CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 2 STAGE 3 Structure of the examination The Chinese Second Language examination comprises a written examination worth 70 per c

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Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2012 Question/Answer Booklet CHINESE SECOND LANGUAGE Stage 3 Please place your student identification label in this box Student Number: In figures In words Time allowed for this paper Reading time before commencing work: Working time for paper: ten minutes two and a half hours Materials required/recommended for this paper To be provided by the supervisor This Question/Answer Booklet Sound recording Number of additional answer booklets used (if applicable): To be provided by the candidate Standard items: pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction tape/fluid, eraser, ruler, highlighters Special items: print dictionaries: one combined dictionary (Chinese/English and English/ Chinese dictionary) or two separate dictionaries (one English/Chinese dictionary and one Chinese/English dictionary). No electronic dictionaries are allowed Note: Dictionaries must not contain any notes or other marks Important note to candidates No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor before reading any further. Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2012 Ref: 12-028

CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 2 STAGE 3 Structure of the examination The Chinese Second Language examination comprises a written examination worth 70 per cent of the total examination score and a practical (oral) examination worth 30 per cent of the total examination score. Structure of this paper Section Section One: Listening and responding Section Two: Viewing, reading and responding Section Three: Written communication Part A: Short text Part B: Longer text Number of questions available Number of questions to be answered Suggested working time (minutes) Marks available Percentage of exam 21 21 40 43 20 15 15 60 30 30 1 3 1 1 50 20 20 8 12 Total 70 Instructions to candidates 1. The rules for the conduct of Western Australian external examinations are detailed in the Year 12 Information Handbook 2012. Sitting this examination implies that you agree to abide by these rules. 2. Write your answers in Standard Australian English or Chinese as indicated in the spaces provided in this Question/Answer Booklet. 3. You must be careful to confine your responses to the specific questions asked and to follow any instructions that are specific to a particular question. 4. Spare pages are included at the end of this booklet. They can be used for planning your responses and/or as additional space if required to continue an answer. Planning: If you use the spare pages for planning, indicate this clearly at the top of the page. Continuing an answer: If you need to use the space to continue an answer, indicate in the original answer space where the answer is continued, i.e. give the page number. Fill in the number of the question(s) that you are continuing to answer at the top of the page.

STAGE 3 3 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Listen to the short audio text printed below. This may help you to become familiar with the speakers voices. There are no questions for this text and it is worth no marks. A: 请 问, 你 是 哪 国 人? B: 我 是 澳 大 利 亚 人, 你 呢? A: 我 是 日 本 人 B: 你 的 汉 语 说 得 很 好 A: 我 在 中 国 学 过 汉 语, 在 北 京 大 学 B: 我 也 在 北 大 学 过 汉 语 A: 哦, 世 界 真 小! Turn over and begin Section One.

CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 4 Section One: Listening and responding STAGE 3 20% (43 Marks) This section has 21 questions. Answer all questions in English in the spaces provided. You will hear five (5) audio texts in Chinese. Each text will be read twice. There will be a short pause between the first and the second reading of each text, and a longer pause after the second reading. Listen to each text carefully. You may read the questions and make notes while listening to them. Your notes will not be marked. Then answer the questions in the spaces provided on this paper. Suggested working time: 40 minutes. Text 1 Space for notes A male person is leaving a phone message. Question 1 (3 marks) Provide three details about the person who left the message. One: Two: Three: Question 2 Give two reasons for the message. One: Two: Question 3 (1 mark) What is the phone number given in the message?

STAGE 3 5 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Text 2 Space for notes A male named Jack is having a conversation with a female friend. Question 4 (1 mark) What has Jack bought? Question 5 (1 mark) How does Jack pay for what he has bought? Question 6 On the basis of the comments made by the girl, identify two of Jack s characteristics. One: Two: Question 7 According to Jack, what do girls like and what do boys like? Girls: Boys:

CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 6 Text 3 Space for notes STAGE 3 A female named Xiao Lan is chatting on the phone to her male friend Dawei. Question 8 (3 marks) State how Dawei felt when Xiao Lan called and provide a reason. Question 9 (1 mark) Why did Xiao Lan call Dawei? Question 10 (6 marks) List six reasons why Xiao Lan finds it difficult at first to adjust to her life in Beijing. One: Two: Three: Four: Five: Six: Question 11 What problems has Xiao Lan encountered in her studies? Question 12 How does she solve the problems?

STAGE 3 7 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Text 4 Space for notes Dongdong is having a conversation with his friend Yangyang. Question 13 (1 mark) What is the conversation about? Question 14 (1 mark) How did Dongdong feel at the beginning of the activity described in his conversation? Question 15 (1 mark) According to their conversation, what common experience did the two speakers share? Question 16 (3 marks) How did Yangyang feel about herself before she talked to Dongdong? Question 17 (3 marks) According to the conversation, what characteristics does Dongdong have?

CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 8 Text 5 Space for notes STAGE 3 A speaker is giving a speech to an audience. Question 18 Who is the audience? Question 19 Describe the two main issues the speaker is discussing. One: Two: Question 20 Give two suggestions that the speaker makes for solving the problem. One: Two: Question 21 On what grounds does the speaker believe that parents should respect one s choice of life? End of Section One

STAGE 3 9 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Section Two: Viewing, reading and responding 30% (30 Marks) This section has four (4) texts and 15 questions. Answer all questions in the spaces provided. View and read the following four (4) texts and answer all questions in English. Suggested working time: 60 minutes. This page has been left blank intentionally

CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 10 STAGE 3 Text 6: Story The story below discusses a relationship between the writer and a friend named Chunchun. 春 春 是 我 的 好 朋 友, 她 住 在 中 国 的 一 个 农 村 里 几 年 前, 我 的 老 师 介 绍 我 们 两 个 认 识 了 我 们 除 了 今 年 见 过 一 次 面 以 外, 都 是 通 过 电 子 邮 件 和 上 网 聊 天 联 系 的 刚 认 识 她 的 时 候, 春 春 一 说 话 就 脸 红, 所 以 很 少 说 话 那 时 候, 我 的 汉 语 还 不 太 好, 她 的 英 语 也 刚 开 始 学, 所 以 我 们 的 交 流 有 些 困 难 现 在 好 多 了, 我 们 已 经 成 为 好 朋 友, 在 一 起 感 觉 很 自 在, 什 么 都 谈 今 年 去 中 国 旅 游 的 时 候, 我 去 看 过 春 春, 她 父 母 和 全 家 人 都 很 友 善 她 家 住 在 农 村, 那 里 风 景 优 美, 气 候 宜 人, 但 是 交 通 不 太 方 便 春 春 每 天 上 学 都 要 先 走 半 个 小 时 的 山 路, 然 后 再 坐 校 车 那 几 天, 我 和 春 春 住 一 个 房 间, 我 们 晚 上 聊 天 聊 到 很 晚 她 把 那 里 的 风 土 人 情 讲 给 我 听, 她 还 说 今 年 是 中 国 的 龙 年, 龙 年 生 的 女 孩 叫 龙 女, 实 在 是 有 意 思 Question 22 (1 mark) How did the writer and Chunchun come to know each other? Question 23 (3 marks) Why did the writer and Chunchun find it difficult to communicate when they first became friends? Question 24 (1 mark) How do they feel now when they talk to each other? Question 25 How does Chunchun get to school?

STAGE 3 11 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Text 7: Blog Dawei writes his study habits in his blog. 以 前 我 上 课 常 常 打 瞌 睡, 打 开 课 本 也 看 不 进 去, 老 师 对 我 很 不 满 意 其 他 同 学 问 我 为 什 么 老 是 懒 洋 洋 的, 我 说 我 迷 上 了 电 子 游 戏 我 有 很 多 游 戏 光 盘, 有 的 是 我 自 已 买 的, 有 的 是 朋 友 拿 来 的 我 爸 爸 妈 妈 不 让 我 玩 游 戏, 那 时 候 我 一 看 见 他 们 从 楼 上 下 来, 马 上 就 把 电 脑 关 上 看 见 我 不 好 好 儿 学 习, 天 天 玩 电 子 游 戏, 他 们 非 常 生 气 现 在 我 变 好 了, 知 道 利 用 电 脑 来 帮 助 我 学 习 了 我 用 电 脑 学 汉 语, 上 网 找 资 料, 进 聊 天 室 跟 在 中 国 的 网 友 聊 天 我 的 一 个 老 师 不 太 会 用 电 脑, 他 上 课 时 电 脑 有 问 题 常 常 叫 我 帮 忙 最 近 我 们 学 校 要 设 计 一 个 新 网 页, 我 只 花 了 半 天 的 时 间 就 把 它 做 好 了 大 家 都 说 网 页 做 得 非 常 漂 亮, 我 为 自 己 感 到 骄 傲 电 脑 有 用 还 是 有 害, 这 要 看 怎 么 去 用 它 电 脑 可 以 为 我 们 服 务, 给 我 们 的 学 习 生 活 带 来 方 便 电 脑 也 能 让 人 上 瘾, 使 学 习 和 生 活 变 得 非 常 糟 糕 大 为 Question 26 Give two reasons why Dawei s parents were angry with him. One: Two: Question 27 (1 mark) What did Dawei say to his classmates?

CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 12 Question 28 STAGE 3 (3 marks) Give three examples of how Dawei currently uses his computer. One: Two: Three: Question 29 What does Dawei think about computers?

STAGE 3 13 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Text 8: Speech Lanlan s speech. 大 家 好! 我 今 天 要 谈 的 是 : 想 要 虎 妈 妈 还 是 熊 猫 妈 妈? 虎 妈 妈 是 说 有 的 妈 妈 比 较 凶, 有 一 点 像 老 虎 他 们 特 别 重 视 读 书 学 习, 孩 子 什 么 都 要 听 妈 妈 的 孩 子 会 觉 得 很 累, 因 为 除 了 上 学 以 外, 他 们 还 要 学 很 多 课 外 的 东 西, 钢 琴 画 画 什 么 的 如 果 孩 子 不 想 学, 虎 妈 妈 也 一 定 叫 他 们 学 虎 妈 妈 觉 得 只 有 努 力 学 习, 考 上 好 大 学, 将 来 一 辈 子 才 能 过 得 好 熊 猫 妈 妈 一 点 都 不 凶, 跟 熊 猫 一 样 熊 猫 妈 妈 让 孩 子 做 自 己 喜 欢 做 的 事, 不 用 把 时 间 都 花 在 学 习 上 他 们 认 为 父 母 说 的 越 多, 孩 子 就 可 能 越 不 想 听 父 母 要 多 给 孩 子 自 由, 应 该 让 孩 子 自 己 决 定 做 什 么, 只 要 生 活 得 轻 松 快 乐 就 好 说 了 半 天, 你 们 大 家 觉 得 虎 妈 妈 好, 还 是 熊 猫 妈 妈 好 呢? 我 觉 得 他 们 各 有 千 秋, 有 对 的 地 方 也 有 错 的 地 方 我 赞 成 虎 妈 妈 要 求 孩 子 好 好 学 习, 但 是 不 应 该 什 么 都 得 听 妈 妈 的 熊 猫 妈 妈 很 民 主, 可 是 我 反 对 孩 子 做 什 么 都 行 的 态 度 不 管 是 虎 妈 妈, 还 是 熊 猫 妈 妈, 我 最 想 要 的 是 一 个 好 妈 妈 谢 谢 大 家! 兰 兰 Question 30 According to the tiger mum, what two things do children have to do to be able to have a good life? One: Two: Question 31 (3 marks) What is the narrator s view of the parenting style of the tiger mum and the panda mum.

CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 14 STAGE 3 Text 9: Letter Dawei s letter. 乐 老 师, 您 好! 近 来 身 体 还 好 吧? 我 想 跟 您 商 量 一 下 我 中 学 毕 业 以 后 应 该 做 什 么 我 的 同 学 有 的 想 上 大 学, 有 的 想 去 找 工 作 挣 钱, 还 有 的 同 学 打 算 先 出 国 旅 游, 看 看 外 面 的 世 界 我 以 前 想 一 毕 业 就 去 工 作, 可 是 现 在 又 犹 豫 了 这 是 因 为 我 最 近 周 末 出 去 打 工, 不 但 累 得 半 死, 而 且 觉 得 越 来 越 无 聊 我 打 工 是 为 了 挣 钱 买 手 机 我 们 班 上 流 行 一 种 漂 亮 的 手 机, 看 起 来 很 酷 朋 友 们 叫 我 也 去 买 一 个, 我 想 那 就 入 乡 随 俗 吧 零 花 钱 不 够 买 手 机, 我 又 不 好 意 思 老 是 跟 妈 妈 要 钱 爸 爸 一 天 到 晚 发 脾 气, 我 也 不 敢 跟 他 要 钱 所 以 我 只 好 一 边 上 学 一 边 打 工 刚 开 始 打 工 的 时 候, 我 还 高 高 兴 兴 的, 觉 得 很 好 玩 儿 可 是 过 了 几 天 就 不 想 做 了 老 板 给 的 工 资 很 低, 顾 客 的 态 度 也 不 好, 而 且 很 多 人 吸 烟, 工 作 环 境 太 差 我 真 受 不 了, 所 以 昨 天 我 已 经 告 诉 老 板, 不 再 回 去 工 作 了 朋 友 说 这 次 打 工 是 我 倒 霉, 运 气 不 好, 很 多 工 作 还 是 挺 好 的 父 母 常 唠 叨, 说 我 应 该 去 上 大 学, 将 来 找 一 个 工 资 高, 工 作 环 境 好 的 工 作 可 是 我 心 里 有 一 点 矛 盾, 因 为 学 习 成 绩 不 太 好, 连 能 不 能 考 上 大 学 我 都 不 知 道 乐 老 师, 您 觉 得 我 应 该 做 什 么 呢? 谢 谢! 祝 好! 大 卫 二 零 一 二 年 六 月 八 日 Question 32 (3 marks) State three things that Dawei s classmates intend to do after graduation. One: Two: Three:

STAGE 3 15 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Question 33 (1 mark) Why did Dawei do some part-time work recently? Question 34 Why did Dawei not ask his parents for the money? Question 35 How did Dawei feel about his salary and customers? Question 36 Who does Dawei write to and why? End of Section Two

CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 16 Section Three: Writing STAGE 3 20% (40 Marks) This section has two (2) parts and four (4) questions. Part A: Short text There is one (1) question. Answer the question in Chinese characters. Part B: Longer text There are three (3) questions. Answer one (1) question in Chinese characters. Spare pages are included at the end of this booklet. They can be used for planning your responses and/or as additional space if required to continue an answer. Planning: If you use the spare pages for planning, indicate this clearly at the top of the page. Continuing an answer: If you need to use the space to continue an answer, indicate in the original answer space where the answer is continued, i.e. give the page number. Fill in the number of the question(s) that you are continuing to answer at the top of the page. Suggested working time: 50 minutes. Part A: Short text 8% (20 marks) Answer the following question in approximately 80 characters. Question 37 (20 marks) You are planning to travel to China next year and you want to find a native speaker as a tutor to improve your listening and responding skills. You are willing to negotiate the tuition fee with the tutor. Write an advertisement for a local Chinese newspaper and include specific information regarding the tuition.


CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE 18 STAGE 3 Part B: Longer text 12% (20 marks) Answer one (1) of the following questions in approximately 120 150 characters. Question 38 (20 marks) A group of Chinese exchange students is visiting your school. As a part of their introduction to Australian festivals, write an article about Easter for a special edition of the school newsletter. or Question 39 (20 marks) You just had an interview for a position as a shop assistant at a department store in Perth. Write a diary entry about the interview. or Question 40 (20 marks) You have just come back from a year in China as an exchange student. You are required to give a speech about your experience to your class. Write the speech for your presentation. End of questions



STAGE 3 21 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Additional working space

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STAGE 3 23 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Additional working space

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STAGE 3 25 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Additional working space

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STAGE 3 27 CHINESE: SECOND LANGUAGE Additional working space

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