Sanford Bulletin June 5th,

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Vol. 37

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2 Edmonton 爱 德 蒙 顿 爱 德 蒙 顿 是 加 拿 大 的 节 日 之 城, 一 年 有 超 过 30 多 个 节 日 城 市 总 人 口 1000 多 万 干 净, 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 友 好 的, 充 满 活 力 的 文 化 社 区 附 近 有 许 多 风 景 优 美 的

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新 春 感 恩 崇 拜 请 安 静 默 祷 预 备 心 来 敬 拜 1. 序 乐 林 俐 姐 妹 2. 默 祷 肃 静 诗 会 众 3. 宣 召 傅 正 毅 弟 兄 4. 敬 拜 傅 正 毅 弟 兄 5. 祷 告 黄 诗 豪 长 老 6. 启 应 诗 篇 116: 1-19 会 众



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圣 餐 主 日 请 安 静 默 祷 预 备 心 来 敬 拜 1. 序 乐 庄 淑 娴 师 母 2. 默 祷 肃 静 诗 会 众 3. 宣 召 傅 正 毅 弟 兄 4. 敬 拜 傅 正 毅 弟 兄 5. 祷 告 郑 德 祥 弟 兄 6. 启 应 诗 篇 144:1-15 会 众 7.

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起 初, 距 離 出 版 日 期 還 有 大 半 年, 大 家 雀 躍 萬 分 之 餘 還 滿 盤 大 計, 他 答 應 做 這 樣 她 應 承 安 排 那 樣 你 負 責 做 三 件 事 我 就 辦 兩 件 大 家 都 是 成 年 而 又 自 律 的 人, 一 切 猶 如 入 了 自 動 波, 不

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姓 名 : 蘇 海 彬 班 別 :1B 書 名 : 咆 哮 山 莊 作 者 : 今 次 我 想 介 紹 的 書 是 一 本 文 學 巨 著, 名 叫 咆 哮 山 莊 像 我 這 些 學 生 未 來 要 面 對 競 爭 很 強 勁 的 社 會, 然 而 可 從 一 些 文 學 名 著 來 從 少 學

建 堂 56 週 年 堂 慶 感 恩 主 日 崇 拜 秩 序 宣 道 : 陸 幸 泉 牧 師 祈 禱 : 梁 桂 霞 牧 師 祝 福 : 胡 丙 杰 牧 師 指 揮 : 蔣 陳 紅 梅 執 事 主 席 : 文 成 安 弟 兄 讀 經 : 袁 棟 謙 弟 兄 電 琴 : 文 惠 顯 弟 兄 伴 奏 :


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川 外 250 人, 上 外 222 人, 广 外 209 人, 西 外 195 人, 北 外 168 人, 中 南 大 学 135 人, 西 南 大 学 120 人, 湖 南 大 学 115 人, 天 外 110 人, 大 连 外 国 语 学 院 110 人, 上 海 外 事 学 院 110 人,


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目 錄 實 施 計 畫 1 專 題 演 講 因 應 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 學 校 本 位 課 程 的 整 體 布 局 A-1 推 動 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 相 關 配 套 措 施 A-10 分 組 研 討 法 規 研 修 B-1 課 程 教

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UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) - Traditional Chinese


SAINT THOMAS MORE CATHOLIC CHURCH JUNE 5TH, 2022 PENTECOST 550 Riverview Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 872 1007 Fr. Marc Vernoy, Publisher, Editor

GREGORIAN LATIN LITURGY Until 1969, the various Catholic liturgies were all of apostolic origin. The Gregorian Latin liturgy, celebrated in this church, follows the tradition of Saint Peter, the first Pope, and has never undergone any essential change till the present time. Every gesture, every word has been weighed and measured with the assistance of the Holy Ghost for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. The Lord is in his Holy Temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him. (Hab 2:20) WELCOME VISITORS! We thank you for coming. Whether you are just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a spiritual home, are returning to the practice of Catholic faith, or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church; we are happy to have you here, as you are. Please take time to read this bulletin, to meet with the priest after Mass and to socialize. Enter the Holy Temple of the Good Lord to worship Him. Pax vobis! Peace be with you! HOSPITALITY Let the charity of the brotherhood abide in you and hospitality do not forget; for by this some, being not aware of it, have entertained angels. HEB. 13:1-2 Wherefore receive one another, as Christ also hath received you unto the honor of God. ROM. 15:7 IT IS THE CHEERFUL GIVER GOD LOVES. 2 COR 9:7 Tithes and donations: Please specify the intentions of your payments: Building fund Academy Tithe Special collection. Thank you. Church envelopes: Please call (407) 872-1007 (407) 422-0102. The card swipe machine is located in the bookstore. Paypal directly at or Donate menu at Donation for our building project should be given at the second collection (except on 3rd/ Academy Sundays), or specified with your offering. 100% of it is kept in the stable patrimony of the Priory and the Academy. Please consider remembering St. Thomas More Church and or the Academy in your will. You, your loved ones, and your intentions will always be remembered in prayers and Masses. If you shop on Amazon, please consider supporting us on Amazon Smile at Society of Saint Pius X Orlando Florida Inc. Sanford, FL

I URGE YOU THEREFORE, BROTHERS, BY THE MERCIES OF GOD, TO OFFER YOUR BODIES AS A LIVING SACRIFICE, HOLY AND PLEASING TO GOD, YOUR SPIRITUAL WORSHIP. Rom. 12:1 Out of respect for Our Lord Jesus Christ and for the edification of our neighbor, we beg all to appear in Church attired in decent deportment and modest dress. However, no one has the right to question others, especially visitors. It belongs to the parish priest alone to instruct the laity when they repeatedly dress or deport below expectation. For gentlemen and lads: Neither shorts, T- THE BREAD THAT I WILL GIVE, IS MY FLESH. JN 6:52 To receive Holy Communion: - One must be a baptized Catholic, having made a good confession since the last committed mortal sin - if any - in order to be in the state of Grace. - One must believe in the doctrine of Transubstantiation. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. (1 Cor. 11:29) - One must observe one hour of Eucharistic fast (Water and medicine do not break the fast. However, we advise to abstain from food and alcohol for three hours and one hour for other liquid before Holy Communion). - One must not be a public sinner (public adulterer, concubine, public homosexual), excommunicated, or interdicted. - The most important requirement is to have shirts, nor sneakers meet the norms of modesty. For ladies and girls: Neither shorts, slacks, sleeveless, nor short or low-cut dresses meet the norms of modesty. Furthermore, according to apostolic custom or Church law, gentlemen are bareheaded in church, and ladies are requested to cover their heads. Thank you for your charity. a great desire to receive the Body, the Blood, the Soul, and the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may humbly approach the Communion rail at any time after the Communion of the priest. Open the mouth wide and extend your tongue smoothly and horizontally. Do not say Amen. One should feel free to leave the pew for communion whenever. Do not judge your neighbor who abstains from receiving Holy Communion, as there is no obligation to receive it daily. However, Live in a manner to be able to receive communion every day! (St. Augustine) N.B.: In this Church, the faculty to absolve sins is directly granted to the priests by the Holy Father. Prior: Assistant: Assistant: Assistant: Assistant: Assistant: Assistant: Assistant: Fr. Marc Vernoy Fr. Pierre Fr. James Haynos Fr. Greig Fr. Sean Gerrity Fr. Joshua Fr. Samuel Fabula Fr. Scott Duverger Gonzales Jacobs Settimo

ANNOUNCEMENTS MARK YOUR CALENDAR Today/ June 5th: ARS hot breakfast/book Sale June 6th: Church cleaning. Please help us! June 12th: ARS and HNS Meetings/RSVP Deadline for Rev. Father McCall s Banquet June 14th (2nd Tuesday): Men s Night Today the second collection is for the building fund. Today: Book Sale and Hot Breakfast: Please join us for a hot breakfast and the book sale on the lawn outside the church after the 9:30 Mass. Brother David, a Franciscan Monk who moved to Massachusetts, donated many beautiful books, some very old, and some religious statues and articles to the church. The sale will include handmade wooden toys, games, kneelers, and handmade veils. Reverend Mr. Cormack McCall will be ordained a priest on June 17th. If interested in carpooling please contact Mrs. Rene Ranieri at (412)956-2815. On June 26th Reverend Mr. McCall will celebrate his first solemn high Mass in Sanford. After the Mass please join us in the priory gardens for a catered banquet. Costs are $25 per adult and $15 for age 10 and under. RSVP for the banquet is required by June 12th. Till June 12th, please RSVP and make payments at the booth outside the church after the 9:30 Mass. You may also RSVP by signing the sheet in the vestibule or by contacting Virginia Sherwell at 301-775-9532 or Eucharistic Adoration: The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration on First Fridays and First Saturdays. Please sign the sheet in the vestibule for your hours of adoration on Friday, July 1st, and Saturday, July 2nd. At least two persons should be always present. The St. Thomas More Academy Jog-a-thon reached its goal of $50,000. (If all pledges are paid, the total will be $52,500.) A great thank you to the benefactors and congratulations to the runners! All proceeds will fund the new school building. Sunday Catechism Classes and Gospel Study classes are cancelled during Academy vacation times. They will resume September 4th. June 25th: Ora et Labora to prepare for Rev. Father McCall s First Solemn Mass and banquet July 1st: FSSPX Third Order Meeting July 1st-2nd: Eucharistic Adoration July 7th: Perpetual Adoration July 10th: St. Thomas More Feast & Pig Roast The seminary will be hosting a 40 th Anniversary celebration for Bishop Bernard Fellay on the feast of Corpus Christi, June 16th. For further information see: Please make donations to the church and the Academy in separate checks. Thank you. One of our priests incurred $2125 in medical expense after insurance payments. Help to cover the expense is greatly appreciated. The Baby Bottle Drive supporting Life Choices Medical Clinic, began Sunday, May 22nd. Baby bottles are distributed after Mass to fundraise monetary support. Pick up a bottle to assist in this effort. We will be collecting filled bottles within the next couple of weeks. Thank you for your support and fundraising efforts! Ladies Book Club: Current reading: The Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux. (Copies are available in the bookstore.) All ladies are most welcome to join the Book Club to discuss the current readings and to socialize. For information, please contact Mrs. Kathrine Bowser at or 407-739-6176. Humanitarian aid for Ukraine: If you wish to assist the people of Ukraine you may send a check to the Ukrainian Catholic parish in Brooksville that graciously hosts our mission there: St. Andrew s Ukrainian Catholic Church 8064 Weeping Willow St., Brooksville, FL 34613. Be sure to write Ukraine in the memo line. Bookstore Recommended Reading: A Brief Catechism for Adults: A Complete Handbook on How to Be a Good Catholic, By Father William J. Cogan

SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS: St. Thomas More Academy - For information, please contact Mr. Justin Sauer at: Every third Sunday of the month the second collection is for the St. Thomas More Academy. Donations towards student tuition and to the school building fund are much appreciated. With deep gratitude benefactors are remembered in the weekly school Masses and in the daily school prayers. The Academy considers proposals for a new location for the boys high school. Calendar: June 11: Last day of high school The Whole Truth about Fatima: Science and the Facts by Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinity Online Source: 20Truth%20about%20Fatima%20M%20AY%2013%2C,cousins%2C%20Francisco%20and%20Jacinta%2C%20are%20nine%20and%20seven. THE CYCLE OF THE SIX APPARITIONS.... here, for six months in succession, on the 13th day, at this same hour. This leads us from May 13 to October 13, and also describes the cycle of apparitions between the two months dedicated to Our Lady, the month of May and the month of the Rosary. No doubt also it is this regularity, this precision of the heavenly rendezvous, which more than anything else favoured the increase in the crowds coming to the Cova da Iria. What firmness in this promise of Our Lady, by which all sincere and upright minds found themselves as though held in suspense until October 13... For the Blessed Virgin had added: Then I will tell you who I am and what I want. 12 Therefore, after the apparition of October 13, the children had no hesitation in answering questions: Will Our Lady appear again? Canon Formigao asked that very evening. And Lucy answered: I do not expect Her to appear again... Thus it is quite clear that the apparitions formed a unique and well-defined cycle. And yet, the Blessed Virgin had added another promise... AFTERWARDS, I WILL COME BACK HERE A SEVENTH TIME. This last sentence, long omitted by historians, no doubt because of its mysterious character, remains for us uncertain in meaning to this day. In 1946, during a brief stay at Fatima, Sister Lucy confided to Canon Galamba that Our Lady had appeared to her at the Cova da Iria on June 16, 1921, when she stopped there early in the morning before leaving for the college of Vilar, at Porto. It was a silent apparition, solely to comfort the little seer on this day, when she believed she was leaving Aljustrel and the Cova da Iria forever. Was this apparition the seventh one announced on May 13, 1917? Certain authors think so, and it is possible. But has Sister Lucy affirmed it categorically? We do not know. While waiting for the decisive documents we cannot dismiss a priori the hypothesis of Father Martins dos Reis: In spite of its material coincidence, he writes, it is very doubtful that this seventh apparition, so strictly individual, corresponds to the seventh apparition promised on May 13, 1917. If we consider the first six, this promised seventh apparition seems to require and imply recipients and an audience of an equally general and collective character. We do not know what Lucy thinks of this, or even, as is most probable, whether she has concrete reasons for giving a judgment on this question... Is this promised apparition in relation with the third part of the secret?... When the whole mystery of Fatima shall be completed? According to this hypothesis, may we not hope that when all Her requests shall have been fully accomplished by the Holy Father and all the bishops of the world, Our Lady, full of kindness, will manifest Herself a seventh time in the Cova da Iria to mark the dawn of Her triumph? THE VOCATION OF HEAVEN:THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PROMISE. Once the heavenly rendezvous had been fixed, the dialogue continued again. And Lucy, with realism, immediately expresses the desire which imposes itself on her in the presence of the Queen of Heaven: to follow Her, to go there with Her! And I, she asks, shall I go to Heaven? This sacred egoism uncovers the simplicity of a frank and loyal soul. How can we desire that others go to Heaven, if we do not first firmly desire to go ourselves? Reassured, filled with joy by the marvellous promise which fell from the lips of Our Lady, Yes, you shall! the seer goes on boldly: And Jacinta? Yes. And Francisco? Yes, but he will have to say many Rosaries. 13

SANCTUARY LAMP DEDICATION THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LAMP IS LIT FOR THE INTENTIONS OF THE ZADEH FAMILY. Please contact (407) 212-3032 or if you are interested in lighting the Sanctuary Lamp for a special intention. Donations are $15.00. Bulletin Advertisements:If you are interested in advertising your business in the bulletin, please contact Kathleen Newell at 386-898-5627. Your ad will include a professional Ad design. It will be displayed weekly on the back cover of this bulletin. It will also be displayed on the Parishes Online, which has over three million viewers. A digital ad with a direct link to your business web and Facebook Page is included with the purchase of any two space or greater size ad. Memorials for a deceased friends or family members, congratulations, or thanksgivings for blessings received are also welcome additions. See more information on the vestibule bulletin board. Please pray for the vocations of our chapel, namely: Fr. Benjamin Campbell, Fr. Elias Campbell, Sr. Marguerite, Br. Bede, Brother Maur, Reverend Mr. Cormack McCall, and Joseph McCall. Praise God for His blessings. Please pray for our Service Members: Carlos Britos EMNCS (SW/AW) USN, Andrew Baierwalter LT USN,Pablo Britos CTMC USN, Brittany Britos CTT1 USN Please pray for all of our sick and homebound, whose names are listed on the bulletin board. Visits to the Sick and Homebound: Sick and homebound persons frequently request visitors. This work of mercy of visiting the sick is open to both ladies and gentlemen. Please pray for the eternal repose of the souls of our faithful departed, whose names are listed in the vestibule. ARS-Altar Rosary Society: Ladies who assist the church. Contact Ms. Virginia Sherwell: (301) 775-9532 HNS-Holy Name Society: Gentlemen who assist the church. Contact: Dr. Brian McCall ARS and HNS Meetings are held on Second Sundays. The church bell was baptized with the name Joseph Teresa by His Excellency, Bishop Bernard Fellay, on April 25th. The god-father of the bell is Mr. Jeffrey Rhea. The name Teresa is in honor of Ms. Teresa Wright, who was very instrumental in founding the parish. Census Cards: If you are new to the parish, or have not completed a census card, or have updated information, please complete a green census card located in the vestibule. Altar Service: Please offer to serve the Masses. Servers are much needed. Contact the STMA office: (407) 212 3032/ Thank you. If you wish to receive the STM Updates for please send your names and emails to If you wish to receive the church weekly newsletter please subscribe at FSSPX Third Order Meetings: First Fridays at 6:45 pm in the church common room. All are encouraged to attend. Publications explaining the Third Order are available in the vestibule. WILL YOUR LAST WISHES BE HONORED? Consider these questions: In what church will your funeral take place? What will be the liturgy? Who will make the correct moral decisions for you if you are unable to do so? Do you wish to bequeath to your church? Do not leave your final arrangements to strangers! Make a last will, appoint an attorney and make your final desires known! If you have specific questions, please contact your church or priest. 1 st Sunday: Blessing of the children before recessional. 2 nd Sunday: Blessing of the religious articles. 3 rd Sunday: Blessing of the sick before recessional. Please avoid calling the Priory before 10am and during meals. Priests schedule: 7:10: Prime 7:30: Mass 12:15 pm: Sext 5:30: Rosary 8:30: Compline and Grand Silence First Thursday: Recollection and Silence

Priory Schedule for this Week SUNDAY, June 5th Pentecost I class, with a I class octave (red) MONDAY, June 6th Monday in the Octave of Pentecost I class (red) TUESDAY, June 7th Tuesday in the Octave of Pentecost I class (red) 7:00 Confessions Rosary 7:30 Sung Mass 8:45 Confessions Rosary 9:30 High Mass Blessing of Children 11:30 Confessions Rosary 12:00 Sung Mass 5:00 Vespers and Benediction 7:30 Mass 7:30 Mass Confessions 11:00 Mass Confessions 6:00 Mass Confessions 7:30 - Vega; Bourque 9:30 - MC: N. Alf TH: R. Campbell AC s: Amparo; J. Alf CB: Perez TB s: J. & T. Rhea; S. Mountain; A. Campbell BB: A. Maratea 12pm - Matheus; Amparo 5:00 - Alfs; Campbells; Matheus 6:00 - Ranieri 7:30 - M. St.-Laurent (ST) Sauer (SPX) Sauer (SJ) J. St.-Laurent 6:00 - Ranieri 7:30 - R. Campbell (ST) McCall (SPX) Bourque (SJ) Nasby (IHLL) Mr. Cook 11:00 - STMHS 6:00 - Ruiz WEDNESDAY, June 8th Ember Wednesday in the Octave of Pentecost, I class (red)/traditional day of fast and partial abstinence 7:30 Mass Confessions 6:00 Mass Confessions 6:00 - Ranieri 7:30 - M. St.-Laurent (ST) Morrow (SPX) Mi. St.-Laurent (SJ) J. St.-Laurent (IHLL) Mr. Cook 6:00 - Matheus THURSDAY, June 9th Thursday in the Octave of Pentecost, I class (red) 7:30 Mass Confessions 6:00 - Ranieri 7:30 - A. Amparo (ST) Morrow (SPX) J. Alf (SJ) Nasby FRIDAY, June 10th Ember Friday in the Octave of Pentecost, I class (red) Traditional day of fast and abstinence 7:30 Mass Confessions 6:00 Mass Confessions 7:30 - B. Campbell (ST) R. Campbell (SPX) Mr. Cook 6:00 - Vega SATURDAY, June 11th Ember Saturday in the Octave of Pentecost, I class (red)/traditional day of fast and partial abstinence 7:45 Benediction Marian Devotions Confessions 8:30 Mass 7:45 - Vega 8:30 - Vega SUNDAY, June 12th Trinity Sunday I class (white) 7:00 Confessions Rosary 7:30 Sung Mass 8:45 Confessions Rosary 9:30 High Mass Blessing of Religious Articles 11:30 Confessions Rosary 12:00 Sung Mass 5:00 Vespers and Benediction 7:30 - Vega; Bourque 9:30 - MC: N. Alf TH: R. Campbell AC s: Amparo; J. Alf CB: Perez TB s: J. & T. Rhea; S. Mountain; A. Campbell BB: A. Maratea 12pm - Matheus; Amparo 5:00 - Alfs; Campbells; Matheus Chapel App: Servers must be present in the sacristy at least ten minutes before the ceremony.

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