屏東縣琉球鄉碧雲寺傳世陶瓷古物研究與修護 研究論文 屏東縣琉球鄉碧雲寺傳世陶瓷古物研究與修護 The Research and Conservation of Historic Ceramic Incense Burners from BiYun Temple, Liquiu Township, P

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屏東縣琉球鄉碧雲寺傳世陶瓷古物研究與修護 研究論文 屏東縣琉球鄉碧雲寺傳世陶瓷古物研究與修護 The Research and Conservation of Historic Ceramic Incense Burners from BiYun Temple, Liquiu Township, Ping Tung County 盧泰康* / 王竹平** Lu Tai-kang Wang Chu-ping 摘要 本研究為針對屏東縣琉球鄉碧雲寺兩件傳世陶瓷古物所進行的文物研究與修 護 透過學術分析與比對可知 兩件白瓷香爐應為福建南部漳州地區的 東溪窯 所燒造 俗稱 漳窯器 是近年新發現清代臺灣進口陶瓷的重要類型 其中八卦 紋白瓷圓腹形三足爐 更是目前所知漳窯白瓷考古出土或傳世品的唯一案例 至於 其所屬年代 應為清乾隆朝以後的十八世紀中期至十九世紀 屬清代後半期文物 是距今兩百餘年的臺灣文化資產重要傳世古物 而兩件古物的修護工作 則是經由 文物狀況檢視與紀錄 清除舊膠並拆解 文物清潔 重新黏對結合 填補缺漏 以 及製作文物專屬保護盒等學術程式 使得兩件曾因意外破損的碧雲寺傳世古物 得 以做為臺灣的重要文化資產 永遠保有存續 關鍵詞 古物研究 文物修護 白瓷 福建東溪窯 漳窯 *國立臺南藝術大學藝術史學系專任副教授 tk.lu@msa.hinet.net **國立故宮博物院登錄保存處副研究員 megwang@npm.gov.tw 收件日期 2014 / 9 / 1 接受日期 2014 / 11 / 25 Received Date: 2014 / 9 / 1; Accepted Date: 2014 / 11 / 25 37

/ 2014 / / 37-58 Abstract This paper encompasses the provenance study and conservation of two historic ceramic incense burners from Bi-Yun Temple, Liquiu Township, Ping Tung County. Based on academic analysis and comparison with various kiln finds, it is concluded that these two burners were manufactured by Tongxi Kiln in the Changchou area in southern Fujian, which is often known as the Chang Kiln Works. The two items represent one type of the newly-discovered imported ceramics in Taiwan during the Qing period. Furthermore, one of the discussed works, a tripod white-porcelain burner decorated with eight trigrams, is so far the only known example from the Chang Kiln, either as in archaeological remains or as antiques housed in Taiwan. Both burners are dated between the middle of the 18th century and the 19th century, and have been handed down for two hundred years in Taiwan. Obviously they shall be regarded as significant with regard to Taiwanese cultural heritage. Therefore, careful examination and documentation of the two burners was carried out. Treatments such as the removal of old adhesives, rejoining and gap-filling were also applied. A custom-made package has also been provided for safe handling and storage of the items. It is hoped that this study and conservation work has turned these two accidentally-broken objects into part of Taiwan's sustainable heritage. Keywords: Artifact Studies, Object Conservation, White Porcelain, Tong-xi Kiln in Fujian Province, Chang Kiln. 38

1736 3 1877 4 1878 43 1954 101 2012 1 1 2 3 8 10.8 21.5 25.2 9.8 DINO 4 1 2014 8 39

/ 2014 / / 37-58 5 6 7 10 18.6 14.2 17.8 DINO 8 圖 3. 白瓷斂口圓腹三足爐器足局部 ( 修護完成 ) Figure 3. Arrangement of white pottery tripod's feet (after restoration). 圖 1. 白瓷斂口圓腹三足爐側面 ( 修護完成 ) Figure 1. White pottery tripod, side view (after restoration). 圖 4. 釉面數位顯微放大 Figure 4. Decoration under digital magnification. 圖 2. 香爐器底 ( 修護完成 ) Figure 2. Incense burner base (after restoration). 圖 5. 白瓷直筒形三足爐 ( 修護完成 ) Figure 5. White pottery tripod incense burner (after restoration). 40

圖 6. 香爐器底 ( 修護完成 ) Figure 6. Incense burner base (after restoration). 品名 : 白瓷斂口圓腹三足爐口徑 :21.5cm 器寬 :25.2cm 器高 :10.8cm 底徑 :9.8cm 重量 :1952g 測繪人 : 李淳郁測繪日期 :2014.03.28( 底稿 )2014.05.09( 線稿 ) 圖 9. 白瓷斂口圓腹三足爐測繪圖 Figure 9. Sketch of white pottery tripod incense burner. 圖 7. 香爐俯視 ( 修護完成 ) Figure 7. Incense burner, view from above (after restoration). 文物名稱 : 白瓷直筒形三足爐器口徑 :18.6cm 器底徑 :17.8cm 器高 :14.2cm 足徑 :14.6cm 重量 :1481g 測繪人 : 楊雅婷測繪日期 :2014.02.09 圖 8. 釉面數位顯微放大 Figure 8. Decoration under digital magnification. 圖 10. 白瓷直筒形三足爐測繪圖 Figure 10. Sketch of cylindrical white pottery tripod incense burner. 41

/ 2014 / / 37-58 2 圖 11. 東溪窯窯址所採集之標本 Figure 11. Samples gathered from Tong-xi Kiln. 圖片來源 : 福建省博物館等 (2001) 88 1999 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 圖 12. 漳州市博物館藏東溪窯窯址所採集之標本 Figure 12. Samples gathered from Tong-xi Kiln from the collection of Zhangzhou Museum. 圖片來源 : 吳其生 (2002a) 15 7 2 2002 9 3 2001 1999 2001 2 59 4 2002 93 5 6 2002 79 7 2005 122 42

圖 13. 南靖縣博物館東溪窯窯址所採集之標本 Figure 13. Samples gathered from Tong-xi Kiln from the collection of Nanjing County Museum. 圖 14. 福建德化窯傳世白瓷八卦紋香爐 Figure 14. White pottery with octogram decoration from Dehua Kiln, Fujian. 圖片來源 : 吳其生 (2002b) 圖 15. 德化窯甲杯山窯址出土標本 Figure 15. Samples unearthed from Dehua Kiln and Jiabei Shan Kiln. 圖片來源 : 陳建中 (2005) 16 8 17 9 1265 18 10 1323 19 11 20 12 8 2006 78 9 1994 179 10 1998 157 11 1981 I 49 12 1994 211 43

/ 2014 / / 37-58 圖 16. 北宋河南汝窯青瓷爐 Figure 16. Northern Song-era celadon pottery from the Ru Kiln, Henan. 圖片來源 : 林柏亭編 (2006) 圖 19. 韓國新安沉船出水龍泉窯青瓷爐 Figure 19. Celadon incense burner from Longquan Kiln, recovered from a shipwreck in Sinan County, South Korea. 圖片來源 : 文化公報部文化財管理局編 (1981) 圖 17. 北宋河北定窯白瓷爐 Figure 17. Northern Song-era white pottery from the Ding Kiln, Hebei. 圖片來源 : 國立故宮博物院編輯委員會 (1994) 圖 20. 德化窯白瓷爐 Figure 20. White pottery incense burner from Dehua Kiln. 圖 18. 南宋環翠塔基出土龍泉窯青瓷爐 Figure 18. Southern Song-era celadon incense burner unearthed at Huancui Pagoda from the Longquan Kiln. 圖片來源 : 朱伯謙編 (1998) 44

21 13 22 14 圖 21. 漳州市博物館藏傳世白瓷爐 Figure 21. White pottery incense burner from the collection of Zhangzhou Museum. 1. 15 16 17 Y2 1 17 18 18 圖 22. 東溪窯窯址所採集之標本 Figure 22.Samples collected from Tong-xi Kiln. 圖片來源 : 吳其生 李安和 (2005) 13 2002 96 14 2005 42 15 1993 1993 1 234 16 1993 1993 1-2 150 17 1999 1999 68 69 16 1993 1993 1-2 150 17 1999 1999 68 69 18 69 45

/ 2014 / / 37-58 4 壠 1580 1583 19 1771 23 20 18 2. 圖 24. Tek Sing 號沉船出水東溪窯青瓷爐之一 Figure 24. Tek Sing celadon incense burner 1 from Tong-xi Kiln no. 1. 圖片來源 :Nagel Auctions(2000) 圖 23. 德化窯傳世青花銘文白瓷爐 Figure 23. White pottery incense burner with incription from Dehua Kiln 圖片來源 : 陳明良 (2005) 圖 25. Tek Sing 號沉船出水東溪窯青瓷爐之二 Figure 25. Tek Sing celadon incense burner from Tong-xi Kiln no. 2. 圖片來源 :Nagel Auctions(2000) 19 2001 2001 1 107 20 2005 227 46

Tek Sing 2 1822 24 25 21 19 18 19 22 3. 1736 23 18 24 3 1877 25 18 18 19 XRF Seiko SEA200 26 27 21 Nagel Auctions 2000 Tek Sing Treasures, Stuttgart, Germany: Nagel Auctions, pp. 76-77, 80-81. 22 2013 164 165 2014 50 23 2006 279 24 2007 182 25 2006 279 26 100 He Collimator 5mm X- 50keV X- 50 A Mylar Film 27 47

/ 2014 / / 37-58 1. 1 範疇 :[X Y]43.80 29.20(mm) Z A cps ROI kev 14 Si Silicon Ka 281.016 1.53-1.95 20 Ca Calcium Ka 654.781 3.47-3.91 26 Fe Iron Ka 116.007 6.17-6.63 30 Zn Zinc Ka 1294.036 8.39-8.88 2 範疇 :[X Y]43.80 29.20(mm) Z A cps ROI kev 14 Si Silicon Ka 142.918 1.53-1.95 30 Zn Zinc Ka 882.097 8.39-8.88 20 Ca Calcium Ka 837.719 3.47-3.91 26 Fe Iron Ka 130.987 6.17-6.63 48

2. 28 1 範疇 :[X Y]43.80 29.20(mm) Z A cps ROI kev 14 Si Silicon Ka 246.865 1.53-1.95 26 Fe Iron Ka 87.191 6.17-6.63 82 Pb Lead Ka 131.594 12.36-12.89 20 Ca Calcium Ka 269.827 3.47-3.91 2 範疇 :[X Y]43.80 29.20(mm) Z A cps ROI kev 14 Si Silicon Ka 242.300 1.53-1.95 26 Fe Iron Ka 85.953 6.17-6.63 82 Pb Lead Lb 126.939 12.36-12.89 20 Ca Calcium Ka 269.449 3.47-3.91 28 As 10.28-10.79 Pb L As K As K As 49

/ 2014 / / 37-58 Si Ca Fe Zn Ca Zn CaO / ZnO CaO K2O Fe Si Fe Pb Ca Ca Pb PbO Fe 18 19 2627 29 30 28 29 30 31 31 29 30 31 50

圖 26. 彰化鹿港興安宮傳世白瓷爐 Figure 26. White pottery incense burners, Xingan Palace, Lvgang, Changhua. 圖 29. 北港朝天宮中央市場遺址出土白瓷爐之二 Figure 29. White pottery incense burner unearthed from the ruins of Chaotian Palace Market, Beigang, no. 2. 圖 27. 臺中西大墩龍興宮傳世白瓷爐 Figure 27. White pottery incense burner, Longxing Temple, Sinshe District, Taichung. 圖 30. 澎湖白沙通梁保安宮傳世白瓷爐 Figure 30. White pottery incense burner, Baoan Temple, Baisha Township, Penghu County. 圖 28. 北港朝天宮中央市場遺址出土白瓷爐之一 Figure 28. White pottery incense burner unearthed from the ruins of Chaotian Palace Market, Beigang, no. 1. 圖 31. 苗栗銅鑼天后宮傳世白瓷爐 Figure 31. White pottery incense burner, Tianhou Temple, Tongluo Township, Miaoli. 51

/ 2014 / / 37-58 32 33 圖 32. 白瓷斂口圓腹三足爐 ( 修護前 ) Figure 32. White pottery tripod incense burner (before restoration). DINO 圖 33. 白瓷直筒形三足爐 ( 修護前 ) Figure 33. White pottery cylinder tripod incense burner (before restoration). 34 35 52

圖 34. 清除文物舊膠 Figure 34. Removing old adhesive from artifacts. 圖 35. 香爐破片拆解完成 Figure 35. Dismantling an incense burner. 53

/ 2014 / / 37-58 Ethylene Diamine Tetra- Acetic Acid EDTA EDTA-2Na 37 35 EDTA Sepiolite EDTA Sepiolite petroleum spirit 圖 36. 以 EDTA 法敷料清潔過程 Figure 36. Dismantling an incense burner. EDTA 10 EDTA 36 40 2 5 圖 37. 以天然黏土敷料清潔過程 Figure 37. The process of using natural clay dressings to clean. Paraloid B72 in Acetone 38 54

圖 38. 文物破片拚對黏合 Figure 38. Gluing broken pieces together. 10 Paraloid B72 in Acetone 39 39 圖 39. 文物缺損部位填補 Figure 39. Filling holes in an artifact. 55

/ 2014 / / 37-58 40 41 19 圖 40. 製作文物專屬保護盒 Figure 40. Producing a custom-built protective package. 18 圖 41. 修護完成文物置入保護盒 Figure 41. Placing the restored artifact in the protective package. 56

57 1981 I 2006 4 101-115 1998 2002a 2002b 2005 2006 1993 1993 1 229-236 2006

/ 2014 / / 37-58 1993 1993 1-2 138-149 1994 1987 149-155 2005 2005-2001 1 104-109 164-165 2014 2007 Nagel Auctions 2000 Tek Sing Treasures, Stuttgart, Germany: Nagel Auctions. Rose Kerr & John Ayers 2002 Blance de Chine: porcelain from Dehua, National Heritage Board Press. Susan Buys, Victoria Oakley 1996 The conservation and restoration of ceramics, Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann. 1998 2001 1999 2001 2 50-69 2012 2013 58