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2011 11 Nov. 2011 18 6 Contemporary China History Studies Vol. 18 No. 6 1969 10 E297. 5 K27 D652 A 1005-4952 2011 06-0071 -11 1969 10 1 1969 3 20 60 3 15 1 4 2011-05 - 12 100091 1 3 5 3 15 1969 3 18 1969 11 22 71

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7 p. 339 13 9 14 15 3 1 8 9 10 9 11 1 1968 11 28 13 1998 32 73

2011 6 9 18 1 9 26 16 10 20 9 10 19 20 3 p. 66 17 9 20 ~ 29 18 9 30 10 9 10 2 19 10 15 10 16 1 1949 ~ 1976 1997 322 2 74 1999 182

1 10 pp. 108 ~ 109 10 18 21 30 1972 2 18 3 10 17 17 10 10 17 21 1 10 2 75

2011 6 18 2 18 18 18 17 1971 12 7 1 1997 10 17 18 1971 1972 1971 1970 1969 1 2000 122 1997 14 ~ 15 10 19 1972 2 10 76

1971 1971 1969 10 21 19 1 1969 10 7 1969 10 18 90 520 430 4100 10 p. 109 10 19 2 1 2 14 1969 10 21 77

2011 6 20 1969 10 22 10 23 12 12 12 18 1970 1 20 2 23 3 9 1970 4 4 24 4 29 1969 78

1969 10 19 1 1968 3 79 1 95

2011 6 1968 3 1 1 1970 6 5 80

1 4 1 1989 5 2 1969 4 28 1 3 13 1998 38 4 1969 10 9 2 5 1969 10 9 3 6 1986 194 195 7 1994 331 8 1969 6 19 6 9 1999 168 10 6 2011 102 11 1969 5 25 1 12 1969 8 15 6 13 1999 2 14 H 1945 1997 42 15 1969 9 12 6 16 1949 ~ 1976 1997 323 327 17 1969 9 18 1 18 1969 1999 3 19 1999 502 20 1997 15 1 1974 1 18 81

Abstracts The Issue on the Evaluation of Third - line Construction Ma Quanshan 63 Abstract The evaluation of third - line construction still remained controversial though past for few decades. Analyzing and evaluating third - line construction was indeed not an easy task which largely attributed to its particularity. In view of that it was necessary to put forward the duality of third - line construction. It was not only the special political act towards war danger but also the general economic behavior to improve the layout of productivity. Because there was no absolute certainty but only relative certainty the government's economic behavior could not always depend on the principles of economics but should consider social and political demands. Meanwhile when evaluating the gain and loss of third - line construction we should face the particularity of economic analysis and ambiguity difficult to avoid. In short the gain and loss of the third - line construction was related with the national strategic interests. The loss was the necessary price of the gain. Fundamentally speaking the loss was imposed on the Chinese people by the hostile external forces temporary and would be compensated. Keywords third - line construction 1960s and 1970s evaluation Analysis of No. 1 Command Xu Jinzhou 71 Abstract No. 1 Command was a combat readiness command to the whole army released by Lin Biao by means of administrative group of the Central Military Commission in mid - October 1969. The joint point of this command's release was Soviet military transactions against China after Treasure Island Incident and the CPC Central Committee judged that Soviet Union was likely to attack China suddenly. Before the release Lin Biao had reported the command to Mao Zedong. But because of the naming during the process of command's transmission the command raised a series of complex reactions among the central core leaders. After the 9 13 Incident the command was also known as Lin Biao's preview of usurping the leadership and taking over power and got a long - time investigation which made it more complicated and existed many misunderstandings until now. The problems a- round the No. 1 Command reflected many comprehensive issues of the Army. All of those had direct relationships with the ultra - leftist political situation in the Cultural Revolution the abnormality of the military leadership structure and the denial of army regularized construction system which reflected the potential crisis of military construction since Cultural Revolution. Keywords No. 1 Command administrative group of the Central Military Commission military construction combat readiness Efforts on Building the Discipline of Contemporary China Social History Zhu Jiamu 82 Summary of Academic Symposium of New China's Social Change and Contemporary Social History Research Li Wen 85 Historical Investigation on Foreign Negotiations of Resolving Bilateral Land Border Issues between China and Pakistan Han Xiaoqing 91 Abstract For the consideration of improving the periphery of diplomatic situation Pakistan initiated the proposal of Sino - Pakistan border negotiation in the early 1960s and China accepted the suggestions for many - sided considerations. The bilateral land border negotiation between China and Pakistan began in May 1962 and the sign of border Protocol on March 26 1965 marked the satisfactory 127