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5 th Asian Bauxite & Alumina Conference 第五届亚洲铝土矿 & 氧化铝会议 Ron Knapp International Aluminium Institute 罗恩 耐普 国际铝业协会

What does our work look like over the next two days? 未来两天我们的工作是? Keynote panel: Have the Asian bauxite and alumina market conditions changed in the past year? 主题讨论 : 在过去一年中亚洲的铝土矿和氧化铝市场状况是否发生改变? Panellists: Kirill Bezzubov, UC Rusal Director of Alumina and Bauxite Supply Department Kathrine Fog, Norsk Hydro Senior VP, Corporate Strategy & Analysis 讨论嘉宾 : Kirill Bezzubov, 俄铝氧化铝及铝土矿供应部经理 Kathrine Fog, 海德鲁企业战略与分析高级副总裁

Updates from bauxite-producing regions 铝土矿产区更新 The role and opportunity for Vietnam: a regional supplier of bauxite or alumina or both or none of the above? The future for Indonesian bauxite and alumina The arrival of Malaysia in the bauxite sector Turning on the Guinea bauxite... turning on the tap Iran s potential in the Asian bauxite and alumina markets Developments in the Indian domestic market Metro Mining Presentation 越南的角色和机遇 : 铝土矿或 / 和氧化铝的区域供应商? 或皆否? 印尼铝土矿和氧化铝的未来马来西亚进入铝土矿行业开拓几内亚铝土矿 打开水龙头 伊朗在亚洲铝土矿和氧化铝市场的潜力印度国内市场的发展 Metro Mining 公司的出席

New technological advancements/innovations for bauxite mining and alumina processing 铝土矿开采和氧化铝加工的新技术进步 / 创新 Pricing: Overcoming the challenges of pricing bauxite: characteristics of supply to China 定价 : 克服铝土矿定价的挑战 : 供给中国的特性 Downstream focus on refineries and smelting in Asia Global aluminium market outlook Impact of freight costs on bauxite & alumina exports 行业下游关注亚洲的氧化铝厂和电解铝冶炼 全球铝市场的前景 运费成本对铝土矿和氧化铝出口的影响

Day Two: Richard Flook (Managing Principal, Mosman Resources) 第二天 : Richard Flook ( 总经理, Mosman Resources ) A deeper look into the non-metallurgical market in Asia 深入探讨亚洲非冶金市场 Overview of the non-metallurgical alumina market 非冶金级氧化铝的市场概述 Growing use of alumina in flame retardants 阻燃剂越来越多地使用氧化铝 High Purity Alumina (HPA) in non-metallurgical applications 高纯氧化铝 (HPA) 的非冶金应用 Shipping and logistics 运输和物流 Case study: port construction infrastructure in Guinea 案例分析 : 几内亚港口基 础设施建设 Impact of freight costs on bauxite and alumina exports 运费成本对铝土矿和氧化 铝出口的影响

Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Jan-12 Apr-12 Jul-12 Oct-12 Jan-13 Apr-13 Jul-13 Oct-13 Jan-14 Apr-14 Jul-14 Oct-14 Jan-15 Apr-15 Jul-15 Average Daily Primary Aluminium Production (Thousands of Metric Tons) 日均原铝产量 ( 千吨 ) What s driving bauxite and alumina demand? 是什么力量推动铝土矿和氧化铝需求? 165.0 155.0 145.0 Global Aluminium Average Daily Production 全球铝日均产量 135.0 125.0 115.0 105.0 95.0 85.0

The past integrated bauxite-alumina structure 过去集成的铝土矿 - 氧化铝结构 Our 20 th century predecessors would have difficulty recognising the structure and players of today An integrated and co-located bauxite and alumina is no longer the norm 我们 20 世纪的前辈们很难识别今天的行业结构与行业成员 integrated upstream producers of the 70s and 80s were the standard... 综合的上游生产商是 70 年代和 80 年代的标准 bauxite and alumina as Siamese twins. 铝土矿和氧化铝好比连体婴儿

From the past to the present... 从过去到现在 Then Middle East/Gulf aluminium developed 中东 / 海湾地区的 铝发展 remember LME pricing of alumina LME 氧化铝定价 very little third party bauxite trading 极少数第三方铝土矿交易 the industry model of that time is no longer the norm 过去的产 业模式不再是常态 multiple strategies now exist 现在多策略并存

Traditional integrated upstream structure for aluminium overtaken by global changes 铝业传统的整合上游结构在全球发生变化 A new dynamic structure with bauxite and alumina as separates and priced independently 一个铝土矿和氧化铝分离的新动态结构 和自主定价 a growing seaborne trade in bauxite 越来越多的海运贸易铝土矿 Welcome to global structural change in bauxite mining! 欢迎铝土矿开采的全球结构变化!

Global bauxite supply is changing 全球铝土矿供应变化 Some familiar names: Australia, India, Guinea, Brazil 一些熟悉的名字 : 澳大利亚, 印度, 几内亚, 巴西 and new names just in the last decade: Indonesia, Fiji, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos 过去十年中的新名字 : 印度尼西亚, 斐济, 多明尼加共和国, 加纳, 马来西亚, 越南, 老挝 with many from the Asian region 许多来自亚洲地区

Bauxite supply... 铝土矿供应 Is bauxite supply the problem... Why? 铝土矿供应是问题么 为什么? No shortage of bauxite reserves but other factors are the drivers: 铝土矿储量不缺 - 但有其他驱动因素 : Location Quality 位置 品位 National policies 国家政策 Infrastructure 基础设施 Capital and security of investment 资本和投资安全性

Global bauxite supply dynamics by 2020? 到 2020 年全球铝土矿的供应力度? Australia: less alumina, more bauxite? 澳大利亚 : 更少氧化铝, 更多铝土矿? Africa: Guinea, Ghana... infrastructure 非洲 : 几内亚, 加纳... 基础设施建设 Central/South America: Brazil, Jamaica, Dominican Rep. 中 / 南美洲 : 巴西, 牙买加, 多米尼克共和国 Vietnam, Indonesia: processing policy objectives 越南, 印度尼西亚 : 政策处理目标 India, Malaysia, Other Asian (Laos) 印度, 马来西亚, 其他亚洲国家 ( 老挝 ) access to bauxite driving next phase of structural change and shifts in production centres 铝土矿资源的获取推动下一轮结构改革 并使生产中心发生转移

未来的能源库 铝故事汇