Cambridge IGCSE (9 1) * * MUSIC 0978/01 Paper 1 Listening For examination from 2020 SPECIMEN PAPER Approximately 1 hour 15 minutes You must a

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Cambridge IGCSE (9 1) *0123456789* MUSIC 0978/01 Paper 1 Listening For examination from 2020 SPECIMEN PAPER Approximately 1 hour 15 minutes You must answer on the question paper. You will need: Insert (enclosed) INSTRUCTIONS Answer all questions in Sections A, B and C. For each question, tick ( ) one of the boxes to show the most appropriate answer, or write your answer in the space provided. Section D: answer all questions on the one Set Work you have studied, in the space provided. There will be time for you to look at the questions before you hear each extract of music. You may find it helpful to make notes on the music as you listen. Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams, graphs or music. Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. Do not write on any bar codes. The insert contains the scores for Music C1 and your chosen Set Work in Section D. INFORMATION The total mark for this paper is 70. The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ]. This document has 16 pages. Blank pages are indicated. [Turn over

2 SECTION A This section has 16 marks. You will hear two examples of music, selected from the Baroque, Classical or Romantic periods or the Twentieth Century. Each extract will be played four times, with a pause between each playing. Music A1 You will hear an extract from a piece for voices and instruments. The words and their translation are given below. Read through questions 1 to 5. Section 1 1 Gloria, gloria, in excelsis deo, Glory to God in the highest. 2 Gloria in excelsis deo gloria. 3 Gloria, gloria, in excelsis deo, 4 Gloria, gloria, in excelsis, in excelsis deo. Section 2 [words and melody repeated] Gloria, gloria. Section 3 [words and melody repeated] Section 4 Et in terra, et in terra pax, et in terra. Et in terra pax, et in terra. And peace on earth.

1 Suggest a suitable Italian tempo marking for this music. 3 2 Which of the following compositional techniques are heard in line 4? Inversion and imitation Inversion and ostinato Sequence and imitation Sequence and inversion [1] 3 Section 2 is similar, but not identical, to Section 1. Describe two of the main differences.... [2] 4 Briefly describe how the composer brings out the meaning of the words in Sections 1 3, and Section 4. Sections 1 3:... Section 4:...... [2] 5 This music was written in the Romantic period. Describe two features of the extract which are typical of this period.... [2] [Turn over

4 Music A2 You will hear an extract from a piece for orchestra. Look at the skeleton score below and read through questions 6 to 10. 6 What compositional device is used between the strings and piano in bars 10 13? 7 Describe the accompaniment to the melody in bars 14 17.... [2] 8 What instrument plays the printed melody in bars 18 27?

9 (a) Which of the following styles has influenced this music? 5 Jazz Impressionism Minimalism Neo-classicism [1] (b) Give two reasons for your answer....... [2] 10 Which of the following do you think composed this music? Brahms Debussy Gershwin Handel [1] [Turn over

6 SECTION B This section has 22 marks. You will hear three extracts of music from around the world. Each extract will be played four times, with a pause between each playing. Music B1 You will hear an extract from an instrumental piece. Read through questions 11 to 14. 11 Which of the following instrumental effects is played by the piano at the beginning of the extract? An ascending glissando A descending glissando Tremolo A trill [1] 12 What is the main melody instrument? 13 Describe the style of this music. You may wish to refer to features such as key, rhythm and articulation in your answer.... [3] 14 Where do you think this music comes from?

7 Music B2 You will hear an extract of instrumental music. Look at the skeleton score below and read through questions 15 to 17. 15 What happens in bar 12? 16 Describe the texture of the music.... [2] 17 (a) Which part of the world does this music come from?. (b) Give two reasons for your answer....... [2] [Turn over

Music B3 (World Focus: Arab Music and the Music of Africa) 8 You will hear two passages from a piece of African music for voices and instruments, separated by a short gap. Read through questions 18 to 21. 18 What instrument accompanies the voices at the beginning of the extract?... 19 Describe the features of the first passage of music which are typical of African music.... [3] 20 How is the second passage of music different?... [3] 21 Describe the features of the second passage of music which are typical of African music.... [3]

9 BLANK PAGE [Turn over

10 SECTION C This section has 16 marks. You will hear one extract of music. The extract will be played four times, with a pause between each playing. Music C1 You will hear an extract from a concerto for solo instrument and orchestra. Look at the skeleton score, which you will find on the separate Insert, and read through questions 22 to 29. Answer the questions in this question paper. 22 What key is the music in at the beginning of the extract? 23 Name the solo instrument. 24 The melody is incomplete in bar 19. Fill in the missing notes on the stave below. The rhythm has been given to help you. The same melody is heard again in bar 23. [3] 25 What compositional device is heard in bars 40 46? Alberti bass Canon Ostinato Pedal [1] 26 Name the cadence in bars 45 46.

11 27 Name the bracketed interval in bar 48....... [2] 28 (a) This extract is in ternary form (ABA). Give the bar numbers of the B section.. (b) How is the B section different from the A section?......... [3] 29 (a) Which period of music is this extract from?. (b) Give two reasons for your answer....... [2] PAUSE OF FIVE MINUTES TO CHECK ANSWERS IN SECTIONS A, B AND C. [Turn over

12 SECTION D Set Work This section has 16 marks. Answer all the questions on one set work: either Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez (questions 30 to 39) or Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night s Dream, Overture Op. 21 (questions 40 to 49). Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez You will hear two extracts. Each extract will be played twice, with a pause between each playing. Music D1 Look at the skeleton score, which you will find on the separate Insert, and read through questions 30 to 34. 30 The accompaniment to the violin melody in bars 1 6 was first heard at the beginning of the movement (before the recorded extract). Describe two ways in which it has changed.... [2] 31 On the stave below, write out the two notes in the horn part in bar 43 at sounding pitch. The key signature has been given. [2] 32 The violin part in bar 55 is marked Col talone. What does this mean?... 33 How does Rodrigo ensure that the solo guitar is heard above the orchestra in this extract?... [2] 34 What does the title Concierto de Aranjuez refer to?...

13 Music D2 Look at the skeleton score in the Insert and read through questions 35 to 39. 35 What is the key at the beginning of the extract?... [1] 36 (a) The melody, which is heard in bars 1 5, was first played at the beginning of the movement (before the recorded extract). What instrument played it then?... [1] (b) What key was it in originally?... [1] 37 Describe the music of the flutes and oboes in bars 1 8.... [3] 38 What playing technique is used by the strings on the final chord?... 39 What happens in this movement immediately before the printed extract?... [Turn over

14 Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night s Dream, Overture Op. 21 You will hear two extracts. Each extract will be played twice, with a pause between each playing. Music D3 Look at the skeleton score, which you will find on the separate Insert, and read through questions 40 to 45. 40 From which section of the exposition is this extract taken? 41 On the stave below, write out the clarinet part in bar 1 at sounding pitch. The key signature has been given. [2] 42 What is the key of this extract? 43 What feature of the story is represented by the woodwind in bars 37 to 39 and 45 to 47?... 44 Which of the following best describes the relationship between the strings and woodwind and brass in bars 57 to 62? Antiphony Call and response Contrary motion Question and answer [1] 45 Describe precisely what is played by the first violins in bars 63 to 64.... [2]

15 Music D4 Look at the skeleton score in the Insert and read through questions 46 to 49. 46 (a) What does this theme represent?. (b) How does Mendelssohn s music portray this?...... [2] 47 (a) From which section of the exposition is this extract taken?. (b) What is the key of the music at the beginning of the extract?. (c) Why is this unusual?... 48 What is the tempo marking at the start of the overture? 49 What is heard in the overture immediately after the recorded extract?...

16 BLANK PAGE Copyright Acknowledgements: Question A2 The Music Publishers Association Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity. Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.