超過 50 種與眾不同的佳節慶祝方式 More than 50 unique ways to celebrate the season 禮品售價由 $10 起 Gifts start at $10 愛可以改變世界 Love can change the world 加拿大最富意義的禮品 Canada

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建國科大 許您一個海闊天空的未來 建國科大本著術德兼修五育並重的教育方針 持續努力的朝向專業教學型大學邁進 期許建國的學生能成為企業所樂用的人才 建國科大多元性發展與延伸觸角 如 教學卓越計畫 產官學合作 國際交流活動等等 讓師生能充實基礎實力 更提升競爭力 不管將來是要升學或是就業 都能一帆風順


中 国 青 年 网 络 中 国 青 年 网 络 是 由 一 群 热 情 的 青 年 人 发 起, 在 中 国 计 划 生 育 协 会 和 联 合 国 人 口 基 金 的 支 持 下, 于 2004 年 6 月 成 立 的 全 国 性 青 年 组 织 它 本 着 由 青 年 人 组 织, 服 务 于

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2 Edmonton 爱 德 蒙 顿 爱 德 蒙 顿 是 加 拿 大 的 节 日 之 城, 一 年 有 超 过 30 多 个 节 日 城 市 总 人 口 1000 多 万 干 净, 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 友 好 的, 充 满 活 力 的 文 化 社 区 附 近 有 许 多 风 景 优 美 的


不 不 禮 行 說 力 不 不 不 更 來 理 不 不 理 累 力 不 理 不 利 什 良 流 不 不 旅 量 不 不 旅 更 立 兩 連 福 聯 不 念 數 說

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創辦人的話 感恩的支持者您好 自從走上食材這條不歸路已 13 年有餘 內心無限的感慨 了解越多越 可怕 三餐飲食 各種果汁 飲料及休閒食品 有多少是真食物 很大比 例含有反式脂肪及各種化學添加物 吃下太多的熱量卻沒有營養 長期累 積對身體造成傷害 小朋友影響各器官的成長與發育 青少年過度肥胖 中年三

2012 年 4 月 至 6 月 活 動 一 覽 月 份 計 劃 / 項 目 活 動 4 月 竹 園 中 心 活 動 竹 園 中 心 開 放 日 暨 沒 有 巴 掌 日 嘉 年 華 :4 月 28 日 v 迎 新 會 :4 月 21 日 童 歡 部 落 v 義 工 服 務 :5 月 27 日 v 小


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Preface This guide is intended to standardize the use of the WeChat brand and ensure the brand's integrity and consistency. The guide applies to all d

2. 佔 中 對 香 港 帶 來 以 下 影 響 : 正 面 影 響 - 喚 起 市 民 對 人 權 及 ( 專 制 ) 管 治 的 關 注 和 討 論 o 香 港 市 民 總 不 能 一 味 認 命, 接 受 以 後 受 制 於 中 央, 沒 有 機 會 選 出 心 中 的 理 想 特 首 o 一

第一章 緒論

蔡 氏 族 譜 序 2



超過 50 種與眾不同的佳節慶祝方式 More than 50 unique ways to celebrate the season 禮品售價由 $10 起 Gifts start at $10 愛可以改變世界 Love can change the world 加拿大最富意義的禮品 Canada s most meaningful gifts chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 聖誕禮品目錄 Gift Catalogue

愛心禮物意重情長 Meaningful gifts of love 愛心善行, 絕非不經意之舉, 而是對人說 : 我在乎你! 你沒有被遺忘! 人人都需要這樣的肯定 從我們的禮品目錄挑選別具意義的禮物, 是您在這聖誕佳節送上愛心及獻上關懷的首選 您可與親友攜手合作, 為一個孩子 一個家庭, 甚至一個社區帶來持久的改變 這樣慶祝耶穌降生, 實在再恰當不過 謝謝您送出愛心, 讓愛散播人間 誠心祝願您和家人聖誕平安 Acts of kindness are anything but random. They say I care, and let others know they matter. That s something everybody needs. Choosing meaningful gifts from our catalogue is a special act of kindness that you can give this Christmas. Together with your friends and family you ll bring lasting change to a child, a family, even a community. It s a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Thank you for giving love to the world. May peace be with you and your family this Christmas. Michael Messenger 加拿大世界宣明會主席 President, World Vision Canada 我們對您的承諾 我們承諾尊重您樂善好施的心意, 以最有效的方法善用您的捐款 聖誕禮品目錄 內展示的禮物, 分屬不同的類別, 例如 : 動物 醫療 教育等 我們會集合所有支持者的捐款, 在可行及合適的情況下, 用於採購所選擇的物品, 又或採購另一款類別相同的物品, 以應付性質雷同及更迫切的需要 每項禮物列出的需要和建議金額, 是根據我們在所服務的國家進行的定期評估而制定 Our promise to you We re committed to honouring your generosity and using your donation in the most effective way. The items shown throughout the Gift Catalogue are representative of categories, such as: animals, health or education. Donations from supporters are pooled together and used to procure the selected item when possible and appropriate, or an item from within the same category may be procured to address a similar, more urgent need. The needs and suggested donation amounts of the items shown are based on periodic surveys of the countries we serve. Cover: Saoina, age 8, 2008, Kenya 2

捐助最急需的地方 Give Where Most Needed 捐助最急需的地方, 可讓世界各地處於弱勢的兒童及家庭享有醫療 安全 食物 飲用水等, 對協助改變生命, 發揮強大的效用 When you give where most needed, you ll help provide things like healthcare, safety, food, water and more to vulnerable children and families around the world. It s a powerful way to help change lives. 幫助最急需的兒童 Help children in the most need 捐助最急需的地方 Give where most needed $200 (5025) $100 (5033) $50 (5041) $25 (5058) 如何透過您的禮物改變生命 How your gifts can change lives 選擇禮品, 例如動物或藥物等 Choose gifts like animals and medicines. 訂購禮品, 可於 chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 網上訂購, 也可致電 1.800.268.2776 電話訂購, 或採用第 12 頁的訂購表格 Order at chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts, call 1.800.268.2776 or see the order form on p.12. 尊崇摯愛, 以他們的名義送出禮品, 並送上為他們度身訂造的免費賀卡或電子賀卡 Honour loved ones with a gift in their name and send them a FREE personalized greeting card or e-card. G 協助改變生命, 送上愛心禮物 Help change lives with your gift of love. chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 3

山羊多奇妙! Glorious goodness of goats 山羊是精力旺盛及可愛的動物, 但對於有需要的兒童來說, 最寶貴的還是牠們的羊奶 數以百公升計的羊奶 乳酪, 以及日後誕下的山羊成群, 全是一頭山羊可帶來的奇妙效果 這實在是送禮的佳品! Goats are hearty and adorable animals. But it s their milk that brings the greatest benefit to children in need. Hundreds of litres of milk, cheese and even the start of a whole herd. This is the goodness a goat can bring. Now that s great giving! 2 隻山羊 2 goats $200 (1586) 1 隻山羊 Goat $100 (1578) 山羊確實改變了一切 Goats actually change everything. 9 歲蘿絲瑪莉 (Rosemary)( 相中女孩 ) 的祖母帕特里夏 (Patricia) Patricia, grandmother to 9-year-old Rosemary (pictured here) 樂趣無窮的禮物 Fun to give 4

動物篇 Animals 鮮奶 雞蛋, 還有收入! Milk, eggs and income 家庭摯愛 Family FavouriteS 饋贈山羊和雞, 實在其樂無窮! 我們把這兩種最受歡迎的動物組合起來, 使您和親友可以把這些充滿意義的禮物, 送給正在掙扎求存的家庭, 他們必定因此畢生難忘 有了山羊 母雞和公雞, 他們就能長期得到雞蛋 羊奶和乳酪的供應 Goats and chickens are fun to give! We ve paired our most popular animals so you can give struggling families and your loved ones meaningful gifts they ll never forget. With goats, hens and roosters, you ll help provide eggs, milk and cheese for years to come. 家畜組合 Livestock combo: 山羊 + 母雞 + 公雞 Goats + hens + roosters $150 (3319) 2 隻母雞 + 1 隻公雞 2 hens + a rooster $ 50 (1552) 山羊怎樣成為發展計劃中的一部份? When is a goat a master plan? 山羊 雞及此目錄內刊登的其他禮品, 均屬於世界宣明會社區發展項目的一部份 透過此計劃, 有需要的家庭可獲分配來自本地的動物, 從而學習餵飼 打理及繁殖動物的知識和技巧, 讓區內的兒童能夠在更優良的環境中發揮所長, 健康成長 Goats, chickens and other items in these pages are all part of a larger World Vision development plan. Acquired locally and distributed to families in need, each animal is part of a community program focused on feeding, care and breeding. The end result is a healthier place in which children can grow and achieve their full potential. chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 5

別輕看小豬豬! This little piggy 您在尋找完美的禮物嗎? 豬, 既容易飼養, 成長也迅速 一頭母豬, 每年都會誕下多達 20 隻小豬, 可以送到市場售賣 這樣就足以扭轉一個貧困家庭的命運 Looking for the perfect present? Pigs are easy to raise, and they grow quickly. One sow can produce as many as 20 piglets each year to sell at market. That ll do, pig. That ll do. 3 頭小豬 3 little pigs $120 (1420) 2 頭小豬 2 piglets $80 (3392) 1 頭小豬 Piglet $40 (1412) 小豬 + 小雞 Piglets + chicks 饋贈小豬加小雞, 開啟可觀果效的大門 小豬和小雞生長迅速, 很快便成為食物和收入的穩定來源, 為生活拮据的家庭帶來祝福 The gift of piglets and chicks can be the beginning of something big. They ll quickly grow to become a steady source of food and income and a blessing for a struggling family. 小豬 + 小雞 Piglets and chicks $65 (3616) 數數綿羊貢獻多 Count on sheep 綿羊能夠提供蛋白質豐富的羊奶及紡織用的溫暖羊毛 一隻綿羊每年會誕下兩 三頭小綿羊 饋贈健康的綿羊, 可為有需要的家庭帶來很多祝福 Protein-rich milk. Warm wool for weaving. Two to three lambs a year. It s easy to see why healthy sheep are a blessing for families in need. Balguun, age 5, 2008, Mongolia 2 隻綿羊 2 sheep $300 (3418) 1 隻綿羊 Sheep $150 (1594)

動物篇 Animals 雞蛋 EGGS 營養 PROTEIN 收入 INCOME 雞, 讓小孩夢想飛翔 Chickens give wings to a child 蛋殼裂開, 新生小雞初次發出微弱叫聲, 抖擻羽毛 這些小小的樂趣, 為收到兩隻母雞 一隻公雞的孩子帶來許多歡樂 更難得的是, 這些奇妙的家禽可以為成長中的兒童帶來持續的收入 食物和健康, 讓他們的夢想能夠飛翔 The crack of an egg. The first tiny chirp of a newborn chick. These small delights bring joy to children who receive 2 hens and a rooster. Better yet, these wonderful birds provide an ongoing source of income, food and health to growing girls and boys so their dreams can take flight. 協助添滿一所雞舍 Help fill a coop $100 (5066) 2 隻母雞 + 1 隻公雞 2 hens and a rooster $50 (1552) 雞豈只是雞而已? Chickens are just chickens, right? 當您透過世界宣明會禮品目錄送出家禽或其他動物時, 您將幫助整個社區蓬勃發展 您所送的母雞和公雞均在本地購買, 然後送到一個家庭, 連同飼料 培訓及其他支援, 確保這些家禽能夠繁殖, 衍生成群 雞豈只是雞而已, 牠們大概更像能拯救生命的特種雞吧! Maybe so. But when you give chickens or any other animals from the World Vision Gift Catalogue, you help entire communities thrive. Your hens and roosters are purchased locally. They re then delivered to a family, along with feed, training and other support to ensure the birds multiply into a whole flock. Just chickens? More like super chickens to the rescue. 從 聖誕禮品目錄 中挑選禮物, 您的捐款將用於支持世界宣明會在發展中國家進行的項目 禮品的建議捐款金額是在策劃項目時所計算, 因應不同國家, 或會有所差異 可行的話, 物品或服務會儘可能在當地訂購, 然後供給有需要的兒童或家庭, 作為他們所屬社區發展項目的一部份 目錄內眾多禮品都是世界宣明會大型發展計劃的一部份, 這些計劃能協助整個社區克服貧困, 從而達至自給自足的果效 如欲獲得更多資訊, 請瀏覽英文網頁 worldvision.ca/gifts/faq When you select an item from the Gift Catalogue, your donation will be used to support World Vision projects in developing countries. Suggested donation amounts for the items are calculated at the time of planning and may vary from country to country. Whenever possible, items or services will be procured locally and provided to a child or family in need as part of a project in their community. Many of the featured items are part of larger World Vision development programs that help entire communities to overcome poverty and achieve self-reliance. For more information, please visit worldvision.ca/gifts/faq. chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 7

藥物 - 救助病童 Medicines for children 增值 9 倍 Multiplies 9X in value 一個受苦的兒童 一名心碎的家長 兩者均可從這份能挽救生命的禮物獲得醫治 由於得到善心企業的捐贈, 您的捐款將增值 9 倍, 用作購買 運送和分發藥物及抗生素, 使兒童及家庭能夠對抗致命疾病, 重獲健康 A child suffers. A parent s heart breaks. Heal them both with this life-saving gift. Thanks to donations from partner companies, your gift multiplies 9X in value to purchase, ship and distribute medicines and vital antibiotics for children and families. $60 捐款等同 $540 價值 $30 捐款等同 $270 價值 $60 equals $540 in value $30 equals $270 in value 為病童及家庭提供藥物 Medicines for children and families $60 (2832) 為病童提供藥物 Medicines for children $30 (1933) 給 9 倍希望 give 9X the hope Auma, 4 months old, 2013, Uganda 8

健康營養篇 HEALTH 添置醫療物資 Stock a clinic 捐款增值 9 倍 Multiplies 9X in value 9 倍增值 9X the VALUE 在貧困國家, 診所的藥架往往空空如也 請協助他們添置能挽救生命的物資, 如抗瘧疾劑 杜蟲藥 醫療藥品等等 由於得到善心企業的捐贈, 您的捐款將增值 9 倍, 用作購買 運送和分發物資 In poor countries, clinic shelves are often empty. Help fill them and provide life-saving supplies like antimalarials, deworming drugs, medical supplies and more. Thanks to donations from partner companies, your gift multiplies 9X in value to purchase, ship and distribute supplies. 捐贈 $200 可送上價值 $1,800 的醫療物資捐贈 $100 可送上價值 $900 的醫療物資 $200 equals $1,800 in value $100 equals $900 in value 供應 2 間診所的醫療物資 Stock 2 medical clinics $200 (1461) 供應 1 間診所的醫療物資 Stock a medical clinic $100 (1453) 2012, Uganda 您幫助我們達成社區醫療保健目標及挽救生命 安潔拉 (A ng e l la), 醫護人員, 烏干達 You help us achieve our health goals in the community and save lives. Angella, health worker, Uganda 裝備醫療工作者 Help equip healthcare workers 為醫療工作者提供所需的物資和培訓, 使他們可以辨識疾病 提供營養教育 轉介家庭到合適的醫療保健設施, 以及提供更多其他服務 由於得到加拿大政府的資助, 您的捐款將增值 6 倍 Provide the supplies and training healthcare workers need to identify illnesses, provide nutrition education, refer families to health facilities and more. With grants from the Canadian government, your gift multiplies 6X in value. $50 捐款等同 $300 價值 $50 equals $300 in value 6 倍增值 6X the VALUE 裝備醫療工作者 Help equip healthcare workers $50 (5074) chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 9

為社區提供疫苗 Help immunize communities 全球有 1,940 萬名兒童因未接受全面的防疫注射, 常活在隨時患上致命疾病的威脅 您的捐款將為社區提供疫苗和所需器材, 使更多社區獲得保障, 保存性命! 19.4 million children globally are not fully vaccinated and are vulnerable to life-threatening diseases. Your gift will help deliver immunizations and equipment to protect communities and save lives! 2011, Laos 為社區提供疫苗 Help immunize communities $100 (1677) 維生營養品 Life-saving nutrition 捐款增值 2 倍 Multiplies 2X in value 感謝企業夥伴機構的慷慨捐贈, 您的捐款將增值 2 倍, 可用作購買, 運送和分發高蛋白質的食物, 使營養不良的兒童恢復健康 Thanks to donations from partner companies, your gift multiplies 2X in value to purchase, ship and distribute highprotein food to help restore malnourished children. 2 倍增值 2X the value $60 捐款等同 $120 價值 $60 equals $120 in value 為兒童提供維生營養品 Life-saving nutrition for children $60 (2253) 增值倍數會因應每年相關的資助金及捐款的開始和結束日期而有所改變 The multiplying effect of grants funding and donated goods varies throughout the year due to start and end dates of grants and related programs. 2010, Mauritania 誕下健康的嬰兒 捐款增值 2 倍 Multiplies 2X in value Deliver healthy babies 透過加拿大政府的資助, 您的捐款將增值 2 倍, 給孕婦或新任媽媽送上孕期維生素 產後用品包及專題講座等 With Canadian government grants, your gift multiplies 2X in value to provide expectant or new moms with things like prenatal vitamins, delivery kits, workshops and more. Sem Pisit, 5 months old, 2013, Cambodia $100 捐款等同 $200 價值 $100 equals $200 in value 母親和嬰兒護理 Mom and baby care $100 (3368)

4 倍增值 4X the value 餵飽飢餓孩童及家庭 Feed hungry children and families 健康營養篇 HEALTH 增值 4 倍 Multiplies 4X in value 全賴聯合國世界糧食計劃 (World Food Programme) 的捐助, 您的捐獻將增值 4 倍, 可以提供緊急糧食給受天災人禍影響和急需食物的災民 Thanks to donations from the World Food Programme, your gift multiplies 4X in value to help provide urgently needed food to those hurt by natural disasters and humanitarian crises. $120 捐款等同 $480 價值 $120 equals $480 in value $60 捐款等同 $240 價值 $60 equals $240 in value 為 2 個飢餓家庭帶來溫飽 Feed 2 hungry families $120 (1693) 為 1 個飢餓家庭帶來溫飽 Feed a hungry family $60 (1685) 2007, Zimbabwe 讓飢餓學童享用學校午餐 School lunches for hungry children 4 倍增值 4X THE value 增值 4 倍 Multiplies 4X in value 食物是向飢餓兒童表達關愛最完美的禮物 您可以為學童提供營養豐富的午餐 由於得到聯合國世界糧食計劃 (World Food Programme) 的慷慨捐贈, 您的捐獻更將增值 4 倍 Food is love and the perfect gift. Help provide nutritious lunches for children attending school. Thanks to donations from the World Food Programme, your gift multiplies 4X in value. 捐贈 $140 可提供價值 $560 的午餐 $140 equals $560 in value 捐贈 $70 可提供價值 $280 的午餐 $70 equals $280 in value 捐贈 $35 可提供價值 $140 的午餐 $35 equals $140 in value 為學童提供營養午餐 Nutritious school meals $140 (4994) $70 (5009) $35 (5017) Altanzul, age 6,2008, Mongolia chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 11

助養者專區 sponsors EXCLUSIVE 為您助養的兒童及所在社區帶來歡樂 Bring JOY to your sponsored child and their community 一個欣欣向榮的社區, 必有快樂的小孩子 這份為您助養的兒童身處社區送上的禮物, 將為他們提供書本及運動 * 器材等, 讓區內所有孩子都獲得幫助 A thriving community grows happy children. This gift to your sponsored child s community will provide things like school supplies, sports equipment and more to help all the girls and boys where your sponsored child lives.* 為您助養的兒童所在社區送上禮物 Gift for your sponsored child s community $200 (2865) $100 (1875) $50 (2857) * 捐款將與加拿大其他捐贈者的善款集合, 以擴大捐助所產生的影響力 * Donations are pooled together with other Canadian donors to have greater impact. 慷慨資助您的助養兒童所在社區, 我們將代您向您助養的兒童送上這個精美好玩的運動用品禮包, 內有足球, 氣揼及跳繩 運動用品禮包數量有限, 請即行動! Give to your sponsored child s community and we ll send him or her this awesome Sports Pack with a soccer ball, pump and skipping rope in a cinch bag as a special gift from you. Sports Pack quantities are limited. Act now! 12

助養孩子豐盛生命 Sponsor a girl or a boy 助養及教育篇 Sponsorship & EDUCATION 助養一名貧困孩子, 感受轉化生命及助人的快樂! 助養計劃不但能改寫孩子的生命, 也為其家庭及身處的社區帶來改變 您將可以透過錄像 相片和故事, 了解您的助養兒童及其所在社區的進展 Sponsor a child and experience the joy of creating real and lasting change not just for this child, but for their family and entire community. You ll be able to watch progress unfold through videos, photos and stories from your sponsored child and their community. 助養 1 名兒童每月 $39 Sponsor a child $39 per month (1701) 走 2 倍遠的路 Multiplies 2X IN VALUE 教育孩童及青少年增值 2 倍 Multiplies 2X in value Educate children and youth 每個孩子都有夢想, 夢想將來要成為怎樣的人, 夢想獲得一個充滿盼望的人生 但是赤貧的孩童可能永遠沒有讀書的機會 您可以協助他們裝修教室 培訓導師 提升讀寫能力, 培養職業技能等 有賴加拿大政府鼎力相助, 您的捐款將會增值 2 倍, 為兒童及青少年提供教育, 讓他們可夢想成真 Every child dreams of what they can become of a life filled with promise. But a child in poverty may never go to school. Help renovate classrooms, train instructors, improve literacy, provide vocational skills and more. Thanks to contributions from the Canadian government, your gift multiplies 2X in value to educate children and youth to make their dreams come true. $120 捐款等同 $240 價值 $120 equals $240 in value $60 捐款等同 $120 價值 $60 equals $120 in value 教育基金 Education fund $120 (2451) $60 (2469) chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 13

生命甘泉 Shower them with life 清潔飲用水改變一切 Clean water changes everything 電鑽鑽入堅硬乾燥的土地裡 突破來了! 泉水噴出地面的同時, 眾人發出歡呼的聲音 協助饋贈一口水井, 可以改變一個社區的生活, 為五百人提供生命水源 而且, 您的捐贈將協助提供裝備 配件 工程師, 以及維修保養水井的培訓 The drill bores into hard, dry earth. A breakthrough! Voices shout with joy as water gushes to the surface. Help give a well and transform a community. One borehole can bring life-giving water to as many as 500 people. You ll also help provide equipment, parts, an engineer and training to maintain the well. 集資興建一口水井 Share of a well $2,500 (1396) 最佳團體禮物 GREAT GROUP GIFT 需求最大 MOST NEEDED 打開 方便 之門 A better place to go 正確地建造和安裝廁所, 再配合衛生教育, 能有效地改善整個社區的健康衛生 這是一份非比尋常卻實用無比又別具意義的禮物 Properly built and installed latrines, along with hygiene education, can improve health for a whole community. This is an unusual, yet practical and truly meaningful gift. Enkharyal, age 8, 2011. Mongolia 協助社區興建公共廁所 Help build latrines $125 (2527)

清潔飲用水篇 WATER & SANITATION 為家庭提供清潔飲用水 Clean water for families 帶來持久健康 BRING LASTING HEALTH 2013, Myanmar 為兒童和其家庭提供清潔飲用水, 保護他們及家人脫離被污水傳染的疾病侵害, 如線蟲病 霍亂及其他可致命的水傳疾病 您的饋贈有助興建水管道 洗手台, 安裝水泵等, 使他們重獲新生 Give water, give life and help protect children and their families from worms, cholera and other painful and deadly waterborne diseases. Your gift helps build pipelines, handwashing stations, install pumps and more. 清潔飲用水基金 Clean water fund $500 (3632) $300 (5173) $100 (1362) 純淨又健康 Pure and healthy 每天約有六千名兒童, 死於由不潔的水帶來的致命疾病 饋贈 濾水器, 可以保護家庭, 免受這些致命疾病的困擾 這確是 一個解決水質惡劣問題既聰明又簡單的方法 The gift of water filters protects families from diseases that kill 6,000 children every day. A smart and simple solution to bad water. 數個濾水器 Water filters $50 (2543) Pryathershini, age 13, 2012, Sri Lanka chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 15

小生意 大生機 Small biz. Huge impact. 工作 work 尊嚴 dignity 希望 hope 為掙扎求存的家庭提供小額貸款和商業培訓, 可以幫助他們擺脫貧困的惡性循環 當他們還清債務的時候, 款項會轉借其他有需要的家庭 生生不息的影響, 讓更多家庭受益! Help break the vicious cycle of poverty when you give a microloan and business training to struggling families. As loans are repaid, they re re-loaned to help even more families. That s BIG! Nilufa and Arifa, ages 6 and 7, 2013, Bangladesh 幫助家庭開設小本生意 Help families start businesses $200 (2899) $100 (1669) 小蜜蜂, 勤做工 The buzz about bees 蜜蜂是一份明智的禮物, 亦同時提供大有潛質的小本生意商機 只要配備工具和蜂窩巢, 養蜂人每年可生產約五十公斤的蜂蜜, 可供售賣或以物易物 這麼化算的交易, 讓人甜在心頭! Bees are a smart gift and a great small business opportunity. Equipped with kits and hives, beekeepers can produce up to 50 kilos of honey a year to sell or trade. Sweet! 蜂窩巢 Beehives $100 (1800) 養蜂工具 Beekeeping kits $60 (1792) Diluna, age 10, 2012, Sri Lanka 16

3 倍增值 3X the value 2006, Malawi 維生農耕包糧食源源不絕 增值 3 倍 捐贈 $70 等同 $210 價值 $70 equals $210 in value 捐贈 $35 等同 $105 價值 $35 equals $105 in value Multiplies 3X in value 親手犁田耕作, 等待種籽發芽 茂盛生長, 然後享受可觀的收成 透過饋贈維生農耕包, 您將為飢餓家庭送上源源不絕的祝福 維生農耕包提供種子 飼料 農具 農耕知識培訓等 世界糧食計劃的慷慨捐助令在緊急情況下仍能有食物供應 您的禮物亦將增值 3 倍 Hands in the earth. Seeds sprouting to abundance. A healthy harvest. Give all this and more with agricultural packs for hungry families. Includes things like seeds, animal feed, tools, training and more. In emergencies, food is provided thanks to donations from the World Food Programme. Your gift multiplies 3X in value. 維生農耕包及其他物資 Agricultural Packs and more $70 (1115) 維生農耕包 Agricultural Packs $35 (1545) 農耕及生意篇 FARMING & BUSINESS Growing food for life 香甜果樹果實纍纍 Trees of plenty 香蕉! 芒果! 橘子! 為有需要家庭提供充滿香甜果樹的果園 種子 農耕培訓及其他資源 果實充滿維生素, 能保護兒童抵抗許多致命疾病 Bananas! Mangos! Oranges! Provide an orchard full of sweetness with fruit trees and seeds a vitamin-packed blessing that protects children from disease. Includes agricultural training and more. 果樹, 種子及耕種工具 Fruit trees, seeds and tools $100 (3343) 果樹及種子 Fruit trees and seeds $30 (2840) My, age 10, 2013, Vietnam 教導家庭捕魚為生 Teach a family to fish chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 Ernesto, age 10, 2011, Honduras 以您所愛的人名義送出能夠改變生命的魚場和捕魚工具 試想像他們知道後會是多麼雀躍! Help give fish farms and fishing kits in the name of a loved one. Imagine how great they ll feel knowing their gift will transform lives. 魚場 Fish farms $65 (1784) 17

兒童天地 kids corner Hawa, age 6, 2010, Senegal 培育子女慷慨捐輸之樂 Teach your children the joy of giving 禮品售價由 $10 起 gifts start at $10 小雞魅力沒法擋 Charming baby chicks 藉着小雞, 你的孩子可以幫助地球另一邊的一名女孩或 男孩, 跟他們拉近距離, 這是多麼溫暖和貼心的禮物啊! What a sweet way for your child to connect with another girl or boy halfway across the world. 小雞 Baby chicks $20 (4432) 數不盡的快樂時光 Countless hours of fun 足球 排球 籃球 球網及更多 試想像孩子們獲得由您協助提供的運動用品後, 可如何分享玩耍的樂趣和快樂時光! Soccer balls, volleyballs, basketballs, nets and more. Imagine the good times kids can share with other kids when you help provide sports equipment. 體育用品 Sports equipment $60 (2881) 運動用球及其他用品 Sports balls and more $30 (1909) 運動用球 Sports balls $10 (4457) 為孩童送暖 Warmth for children 送上溫暖衣物 牢固鞋子或舒適被單, 以保護兒童及家庭免受寒冷天氣的煎熬 Protect children and families from freezing temperatures when you give warm clothing, sturdy footwear or cozy blankets. Razvan, age 4, 2013, Romania 冬季衣物及被單 Winter clothing & blankets $65 (5140) 冬季衣物 Winter clothing $35 (1511) 溫暖被單 Warm blankets $30 (1891)

給兒童最上好的禮物 AWESOME GIFTS FOR CHILDREN 學習停不了 Reading, writing and arithmetic 給孩子們送上基本的學習用品, 讓他們能更有效地學習和完成學業, 是最實用不過的禮物 這份禮物包括鉛筆 筆記簿及間尺等 ; 小小的心意, 可以帶來大大的效益! Help kids learn and succeed in their education with the perfectly practical gift of school essentials. A small contribution brings big benefits with this gift that includes things like pencils, notebooks, rulers and more. 基本學習用品 School essentials $10 (4499) 給孩童送上靴子 Boots for children 增值 3 倍 Multiplies 3X in value 3 倍增值 3X the value 溫暖乾爽的腳, 令人感到特別舒適 感謝 魯馬靴子 (Roma Boots) 以及他們慷慨捐贈童裝靴子, 您的捐款將增值 3 倍, 用作運送並分發耐用的全天候靴子, 給生活在嚴酷氣候地區的兒童 Warm, dry feet are happy feet. Thanks to Roma Boots and their generous donation of children s boots, your gift multiplies 3X in value. You ll help ship and distribute sturdy all-weather boots to children living in harsh climates. 給孩童送上靴子 Boots for children $30 (4358) chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 19

教育篇 EDUCATION 促進學習改變生命 OPEN DOORS. CHANGE LIVES. 添置課室促進學習 School supplies for classrooms 為生活貧困的兒童送上學習工具, 為他們打開通往成功之路 您的捐款將協助為課室及圖書館增添如書本 筆記本, 學生支援等資源, 有助他們更有效地學習 Give children living in poverty the tools to succeed. Your gift will help provide classrooms and libraries with things like books, notebooks, student support and more. 協助增添課室資源 Help supply classrooms $100 (1495) $50 (1487) 益智叢書啟發心靈 Books to help children learn 閱讀是孩子們開拓未來的不二法門 然而, 世界各地有許多學校嚴重缺乏書本 您的饋贈可以為孩子提供故事書 益智叢書及更多 Reading is key to every child s future. Yet schools worldwide have few books. Your gift helps provide storybooks, educational books and more. 為兒童提供課本 Textbooks for children $30 (2212) 20

保護陷入危機的女性 Protect a girl or woman in crisis 受威脅兒童篇 CHILDREN AT RISK 教育機會 職業培訓 心理輔導 醫療保健是給予沒有機會上學 在家中飽受虐待 被迫早婚和慘被性剝削的婦女及女孩最有力的工具 Education, job training, counselling and healthcare are powerful tools for women and girls denied a chance to go to school, abused in the home or forced into early marriage or sexual exploitation. 醫治心靈重整生命 Mend hearts. Restore lives. 保護陷入危機女性基金 Women and Girls in Crisis Fund $100 (2014) 幫助被性剝削的兒童 Help sexually exploited children 兒童竟然被迫成為性奴 ( 最年幼的只有六歲 ), 這是一個難以想像的罪行 他們的心靈破碎, 夢想幻滅 您的捐贈可以幫助這些兒童獲教育 輔導 安全意識培訓等等 您可以為兒童爭取權益, 保護弱小心靈 It s an unthinkable crime. Children some as young as 6 forced into sexual slavery. Their hearts broken. Dreams crushed. Help provide such children with things like education, counselling, awareness training and more. You ll also help protect little ones through advocacy. 幫助被性剝削的兒童 Help sexually exploited children $150 (3012) $75 (2485) 給被遺忘的兒童燃點希望 Give hope to forgotten children 為露宿街頭的小孩子打開心扉 ; 您的饋贈將為街童提供安全的收容所 輔導等服務, 也為走進窮途末路的兒童爭取權益, 為他們發聲 Open your heart to children living on the streets. Your gift will provide things like safe shelter, counselling and more. And you ll help advocate for children who have nowhere else to turn. 她騙我說, 會帶我到一個家庭那裡當褓姆, 結果卻將我賣給妓寨 13 歲女童, 柬埔寨 She lied to me that I was going to a house to babysit. Instead she sold me to a brothel. 13-year-old girl, Cambodia 為街童提供安全的生活環境 Support street children $50 (2980) chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 1.800.268.2776 21

選購這些由世界各地工匠手製並經公平貿易的手工藝品, 是為最迫切需要的地方提供援助的好方法 A great way to help where most needed. Purchase these fair trade, handcrafted gifts made by artisans from around the world. 綠松石水點項鏈 Drops of turquoise necklace 這條色彩繽紛的項鏈, 由來自德里 (Delhi) 的工匠製造 ; 全賴公平貿易的工資, 使這些工匠得以養家糊口 ( 約 19 長 ) This gorgeous necklace is made by artisans in Delhi who can now support their families thanks to fair trade wages. (approx. 19 long) 綠松石水點項鏈 Turquoise necklace $75 (5116) 公平市價 Fair market value $27 * 心型乳酪砧板 Cheese board with heart 饋贈這塊用珍貴木料人手製作的切乳酪板, 除了讓您可充分表達 心 意之餘, 每件售出的砧板更能讓工匠維持生計, 照顧家庭 ( 約 11 x11 ) Give LOVE with this cheese board handmade from exotic woods. Every purchase also helps artisans support their families. (Approx. 11" x 11") 切乳酪板 Cheese board $75 (5108) 公平市價 Fair market value $30 * 絲質領巾悅己助人 Silk scarf for a cause 這條漂亮獨特的 100% 純絲質領巾, 是由越南廣南省的婦女製造的, 絕對是一份別具心意 能令人眼前一亮的禮物 選購它的同時, 更可幫助改善當地貧困家庭的生活 公平貿易金屬燭台 Fair trade metal votive 為摯親送上悅目的光芒! 這些精巧耀眼的燭台, 是由印度工匠用升級改造的金屬製作而成, 絕對是送禮佳品 Give a special glow. Artisans from India use upcycled metal to handcraft these intricate reflective votives. A perfect holiday gift. 1 個金屬燭台 Metal votive $35 (5090) 2 個金屬燭台 2 metal votives $65 (5181) 公平市價 Fair market value $15/$30 * This beautiful 100% silk scarf is made by women in the Quang Nam province of Vietnam. A stunning and unique gift that helps families escape poverty. 多色絲質領巾 Multi-coloured scarf $95 (5132) 公平市價 Fair market value $44 * 22 * 所列產品的公平市價, 將從可獲退稅的金額中減去 * The items listed here have their fair market values deducted from the amount eligible for a tax receipt.

大小萬物生靈 Creatures great and small #1 團體禮物 #1 GROUP GIFT 同心協力, 添滿一個飼養場 體驗別具意義的團體饋贈! Help fill a stable with animals for a meaningful group giving experience. 協助社區脫離貧困的惡性循環, 讓飼養場充滿禽畜 您的饋贈包括能產奶的牛和山羊 會長出保暖羊毛的綿羊 繁殖快速的豬 生蛋的雞鴨 這是與親戚 朋友 同事一同集資送出的最理想禮品! Help break the cycle of poverty when you fill a stable with animals like a milk-producing goat and cow, woolly sheep, prolifically breeding pigs, and chickens or ducks for eggs. What an ideal gift to give with friends, family or co-workers. 添滿一個飼養場 Help fill a stable $1,200 (1404) 集資添滿一個飼養場 Share of a stable $600 (3020) Archana, age 13, 2012, Sri Lanka 每項訂購均免費獲贈精美賀卡 Free Greeting Card with every order 讓您的摯愛知道, 您以他們的名義送出了一份極具意義的禮物 如欲寄發免費的個人化電子賀卡, 或以郵遞方式收到免費列印的賀卡, 請瀏覽 chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts Let a loved one know a meaningful gift has been given in their name. Go to chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts to send free personalized e-cards or to receive free printed greeting cards by mail. 請預留 10-14 工作天的郵遞時間 Please allow 10-14 business days for greeting card mail delivery. 使命宣言 Our IDENTITY 工作成果 * Our impact * 2016 開支 EXPENDITURES 世界宣明會是一個基督教救援 發展及倡導機構, 致力為貧困兒童 家庭及其所在社區扶貧解困及提倡公義 本著基督的精神, 我們矢志服侍世上處於最弱勢的人士, 不論任何宗教 種族 族裔或性別 World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by our Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world s most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. 把 21,875 頭禽畜送到家庭, 幫助他們增加生產力及家庭收入, 改善孩子的生活 派發 61,498 公噸食物到 20 個國家, 給飽受飢餓折磨的兒童和家庭 把九千六百萬劑量的藥物運送到家庭及醫療診所, 以抵抗疾病 為 20,488 名兒童及其家庭提供安裝全新或經維修的水源設施, 讓他們能享用清潔及安全的飲用水, 應付日常飲用及煮食的需要 把 392,927 本書本送給學校, 幫助兒童學習及成長 21,875 farm animals were distributed to families, providing a better means to take care of their children. 61,498 metric tons of food were distributed in 20 countries to children and families affected by hunger. 96 million doses of medication were shipped to help families fight diseases and to stock medical clinics. 20,488 children and families have safe water for drinking and cooking thanks to new or repaired water sources. 392,927 books were distributed to support children s learning and development. * 根據世界宣明會於 2015 年 10 月至 2016 年 9 月項目發展的努力成果 * Based on World Vision Canada s programming efforts from October 2015 to September 2016. 80.5% 各項計劃 Programs 13.5% 支援核心使命 - 籌款 Core Mission Support Fundraising 6% 支援核心使命 - 行政 Core Mission Support Adminsitration 圖表是根據 5 年平均數值制訂 Chart is based on a five-year average. 加拿大世界宣明會預期每年籌募約四億一千二百多萬加元善款, 用作社區發展 緊急援助和提倡公義之用, 其中大約 15.9% 會用作籌款必須開支 若籌募捐款超過某項目所需, 或因某地區因有特殊因素以致未能推行項目, 加拿大世界宣明會會確保捐款用於其他相同的項目, 幫助有需要人士 加拿大世界宣明會總部設於安大略省密西沙加市 (Mississauga, Ontario) 如欲獲得更多資訊, 或索取我們最新經過審核的財務報告, 可瀏覽網站 www.worldvision.ca, 或致電 1-800-268-2776 聯絡顧客服務部主管查詢 World Vision Canada anticipates raising $412 million in total revenue for its community development, emergency relief and advocacy work, of which approximately 15.9% will be used for necessary fundraising. In cases where donations exceed what is needed or where local conditions prevent program implementation, World Vision Canada will redirect funds to similar activities to help people in need. World chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts Vision Canada is federally incorporated and located in Mississauga, 1.800.268.2776 Ontario. For more information, or for a copy of our latest audited financial statements, please visit our website at www.worldvision. ca or contact Director, Supporter Care at 1.800.268.2776. 23

1 World Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2Y4 chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts 這個聖誕, 讓每份禮品增添意義, 影響深遠 Make every gift matter this Christmas 意義無窮的精美手工藝禮品 ( 見第 22 頁 ) Find meaningful artisan gifts (See p. 22) 山羊 + 母雞 + 公雞 Goats, hens & roosters 這些家畜組成的強勁配搭, 將為兒童及其家庭帶來生機 ( 請參看第 5 頁 ) This robust livestock combo will help children and families thrive (See p. 5) 極受歡迎的禮品! Popular gifts people love! 山羊 + 母雞 + 公雞 Goats + hens + roosters $150 (3319) 2 隻母雞 + 1 隻公雞 2 hens + a rooster $50 (1552) 我們的動物有甚麼特別之處? What s so special about our animals? 您透過世界宣明會送贈的動物, 將會在當地購入, 然後送到有需要的家庭中 除動物外, 這些家庭還會得到飼料 飼養培訓及其他方面的支援 When you give animals through World Vision, they are purchased locally and delivered to families along with feed, training and other support. 分享愛 Share the love #LoveCanGive 追蹤 Follow @WorldVisionCan 欲購從速! Order today 歡迎瀏覽 Go to chinese.worldvision.ca/gifts