 饭 店 jiǔ bā 酒 吧 mǎ lù 马 路 jiē 街 tea house Restaurant club/bar Road Street chē zhàn 车 站 station/stop huí jiā 回 家 mǎi 买 go back home Buy zuó tiān 昨 天 Yesterday jīn tiān 今 天 Today míng tiān 明 天 Tomorrow 4

zuǒ 左 yòu 右 nán 南 běi 北 dōng 东 xī 西 lái 来 qù 去 zǒu 走 kàn 看 shuō 说 tīng 听 yòng 用 Left Right South North East West to come to go to walk to look / see/watch to speak to listen to use 5

其 他 问 题 Solving Problems wǒ tīng bù dǒng 我 听 不 懂 I can t understand nǐ huì shuō yīng wén ma? 你 会 说 英 文 吗? Can you speak English? qǐng xiě xià lái 请 写 下 来 Please write it down bié piàn wǒ le 别 骗 我 了! Don t cheat me zǒu kāi 走 开! Go away! fang kāi! 放 开! Don t touch me! qǐng bāng wǒ 请 帮 我 Please help me jiù mìng! 救 命! Save me! 6

实 用 汉 语 Practical Chinese Expressions 在 中 国 餐 厅 点 菜 Order dishes at a Chinese restaurant Waiter: huān yíng guāng lín, xiān shēng / nǚ shì, qǐng wèn nín jǐ wèi? 欢 迎 光 临, 先 生 / 女 士, 请 问 您 几 位? Welcome, Sir/Madam, how many people, please? A: sān wèi 三 位 Three. A: fú wù yuán,qǐng gěi wǒ ná cài dān wǒ yào diǎn cài 服 务 员, 请 给 我 拿 菜 单 我 要 点 菜 Waiter, please bring me the menu. I d like to order now. A: zhè shìshíme cài? yòng shíme cái liào zuò de? 这 是 什 么 菜? 用 什 么 材 料 做 的? wǒ yào gōng bǎo jī dīng yú xiāng ròu sī hé xī hóng shì chǎo jī dàn 我 要 宫 保 鸡 丁 鱼 香 肉 丝 和 西 红 柿 炒 鸡 蛋 shǎo fàng là jiāo 少 放 辣 椒 What is this dish? What items are used? I want Kung pao chicken, Fish-flavored shredded pork and scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Less pepper. Waiter: hǎo de, hái xū yào shí me jiǔ shuǐ ma?zhǔ shí xū yào shí me? 好 的, 还 需 要 什 么 酒 水 吗? 主 食 需 要 什 么? Ok, any drinks, please? And what do you like for your staple food? A: bù xū yào le, xiè xiè, zhè xiē jiù gòu le 不 需 要 了, 谢 谢, 这 些 就 够 了 7

No need, thanks, these are enough. Or A : lái sān bēi bái shuǐ jiù kěyǐ le,yào liáng kāi shuǐ zhǔ shí yào sān wǎn mǐ fàn 来 三 杯 白 水 就 可 以 了, 要 凉 开 水 主 食 要 3 碗 米 饭 Three glasses of water is Ok. Must be cold water. For the staple food, we d like 3 bowls of rice. Waiter: hǎo de, qǐng shāo děng 好 的, 请 稍 等 Ok. Wait for a moment, please. A: fú wù yuán, jié zhàng 服 务 员, 结 帐 Waiter, bring me the bill. Waiter: nín hǎo,nín yī gònɡ xiāo fèi le yuán,qǐng wèn shuā kǎ hái shì xiàn jīn? 您 好, 您 一 共 消 费 了 元, 请 问 刷 卡 还 是 现 金? It s yuan in total. Do you want to be charge or cash? A: wǒ yòng xiàn jīn, xiè xiè 我 用 现 金, 谢 谢 By cash. Thanks. Order course at Chinese restaurant In my opinion, Chinese food can be categorized into 2 main types: dish and hotpot. Order Chinese dish: The number of dish would better be as the same number of the people. If there are 6 people, the procedures of ordering dish commonly are like these: 1. One Cold dish firstly. yī dào liáng cài 一 道 凉 菜 8

2. Five main dish, which are all hot dish including meat and vegetables. wǔ dào rè cài, bāo kuò ròu cài hé shū cài 五 道 热 菜, 包 括 肉 菜 和 蔬 菜 3. One soup. One Chinese soup is filled in a big pot for all eaters. yī fèn tāng 一 份 汤 4. Staple food as rice or pastry. zhǔ shí rú mǐ fàn huò bǐng. 主 食 : 如 米 饭 或 饼 Order hotpot: 1. Choose soup base. Commonly is clear soup or spicy soup or two flavors half and half. xuǎn zé guō dǐ qīng tāng guō dǐ, má là guō dǐ, huò zhě yuān yāng guō dǐ 选 择 锅 底 清 汤 锅 底, 麻 辣 锅 底, 或 者 鸳 鸯 锅 底 2. Choose small condiment. The sesame paste is the most popular one. xuǎn zé xiǎo liào, bǐ rú má jiàng xiǎo liào 选 择 小 料, 比 如 麻 酱 小 料 3. Order beef and mutton. diǎn niú ròu hé yáng ròu 点 牛 肉 和 羊 肉 4. Order vegetables and other side food like fish ball and tofu. diǎn shū cài hé pèi cài, rú yú wán hé dòu fǔ 点 蔬 菜 和 配 菜, 如 鱼 丸 和 豆 腐 9

Chinese Dishes tiě bǎn niú liǔ 铁 板 牛 柳 fillet steak with black pepper sauce on hot plate qīng zhēng lú yú steamed perch with scallion and black beans 清 蒸 鲈 鱼 ròu 肉 meat shū cài 蔬 菜 vegetables jiǔ shuǐ 酒 水 wine & drinks yǐn liào 饮 料 drinks pí jiǔ 啤 酒 beer kě kǒu kě lè / bǎi shì kě lè 可 口 可 乐 / 百 事 可 乐 Coca Cola/ Pepsi Cola xuě bì 雪 碧 Spirit lǜ chá 绿 茶 green Tea chéng zhī 橙 汁 orange juice Là 辣 spicy Xián 咸 salty qīng dàn light flavor 清 淡 10

Tián 甜 sweet zhǔ shí 主 食 staple food mǐ fàn 米 饭 rice bǐng 饼 pasty Tàng 烫 very hot huǒ guō 火 锅 hotpot guō dǐ 锅 底 soup base qīng tāng guō dǐ 清 汤 锅 底 clear soup má là guō dǐ 麻 辣 锅 底 spicy soup yuān yāng guō dǐ 鸳 鸯 锅 底 two flavor soup xiǎo liào 小 料 small condiment má jiàng 麻 酱 sesame paste yáng ròu 羊 肉 mutton niú ròu 牛 肉 beef yú wán 鱼 丸 fish ball 11

dòu fu 豆 腐 tofu 租 房 Rent an apartment There are mainly 2 ways to find apartment rental information. First, you can go to a real estate agency to receive their service. The commission is as much as one month rent. Secondly, you can find the information on internet, but most of the ads are posted by agents. In Beijing, singing a rental contract with landlord is conventional, and you should ask the landlord to show his/her Property ownership certificate to avoid of cheating. B: nǐ hǎo, wǒ zài wǎng shàng kàn dào nǐ de guǎng gào wǒ xiǎng zū fáng 你 好, 我 在 网 上 看 到 你 的 广 告 我 想 租 房 nín shì zhōng jiè hái shìgè rén? 您 是 中 介 还 是 个 人? Hello, I saw your ads on the Internet and I'm looking for rent an apartment. Are you a real estate agency or an individual? Agent: nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì zhōng jiè gōng sī nín xiǎng zhǎo shén me yàng de fáng zǐ? 你 好, 我 是 中 介 公 司 您 想 找 什 么 样 的 房 子? Hello, this is a real estate agency. What kind of apartment are you looking for? B: wǒ yào zài xué xiào fù jìn zū yī jiān liǎng jū shì yào gàn jìng de, néng 我 要 在 学 校 附 近 租 一 间 两 居 室 要 干 净 的, 能 shàng wǎng, néng zuò fàn, yǒu rè shuǐ qì, néng xǐ zǎo 上 网, 能 做 饭, 有 热 水 器, 能 洗 澡 I want to rent a double room apartment near to my school. I want a clean one which can access to the Internet and I need a kitchen to cook and a water heater to take showers. Agent: wǒ xiàn zài yǒu jǐ jiān fáng zǐ mǎn zú nín de yào qiú 12

我 现 在 有 几 间 房 子 满 足 您 的 要 求 nín shén me shíhòu guò lái kàn fánɡ? 您 什 么 时 候 过 来 看 房? I have several eligible apartments. When shall I lead you to have a look? B: wǒ míng tiān xià wǔ 5 diǎn yǒu shí jiān 我 明 天 下 午 5 点 有 时 间 I'll be free after 5 pm tomorrow afternoon. Agent: nà wǒ mén míng tiān 5 diǎn zài dì fāng jiàn 那 我 们 明 天 5 点 在 地 方 见 Let s meet at 5 pm tomorrow at Agent: zhè jiān fáng zǐ zài sān céng nín mǎn yì ma? 这 间 房 子 在 三 层 您 满 意 吗? It's on the third floor. What do you think of it? B: fáng zū duō shǎo qián? 房 租 多 少 钱? How much is the rent? Agent: yī gè yuè 4000 yā yī fù sān 一 个 月 4000 压 一 付 三 It's 4000 CNY a month. Three month rents plus one month bond. B: jiā diàn dōu néng yòng ma? bīng xiāng xǐ yī jī diàn shì hé rè shuǐ qì 家 电 都 能 用 吗? 冰 箱 洗 衣 机 电 视 和 热 水 器 dōu shì hǎo de ma? néng shàng wǎng ma? 都 是 好 的 吗? 能 上 网 吗? Can I use the household electronic applicants? I mean the refrigerator, washing machine, TV set and water heater. Can I access the Internet? Agent: nín fàng xīn, dōu shì hǎo de shàng wǎng kuān dài yě yǐ jīng ān zhuāng le, 您 放 心, 都 是 好 的 上 网 宽 带 也 已 经 安 装 了, dǎ diàn huà dào diàn xìn gōng sī jiù néng kāi tōng 打 电 话 到 电 信 公 司 就 能 开 通 13

Please rest assured that all the applicants work well. And ADSL has been installed. You just need to call the common carrier to connect it. B: hǎo de, wǒ jiù yào zhè jiān le wǒ xū yào hé fáng dōnɡ qiān hé tóng, 好 的, 我 就 要 这 间 了 我 需 要 和 房 东 签 合 同, hái yào kàn fáng dōng de fáng chǎn zhèng 还 要 看 房 东 的 房 产 证 Ok, I ll take this one. But I need to sign a contract with the landlord and I need to see the landlord s property ownership certificate. Agent: méi wèn tí, wǒ míng tiān zhǎo fáng dōng guò lái qiān hé tóng 没 问 题, 我 明 天 找 房 东 过 来 签 合 同 No problem. The landlord will come to sign a contract with you tomorrow. Words & Phrases zū fáng 租 房 house rental fáng wū zhōng jiè 房 屋 中 介 real estate agency yī jū shì 一 居 室 one room flat liǎng jū shì 两 居 室 two-room flat hé tóng 合 同 contract qiān hé tóng 签 合 同 sign a contract fáng dōng 房 东 landlord zū jīn rents 租 金 14

yā jīn 押 金 deposit yā yī fù sān 压 一 付 三 pay 3 month rents and mortgage one month rent kè tīng 客 厅 living room wò shì 卧 室 bed room rè shuǐ qì 热 水 器 water heater wèi shēng jiān 卫 生 间 bathroom chú fáng 厨 房 kitchen jiā jù 家 具 furniture diàn shì jī 电 视 机 TV set xǐ yī jī 洗 衣 机 washing machine diàn bīng xiāng 电 冰 箱 refrigerator jiā diàn 家 电 household electrical appliances shàng wǎng 上 网 surf the internet 15

北 京 交 通 Local Transport Helps You into China s Universities Subway: Line 1,2,4,5, 8,10,13 and airport express line are on operation. The fare is 2 RMB with unlimited transfers. Taxi: Taxis in Beijing are meters. You are not recommended to take a black cab which is unlicensed and unmetered. Fare unit: yuan Distance Less than 3 km 3-15 km More than 15 km Fare (05:00-23:00) 10 2 for each km 3 for each km Fare (23:00-05:00) 11 Besides the starting fare 11, fare is up by 20% at night. Bus lines: There are over 800 bus routes operated in Beijing, supplied by the buses numbered 1~998. They are mainly divided into the following categories: Numbered 1~100 Bus routes are within the 3rd Ring Road. Numbered 201~215 Night routes, only in operation after 23:00. Numbered 300~810 Offering bus routes from downtown area to suburban Beijing. Numbered 900~998 Running long distances, such as from downtown area to the Great Wall. Bus fares: Beijing buses are divided into 2 categories by fare: the first category charges flat fare CNY 1 for whole line; and the second category takes CNY 1.00 as flag down rate for 12 kilometers, and the fare goes up by CNY 0.5 for every extra 5 kilometers. If you have a transport card, you can get a 60% discount. Taking the first category buses, you just need to punch the 16

card once; but if you take the second category bus, you need to punch the card twice. As to how to distinguish the two types of buses, the bus which puts a machine at the exit door is the type two. About Transport IC Card 市 政 公 交 一 卡 通 If you will live a longer period of time in Beijing, you are recommended to get a Transport IC Card which offers a 60% discount for taking buses (buses numbered more than 900 offer a 30% discount.). The card can also be used for taking subway and taxi. Although it doesn t offer discount for taking subway and taxi, you don t need to queue to buy tickets every time by using the card. You can get a card at any subway station or larger bus stations. You don t need to hand photos, visa or any other certificate and no need to fill any forms. All you need to do is to tell the staff that you want to get a transport card and hand her more than 20 RMB. The 20 RMB is the deposit of the card which will be repay to you when you return the card. The card has no password or photo, and any one who gets your card can use it, so recharge 50 or100 RMB each time is proper. Useful Expressions To get a Transport IC Card. nín hǎo, wǒ xiǎng bàn lǐ yī zhānɡ ɡōnɡ jiāo yī kǎ tōnɡ 您 好, 我 想 办 理 一 张 公 交 一 卡 通 ----Hello, I'd like to get a Transport Card. A: nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng qù běi jīng zhàn, yīng gāi zěn me zuò chē? 你 好, 我 想 去 北 京 站, 应 该 怎 么 坐 车? ---- Excuse me. I want to go to Beijing Railway Station. How can I get there? B: zhè lǐ méi yǒu zhí dá de gōng jiāo chē, nǐ děi dǎo chē 这 里 没 有 直 达 的 公 交 车, 你 得 倒 车 17

xiān zuò sì shí qī lù,rán hòu zài jī shuǐ tán huàn dì tiě èr hào xiàn 先 坐 47 路, 然 后 在 积 水 潭 换 地 铁 二 号 线 ---- There is no trough bus. You have to get a transfer, take bus No.47 and transfer to subway line 2 at Jishuitan station. A: yào duō chánɡ shí jiān? wǒ gǎn shí jiān, pà wù le huǒ chē 要 多 长 时 间? 我 赶 时 间, 怕 误 了 火 车 ---- How long it will take? I m in a hurry. B: nà nǐ zuì hǎo dǎ chē ( dǎ dī) guò qù zhè gè shí jiān bù dǔ chē, dà gài 那 你 最 好 打 车 ( 打 的 ) 过 去 这 个 时 间 不 堵 车, 大 概 èr shí fēn zhōng jiù dào le 20 分 钟 就 到 了 ---- Then, you d better take a cab. It s no traffic jams at this time. 20 minutes you can get there. A: hǎo de, xiè xiè nǐ 好 的, 谢 谢 你 ---- Ok, thank you. Words & Phrases gōng jiāo chē 公 交 车 bus zuògōng jiāo chē 坐 公 交 车 take a bus chē zhàn 车 站 bus stop sìshíqī lùchē 47 路 车 bus no.47 chū zū chē 出 租 车 taxi/cab 18

dǎ dī dǎ chē Helps You into China s Universities 打 的 / 打 车 take a taxi dōng sān huán 东 三 环 dǔ chē 堵 车 fā piào 发 票 dì tiě 地 铁 dìtiě zhàn 地 铁 站 èr hào xiàn the East third ring road traffic jam/be stuck in the traffic jam receipt subway subway station 2 号 线 subway line 2 dǎo chē 倒 车 gǎn shíjiān 赶 时 间 wù chē 误 车 wù fēi jī 误 飞 机 biéwùle huǒ chē ( fēi jī ) 别 误 了 火 车 ( 飞 机 ) to get transfer in hurry to miss the train/bus to miss the plane Don t miss the train (plane). 19

坐 火 车 飞 机 旅 行 Travel by train/plane China s Rail Transport Rail transport is the most commonly used mode of long-distance transportation in China. All rail operations are handled by the Ministry of Railways. Trains in China can be divided into 4 categories according to their speeds. Followings are placed in descending order of speed. 高 铁,abbreviated from 高 速 铁 路 which means high speed railway and the operational speed is about 350 km/h. Till now, this kind of trains only on operation between several main cities, like between Wuhan and Guangzhou. This kind of trains begins with G. 动 车,high speed train, which is at speeds in excess of 200 km/h. This kind of trains begins with D. 特 快,trains begin with T. The fares of G and D trains are really expensive though they really save much time. In comparison, T-train is the most widely used type due to its moderate speed and fare. 快 车,trains begin with K. K is slower than T and the fare is lower correspondently. 慢 车,trains coded by 4 numbers. It s the slowest type and the environment of carriage is really bad. It s definitely the last choice. 20

Types of train ticket Helps You into China s Universities 火 车 票 Train 坐 票 Seat Seat Ticket 卧 铺 Sleeper 站 票 Standing-room 软 卧 Soft-sleeper 硬 卧 Hard-sleeper 上 铺 Upper Berth 中 铺 Middle Berth 下 铺 Lower Berth Dialogue A: xiǎo wánɡ, wǒ xiǎnɡ qù chénɡ dū lǚ yóu zěn me mǎi huǒ chē piào ne? 小 王, 我 想 去 成 都 旅 游 怎 么 买 火 车 票 呢? ---- Hi Wang, I am planning to travel to Chengdu. How can I get a railway ticket? W: chéng dū kě shì gè hǎo dì fāng nǐ gēn lǚ yóu tuán qù, hái shì zì jǐ qù? 成 都 可 是 个 好 地 方 你 跟 旅 游 团 去, 还 是 自 己 去? ---- Chengdu is a great place. Would you like to travel by yourself or to attend a tour group? A: wǒ hé péng yǒu zì jǐ qù wǒ bù xǐ huān lǚ xíng shè ān pái de xiàn lù 我 和 朋 友 自 己 去 我 不 喜 欢 旅 行 社 安 排 的 线 路 ---- I am going with a friend. I don t like the route planned by the travel agent. 21

W: nà nǐ děi zì jǐ mǎi huǒ chē piào, zì jǐ dìng bīn guǎn 那 你 得 自 己 买 火 车 票, 自 己 订 宾 馆 nǐ zuì hǎo zǎo diǎn mǎi jù shuō xiàn zài kě yǐ tí qián 10 tiān mǎi piào 你 最 好 早 点 买 据 说 现 在 可 以 提 前 10 天 买 票 ---- So you have to buy tickets and book hotels by yourselves. You d better buy tickets earlier. It s said people can buy tickets 10 days in advance. A: zhēn de ma? nà wǒ xiàn zài jiù qù 真 的 吗? 那 我 现 在 就 去 ---- Really? I am gonna do it now. W: nǐ zuì hǎo xiān shàng wǎng chá yī xià yǒu nǎ xiē chē nǐ jiù zài bǎi dù lǐ shū rù 你 最 好 先 上 网 查 一 下 有 哪 些 车 你 就 在 百 度 里 输 入 běi jīng chéng dū huǒ chē piào zhè sān gè guān jiàn cí, dì yī tiáo xiǎn shì 北 京 成 都 火 车 票 这 三 个 关 键 词, 第 一 条 显 示 de xìn xī jiù shì le 的 信 息 就 是 了 ---- You d better search out the ticket information on the Internet. Just type in keywords of Beijing, Chengdu and Railway ticket on Baidu.com and you ll see the trains information instantly. A: yǒu sān liàng chē K yāo yāo qī,t qī hé yāo sān liù sān. nǎ liànɡ chē gènɡ hǎo ne? 有 三 辆 车 K 1 1 7,T 7 和 1 3 6 3 哪 辆 车 更 好 呢? ---- There are 3 trains- K117, T7 and 1363. Which is better? W: zhè sān liàng chē dōu shì cóng běi jīng xī zhàn fā chē de K dài biǎo kuài ; 这 三 辆 车 都 是 从 北 京 西 站 发 车 的 K 代 表 快 ; T dài biǎo tè kuài,suǒ yǐ T7 bǐ K117 yào kuài ; 1363 shì màn chē suǒ yǐ T 代 表 特 快, 所 以 T7 比 K117 要 快 ; 1363 是 慢 车 所 以 nǐ zuì hǎo zuò T7, suī rán tā bǐ qí tā de liǎng liàng chē dōu guì 你 最 好 坐 T7, 虽 然 它 比 其 他 的 两 辆 车 都 贵 ---- All the trains depart from Beijing West Railway Station. K means fast, T means faster, so T7 runs faster than 22

K117 and 1363 is the slowest one. You d better take T7 even though its fare is higher. A: nà wǒ xiàn zài jiù qù huǒ chē zhàn mǎi piào 那 我 现 在 就 去 火 车 站 买 票 ---- Ok, I am going to the railway station to buy tickets. W: huǒ chē zhàn tài yuǎn le. zán mén xué xiào fù jìn yǒu yī gè huǒ chē piào 火 车 站 太 远 了 咱 们 学 校 附 近 有 一 个 火 车 票 dài shòu diǎn, nà lǐ jiù kě yǐ mǎi piào, gēn huǒ chē zhàn shì yī yàng de 代 售 点, 那 里 就 可 以 买 票, 跟 火 车 站 是 一 样 的 zhī bù guò yào duō jiāo 5 kuài qián de shǒu xù fèi 只 不 过 要 多 交 5 块 钱 的 手 续 费 ---- The railway station is too far. There is a Train Ticket Outlet near by which sells tickets just as the railway station does, except it charges 5 Yuan as commission. Buying tickets A: nǐ hǎo,wǒ mǎi liǎng zhāng 10 hào qù chéng dū de chē piào 你 好, 我 买 两 张 10 号 去 成 都 的 车 票 yào T7 nà liàng chē hái yǒu wò pù ma? 要 T7 那 辆 车 还 有 卧 铺 吗? ---- Hello, I d like to buy 2 tickets to Chengdu on 10th. I d like tickets of T7. Is there any sleeper ticket left? B: nín hǎo, T7 de yìng wò yǐ jīng mài wán le hái yǒu ruǎn wò hé yìng zuò 您 好, T7 的 硬 卧 已 经 卖 完 了 还 有 软 卧 和 硬 座 nín yào nǎ zhǒng? 您 要 哪 种? ---- Sorry, all the hard-sleeper tickets of T7 were sold out. There are soft-sleeper and seat tickets left. Which is it? A: nà wǒ yào ruǎn wò xiè xiè yī gòng duō shǎo qián? 那 我 要 软 卧 谢 谢 一 共 多 少 钱? 23

---- Ok, then I will choose the soft-sleeper, thanks. How much is it in total? Words & Phrases jī chǎng 机 场 shǒu dū guó jì jī chǎng 首 都 国 际 机 场 hòu jī dà tīng 候 机 大 厅 fēi jī wǎn diǎn 飞 机 晚 点 cháng tú qì chē 长 途 汽 车 huǒ chē 火 车 hòu chē shì 候 车 室 kuài chē 快 车 màn chē 慢 车 dòng chē 动 车 lǚ xíng shè 旅 行 社 lǚ yóu tuán 旅 游 团 lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn 旅 游 景 点 airport Beijing Capital International Airport waiting hall behind time coach train waiting room express stopping train/slow train high speed train travel agency travel group tourist spot 24

mén piào 门 票 bīn guǎn 宾 馆 dǎo yóu 导 游 jì niàn pǐn 纪 念 品 entrance ticket hotel tourist guide souvenir 看 病 See a doctor The Chinese medical system can be divided into roughly three categories: private practitioners, official hospitals and clinics, and international hospitals. It is not recommended for anyone to see private practitioners. These doctors may not have the right qualifications to practice medicine. There is no official body to oversee their medical practice. They are popular in China only because they are much cheaper than regular hospitals, but seeing one may make your health worse, not better. Official hospitals and clinics usually have the support of the government. In large cities, these places are more than adequate for normal procedures. In smaller towns or rural areas, hospitals may lack important equipment or skilled staff, so for serious health problems its best to go to a larger facility. Even hospitals in big cities will not necessarily have doctors that can speak good English, much less any other foreign languages. International hospitals are staffed by foreign doctors or Chinese doctors trained in North America, Europe or Japan. These facilities have doctors that can speak a variety of languages and abide by the highest international standards; they are capable of addressing many more complex problems that some Chinese hospitals cannot. The downside is that they tend to be very expensive. 25

General procedure of seeing a doctor at large hospital 1. 挂 号 Register Register at the registration office to get a registration form and a patient s book. You should tell the staff what section office you want to see. To heal traumatism, you should go to 外 科 (surgical department); if you got headache, a cold, a fever or stomachache, you should go to 内 科 (medical department). 2. 看 医 生 See a doctor You should bring the registration form and a patient s book with you to see the doctor. 3. 医 生 开 药 方 Get a prescription 4. 去 药 房 拿 药 Bring prescription to go to pharmacy 5. 划 价 To have a prescription priced 6. 取 药 Get the medicine 7. 找 护 士 打 针 Get injection Get a nurse at injection room to get injected. Dialogue A: wǒ xiǎng wǒ jīn tiān děi qǐng bìng jià le 我 想 我 今 天 得 请 病 假 了 ---- I m afraid I have to take a sick leave today. B: nǐ zěn me le? nǎ lǐ bù shū fu? 你 怎 么 了? 哪 里 不 舒 服? ---- Are you Ok? What s the matter with you? 26

A: wǒ xiǎng wǒ gǎn mào le, kě néng hái yǒu diǎn fā shāo hái yǒu diǎn lā dù zǐ 我 想 我 感 冒 了, 可 能 还 有 点 发 烧 还 有 点 拉 肚 子 ---- I think I ve caught a cold, may be a fever too. And I have loose bowels. B: nǐ zuó tiān chī le shén me bù gàn jìnɡ de dōng xī le ma? 你 昨 天 吃 了 什 么 不 干 净 的 东 西 了 吗? ---- Did you eat anyth contaminated food yesterday? A: kě néng shì zuó tiān chī hǎi xiān chī de 可 能 是 昨 天 吃 海 鲜 吃 的 ---- Maybe the seafood. B: chī guò yào le ma? 吃 过 药 了 吗? ---- Have you taken any medicine? A: zì jǐ chī le gǎn mào yào dàn shìbù guǎn yònɡ 自 己 吃 了 感 冒 药 但 是 不 管 用 ---- I have taken cold medicine but it doesn t work. B: nǐ gǎn jǐn qù yī yuàn kàn kàn bā shuō bù dìng shìcháng yán chī yào bù 你 赶 紧 去 医 院 看 看 吧 说 不 定 是 肠 炎 吃 药 不 guǎn yòng le, yī shēng gěi nǐ shū yè huì hǎo de kuài yī diǎn 管 用 了, 医 生 给 你 输 液 会 好 的 快 一 点 ---- You need to see a doctor. It may be stomach flu. Taking medicine is useless, maybe you need to take a transfusion. 27

Words & Phrases Helps You into China s Universities yī yuàn 医 院 zhěn suǒ 诊 所 yī shēng 医 生 hù shi 护 士 guà hào 挂 号 guà hào chù 挂 号 处 bìng lì běn 病 历 本 kē shì 科 室 nèi kē 内 科 wài kē 外 科 yào fáng 药 房 huá jià 划 价 shū yè 输 液 wǒ shēn tǐ bù shū fú 我 身 体 不 舒 服 hospital clinic doctor nurse register registration room patient s book section room medical department surgical department pharmacy to have a prescription priced to get transfusion I don't feel well. 28

gǎn mào 感 冒 fā shāo 发 烧 chī yào 吃 药 shàng huǒ Helps You into China s Universities catch a cold have a fever take the medicine 上 火 excessive internal heat fā yán 发 炎 sǎng zǐ téng 嗓 子 疼 sore throat dù zi téng 肚 子 疼 lā dù zi 拉 肚 子 wèi téng 胃 疼 wài shāng become inflamed from infection or injury collywobbles, a pain in insides have loose bowels stomachache 外 伤 traumatism liú xuè 流 血 shòu shāng bleeding 受 伤 get hurt, get injured yào fāng 药 方 description kāi yào 开 药 xiāo yán yào to prescribe for an illness 消 炎 药 antibiotic medicine 29

kàng shēng sù Helps You into China s Universities 抗 生 素 antibiotics zhǐ ténɡ yào 止 疼 药 zhǐ xuè 止 血 dǎ zhēn analgesic stanch 打 针 to have an injection shū yè 输 液 jíjiù 急 救 jiù hù chē 救 护 车 bìng de hěn zhòng / qīng transfusion first aid ambulance 病 得 很 重 / 轻 seriously ill/ less sickness qǐng bìng jià 请 病 假 take a sick leave 30

美 发 Hairdressing Helps You into China s Universities A: nǐ hǎo, jiǎn tóu fa hái shì zuò tóu fa? 你 好, 剪 头 发 还 是 做 头 发? ---- Good morning. Hair cut or change hair style? B: wǒ jiǎn tóu fa 我 剪 头 发 ---- I just need my hair cut. A: xiān xǐ gè tóu ba qǐng wèn nín xiǎng jiǎn gè shí me fā xíng? 先 洗 个 头 吧 请 问 您 想 剪 个 什 么 发 型? ---- A shampoo first. What kind of style you want to have? B: wǒ bù xiǎng huàn fā xíng,zhī shì shāo wēi xiū yī xià jiù kě yǐ le, bù yào jiǎn duǎn 我 不 想 换 发 型, 只 是 稍 微 修 一 下 就 可 以 了, 不 要 剪 短 ---- I don t want to restyle my hair. Just have it cut a little. Don t cut it short. Or bāng wǒ jiǎn duǎn yī diǎn 帮 我 剪 短 一 点 ---- Please cut it short. 31

Words & Phrases Helps You into China s Universities jiǎn fà = jiǎn tóu fa 剪 发 = 剪 头 发 zuò tóu fa 做 头 发 tànɡ fà 烫 发 juàn fà 卷 发 lā zhí tóu fa 拉 直 头 发 zuò hù lǐ 做 护 理 rǎn fà 染 发 xiū jiǎn tóu fa 修 剪 头 发 huàn fà xínɡ 换 发 型 to have hair cut do one s hair to have a perm to have hair curled to strengthen hair to do treatment for hair to have hair dyed trim a little restyle the hair 32