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Taking Medicines Safely Medicines are often part of treatment for illness or injury. Taking medicine is not without some risk for side eects. Follow these tips for taking medicines safely: Keep a list of your medicines with you. Include prescription and over the counter medicines, herbs, vitamins and any home remedies you use. Show this list to all doctors, pharmacists and dentists who are treating you. Take your medicine as ordered by your doctor. Do not change or stop taking any medicine until you talk to your doctor. Take your medicines at the same time each day. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or on a special diet. Get a refill at least one week before your medicine is gone. Throw away unused or expired medicines. Do not take any new herbal products or over the counter medicines without first checking with your doctor or pharmacist. These products may change the way your other medicines work. Do not give your medicines to anyone else. 1

安全服药 药物时常是治疗伤病的一部分 服药不是没有一些发生副作用的风险 遵照以下安全服药的提示 : 随身带一份您的药物列单 包括处方药和柜台即买药 草药 维生素类和任何您使用的民间偏方 将此列单出示给所有为您治疗的医生 药剂师和牙医看 请按医嘱服药 除非先告知您的医生, 否则不可换药或停服任何药物 每天在同一时间服药 请告知您的医生您是否已怀孕 在哺乳或进行特别饮食 在药物用完前至少一个星期时进行添补 丢弃不用或过期的药物 除非先和您的医生或药剂师核实, 否则不可服用任何新的草药品或柜台即买药 这些产品可能会改变其他药物的疗效 请勿将您的药物给其他任何人服用 Taking Medicines Safely. Simplified Chinese. 1

New Medicine Check if the medicine is covered by your insurance or if a generic medicine can be used. Use only one pharmacy so that there is a record of all of your medicines. Ask your doctor or pharmacist these questions: How do I take this medicine? How long do I take this medicine? Do I take it until I am better? Is this a medicine I need to take always to keep my problem under control? What are the side eects and what do I do if they occur? What do I do when I forget to take my medicine? What do I do if I take too much medicine? Can I take this medicine with the other medicines I am taking? Storing Medicine Keep all medicines in their containers unless you are using a pillbox. Store medicines in a cool, dry place. Keep bottles tightly capped and out of the reach of children. Write down this information: What is the name of the medicine? Why do I take it? How much do I take? What times should I take it? 2

新药物 请查实某个药物是否可由您的保险支付或是否可用非品牌药物 请仅用一个药店买药, 以便他们有您所有药物的记录 请向您的医生或药剂师问以下问题 : 我如何服用此药? 我该服用此药多久? 我是否服用它直到我好转? 我是否需要一直服用此药以控制病症? 有什么副作用? 而且如果发生副作用, 我该怎么办? 我忘记服药时该怎么办? 如果我服药过量, 该怎么办? 能否与我正在服用的其他药物一起服用? 储放药物 将所有的药都装在各自药瓶里, 除非您用一个药盒 将药储放在干爽的地方 将药瓶盖盖紧, 不让孩子接触到 请纪录下此信息 : 药名是什么? 我为什么服此药? 我服多少药? 我该在什么时间服药? Taking Medicines Safely. Simplified Chinese. 2

Use the form on the next page to write your medicines down and carry it in your wallet so you have it when you need it. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you have: Any questions about your medicines or how to take them Any side aects Other concerns 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3

请用下一页的表格写下您的药物并将它带在皮夹里, 以便您需要时用 如有以下情况, 请告知您的医生 护士或药剂师 : 对您的药物或该如何服药有任何问题 有副作用 其他问题 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Taking Medicines Safely. Simplified Chinese. 3

Medicine List Name of Medicine Reason I take it How much I take Times I take it My allergies: Key phone numbers: Pharmacy Doctor Poison Control 1-800-222-1222

药物列单 药名我服此药的原因我的药量我的服药时间 过敏 : 重要电话号码 : 药店 医生 毒物控制中心 1-800-222-1222