HEARTSTRINGS OST Jung Yong Hwa 그리워서 (Because I Miss You) lyrics ROMANIZED: Neul ddok gat eun ha neul e neul gat eun ha ru Geu dae ga eobs neun geot ma

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该 奈 自 受 PZ 多 透 soc i e B t h y. y t is NA YL OR exp os ed t h a t b e i n g wh o res or sa in t es s e s we r e m ad e n b ot om. M ean wh i l e NA YL

外 国 语 文 研 究 2012 年 第 2 辑 ; 总 第 5 辑 仅 表 现 在 语 音 语 调 上, 也 表 现 在 词 汇 甚 至 句 法 结 构 上 ; 社 会 方 言 具 有 社 会 指 示 功 能, 能 够 反 映 说 话 人 的 社 会 属 性 除 了 受 过 专 门 训 练, 每

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HEARTSTRINGS OST Jung Yong Hwa 그리워서 (Because I Miss You) lyrics ROMANIZED: Neul ddok gat eun ha neul e neul gat eun ha ru Geu dae ga eobs neun geot mal go neun dal la jin ge eobs neun de Nan ut go man ship eun de da ij eun deus i A mu il a neun deut geu reoh ge Us eu myeon sal go peun de Geu ri weo geu ri weo seo geu dae ga geu ri weo seo Mae il nan hon ja seo man geu dae reul bu reu go bul leo bwa yo Bo go pa bo go pa seo geu dae ga bo go pa seo I je nan seub gwan cheo reom geu dae i reum man bu reu ne yo O neul do Nan bo naen jul al att jyo da nam gim eobs i TRANSLATION Always the exactly same sky and always the same day Only thing that is different is that you are not here I thought I ve let you go. Without anything left No, no. I still haven t been able to let you go Longing for you, I am longing for you. Because I am longing for you, I call you and call you by myself everyday Missing you, I am missing you. Because I am missing you, now I just call out your name like a habit. Even today Day by day, I feel like I am dying, so what could I do? Love you, Love you. I love you. Without even being able to tell you these, I ve had to let you go like that Sorry, I am sorry. Can you hear me?

A ni jyo a ni jyo nan a jik geu dae reul mot bo naett jyo Geu ri weo geu ri weo seo geu dae ga geu ri weo seo Mae il nan hon ja seo man geu dae reul bu reu go bul leo bwa yo Could you be able to hear my late confession? I love you. Bo go pa bo go pa seo geu dae ga bo go pa seo I je nan seub gwan cheo eom geu dae i reum man bu reu ne yo O neul do Ha ru ha ru ga juk eul geot man gat eun eo ddeoh ge hae ya hae yo Sa rang hae sa rang hae yo geu dae reul sa rang hae yo Mal jo cha mot ha go seo geu dae reul geu reoh ge bo naett ne yo Mi an hae mi an hae yo nae mal i deul li na yo Dwi neus eun nae go baek eul geu daen deul eul su iss eul gga yo Sa rang hae yo

Kang Min Hyuk 별 (Byeol/Star) ROMANIZED: Translation Ha neul e bit na deon byeol i Jeo meol li bit na deon byeol i Nae mam e nae ryeo watt na bwa Ga seum e sae gyeo jin byeol i Ga seum e bit na deon byeol i A ma neo in geot gat a Ddeol li neun so ri ga deul li ni Oh, star Ddeu geo un shim jang eul neu ggi ni You re my star A ju o raen meon yet nal bu teo nag gum gweo watt deon sa rang i Neo in geol al a Eon je na ham gge hae jweo A ju o raen shi gan eul neo do Neul gat eun ja ri e seo bit na ju gil Nae mam neo e ge man bil ryeo jul ge Gan ju Star that shines in the sky Star that shines far away from me Seems like you came down to my heart Star engraved in my heart Star that shines in my heart I think that might be you Can you hear a quavering voice? Oh star Can you feel my passionate heart? you re my star From a very long time ago I know that you are the love I ve been dreaming of Let us always be together Even if time passes (hope that you) Always shine on the same place My heart, will only be given to you

Ga seum e sae gyeo jin byeol i Ga seum e bit na deon byeol i A ma neo in geot gat a Ddeol li neun so ri ga deul li ni Oh, star Ddeu geo un shim jang eul neu gg ni You re my star A ju o raen meon yet nal bu teo na ggum gweo watt deon sa rang i Neo in geol al a Eon je na ham gge hae jweo A ju o raen shi gan eul heul leo do Neul gat eun ja ri e seo bit na ju gil Nae mam neo e ge man jul ge Ni mam sok e sae gyeo jin byeol do Ni mam sok bit na deon byeol do Na i gil ba rae yeong weon hae Nae mam neo man ba ra bol geo ya Ddo neo do na man eul ba ra bwa jul lae U ri seo ro eui byeol i doe ~ ju gil Star engraved in my heart Star that shines in my heart I think that might be you Can you hear a quavering voice? Oh star Can you feel my passionate heart? you re my star From a long time ago I know that you are the love I ve been dreaming of Let us always be together Even if time passes (hope that you) Always shine on the same place My heart, will only be given to you The star engraved in your heart The star that shines in your heart, I hope that is me Forever I will love you My eyes will only look at you oh oh will you only look at me too Let us be each others star M Signal I Don't Know ROMANZIED: ENGLISH Geudael mannago sarangeul hago Geureon sarange apaman hago Dagaseojido mothan chae Barabogiman haneun nan baboinga bwayo Geudaega ulmyeon nado ureotgo I met you, loved you and hurt by that love Just looking at you without being beside you, I m a fool. When you cried, I cried. When you smiled, I smiled. Like a child, just following you whatever you

Geudae useumyeon nado useoyo Eorinai cheoreom manyang Geudaeman ttara haneun nan baboinga bwa Saranghandago malhaedo mot deunna bwa Sarangirago malhaedo moreuna bwa Gaseume heureuneun nae nunmureul geudaen Bol su eopna bwa Geudae ireum bulleobwado mot deunna bwa Geudae ppunirago haedo moreuna bwa Nae nunmeon sarangeun hanshimhan sarangeun Hal su eopna bwa Hanbeon irado dorabwa jweoyo Geudae dwieseo naega isseoyo Dareun sarange jichil ttae Dareun sarange apeul ttae hanbeon irado Saranghandago malhaedo mot deunna bwa Sarangirago malhaedo moreuna bwa Gaseume heureuneun nae nunmureul geudaen Bol su eopna bwa Geudae ireum bulleobwado mot deunna bwa Geudae ppunirago haedo moreuna bwa Nae nunmeon sarangeun hanshimhan sarangeun~ do, I m a fool. I love you but you can t hear it, I love you but you don t know it I shed teardrops in my heart but you don t see it I call out your name but you can t hear it. You are the only one for me but you don t know it. My love is blind, my love is poignant, and I can t do that. Just turn around and I m right here behind you. My love is blind, my love is poignant, and I can t do that. When you re tired of someone else s love, hurt by someone else s love I shed teardrops in my heart but you don t see it I call out your name but you can t hear it. You are the only one but you don t know it. My love is blind, my love is poignant, and I can t do that. Today I call you a thousand times.. Even though you can t hear it. I love you so, please look at me I love you so, please come to me Please come one step closer, I will wait for you. I m sorry because I only know you.. I m nothing without you. Because of this bitter love, I call for you You don t know Oneuldo sucheon beon geudael bulleobwayo Mot deudneun geotdo almyeonseo bulleobwayo Geudaereul saranghanikka nareul bwayo Geudaeman saranghanikka naege wayo Hangeoreumman omyeon Geu jarieseo na kidarilkeyo

Geudae bakkeneun mollaseo mianhaeyo Geudaega animyeon naneun andwenikka Jidokhan sarangi Geudaeman bulleoyo geudaen moreujyo 이종현 내사랑아 신사의픔격 CNBLUE OST / Lee Jong Hyun My Love A Gentleman s Dignity OST ROMANIZED: Jangbakke biga naerimyeon gamjwodeul gieokgi nae mameul jeoksigo Ijeun jul alrassdeon saram ohiryeo seonmyeonghi ddo dasi ddeoolla Nae geuriun naeui ENGLISH: When the rain falls out the window, the hidden memories drench my heart The person I thought I forgot clearly floats up in my head instead My love, my love, my love who I long for

moknoha bulleobojiman deutjido mothaneun sarang Nae bogopeun naeui Geudae ireumaneurodo bein deut apeun nae Janggaye eodeumi omyeon sumgyeo non chueokgi nae mameul balkhine Nae geuriun naeui moknoha bulleobojiman deutjido mothaneun sarang Nae bogopeun naeui Geudae ireumaneurodo bein deut apeun nae Uri hamkke useum jieotdeon sungan uri hamkke nunmul heulryeotdeon sungan ije geuman bonaejiman Nae gomaun naeui nae jeonbu dasi undaedo gaseume namgyeojil sarang Nae sojunghan naeui nae sumi da hal ddaekaji ganjikhal naeui nae My love, who I call out as loud as I can but can t hear me My love, my love, my love that I miss Just your name alone cuts me, my painful love, my love When the darkness comes out the window The hidden memories light up my heart My love, my love, my love that I long for My love, who I call out as loud as I can but can t hear me My love, my love, my love who I miss Just your name alone cuts me, my painful love, my love The moments we laughed together The moments we shed tears together Now I let it go but My love, my love, love I am grateful for My love, that stays even if I erase everything My love, my love, my precious love I will cherish you until my breath runs out, my love, my love

Lee hyun My Heartache A Gentleman s Dignity OST ROMANIZED: English Translation Nal dorabwajwoyo gyeote isseoyo gogaereul dollyeobwayo Ttan gotman boneyo neul geuraetdeusi meon gotman boneyo Geu sarameul saranghaneun geudael bomyeonseo sara ganeun ge nae sarangingeol anayo Gaseumi sirin ge baraman boneun ge geudaega eomneun ge seupgwancheoreom Iksukhaejyeo nan apeun juldo moreuneyo Nunmuri naneunde maldo motaneunde useoya haneunde seupgwancheoreom geudae Apeseo babocheoreom saranghaeseo Nunmuri naneunde Dan hanbeonirado geudae himdeulmyeon Turn around and look at me, stay by my side turn your head You only look at other places like always you always look at far places Living while seeing you love that other person Do you know that is my love for you? My heartache, only looking at you, not having you with me I become used to it like a habit so I don t even know that it hurts Though tears form, I don t say anything and I need to smile But like a habit, I foolishly love you in front of you So tears come If you are suffering even once please look at me

nareul bwajullaeyo Ulji mayo ulji mayo geudael bomyeonseo gidohaebwayo naui baraemeul anayo Gaseumi sirin ge baraman boneun ge geudaega eomneun ge seupgwancheoreom Iksukhaejyeo nan apeun juldo moreuneyo Nunmuri naneunde maldo motaneunde useoya haneunde seupgwancheoreom geudae Apeseon babocheoreom saranghaeseo Ireoke utneunde Gaseumi sirin ge baraman boneun ge Moreun cheok haneun ge anin cheok haneun ge mot bon cheok haneun ge geudael Manna maeilmaeil nan mollae baeun sarangijyo Geuriwohaneun de japgoman sipeunde angoman sipeunde saranghanda hanmadijocha Motagoseo doraseojyo Geuriwohaneun de Don t cry, don t cry, I pray as I look at you Do you know this hope of mine? My heartache, only looking at you, not having you with me I become used to it like a habit so I don t even know that it hurts Though tears form, I don t say anything and I need to smile But like a habit, I foolishly love you in front of you So I smile like this My heartache, only looking at you Pretending not to know, pretending that it s not, pretending I didn t see it This is the love that I secretly learned as I met you every single day Though I long for you, I want to hold onto you, I want to just hug you But I couldn t even say the words, I love you, and I turned away Though I long for you Jill Manalo @ sinosijill.weebly.com