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16,36(4) 961~969 China Environmental Science 19~12 1 1, 2, 3, 1 (1.,,,,, 244 2., 28 3., 81) 19~12,.:,,.,, ;,.,,,,. 9.,,,,. X513 A 6923(16)4 961 9 Spatial and temporal distribution characteristic of fog days and haze days from 19~12 and impact factors over the Yangtze River Delta Region. GUO Ting 1,2, ZHU Bin 1,2*, KANG Zhi-ming 3, GUI Hai-ling 3, KANG Han-qing 1,2, (1.Key Laboratory for Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation of China Meteorological Administration, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 244, China 2.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 244, China 3.National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 81, China). China Environmental Science, 16,36(4) 961~969 Abstract Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of Fog days and haze days and connecting factors have been analysed by applying meteorological data from 42 surface weather stations in the Yangtze River Delta region from 19 to 12. Results show that: In terms of spatial distribution,the major fog values are distributed in east coastal area of Yancheng city, Huangshan mountain and east coastal area of Zhejiang, while the major haze values are distributed in Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Quzhou, together with other surrounding cities. In terms of temporal distribution, the annual fog days in large cities has increased since the 19s but discreased in 19s; the fog days at small cities has a time lag compared to the evolution at the large cities. Monthly variation of fog days for the large cities appeared with high frequency in winter and spring while less and least in autumn and summer, Monthly variation of fog days for the small cities displayed bimodal trend, with more fog days in spring and winter. Average number of haze days at large cities and small cities depicted a increasing trend, and the differences in the number of haze days for large and small cities had been widening after 199s. The rising temperature caused by regional climate change and urbanization and the high aerosol abundance caused by heavy air pollution led to the major reason of the different variation characteristics of haze days and fog days in Yangtze River Delta region. However, due to the complicated interaction between each influencing factors, intensive investigation is still required for further study. Key words fog haze climate change urbanization air pollution 15 7 16 (41575148,91544229);()(111); (12KJA13) *,, binzhu@nuist.edu.cn

962 36 3 EOS/MODISW,, 4,.,. [],,,. [1],.Quan [11],, 1.km, km.shi [12].,,. [13] [2]., 47,, 3.Delfino [3] PM O 3 SO 2 EC OC. VOC S,.,, (, ), SO 2,,.Schichtele [14 16]. [4] 19~1995,, %, SO 2 [17 ]. %.Vautard [5] 342, 3,.Doyle and Dorling [6] Ridit, 8 19~1997,, 1973.,,,,,.Zhang [7] 1 REOF,. 4 1 : 1.1. [8] 35 714,,,, 19~12 4 (2: 8: 14:. [9] :) 1954~4 1~,

4 19~12 963. 1.2, 21.7 km 2,....,. 3-85% - 9% - 95% a. 19 19 19 199 3-85% - 9% - 95% b. 19 19 19 199 1 19~12 85% 9% 95% Fig.1 The average distribution of fog days hazedays in Yangtze River Delta region in the range of RH<85% RH<9% RH<95% [21] %, 9%, %~9%,. 1,.,,. [22] 9%, RH<9% [4,6]. (2: 8: 14: :) 1km, 9%,, [23] 14:, km, 9% 14 1( ) 2( ) 3() 4() 5( ) () 42( ). ( m<vis< m, m<vis<m, 5km<vis< km, 3km<vis<5km, 2km<vis<3km,<2km)., 41. 2 2.1 2.,,,,,. [24],.19~1969, d,

964 36 2d. d.19~19,.19~199,, d, 63d, 99d, 2d.199~1999,.~12, 33d, 61d. 19~12 ( 2f), (), 14.1 T,16 ( ), 6.1 T,. 3,19~1969 d, d.19~1979.19~1989, d, 1d, 1d, 142d.199~1999,, 19~1989.~12,,,,,,. 19~12 ( 3f),36 ( ), 33.1 T,, 5 (), 2 ().1 T. [] 3, 71%. a. 19~1969 b. 19~1979 c. 19~1989 3 N 35 15 3 N 35 15 3 N 35 15 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E d. 199~1999 e. ~12 f. 19~12 3 N 35 15 3 N 35 3 N -.87~-.7 -.7~-.6 -.6~-.5 -.5~-.4 -.4~-.3 -.3~-.2 -.2~- ~.2.2~.3.3~.5.5~.7 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 2 19~12 Fig.2 The average distribution of fog days in Yangtze River Delta region

4 19~12 965 a. 19~1969 b. 19~1979 c. 19~1989 3 N 1 1 3 N 1 1 3 N 1 1 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 3 N f. 19~12 d. 199~1999 e. ~12 1 1 1 1 <-.5 3 N 3 N.~.1.1~.2.2~.3.3~.4.4~.9 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 116 E 118 E 1 E 122 E 3 19~12 Fig.3 The average distribution of haze days in Yangtze River Delta region -.5~-.4 -.4~-.3 -.3~-.2 -.2~-.1 -.1~-. 2.2 [26],,. 4a, 53. 19, 3.1d/a, 21d( 1), 19 3d,.35d/a,21 15d( 1), 12d., 8.3d/a, 38d( 1), 7.4d/a, 11 18d. 4b,, 9. 11d/a, 11d 21 62d., 8.4d/a, 6d 21 41d( 1). 4c, 53.3 /a.23 /a,,,,.6.54,.1 T, [27 29].,,,, [3 31]. 19, 19~12. 5, 19,19~1995, 1995.

966 36.,,, 21, 9,. 6,,,,, [32].,,.,, [33].,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,. 3 a 19 19 19 199 b 19 19 19 199 ( ) 19 18 17 16 15 c 14 19 19 19 199 ( ) 4 19~12, Fig.4 The annual variations of fog days, haze days, temperature and relative humidity in Yangtze River Delta region from 19 to 12 18 16 14 12 8 6 a. 4 19 1985 199 1995 5 3 b. 19 1985 199 1995 5 5 19~12 Fig.5 The annual variations of fog days, haze days with different level in Yangtze River Delta from 19 to 12 2.3 2.3.1,,,.,, [4 6]. 6 ()19~12

4 19~12 967. 6,,,,,.( )(,),,, 5 4 3,,. 7, 2 1, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12. [34]. [35].,,,. 199,.,, 6 19~12 Fig.6 The monthly change of fog days and haze days of big cities and small cities in Yangtze River Delta during 19 to 12 1 Table 1 Decadal changes of big and small cities in Yangtze River Delta (d) 19~ 19~ 19~ 199~ ~ 19~ 1969 1979 1989 1999 12 12,. 19 17 21 22 18 15 18 31 38 31 22 29 21,, 11 37 38 62 35 6 13 21 29 41 22, d 21 d. 2.3.2,, 21 1~2d, ~d. 3a,,, 7 (),,( ) 9 21,,,,,,,,,.,., (), 3., (),,.,,, ( 4 7).

9 36,,. 2 1 1 ( ) ( ) 3 3 2 1 18.5 a. 18. 17.5 17. 16.5 16. 15.5 15. 14.5 66 64 19 19 19 199 17. 16.5 16. 15.5 15. 14.5 c. 66 14. 64 19 19 19 199 ( ).5. 9.5 9. 8.5 8. 7.5 7. e. 19 19 19 199 (%) (%) (%) 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) 18.5 18. 17.5 17. 16.5 16. 15.5 15. 14.5 b. 66 64 19 19 19 199. 19.5 19. 18.5 18. 17.5 d. 66 17. 64 19 19 19 199 17.5 17. 16.5 16. 15.5 f. 15. 19 19 19 199 7,, Fig.7 The annual variations of fog days, haze days, temperature, relative humidity of Nanjing, Hefei, Lishui, Shouxian, Huangshan, Shengsi (%) (%) (%) 3 3.1,,. 3.2,, ;,.,,. 3.3,,,

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