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421 娼 妓 研 究 的 另 類 提 問 Parent-Duchatelet De la prostition dans la Ville de Paris 1857 Parent-Duchatelet 1816-1831 Walkowitz 1980: 41

422 KTV 娼 妓? 樣 本? 母 體?

423 William Acton, Prostitution Considered in Its Moral, Social and Sanitary Aspects (1870) William Acton moral panic 搜 尋 / 祛 除 search and destroy operation sanctions Acton Mary Douglas 1966 Purity and Danger impurity, contagion, danger, pollution... I II Douglas dirt, matter out of place evil population sample

424 subset 1990 1991 1992 1992 1984 McCaghy and Hou 1994 1995, 1996 McCaghy and Hou

425 target population Frankel 1983 1992: 18 P. Alexander 1987 discriminatory enforcement of the law 1

426 2 Goffman Asylums Foucault 1987 [1954], 1971 [1961], 1973 [1963] Goffman Bethesda anyone...who somehow gets caught up in the heavy machinery of mentalhospital servicing. 1961: 129 3 the effects of being treated as a career contingency

427 Goffman 1963 (the normal) uniform status Goffman human materials

428 1996: 122-3 1994: 51 Goffman a massive unjust deprivation, 1961: 142

429 1996/12/28

430 4 1996:122 Goffman 1961: 150 confessional period

431 5 Goffman apologia Goffman reciprocally sustained fictions face to face nicety 1984 1994 the effects of being treated as a prostitute

432 1996: 145 57 身 分 識 別? Alain Corbin Backstage DNA

433 Corbin The policeman s gaze Corbin 1990a:470 sign Parent-Duchatelet Parent-Duchatelet Corbin 6

434 information deviant locations ecology 1993 89 176 639 1.7% 1% 7

435 Bernard Cohen 1980 Cohen Cohen Cohen 1980: 21 KTV 8

436 1996: 117 Karin Jusek 1989: 136 hidden prostitutes Karl Kraus vice squad 9

437 Corbin 1990:469 moral investigation Corbin nstitutionalized rumor certificate of bonne vie et moeurs streetwise Goffman Jusek

438 10 operational crisis Maxime du Camp Samuel Bracebridge Hans Ostwald Gay 1986: 352-90 Gay 11 moral statistics Walkowitz 12

439 1980: 37 Walkowitz evangelical rescue homes 1980: 41-2 1980: 46-7 性? 交 易? 21 1992: 135 21 1992: 135

440 21 Money is the pimp between man s need and the object. Money is the common whore, the common pimp of people and nations. Marx 1978: 102-4 Engels 1978 [1884]: 738-42 Levi-Strauss 1969 the exchange of women among men Irigaray 1985 buys pays

441 economy [re]productive Bataille 1986: 131; 1995: 139

442 prostitution proper commercial element Rubin 1993 [1984] free/for money Ms. Magazine 1988 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 6 2 3 4 5 1 14 Singer 1993:50 soft currency exchange rate P. Bourdieu (capital)

443 KTV Piano Bar physical capital Andre Gorz 1989 commodity activities hardcore Gorz Gorz 1989: 150 15 KTV 16

444 Singer 1993: 50 17 genital primacy 1980 paid pregnancy, surrogate mothering, hired womb Nelkin and Lindee 1990 1992 100 sperm banks 156 IVF 250 1995: 188-9

445 for the labor of pregnancy Church 1997: 97 18 Singer 1993: 58 A 1-900-dial-your-sexual-fantasy-for-a-fee pay-per-view 19 20

446 Thomas Laqueur 1990: 232 bears no fruit excess PONY (Prostitutes of New York) PONY PONY X-Press, 1990: 3

447 coding book 21 22 23 21

448 註 釋 1. 2. 3. 4. 1996: 64-6 5. 1993 1996: 125-9 6. Well-rehearsed nuns, Corbin 1990a: 611-3 7. 1993 12 8. True love, Dubois and Gordon 1989: 39-40 9. Karl Kraus, Fackel, cited in Jusek (1989: 134) 10. Alain Corbin (1990: 331) honest woman 11. Peter Gay (1993: 452-3) Gay The Cultivation of Hatred: The Bourgois Experience Victoria to Freud The Empire of Fact

449 Gay Disraeli there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. truths masturbation 12. Applied Christianity, Walkowitz (1980) Philip Abrams, The Origins of British Sociology 1834-1914 (Chicago 1968). 13. Overall (1992: 723) 14. 41

450 Ms. Magazine 1-7 15. Gorz venal writer The Venal Muse cited in Buck-Morss 1993: 185 16. 1996: 79-80 KTV 17. KTV 8 68 1996: 142 18. Nelkin and Lindee (1995: 65-66) As the World Turns

451 19. 20. Delacoste and Alexander (ed.) (1987); Bell (ed.) 1987. Pheterson (ed.) (1989). 21. Margery Wolf (1968) 22. 23. Catharine MacKinnon 1989 參 考 書 目 1984 1992 (1996) (1992) (1993) (1996) 22: 103-151?C (1994) (1991)

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