[]P. []F Jonathan Fox and Shmuel Sandler, Bringing Religion into Internation

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2017 4 Religions and Diplomacies from the Perspective of Theoretical Changes in International Relations Liu Zhongmin Abstract: Based on analyzing the transformation of religions role from exile to return in international relations, this paper reviews the academic research outcomes on the relationship between religions and diplomacies at home and abroad, and further analyzes the impact of the religions on diplomacy from three perspectives, which respectively are diplomatic concept, diplomatic decision and diplomatic operating mechanism. Viewing from diplomatic concepts, religions have constituted the deep-rooted structure of cultural traditions and values of states. As the kernel of cultural values, religious values have deeply impacted the basis and judgment of the values of states diplomacy. Viewing from diplomatic decisions, the roles of religions are various in countries due to huge differences in their diplomatic decision-making mechanisms. In countries with the unification of the state and the religion, religions impact on diplomatic decision-making mechanisms is dominant and direct, while in countries with the separation of the state and the religion, especially countries with modern democratic institutions is indirect. The impact of religions on diplomatic operation mechanism is even more complex. In this regard, religions unique role is especially highlighted in dynamic processes of goals and topics setting, social mobilization and organizational operation of diplomacies. Key words: Religion; International Relations; Diplomatic Concept; Diplomatic Decision; Diplomatic Mechanism 86