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Relations between China and Iraq since the Iraqi War HUANG Minxing Huang Minxing, Ph D, Professor, Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, Northwest University Abstract Before the Iraqi War, China has kept good relationship with Iraq for long time. Since the end of the War, China took actively part in the reconstruction of Iraq initiated by the UN, in cooperation with the US, other Western countries, Russia and Arab countries, and set up good relationship with the new Iraqi regime. Compared with the prewar period, there has been great change in the Sino-Iraqi economic relations, as shown in rapidly expanding trade, the increased position of energy, China s adverse balance in replace of favorable balance, and the investment of Chinese companies moves from general manufacture and construction contracts to energy and high-level manufacture. China s foreign policy and economic cooperation with the new Iraqi regime have played active role for the stability and development of Iraq, and at the same time, the interests of China have been guaranteed in Iraq. Key Words The Iraqi War; Relation between China and Iraq; Iraq Reconstruction 105