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Faculty of Engineering & Design BEng(Hons) Electrical Power Engineering BEng(Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Design

Faculty of Engineering & Design BEng(Hons) Electrical Power Engineering BEng(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering NCEPU and the, UK Introduction This elite 2+2 programme offers high-achieving students at North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) the opportunity to graduate with two degrees, one from the, UK and the other from NCEPU, China. After two years of studying in China, students spend two years based in our top ranking Electronic and Electrical Engineering department, at one of the UK s most prestigious universities, situated in one of the safest and historically famous cities in the country. 华 北 电 力 大 学 与 英 国 巴 斯 大 学 2+2 联 合 培 养 项 目 为 华 电 优 秀 学 子 提 供 了 获 得 华 电 与 巴 斯 两 个 本 科 文 凭 的 机 会 经 过 华 电 两 年 的 本 科 学 习, 学 生 将 在 巴 斯 这 一 英 国 最 安 全 的 历 史 文 化 名 城 度 过 本 科 剩 余 两 年 巴 斯 大 学 整 体 实 力 名 列 英 国 前 茅, 电 子 与 电 气 工 程 学 院 更 是 享 誉 全 英 Our Faculty has a strong relationship with NCEPU, welcoming MSc and PhD students in addition to the 2+2 programme. I have visited NCEPU along with colleagues, developing close working links and building friendships. I am always impressed by the enthusiasm NCEPU students have for their studies and the effort put into learning from their teachers. In 2008, we developed this programme for NCEPU students to transfer to the after year two of their study in China to complete a further two years of study in the UK. The students will therefore earn two degrees from two world-leading universities. Every year we are delighted to welcome students from NCEPU to the. I hope to welcome you to the in the near future and share the special friendship we have with NCEPU. Professor Gary Hawley Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Design The Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering is extremely proud of its joint education programme with NCEPU, which is one of the top universities in China. This brochure details the technical content and facilities made available to students joining our 2+2 programme and moving to Bath. Further material is available on our website, where information can be found on topics such as other degree programmes, scholarships, accommodation, welfare and student support Whilst engineering will be the main focus of your work, you may find it advantageous to pursue other activities, either for relaxation or for broadening your general education. Examples include: modules on languages, history, culture etc. excellent sports facilities social clubs facilities for creative arts (painting, ceramics, photography etc.) facilities for performing arts (theatre, dance, choir singing etc.). Bath is a beautiful and cosmopolitan city in which to study and I am sure you will enjoy living here as much as I do. I look forward to welcoming you in the near future. Dr Martin Balchin Director of Studies of NCEPU programmes at Bath Engineering 2

The Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering students are the most satisfied in the UK National Student Survey 2013 Electronic & Electrical Engineering at Bath is one of the top departments in the UK, consistently ranking very highly in league tables due to the quality of its teaching, high employability rates and the strength of its research. Currently, the Department is ranked in the UK s Top 5 by The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2014. Our students are highly sought after by industry with 90% of graduates securing jobs within six months or continuing on to further study. 得 益 于 优 异 的 教 学 水 平 高 毕 业 生 就 业 率 以 及 强 劲 的 研 究 实 力, 巴 斯 大 学 电 子 与 电 气 工 程 学 院 在 全 英 排 名 始 终 遥 遥 领 先 2014 年, 学 院 名 列 泰 晤 士 报 与 Sunday Times 名 校 指 南 前 五 名 学 院 毕 业 生 受 到 工 业 界 的 大 力 追 捧,90% 的 毕 业 生 在 6 个 月 内 找 到 了 称 心 如 意 的 工 作, 或 选 择 进 行 深 造 学 习 The We are one of the most successful universities in the UK, currently ranked top for Student Satisfaction (National Student Survey 2013) and recognised as the Best Campus University in Britain (The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2014). The University is famed for its excellent academic reputation, internationallyleading research and exceptional graduate employment. It specialises in engineering, the sciences and management, attracting students from over 100 countries to create a truly cosmopolitan campus. 在 2013 年 全 英 学 生 调 查 中, 巴 斯 大 学 学 生 满 意 度 名 列 全 英 第 一 在 2014 年 泰 晤 士 报 与 Sunday Times 名 校 指 南 中, 巴 斯 大 学 荣 膺 全 英 最 美 大 学 校 园 巴 斯 大 学 强 于 工 程 科 学 与 管 理, 以 其 闻 名 遐 迩 的 学 术 声 誉, 国 际 领 先 的 研 究 实 力, 出 类 拔 萃 的 学 生 就 业 吸 引 了 来 自 全 球 100 多 个 国 家 的 学 生, 构 建 了 一 所 多 元 化 国 际 化 的 大 学 The City of Bath Bath is a popular tourist city due to its location and many attractions. It is only 90 minutes from London by train, close to the international airport in Bristol and just 40 kilometres from the coast. Bath is the only city in the UK to be included in UNESCO s world heritage list. It is named after, and famous for, its natural hot springs, which led to its being established as a thermal spa by the Romans in AD 60. Bath has plenty to offer including excellent shopping, a number of sporting venues and many museums. 巴 斯 交 通 便 利, 名 胜 众 多 乘 坐 火 车 90 分 钟 便 可 抵 达 伦 敦, 毗 邻 Bristol 国 际 机 场, 西 行 40 千 米 便 可 到 达 海 岸 线 巴 斯 是 英 国 唯 一 一 座 联 合 国 教 科 文 组 织 (UNESCO) 世 界 遗 址 城 市 公 元 60 年, 罗 马 人 在 此 建 立 了 供 其 享 乐 的 温 泉 浴 场 巴 斯 因 此 而 得 名, 也 因 此 而 闻 名 玲 琅 满 目 的 购 物 中 心 热 火 朝 天 的 体 育 场 馆 神 秘 诱 人 的 各 色 博 物 馆, 散 落 在 巴 斯 城 的 各 个 角 落 The safest city in the UK The Complete University Guide 2012

Programme details Undergraduates who have successfully completed the first two years of an NCEPU electrical engineering programme will be considered for entry to the second year of the following BEng(Hons) programmes at. Year 1 (BEng Year 2) Semester 1 (September to January) Electronic devices & circuits Digital systems design Signal processing Structured programming Electromagnetics Semester 2 (February to June) Communication principles Principles of radio & optical transmission Electrical systems & power electronics Group design & professional engineering practice 2 Control systems 在 华 北 电 力 大 学 顺 利 完 成 本 科 前 两 年 学 习 的 电 气 工 程 专 业 学 生, 将 有 机 会 进 入 巴 斯 大 学 电 力 工 程 或 电 气 与 电 子 工 程 专 业 的 第 二 学 年 学 习, 攻 读 荣 誉 工 学 学 士 学 位 Year 2 (BEng Year 3) Control engineering Power electronics & drives 1 Electrical energy systems & analysis Power system plant Plus one of the following: Digital communications Spacecraft systems engineering Digital audio & signal processing Power markets & economics BEng group design & business project BEng individual project Electrical Power Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering The Group Business Design Project The group design and business project involves students working as a team to develop an engineering device or service. Projects cover technical and business aspects of engineering and are regularly supervised by industrialists as well as key academics in the Department. Recent projects include: 团 队 设 计 与 商 业 项 目 (GDBP) 要 求 学 生 以 团 队 合 作 的 形 式, 设 计 一 件 工 程 设 备 或 提 供 一 项 商 业 服 务 GDBP 项 目 涵 盖 了 工 程 领 域 的 技 术 与 商 业 方 面, 并 由 学 院 研 究 人 员 和 工 业 界 人 士 定 期 指 导 最 新 项 目 选 题 包 括 : Wind turbine for Micro-generation and localised power distribution The all-electric aircraft Sensors & microelectronics for medical and harsh environments Hybrid electric vehicles & drive-by-wire control. The individual engineering research project The individual project in the final year is an opportunity to work one-to-one with a member of academic staff and to use the Faculty s research facilities. Examples of recent individual projects are: 本 科 毕 业 设 计 为 学 生 提 供 与 研 究 人 员 一 对 一 进 行 交 流 并 充 分 利 用 学 院 研 究 设 施 的 机 会 最 新 本 科 毕 业 设 计 选 题 包 括 : In semester 1, students studying Electrical & Electronic Engineering can also choose from: Fundamentals of computer graphics Digital networks & protocols Radio & optical waves for communications Microelectronic systems RF & microwave circuits Foreign language option Fault detection for power lines Modelling transformers with internal short circuits Intelligent circuit-breaker control relay design using wavelets Programmable humanoid robot Smart plugs to increase energy efficiency High-efficiency electric motor design Power-system damping control Power-system economics Robot submarine (inspection) Finite-element electromagnetics. NCEPU students who have successfully completed their BEng(Hons) degree will be considered for admission to our one year master s degree programme and, in exceptional cases, for direct admission on to a sponsored PhD programme. 成 功 获 得 荣 誉 工 学 学 士 学 位 的 华 电 学 生, 将 有 机 会 攻 读 一 年 制 的 硕 士 学 位 ; 还 有 机 会 获 得 资 助 直 接 攻 读 博 士 学 位 Teaching Teaching is delivered through a variety of methods including large formal lectures, smaller tutorial classes and practical design-and-build activities. 教 学 方 式 多 种 多 样, 如 正 式 的 课 堂 授 学, 小 型 的 习 题 辅 导, 还 有 专 门 设 计 精 心 准 备 的 各 类 活 动 Entry requirements The academic entry requirement is an average mark in excess of 70% at the time of the interviews (usually late March). The standard English language requirement for entry to the University of Bath is a 6.0 in IELTS with no less than 5.5 in any element (reading, writing, listening, speaking) or equivalent. Students who do not achieve the necessary English standard will be required to pass the Bath ten-week English course. 学 业 成 绩 方 面 的 录 取 要 求 是 面 试 时 ( 通 常 在 3 月 末 ) 平 均 成 绩 不 低 于 70 分 英 语 语 言 方 面 的 录 取 要 求 是 雅 思 6.0 分, 同 时 听 说 读 写 单 科 成 绩 不 低 于 5.5 分 ; 其 他 等 同 成 绩 亦 可 未 获 得 相 应 英 语 成 绩 的 学 生, 将 需 要 参 加 由 巴 斯 大 学 提 供 的 10 周 英 语 语 言 培 训 课 程 Equivalent English language qualification information can be found at 等 同 英 语 成 绩 信 息 在 此 处 获 取 englishlanguage

Student experience NCEPU Students NCEPU students already studying the 2+2 programme at the University of Bath will be available to support newcomers and share their experiences of life in the UK. 已 在 巴 斯 大 学 就 读 的 华 电 2+2 学 生 会 非 常 乐 意 分 享 经 验, 帮 助 学 弟 学 妹 们 迅 速 适 应 英 国 生 活 Alumnae of NCEPU Xiaoyan Guo, alumna of NCEPU, has stayed at Bath and now studying for an MSc in Electrical Power Systems. Lu Ma, alumna of NCEPU and Bath, has continued studying at Bath as a PhD student in the Department. Lu has recently been awarded a prestigious fellowship grant of up to $50k by the Schlumberger Foundation, a nonprofit entity that supports science and technology education. The grant aims to support her ambition to become a future academic. The programme between the and NCEPU provides a great opportunity for those who want an advanced and enjoyable teaching experience. The lecturers at Bath are responsible and more than happy to help if you have any kind of problem. The library is brilliant and is open 24 hours a day. Bath s Sports Training Village has some of the best facilities in the UK, and are used by Olympic athletes for training. The University is an ideal launch pad for further study in MSc or PhD. As for the city, Bath is an attractive and safe place to live, as well as unique for its Roman baths and buildings. It has everything you would expect to find in larger cities, but with a cleaner and more relaxed feel. I would definitely recommend Bath to others and the only advice I would give to potential students is to bring a camera with you when you come. Minghao Xu To be honest, I didn t consider a profession as an electrical engineer until I began studying at the. During my undergraduate study, I was fully involved in solving reallife engineering problems; this invaluable experience really helped me to improve my communication, organisation and time management skills. It is thanks to the excellent cosmopolitan atmosphere for international students at the University that I have become a regular attendee at social activities, where I ve enjoyed the opportunity to interact with many people from different cultures. The Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering at the has an international reputation for excellence in teaching, which I have found to be true in my personal learning experience. I would recommend the University to anyone who has a dream to study abroad in an institution renowned for its high-quality learning and teaching. Come along and join us; I can guarantee it will be an unforgettable experience! Xiaoyan Guo I was one of the first students from NCEPU to participate in the 2+2 programme finishing my undergraduate studies in Bath. I m now a final year PhD student in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, feeling privileged to stay on and make the most of my time here. The benefits became quickly apparent to me shortly after I arrived; Bath has world-leading facilities, rigorous training programmes, a diverse research portfolio, good funding opportunities and undergraduate courses accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Together with knowledgeable and encouraging staff, my experiences at Bath have been crucial to my academic development, for which I m grateful. The city itself is clean and safe and, being compact and beautiful, it s a major tourist destination. Aside from being historically significant, its location in the UK is also ideal for exploring the rest of the country. Lu Ma

Support network Living in Bath We aim to ensure that all NCEPU students who move to Bath will receive comprehensive support from initial interview right through to graduation. To ensure that students can feel they are in a safe and secure environment, we offer: dedicated Director of Studies for the NCEPU programme dedicated International Office Support dedicated tutorial support for the NCEPU programme collection from airport and special pre-induction week at the University English language support support and advice from Year 3 and postgraduate NCEPU students self-contained campus with 24-hour security guaranteed University accommodation for the first year a secure environment in one of the safest cities in the UK. 我 们 全 力 确 保 来 自 于 华 电 的 学 生, 从 最 初 面 试 那 一 刻 开 始, 便 享 受 到 无 微 不 至 的 全 方 位 支 持, 直 至 毕 业 为 了 确 保 学 生 在 巴 斯 生 活 的 安 全 与 舒 适, 我 们 提 供 : Guaranteed accommodation Students in their first year at the University are guaranteed accommodation on campus, which is located in an area of outstanding natural beauty. State-of-the-art facilities include an Olympic-style Sports Training Village and the University Library, open 24 hours a day. The campus has excellent places to eat, drink and socialise. There are also two food shops, a post office, two banks, a Medical Centre and 24-hour security. There are frequent bus services to the historic city centre, which is just 3km away. 学 校 保 证 学 生 第 一 学 年 可 选 择 入 住 位 于 优 美 风 景 当 中 的 校 内 学 生 宿 舍 目 前 校 内 设 施 包 括 : 奥 运 会 标 准 的 体 育 运 动 馆, 全 年 24 小 时 开 放 的 校 园 图 书 馆, 英 国 皇 家 邮 局, 医 疗 中 心, 食 品 超 市, 银 行 机 构 与 24 小 时 安 保 校 园 距 巴 斯 市 中 心 仅 3km, 校 内 有 定 期 公 交 直 达 华 电 项 目 专 职 主 管 专 属 的 国 际 办 公 室 支 持 为 华 电 学 生 提 供 专 门 的 教 学 辅 导 提 供 机 场 接 机 并 特 别 准 备 开 学 前 介 绍 英 语 语 言 培 训 三 年 级 学 生 或 研 究 生 提 供 帮 助 和 建 议 24 小 时 校 园 安 保 保 证 第 一 学 年 校 内 住 宿 生 活 在 英 国 最 安 全 的 城 市 之 一 This list is not exhaustive. Our website provides the most upto-date information on all aspects of student life and support at Bath, from preparing for arrival to enjoying campus and city life. 此 处 所 列 信 息 可 能 不 够 详 尽 关 于 临 行 前 准 备 与 享 受 巴 斯 生 活, 请 参 阅 我 们 的 网 站 那 里 提 供 了 最 新 的 关 于 巴 斯 学 习 生 活 等 方 方 面 面 的 信 息 Cost of living for one academic year is approximately 10,000 / 99,000 CNY including accommodation (will vary). 一 学 年 的 生 活 费 用 ( 包 括 住 宿 ) 大 约 为 10,000 英 镑 ( 约 合 人 民 币 99,000 元, 随 汇 率 变 动 ) )

How to apply - key contact Useful links China pages Specific information for Chinese students preparing to come to the including the Chinese society international/country/china Dr Martin Balchin is Director of Studies for the NCEPU programmes and is dedicated to supporting students through their journey with us. He conducts selection interviews in China, meets students when they first arrive in the UK and oversees their welfare during their stay in Bath. Please feel free to contact him to discuss any aspects of the programme and life in the UK. Martin Balchin 博 士 是 华 电 项 目 巴 斯 方 面 的 主 管, 专 职 负 责 为 学 生 提 供 各 种 支 持 他 将 组 织 在 中 国 的 学 生 录 取 面 试, 迎 接 学 生 抵 达 英 国, 照 顾 学 生 在 英 国 的 学 业 起 居 他 将 非 常 乐 意 回 答 有 关 项 目 细 节 与 英 国 生 活 各 个 方 面 的 问 题 Dr Martin Balchin Senior Lecturer and Director of Studies for NCEPU programmes Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Email: Tel: +44 (0) 1225 386323 Address:- Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Bath BA2 7AY UK Living costs Up to date detailed information on likely living costs for an undergraduate student funding/living-costs Accommodation Details of all halls accommodation available and costs involved including a virtual tour accommodation Campus lifestyle Information on campus facilities from the library, social spaces and shops to the wide range of student societies and Olympic style sports facilities studentlife General support Range of specialised service links including student health services and international visa advice service

Faculty of Engineering & Design Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY T: +44 (0)1225 3386050 E: Disclaimer The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press, but all matters contained may be subject to change following publication Faculty of Engineering & Design Published March 2014