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UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION ENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERY CHINESE TRANSLATION 鼻窦内窺镜手术 如何準備手術及須知事項 此讲义为您解说如何準備鼻窦内窺镜手術及术后須知事項 有关您的手术 您的医生建议您做内窥镜手术 是因为药物无法控制您的鼻窦炎 ( 鼻窦炎症或感染 ) 以这项手术来清除鼻窦内的阻塞 内窥镜手术无需任何切口 而是 您的外科医生使用微型仪器及在尖端带有摄像头的细管的内窥镜 在您做手术前 药物 手术前 1 周不要服用阿司匹林或其他任何会影响血液凝固的产品 其中两种是布洛芬 (Advil Motrin 等 ) 和萘普生 (Aleve,Naprosyn 等 ) 请参看所附上的详细资讯 如您对药物有任何疑问 请在工作日的上午 8 点至下午 6 点致电麻醉预科 他们的电话是 206.598.6334 准备好您目前的药物清单 以便告诉他们您服用的药物 他们会告诉您手术当天服用或不服用那些药物 如您的医生在手术前已经开了抗生素或泼尼松 请按照指示服用 事先的准备 安排手术后如何从医院回家 如果您的外科医生说您 : 内窥镜 您的外科医生使用一个细小的内窥镜来清除诸塞物 在手术当天回家 您务必安排一位从医院开车送您回家 当晚在家陪同您的人 您不能自己开车或乘坐公共汽车或出租车 留住医院 第二天您可以自己开车回家 第 1 /3 页 鼻窦内窺镜手术

TRANSLATION 洗鼻是您手术后护理的关键部分 在手术前先练习 这样您就知道该怎么做了 到医院 在手术日期前 1 至 2 个工作日您会接到电话 告诉您手术报到的时间 如您在手术前一天下午 5 点之前 还没有收到此电话 请致电 206.598.6541 确认您的抵达时间 如您在星期一做手术 您会在星期五之前接到这个电话 手术当天 除非有医嘱 不可进食或喝任何饮料 按照您在术前门诊收到的说明 了解手术当天服用或不服用的药物 如您需要服用药物 请仅以一小口水送用 手术后 注意事项及自我护理 您在手术期间接受了全身麻醉 ( 让您入睡的药物 ) 这种药会影响您的思考及您的反应时间 手术后 24 小时内 请勿 : 开车及操纵机械 喝酒 独自外出 签署法律文件或做重大的决定 对任何其他人负责 例如儿童 宠物或需要护理的成年人 鼻下有棉垫以便渗鼻液 按需要更换棉垫 按照处方服用抗生素 您的面部很可能会有一些疼痛 对于大多数轻微至中度疼痛 您可以服用对乙酰氨基酚 ( 泰诺 ) 及布洛芬 (Advil Motrin) 之间交替服用 仅在中度至重度疼痛时服用您的处方止痛药 ( 阿片类药物 ) 来止痛 2 周内请避免 : 用力擤鼻涕 出大力 提拿超过 15 磅以上的重物 ( 一加仑牛奶的重量超过 8 磅 ) 第 2 / 3 页 鼻窦内窺镜手术

TRANSLATION 您有疑问吗? 我们很重视您的疑问 如您有疑问或顾虑 请致电您的医生或医务人员 安排门诊预约 请致电致电耳鼻喉科 / 头颈外科中心 206.598.4022 再按 8 字键与前台交谈 如您已经是我们的病患 对您的治疗计划有疑问 : 周一至周五上午 8 点. 到下午 5 请致电 : 206.598.7535. 下班后或周末假日 : 请致电 206.598.4022 当您听到录音后按 5 字键 就会转到社区护士专线 冲洗鼻腔 手术后鼻腔冲洗 ( 冲洗鼻窦 ) 是非常重要的 它可以保持鼻窦湿润 帮助清除多余的粘液及淤血块 您的医生或护士将为您提供鼻窦冲洗系 统 手术后第二天开始冲洗鼻腔 每天最少冲洗鼻腔 4 次 按照包装盒上的说明 冲洗后轻轻地擤鼻以清除鼻腔 流鼻血 鼻窦手术后 2 天内轻微出血或从鼻子渗入喉咙是正常的 如您持续地流鼻血或鼻血流到喉咙 请致电您的医生 复诊 您在手术后每 1 至 2 周 回来看您的医生 直到您完全康复为止 在每次门诊时 安排下一个门诊时间 恢复工作 大多数的人可以在手术后 3 天恢复工作 您重返工作岗位可能取决于您的工作类型 如您对何时可以安全返回工作有任何疑问 请询问您的外科医生 何时应该与医生联系 如有下列症状请致电 206.598.4022: 持续地流鼻血或鼻血流到喉咙 体温超过华氏 101ºF ( 摄氏 38.3ºC) 重影或视力有问题 头痛 止痛药不能缓解 头痛加剧 皮肤有疹子或发痒 恶心 呕吐不止 University of Washington Medical Center Published PFES: 04/1998, 03/2010, 01/2016, 08/2018 Clinician Review: 08/2018 Chinese translation by Interpreter Services Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu 第 3 / 3 页 鼻窦内窺镜手术

UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Endoscopic Sinus Surgery How to prepare and what to expect This handout explains how to prepare for endoscopic sinus surgery and what to expect afterward. About Your Surgery Your doctor has advised that you have endoscopic surgery. This is because medicines are not controlling your sinusitis (sinus inflammation or infection). This surgery will be done to clear blockages in your sinuses. Endoscopic surgery does not use any incisions. Instead, your surgeon will use tiny instruments and an endoscope, a thin tube with a camera on the end. Before Your Surgery Medicines For 1 week before your surgery, do not take any aspirin, herbal products, or other products that affect blood clotting. Two of these are ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and others) and naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn, and others). See attached sheet for more information. If you have any questions about your medicines, please call the Pre- Anesthesia Clinic weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 206.598.6334. Have a list of your current medicines handy so that you can tell them what you take. They will be able to tell you which medicines to take or not take on the day of your surgery. If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics or prednisone to take before surgery, take them as directed. Plan Ahead Your surgeon will use a thin tube called an endoscope to clear blockages in your sinus. Know how you will get home from the hospital after your surgery. If your surgeon has said that you will: Page 1 of 3 Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Go home the same day as your surgery, you must arrange for someone to drive you home from the hospital and stay with you the first night. You cannot drive or take a bus or taxi by yourself. Stay overnight in the hospital, you will be able to drive yourself home the next day. Nasal irrigation will be a key part of your care after surgery. Practice this before your surgery so you know how to do it. Arrival Time You will receive a call 1 to 2 business days before your surgery date to tell you what time to arrive for your surgery. If you have not received this call by 5 p.m. the day before your surgery, call 206.598.6541 to confirm your arrival time. If you are having surgery on a Monday, you will receive this call the Friday before. Day of Surgery Do not eat or drink anything, unless you are directed otherwise. Follow the instructions you received during your pre-op visit about what medicines to take or not take on the day of surgery. If you need to take medicines, take them with only a small sip of water. After Surgery Precautions and Self-care You received general anesthesia (medicine to make you sleep) during your surgery. This medicine will affect your thinking and your response time. For 24 hours after your surgery, do not: Drive or use machinery Drink alcohol Travel by yourself Sign any legal papers or make important decisions Be responsible for anyone else, such as children, pets, or an adult who needs care You will have gauze under your nose to catch oozing. Change the gauze as needed. Take your antibiotics as prescribed. You will most likely have some pain in your face. For most minor to moderate pain, you may alternate between acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Only use your prescription pain medicine (opioid) for moderate to severe pain. Page 2 of 3 Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns. To set up a clinic visit, call the Otolaryngology/ Head and Neck Surgery Center at 206.598.4022 and press 8 to speak to the front desk. If you are already a patient and have questions about your treatment plan: Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., call 206.598.7535. After hours and on weekends and holidays, call 206.598.4022 and press 5. You will be directed to the Community Care Line nurse. University of Washington Medical Center Published PFES: 04/1998, 03/2010, 01/2016, 08/2018 Clinician Review: 08/2018 Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu For 2 weeks, avoid: Blowing your nose with a lot of effort Straining Lifting anything that weighs more than 15 pounds (a gallon of milk weighs more than 8 pounds) Nasal Irrigation Nasal irrigation (rinsing out your sinuses) is very important after surgery. It keeps your sinuses moist and helps flush out excess mucous and old blood clots. Your doctor or nurse will give you a sinus rinse system to use for this. Start nasal irrigation the day after your surgery. Irrigate your nose at least 4 times a day. Follow the directions in the box. Very gently blow your nose after irrigation to clear the nasal space. Bleeding It is normal to have light bleeding or oozing from your nose or into your throat for up to 2 days after sinus surgery. Call your doctor if you have a steady flow of blood from your nose or into the back of your throat. Follow-up Clinic Visits You will see your doctor every 1 to 2 weeks after surgery until you are fully healed. You will set up your next appointment at each visit. Return to Work Most people take 1 to 2 weeks off work to recover. How long you take off work will be based partly on what you do for a living. When to Call Call 206.598.4022 if you have: Steady bleeding from your nose or into your throat A fever higher than 101ºF (38.3ºC) Double vision or trouble seeing A headache that is not eased by pain medicine More pain Rash or itching Nausea or vomiting that does not go away Page 3 of 3 Endoscopic Sinus Surgery