80 Fracture and continuity of culture: Take society of Taiwan as an example Chen, Li-Wen Abstract The culture approving of a lot of different historic

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J.L.A. 1021-2116(2007)16PP.79-112 16 96 12 79 陳麗文 * 摘 要 關鍵詞 Narrative research Fracture of culture Metaphor of others

80 Fracture and continuity of culture: Take society of Taiwan as an example Chen, Li-Wen Abstract The culture approving of a lot of different historical linguistic context, surround about modernity, lofty subject and country's mythical question. This kind history symbolize metaphor with fracture emerging in striking on individual inherent to admit, it is a kind of the wound experience. In the course of historical development, this kind of fracture (the awareness of a kind of estranged or alienation), separated the consciousness and knowledge, because the thought of each culture is unique, have a nature position of life orbit too, influence individual take back the memory to historical cognition of part. The text research by story which tell one's own, on life face what rupture. Discuss how to let life exhibition approve the aspiration of continuity, a kind of reveal to prolong. Catch the feeling in succession, at stereotyped life every day, the ones who rupture with the thought, annotate between language and the texts. This text is via the description of five research objects, with interview and narration method, look over the fracture or continuity of culture. Through researcher's attitude and possibility that tells stories, carry on research and look over the field of vision in annotation explanatory note. Key word: Narrative research, Fracture of culture, Metaphor of others

81 Becker 1997 Mrs. Zabor 1997 1-4 Becker 1997 2 Mrs. Zabor Mrs. Zabor 2001

82 2001 11 Said 1996

83 Said, 1996 49 Dilthey Rudolf A. Makreel, 1975 Husserl 1970 103-185 Gadamer 1994 290-387 participating Gadamer,1994 290 Selbverständnis


85 Becker 1997 5-7 Bhabha 1990 160Locations of Culture will to nationhood syntax of forgetting being obliged to forget Paul Ricoeur 1981 human time

86 narrative mimesis mimesisbarthes 2002 坽 夌 奅 妵 妺

87 坽 夌 奅 performative empowering Becker, 1997, 25-26 Paul Ricoeur 1981 Ricoeur 1981

88 Becker 1997 27 5-3-11

89 Becker 1997 27 Becker 1997 28 1-4-34

90 2-2-3

91 1. 1980 1990 2000 1995 1995 52-55 2. 1885 1945

92 1981 93-104 1981 1981 93-104 2004 1946 1967 1974 2005 1992 3-8 1970

93 1. 1990 4-2-25 Jencks 1996 63-64 NATO WTO J. L. Hobsbawm 1990 182 1780

94 Benedict Anderson 1995 94-10 portable nationality 1990 2.

95 1. 2000 1-40 3-2-21 2001 70 Young 1995 73-98 2000 1948

96 2000 25-40 2. 1970 1977 1970 1977:67 Thomas B. Gold 1995 94-10 1978 1983 1984 Rorty 1996

97 Rorty,1996 12 Rorty 1996 1. 1980 1990 Said 2005 cultural identity

98 2-5-11 2002 Rorty 1996 12-17 2.

99 Leca, 1992 21 Habermas 1984 Habermas, 1984 Lyotard, 1984 Fraser 1992: 88 Benhabib 1992 Benhabib 1992

100 Benhabib 1992 Kant 1965 1. disruption

101 2. Becker 1997 190-121 坽 夌 奅 妵 妺 Becker

102 normalcy collapse

103 1. transformation transcendence

104 2.

105 1.

106 2. Freud 1923: 29 3.

107 4. 1. Gadamer 1986, 394-5

108 2.

109 1995 84 122 52-55 1994 23 1 139-56 1995 106 94-109 1998 10 http://www.ncu.edu.tw/~wenchi/ article/city.html 2000 1948 2 25-45 2001 11 1992 3-8 1993 8 862-69 1989 3-6 1990 1993 87 30-49 1980 14 93-104 1992 35-40 1993 7 14-32 1993 2 173-223 Edward W. Said & Gauri Viswanathan 2005

110 1995 23 9 44-55 1995 23 9 6-43 1998 2004 http://www.fgu.edu.tw/~wclrc/drafts/taiwan/huang/huang-05. htm 2000 1-43 2001 1981 2000 88/12-89/6 437-468 http://www. history.ntu.edu.tw/moeproject/paper/paper_12.pdf. Roland Barthes 2002 1991 164 133-141 1993 28-37 1987 25 1 135-47 1997 269-307 1998 48-52

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