1 2 3 4 5-6 7 1 2 3 4 p. 238. Louis Owens Other Destinies p. 206. Susan Meisenhelder Race and Gender in Louise Erdrich's The Beet Queen in Ariel 25. 1

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Louise Erdrich 1954-1984 1986 1988 1994 The Beet Queen 20 1 Leslie Marmon Silko 1 Louis Owens Other Destinies Understanding the American Indian Novel Norman University of Oklahoma Press 1992 p. 14. 40

1 2 3 4 5-6 7 1 2 3 4 p. 238. Louis Owens Other Destinies p. 206. Susan Meisenhelder Race and Gender in Louise Erdrich's The Beet Queen in Ariel 25. 1 1994 p. 45. Susan Perez Castillo Postmodernism Native American Literature and the Real The Silko-Erdrich Controversy in Massachusetts Review 32 2 1991 p. 288. Allan Chavkin Conversations with Louise Erdrich & Michael Dorris Jackson University Press of Mississippi 1994 5 Leslie Marmon Silko Here's an Odd Artifact for the Fairy-Tale Shelf in Studies in American Indian Literature 10 1986 p. 10. 6 See Susan Perez Castillo Postmodernism Native American Literature and the Real The Silko-Erdrich Controversy. 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. See also Connie A. Jacobs The Novels of Louise Erdrich Stories of Her People New York Peter Lang 2001 pp. 12-16. 41

No. 4 2011 2 Trickster 3 4 Tracks 30 1 1 Chippewa 2 Allan Chavkin Conversations with Louise Erdrich & Michael Dorris p. 38. 3 Allan Chavkin Conversations with Louise Erdrich & Michael Dorris p. 4. 4 Louise Erdrich Tracks New York Harper 1988 p. 46. 42

1 2 3 4 5 6 Track 46 1 Paula Gunn Allen The Sacred Hoop Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions Boston Beacon Press 1992 p. 59. 2 See also Allan Chavkin Conversations with Louise Erdrich & Michael Dorris p. 4. 3 Paula Gunn Allen The Sacred Hoop p. 240. 4 Paula Gunn Allen The Sacred Hoop p. 240. 5 Simon Ortiz Always the Stories A Brief History and Thoughts on My Writing in Bo Aarhus Scholer ed. Coyote Was Here Essays on Contemporary Native American Literary and Political Mobilization Denmark SEKLOS U of Aarhus 1984 p. 66. 6 Allan Chavkin Conversations with Louise Erdrich & Michael Dorris p. 231. 43

No. 4 2011 Track 118 empowering 1 2 3 4 Beet 291 1 Simon Ortiz Always the Stories A Brief History and Thoughts on My Writing p. 7. 2 Jay Clayton The Narrative Turn in Recent Minority Fiction in American Literary History 2. 3 1990 p. 383. 3 Louise Erdrich The Beet Queen New York Holt 1986 p. 205. 4 N. Scott Momaday The Man Made of Words in Geary Hobson ed. The Remembered Earth Mbuauerque Red Earth Press 1979 p. 168. 44

1 2 3 4 1 Ernst Cassirer Language and Myth New York Dover Publications Inc. 1953 p. 61. 2 Nick Aaron Ford A Study in Race Relations A Meeting with Zora Neale Hurston in Harold Bloom ed. Modern Critical Views Zora Neale Hurston New York Chelsea House 1986 p. 7. 3 Leslie Marmon Silko Here's an Odd Artifact p. 11. 4 Nick Aaron Ford A Study in Race Relations p. 7. 45

No. 4 2011 Beet 2 1 2 3 4 Beet 176 1 1887 1881 155632312 1900 77865373 1930 4800 1 /3 1994 2 45 2 Louise Erdrich Where I Ought to Be A Writer's Sense of Place in New York Times Book Review 28 July 1985 p. 24. 3 Dot 4 See also J. H. Tompkins Louise Erdrich Looking for the Ties That Bind qtd. in Laura Stookey Louise Erdrich A Critical Companion Westport Greenwood Press 1999 p. 57. 46

Old Spider Woman 1 2 Beet 301 Track 167 1 See Leslie Marmon Silko Ceremony New York Viking 1977 p. 1 2 See Paula Gunn Allen The Sacred Hoop pp. 11-13. 47

No. 4 2011 1 2 3 4 household family 5 / / 6 1 Louise Erdrich The Bingo Palace New York Harper 1994 p. 6. 2 Paula Gunn Allen The Sacred Hoop p. 2. 3 Ruth Flatmouth 19 4 Catherine Rainwater Ethnic Signs in Erdrich's Tracks and The Bingo Palace in Allan Chavkin ed. The Chippewa Landscape of Louise Erdrich Tuscaloosa U of Alabama P 1999 p. 148. 5 See also George S. Masnick Mary Jo Bane The Nation's Families 1960-1990 Boston Auburn House Pub. Co. 1980 p. 11. 6 Hertha Wong Adoptive Mothers and Thrown-Away Children in the Novels of Louise Erdrich in Brenda D. Daly and Maureen T. Reddy eds. Narrating Mothers Knoxville University of Tennessee Press 1991 p. 177. 48

1 2 Henri Levibvre Mike Crang 3 Beet 281 Beet 281 1 Louise Flavin Gender Construction Amid Family Dissolution in Louise Erdrich's The Beet Queen in Studies in American Indian Literatures 7. 2 Summer 1995 p. 18. 2 See also Allan Chavkin Conversations with Louise Erdrich & Michael Dorris p. 221. 3 2009 74 49

Beet 116 Beet 116 Beet 5 Beet 19 Beet 79 Beet 58 Beet 16 50 No. 4 2011

Beet 143 / / 1 2 1 William Bevis Native American Novels Homing in in Richard F. Fleck ed. Critical Perspectives on Native American Fiction Washington Three Continents 1993 p. 19. 2 Paula Gunn Allen Spider Woman's Granddaughters Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women Boston Beacon Press 1989 p. 9. 51

No. 4 2011 1 2 stood rooted Beet 328 rooted 3 4 Beet 176 Beet 176 1 See also Susan Meisenhelder Race and Gender in Louise Erdrich's The Beet Queen pp. 45-57 Susan Perez Castillo Postmodernism Native American Literature and the Real The Silko-Erdrich Controversy pp. 285-294. 2 3 4 52 Kenneth Lincoln Native American Renaissance Berkeley U of California P 1983 p. 8. William Bevis Native American Novels Homing in p. 19. William Bevis Native American Novels Homing in p. 19.

1-1980 2010 4 1 Laura Coltelli Winged Words American Indian Writers Speak Lincoln University of Nebraska Press 1990 p. 48. 53