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微纳电子技术 2012 年第三期 技术论坛 P141- 量子点外延生长新模型器件与技术 P147- QCA 电路的缺陷研究材料与结构 P152- 硅纳米管结构和电子性质的第一性原理研究 P156- CdS/TiO 2 纳米棒阵列复合电极制备及性能研究 MEMS 与传感器 P162- Q 值对无源压力传感器无线信号传输的影响 P166- MEMS 微型热管研究进展 P173- 石英微机械陀螺的研究进展加工 测量与设备 P181- GaN 电感耦合等离子体刻蚀的优化和损伤分析 P187- 基于 SU-8 的微透镜阵列的设计和制作 P192- NiCu 双金属电极 P197- 铌酸锂干法刻蚀的研究进展 P208- 硫化镉晶片抛光工艺研究

技术论坛 P141- 量子点外延生长新模型 吴巨 ( 中国科学院半导体研究所半导体材料重点实验室, 北京 100083) 摘要 : 目前在原子尺度上人们对量子点分子束外延生长过程了解很少, 所有关于 量子点外延生长的理论模型和计算机模拟都是建立在传统的外延生长理论框架内 在传统理论框架内, 量子点的生长过程被理解为发生在生长表面上一系列的单一的原子事件, 如原子沉积 扩散 聚集等 在这种理论中, 外延生长表面原子之间的相互作用被忽略 ; 另外, 按照这种理论, 量子点生长过程必须是一个相对缓慢的过程 这种理论模型不可能恰当地解释所观察到的大量复杂的量子点外延生长实验现象 作者在两个实验现象基础上, 提出了在 InAs/GaAs(001) 体系中量子点外延生长过程的新模型 这两个实验现象分别是在 InAs/GaAs(001) 生长表面有大量的 浮游 In 原子, 一个量子点的生长过程可以在很短的时间内完成 (<10-4 s) 在提出的新模型中, 量子点的自组装过程是一个大数量原子的集体 协调运动过程 关键词 :InAs/GaAs(001); 量子点 ; 自组装 ; 原子集体运动 ; 外延生长中图分类号 :O471 1 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0141-06 Novel Scenario for Epitaxial Growth Process of Quantum Dots Wu Ju (Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Institute of Semiconductors,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100083,China) Abstract:At the present time,the self assmbly of a quantum dot in a heteroepitaxy is generally understood in terms of the conventioal theoretical framework,in which the formation of a quantum dot during heteroepitaxy is implemented by a series of individual atomistic events,such as deposition,diffusion and attachment/detachment,occuring on the growing surface.according to this theoretical framework,the possible interactions among the adatoms on the growing surface are neglected,and, in addition,the self assembly of a quantum dot has to be a relative time lengthy process.obviously,the traditional theroy cannot provide a plausible explanation for the variety of experimental observations on the epitaxial growth of quantum dots.inspirited by two experimental evidences in the literature and of their own,respectively: the presence of floa ting indium on the growing surface in MBE InAs/GaAs(001) and that a quantum dot can form within a very short transient time (<10-4 s) under a given growth condition,the author put forward a novel scenario for the self assembly process of quantum dots in the MBE InAs/GaAs(001),in which the self assembing of a quantum dot is a collective or coordinated event,involving a large number of atoms simultaneously. Key words:inas/gaas(001); quantum dot; self assembly; collcetive atomistic motion; epita xial growth

CLC number: TN304Document code:aarticle ID:1671-4776(2012)03-0141-06 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.001PACC:6322 器件与技术 P147- QCA 电路的缺陷研究 黄宏图, 蔡理, 李政操 ( 空军工程大学理学院, 西安 710051) 摘要 : 针对量子元胞自动机电路中出现的元胞移位等元胞缺陷, 介绍了基于 QCADesigner 的元胞缺陷分析, 得出了特定结构的容错范围 对于制造过程出现的单电子故障, 分析了不同输入时单电子故障对传输线和反相器的影响 对于制造过程中出现的漂移电荷缺陷, 分析了这些缺陷对传输线的影响 通过改变元胞与传输线之间的距离, 研究了 QCA 传输线之间的串扰问题, 得出了其容错范围 最后对 RS 触发器中出现的元胞缺陷采用测试序列进行了分析研究, 从而为进一步研究 QCA 电路的缺陷提供了依据和方向 关键词 : 量子元胞自动机 (QCA); 元胞缺陷 ; 单电子故障 ; 漂移电荷 ; 串扰中图分类号 :O471.1 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0147-05 Study of Defects in QCA Circuits Huang Hongtu, Cai Li, Li Zhengcao (College of Science, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051, China) Abstract:According to the cell defects such as the cell displacement in the quantum cellular automata(qca) circuit, the cell defects analysis based on QCADesigner was introduced, and the fault tolerance range of a certain structure was obtained. The effects of the single electron fault arising in the manufacturing process on the wires and inverters at the different inputs were analyzed. For the defect of drift charge generated in the manufacturing process, the effects of the defects on the wire were stu died. Through changing the distance between the cell and the wire, the crosstalk between the wires was researched and the fault tolerance range was obtained. Finally, the cell defects in the RS flip flop were studied using the test sequence. Such analysis should be used for the further study of the defects in the QCA circuits. Key words:quantum cellular automata(qca); cell defect; single electron fault; drift charge; crosstalk DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.002EEACC:2570

材料与结构 P152- 硅纳米管结构和电子性质的第一性原理研究 罗强 1a, 张强 1a, 张智 1b, 唐斌 1a, 冉曾令 2 (1. 西南石油大学 a. 理学院 ;b. 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室, 成都 610500; 2. 电子科技大学通信与信息工程学院, 成都 611731) 摘要 : 基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理方法, 在广义梯度近似下, 研究了 (5,0) 和 (5,5) 硅纳米管结构和电子性质 计算结果表明 :(5,0) 管硅原子相邻键长波动范围为 0.068 nm, 大于 (5,5) 管的 0.006 nm; 通过对 (5,0) 管的分波态密度进行分析发现, 其 3s 电子和 2p 电子能量分布在 -13~3 ev, 但 2p 电子集中分布在能量较高的 -6~3 ev, 出现了明显的 sp3 轨道杂化 同时对 (5,0) 和 (5,5) 硅纳米管最高占据轨道和最低未占据轨道的能隙进行了分析, 发现两种管导电性能与结构的手性相关, 锯齿型 (5,0) 管能带交叠具有明显的金属性, 而扶手型 (5,5) 管能隙为 0.151 ev 是半导体纳米管 关键词 : 第一性原理 ; 硅纳米管 ; 态密度 ; 手性 ; 能隙中图分类号 :O561;TB383 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0152-04 First Principle Study on the Structure and Electronic Property of Si Nanotubes Luo Qiang1a,Zhang Qiang1a,Zhang Zhi1b,Tang Bin1a, Ran Zengling2 (1. a.college of Science; b.state Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China; 2. School of Communication and Information Engineering, University of Electronics Science & Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China) Abstract:Using the first principles method based on density function theory (DFT), the structures and electronic properties of (5,0) and (5,5) silicon nanotubes were calculated with the generalized gradient approximation. The calculated results show that the fluctuation range of the bond length of adjacent Si Si for (5,0) tube is 0 068 nm more than 0 006 nm of (5,5) tube. The partial density of states for (5,0) tube was analyzed. And it is found that the 3s and 2p electrons of (5,0) tube are distributed in the region from -13 to 3 ev, but the 2p electron is concentrated in the higher energy region from -6 to 3 ev, and sp3 orbital hybridization is ob vious. Meanwhile, the energy gaps of the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital for (5,0) and (5,5) silicon nanotubes were analyzed. And it is found that the conductivity of the two silicon nanotubes is associated with their chiralities, the zigzag (5,0) nanotubes have the obvious metallicity due to the overlapping of their energy gaps, and the armchair(5,5) nanotubes are semiconductor nanotubes with the energy gaps of 0 151 ev. Key words:first principle; silicon nanotube; density of state; chirality;energy gap DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.003PACC:6146

P156- CdS/TiO2 纳米棒阵列复合电极制备及性能研究 宋端鸣, 强颖怀, 赵宇龙, 顾修全, 蔺旭鹏 ( 中国矿业大学材料科学与工程学院, 江苏徐州 221116) 摘要 : 染料敏化太阳电池以其良好的电池性能 简单的制作工艺 廉价的制作成本等优点越来越受到人们的关注 尝试用水热合成法在透明导电玻璃 FTO(SnO2 F) 衬底上一步制备出高度有序的 TiO2 单晶纳米棒阵列, 使用扫描电子显微镜 SEM 及 X 射线衍射仪 (XRD) 等对其进行表征分析 用制备的样品作为光阳极封装电池并对其进行电池性能的测试 用化学浴沉积 (CBD) 方法对制备的样品进行 CdS 表面修饰, 通过测量其紫外 - 可见吸收光谱及明暗场的电流 - 电压特性曲线等考察电池性能随硫化镉修饰次数的变化规律 关键词 : 染料敏化太阳电池 (DSSC); TiO2 纳米棒阵列 ; 硫化镉 (CdS); 水热合成法 ; 化学浴沉积 (CBD) 中图分类号 :TB383 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0156-06 Study on the Preparation and Performance of CdS/TiO2 Nanorod Composite Electrodes Song Duanming,Qiang Yinghuai,Zhao Yulong,Gu Xiuquan,Lin Xupeng (School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China) Abstract:With the advantages of the excellent performance, simple production process and relatively low cost, the dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is most concerned increasingly. The highly ordered array of TiO2 single crystal nanorods were synthesized on the transparent conductive glass FTO(SnO2 F)substrate by hydrothermal method. The obtained samples were characterized and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). With the prepared TiO2 nanorods as the light anode to package cells, and the electrical transport properties of the TiO2 nanorods were tested. The CdS surface modification for the prepared samples was carried out by chemical bath deposition(cbd). The changing rule for the performance of the solar cells with the times of the CdS surface modification was discussed with the ultraviolet visible(uv-vis) curves and I-V curves in the bright and dark field. Key words: dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC); TiO2 nanorod array; CdS; hydrothermal method; chemical bath deposition(cbd) DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.004PACC:6146

MEMS 与传感器 P162- Q 值对无源压力传感器无线信号传输的影响 杨芳, 梁庭, 李凯丽, 洪应平, 熊继军 ( 中北大学仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室, 太原 030051) 摘要 : 主要研究了无源压力传感器的无线信号传输性能 传感器结构由压力敏感电容空腔和电感天线组成, 内部无需有源器件 电池等 通过压力敏感结构电感天线的金属层厚度 线宽等因素的改变来研究无线信号传输性能 经过实验测试, 电感的品质因数 Q 对传感器的信号传输是有影响的 电感天线的金属层加厚 线宽加宽, 可以减小电感的电阻, 从而增大传感器电感的 Q 值, 有利于无线信号的传输 关键词 : 压力传感器 ; 无线信号传输 ;Q 值 ; 金属层厚度 ; 天线中图分类号 :TP212 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0162-04 Influence of Q-Factor on Wireless Signal Transmission of Passive Pressure Sensors Yang Fang,Liang Ting,Li Kaili,Hong Yingping,Xiong Jijun ( Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement of Ministry of Education, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China) Abstract:The wireless signal transmission performance of the passive pressure sensor was mainly researched. The sensor structure consists of the pressure sensitive capacitance cavity and induc-tance antenna, and the interior of the sensor requires neither the active devices nor the battery. The performance of the wireless signal transmission was studied by changing the metal layer thickness and the line width of the inductance antenna for the pressure sensitive structure. The experimental tests show that the quality factor Q of the inductance influences the wireless signal transmission of the sensor. The resistance of the inductance is reduced by increasing the metal layer thickness and line width of the inductance antenna, thus the Q-factor of the inductance for the sensor is increased, which is good for the wireless signal transmission. Key words:pressure sensor; wireless signal transmission; Q-factor; metal layer thickness; antenna DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.005EEACC:7230M

P166- MEMS 微型热管研究进展 屈健 1, 王谦 1, 吴慧英 2 (1. 江苏大学能源与动力工程学院, 江苏镇江 212013; 2. 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院, 上海 200240) 摘要 :MEMS 微型热管作为一种新型的热管技术, 在微电子 光电池 红外探测头和激光二极管等的热控制方面具有很大的应用前景 首先, 介绍了 MEMS 微型热管的特点和基本工作原理, 简单回顾了其发展历程 然后, 从 MEMS 微型热管的加工制作方法 通道尺寸和总体结构特点出发, 指出了其优势所在 在此基础上, 综述了近年来微型槽道热管 微型毛细泵回路 微型回路热管和微型振荡热管等不同类型 MEMS 微型热管的研究进展 最后, 总结了 MEMS 微型热管的发展趋势和实际应用所面临的挑战, 指出降低制作成本 优化工质充注封装工艺 改进测试手段和加强运行机理研究是今后工作的重点 关键词 : 微型热管 ; 热控制 ; 微型冷却器 ; 毛细力 ; 微电子机械系统 (MEMS) 中图分类号 :TH703 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0166-07 Research Progress of MEMS Micro Heat Pipes Qu Jian1, Wang Qian1, Wu Huiying2 (1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China; 2. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China) Abstract:The MEMS micro heat pipe, as a novel heat pipe technology, is considered as one of the most promising choices for thermal control applications in microelectronics, photovoltaic cells, infrared detectors, laser diodes, etc. The basic principle and characteristics of MEMS micro heat pipes are firstly introduced, and the development history of which is reviewed briefly. Then, the fabrication method, channel size, and overall structure feature are compared with those of a traditional heat pipe, which account for the advantages of a MEMS micro heat pipe. Based on the discussion above, the progress of the micro grooved heat pipe, micro capillary pumped loop, micro loop heat pipe, micro pulsating heat pipe and other different types of the MEMS micro heat pipes are thoroughly reviewed. Finally, the development tendency and challenges impacting on real applications of MEMS micro heat pipes are prospected, and it is pointed out that the fabrication cost reduction, working fluid filling and packaging optimization, testing method improvement, as well as operational mechanism investigation are identified as major issues for the future research. Key words:micro heat pipe; thermal control; micro cooler;capillary force; micro electromecha nical system(mems) DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.006EEACC:2575

P173- 石英微机械陀螺的研究进展 关冉, 张卫平, 陈文元, 张弓, 成宇翔 ( 上海交通大学微纳科学技术研究院微米 / 纳米加工技术重点实验室, 上海 200240 ) 摘要 : 首先介绍了石英微机械陀螺基于压电效应和科氏加速度的工作原理, 回顾了石英微机械陀螺的发展历程, 并且介绍了石英微机械陀螺的国内外发展现状 然后, 针对石英微机械陀螺不同的结构进行了分类, 并且对于不同结构的石英微机械陀螺的具体加工工艺 性能参数 应用领域等进行了综述 最后, 对不同结构类型的石英微机械陀螺的尺寸 加工工艺, 检测轴向, 精度等参数进行了总结和对比, 在此基础上分析了石英微机械陀螺的发展趋势, 并指出了石英微机械陀螺研究中存在的问题, 例如石英加工过程中产生的侧壁晶棱的不平整 石英侧壁电极的制作困难以及石英微机械陀螺多轴化应用的限制等 关键词 : 石英 ; 微机械陀螺 ; 压电效应 ; 科氏加速度效应 ; 微电子机械系统 (MEMS) 中图分类号 :TH703 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0173-08 Reaearch Development of Quartz Micromachined Gyroscopes Guan Ran, Zhang Weiping, Chen Wenyuan, Zhang Gong, Cheng Yuxiang (National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Nano /Micro Fabrication Technology, Research Institute of Micro/Nano Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China) Abstract:Firstly, the working principle of the quartz micromachined gyroscope is introduced, which is based on the piezoelectric effect and the Coriolis acceleration, the development history of the quartz micromachined gyroscope is reviewed, and the development present situation of the quartz micromachined gyroscope is introduced both domestically and abroad. Then, the quartz micromachined gyroscope is classified into several types according to its different structures, and the specific fabrication process, performance parameter and application fields of the quartz micromachined gyroscope for the different structures are reviewed. Finally, the parameters of the quartz micromachined gyroscope for the different kinds of structures are summarized and compared, including the size, fabrication process, detection axis and accuracy, and on that basis, the development trends of the quartz micromachined gyroscope are analyzed, and the problems that limit the development of quartz micromachined gyroscope are pointed out, including the uneven crystal edges of the quartz sidewall caused by the fabrication process, the difficulties of electrode fabrication on the quartz sidewall and the limitation of the multi axis application for the quartz micromachined gyroscope. Key words:quartz; micromachined gyroscope; piezoelectric effect; Coriolis acceleration effect; micro electromechanical system(mems) DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.007EEACC:2575

加工 测量与设备 P181- GaN 电感耦合等离子体刻蚀的优化和损伤分析 滕龙 a,b, 于治国 a,b, 杨濛 a,b, 张荣 a,b, 谢自力 a,b, 刘斌 a,b, 陈鹏 a,b, 韩平 a,b, 郑有炓 a,b, 施毅 a,b ( 南京大学 a. 江苏省光电功能材料重点实验室 ;b. 电子科学与工程学院, 南京 210093) 摘要 : 通过分别改变电感耦合等离子体 (ICP) 刻蚀过程中的 ICP 功率和 DC 偏压, 对 ICP 刻蚀 GaN 材料的工艺条件和损伤情况进行了系统的研究 刻蚀后表面的损伤和形貌通过扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 原子力显微镜 (AFM) 电子能谱 (EDS) 荧光光谱 (PL) 等技术进行表征和分析 实验结果表明, 刻蚀速率随 ICP 功率和 DC 偏压的增加而增加 ; 刻蚀损伤与 DC 偏压成正比, 而与 ICP 功率的关系较为复杂 实验中观测到刻蚀后 GaN 样品的荧光光谱带边发射峰和黄带发射峰的强度均有明显下降, 这意味着刻蚀产生的缺陷中存在非辐射复合中心, 并且该非辐射复合中心的密度与 DC 偏压成正比 为了兼顾高刻蚀速率和低刻蚀损伤, 建议使用高 ICP 功率 (>450 W) 和低 DC 偏压 (<300 V) 进行 ICP 刻蚀 关键词 : 氮化镓 (GaN); 电感耦合等离子体 (ICP) 刻蚀 ; 损伤 ; 功率 ;DC 偏压中图分类号 :TN305.7 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0181-06 Etching Damage Analysis and Optimization of Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of GaN Teng Longa,b, Yu Zhiguoa,b, Yang Menga,b, Zhang Ronga,b, Xie Zilia,b, Liu Bina,b Chen Penga,b,Han Pinga,b,Zheng Youdoua,b,Shi Yia,b (a.jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Materials, b.department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China) Abstract:The process conditions and damages for the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching of GaN were systemically studied by varying the ICP power and DC bias in ICP etching process, respectively. The surface morphology and damages of the etched surface were characterized and analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and photoluminescence (PL). The experimental results show that the ICP etch rate increases with the increase of the ICP power and DC bias, the etching damage is proportional to the DC bias, while the relationship of the etching damage and ICP power is much more complicated. The significant decline for the intensities of PL band edge emission and yellow band emission peak was observed in experiments, which means that the non radiative recombination center exists in defects produced by etching, and the density of the non radiative recombination center is proportional to the DC bias. In order to achieve high etch rate and low etch damage, the high ICP power (>450 W) and low DC bias (<300 V) should be used in the ICP etching. Key words:gan;inductively coupled plasma(icp)etching;damage;power;dc bias DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.008EEACC:2550E

P187- 基于 SU-8 的微透镜阵列的设计和制作 刘建林 a,b, 张斌珍 a,b, 崔敏 a,b, 张剑 a,b, 季长红 a,b ( 中北大学 a. 电子测试技术重点实验室 ; b. 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室, 太原 030051) 摘要 : 以 SU-8 作为结构材料, 采用紫外光刻工艺, 尤其以斜曝光工艺为主, 加工出主光轴平行于衬底基片的微透镜阵列, 单个微透镜的直径大约为 500 μm 初步确定出加工此透镜所需要的曝光剂量 前烘时间 后烘时间和显影时间, 为加工其他尺寸的透镜提供参考 基于此方法加工的微透镜阵列能够对光束进行聚焦 反射 衍射 相位调制等控制, 从而可最终实现光开关 衰减 扫描和成像等功能, 为其他微型光学器件, 如分光镜和反射镜等的系统集成提供极大的便利 同时, 此微透镜阵列也会被集成在微流细胞仪中用来对流式细胞仪中样本流做荧光检测, 极大地提高了检测的精度 关键词 : 微透镜阵列 ;SU-8; 光刻工艺 ; 斜曝光 ; 系统集成中图分类号 :TH703 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0187-05 Design and Fabrication of the Micro Lens Array Based on SU-8 Liu Jianlina,b, Zhang Binzhena,b, Cui Mina,b, Zhang Jiana,b, Ji Changhonga,b (a.science and Technology on Electronic Test & Measurement Laboratory; b.key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement of Ministry of Education, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China) Abstract:Using SU-8 as a structural material, the micro lens arrays with the primary optical axis parallel to the substrate were processed by UV light lithography process, especially inclined exposure technology, and the diameter of a single micro lens is about 500 μm. The exposure do sage, pre baking time, post baking time and development time for processing the lens were confirmed preliminarily, providing a reference for processing lens with different size. Micro lens arrays based on the processing method can obtain the focusing, reflection, diffraction, phase modulation and other control for the beam to finally realize functions such as photo switch, attenuation, sweep and image formation, providing convenient for other micro optical device integration, such as spectroscope and reflector. Meanwhile, the micro lens arrays can be integrated in the micro flow cytometry to make fluorescence detection of sample flow, which greatly improves the detection accuracy. Key words:micro lens array; SU-8; lithography process; tilt lithography;system integration DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.009EEACC:2575D

P192- NiCu 双金属电极电催化析氢 徐志花 1,2, 徐瑜 1,2, 严朝雄 2 2, 杨水彬 (1. 武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室, 武汉 430070; 2. 黄冈师范学院化工学院, 湖北黄冈 438000) 摘要 : 采用恒电流共沉积方法制备了具有纳米结构的 NiCu 双金属电极 采用线性扫描 塔 菲尔曲线 电流时间曲线及电化学阻抗谱对 NiCu 双金属电极电催化析氢的性能进行了测试 ; 并且还利用 X 射线衍射 (XRD) 扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 和循环伏安测试手段对其组成 相 结构和表面形貌进行了表征和分析 实验结果表明,NiCu 双金属电极的电催化析氢性能明 显优于 Ni 电极或 Cu 电极, 这可能与 Cu 和 Ni 的协同作用有关 在所研究的 NiCu 双金属电 极中,NiCu0.04 具有较好的电化学析氢活性, 这主要与其电化学反应电阻较小和比表面积 较大有关 关键词 : 析氢 ; 催化活性 ; 电沉积 ;NiCu 电极 ; 合金电极 ; 电催化 中图分类号 :O646.5 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0192-05 Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution of NiCu Double Metal Electrodes Xu Zhihua1,2, Xu Yu1,2, Yan Zhaoxiong2, Yang Shuibin2 (1.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; 2. College of Chemical Engineering, Huanggang Normal University, Huanggang 438000, China) Abstract:The NiCu double metal nanostructure electrodes were prepared by constant current co deposition method. The performance for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution of the NiCu double metal electrodes was tested by linear scanning, Tafel curve, current-time curve and electrochemical impedance spectrum. The composition, phase structure and surface morphology of the NiCu double metal electrodes were characterized by X-ray diffraction(xrd), scanning electron microscope(sem) and cyclic voltammetric method. The results show that the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance of the NiCu double metal is better than that of the Ni or Cu electrode, which can probably be attributed to the synergistic effect of Ni and Cu. Among the researched NiCu double metal electrodes, NiCu0.04 electrode has the better electrochemical activity for hydrogen evolution, which is mainly due to its smaller electrochemical reaction resistance and larger specific surface area. Key words:hydrogen evolution; catalytic activity; electrodeposition; NiCu electrode; alloy electrode; electrocatalysis DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.010EEACC:0530

P197- 铌酸锂干法刻蚀的研究进展 要彦清, 李金洋, 吴建杰, 陈方, 祁志美 ( 中国科学院电子学研究所传感技术国家重点实验室, 北京 100190) 摘要 : 概述了近年来国内外对铌酸锂 (LN) 晶体干法刻蚀技术的研究进展 根据刻蚀原理和特点, 现有的 LN 干法刻蚀技术可分为等离子体刻蚀 激光微加工技术和 Ti 扩散电化学刻蚀 对各刻蚀方法及其研究进展进行了总结, 分析了不同干法刻蚀方法之间的区别和联系, 并对各方法中存在的问题进行了探讨 其中等离子体刻蚀技术由于其良好的图形转移特性, 得到了最广泛的应用 ; 激光微加工技术在制备光子晶体结构和微光栅结构中具有独特的优势 ;Ti 扩散电化学刻蚀 LN 为制备大尺寸的 LN 基结构指明了新的方向 关键词 : 集成光学 ; 光学器件 ; 铌酸锂 ; 干法刻蚀 ; 反应离子刻蚀中图分类号 :TN305.7;TH703 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0197-11 Research Development on LiNbO3 Dry Etching Yao Yanqing,Li Jinyang,Wu Jianjie,Chen Fang,Qi Zhimei (State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology, Institute of Electronics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China) Abstract:The dry etching technology for lithium niobate (LN) crystal is reviewed. According to the etching mechanism and characteristics, the existing LN dry etching methods can be classified as the plasma etching, laser micromachining technique and Ti diffusion electrochemical etching. The etching methods and research progress are summarized. The difference and relationship of the different etching methods are analyzed, and the problems of the etching methods are discussed. The plasma etching technology is most widely used because of its excellent pattern transfer characteristics. The laser micromachining technique has the unique advantages in the preparation of the photonic crystal structure and micro grating structure. The Ti diffusion electrochemical etching indicates a new development direction for the fabrication of large scale pattern on LN. Key words:integrated optics; optical devices; lithium niobate (LN); dry etching; reactive ion etching DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.011EEACC:2575D

P208- 硫化镉晶片抛光工艺研究 孙涛, 李强 ( 中国电子科技集团公司第四十六研究所, 天津 300220) 摘要 : 研究了硫化镉 (CdS) 晶片 Cd 面的化学机械抛光 (CMP) 工艺 采用硅溶胶抛光液和 NaClO 氧化剂, 分别使用聚氨脂和磨砂革抛光垫进行粗抛和精抛实验, 并研究了氧化剂掺入量 抛光转速 抛光压力等工艺条件对 CdS 晶片表面质量的影响 结果表明, 在抛光液中氧化剂体积分数为 6% 左右 抛光盘的转速为 90~100r/min 压强为 55~60 g/cm2 条件下可得到平整度较好 表面缺陷低 表面粗糙度低的高质量抛光表面 金相显微镜和微分干涉显微镜下观测抛光片表面无划痕 无桔皮产生, 原子力显微镜测试得到抛光后 CdS 晶片 Cd 面的表面粗糙度值仅为 0.385 nm 关键词 : 硫化镉 (CdS); 化学机械抛光 (CMP); 氧化剂 ; 原子力显微镜 (AFM); 表面粗糙度中图分类号 :TN305.2 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1671-4776(2012)03-0208-05 Investigation on the Polishing Process of Cadmium Sulfide Wafers Sun Tao, Li Qiang (The 46th Research Institute,CETC, Tianjin 300220, China) Abstract:The chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process for cadmium (Cd)surface of cad mium sulfide (CdS) wafer was studied. With the silica sol as the polishing slurry and NaClO as the oxidant, the rough polishing and fine polishing experiments were carried out using polyurethane and nubuck polishing pads, respectively. The influences of the processing conditions of the oxidant amount, polishing speed and polishing pressure on the surface quality of CdS wafers were researched. The results show that the high quality polished surface with good flatness, low surface defects and low surface roughness was obtained under the conditions of the oxidant volume fraction of about 6%, the polishing speed of 90-100 r/min and the pressure of 55-60 g/cm2. The polished surface without scratch and range peel was observed by the metallographic microscope and differential interference microscope. The AFM testing results show that the surface roughness value of the polished Cd-surface for CdS wafer is only 0.385 nm. Key words:cadmium sulfide(cds); chemical mechanical polishing(cmp); oxidant; atomic force microscope(afm); surface roughness DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2012.03.012EEACC:2550E