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Blue Hills Catholic Collaborave 20 Como Road Hyde Park, MA 02136 Telephone: 8573429500; Fax: 6173618021 Website: www.bluehillscollaborave.org Email: info@bluehillscollaborave.org Office Hours: Mon Fri, 8:00 AM 4:00 PM Pastor: Rev. Joe Mazzone Parochial Vicar: Rev. Charles MadiOkin Director of Ministries: Anna Williams Cote Facilies Manager: Mike Pankievich Director of Finance John Manning Office Manager: Ana Chavez Administrave Assistant: Kathi Ryan Flynn Director of Music: David Jenkins Coordinator of Song: Grace Greene St Anne Organist: Sean Hurley Faith Formaon Coordinator: Sheila Farley 2021 CORI FORMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AND NEED TO BE COMPLETED BY VOLUNTEERS. Please see inside for details

Scripture for the Week of January 24, 2021 Sunday, Jan 24 Jonah 3:15, 10/Psalms 25:45, 67, 89/1 Corinthians 7:2931/Mark 1:1420 Monday, Jan 25 Acts 22:316 /Psalms 117:1BC, 2/Mark 16:1518 Tuesday, Jan. 26 2 Timothy 1:18 / Psalms 96:12A,2B3,78A,10/Mark 3:3135 Wednesday, Jan 27 Hebrews 10:1118/Psalms 110:1, 2, 3, 4/Mark 4:120 Thursday, Jan 28 Hebrews 10:1925/Psalms 24:12, 34AB, 56/Mark 4:2125 Friday, Jan. 29 Hebrews 10:3239/Psalms 37:34, 56, 2324, 3940/Mark 4:2634 Saturday, Jan 30 Hebrews 11:12, 819/Luke 1:6970, 7172, 7375/Mark 4:3541 Offertory week ending : Jan. 3 NOT AVAILABALE AT THIS TIME Spend time with Jesus Live stream Adoration of the Holy Eucharist at www.bluehillscollaborative.org OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS Collecons for January 24 Weekly Offertory & Church in Lan America Collecon for January 31 Weekly Offertory & Church Beauficaon SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Reconciliation (Confession) weekly Wed. @ St. Anne s 6:30pm 7:30 pm Tue. @ St. Pius X 9:30 am 10:30 am New Year New beginning Prostrate I adore Thee, Deity unseen, Who Thy glory hidest neath these shadows mean. Lo! to Thee surrendered, my whole heart is bowed, tranced as it beholds Thee, shrined within the cloud. Taste and touch and vision to discern Thee fail; faith that comes by hearing pierces through the veil. I believe whate er the Son of God hath told; what the Truth hath spoken, that for truth I hold. On the Cross lay hidden but Thy Deity, here is hidden also Thy humanity. But in both believing and confessing, Lord, ask I what the dying thief of Thee implored. Saint Thomas Aquinas (translated by Edward Bouverie Pusey) We invite everyone to become a Year of the Eucharist Missionary. You only need to follow the 3 "P's" Prayer, Participation and Promote. Register at bostoncatholic.org/yearoftheeucharist/ missionary

PARISH VOLUNTEERS First, We want to THANK all of you for your service to your Parish. This has been a very difficult time for all of us. We understand that many of you are not ready yet to return to Mass due to COVID. When you are ready we will overjoyed to have you back. Please do what you feel is right for you and your family. Second, It is that time of year again. We will be asking each volunteer to complete a CORI form for 2021. Like the rest of our lives the CORI process has been changed due to COVID. We will be mailing the forms to each volunteer, you can down load the form from www.bluehillscollaborative.org or you will find forms in the back of the church. If you are not ready to return to volunteering you can wait to do your CORI until you are ready to resume. You can do it now and get it done if you want. The Blue Hills Catholic Collaborave is a welcoming place for all many people aend Mass here at our churches, but are not registered parishioners. It is important to be registered and use your offering envelopes so that if you ever request a leer, whether it s for being a godparent, sponsor, marriage, confirmaon, tax statement or any other purpose, we can check our records and see that you register with us. Please email achavez@bluehillscollaborave.org with your name,address, phone number, what parish would like to be registerunder and let us know if you'd like to receive envelopes or not. Registered Parishioners are asked to please nofy the office of a change of address or when moving away from the parish. Thank you VERIFICATION: You can bring your completed form to Mass and Father Joe or Father Charles can complete the verification (don t forget to bring your ID). The Collaborative center remains closed to the public. If you are a member of the choir, David Jenkins can do your verification and if you are a volunteer in Religious Education or at St. Pius X parish Sheila Farley can do your verification. The Archdiocese is allowing two other forms for verification. 1. Via Zoom - you can send your completed form to Anna Cote at 20 Como Road, Hyde Park, MA 02136. Include your telephone number and email address and a zoom meeting will be scheduled. Via zoom (teleconference) verification will be done. We are not allowed to do verification by telephone only. 2. Verification by a Notary - In addition to teleconference or verification by a priest you can have your CORI form verified by a notary prior to submission. You would mail your original notarized form to Anna Cote at 20 Como Road, Hyde Park, MA. Verification by a notary is optional due to the potential of the individual having to pay a fee to have a form notarized. Please know we are praying for all of you! Mass Intentions: Most Precious Blood January 23 Saturday, 9 am Oliver Dempsey * January 24 Sunday, 9 am Celine Kinsaba January 27 Wednesday, 9 am John Curren * January 30 Saturday, 9 am Florence Carroll * January 31 Sunday, 9 am Stephen & Arlene Barry February 6 Saturday, 9 am Edith Di Carlo * February 7 Sunday, 9 am Angela Mazzone St. Pius January 23 Saturday, 4 pm Celine Kinsaba January 24 Sunday, 10:30 am Charlie Senior & Laurice & Thomas Carty and deceased members of the Carty Family January 26 Tuesday, 9 am Sandra Scaccia * January 29 Friday, 9 am Sam Silta * January 31 Sunday, 10:30 am Mary and Dan Fitzgerald & Dave Vazquez February 2 Tuesday, 9 am Ellen Wilson February 5 Friday, 9 am Fr. Henry Mair February 6 Saturday, 4 pm Jeanne & Dr. John Hurley February 7 Sunday, 10:30 am Mary Kearns* St. Anne January 23 Saturday, 4pm John Galvin January 24 Sunday, 7:30 am Louis Galante * January 30 Saturday, 4pm Sandy Scaccia* * Indicates Months Mind

DRIVE BY FISH FRY COMING THIS LENT COLLABORATIVE CENTER Pick up6:308:00 pm Friday, February 19 Friday, March, 5 Friday, March 19 Fish, Fries and Cole slaw WE NEED VOLUNTEERS HANDING OUT ORDERS & TRAFFIC OUTSIDE Please contact Anna Cote at ACote@bluehillscollaborative.org WHAT IS Catholic Relief Services RICE BOWL? CRSRice Bowlis Catholic Relief Services'Lentenfaith inacon program for families and faith communies. Through CRSRice Bowl, we deepen our personal experience oflent, and hear stories from our brothers and sisters in need worldwide. When you give, you help fill the bellies of young children so they can study hard in school. You help prevent trafficking and provide welcome kits for survivors. Your donaons help mothers and babies around the world receive nutrional care and health exams. Refugees find safety and receive emergency assistance and trauma counseling. Farmers learn innovave ways to plant and grow crops despite drought or disease. And women find dignity in opportunies for savings and training. We will be proving RICE BOWLS at each parish starng February 17 (Ash Wednesday) Starting the weekend of January 3031, 2021 we will start having a food drive at each parish the last weekend of every month to support the Hyde Park Food Pantry. During these very difficult times more and more people find themselves with food uncertainty and turn to the food pantry for help. We have been commanded to love one another and in the Corporal works of Mercy we are instructed to Feed the Hungry. PRO LIFE ENCOURAGEMENT Fr Mike Schmitz shares encouragement for the ProLife Movement Thank you for your generosity. SOCK DRIVE WEDNESDAY, February 17 (ASH WEDNESDAY) The # 1 request from the homeless is socks. We will be holding a sock (athlec) drive on Ash Wednesday. New socks for men and women in every size are needed. You will find bins at the back of each church and at the Collaborave Center, THANK YOU in advance for your support. Watch Fr. Mike Schmitz on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bsuc_mku2fi Father Mike Schmitz is the chaplain for Newman Catholic Campus Ministries at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He also serves as the Director of the Office of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth. His ministry is for all but especially focused on young men and women.

CENTRAL EUROPE PILGRIMAGE PILGRIMAGE TO CENTRAL EUROPE September 19 28, 2021 Come and join Fr. Joe Mazzone on a spiritual awakening of your heart and soul through the history and experiences of cultures and faith. Visit Krakow Poland, the home of the great Pope St. John II and the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Visit the Shrine of the Infant Jesus in Prague, as well as Cathedrals, museums, and castles in Vienna and Budapest For more informaon please contact Anna Cote, Director of Ministries at the Blue Hills Catholic Collaborave Acote@bluehillscollaborave 8573429500 x 15 You will receive a full refund of your deposit for postponement due to COVID 19 Learn more from the informaonal video available on the Blue Hills Catholic Collaborave web page and face book page REMEMBRANCE: Would you like to donate the Wine & Candles for a month at Most Precious Blood, St. Pius X or St. Anne church? Your loved one will be remembered for the month and idenfied in the bullen. This is a first come situaon and is available at each of the parishes. Only one remembrance per parish per month. If you would like to honor a loved one or a family with a donaon or remembrance, email Anna Cote@ Acote@bluehillscollaborave.org or 8573429500 to find an available month. The donaon for the Church is $100.00 2020 TAX INFORMATION If you need your 2020 contribuon amount for tax purposes, please contact the Collaborave at 8573429500, or email us at Achavez@bluehillscollaborave.org. We will NOT be sending out statements in the mail this year, unless requested. If you have any quesons, do not hesitate to contact us. Please leave a detailed message with the following informaon: Your name, your envelope number, if available, your parish and your telephone number. Thank you! HOW TO CREATE AN ONLINE GIVING AC- COUNT We strongly encourage our parishioners to use online giving for the Offertory. Our Online Giving is getting an upgrade to a newer, easiertouse platform! If you currently give online, you will soon be receiving an email with instructions on how to log into the new system. Best of all, your existing payment and donation information will be migrated over so you will not have to set up your gifts again! Keep an eye on your email for more information coming very soon. 1. 2. 3. 4. ONLINE GIVING: Go to www.bluehillscollaborative.org. Scroll down and click on the small green box that says Online Giving From our 3 churches, choose which one will receive your donations. Create an account, (enter name, address, telephone number and your email address) 5. Click Enter then create a user name and a password. 6. Username must contain 6 characters. Password must be at least 8 characters and use a combination of numbers and letters. 7. 8. At this point you have successfully created an account. You will be prompted to confirm that you are not a robot, and proceed to the next steps. Enter bank account information (account number and routing number). Please be assured that NO ONE in the Collaborative Offices will have access to this information. Choose payment type (bank or credit card). 9. Enter bank s name, your account number, and the expiration date if you are using a debit or credit card. 10. Click Done when you are finished and then click the button that says Create Payment. 11. You have already entered your personal and banking information. Now you can create your offertory amount. 12. Start by selecting a fund: scroll down to the desired fund (would you like your donation to go to the weekly collection, to flowers, to energy, etc.) 13. Select a gift type (onetime, weekly, monthly, etc.) 14. Enter the gift amount & Choose the date of your donation. Lastly, submit your gift. 15. You will receive an email confirmation THANK YOU for supporting the churches of the Blue Hills Collaborative. If you need help with this process, don t hesitate to call Ana Chavez: 8573429500 Ext. 10

January Pro-Life Activities: Living the Gospel of Life Watch & Pray with Cardinal Seán / CatholicTV: Sunday, January 24 Culture of Life Mass at 12:30 pm, 7pm, and 11:30 pm; will air on WLVI-TV at 8am Friday, January 29 Holy Hour for Life from 7-8 am (leading into Closing Mass for the National Prayer Vigil for Life from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC) Mass for Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life will air at 11am and rebroadcast at 8:30 pm Join at the National Vigil for Life via CatholicTV: Thursday, January 28 Rosary at 8 pm Opening Mass at 8:30 pm Holy Hour at 10 pm Friday, January 29 Holy Hour for Life from 7-8 am with seminarians from St. John Seminary * Closing Mass at 8 am Become More Informed/Involved: Tune into a special block of programing affirming the dignity of human life every Friday in January at 11 am on CatholicTV Learn more about Pregnancy Help, a ministry of the Pro Life Office supporting women experiencing difficult pregnancies: www.pregnancyhelpboston.org Organize a parish-based Baby Shower/Maternity Clothes Drive to assist clients served by Pregnancy Help (Contact Pro Life Office at 508-651-1900 or ProLifeOffice@rcab.org) Become acquainted with Project Rachel, the Church s post-abortion ministry: www.projectrachelboston.com Find resources for being part of pro-life ministry through the Pro Life Office: www.upholdingthedignityoflife.org Pro Life Office Archdiocese of Boston Aer Divorce: HealingFrom the Inside Out(February 10) A virtual seminar with author, Rose Sweet February 10, 2021 7:00 9:00 PM To register for this complimentary event, clickhere. Are you newly divorced? Maybe it s been a while and you re still struggling. Regardless, when the trauma of divorce hits, or itsresidual pain lingers for years, true healing must begin deep within. The ministry of Family Life & Ecclesial Movements of the Archdiocese of Boston will host a seminar in support of Catholics who are experiencing divorce or separation.rose Sweet, host of the Ascension Press program,surviving Divorce, will guide participants into that place in the heart where fears, and anxieties, hopes and dreams coexist. Drawing from the healing touch of Christ, you ll learn four simple steps to breaking free and living that abundant life for which you were made! Join us for this special event, featuring prayer, a personal witness testimony on overcoming the pain of divorce, Rose s keynote address, and Q&A following the presentation. Evangelizaon and Discipleship

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