洗衣機 W355H 操作程序 1. 按鍵以開啟機門 2. 在洗衣前, 請先檢查清楚衣物袋內並無任何物件及拉上拉鏈 ( 洗衣機最高負荷 :5.5kg/ 12lbs) 3. 按緊手掣, 關好機門 4. 加添洗衣粉及衣物柔順劑 : 應使用無泡洗衣粉無泡洗衣粉 ( 應使用切物使用過量洗衣粉, 以免機件損壞

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Instructions for the Use of Washing Machine W355H 1. Press to open the door. 2. Be sure all pockets are empty and zips closed before putting the garment into the machine. (Maximum Load: 5.5kg / 12lbs) 3. Close the door properly by pressing the handle tightly. 4. Add washing powder and fabric conditioner: (low suds detergent ( 無泡洗衣粉 ) should be used. Don t add too much detergent, otherwise the machine will shut down) main-wash powder fabric conditioner 5. Press any one of the numbers. (All number is the same program) 6. Insert coins: HK$5 per wash (accept HK$1 or HK$5 only) 7. Press to start the washing procedures. (approx. 45 55 mins.) 8. Raise Repairs order at Hall Security Counter if malfunction is found. SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 11/2011

洗衣機 W355H 操作程序 1. 按鍵以開啟機門 2. 在洗衣前, 請先檢查清楚衣物袋內並無任何物件及拉上拉鏈 ( 洗衣機最高負荷 :5.5kg/ 12lbs) 3. 按緊手掣, 關好機門 4. 加添洗衣粉及衣物柔順劑 : 應使用無泡洗衣粉無泡洗衣粉 ( 應使用切物使用過量洗衣粉, 以免機件損壞 ) 無泡洗衣粉衣物柔順劑 5. 選擇任何洗衣程序 ( 所有號碼皆為同一程序 ) 6. 投入硬幣 : 每次 HK$5 ( 只接受 HK$1 或 HK$5) 7. 按鍵開始洗衣程序 ( 約需 45 55 分鐘 ) 8. 如遇操作失靈, 請到大堂保安管理處填寫報告 SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 11/2011

Instructions for the Use of Washing Machine W455H 1. Make sure all pockets are empty and zips closed before putting the clothes into the machine. (Maximum Load: 5.5kg / 12lbs) 2. Close and lock the door properly. 3. Add washing powder and fabric conditioner: Fabric Softener Liquid Detergent Main Wash: Powder Detergent (low suds detergent ( 無泡洗衣粉 ) should be used. Don t add too much detergent, otherwise the machine will shut down) 4. Insert coins: HK$5 per wash (accept HK$1 or HK$5 only), the washer starts upon enough coins inserted OR Paid by Card: Press PAY IN and place the card on the meter 5. When the washing procedure completed, the screen shows WAIT! DOOR IS LOCKED. Don t open the door at this moment! The door will be unlocked after a few seconds. 6. When the screen shows DOOR CAN BE OPENED, the washer will have an alert sound. Please open the lock and take your clothes.! Raise Repairs order at Hall Security Counter if malfunction is found.

洗衣機 W455H 操作程序 1. 在洗衣前, 請先檢查清楚衣物袋內並無任何物件及拉上拉鏈 ( 洗衣機最高負荷 :5.5kg/ 12lbs) 2. 扭開門鎖, 打開機門, 放入衣物, 然後輕力輕力關門並將門鎖上 3. 加添無泡洗衣粉及衣物柔順劑 : 柔順劑 洗衣液主流 : 無泡洗衣粉 應使用無泡洗衣粉無泡洗衣粉 ( 應使用 切物使用過量洗衣粉, 以免機件損壞 ) 4. 投入硬幣 : 每次 HK$5 ( 只接受 HK$1 或 HK$5), 投入足夠硬幣後, 洗衣程序便自動開始 ; 或拍咭付款 : 按 PAY IN, 然後拍咭付款, 洗衣程序便自動開始 5. 當洗衣程序完成後, 顯示屏會顯示 WAIT! DOOR IS LOCKED 此時請勿強行開門, 待數秒後機門將會解鎖 6. 待見到 DOOR CAN BE OPENED, 洗衣機會發出提示響聲, 請扭開門鎖, 打開機門及取出衣物! 如遇操作失靈, 請到大堂保安櫃位填寫維修表格 SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 12/2011

Instructions for the Use of Dryer T2130 1. Open the door, putting the garment into the machine and close the door properly. (Maximum Load: 5.5kg / 12lbs) 2. Insert coins: HK$1 per 4 mins. (accept HK$1 or HK$5 only) 3. Press to select suitable temperature: High 60 o Cotton and mixed textiles Medium 45 o Delicate textiles No Heat 20 o Wool and silk 4. Press to start the drying procedures. 5. Remove clothes from the tumble dryer as soon as they are dry. This prevents them becoming creased, and reduces the risk of spontaneous ignition. 6. Raise Repairs order at Hall Security Counter if malfunction is found.! Attention: To get the best drying effect, please do the following before use: 1) clean filter, and 2) switch on the exhaust fan. SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 11/2011

乾衣機 T2130 操作程序 1. 開啟機門, 放入衣物, 關好機門 ( 乾衣機最高負荷 :5.5kg/ 12lbs) 2. 投入硬幣 : HK$1 / 4 分鐘 ( 只接受 HK$1 或 HK$5) 3. 按鍵以選擇合適乾衣溫度 : 高熱 60 o 棉質及普通質料 中溫 45 o 人造纖維 冷風 20 o 羊毛及絲質 4. 按鍵開始乾衣程序 5. 為防止衣物變皺, 請於完成乾衣程序後立即把衣物取走 6. 如遇操作失靈, 請到大堂保安管理處填寫報告! 注意事項 : 為達至最佳乾衣效果 在使用前, 請先 1) 清洗乾衣機內之隔塵網, 及 2) 開啟洗衣房內之抽氣扇 SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 11/2011

Instructions for the Use of Dryer T4130 1. Open the door, put the clothes into the dryer and close the door properly. (Maximum Load: 5.5kg / 12lbs) 2. Insert coins: HK$1 per 4 mins. (accept HK$1 or HK$5 only) OR Paid by Card: Press PAY IN to choose total drying minutes, then place the card on the meter 3. Twist the control knob to select suitable temperature and press the knob to confirm: High Temperature 70 o C / Medium Temperature 60 o C / Low Temperature 50 o C / No Heat 4. Press the knob to start the drying procedure. 5. Remove clothes from the tumble dryer as soon as they are dry. This prevents the clothes from becoming creased. 6. Raise Repairs order in Hall Security Counter if malfunction is found.! Attention: To get the best drying effect, please do the following before use: 1) clean filter, and 2) switch on the exhaust fan. SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 12/2011

乾衣機 T4130 操作程序 1. 開啟機門, 放入衣物, 關好機門 ( 乾衣機最高負荷 :5.5kg/ 12lbs) 2. 投入硬幣 : HK$1 / 4 分鐘 ( 只接受 HK$1 或 HK$5) 或拍咭付款 : 按 PAY IN 選擇所需的總乾衣時間, 然後拍咭 3. 轉動旋鈕選擇合適的乾衣溫度, 然後 按下旋鈕確認 : 高溫 70 o C / 中溫 60 o C / 低溫 50 o C / 無溫 4. 再次按下旋鈕開始乾衣程序 5. 為防止衣物變皺, 請於完成乾衣程序後立即把衣物取走 6. 如遇操作失靈, 請到大堂保安櫃位填寫維修表格! 注意事項 : 為達至最佳乾衣效果 在使用前, 請先 1) 清洗乾衣機內之隔塵網, 及 2) 開啟洗衣房內之抽氣扇 SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 12/2011

Instructions for the Use of Hydro-Extractor 1. Open the door and place the load in an even layer all around the drum. 2. Close the door properly by pressing downward strongly. 3. When the START button begins flashing, insert coins HK$3 each cycle (accept HK$1 only). 4. Start the extractor by pressing button. Extraction time is 5 minutes. 5. When the extraction time is over, open the lid by pressing button, turn the lid to the left and take out the linen. 6. Raise Repairs order at Hall Security Counter if malfunction is found. SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 03/2010

脫水機操作程序 1. 開啟機門, 然後平均地放入衣物及頂夾後 2. 按緊並用力用力關好機門 3. 當開始鍵閃燈後, 便可投入硬幣, 每次 HK$3 ( 只接受 HK$1) 4. 投幣後按鍵開始脫水程序, 脫水時間需時 5 分鐘 5. 完成脫水後, 按鍵開啟機門, 推門至左面後提取衣物 6. 如遇操作失靈, 請到大堂保安管理處填寫報告 SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 03/2010

Report Procedure of Laundry Room 1. Please go to G/F Security Counter to get the Request Form. 2. Write down your personal information. (We cannot efficiently process the repairs if there is missing information.) 3. Please F. Laundry Room ( 洗衣房 ). 4. Please item (13) / (16) / (25). 5. Please write down the details. (Please mark the Machine No., e.g. D1 or W5) 6. Return the completed form to the Hall Security Counter. If refund is required, SRO will inform you to get money back by email. SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 09/2009

洗衣房報告程序 1. 請到地下大堂向當值保安員索取維修申請表格填寫 2. 準確地填寫個人資料 ( 漏報資料, 將可能無法處理 ) 3. 請 F. Laundry Room ( 洗衣房 ) 4. 請 (13) / (16) / (25) 5. 詳細填寫機器狀況 ( 另請註明請註明其機身編號如 D1 或 W5) 6. 填妥後, 請交回大堂保安 如食錢, 學生宿舍處將會電郵通知領取相關退款 SRO/Laundry Room/Notices 09/2009