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60 3 Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering 103 9 Vol. 60, No. 3, September 2014 ph ph Value Characteristics and Pomacea Canaliculata Culling Performance of Tea Seed Kernel and Sapindus Doses Wan-Chu Chang * Yi-Lung Yeh 1979 ph 0.2 g1 g10 g50 g 100 g ph 0.2 g 100 g ph 4 ph 4.5 0.2 g 100 g ph 5.3 ph 6 ph ph ABSTRACT Pomacea Canaliculata was introduced in 1979 as the edible snails; however, further it was abandoned, resulted serious loss in agricultural yields and ecological disaster. Based on organic agriculture and ecological protection considerations, this study used *91201 1 1

natural plant extracts from Tea Seed Kernel and Sapindus to prevent Pomacea Canaliculata. By usingphvalue as measurement basis; five concentrations including 0.2 g, 1 g, 10 g, 50 gand 100 gon indoor constant temperature test and outdoor exposure test were determined under different temperatures. Result of experiments showed that Tea Seed Kernel is an acidic substance as the dose increases 0.2 gto 100 g, and thephvalue was 4 and 4.5 in indoor constant temperature test and outdoor exposure test; Sapindus rendered weak acid as the dose increases 0.2 gto 100 g, and thephvalue was 5.3 and 6 in indoor constant temperature test and outdoor exposure test. Tea Seed Kernel and Sapindus was positive correlated withphvalue and temperature, both of these substances have significant effectiveness in killing Pomacea Canaliculata. Concerning on environmental impact, Sapindus release weak acid in environment which is less threatening in soil and water, therefore Sapindus which has same effectiveness with Tea Seed Kernel was selected instead of Tea Seed Kernel as substrate to kill the Pomacea Canaliculata in paddy fields. Keywords: Pomacea Canaliculata, Tea Seed Kernel, Sapindus,pHValue. (Pomacea Canaliculata) 1979 19% 1981 1982 1985 1986 1987 北 北 1989 (1) 1982 (2) 1986 171,425 ha 19,980 ha 3.76% (3) 3,090 (1) 11.69 3.21% 10~50 cm 2~45 北 (4) 151~773 250 7~9 4 7,000~9,000 14~16 3~5 20 30 6 (2) (5) 2

(6) (Anas Platyrhynchos) (Mylopharyngodon Piceus Richardson)(Clarias Batrachus) (7,8) (9) (10) (11) (2,11) (12-15) 100% 21 30 40 89.2%59.7% 46.0% (16) (14) (Fentin Acetate) (2,12,16) 1997 9 1999 1 1 (6) (Metaldehyde) (Niclosamidc) 6%(Metaldehyde)80% 70% (Niclosamidc) 2,4384,900 4,250 (17) 3~4 cm 4 内 (13) 3

ph ph (Tea Seed Meal) 利 (Saponin) 10~15 ppm 力 1~2 1~2 ppm 了 (18) (Saoindus Mukorossi Gaertn.) (Sapondceae)(Sapindus) 40% (19) 0.015 g 10,000 72 90% 0.375 g 8,000 50% 50% 2,500~3,000 8,000 1%24 50% 狀 48 100% (20) 不 (Siphon) (21) ph 3.1 1 60 0.2 g1 g 10 g50 g 100 g 600 cc 20 ph 10 80 80 冷 (22) 3.5 cm 10 4

7.5 0.2 g 1 g 10 g 50 g 100 g 7 6 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 ph 1 3.5 cm 10 3 3 ph 3 ph 2 3.2 2 600 cc 60 0.2 g1 g10 g50 g 100 g 600 cc 4.1 ph 3 0.2 g ph 6.46 6.83 5.73% 1 g ph 6.11 6.36 4.09% 10 g ph 6.02 4.61-23.42% 50 g ph 5.88 4.73-19.56% 100 g ph 5.66 4.02-28.98% 1 g ph 10 g 100 g ph 4 0.2 g ph 5.60 6.10 8.93% 1 g 5

8 0.2 g 1 g 10 g 50 g 100 g 7.5 7 6 5 4 ph 6 7.5 7 6 5 4.5 0.2 g 1 g 10 g 50 g 100 g 4 20 ~29 ph 7.0 6.0 0.2 g 1 g 10 g 50 g 100 g 8.0 7.5 7.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 0.2 g 1 g 10 g 50 g 100 g 5 20~29 ph 7 20~29 ph ph 8 7.35 11.70% 10 g ph 7.86 3-16.92% 50 g ph 7.02 0-21.65% 100 g ph 3 5.38-17.61% 1 g ph 50 g 100 g ph 17% 21% 4.2 ph 20 ~29 ph 5~ 8 0.2 g 7.5 7.0 6.0 0.2 g 1 g 10 g 50 g 100 g 8 20~29 ph ph 6.42 1 1.40% ph 6.73 7.42 10.25% 1 g ph 6.11 5.72 6

-6.38% ph 6.94 7.05 1.59% 10 g ph 5.85 5.30-9.40% ph 6.69 4.74-29.15% 50 g ph 5.80 5.25-9.48% ph 6.45 4.44-31.16% 100 g ph 5.69 5.18-8.96% ph 6.25 4.54-27.36% ph 50 g 0.2 g ph 8 5-0.54% ph 2 6.73 3.12% 1 g ph 1 6.77 3.99% ph 6.64 7.40 11.45% 10 g ph 7.82 7.38-5.63% ph 7.14 6.87-3.78% 50 g ph 6.97 5.99-14.06% ph 7.49 6.21-17.09% 100 g ph 6.47 5.73-11.44% ph 7.37 5.94-19.40% ph ph ph 4.3 5 20 80 100% 20 70% 30 80 100% 24 100% 24 24 ph ( 5~ 8 ) 8 8 0.2 g 100 g ph 6.3~6.8 0.2 g 100 g ph ~7.1 ph 10 g 0.2 g 1 g 18 ~40 3 cm ph 600c.c. 3 cm (1)(1) 9 10 = 0.0006 29.07... (1) 1000 9 10 ph ph ph 7

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