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20181113 3710

: : : : : 201812 Trip Blender AI AI SNS SNSTrip Blender 201812 160-0022 -- TEL: 03(5369)4052 FAX: 03(5369)4057 :

<> TOP

November 13, 2018 Security code 3710 Mixed-mode commuting for foreigners visiting Japan Let's start Trip Plan Service "Trip Blender" The first step is, according to To promote foreign tourists visiting Japan in 2018 Utilizing mixed-mode commuting strategy released by a general incorporated association San in Tourism Organization (hereinafter referred to as The Organization ), starting San in Trip Plan Service which can plan the optimal route for surrounding spots by utilizing mixed-mode commuting! Jorudan Co.,Ltd. (Headquarter: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, CEO & President: Toshikazu Sato), according to a route guide solution for foreign tourists visiting Japan Norikae Annai Visit, began to provide a trip plan service "Trip Blender" utilizing mixed-mode commuting from November 13, 2018 (Tuesday). Trip Blender which is an additional function of Norikae Annai Visit, utilizing Japan Concierge of Machizukuri- Platform Co.,Ltd. (Headquarter: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, CEO & President: Takayoshi Koizumi) is a service that you can plan your trip with the optimal route and check the traffic information of each section just click the sightseeing spots you want to visit. As the first step, according to To promote foreign tourists visiting Japan in 2018 "Utilizing mixed-mode commuting strategy implemented by The Organization, we began to provide the service which is utilizing mixedmode commuting to plan a trip for foreigners who want to travel around wide area sightseeing route Route Romantique San'in. By utilizing this service, Users can easily plan a trip using mixed-mode commuting. In addition, it s possible to analyze behavioral information such as what kinds of sightseeing spots are popular among foreigners and what routes they will choose by utilizing the trip information created by users. In the future, we will continue to develop more solutions to help foreigners to visit Japan smoothly. Search screen (Spot Search) Result Screen

Japanese: English: Simplified Chinese: Traditional Chinese: Korean: *French can be supported around December 2018. A trip guidance tool pursuing that It s easy to make the course you desire even if no feel of the place The design that you can easily pick up the sightseeing spots you want to go "Trip Blender" is a service like blending multiple sightseeing spots, that can plan a trip automatically by utilizing mixed-mode commuting which is difficult for travelers. You can just select the sightseeing spots then create the trip that takes railroads and mixed-mode commuting (route bus, ship etc.) into consideration. You can select spots, check the positional relation from "Illustrated Map with latitude and longitude". AI Concierge can plan your trip and route that meet your time and favorites By setting the conditions and characteristics of your trip, AI Concierge can plan a route that suits you. In addition, there are some stop-by sightseeing spots can be added on the basic of the selected spots and the planned route. The optimal trip can be sorted automatically when moving between the sightseeing spots The trip is derived by rearranging and combining sightseeing spots, traffic routes and time etc. For spots that can not be accessed without a car, it's possible to use model course combining mixedmode commuting and cars. New travel SNS that you can share the trip you planned You can share and post the trip you planned to SNS. In addition, you can set the function of sharing trip on Trip Blender to comment the trip. *Plan to implement around December 2018 To utilize the registered sightseeing spots and trip log Registered sightseeing spots and trip information will be saved as logs. Based on the language used, we can know what kinds of sightseeing spots are popular among travelers of each country, make a behavior analysis that what kinds of routes are selected and utilize the tourism measure such as the proposal of stop-by sightseeing spots. Jorudan Co.,Ltd. Corporate Sales Department Yuikawa, Ogawa, Nishida 5-10, Shinjuku 2-chome Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 160-0022 TEL.+81-3-5369-4052 FAX.+81-3-5369-4057 : *All company names, product names and description mentioned are protected as the trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective companies. *The image posted is a screen under development.

<Attachment> How to use San in Trip Plan Service TOP Screen (Spot List) Search Result Screen Select the Areas and Sightseeing Categories (Nature, History, Hot Spring etc.) The spot information will be displayed, you can add it to the blender by clicking "+" in the upper right. The selected spots will be displayed, you can click "Start" to search the optimal route. The optimal route will be displayed by utilizing mixed-mode commuting.

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20181113 3710 ( )

: : : : : 201812. [ ] [] [Trip Blender] 2. 2 (,). [ ]. AI [AI]... 2. SNS SNS,. Trip Blender. 201812.. () () () 160-0022 -- TEL: 03(5369)4052 FAX: 03(5369)4057 :,.

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