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EVA AIR Mar. 2010 1 關於長榮航空 2

公司沿革 1989/4/7 登記成立 1991/7/1 首航, 正式開始營運 1999/10/27 本公司股票於櫃臺買賣中心掛牌交易 2001/9/17 於台灣證券交易所掛牌買賣 3 股東結構 主要股東 : 長榮海運, 長榮國際 市場價值 : 新台幣 420 億元 (2009 年 12 月 31 日 ) Foreign Institution & individual 24% 流通在外股數 :29.6 億股 Chang (2009 年 12 月 31 日 ) Family Evergreen 10% Int'l Corp. 13% Other 34% Evergreen Marine Corp.(TWN) 19% 4

5 營運內容營運內容營運內容營運內容 經營國際運輸業務經營國際運輸業務經營國際運輸業務經營國際運輸業務 主要營運機場為台灣桃園國際機場第主要營運機場為台灣桃園國際機場第主要營運機場為台灣桃園國際機場第主要營運機場為台灣桃園國際機場第 2 航廈航廈航廈航廈 Cargo 33% Other 7% Passenger 60% 2009 Revenue 6 服務航點服務航點服務航點服務航點 CTU NGB TSN HGH CAN PEK PVG China DXB* Middle East TPE SUB SIN SGN SDJ PNH PEN* NGO NRT MNL MFM KUL KMQ KIX KHH ICN HKG HAN FUK DPS DEL* CTS CGK BKK Asia CDG FRA* VIE LHR BRU* AMS Europe BNE Oceania IAH* YVR SFO SEA ORD* LAX JFK* EWR DFW* ATL* ANC* America * 僅提供貨運服務僅提供貨運服務僅提供貨運服務僅提供貨運服務僅提供貨運服務僅提供貨運服務僅提供貨運服務僅提供貨運服務共計共計共計共計共計共計共計共計 50 50 個航點個航點個航點個航點個航點個航點個航點個航點

2009 營收分布 Oceania 1% S.E.Asia 11% HKG 7% MFM 3% China 6% Other 1% E.Asia 8% Europe 15% 2009 revenue America 48% 7 人力資源 員工人數 每位員工營收 ( 新台幣仟元 ) 6,000 5,000 14,631 16,752 17,363 17,678 18,068 18,997 16,800 20,000 18,000 16,000 4,000 14,000 12,000 3,000 10,000 2,000 4,469 4,934 5,098 5,312 5,153 4,772 4,362 8,000 6,000 1,000 4,000 2,000-2,003 2,004 2,005 2,006 2,007 2,008 2009 - Head counts Revenue per employee (NT'000) 8

策略 9 策略規劃 機隊現代化與一致化 持續投入客機營運於高利潤之地點, 如美洲 東北亞與中國大陸 持續擴張東南亞與中國大陸之貨運市場 10

公司策略 長期經營計劃 藉由直航經營大陸航線 投資航空相關事業 與當地業者合作建立運輸網路 風險管理 油價波動 廉價航空競爭 台灣航空貨運業衰退 11 展望 12

2010 展望 世界景氣不確定性 直航效益視高效益航點之航次數而定, 如上海 北京 持續成本控制與流程檢討, 預期將增加利潤與提升效率 13 2010 展望 2010 年接收 3 架全新 B777-300ER 客機, 將投入大陸航線與長程航線營運 2010 年 3 月開航台北 - 多倫多航線, 每週營運 3 班 台北 - 曼谷 - 倫敦將由目前之每週 6 班增加為每週 7 班 14

直航議題 需求成長潛力大 2008 年台灣前往中國大陸旅客為 439 萬人次, 同年度台灣出國人數 847 萬人次, 前往中國大陸旅客佔總出國人數 52% 2008 年中國大陸前往台灣之旅客人數為 29 萬人次, 同年度前往台灣旅客人數為 385 萬人次, 前往台灣旅客佔台灣總訪客 7.6% 15 直航議題 直航發展 持續與中國大陸協商, 包括增加航次數 增加航點或轉口貨相關議題 航次數由原本每週之 135 班增加為每週 270 班 預期大陸來台觀光客增加為單日 10,000 人次 16

EVA AIR Mar. 2010 1 About EVA 2

Major Milestones Established on April 7, 1989 Maiden Flight on July 1, 1991 Listed on OTC Market on October 27,1999 Listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) on September 17, 2001 3 Shareholding Structure 100% privately owned An affiliate of Evergreen Marine Corp., a prestigious container carrier Market Cap: NT$ 42 billion Shares Outstanding : 2.96 billion shares Foreign Institution & individual 24% Chang Family 10% Evergreen Int'l Corp. 13% Other 34% Evergreen Marine Corp.(TWN) 19% 4

Core Business Operate only international business. Main hub is Terminal 2, Taoyuan International Airport, Taipei. Other 7% 2009 Revenue Cargo 33% Passenger 60% 5 Network America ANC* SFO ATL* YVR DFW* IAH* EWR JFK* LAX ORD* SEA Oceania BNE Europe AMS BRU* LHR VIE FRA* CDG BKK CGK CTS DEL* DPS FUK HAN HKG Asia ICN KHH KIX KMQ KUL MFM MNL NRT NGO PEN* PNH SDJ SGN SIN SUB TPE China PVG PEK CAN HGH TSN NGB CTU Middle East DXB* * Destinations served by freighter only Total: 50 Destinations 6

Revenue by regions Oceania 1% S.E.Asia 11% HKG 7% MFM 3% China 6% Other 1% E.Asia 8% Europe 15% 2009 revenue America 48% 7 Human Resource Head counts Revenue per employee (NT'000) 6,000 5,000 14,631 16,752 17,363 17,678 18,068 18,997 16,800 20,000 18,000 16,000 4,000 14,000 12,000 3,000 10,000 2,000 4,469 4,934 5,098 5,312 5,153 4,772 4,362 8,000 6,000 1,000 4,000 2,000-2,003 2,004 2,005 2,006 2,007 2,008 2009 - Head counts Revenue per employee (NT'000) 8

Strategies 9 Strategic Planning Fleet modernization and uniformity Business Mix Optimizing passenger fleet for lucrative US, Northeast Asia and Mainland China markets Continuing cargo expansion in Southeast Asia, Mainland China. 10

Corporate Strategy Long term Business Plan Capture China market through direct link Target investment-related business in China Establish local network with all partners Risk Management Fuel price volatility Growing threats from low cost carriers Declining trend of Taiwan air cargo business 11 Outlook 12

2010 Outlook Uncertainty on Global economic The advantage of Cross Strait Direct Link depends on the frequencies limitation on the more lucrative destinations, i.e, Shanghai and Beijing. Yield on passenger takes time to resume to higher level as in 2008. The implementation of cost down measures and organization & process reengineering are expected to lift profitability and efficiency. 13 2010 Outlook Three additional B777-300s have been delivered in turn and deployed on Transpacific routes and Mainland China. Launch new Taipei-Toronto v.v. service for three weekly flights in March. Taipei-Bangkok-London v.v. will be added as daily services from 6/w. 14

Direct Link Enormous demand and great potential In 2008, Taiwanese traveling to Mainland decline 5.2% to 4.39 million which accounted for 52% of 8.47million overall Taiwanese outbound travelers. For counterpart, the 2008 arrival of Mainland citizens stood at 291,696 which accounted only for 7.63% of 3.85 million overall inbound arrival. 15 Direct Link (Cont.) Going Forward Negotiate extended scope of direct link, including frequency increase, transit cargo, route profile optimization. Implement regular services from 135 flights to 270 flights per week. Visas granted to mainland visitors will ultimately increase to 10,000 per day. 16