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Third Sunday of Advent December 17, 2017 ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH C /P O /C C 2700 SE V A T, K 66605 (785) 232-5012 : (785) 232-0028 A C (785) 232-5012 ( 243)...a community of faith and love www.saintmatthews.org S. M C S 1000 SE 28 S T, KS 66605 (785) 235-2188 S. M E L C 1000 SE 28 S T, KS 66605 (785) 233-1220 P : F. J M. T (. 204) jtorrez@archkck.org A : B B (. 201) rjbrox@saintmatthews.org A : E D (. 202) edavis@saintmatthews.org P S /V C : M L (. 200) mleiker@saintmatthews.org P -T P S : A L (. 217) alanders@saintmatthews.org D M M : C H (. 226) hubbardc@saintmatthews.org A A : S C scarson@saintmatthews.org M / / : B M C S P : H S (. 216) stessmanh@saintmatthews.org S S : J R (. 215) rodriguezj@saintmatthews.org E L C D : M M (. 234) elc@saintmatthews.org D F F : L L (. 210) llopez@saintmatthews.org P C : J G ( ) B C J L N L C M P M L S J S F C : R S (C ) S C : A O (C ) (Consult Parish Directory for phone numbers ) Mass Schedule Weekends: Saturday 5:00 p.m., Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Weekday: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:05 a.m. Wednesday 5:30 p.m. (Please see Page 3 for this week s schedule.) Confession: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m., Wednesday 6-7 p.m. or by appointment I baptize with water; but there is one among you whom you do not recognize, the one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie. 3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT We at St. Matthew Catholic Church are a community of faith and love dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to spiritual growth through active worship, education and ministry. We provide an environment to support a Christ-centered way of life. Through our actions others will be drawn to Christ.

Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday, 8:00 am - 12 noon Bulletin Deadline: Monday noon, in writing. Who is a parishioner? One who is registered and regularly participates in the liturgical life of the parish and demonstrates support of the parish mission by completing and fulfilling an annual commitment of time, treasure and talent. To register in the Parish: We welcome anyone interested in being an active member of our parish. Please call the Parish Office (232-5012) and plan to attend a Welcome Sunday to pick up registration materials. Baptisms: First time parents (or those who have not attended a class within the last three years) must attend an instruction class, which is held monthly. Classes are held at the Parish Conference Center (use driveway entrance at 27th and Virginia). Parent(s) must be registered in the parish a minimum of 4 months prior to the baptism. Parent(s) must contact the church office to sign up for the class. Baptisms are celebrated monthly and information on dates is given out at the class. Marriages: Couples are required to contact Fr. John at least 6 months prior to the anticipated wedding date and BEFORE making any other arrangements or reserving a reception hall. Anointing of the Sick: If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please see Fr. John after Mass. The sacrament is available to all those who are ailing physically, mentally or spiritually. Hospital Reminder: If you are in the hospital and would like to receive Holy Communion, please have a family member contact the Parish Office (232-5012). ST. FRANCIS AND THE CHRISTMAS CRECHE St. Bonaventure (d. 1274) in his Life of St. Francis of Assisi tells the story the best: It happened in the third year [1223] before his death, that in order to excite the inhabitants of Grecio to commemorate the nativity of the Infant Jesus with great devotion, [St. Francis] determined to keep it with all possible solemnity; and lest he should be accused of lightness or novelty, he asked and obtained the permission of the sovereign Pontiff. Then he prepared a manger, and brought hay, and an ox and an ass to the place appointed. The brethren were summoned, the people ran together, the forest resounded with their voices, and that venerable night was made glorious by many and brilliant lights and sonorous psalms of praise. The man of God [St. Francis] stood before the manger, full of devotion and piety, bathed in tears and radiant with joy; the Holy Gospel was chanted by Francis, the Levite of Christ. Then he preached to the people around the nativity of the poor King; and being unable to utter His name for the tenderness of His love, He called Him the Babe of Bethlehem. A certain valiant and veracious soldier, Master John of Grecio, who, for the love of Christ, had left the warfare of this world, and become a dear friend of this holy man, affirmed that he beheld an Infant marvelously beautiful, sleeping in the manger, Whom the blessed Father Francis embraced with both his arms, as if he would awake Him from sleep. This vision of the devout soldier is credible, not only by reason of the sanctity of him that saw it, but by reason of the miracles which afterwards confirmed its truth. For example of Francis, if it be considered by the world, is doubtless sufficient to excite all hearts which are negligent in the faith of Christ; and the hay of that manger, being preserved by the people, miraculously cured all diseases of cattle, and many other pestilences; God thus in all things glorifying his servant, and witnessing to the great efficacy of his holy prayers by manifest prodigies and miracles. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE The following is our Christmas Mass schedule: December 24 December 25 MESSAGE FROM FR. JOHN 5:00 PM 10:00 PM 9:00 AM Please note: Attending Mass on Sunday evening does not count for both Sunday obligation and Christmas. Saturday evening and Sunday morning Liturgies are for the Fourth Sunday of Advent. The Sunday evening Masses count for Christmas. 2

St. Matthew s Parish: The Refrigerator Page This page is provided for you to add to your family s information center, the frig! MASS INTENTIONS December 18 - December 24 Monday... Late Advent Weekday NO Mass Tuesday... Late Advent Weekday 8:05 a.m. (All School) - Alicia Avila Wednesday... Late Advent Weekday 5:30 p.m. - Marcella Melton Thursday... Late Advent Weekday 8:05 a.m. - Joan Watson Friday... Late Advent Weekday 8:05 a.m. - Jim and Ethel Lacore Saturday... Vigil, Fourth Sunday of Advent 5:00 p.m. - Tomasa Sapata Sunday... Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:00 a.m. - Augustine and Rosario Duran 10:30 a.m. - Patrick Laird and St. Matthew Parishioners Sunday... Christmas Eve 5 p.m. - Amy Muth and Bob Hartman 10:00 p.m. - St. Matthew Parishioners PRAYER CORNER We pray for those among us who are ill and for their caregivers, for those experiencing a hardship or difficulty and for those in the Armed Forces. To place someone s name on the prayer corner, please call the Parish Office (232-5012). Delores Bell Marilyn Schmidt Becky Glotzbach Jessica Wilson- Carpenter Reese Huscher Londyn & Danielle Hibbert Tom Henry Kay Becker Doug Coker Melvin Ketter Chris Riat Ed Dillon Melanie Stadler Tristan Butler Jacob Daniels Mitchell Ridder Nathan Pawley Rod Andaya Brock Niehaus Aaron Oliver Matthew Dailey Trevor Carson Benjamin Spain Richard Lomboy Paul Matthew Cervantez Shea Brinker John Burgardt Eva Athon Debbie Glotzbach Eva Rutherford Jack Smith Edward Wilhelmson Dolores Bell Marie Carter David Terrell Christa Ensley Eric Holthaus Brian Crowson Edna Quijada Mary Jane Cook Mary Martin David Luke Wareham Dustin Shayne Athon Nathan Pollack Dylan Treadwell Austin Brinker Tashina Miller Nick Newsom Josh Hahn Ulric Baumgardner Billy Fehrenbach Marvin Fehrenbach Regis & Sandra Campbell Emily (Leiker) Miller Ann & Thomas Newell Stephen Sachs Janet Nedescu Lisa Mendoza Carol Greenup Ryan Ramshaw Robert Dodge, Jr. Randy Tabor Betty Kelsey Byron Glotzbach Kinsley FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES Dennis Mulryan Craig Loughlin Richard Kolbek Nicholas Gawdun Alan Bennett Angelo Cruz Abby Hays Alvin Pierce Roberto Caceres Melissa-Jo Rivera Mike Perry Chad May Barry Price Dalan Pittz Anthony Stallbaumer Paul Alber Nathan Hunt Bryan Smith Glenn Ortiz Frank Narvaez Michael Tibbits Danielle Burke Michael Mathewson Jesse Adams Greg Cochran Margaret Dolan Alan Frazier, Sr. Bob Hess Elizabeth Hunter Tracy Costales Adrianne Steinhoff Carol Oswald Joyce Stallbaumer Andrea Doty Maria Chavez Amelia and Frank Cervantez Miles Quintin Darrell Finson Peggy Burns Dan Schiefelbein, Jr. Jason Dolan Steven Klumpe Woody Sisson Kristin Mathewson Bill Taylor Chris Bonilla Scott Payne Sunday, 12/17 3 rd Sunday of Advent WELCOME SUNDAY: donuts & coffee served in the Parish Hall following both Masses Simple Abundance Food Collection Weekend 8:00am Mass/Church 9:00am SOR Class/School 10:30am Mass/Church 6:00pm Jr. High & High School Youth Gathering/ Trompeter Gym 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal/Church Monday, 12/18 5:15pm Rosary Group/Weekday Chapel 8:00pm Men s Open Gym Night/Trompeter Gym Tuesday, 12/19 8:05am Mass/Church 6:30pm SMCS Advent Program/Church Wednesday,12/20 5:30pm Mass/Church 6:00pm Confessions/Church 6:30pm SOR Family Activity Las Posadas /Parish Hall 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal/Church Thursday, 12/21 8:05am Mass/Weekday Chapel 5:30pm Social Justice Committee/St. Luke Rm 5:30pm Centering Prayer/Weekday Chapel 7:00pm RCIA/Parish Hall West Friday, 12/22 8:05am Mass/Church Saturday, 12/23 7:30am Men s Fellowship Group/Parish Conference Ctr 4:00pm Confessions/Church 5:00pm Mass/Church Sunday, 12/24 4 th Sunday of Advent 8:00am Mass/Church 10:30am Mass/Church Sunday, 12/24 Christmas Eve 5:00pm Mass/Church 10:00pm Mass/Church 3

SPOTLIGHT ON STEWARDSHIP 4 S T U Week Of 12/10/17 Year-To-Date Envelopes $18,550.00 $334,845.87 Automatic Giving 1,322.69 121,357.91 Bill Pay 2,695.00 36,225.00 Plate 807.70 12,665.59 Children s 30.66 1,424.78 Total $23,406.05 $506,519.15 Budget $22,000.00 $528,000.00 Income Over/Under Budget $ 1,406.05-21,480.85 Total Previous YTD $528,235.59 STEWARDSHIP RENEWAL APPEAL December is here, and it won't be long before we will be saying good-bye to 2017 and hello to 2018. We want to continue to encourage those who have not yet returned their Stewardship Renewal Appeal materials for 2018 to please do so as soon as possible. To date, only 417 out of 1120 households have returned their completed materials, or 37% of the parish. You can return your forms to the Parish Office either by mail, in person, or by means of the Sunday collection basket. It is our hope as a parish that as many of our registered households as possible will make a commitment to be active, participating members of St. Matthew Parish by sharing their time, talent, and financial resources. And speaking of financial resources, as we approach the end of 2017, now would be a good time to possibly catch up on your financial contributions to the parish if perhaps you have fallen behind. It can happen quite easily. You happen to be gone a Sunday here or a Sunday there and you forget to turn in your envelope, and the next thing you know you're behind on your contributions. If you're not sure where you're at in terms of your contributions to the parish, feel free to contact either Liz Davis, our parish accountant, or Bob Broxterman, our parish administrator, and they will be glad to look up that information for you. As you know, St. Matthew Parish depends entirely upon your financial support for the operation of our parish. Every gift we receive, no matter how big or small, is important. Thank you for your support and involvement in the life of St. Matthew Catholic Church. EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP "What could happen next?" How many times have you asked yourself that question? Unfortunately, we most often use that expression when things don't seem to be going our way. Then sometimes when the stars seem to align just right we might use the same expression to explain our feelings of being overwhelmed by blessings and good things. Whether it will be a pleasant or dreadful experience, we can say with certainty tomorrow will not go exactly as we envisioned. Our lives are influenced by so many factors and the world is complex. Rather than be surprised by the unexpected, maybe we should expect the unexpected. Living in this manner causes us to cherish more deeply the gifts we have been given. It helps us to live in the present and become mindful of those around us. Our relationships deepen. Our sense of responsibility builds. Our stewardship way of life finds new meaning and purpose. This Advent will not be the same experience as last Advent. It remains to be seen what the coming days and weeks have in store for each of us. However, no matter what happens, Jesus Christ is there to welcome us to the unexpected. He will celebrate with us in joy and he will even feel our pain. You can count on the unexpected, but you can also count on him to be there with you. He is, now and forever, Emmanuel, "God with us." He is the expected in all things unexpected. -Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS If you are new to St. Matthew and would like to register in the Parish please join us for WELCOME SUNDAY December 17 following the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall

AROUND ST. MATTHEW S WE REMEMBER IN PRAYER THOSE WHO HAVE RECENTLY DIED Darleen Speier, stepmother of Jim (Kathy) Speier Mike Glotzbach, nephew of Dennis (Ruby) Glotzbach and cousin of Steve (Becky), Byron (Sandy) and Debbie Glotzbach Our thoughts and prayers are with their loved ones in this time of sadness. LIVE THE LITURGY Inspiration for the Week John the Baptist came to testify to the light, who is Jesus Christ. Like John, we are called to testify to that same Light. We do so by living lives of faith and bringing the joy of the Gospel to everyone we meet. We are people of joy who rejoice at his birth and eagerly await his coming again. We share that joy by tending to the needs of the poor, helping those who are broken, and witnessing to the freedom that a life in God brings. May we take our task of being joyful witnesses to the good news seriously as the celebration of Christ's birth fast approaches. WATCH ONE HOUR WITH ME Adoration means entering the depth of our hearts in communion with the Lord who makes Himself bodily present in the Eucharist. In the monstrance, He always entrusts Himself to us and asks us to be united with His presence with His Risen Body. Pope Benedict XVI Prayerfully consider spending an hour each week with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers are especially needed for the following hours: Sunday, 2, 3, 8 and 10 p.m. Monday, 11 a.m.; 5, 9,10 p.m. Wednesday, 12 noon, 1, 5, 7, 10 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m.; 1, 2, 3, 4 p.m. Please call Sue, 354-7762, if you are able to help with one of the hours listed or an hour of your choice. PLEASE NOTE: The adoration chapel WILL BE OPEN Christmas Day & New Year s Day. Please call Sue (354-7762) if you need a substitute. OH, WHAT FUN! Join the Christmas Art & Environment Team! This is a fun-filled service opportunity for adults or responsible teens. A generous Christmas spirit is all that is needed. Remember, what goes up must come down. We will need help after the Epiphany, too! Monday, December 18, 6 p.m. Thursday, December 21, 6 p.m. Sunday, December 24, following 10:30 Mass COLD AND FLU SEASON With the winter months upon us, we would encourage the use of common sense and basic hygiene at all times and especially while in Church. Be assured that priests and extraordinary ministers of holy communion are washing their hands before Mass and will use sanitizer during Mass before distributing Holy Communion. If you feel ill or have someone in your home who is ill, you should not receive from the cup nor shake hands during the sign of peace. No one is ever under an obligation to shake hands during the sign of peace; a bow or other gesture is always appropriate in place of shaking hands. Also, no one is ever under obligation to receive from the chalice. Anyone who is ill, suspects they are ill, or has been close to someone who is ill, should refrain from receiving from the chalice out of good will and consider receiving the host in the hand rather than by mouth. JOIN US TO PRAY THE ROSARY, Monday afternoons, 5:15 p.m., Weekday Chapel (park in the north parking lot and use entrance at northwest corner of the building). Please join us as we pray for those in our parish who are experiencing illness, for the deceased, and for any special intention you may have. For more information, please contact Ron Shirrell, 267-3901, shirrellronald@gmail.com. 5

SCHEDULING OF MEETING ROOMS It is the time of year when many of the parish committees/ groups/organizations are setting their schedules for 2018 meetings and events. It is very important that any events/ activities/meetings be on the parish calendar. It assures your group/organization that you will have a place to gather. There are many activities that take place around the parish facilities and if you don t schedule a meeting room in advance, there s a good chance you might show up and not have a place to meet. To schedule a meeting room, please contact Bob Broxterman at the Parish Office, 232-5012, ext. 201, or email rjbrox@saintmatthews.org. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 17, 2017 Sunday: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/Lk 1:46-48, 49-50, 53-54 [Is 61:10b]/ 1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 Monday: Jer 23:5-8/Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19 [cf. 7]/Mt 1:18-25 Tuesday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17 [cf. 8]/ Lk 1:5-25 Wednesday: Is 7:10-14/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf. 7c and 10b]/ Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21 [1a; 3a]/Lk 1:39-45 Friday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd [cf. 1a]/ Lk 1:46-56 Saturday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14 [cf. Lk 21:28]/Lk 1:57-66 Next Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 [2a]/Rom 16:25-27/Lk 1:26-38 SCHOOL OF RELIGION All are invited LAS POSADAS FAMILY EVENT DECEMBER 20 6:30 P.M., PARISH HALL Las Posadas refers to a traditional Advent custom in preparation for the birth of Jesus. The children will reenact the search of Mary and Joseph for shelter in Bethlehem. ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC SCHOOL CALENDAR December 19, Advent Music Program, 6:30 p.m. December 20, Advent parties; end of 2nd quarter December 21 - January 3, Christmas Vacation January 4, 2018 - Classes resume January 27, Catholic Schools Week Mass, 5 p.m. & Chili Bingo following Mass January 28 - February 3, Catholic Schools Week MAKE SURE YOU "LIKE" ST. MATTHEW CHURCH AND SCHOOL on Facebook. We've got a special offer coming on New Year's Day for incoming kindergarteners! ST. MATTHEW ALUMNI: If you are a graduate, or know someone who has graduated from SMCS, please complete this form and put it in the collection basket or return it to the school office at 1000 SE 28th, Topeka, KS 66605. Graduation Year (from SMCS) Name Maiden Name Address City, State, Zip Email 6

ST. MATTHEW EARLY LEARNING CENTER CALENDAR: December 19, Mass December 20, Advent concert and party ST. MATTHEW ELC is growing and we have need for new teachers and substitutes! We are hiring self-motivated individuals to help support the teacher and guide our students in play and learning. Interacting with children, helping them make safe choices, and providing opportunities for them to become independent are priorities of the position. Other duties will include, but are not limited to: reading stories, painting, helping maintain a clean center. Must be [at least] 18 years old and willing to complete required training and TB test. Hours are negotiable. We are looking for morning and afternoon teachers to work with ages 3-12 years old. If interested, please contact Melissa at 233-1220 for more information. SOCIAL JUSTICE/COMMUNITY OUTREACH Appointments are available for St. Matthew s upcoming blood drive, Saturday, January 13, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For best selection of available times, please sign up soon at savealifenow.org. To donate blood you must be at least 16 years old, weigh 110 lbs. and be in good health. For questions regarding medical eligibility to donate blood, please call 1-800-688-0900. (Guidelines have changed somewhat over the years.) Donors will receive a KC Chiefs t-shirt, plus the satisfaction of providing a life-giving gift. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FUTURE EVENTS December 31, 8 a.m., Corporate Mass, 5 th Sunday Rosary before Mass January 4, 7 p.m., Council Meeting, Parish Conference Center, Rosary at 6:30 p.m. January 12, 5-7 p.m., Free Throw Contest, Trompeter Gym (ages 9-14) January 14, Breakfast to support the Kansas Knights Ultra-Sound Initiative February 1, 7 p.m., Council Meeting DECEMBER AWARDS Knight of the Month: Phil Herrera Family of the Month: Tim & Debra O Shea Membership Drawing: Louis Pillay was not present; January pot will be $55 Pennies From Heaven Drawing: Mark Wunder, Tom Stuchlik and Richard Oliva Milestones: Deron & Sonia Barnett, 25th Wedding Anniversary Years of Service: Robert Schrick, 63 years February 2, 2018 Hayden Catholic High School, Bueltel Activity Center Gym Tickets on sale at the Parish Office or online at www.corproject.com. 7

WE REMEMBER IN PRAYER THOSE WHO HAVE RECENTLY DIED Jeff Treiber, brother of Joie (Darren) Haverkamp and uncle of Evan, Ivy and Toby Haverkamp Congratulations! RON AND VIRGINIA ZINK 40th Wedding Anniversary December 17, 1977 Our thoughts and prayers are with their loved ones in this time of sadness. PLEASE ADD TO THE PRAYER LIST Jean Dodds Margie McDonald Zoila Soto MARRIAGE MINUTE Rejoice always! In these weeks before Christmas, we often hear the word joy, usually accompanied by a couple laughing as they share a blanket and sip cocoa by the fire. But what happens if our circumstances aren t merry and bright? What if our family is experiencing painful relationships, illness, death or serious financial strain? In these times, we can remember this weekend s readings which tell us, Rejoice always. Always?! Yes! Joy recognizes that the coming of Jesus means: Forgiveness that sets us free, even if others don t change. Hope of eternal life. Strength to endure trials. Comfort knowing that Jesus became man to enter into our suffering. Need some joy this week? Try one of our DIY Date Nights in the Resource section of joyfulmarriage.project.com. THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Let us ask God to bless our family on this Third Sunday in Advent: God of rejoicing, this week we hear in our second reading that we are called to rejoice always. Help our family to be joyful in the midst of whatever happens this week. When we light the third candle on our wreath, let us bring your joy to our friends and neighbors this week. We ask this through Christ, who is the ultimate joyful gift to the world. Amen. Attention, 7th 12 Graders JOIN US FOR A YOUTH GATHERING ATHERING! ODAY December 17, 6-8 p.m. TODAY Trompeter Gym Take a break from studying for Finals! Food, Faith & Fun! Drop by for a little or a lot!

SUPPORT OUR HAYDEN CATHOLIC PARTNER, Hertz Rental, by renting a vehicle, and receive a 30% discount off all published rates, and Hayden will receive a quarterly rebate. Offer is exclusive to the Topeka Catholic community, and is only available if rented from Hertz of Topeka by calling 785-267-4468. In addition, mention Hayden when buying a vehicle, and $250 per sale will be donated back to the school. Promo code 401 through December 31. Thank you for your support of Hayden and our Business Partners. God has the answers for our weight, food struggle, and all temptations! LIGHT WEIGHT ONE KING will begin with orientation on Wednesday, January 3, 2018, 6:30 p.m., Christ the King Church, school library. Light Weigh One King is a 12-week Catholic Bible Study DVD program. There are no weigh-ins. View the Light Weigh One King orientation video at www.lightweigh.com and click on video halfway down on the right side of the screen. To join the Christ the King group, please call Rhonda Calender, 230-0824, to order your program materials and join this life-changing program. REGIONAL NEWS 25TH ANNUAL SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS BENEFIT DINNER, JANUARY 26, 2018, Union Station, Kansas City. Speakers include Archbishop Emeritus James Keleher, Fr. Jerry Arano- Ponce, and a seminarian. There is a marketplace, delicious Conception baked goods, and a wonderful meal. Reservations are $175/person at tables of ten people. To reserve your place, or an entire table, or donate to the marketplace or VIP silent auction, contact: Martha Hodes, (913)207-9893 or mmmhsos512@gmail.com. Proceeds benefit each diocese s seminarian education fund, and fund scholarships at Conception Seminary. Check out our new website: www.supportourseminarians.com. MARRIED COUPLES WANT TO GIVE A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING? Register for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend it s the best gift you ll ever give to each other and your marriage! Make your reservation now! The next Weekend in Kansas City is April 20-22, 2018. For more information or to apply, please visit our website: www.wwme4youandme.org or call Tony & Barb Zimmerman, 816-741- 4066 or email tonybarbz@prodigy.net. DISCOVERING CHRIST The purpose of Discovering Christ is to expose anyone and everyone the unbaptized, non-practicing Christians, as well as practicing Catholics to the beauty of the saving love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ who died and rose from the dead (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 36). If you or someone you know could use a shot in the arm for your faith walk, Discovering Christ is for you. Beginning January 25, 2018 and for eight more consecutive Thursdays, come begin a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. Each evening will begin at 6 p.m. with a free meal, followed by a 30-minute dvd and discussion following, all in O Connor Hall, Most Pure Heart of Mary Church. For more information or to register online, please go to Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish website: http://mphm.com/ or call Allan or Vickie Holthaus, 862-9738. SAVE THE DATE...February 10, 2018, Topeka Regional Catholic Women s Conference: Resolve, Renew, Rejoice: Women s Retreat, 2018, hosted by Christ the King Church. Come be motivated by Judy Hehr s conversion story! Questions, contact Tonya, 785-221-8652 (text or call). GED CLASSES STARTING SOON! Small classes, veteran classroom instructors, morning classes, job training, partnership with Washburn Tech, basic computer training, scholarships available. For information, call 785-270-5267 or info@letshelpinc.org. We felt like we did when we were first married! See why over 700 couples in the Archdiocese have experienced the LIVING IN LOVE RETREAT. Sign up now for the next Living in Love retreat held at St. John the Evangelist, Lawrence, January 20-21, 2018. Register online at www.archkck.org/livinginlove or contact Mary Anne Kierl at the Archdiocese, 913-647-0345. FREEDOM FROM CONTRACEPTION - A BEAUTIFUL GIFT! The FertilityCare TM System (Creighton Model) Introductory Session is offered monthly at a variety of area locations. Fulfills marriage policy requirement. Helpful for achieving and avoiding pregnancy plus medical applications. Better than IVF for infertility. Register online at www.fertilitycarekc.com, or call the FertilityCare TM Center of KC at (816) 858-0198. A healthy relationship does not include belittling comments, threats, intimidation, social isolation, economic control, pushing or hitting. If you re not sure if you are in an abusive situation, go to archkck.org/domestic-violence. If you or a family member or friend needs help now, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 800 799 7233 (24 hours); 800 787 3224 (TTY); www.ndvh.org. If you re in immediate danger, call 911.