JourneyGuard JourneyGuard is a comprehensive travel insurance plan that you can count on whilst you are far away from home, be it on holiday or on bus

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Section 1 - Medical Cover (a) Medical Expenses If the insured person suffers from injury or illness during the insured journey and incurs reasonable m

Part 2 - Benefits Table of Benefits Section Coverage 1 Medical Cover (a) Medical Expenses 500,000 Including sub-limit of follow-up medical expenses 75

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是一份全面的旅遊保險計劃 令您即使置身遙遙萬里之 外 仍感優悠自在 的保障範圍相當廣泛 除了一般 的旅遊外 還可享有恐怖襲擊及外遊期間的戰爭保障 以及自費或行程已包括的業餘及消閒活動 讓您無論出門公幹或 旅遊渡假都倍感安心 特點推介 1. 人身意外 2. 醫療及其他費用 嶄新旅遊保障包括 取消行程引致損失飛行哩數 信用卡被盜用 緊急購買手機充電器 旅行社倒閉引致取消行程 免費自動延續保障期長達10天 I 意外身故 / 四肢傷殘或失明 / 永久完全傷殘 在乘搭公共交通工具時發生的人身意外將獲雙倍賠償 不適用於因 恐怖襲擊 引致的人身意外 第三級燒傷 範圍包括(i)多於2%之頭部皮膚燒傷或(ii)多於10%身體皮膚燒傷 250,000,000 在外遊期間生病或意外受傷所引致的醫療費 手術費 住院費 緊急牙科治療以及額外的交通及住 宿費用 受保人在外遊期間生病或意外受傷 回港後3個月內仍需繼續接受治療 覆診費用保障高達港幣 50,000元 包括因意外受傷所引致之跌打及針灸治療 總額高達港幣1,500元 每日每次治療費用最 高為港幣150元 於海外入院留醫的現金津貼 4. 創傷輔導保障 若外遊期間因目擊或親歷突發事故 包括搶劫 恐嚇 身體受襲 嚴重受傷 火災 爆炸 交通 意外 自然災難 騎劫或恐怖襲擊 引致嚴重心理創傷而接受心理輔導治療的費用 5. 街頭行劫保障 於外遊期間不幸遇劫受傷 在海外留院期間的現金補償 6. 24小時全球支援服務 將傷病的受保人緊急轉送至有足夠醫療設備的醫院 並在有需要時安排隨行醫療人員及醫療設備 在當地治療完成後以合適的交通工具 以經濟客位將傷病的受保人送返原居地 護送傷病的受保人的同行子女返家及保障合理的額外旅費 包括經濟客位機票及住宿 安排一名親屬前往探望受保人 於海外住院連續超過7日 的來回經濟客位機票及高達每晚港幣 1,200元 最多連續5晚的住宿費用 如受保人不幸身故 將其遺體或骨灰運返原居地的全部費用 或在肇事地方進行殮葬的費用 不包括棺木費用 不設自負金額 免費24小時緊急支援服務 7. 取消行程 8. 縮短行程 3. 住院現金 恐怖襲擊及外遊期間的戰爭保障 公共交通工具上的雙倍賠償保障 熱門業餘及消閒活動 (250/每日) 1 (1,500/每次) 於外遊期間 由於以下原因導致行程必須縮短 提早回港所引致的損失 包括無法退回或額外的交 通 旅行團 酒店住宿等費用 1) 已安排的公共交通工具因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難 該交通工具機件故障引致的延誤 4) 受保人乘搭的客機被騎劫 6) 所前赴的目的地在外遊警示制度下被發出黑色外遊警示 10. 緊急購買手機充電器 如因第9項事故 造成啟航時間延誤超過6小時 需要購買手機充電器之緊急購物津貼 11. 遺失行李 旅遊證件 及現金 意外遺失或損毀的行李 補領旅遊證件 身份證明文件及信用卡的費用 包括因此引致額外住宿及交通費用 在旅途中因偷竊或搶劫而損失的現金 銀行本票及旅行支票 I 1 (/每件) (/每件) 12. 信用卡被盜用 在外遊期間意外遺失信用卡 導致信用卡被盜用而引致金錢損失 不包括櫃員機被提取現金在內 3,000 13. 緊急購物 因行李被錯誤運送或延誤超過6小時 需要緊急購買日用必需品如衣服 洗漱用品等費用 若行李證實為永久遺失 本項目將在上列 遺失行李 賠償中扣除 1,000 1,500 14. 信用咭簽賬保障 受保人在外地因意外身故而在旅程途中以信用咭簽賬的未繳結餘 1 30,000 15. 強制隔離現金津貼 受保人在旅程途中或回港後7天內因傳染病而被強制隔離 16. 租車自負額保障 於外遊期間因租用的車輛遭受意外損毁或失竊 就有關損失需承擔的保險自負額將獲得賠償 17. 個人責任保障 償付受保人導致他人身體受傷或財物損失而需負上的法律責任 但不包括使用任何車輛及船隻 騎馬 及對家庭成員及僱員的責任 (500/每天) 已安排乘搭的公共交通工具如因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難或該公共交通工具的機件故 障 造成啟航時間延誤超過6小時 a) 每6小時延誤可獲港幣250元現金津貼 或 b) 必須更改路線前赴本來目的地所引致 但不獲航空公司或任何第三者補償的額外住宿及交通費用,000 300 500 全年家庭計劃 兒童免費或半價 每名成年人投保 同行首名兒童可獲免費 保障 同行第二名兒童可獲半價優惠 中國醫療卡 經常往返中國各地可附加中國醫療卡 只需港幣138元便可獲得國內指定醫院住院按金保證 每次180天 旅遊次數 全年旅遊次數不限 不適用於中國公民於國內旅遊 受保人到原居地旅遊最長以30日為限 之保費恕不退回 子女免費或半價 若父或母已投保全年旅遊計劃 同行子女可以半價購買 計劃 備註 年齡限制: 最高80歲 最高75歲 75歲以上人士 2 3 雙倍賠償不適用 港幣250,000元 最高賠償限額之25% 兒童 (指未滿16歲的小童) 雙倍賠償不適用 第三級燒傷之最高保額為 港幣50,000元 同行子女無須支付額外 保費 子女人數不限 每次90天 不適用於移民外地或非香港居民 於一年內在港居留少於180天 將受額外條款限制 全年或家庭計劃之子女只限16歲以下同行子女 Pre-trip Considerations 溫馨小貼士 Any sports games or leisure activities planned in this journey? 您今次外遊會否參加任何運動或消閒活動? Is the place you are visiting famous for amateur sports or special sightseeing activities? 您將會到訪的地方會否有任何熱門的運動或特別的觀光活動? JOURNEYGUARD List of amateur sports and activities covered: 受保障的業餘運動及活動 不設限額 於出發前30天內 由於以下原因導致必須取消行程所引致的損失 包括無法退回的交通 旅行團 酒店住宿及飛行哩數等費用 1) 已安排的公共交通工具因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難 該交通工具機件故障 機場關閉 引致的延誤 4) 受保人或偕行的同伴須擔任陪審團或證人 6) 目的地於出發前7天內在外遊警示制度下被發出黑色外遊警示 7) 所參加的旅行社倒閉 9. 行程延誤或更改行 程費用 主要不受保項目 戰爭 愛滋病 自損行為 先天或旅遊前已存在之疾病 受酒精影響之行 為 使用非醫生處方之藥物 懷孕 職業運動 競賽 精神病 在遺失金 錢或行李後24小時內未向警方申報 危險或體力勞動工作 非以航班乘客 身份參與的飛行 註 本小冊子只為一般簡介 僅供參考之用 有關之條款及細則和不受保 項目 概以保單所載為準 如中文譯本與英文有異 以英文文本為準 Scuba diving / skin diving 水肺潛水 / 徒手潛水 Rafting 激流 / 急流漂筏 Water skiing and water sports 滑水及水上活動 Gliding driven from water surface or land 由水面或陸上驅動的滑翔活動 Yachting 帆船航行 Travel Insurance 旅遊保險 Hot air ballooning 熱氣球 Bungee jumping 笨豬跳 Sky walking 高空漫步 Flying as fare-paying passenger in helicopter or aircraft for sightseeing 以付費乘客身份乘坐觀光直昇機或 小型飛機 Terro rism War & Passiv C e 恐 怖 over 襲 擊 外遊 戰爭 及 保障 Skiing and winter sports 滑雪及冬季活動 Horse riding 騎馬 Hiking 高山遠足 Polar sightseeing 極地觀光 Potholing 岩洞探險 We are unable to list everything as new tourist activities are being developed across the globe all the time. 旅遊活動日新月異 獲未能盡錄 Worry about your protection? Please contact your agent / broker or us. 如有疑問 請聯絡您的保險代理或本公司

JourneyGuard JourneyGuard is a comprehensive travel insurance plan that you can count on whilst you are far away from home, be it on holiday or on business. Apart from extensive travel coverage, JourneyGuard protects you from terrorism and war when you are travelling, as well as amateur sports and activities, regardless if it is self-paid or part of a package. Distinctive Features Terrorism and war cover whilst travelling overseas Double indemnity when travelling in a public conveyance Cover for popular amateur sports and activities New covers include: Loss of Frequent Flyer Points due to trip cancellation Fraudulent use of credit card Emergency purchase of phone charger due to travel delay Cancellation due to Insolvency of travel agent No excess applies 24-hour Worldwide Assistance Service Automatic extension up to 10 extra days Cover Benefits Limits (HK$) 1. Personal Accident Accidental death / Loss of limbs or eyesight / Permanent total disablement Double indemnity is provided for personal accident, while travelling on a common carrier that is licensed to carry passengers (Not applicable to accident arising out of terrorism) Major Burns: cover for third degree burns with burn areas as (i) 2% or more of the total head surface area, or (ii) 10% or more of the total body surface area 2. Medical Expenses Medical and surgical fees, hospital charges and emergency dental treatment incurred as a result of sickness or injury during the journey, including the additional travel and accommodation expenses Follow-up medical expenses arising from sickness or accidental bodily injury incurred within 3 months after returning to Hong Kong up to HK$50,000, including Bone-setting and acupuncture treatment arising from injury up to HK$1,500 per policy and HK$150 per visit per day Plan I 250,000 (sub-limit) 3. Hospital Cash Cash allowance while the insured person hospitalised overseas (250/day) 4. Trauma Counselling Reimburse the cost of trauma counselling incurred if the insured person suffers from an acute mental trauma after witnessing, or being subject to a sudden unexpected event such as robbery or burglary, threat, personal assault, serious bodily injury, fire, explosion, traffic accident, natural disaster, hijacking or terror attack Plan II,000 (sub-limit) 1 (max1,500/visit) 5. Mugging Cash allowance for the insured person suffered from bodily injury and hospitalised overseas as the result of a mugging attack (500/day) 6. 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Service Emergency transfer of an injured or sick person to an adequately equipped hospital and arrange medical supervision and medical facility as appropriate Repatriation of an injured or sick person to home country after local treatment by appropriate means of transport in economy class Escort unattended children of an injured or sick person back home plus reasonable travel expenses incurred inclusive of economy air ticket and accommodation Round trip economy ticket and hotel accommodation (HK$1,200 per day for a maximum of 5 consecutive days) for a relative to visit an insured person hospitalised overseas for more than 7 consecutive days Expenses incurred in transporting the body or ashes home or payment of local burial expenses incurred in the event of death of an insured person (excluding the cost of coffin) 7. Cancellation In the event of 1) the scheduled public transport is delayed due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather, natural disaster, mechanical breakdown of such transporting carrier or airport closure; 2) compulsory quarantine of an insured person or insured travelling companions 3) sudden death, serious injury or serious sickness of an insured person, close relatives or business associates or travelling companions 4) jury or witness services of an insured person or insured travelling companions 5) fire, explosion or earthquake causing uninhabitable of an insured person or insured travelling companions home 6) issuance of Black Alert under Outboard Travel Alert (OTA) for the planned destination within 7 days before departure 7) insolvency of travel agent Occurred within 30 days before the commencement date of the journey, resulting in a cancellation which leads to a loss of advance payments in transportation, tour charges or hotel accommodation, including irrecoverable loss of frequent flyer points Unlimited (500/day) 8. Curtailment In the event of 1) the scheduled public transport is delayed due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather, natural disaster or mechanical breakdown of such transporting carrier 2) compulsory quarantine of an insured person or insured travelling companions 3) sudden death, serious injury or serious sickness of an insured person, close relatives or business associates or travelling companions 4) hijacking of aircraft 5) fire, explosion or earthquake causing uninhabitable of an insured person or insured travelling companions home 6) issuance of Black Alert under Outboard Travel Alert (OTA) for the planned destination Occurred during the journey, resulting in a curtailment that immediate return to Hong Kong is necessary and which leads to a loss, including forfeited or additional transportation and accommodation expenses 9. Travel Delay or Re-routing Expenses 10. Emergency Purchase of Phone Charger As a result of delay to common carrier for more than 6 hours due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather, natural disaster or mechanical breakdown of such carrier, we shall pay: a) HK$250 for each full 6 hours delay; OR b) additional transportation costs and accommodation expenses if re-routing is necessary in order to get to the original destination, provided that no compensation is received from the carrier or any third party If delay to the common carrier for more than 6 hours as a result of the above incidents under Cover 9, expenses incurred for emergency purchase of mobile phone charger will be reimbursed 300 500

Cover Benefits Limits (HK$) 11. Loss of Baggage, Travel Documents and Cash 12. Fraudulent Use of Credit Card Accidental loss of or damage to baggage Cost of replacing lost travel documents, identification and credit cards, including the additional accommodation and transportation costs incurred as a result Loss of cash, banknotes and travellers cheques arising from theft or robbery during the journey Plan I 1 (/article) Plan II (/article) Monetary loss due to fraudulent use of credit card which is accidentally lost during the journey, excluding ATM cash withdrawal 3,000 13. Emergency Purchases Emergency purchases of essential clothing, toiletries, etc. if baggage is delayed or misplaced for more than 6 hours If the baggage proves to be permanently lost, any amount paid under this cover is deducted from the amount payable under Loss of Baggage cover above 14. Credit Card Protection Outstanding balance of credit card(s) for purchases during the journey in the event of insured person suffers accidental death overseas 15. Compulsory Quarantine Cash Allowance Daily cash allowance if the insured person is compulsory quarantined due to infectious disease during the journey or within 7 days after returning to Hong Kong 16. Rental Vehicle Excess Reimburse the excess amount borne by the insured person under the rental condition for the damage or loss of the rental vehicle during the journey 17. Personal Liability Against legal liability to third parties for accidental bodily injury and loss of or damage to property, but excluding liabilities arising out of use of vehicles and watercraft, horse-riding and liability to family members or employees Family Cover Maximum Duration General Remarks: Age limit: Single Trip One adult travels, one child free & second child half priced 180 days each trip Cover for adults above the age of 75: Not applicable to PRC citizens travelling within the territory of Mainland China Home country travel subject to max 30 days No premium refund for Single Trip Policy Single Trip Policy 85 years old Annual Policy 75 years old Cover 1 50% of the stated limit, double indemnity is not applicable Cover 2 HK$250,000 Cover 3 25% of the stated limit Medpass Max No. of Trips Family Cover Maximum Duration General Annual Plan 1,000 1,500 1 30,000 (500/day),000 Annual Family Plan China Medical Pass for Frequent Travellers to China Just HK$138 per annum for Admission Guarantee to Network Hospitals Unlimited number of trips per year Parent enrolled in Annual Plan, all children HALF PRICED on Single Trip 90 days each trip Cover for UNLIMITED number of children at no additional cost Not applicable to emigrants and residents outside of Hong Kong Insured staying in Hong Kong less than 180 days in a year will be subject to special underwriting Annual Family Policy covers children aged below 16 and travelling together with their parent(s) Major Exclusions: War, HIV/AIDS, self-inflicted injuries, pre-existing or congenital health conditions, influence by alcohol, non-prescription drugs, pregnancy, professional sports, racing, psychological disturbance, losses not reported to the police or the carrier within 24 hours for baggage and cash, dangerous assignments or manual work, flying except as a fare-paying passenger. Premium per insured person (HK$) 保 費 ( 每 位 受 保 人 )( 港 幣 / 元 ) Single Trip Period of Insurance (days) 單 次 旅 遊 承 保 期 ( 日 數 ) Plan I 計 劃 I Plan II 計 劃 II 1 102 125 2 115 156 3 128 187 4 141 206 5 154 225 6 167 244 7 180 263 8 193 282 9 205 300 10 217 318 11 229 336 12 241 354 13 253 372 14 264 389 15 275 406 16 286 423 17 297 440 18 308 457 19 318 473 20 328 489 21 338 505 22 348 521 23 358 537 24 367 552 25 376 567 26 385 582 27 394 597 28 403 612 29 411 626 30 419 640 Additional premium per day after 30 days 由 第 31 日 起 ( 每 日 ) 12 16 Cover for children below the age of 16: Cover 1 50% of the stated limit, double indemnity is not applicable Major Burns up to HK$50,000 Annual Plan 全 年 計 劃 Annual Family Plan 全 年 家 庭 計 劃 China Medical Pass (per insured person) 中 國 醫 療 卡 ( 每 位 受 保 人 ) 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,800 138

是一份全面的旅遊保險計劃 令您即使置身遙遙萬里之 外 仍感優悠自在 的保障範圍相當廣泛 除了一般 的旅遊外 還可享有恐怖襲擊及外遊期間的戰爭保障 以及自費或行程已包括的業餘及消閒活動 讓您無論出門公幹或 旅遊渡假都倍感安心 特點推介 1. 人身意外 2. 醫療及其他費用 嶄新旅遊保障包括 取消行程引致損失飛行哩數 信用卡被盜用 緊急購買手機充電器 旅行社倒閉引致取消行程 免費自動延續保障期長達10天 I 意外身故 / 四肢傷殘或失明 / 永久完全傷殘 在乘搭公共交通工具時發生的人身意外將獲雙倍賠償 不適用於因 恐怖襲擊 引致的人身意外 第三級燒傷 範圍包括(i)多於2%之頭部皮膚燒傷或(ii)多於10%身體皮膚燒傷 250,000,000 在外遊期間生病或意外受傷所引致的醫療費 手術費 住院費 緊急牙科治療以及額外的交通及住 宿費用 受保人在外遊期間生病或意外受傷 回港後3個月內仍需繼續接受治療 覆診費用保障高達港幣 50,000元 包括因意外受傷所引致之跌打及針灸治療 總額高達港幣1,500元 每日每次治療費用最 高為港幣150元 於海外入院留醫的現金津貼 4. 創傷輔導保障 若外遊期間因目擊或親歷突發事故 包括搶劫 恐嚇 身體受襲 嚴重受傷 火災 爆炸 交通 意外 自然災難 騎劫或恐怖襲擊 引致嚴重心理創傷而接受心理輔導治療的費用 5. 街頭行劫保障 於外遊期間不幸遇劫受傷 在海外留院期間的現金補償 6. 24小時全球支援服務 將傷病的受保人緊急轉送至有足夠醫療設備的醫院 並在有需要時安排隨行醫療人員及醫療設備 在當地治療完成後以合適的交通工具 以經濟客位將傷病的受保人送返原居地 護送傷病的受保人的同行子女返家及保障合理的額外旅費 包括經濟客位機票及住宿 安排一名親屬前往探望受保人 於海外住院連續超過7日 的來回經濟客位機票及高達每晚港幣 1,200元 最多連續5晚的住宿費用 如受保人不幸身故 將其遺體或骨灰運返原居地的全部費用 或在肇事地方進行殮葬的費用 不包括棺木費用 不設自負金額 免費24小時緊急支援服務 7. 取消行程 8. 縮短行程 3. 住院現金 恐怖襲擊及外遊期間的戰爭保障 公共交通工具上的雙倍賠償保障 熱門業餘及消閒活動 (250/每日) 1 (1,500/每次) 於外遊期間 由於以下原因導致行程必須縮短 提早回港所引致的損失 包括無法退回或額外的交 通 旅行團 酒店住宿等費用 1) 已安排的公共交通工具因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難 該交通工具機件故障引致的延誤 4) 受保人乘搭的客機被騎劫 6) 所前赴的目的地在外遊警示制度下被發出黑色外遊警示 10. 緊急購買手機充電器 如因第9項事故 造成啟航時間延誤超過6小時 需要購買手機充電器之緊急購物津貼 11. 遺失行李 旅遊證件 及現金 意外遺失或損毀的行李 補領旅遊證件 身份證明文件及信用卡的費用 包括因此引致額外住宿及交通費用 在旅途中因偷竊或搶劫而損失的現金 銀行本票及旅行支票 I 1 (/每件) (/每件) 12. 信用卡被盜用 在外遊期間意外遺失信用卡 導致信用卡被盜用而引致金錢損失 不包括櫃員機被提取現金在內 3,000 13. 緊急購物 因行李被錯誤運送或延誤超過6小時 需要緊急購買日用必需品如衣服 洗漱用品等費用 若行李證實為永久遺失 本項目將在上列 遺失行李 賠償中扣除 1,000 1,500 14. 信用咭簽賬保障 受保人在外地因意外身故而在旅程途中以信用咭簽賬的未繳結餘 1 30,000 15. 強制隔離現金津貼 受保人在旅程途中或回港後7天內因傳染病而被強制隔離 16. 租車自負額保障 於外遊期間因租用的車輛遭受意外損毁或失竊 就有關損失需承擔的保險自負額將獲得賠償 17. 個人責任保障 償付受保人導致他人身體受傷或財物損失而需負上的法律責任 但不包括使用任何車輛及船隻 騎馬 及對家庭成員及僱員的責任 (500/每天) 已安排乘搭的公共交通工具如因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難或該公共交通工具的機件故 障 造成啟航時間延誤超過6小時 a) 每6小時延誤可獲港幣250元現金津貼 或 b) 必須更改路線前赴本來目的地所引致 但不獲航空公司或任何第三者補償的額外住宿及交通費用,000 300 500 全年家庭計劃 兒童免費或半價 每名成年人投保 同行首名兒童可獲免費 保障 同行第二名兒童可獲半價優惠 中國醫療卡 經常往返中國各地可附加中國醫療卡 只需港幣138元便可獲得國內指定醫院住院按金保證 每次180天 旅遊次數 全年旅遊次數不限 不適用於中國公民於國內旅遊 受保人到原居地旅遊最長以30日為限 之保費恕不退回 子女免費或半價 若父或母已投保全年旅遊計劃 同行子女可以半價購買 計劃 備註 年齡限制: 最高80歲 最高75歲 75歲以上人士 2 3 雙倍賠償不適用 港幣250,000元 最高賠償限額之25% 兒童 (指未滿16歲的小童) 雙倍賠償不適用 第三級燒傷之最高保額為 港幣50,000元 同行子女無須支付額外 保費 子女人數不限 每次90天 不適用於移民外地或非香港居民 於一年內在港居留少於180天 將受額外條款限制 全年或家庭計劃之子女只限16歲以下同行子女 Pre-trip Considerations 溫馨小貼士 Any sports games or leisure activities planned in this journey? 您今次外遊會否參加任何運動或消閒活動? Is the place you are visiting famous for amateur sports or special sightseeing activities? 您將會到訪的地方會否有任何熱門的運動或特別的觀光活動? JOURNEYGUARD List of amateur sports and activities covered: 受保障的業餘運動及活動 不設限額 於出發前30天內 由於以下原因導致必須取消行程所引致的損失 包括無法退回的交通 旅行團 酒店住宿及飛行哩數等費用 1) 已安排的公共交通工具因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難 該交通工具機件故障 機場關閉 引致的延誤 4) 受保人或偕行的同伴須擔任陪審團或證人 6) 目的地於出發前7天內在外遊警示制度下被發出黑色外遊警示 7) 所參加的旅行社倒閉 9. 行程延誤或更改行 程費用 主要不受保項目 戰爭 愛滋病 自損行為 先天或旅遊前已存在之疾病 受酒精影響之行 為 使用非醫生處方之藥物 懷孕 職業運動 競賽 精神病 在遺失金 錢或行李後24小時內未向警方申報 危險或體力勞動工作 非以航班乘客 身份參與的飛行 註 本小冊子只為一般簡介 僅供參考之用 有關之條款及細則和不受保 項目 概以保單所載為準 如中文譯本與英文有異 以英文文本為準 Scuba diving / skin diving 水肺潛水 / 徒手潛水 Rafting 激流 / 急流漂筏 Water skiing and water sports 滑水及水上活動 Gliding driven from water surface or land 由水面或陸上驅動的滑翔活動 Yachting 帆船航行 Travel Insurance 旅遊保險 Hot air ballooning 熱氣球 Bungee jumping 笨豬跳 Sky walking 高空漫步 Flying as fare-paying passenger in helicopter or aircraft for sightseeing 以付費乘客身份乘坐觀光直昇機或 小型飛機 Terro rism War & Passiv C e 恐 怖 over 襲 擊 外遊 戰爭 及 保障 Skiing and winter sports 滑雪及冬季活動 Horse riding 騎馬 Hiking 高山遠足 Polar sightseeing 極地觀光 Potholing 岩洞探險 We are unable to list everything as new tourist activities are being developed across the globe all the time. 旅遊活動日新月異 獲未能盡錄 Worry about your protection? Please contact your agent / broker or us. 如有疑問 請聯絡您的保險代理或本公司

是一份全面的旅遊保險計劃 令您即使置身遙遙萬里之 外 仍感優悠自在 的保障範圍相當廣泛 除了一般 的旅遊外 還可享有恐怖襲擊及外遊期間的戰爭保障 以及自費或行程已包括的業餘及消閒活動 讓您無論出門公幹或 旅遊渡假都倍感安心 特點推介 1. 人身意外 2. 醫療及其他費用 嶄新旅遊保障包括 取消行程引致損失飛行哩數 信用卡被盜用 緊急購買手機充電器 旅行社倒閉引致取消行程 免費自動延續保障期長達10天 I 意外身故 / 四肢傷殘或失明 / 永久完全傷殘 在乘搭公共交通工具時發生的人身意外將獲雙倍賠償 不適用於因 恐怖襲擊 引致的人身意外 第三級燒傷 範圍包括(i)多於2%之頭部皮膚燒傷或(ii)多於10%身體皮膚燒傷 250,000,000 在外遊期間生病或意外受傷所引致的醫療費 手術費 住院費 緊急牙科治療以及額外的交通及住 宿費用 受保人在外遊期間生病或意外受傷 回港後3個月內仍需繼續接受治療 覆診費用保障高達港幣 50,000元 包括因意外受傷所引致之跌打及針灸治療 總額高達港幣1,500元 每日每次治療費用最 高為港幣150元 於海外入院留醫的現金津貼 4. 創傷輔導保障 若外遊期間因目擊或親歷突發事故 包括搶劫 恐嚇 身體受襲 嚴重受傷 火災 爆炸 交通 意外 自然災難 騎劫或恐怖襲擊 引致嚴重心理創傷而接受心理輔導治療的費用 5. 街頭行劫保障 於外遊期間不幸遇劫受傷 在海外留院期間的現金補償 6. 24小時全球支援服務 將傷病的受保人緊急轉送至有足夠醫療設備的醫院 並在有需要時安排隨行醫療人員及醫療設備 在當地治療完成後以合適的交通工具 以經濟客位將傷病的受保人送返原居地 護送傷病的受保人的同行子女返家及保障合理的額外旅費 包括經濟客位機票及住宿 安排一名親屬前往探望受保人 於海外住院連續超過7日 的來回經濟客位機票及高達每晚港幣 1,200元 最多連續5晚的住宿費用 如受保人不幸身故 將其遺體或骨灰運返原居地的全部費用 或在肇事地方進行殮葬的費用 不包括棺木費用 不設自負金額 免費24小時緊急支援服務 7. 取消行程 8. 縮短行程 3. 住院現金 恐怖襲擊及外遊期間的戰爭保障 公共交通工具上的雙倍賠償保障 熱門業餘及消閒活動 (250/每日) 1 (1,500/每次) 於外遊期間 由於以下原因導致行程必須縮短 提早回港所引致的損失 包括無法退回或額外的交 通 旅行團 酒店住宿等費用 1) 已安排的公共交通工具因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難 該交通工具機件故障引致的延誤 4) 受保人乘搭的客機被騎劫 6) 所前赴的目的地在外遊警示制度下被發出黑色外遊警示 10. 緊急購買手機充電器 如因第9項事故 造成啟航時間延誤超過6小時 需要購買手機充電器之緊急購物津貼 11. 遺失行李 旅遊證件 及現金 意外遺失或損毀的行李 補領旅遊證件 身份證明文件及信用卡的費用 包括因此引致額外住宿及交通費用 在旅途中因偷竊或搶劫而損失的現金 銀行本票及旅行支票 I 1 (/每件) (/每件) 12. 信用卡被盜用 在外遊期間意外遺失信用卡 導致信用卡被盜用而引致金錢損失 不包括櫃員機被提取現金在內 3,000 13. 緊急購物 因行李被錯誤運送或延誤超過6小時 需要緊急購買日用必需品如衣服 洗漱用品等費用 若行李證實為永久遺失 本項目將在上列 遺失行李 賠償中扣除 1,000 1,500 14. 信用咭簽賬保障 受保人在外地因意外身故而在旅程途中以信用咭簽賬的未繳結餘 1 30,000 15. 強制隔離現金津貼 受保人在旅程途中或回港後7天內因傳染病而被強制隔離 16. 租車自負額保障 於外遊期間因租用的車輛遭受意外損毁或失竊 就有關損失需承擔的保險自負額將獲得賠償 17. 個人責任保障 償付受保人導致他人身體受傷或財物損失而需負上的法律責任 但不包括使用任何車輛及船隻 騎馬 及對家庭成員及僱員的責任 (500/每天) 已安排乘搭的公共交通工具如因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難或該公共交通工具的機件故 障 造成啟航時間延誤超過6小時 a) 每6小時延誤可獲港幣250元現金津貼 或 b) 必須更改路線前赴本來目的地所引致 但不獲航空公司或任何第三者補償的額外住宿及交通費用,000 300 500 全年家庭計劃 兒童免費或半價 每名成年人投保 同行首名兒童可獲免費 保障 同行第二名兒童可獲半價優惠 中國醫療卡 經常往返中國各地可附加中國醫療卡 只需港幣138元便可獲得國內指定醫院住院按金保證 每次180天 旅遊次數 全年旅遊次數不限 不適用於中國公民於國內旅遊 受保人到原居地旅遊最長以30日為限 之保費恕不退回 子女免費或半價 若父或母已投保全年旅遊計劃 同行子女可以半價購買 計劃 備註 年齡限制: 最高80歲 最高75歲 75歲以上人士 2 3 雙倍賠償不適用 港幣250,000元 最高賠償限額之25% 兒童 (指未滿16歲的小童) 雙倍賠償不適用 第三級燒傷之最高保額為 港幣50,000元 同行子女無須支付額外 保費 子女人數不限 每次90天 不適用於移民外地或非香港居民 於一年內在港居留少於180天 將受額外條款限制 全年或家庭計劃之子女只限16歲以下同行子女 Pre-trip Considerations 溫馨小貼士 Any sports games or leisure activities planned in this journey? 您今次外遊會否參加任何運動或消閒活動? Is the place you are visiting famous for amateur sports or special sightseeing activities? 您將會到訪的地方會否有任何熱門的運動或特別的觀光活動? JOURNEYGUARD List of amateur sports and activities covered: 受保障的業餘運動及活動 不設限額 於出發前30天內 由於以下原因導致必須取消行程所引致的損失 包括無法退回的交通 旅行團 酒店住宿及飛行哩數等費用 1) 已安排的公共交通工具因罷工 工業行動 惡劣天氣 自然災難 該交通工具機件故障 機場關閉 引致的延誤 4) 受保人或偕行的同伴須擔任陪審團或證人 6) 目的地於出發前7天內在外遊警示制度下被發出黑色外遊警示 7) 所參加的旅行社倒閉 9. 行程延誤或更改行 程費用 主要不受保項目 戰爭 愛滋病 自損行為 先天或旅遊前已存在之疾病 受酒精影響之行 為 使用非醫生處方之藥物 懷孕 職業運動 競賽 精神病 在遺失金 錢或行李後24小時內未向警方申報 危險或體力勞動工作 非以航班乘客 身份參與的飛行 註 本小冊子只為一般簡介 僅供參考之用 有關之條款及細則和不受保 項目 概以保單所載為準 如中文譯本與英文有異 以英文文本為準 Scuba diving / skin diving 水肺潛水 / 徒手潛水 Rafting 激流 / 急流漂筏 Water skiing and water sports 滑水及水上活動 Gliding driven from water surface or land 由水面或陸上驅動的滑翔活動 Yachting 帆船航行 Travel Insurance 旅遊保險 Hot air ballooning 熱氣球 Bungee jumping 笨豬跳 Sky walking 高空漫步 Flying as fare-paying passenger in helicopter or aircraft for sightseeing 以付費乘客身份乘坐觀光直昇機或 小型飛機 Terro rism War & Passiv C e 恐 怖 over 襲 擊 外遊 戰爭 及 保障 Skiing and winter sports 滑雪及冬季活動 Horse riding 騎馬 Hiking 高山遠足 Polar sightseeing 極地觀光 Potholing 岩洞探險 We are unable to list everything as new tourist activities are being developed across the globe all the time. 旅遊活動日新月異 獲未能盡錄 Worry about your protection? Please contact your agent / broker or us. 如有疑問 請聯絡您的保險代理或本公司

Your Trustworthy Insurance Partner 您 至 可 信 賴 的 保 險 夥 伴 Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, AG, through its subsidiaries and brand known as Allied World, is a global provider of innovative property, casualty and specialty insurance and reinsurance solutions. Allied World offers superior client service through a global network of offices and branches. With a wide range of customers in the Asia Pacific region and excellent financial ratings, Allied World offers a meaningful combination of global strength and local expertise for both individual and corporate clients. All of Allied World s rated insurance and reinsurance subsidiaries are rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best Company, A by Standard & Poor s, and A2 by Moody s. Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, AG, 是 一 家 通 過 其 子 公 司 及 名 為 Allied World 世 聯 的 品 牌, 透 過 其 全 球 網 路 的 辦 事 處 和 分 支 公 司, 提 供 創 新 型 財 產 傷 亡 及 專 業 保 險 及 再 保 險 解 決 方 案 及 優 質 的 客 戶 服 務 Allied World 世 聯 的 財 務 評 級 極 佳, 來 自 不 同 界 別 的 客 戶 遍 佈 亞 太 地 區 Allied World 世 聯 為 個 人 和 企 業 客 戶 提 供 全 球 性 優 勢 和 本 地 專 業 知 識 兼 備 的 貼 心 保 險 服 務 Allied World 世 聯 所 有 被 評 級 的 保 險 及 再 保 險 子 公 司 都 持 有 下 列 的 信 貸 評 級 : 貝 氏 評 級 公 司 (A.M. Best Company) 的 A 級 (Excellent) 標 準 普 爾 (Standard & Poor s) 的 A 級 和 穆 迪 (Moody s) 的 A2 級 ALLIED WORLD DISCLAIMER This information is provided as a general overview for agents and brokers. Coverage will be underwritten by the Hong Kong branch office of Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd, which is regulated by the Hong Kong Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, the Singapore branch office of Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd, which is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and/or the Australian branch office of Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd, as relevant. All of Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, AG s rated insurance subsidiaries are currently rated A by Standard & Poor s. Coverage is only offered subject to local regulatory requirements and through licensed agents and brokers. Actual coverage may vary and is subject to policy language as issued. Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, AG. All rights reserved April 2015. Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd 世 聯 保 險 有 限 公 司 (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) 32/F, Dorset House, Taikoo Place, 979 King s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong 香 港 魚 涌 英 皇 道 979 號 太 古 坊 多 盛 大 廈 32 樓 Tel 電 話 +852 2968 1636 Fax 傳 真 +852 2917 6266 Email 電 郵 SP-JG0415PL-17 Revised in Apr 2015 A member of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau

JOURNEYGUARD Travel Insurance Policy Thank you for insuring with Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd ( Allied World ). We will provide the insurance cover described in this policy during the period of insurance upon receiving your premium payment. This policy provides comprehensive protection for you with the following documents forming the basis of and part of your policy: - the proposal, declaration and any other information you have given us, - the policy schedule and any amended schedule, - the most recent renewal confirmation, and - any endorsement amending any of the above. We highly recommend that you read this policy thoroughly which sets out the benefits and limitations of the insurance you have bought. A handy Assistance Service Card with important policy details and our emergency hotline is also attached. Please carry these documents with you, in particular the Assistance Service Card. We also suggest that you should make your family members aware of this insurance cover in case they need to make or assist with a claim. Should you have any query about this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can assist us in improving our customer service by providing feedback to: Marketing & Communications Team Tel +852 2968 3000 Fax +852 2968 5111 E-mail In consideration of the premium payment and the due observance and fulfillment of the terms, conditions and exclusions contained herein or endorsed hereon of this Policy, We will pay the Benefits for the covered loss as described herein. PART I. DEFINITIONS Accident or Accidental Shall mean a sudden unexpected unforeseen and identifiable incident Bodily Injury Shall mean physical bodily injury occurring whilst this Policy is in force, resulting solely and independently from Accidental means and does not include sickness or disease or any naturally occurring condition or degenerative process. It also includes drowning, gassing, poisoning or exposure to the elements. Common Carrier Shall mean any bus, coach, taxi, hotel car, ferry, hovercraft, hydrofoil, ship, train, tram or underground train provided and operated by a carrier duly licensed for the regular transportation of fare-paying passengers, and any aircraft provided and operated by an airline or an air charter company which is duly licensed for regular transportation of fare-paying passengers, and any regularly scheduled airport limousine operating on fixed routes and schedules. Emergency Service Shall mean Our 24-hour Worldwide Assistance Service provided by Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited (IPA) with hotline number +852 2765 6700. Journey Shall mean travel originated from Hong Kong for the direct purpose of commencing a Journey outside Hong Kong. A Journey shall commence from the time You leave Your place of residence or business in Hong Kong and cease by the time You return to Your place of residence or business in Hong Kong, or on expiry of the period specified in the Schedule, whichever is the earlier. Medical Practitioner Shall mean a practitioner of occident medicines duly qualified and legally registered as such under the laws of the country to render medical or surgical service but excluding a person who is the Insured Person himself/herself, his/her spouse or relative. Passive War Shall mean war outside of Your country of residence whilst You are undertaking any external Journey. Period of Insurance Section 7 - Shall mean the period commencing from the date this Policy is issued or 30 days prior to the scheduled departure date, whichever is the later; until commencement of the Journey. Other Sections - Shall mean the time of Your Journey during the period as specified in the Schedule. This Policy shall only be operative up to 180 (for Single Trip Policy) and 90 (for Annual Policy) consecutive days in total in respect of each Journey. Extension Following Delay If due to delays beyond Your control and Your Journey is not completed during the Period of Insurance, then this insurance is automatically extended without additional premium by a period equivalent to the period of delay with a maximum of 10 days. Sickness Shall mean sickness or disease contracted within the Period of Insurance which requires the services of a Medical Practitioner and which results in expenses being necessarily and customarily incurred. Serious Bodily Injury or Sickness Shall mean Bodily Injury or Sickness certified by a Medical Practitioner as being dangerous to life or unfit to travel or continue the Journey. Travelling Companion Shall mean an Insured Person who is insured by Us and is travelling with You for the entire Journey. You/Your/Yours Shall mean the Insured or any of the Insured Persons named in the Policy Schedule. Unless specifically agreed by Us, the Insured Person must be: 1. at age 75 or below (for Annual Policy), and at age 85 or below (for Single Trip Policy) 2. accompanied by an adult during the Journey if aged below 16; 3. a resident of Hong Kong (applicable to Annual Policy) For claims purposes, this shall mean the particular Insured Person(s) concerned, named in the Policy Schedule. We/Us/Our Shall mean Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd PART II. COVERAGE We will pay the Benefits for the covered loss to You. In the event of an Insured Person s death, we will pay the Benefits to the estate of the Insured Person unless beneficiaries are designated. If more than one beneficiary is designated and the beneficiaries respective interests are not specified, the designated beneficiaries shall share equally. If the designated beneficiary s death is before that of the Insured Person, the Benefits will be paid to the estate of the Insured Person. Section 1 Personal Accident If during any Period of Insurance You sustain Bodily Injury and within 12 calendar months from the date of such Bodily Injury result in the Death, Losses, Permanent Total Disablement and Major Burns as described under this Section below, We will pay the following Benefits: Benefits 1. Death 2. Loss of one or both hands or feet (by physical separation at or above the wrist or ankle); or total and permanent loss of use of an entire hand or arm or an entire leg; or complete and irrecoverable loss of sight in one or both eyes 3. Permanent Total Disablement (whilst not giving rise to Benefit under Item 2 above, shall after one year s continuous total disablement from the date of the Bodily Injury, be such as will in all probability continue for the remainder of Your life and prevent You from attending to business, occupation or duties of any and every kind) 4. Major burns in this Section shall mean a third degree burns with burn areas equal to or greater than (i) 2% of the total head surface area, or (ii) 10% of the total body surface area Benefit Amount (HK$) Plan I Plan II $ $ $ $ $ $ $250,000 $ 1. No payment shall be made under more than one of the Items 1, 2, 3 or 4 for You in respect of Bodily Injury arising out of the same occurrence. 2. Benefit payable to any of You aged below 16 shall not exceed 50% of the stated limit for Items 1, 2 or 3 and HK$50,000 for Item 4. 3. The Benefit is limited to 50% of the stated limit if You are over 75 years of age. (Not applicable to Annual Policy) 4. Satisfactory proof of death or Bodily Injury sustained for which a claim is made must be provided upon Our demand at Your own expense or at the expense of Your legal representative. Death or Bodily Injury sustained shall not be presumed solely on account of Your disappearance. Extension The Benefit payable under this Section for each of You aged between 16 and 75 shall be doubled for accidents happened in a Common Carrier as a fare-paying passenger. It is agreed that, regardless of any contributory cause(s), this Extension does not apply to any claim(s) in any way caused or contributed to by an act of terrorism. An act of terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or ethnic purposes or reasons including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. Disappearance If the body of the Insured Person has not been found within one year of the disappearance sinking or wrecking of the conveyance in which the Insured Person was travelling as a fare-paying passenger at the time of the Accident it will be presumed that the Insured Person suffered Death resulting from Bodily Injury caused by an Accident at the time of such disappearance sinking or wrecking and We shall forthwith pay the Death benefit under this insurance provided that the person or persons to whom such sum is paid shall sign an undertaking to refund such sum to Us if the Insured Person is subsequently found to be living. Section 2 Medical Expenses Should You require immediate medical treatment by a Medical Practitioner as the result of Bodily Injury or Sickness You have sustained or contracted during Your Journey, We shall indemnify You in respect of expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by You during Your Journey, for hospital/clinical charges, surgical/ medical treatment, examination, diagnostic test, land ambulance, emergency dental treatment; and up to HK$ for any additional travel and accommodation. We shall further provide cover on the above-related medical (not including dental) expenses incurred in Hong Kong up to HK$50,000 as follow-up treatment within

3 months upon returning to Hong Kong. This follow-up treatment shall include expenses payable for treatment by registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner incurred as a result of Bodily Injury up to a limit of HK$1,500 and a sub-limit of HK$150 per visit per day. 1. Our total liability under this Section shall not exceed in respect of each of You the sum of HK$ (Plan I) and HK$ (Plan II) 2. Benefit payable to any of You aged over 75 shall be limited to 50% of the stated limit. (Not applicable to Annual Policy) 3. Expenses for dental crown and bridges are excluded. Section 3 Hospital Cash If during Your Journey You suffer Bodily Injury or Sickness and it shall cause You hospital confinement outside Hong Kong, We shall pay You a daily cash Benefit of HK$250 (Plan I) or HK$500 (Plan II) for each day (24-hour period) of confinement up to a limit of HK$ (Plan I) or HK$ (Plan II). Such confinement shall be as an in-patient in hospital or a licensed clinic under treatment by any Medical Practitioner. Section 4 Trauma Counselling If as a result of an accident within the Period of Insurance, You suffer from an acute mental trauma after witnessing, or being subject to a sudden unexpected event as robbery or burglary, threat, personal assault, serious Bodily Injury, fire, explosion, traffic accident, natural disaster or hijacking or terror attack; and in the opinion of a Medical Practitioner You require trauma counselling, We shall pay for the cost of counselling up to HK$1,500 per visit and HK$1 in aggregate during the Period of Insurance. Section 5 Mugging We will pay HK$500 for each full 24 hours up to HK$ if You suffer from Bodily Injury and hospitalised as an in-patient as the result of a mugging attack during Your Journey, provided that You report the incident to the police within 12 hours and provide us with a police report and evidence of Your hospital stay. Section 6 Worldwide Emergency Service We have arranged a 24-hour Emergency Service to assist You in case of emergency abroad following accident, illness or serious loss. You may simply make a call to the 24-hour Emergency Hotline +852 2765 6700 for assistance. Please quote Your Policy Number when You call. The following services are also available before and during Your Journey. A. Medical Advice, Evaluation and Referral Appointment Our Emergency Service can provide medical advice and evaluation from the attending physician over the phone, or if necessary will refer You to a physician or medical specialist for personal assessment and assist You in making the medical appointment. The medical advice received by You shall be regarded as a pure and general advice only and it shall not be construed as a medical diagnosis by Our Emergency Service doctor. B. Medical Transfer If the medical team of Our Emergency Service and the attending physician recommend hospitalisation in a medical facility where You can be suitably treated, We will transfer You to the nearest medical facility more appropriately equipped for the particular Bodily Injury or Sickness, with necessary medical supervision. The mode of transport decided will depend on medical necessity and solely on the discretion of Our Emergency Service. C. Repatriation After Treatment If according to the joint and exclusive decision of the attending physician and the appointed doctor of Our Emergency Service, Your medical condition will not prevent Your medically supervised repatriation as a regular passenger after local treatment, We will organise and pay for Your repatriation to the medical facility in Your home country by scheduled airline flight (on economy class) or any other appropriate means of transportation (on economy class), including any supplementary cost of transportation to and from the airport, if the original ticket is not valid for the purpose. D. Repatriation of Mortal Remains / Ashes or Local Burial We shall organise and pay for repatriating the Insured Person s body or ashes to the Insured Person s home country or pay for the local burial expenses incurred in the country where death took place, excluding the cost of coffin. Our financial liability for the local burial limits to the equivalent cost of repatriating the Insured Person s body to the Insured Person s home country. E. Return of Unattended Dependent Child(ren) to Home If Your travelling dependent child(ren) under 16 years of age is left unattended by reason of Your hospital confinement outside Your country of residence, We will organise and pay for the cost of a scheduled airline ticket (on economy class) and hotel accommodation for such child(ren) to return to Your country of residence, including any supplementary cost of transportation to and from the airport, if the original ticket is not valid for the return. If necessary, We will also hire and pay for a qualified attendant to accompany any such dependent child(ren) for return journey. F. Deposit Guaranteeing of Hospital Admission In the condition of You are of such gravity that hospital confinement is required, and such confinement is subsequently confirmed as medically necessary, We will arrange and pay for, if necessary, the transport of You by road ambulance. In case of hospital admission for emergency treatment duly approved by both the attending physician and the doctor of Our Emergency Service and You are without means of payment of the required hospital admission deposit, We will guarantee or provide such payment up to HK$40,000. All hospital, medical and treatment fees and related charges incurred shall be settled directly by You. G. Compassionate Visit In the event of You are travelling alone and have no Close Relative staying at the place where You have suffered from Bodily Injury or Sickness resulting in hospital confinement outside Your country of residence for more than 7 consecutive days, We will arrange and pay for the cost of a return scheduled airline ticket (on economy class) for Your designated person to travel from Your country of residence to Your bedside, including the cost of an ordinary room accommodation in any reasonable hotel up to HK$1,200 per day for a maximum period of 5 consecutive days, but excluding the cost of drinks, meals and other room services. Close Relative in respect to this Section, shall mean Your spouse, parents, children and siblings. H. Pre-trip Travel Information You may contact Our Emergency Service to obtain the following information and services before Your journey: - visa requirements - weather information - health advice for international travel - exchange rate - vaccination and immunization requirements - consulate and embassy contacts - airport taxes - customs requirements - language information - banking days I. Travel information During Your Journey You may contact Our Emergency Service to obtain the following information and services during Your journey: - monitor of medical condition and update the employer or family - emergency re-routing arrangement - arrangement of essential medication and medical equipment - referral of lawyers and solicitors - arrangement of interpreters and children escort - advance of Bail Bond up to HK$40,000 - transmission of urgent messages for medical reasons - luggage retrieval J. China Medical Pass Advanced Admission Deposit Guarantee in China (optional and applicable to Annual Policy only) Network Hospitals - Shall mean the network of hospitals in the People s Republic of China (PRC), excluding Taiwan, Macau SAR and Hong Kong SAR, which joins Our Emergency Service s hospital network scheme and accepts the China Medical Pass and will allow the China Medical Pass Holder to be admitted into their hospitals without paying the deposit. Such hospitals locate in the major cities of major provinces in the PRC. If during Your Journey You suffer from Bodily Injury or sudden Sickness first manifested after the commencement of Your Journey and need to be hospitalised in the PRC for emergency medical treatment, You may visit the nearest hospital under Network Hospitals and Our Emergency Service will arrange for and provide guarantee for any required hospital admission deposit. Although Our Emergency Service shall assist You with arrangements for admission to the hospital, it cannot guarantee nor shall it be responsible for the quality of such hospital and the services provided to You. The final selection of a hospital shall be Your decision. Hospitalisation Procedures a. Call our 24-hour Emergency Service +852 2765 6700 to check for the nearest Network Hospitals. b. Proceed to the nearest Network Hospital, and show Your China Medical Pass and travel document to the hospital staff in the Accident & Emergency Unit (e.g. Re-entry Permit / Passport and HKID Card). c. You shall fully and directly settle the medical expenses including the hospital admission deposit guarantee while discharged from hospital. 1. You shall give immediate notification and not later than 3 days of occurrence of an emergency to Our Emergency Service. 2. You shall surrender the unused portion of Your original ticket or the value thereof, to Us in the event of repatriation. 3. The Benefits under Items A to G of this Section shall be directly arranged and paid by the service provider appointed by Us. You will not be reimbursed by Us if the services or Benefits are not performed by Our Emergency Service. 4. All costs incurred in using the above services under Items H to I of this Section will be at Your own expenses. The use of the above services is at Your own accord. We are not liable for any act or loss arising from the use of such services. Section 7 Cancellation We shall indemnify You the loss of travel fare and/or accommodation paid in advance, and for which You are legally liable, including expenses funded wholly or in part by air miles, and not recoverable from any other source, in respect of cancellation of Your Journey necessitated by: i. You or Your Travelling Companion s compulsory quarantine; ii. the death, Serious Bodily Injury or Sickness of You, Your spouse, fiancé, fiancée, parents (in-laws), legal guardian, siblings, children, grandparents, grandchildren, close business associate or Travelling Companion; iii. You or Your Travelling Companion s jury or witness service; iv. You or Your Travelling Companion s home being rendered uninhabitable by occurrence of fire, explosion or earthquake; v. the public transport in which You have booked to travel is delayed due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather, natural disaster, mechanical breakdown of Your transporting carrier or airport closure; vi. the issuance of Black Alert by the Government of Hong Kong SAR for the planned destination within 7 days before departure date of Your Journey; vii. insolvency of the travel agent who arranged Your Journey. 1. Our liability under this Section shall not exceed HK$ (Plan I) or HK$ (Plan II). 2. You shall take all reasonable steps to recover the outlay for travel and accommodation deposits and payments. 3. Cancellation of the trip has to be outside Your control and the incident that led to the cancellation of Your Journey must occur after the application of this Policy (applicable to Single Trip Policy) and the date of travel booking of Your Journey (applicable to Annual Policy). 4. Any loss will not be compensated under this Section once You have commenced Your Journey. Section 8 Curtailment We shall indemnify You the loss of travel fare and/or accommodation forfeited and/or additional return transportation and/or accommodation expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred after the commencement of Your Journey for which You have to terminate and immediate return to Hong Kong necessitated by: i. You or Your Travelling Companion s compulsory quarantine; ii. the death, Serious Bodily Injury or Sickness of You, Your spouse, fiancé, fiancée, parents (in-laws), legal guardian, siblings, children, grandparents, grandchildren, close business associate, Travelling Companion or Pet; iii. You or Your Travelling Companion s home being rendered uninhabitable by occurrence of fire, explosion or earthquake; iv. hijack of the aircraft in which You are travelling as a fare-paying passenger; v. the public transport in which You have booked to travel is delayed due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather, natural disaster or mechanical breakdown of Your transporting carrier;

vi. the issuance of Black Alert by the Government of Hong Kong SAR for the planned destination during Your Journey. 1. Our liability under this Section shall not exceed HK$ (Plan I) or HK$ (Plan II). 2. You shall take all reasonable steps to recover the outlay for travel and accommodation deposits and payments. Section 9 Travel Delay or Re-routing Benefit If the departure or arrival of the Common Carrier in which You have booked to travel is delayed by at least 6 hours from the time specified by the carrier due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather, natural disaster or mechanical breakdown of such carrier, We shall pay either: a. a Benefit amount of HK$250 for each full 6 hours delay up to a maximum sum of HK$ for each of You; or b. a reimbursement of up to HK$ (Plan I) or HK$ (Plan II) for each of You in respect of any additional travel costs including alternative public transportation costs and accommodation expenses necessarily incurred as a direct result of the delay if You have to re-route to get to Your original destination. Either a. or b. will be compensated under any one claim made by You. In the event of a claim under this Section, You shall obtain written confirmation from the carrier or their agents stating the number of hours of delay and the reason for such delay. Section 10 Emergency Purchase of Phone Charger If the departure of the Common Carrier in which You have booked to travel is delayed as specified in Section 9 above, We shall reimburse You the emergency purchase of phone charger in the airport, station or terminal overseas, up to a maximum of HK$300 (Plan I) or HK$500 (Plan II). Section 11 Baggage, Travel Documents and Cash We shall indemnify each of You up to HK$1 (Plan I) or HK$ (Plan II) in respect of loss or destruction of or damage to Your baggage. Our liability shall not exceed HK$ in respect of any one article/pair/set. We shall also indemnify each of You up to HK$ (Plan I) or HK$ (Plan II) in respect of costs for replacing the lost travel tickets and travel documents, identification and credit cards, including the additional accommodation and transportation expenses necessarily incurred in replacing the lost documents. Extension We shall indemnify You for the loss of cash, banknotes or travellers cheques up to a maximum sum of HK$ as a result of theft and/or robbery during Your Journey. Exceptions We shall not be liable in respect of: 1. loss or destruction of or damage to contact corneal cap or micro lenses, stamps of any kind, manuscripts or documents of any description, medals, coins, bonds, securities, travellers samples, vehicle accessories or camping equipment. 2. loss, destruction or damage due to wear and tear, depreciation, insects, vermin or other deterioration, mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement or any process of cleaning, restoring or renovating. 3. the breaking of or damage to crockery, china, glass, sculpture, curios, pictures, musical instruments, skis or fragile articles of any kind unless caused by fire, theft or an accident to the vehicle, vessel or aircraft conveying the article. 4. loss, destruction or damage occasioned by or in consequence of confiscation, nationalisation, requisition or willful destruction by any government, public or municipal, local or customs authority. 5. property more specifically insured. 6. depreciation in value, loss or shortages due to error or omission. 7. computer software and accessories, data recorded on cards, diskettes, tapes or other equipment. 1. You shall observe ordinary and proper care in the supervision of Your baggage. In the event of loss, destruction or damage, You shall immediately take steps to minimise the damage, recover any missing property and give notice to the carrier who had custody of the baggage and/or may be responsible for loss, destruction or damage. 2. You shall lodge Your claim against the carrier first if the loss or damage was occurred whilst in care and custody of the carrier. We shall reimburse the balance if You are not fully compensated by the carrier subject to the limit under this Section. 3. We may at Our option make good the loss, destruction or damage as an alternative to making the payments under this Section. Section 12 Fraudulent Use of Credit Card We shall indemnify each of You up to HK$3,000 (Plan I) or HK$ (Plan II) in respect of monetary loss caused by fraudulent use of Your credit card, if Your credit card is lost overseas during Your Journey. Our liability shall not include loss in the way of cash withdrawal through automatic teller machine. Section 13 Emergency Purchases In the event of Your checked-in baggage accompanying any of You has been delayed, misdirected or temporarily misplaced by the carrier for at least 6 hours after Your arrival at the airport of the scheduled destination abroad, We shall pay compensation for the emergency purchases of essential clothing, toilet necessities and the like, provided such compensation does not exceed the sum of HK$1,000 (Plan I) or HK$1,500 (Plan II). Any payment made under this Section shall be deducted from the amount payable under Section 11 should the baggage be proved to be permanently lost. 1. This Benefit can only be applied once during the Period of Insurance. 2. If a claim arises in respect of the emergency purchases of essential clothing or toilet necessities, We shall be provided with such receipts or other evidence of purchases. Section 14 Credit Card Protection We shall reimburse the outstanding balance of the Insured Person's credit card(s) for purchases during the Period of Insurance and services charges, in the event of the Insured Person suffers accidental death that Item 1 under Section 1 of this Policy is payable and the Insured Person is legally liable to the respective outstanding balance and services charges. Our liability under this Section shall not exceed HK$1 (Plan I) or HK$30,000 (Plan II). Section 15 Compulsory Quarantine Cash Benefit A daily cash benefit of HK$500 for each day (24-hour period) up to a limit of HK$ is allowed in the event You being compulsory quarantine due to contraction of infectious disease or suspicion of being contracted of infectious disease outside Hong Kong during Your Journey or within 7 days upon completion of Your Journey and returning to Hong Kong. This benefit can only be utilized once during any one Journey. Provisions: i) The Compulsory Quarantine must be executed by local authorized health department or any regulatory authority, voluntary quarantine and/or home quarantine shall be excluded. ii) We will pay the daily benefit only if the period of compulsory quarantine is longer than 24 hours iii) This benefit is only payable when the infectious disease has been rated at phase 5 or above under the Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response by the World Health Organization on or before the first day of Your compulsory quarantine during Your Journey, or the Hong Kong Government has activated the Government's Preparedness Plan for Influenza Pandemic to the highest level - Emergency Response Level on or before the first day of Your compulsory quarantine in Hong Kong. iv) No benefit shall be payable if the planned destination has been declared as an infected area on or before the departure date of Your Journey. Section 16 Rental Vehicle Excess If during Your Journey, a loss or damage occurs to the rental vehicle which You hire, We will reimburse You for any excess up to HK$ which is made by the licensed vehicle rental company. Exceptions We shall not be liable in respect of: 1. Rental of trucks, campers, trailers, motorbikes, motorcycle, sports utility vehicles, recreational vehicles or any automobile while You use it off-road. 2. Use of the rental vehicle in violation of the car rental agreement. 3. Your breach of any local driving laws or rules. 4. Liability other than loss of or damage to the rental vehicle. 5. While the rental vehicle is carrying passenger for compensation or hire, while being used for commercial delivery or trade purposes. Section 17 Personal Liability We shall indemnify You against legal liability to a third party up to a limit of HK$ (Plan I) or HK$,000 (Plan II) arising from an event occurring during the period of Your Journey as a result of: i. accidental death or Bodily Injury of any person. ii. accidental loss of or damage to property. We shall also indemnify You against third party costs, expenses and damages provided You do not admit liability on or enter into any settlement agreement with a third party unless Our written consent is obtained. Exceptions We shall not be liable in respect of any liability directly or indirectly arising from: 1. death or Bodily Injury of any members of Your family or any employees of Yours. 2. loss of or damage to property belonging to or in the custody or control of You, any members of Your family or any employees of Yours. 3. any liabilities which attached by virtue of an agreement but which would not have attached in the absence of such agreement. 4. Your employment, business or profession. 5. Your ownership of land or building. 6. Your occupation of land or building other than temporary holiday accommodation. 7. the use of horses, vehicles, boats, lifts, aircraft model, aircraft or any kind of watercraft. The indemnity shall not apply in respect of judgments which are not in the first instance delivered by or obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction within Hong Kong. PART III. EXCEPTIONS A. Applicable to all Sections We shall not be liable: 1. for any loss in connection to any pre-existing or congenital medical conditions. A pre-existing condition, except under Section 7 Cancellation, means prior sickness or disease contracted or injury sustained before the Journey. 2. for any consequence of war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power (other than Passive War). 3. for any expenses incurred in connection with ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity or any nuclear-related claims. 4. in respect of any claim arising directly or indirectly from any injury, illness, death, loss, expense or other liability attributable to HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and/or any HIV related illness including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and/or a mutant derivative or variations thereof however caused. 5. for any loss whilst You are under the influence of intoxicants or drugs or suffering from intentional self-inflicted injury, suicide, insanity or injury caused by venereal disease, child birth or pregnancy including complications which have been accelerated or induced by Bodily Injury. 6. for any persons engaging in flying or other aerial activities except whilst travelling on regular scheduled airline or licensed charter aircraft over an established route as a fare-paying passenger and not as a pilot or an aircrew. 7. for any persons engaging in professional sports, or where the person would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sports, racing of any kind (other than on foot or swimming or in dinghies), or equipped mountaineering. 8. if You are travelling against the advice of a qualified Medical Practitioner or for any Journey undertaken for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. 9. in respect of business travel involving any dangerous assignments, offshore activities, site working, stunt work and aerial work; projects or occupation of a