陕西省生猪产业及其饲料科技 水平的现状分析 Present situation of pig industry and feed technology level in Shaanxi province 西北农林科技大学 Northwest A&F University 姚军虎

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陕西省生猪产业及其饲料科技 水平的现状分析 Present situation of pig industry and feed technology level in Shaanxi province 西北农林科技大学 Northwest A&F University 姚军虎 2012.10.16, 西安

主要内容 /Summary 1 生猪产业概述 / Pig industry overview 2 生猪产业变化特点 / Changing characteristics 3 生猪产业主要问题 / Problems 4 生猪养殖技术发展现状 / Present situation of pig culture technology

1 产业概述 西北地区基本情况 (1) 1 Overview Situation in the northwest region (1) (1) 新疆 :166 万 km2, 年出栏猪 400-500 万头 ; 甘肃 :43 万 km2, 年出栏猪 550-600 万头 ; 宁夏 :6.6 万 km2, 年出栏猪 110 万头 ; 青海 :72 万 km2, 年出栏猪 70 万头 ; 陕西 :21 万 km2, 年出栏猪 1100 万头 (2) 主要饲料企业 : 正大 希望 泰昆 天康 石羊 华秦 康达尔 禾丰 大北农等 The main feed enterprise: CP, XXW, Taikun, Tiankang, Shiyang, Huaqin, Kangdaer,Wellhope, Dabeinong.

1 产业概述 规模相对稳定 (2) 1 Overview Relatively stable scale (2) Pig breeding stock in Shaanxi province (*10 4 )

1 产业概述 人均猪肉占有量基本稳定 (3) 1 Overview Stable per capita amount of pork(3) Total output and per capita amount of pork 63.4 77.5 79.1 17.9 20.7 21 Total output (*10 4 Tons) Per capita amount (Kg)

1 产业概述 占全国份额仍较小 (4) 1 Overview Less nationwide share (4) Pig nationwide share of Shaanxi province 1.9% 2.5% 1.9% Shaanxi Others

2 产业变化特点 规模化养殖扩大 (1) 2 Changing characteristics More intensive culture (1) 2008 年全省规模户生猪存栏占全部生猪存栏 4.1% 2009 年占 5.8% 2010 年占 13%,2011 年达到 30% 以上, 规模户养殖快速发展的势头良好 In 2008, the amount of intensive culture account for 4.1% in total pig breeding stock, and it is 5.8%, 13%, and over 30% in 2009, 2010 and 2011, respectively, which show that intensive culture has good growth momentum.

2 产业变化特点 生产性能逐渐改善 (2) 2 Changing characteristics Gradual improvement of performance (2) 母猪年生产 2 胎 提供肥育猪 18 头 Sows: 2 fetuses/year; 18 pigs/year 育肥猪 5.5 月达 100 kg 料重比 2.8:1 Finishing pigs: 100 Kg BW at 5.5 months, FCR: 2.8: 1

3 主要问题 总体养殖水平仍较低 (1) 3 Problems Lower culture level (1) 陕西省生猪养殖农户散养比重仍较大 More rural household's scatter breeding of pigs. 母猪生产效率低下 Low sow production efficiency. 大型企业的主导作用仍未显现 Limited leading functions of major industry.

3 主要问题 成本上升 (2) 3 Problems Cost up (2) 自然灾害频发, 玉米 大豆等饲料原料价格上涨 2012 年 8 月, 玉米 2.4-2.7 元 /kg, 豆粕 4.2-4.4 元 /kg More and more natural disaster, the price of feed ingredient up. 劳动力成本上升, 工作环境差, 养殖业用工难 Rising labor cost and poor working environment make employment difficult for breeding industry

3 主要问题 管理有待改善 (3) 3 Problems Out-dated management (2) 大规模猪场设施良好, 但, 使用和猪群管理相对滞后 Good facilities, however, out-dated usage and management in large-scale pig farm 疫病防控不到位, 抵御风险能力差 Bad disaster prevention and control, poor ability to withstand risks. 技术资料的综合分析仍不到位 Poor comprehensive analysis ability for technical information

4 技术发展现状 阶段饲养有待改善 (1) 4 Present situation of technology Phase feeding remained to be improved (1) 饲养阶段划分仍偏少, 难以实现养分的精准供应 Feeding stage division is inadequate, nutrient supply is not accurate 母猪营养水平仍偏低 ( 主要是氨基酸 ) Nutrient level is low for sows (especially for amino acids) 微量元素补充量虽有所降低, 但, 不平衡现象仍存在 Unbalanced trace elements

瘦肉型生长肥育猪饲粮主要养分含量 (kg, kcal/kg,%) The main nutrient requirement for finishing lean pigs 体重, BW 3~8 8~15 15~30 30~50 50~80 80- 出栏 消化能, DE 3450 3350 3300 3250 3200 3200 粗蛋白质, CP 22.0-24.0 20.0-22.0 17.5-19.5 17.0-18.0 16.0-17.0 14.0-15.0 赖氨酸, Lys 1.60 1.50 1.30 1.05 0.86 0.69 蛋氨酸, Met 0.45 0.42 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.19 蛋 + 胱氨酸, M+C 0.91 0.88 0.72 0.58 0.50 0.41 苏氨酸, Thr 0.99 0.95 0.80 0.65 0.55 0.45 色氨酸, Trp 0.27 0.27 0.22 0.18 0.15 0.12 钙, Ca 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.60 0.55 总磷, TP 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.65 0.55 0.50 有效磷, AP 0.55 0.42 0.40 0.30 0.25 0.21

猪饲料微量元素建议补充量 (mg/kg) Supplementation of trace elements for swine 元素乳猪 / 仔猪育肥猪种猪 Fe 180 50 135 Cu 18 12 15 Zn 140 90 125 Mn 45 25 45 I 0.55 0.35 0.50 Se 0.3 0.3 0.4 Cr - 0.3 0.3 Co 0.1-0.2

4 技术发展现状 配方设计理念 (2) 4 Present situation of technology Formula design concept (2) 配方设计已采用总氨基酸指标, 但杂粕日粮时效果不稳定 The total amino acid index has been adopted in formulation design, however it is not stable in the miscellaneous meal diet 部分大型饲料企业正在向可消化氨基酸模式和净能体系转变 Large feed enterprises trend to use digestible amino acid mode and net energy system to formulate feed

4 技术发展现状 饲料原料 (3) 4 Present situation of technology Feed ingredient (3) 配方原料偏多, 影响产品质量的稳定性 Too much ingredient makes feed quality unstable 原料养分实时监测较难, 产品精准化程度较低 It is difficult to real-time monitoring the ingredient nutrient 企业饲料数据库建设应引起重视 To pay attention to develop enterprise feed data base

4 技术发展现状 饲料添加剂的选用 (4) 4 Present situation of technology Feed additive (4) 已采用有效磷指标并使用植酸酶, 但, 其他酶制剂的使用仍不成熟 Effective phosphorus as an index, and make use of phytase, however, use other enzyme preparation not well 供选用的添加剂较多, 但, 缺乏配套使用措施 Too much feed additive, and lack of available strategy to use them

4 技术发展现状 饲料工艺 (5) 4 Present situation of technology Feed technology (5) 主要是粉料和颗粒料 Powder and granular feed 膨化, 制粒设备工艺落后, 能耗高 ; 发酵饲料的应用较少, 且多为自己生产, 质量难以保证 Out-dated facilities and technology for puffing and pelleting; not use fermented feed completely