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Personal Banking Standard Fees and Commissions 零售业务收费标准 Version: April 2018 版本 : 2018 年 4 月

Contents 目录 1. Standard transactions and services( 日常交易和服务 )... 1 2. Cash withdrawals( 现金支取 )... 2 3. Overview of transfer costs( 转账交易 )... 2 4. Custody account( 托管账户 )... 3 5. Securities transactions( 证券交易 )... 3 6. Safe-deposit boxes and other services( 保管箱和其他服务 )... 4 7. Internet banking( 网上银行 )... 4

1. Standard transactions and services 日常交易和服务 Current Accounts 活期账户 Account opening 账户开立 0 EUR Account maintenance fee* 账户管理费 * 0 EUR/annum Closing of Accounts 关户 *A fee of 6 euro (or equal) will be charged on a quarterly basis for accounts with balance less than 50 euro (or equivalent: 100 USD, 500 CNY, 50 GBP, 500 HKD, 100 CHF) * 余额少于 50 欧元 ( 或等值货币如 :100 美元,500 人民币,50 英镑,500 港币,100 瑞郎 ) 的账户将按季度收费 6 欧元 ( 或等值 ) 管理费 Account Statements 银行对账单 Paper- free 电子渠道 Mailing 邮寄 5 EUR per statement Miscellaneous Services 其他服务 Enquiry less than 1 year 25 EUR 1 年内的交易查询 Enquiry between 1 year and 3 year 50 EUR 1 年至 3 年的交易查询 Enquiry between 3 years and 5 years 100 EUR 3 年至 5 年的交易查询 Enquiry between 5 years and 10 years 175 EUR 5 年至 10 年的交易查询 Foreign exchange 外汇兑换 1 P a g e

2. Cash withdrawals 现金支取 EUR 欧元 Foreign currencies 1% 其它货币 3. Overview of transfer costs 转账交易费用 Transfers Outward remittance 转账 汇出汇款 Inside Luxembourg (EUR) 2 EUR per transaction 卢森堡境内欧元 ) Inside Luxembourg (Foreign currencies) 0.30% 卢森堡境内 ( 其它货币 ) min. 10 euro max. 300 euro Outside Luxembourg 0.30% 卢森堡境外 min. 10 euro max. 300 euro RMB Pre-Settlement transfer* 人民币预结汇汇款 * Pre-settlement remittance transfer to China 预结汇汇款至中国 0.30% (from EUR or USD account) ( 从欧元或美元账户 ) min. 10 euro max. 300 euro *Pre-settlement means that the exchange rate will be established the day of the transfer and will be used to convert the amount in China (in RMB) * 预结汇即外汇在中国结汇时使用汇款当日锁定的汇率 Bank of China Internet Outward remittance 网银汇出汇款 Inside Luxembourg (EUR) 2 EUR per transaction 卢森堡境内欧元 ) Inside Luxembourg (Foreign currencies) 0.20% 卢森堡境内 ( 其它货币 ) min. 2 euro Outside Luxembourg 0.20% 卢森堡境外 min. 2 euro RMB pre-settlement remittance transfer to China 人民币预结汇汇款至中国 0.20% (from EUR or USD account) ( 从欧元或美元账户 ) min. 2 euro Transfers Inward remittance 转账 汇入汇款 Inward remittance 汇入汇款 2 P a g e

4. Custody account 托管账户 Custody charges* 托管收费 ( 元 / 月 )* Equities 股票 Hong Kong stocks 香港股票 15 HKD or 10 RMB per month European stocks 欧洲股票 2 EUR per month US stocks 美国股票 2 USD per month Mutual funds 共同基金 Hong Kong dollar share class 港币份额 50 HKD per month Euro share class 欧元份额 5 EUR per month US dollar share class 美元份额 6 USD per month CNY share class 人民币份额 40 CNY per month *Debited from the clients account each month, if held less than one month it will be billed as one month * 每月从客户账户中扣款, 若托管时间不足一个月则视同为一个月 5. Securities transactions 证券交易 Buying and selling of shares and ETFs* 股票和 ETF 买卖 * Hong Kong stock exchange 香港交易所 European stock exchange 欧洲交易所 US stock exchange 美国交易所 0.80%, min. 300 HKD or 300 RMB 0.80%, min. 30 EUR 0.80%, min. 30 USD Buying and selling of bonds* 债券买卖 * Primary and secondary markets 一级市场和二级市场 0.50%, min. 50 EUR Investment funds* 投资基金 * Equity funds 股票型基金 3.00% Bond funds 债券型基金 2.00% Money market funds 货币市场基金 1.00% Hong Kong dollar share class 港币份额 Euro share class 欧元份额 US dollar share class 美金份额 CNY share class 人民币份额 min. 500 HKD per transaction min. 50 EUR per transaction min. 60 USD per transaction min. 400 CNY per transaction *Excluding any local taxes, broker fees and handling fees * 不包含当地税费 经纪费和处理费 3 P a g e

6. Safe-deposit boxes and other services 保险箱和其他服务 Safe-deposit boxes 保险箱 Small box 小箱 50 EUR per annum Big box 大箱 95 EUR per annum Guarantee 保证金 500 EUR Fee for drilling the box 凿箱费 30 EUR + external fee* 外部费用 Fee for lost key 钥匙丢失补办费 100 EUR *External fee is the actual cost paid directly to the company which will drill the box * 外部费用为客户直接支付凿箱公司的实际费用 Travelers cheques 旅行支票 Collection of travelers cheque 旅行支票托收 10 EUR Postal charge per encashment 旅行支票兑付 10 EUR Encashment charge in EURO 欧元兑付费用 0.75% min. 5 EUR Certificate 证明 Certificate of deposit balance 50 EUR per certification 存款余额证明 Management Fee 管理费 Dormant client management fee* 休眠客户管理费 * 200 EUR/annum * No activities from your side on any of your accounts (single or joint) for at least 3 years; and your personal data has not been updated in the past 3 years. * 若所有账户至少三年没有主动交易 ( 个人账户或联名账户 ), 以及客户信息过去三年没有更新, 视为休眠客户 7. Internet Banking 网上银行 Bank of China Internet Service 中国银行网银服务 Internet service 网银服务 E-token 电子令牌申领 10 EUR E-token lost 电子令牌丟失补办 15 EUR Mailing of E-token 电子令牌邮寄 10 EUR 4 P a g e