1 : 155,,, [10], P450 (Carassius auratus gibelio),,, ( 98%) ( ) ; (Enrofloxacin, ENR) (Cipmfloxacin, CIP) 99.5%, Sigma ; ( 98.0%) 7- Sigma, Ⅱ (N

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2012 1, 19(1): 154 160 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China 研究论文 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1118.2012.00154 房文红 1, 周常 1,2, 孙贝贝 1, 李国烈 1, 杨先乐 2, 李新苍 1 1, 胡琳琳 1., 200090; 2., 201306 摘要 : (baicalin, BL) (glycyrrhizin, GZ) (Carassius auratus gibelio), (enrofloxacin, ENR) CYP1A CYP3A 7 d (100 mg/kg) (100 mg/kg), 24 h 10 (10 mg/kg),, HPLC (cipmfloxacin, CIP), ; 6 CYP1A CYP3A : (1) (BL) (GZ) (C max ), (AUC) ; (2) BL GZ, (t 1/2z ) (P<0.05), (CLz/F), ; (3) BL GZ, BL GZ C max-cip /C max-enr 1.48% 2.22%, 0.95%; BL GZ AUC 0-t-CIP /AUC 0-t-ENR 2.16% 1.76%, 1.7% C max-cip /C max-enr AUC 0-t-CIP /AUC 0-t-ENR, N- ; (4), BL GZ 7- -O- (EROD, CYP1A ) -N- (ERND, CYP3A ) (P<0.05), CYP1A CYP3A CIP, CYP1A CYP3A : ; ; ; ; ; CYP450 中图分类号 : S94 文献标志码 : A 文章编号 : 1005 8737 (2012)01 0154 07,, [1], (drugdrug interactions, DDIs) DDIs,, DDIs 40% [2], DDIs P450 (CYP450),, CYP450 [3], CYP1A2 [4] ; CYP3A4, [5] (baicalin, BL) (glycyrrhizin, GZ), [6] [7],,, [8] ;, C max (AUC), [9], 收稿日期 : 2011 05 11; 修订日期 : 2011 06 25. 基金项目 : (201203085); ( )(2007M06). 作者简介 :,,.Tel:021-65699301 E-mail: whfang06@yahoo.com.cn

1 : 155,,, [10], P450 (Carassius auratus gibelio),,, 1 1.1 ( 98%) ( ) ; (Enrofloxacin, ENR) (Cipmfloxacin, CIP) 99.5%, Sigma ; ( 98.0%) 7- Sigma, Ⅱ (NADPH) (HPLC ), ( ) 1.2, Waters 2695, Zorbax SB-C 18 (5 µm, 150 4.6 mm, I.D.), Waters 2475 (Beckman Optima L-100XP), (, 970CRT), (, UV-2802S), ( 80, Thermo), (, Millipore Advantage A10), (, Mettler Toledoab 204, 0.000 1 g), (, HITACHI CF16RXⅡ), 0.22 μm 1.3, (200±13) g, 5 35 cm 80 cm 45 cm,, 26~27,, 4 100% 1.4, 0.1 mol/l, 10 mg/ml 3, 20, (BL ) (GZ ), 100 mg/(kg d), 7 d, 1, 5 min 24 h, 6 ;, BL GZ 10, 10 mg/kg, 20 cm 40 cm 30 cm, 5 min 30 min 1 h 2 h 4 h 8 h 12 h 1 d 2 d 3 d 4 d 0.3 ml, 1.5mL, 8 000 r/min 10 min, 80 1.5,, 200 μl 1.5 ml,, 2 min, 10 000 r/min 5 min, 0.22 μm, HPLC 1.6 : 0.01 mol/l ( ph=2.8)=5:95(v/v), 10 min; 40 ; 1.2 ml/min; 10 µl; E x =280 nm, E m =450 nm 1.7 Novi [11] ; 7- -O- (EROD) Lange [12] ; -N- (ERND) Tu [13]

156 19 1.8, DAS 2.1.1 2 2.1 ENR 1 BL ENR, (T max ) (C max ) 0.5 h (7.685±2.392) mg/l; GZ ENR 1, T max =0.083 h, ENR (C max ) (5.769±1.164) mg/l (10.470± 2.088) mg/l BL GZ ENR C max 76% 55% 1 - Fig.1 Mean plasma ENR concentration vs. time curves of crucian carp after coadministration of BL and GZ 2.2 ENR, 1 BL GZ (AUC 0-t ) 132.301 mg h/l 136.358 mg h/l, 46.40% 47.81% BL, (t 1/2z ) 25.90 h, GZ, 30.21 h, (37.38 h); BL GZ (CL z/f ), 2 2.3 CIP 2 3 CIP,, GZ T max, 8 h, C max, (0.099± 0.029) mg/l (0.128±0.024) mg/l; BL, T max =12 h, C max (0.114±0.028) mg/l BL GZ C max-cip /C max-enr 1.48% 2.22%, 0.95% 2.4 CIP, ENR CIP, 2 BL GZ (MRT) (V z/f ) t 1/2z, (CL z/f ) BL GZ CIP (AUC), BL GZ AUC 0-t-CIP /AUC 0-t-ENR 2.16% 1.76%, 1.7% 2.5 P450 BL GZ, CYP1A CYP3A 3 BL EROD ERND (P<0.05), GZ EROD ERND (P<0.01),, 2 1 3 P450, P450,, 7 d CYP1A [14], 14 d CYP3A [15], LS174T CYP3A4 [16] [17] (Paralichthys olivaceus) CYP1A, CYP1A,, EROD ERND CYP1A CYP3A,

1 : 157 Tab.1 表 1 腹腔注射给药后恩诺沙星在异育银鲫血浆中药动学参数 ( 统计矩原理 ) Pharmacokinetic parameters of enrofloxacin in plasma from crucian carp after intraperitoneal injection based on statistical moment theory n=10 pharmacokinetic parameter control baicalin glycyrrhizin C max /(mg L 1 ) 10.470±2.088 7.685±2.392 5.769±1.164 T max /h 0.083 0.5 0.083 AUC 0-t /(mg h L 1 ) 285.142 132.301 136.358 AUC 0- /(mg h L 1 ) 339.674 143.585 152.555 MRT 0-t /h 30.867 26.305 30.500 MRT 0- /h 49.984 34.720 42.084 V z/f /(L kg 1 ) 1.588 2.603 2.858 t 1/2z /h 37.384 25.904 30.217 CL z/f /(L h 1 kg 1 ) 0.029 0.070 0.066 : C max ; T max ; AUC 0-t AUC 0-0-t 0- ; MRT 0-t MRT 0-0-t 0- ; V z/f ; t 1/2z ; CL z/f. Note: C max -peak OTC concentration; T max -time to reach peak concentration; AUC 0-t -area under the concentration-time curve from zero to time t; AUC 0- -area under the concentration-time curve from zero to infinity; MRT 0-t area residence time from zero to time t; MRT 0- area residence time from zero to infinity;v z/f -the apparent volume of distribution; t 1/2z -elimination half-life; CL z/f -total body clearance. 2 - Fig.2 Mean plasma CIP concentration vs. time curves of crucian carp after coadministration of BL and GZ 7 d,, P450 [18],,, [19], C max, BL GZ C max-cip /C max-enr 1.48% 2.22%, 0.95%; BL GZ AUC 0-t-CIP / AUC 0-t-ENR 2.16% 1.76%, 1.7% C max C max-cip /C max-enr AUC 0-t-CIP /AUC 0-t-ENR, N- Vaccaro [19] (Dicentrarchus labrax) P450, NADPH, P450, N-, CYP1A CYP3A, X (PXR), CYP3A, CYP3A N- [15], CYP1A P450 N-,, CYP [20],, CYP1A CYP3A N-,

158 19 Tab.2 表 2 腹腔注射给药后代谢产物环丙沙星在异育银鲫血浆中药动学参数 ( 统计矩原理 ) Pharmacokinetic parameters of ciprofloxacin in plasma from crucian carp after intraperitoneal injection based on statistical moment theory n=10 pharmacokinetic parameter control baicalin glycyrrhizin C max /(mg L 1 ) 0.099±0.029 0.114±0.028 0.128±0.024 T max /h 8 12 8 AUC 0-t /(mg h L 1 ) 5.022 2.859 2.400 AUC 0- /(mg h L 1 ) 7.567 2.906 2.422 MRT 0-t /h 38.108 21.564 15.192 MRT 0- /h 86.388 23.151 16.160 V z/f /(L kg 1 ) 113.179 83.359 93.906 t 1/2z /h 59.350 16.786 15.764 CL z/f /(L h 1 kg 1 ) 1.322 3.441 4.128 : C max ; T max ; AUC 0-t AUC 0-0-t 0- ; MRT 0-t MRT 0-0-t 0- ; V z/f ; t 1/2z ; CL z/f. Note: C max peak OTC concentration; T max time to reach peak concentration; AUC 0-t area under the concentration-time curve from zero to time t; AUC 0- area under the concentration-time curve from zero to infinity; MRT 0-t area residence time from zero to time t; MRT 0- area residence time from zero to infinity; V z/f apparent volume of distribution; t 1/2z elimination half-life; CL z/f total body clearance. Tab. 3 表 3 BL 和 GZ 对异育银鲫肝 CYP1A 和 CYP3A 活性的影响 Effects of BL and GZ on CYP1A and CYP3A activities of liver from crucian carp 1 n=6; x ±SD; pmol min 1 mg dose/ EROD ERND group (mg kg 1 d 1 ) EROD activity ERND activity baicalin 100 52.65±2.64 * 2185.72±207.11 ** glycyrrhizin 100 51.43±3.99 * 2108.50±98.96 ** control 0 35.4±3.6 1166.47±125.71 : * (P<0.05), ** (P<0.01). Note: *donates singnificant difference with control (P<0.05). **donates extremely singnificant difference with control (P<0.01). C max AUC 0-t (t 1/2z ) (CL z/f ),,,, CYP1A2, [4] ;, [8] ; A t 1/2,, AUC, [21] ;, A AUC C max A t 1/2, [22], P450 ( CYP3A), P- P-, ATP (ABC),, [23] Bauer [24] (Hypericum perforatum) P- A [25] [26] P-, [25 26] P-,,

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