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第十二章 新文化與新思潮


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Conservation and genetics of Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. of Tiawan Shong Huang Abstract The Yangmingshan National Park is one of the most floristically diverse areas in northern Taiwan. A monotypic deciduous tree, Bretschneidera sinensis with approximately 100 families of native plants occurred in the park. B. sinensis been reported as a non-endemic but rare species, occupying the fragmented forests. Population viability analysis was studied by means of both estimates of subpopulation survical rate and estimates of reproduction rates. High varition in these estimates was found among subpopulations and between the opposite-slope nurseries within populations. This result indicateed that selection imposed by microhabitat variations can cause a high degree of differentiation among sites over short distances. This study provides correlational evidence that selection can act via several different environmental factors such as humidity and light intensity, and the vital rates and growth rates among local populations can be due to the action of selection within population rather than among populations.

1. 2. (,1994) -1-

50 (Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl.), ( 1984)( ) ( 1986 Chaw & Peng 1987 1992 1992 1990 ) ( 1986 1990) (77 7030238A ), 1992 1990), ( 1990 1992),,, ( 1961 1992 1991),, -2-

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1994 ( 1994) (F IS =0.226) (Wahlund effect) (Hedrick 1983) (1994) 5 12 4 0.14 0.19 0.12 0.05 0.32 0.20 0.13 0.06 0.18 0.09 1994 (1997 ) (1995) 6 ( P<0.5)( ) -4-

(1995) 1993 (HOT-2) HOT-1 HOT-Y 1993 HOT-1: 9.02 3.16;HOT-2:12.17 3.63; HOT-Y 10.93 3.93 1995 4 22.8 7.1; 38.2 13.5;20.1 5.9 (ANOVA) (HOT-1 v.s. HOT-2) ( ) (HOT-1 v.s. HOT-Y) 1996 1997 ; ;. 1993. 400 (200 ) (200 ) -5-

15cm. 1993 1997 ( ) ( ) 30% ( ) 1997 1997 11. (89% v.s. 75%)( ) 11.23% 3.39%( ) 1996 11.5% ( ) 53% ( ) -6-

( ) 15 19% (10 12%) (5 12%). 30% 75% 11.5% (Reciprocal transplantation) -7-

( ) 35% 1996 11.49% (103/902) 1993 75% -8-

(1997) ( 12 ) (1997) 2001 ( ) ( ), -9-

1993 ++++ ++++ 1994 + + 1995 +++ + 1996 ++ 1997 ++++ ++++ ++++ 90 +++ 50 ~ 90 ++ 20 ~ 50 + 200 200 89 75 11.32 3.3 (20/178) (5/150) 10.78 11.60 (1993~1994) ±3.55 ±4.16

I. A B C 58 54 56 49 (0.84) 43 (0.80) 49 (0.88) 39 (0.67) 18 (0.33) 37 (0.66) (cm) 17.87±7.22 16.17±5.22 14.27±5.20 Π. 1997 5 A B C D 94 26 37 22 11 96 15 30 20 0 97 --- 25 18 58 68 82 0 93 12.1±4.5 (17%) 95 39.5±14.4 (10%) 96 121.7±43.2 (5%) 9.0±2.9 (19%) 24.6±6.5 (10%) 37.1±11.4 (9%) 97 --- 50.2±17.5 (8%) 93-95 27.5±12.3 (13%) 15.6±6.5 (16%) 12.5±9.9 (25%) 95-96 82.2±37 (7%) 96-97 --- 15.0±12.4 (23%) 11.6±3.8 (17%) 20.3±5.6 (12%) 29.1±11.5 (12%) 38.1±15.5 (10%) 8.73±5.4 (27%) 8.72±6.9 (30%) 8.69±5.1 (26%) 11.3±2.8 (15%)

A Ho-N B Ho-S C Ho-Y D Ho-D CV=S / X.

r = 0.8

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Bretschneidera sinensis Heml. 20 30 1981 1. 2. 3. -- 4. -- -20-