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摘 要 三 板 头 新 村 成 立 于 1951 年 当 时 英 殖 民 政 府 颁 发 紧 急 法 令, 把 附 近 郊 区 外 的 居 民 迁 移 至 此 而 成 立 新 村 这 个 小 乡 镇 位 于 柔 佛 州 里 的 丰 盛 港 县 三 板 头 也 称 为 任 罗 宏 (Jemaluang

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目 录 I. 出 口 单 证 业 务 正 本 提 单 签 发 提 单 更 改 ( 提 单 已 经 签 发 ) Seaway bill 提 单 签 发 电 放 第 三 地 / 目 的 港 签 单 船 证 明.


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市 场 综 述 三 季 度, 上 海 投 资 市 场 交 易 量 持 续 攀 升, 共 有 八 宗 主 要 交 易 达 成, 交 易 金 额 共 计 人 民 币 160 亿 元, 环 比 增 长 59% 投 资 者 尤 其 是 国 际 投 资 者, 逐 渐 增 购 租 金 收 入 稳 定 的 核 心

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谢 辞 仿 佛 2010 年 9 月 的 入 学 发 生 在 昨 天, 可 一 眨 眼, 自 己 20 多 岁 的 两 年 半 就 要 这 么 匆 匆 逝 去, 心 中 真 是 百 感 交 集 要 是 在 古 代, 男 人 在 二 十 几 岁 早 已 成 家 立 业, 要 是 在 近 代, 男 人

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II. 採 取 的 措 施 和 有 關 進 度 改 善 規 管 架 構 4. 規 管 律 師 在 香 港 提 供 服 務 的 架 構, 應 該 現 代 化 而 免 受 不 必 要 的 規 限 ㆒ 直 以 來, 律 政 司 積 極 致 力 改 善 這 個 架 構 (a) 律 師 法 團

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历 史 与 背 景 在 炎 热 的 天 气 裡, 金 马 仑 高 原 处 处 凉, 处 处 爽, 教 平 原 被 热 气 折 腾 得 苦 闷 发 慌 的 凡 夫 俗 子 无 限 响 往 无 限 羡 慕 金 马 仑 高 原 是 一 个 舒 适 的 地 方, 许 多 游 客 都 会 到 此 地 避 暑


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00 2004

1. SHANGHAI ERFANGJI CO.,LTD. 2. 3. 687 (021)65318888*2673 (021)65318494 (021)65421963 shej @ public7.sta.net.cn 687 (021)65318888*2673 (021)65318494 (021)65421963 wutao @shefj.com 4. 687 200434 shej @ public7.sta.net.cn http://www.shefj.com 5. http://www.sse.com.cn 687 6. B A 600604 B 900902 7. : :30,398.69 1993 10 7 42,558.17 ; 1995 12 12 46,183.98 ; 1996 7 23 51,495.38 ; 1997 6 25 56,644.92 ; 019003 310042607225505 61 18 2001

1 15,582,218.48 2 11,152,671.21 3-18,590,823.75 4 157,486,381.45 5 4,834,370.33 6-16,760,463.34 7 3,962,333.36 8 823,151.36 9 27,557,197.10 1088,338,115.23 1186,010,597.48 1 32,479,888.36 2 823,151.36 3 27,165.93 4-314,238.55 5 1,562,000.00 6-115,843.40 7-4,718,628.74 29,743,494.96 1115.27 982.10 2004 B A ( ) 2004 2003 2004 2003 1,115.27 1,081.59 65,485.20 64,503.04 76.00 8.20 (209.20) (0.5) 982.10 1,089.29 65,485.20 64,503.04

( ) 2004 : : 2003 2002 (%) 1,183,812,681.93 1,027,163,105.3 1,027,163,105.30 15.25 744,592,580.13 744,592,580.13 15,582,218.48 16,492,244.61 16,492,244.61-5.52 12,654,193.34 12,654,193.34 11,152,671.21 10,815,889.27 10,815,889.27 3.11 9,002,102.84 9,002,102.84-18,590,823.75-5,923,816.19-5,923,816.19-213.83 6,515,404.01 6,515,404.01 2004 2003 2002 (%) 1,317,273,512.56 1,394,150,285.52 1,394,150,285.52-5.51 1,251,765,210.42 1,251,765,210.42 654,852,121.51 645,030,406.48 645,030,406.48 1.52 634,137,870.11 634,137,870.11 88,338,155.23 2,480,307.75 2,480,307.75 3,461.58 63,152,694.70 63,152,694.70 2004 % 2003 2002 (%) 0.0197 0.01909 0.01909 3.20 0.0159 0.0159 1.70 1.68 1.68 1.19 1.42 1.42-2.84-0.92-0.92-208.70 1.03 1.03 % 0.1560 0.0044 0.0044 3,445.45 0.111 0.111 0.0197 0.01909 0.01909 3.20 0.0159 0.0159-0.0328-0.0105-0.0105-212.38 0.0115 0.0115-0.0328-0.0105-0.0105 --212.38 0.0115 0.0115 % 1.70 1.68 1.68 1.19 1.42 1.42-2.84-0.92-0.92 208.70 1.03 1.03 %

2004 2003 2002 (%) 1.156 1.139 1.139 1.49 1.119 1.119 1.122 1.075 1.075 4.37 1.036 1.036 = / = / = / = / = / 100% % 24.05 24.05 0.278 0.278-2.56-2.56-0.0296-0.0296 1.70 1.70 0.0197 0.0197-2.84-2.84-0.0328-0.0328 ( ) 566,449,189.46 67,379,563.29 7,614,473.15 2,563,673.51 4,205,314.77-618,134.19 645,030,406.48 760,628.84 2,441,881.06 813,960.89 11,152,671.21-2,091,585.02 12,263,596.09 2,441,881.06 2,441,881.06 566,449,189.46 68,140,192.13 10,056,354.21 3,377,634.40 12,916,104.92-2,709,719.21 654,852,121.51 1 5 2 3 4

1 262,342,310.00 262,342,310.00 262,342,310.00 262,342,310.00 2 3 4 262,342,310.00 262,342,310.00 1 71,181,880.00 71,181,880.00 2 232,925,000.00 232,925,000.00 3 4 304,106,880.00 304,106,880.00 566,449,190.00 566,449,190.00 : 1 2 3 1 91,177 A 47,967 B 43,210 2 2004 12 31

1 ( ) (%) 0 262,342,310 46.31 0 755,527 0.1334 666,100 0.1176 655,600 0.1157 643,805 0.1137 560,811 0.099 554,500 0.098 553,000 0.097 525,100 0.093 497,740 0.088 ( ) ( ) 262,342,310.00 46.31% 2 ( ) 1994 8 10,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 4

100% 100% 46.31% 6 A B H 755,527 B 666,100 B 655,600 B 643,805 B 560,811 B 554,500 B 553,000 B 525,100 B 497,740 B 492,470 B

39 50 43 44 47 ( ) ( ) 2004.5-2007.5 0 0 2004.5-2007.5 0 0 2004.5-2007.5 3000 3000 2004.5-2007.5 1000 1000 2004.5-2007.5 3000 3000 55 2004.5-2007.5 0 0 65 2004.5-2007.5 0 0 52 2004.5-2007.5 0 0 51 2004.12-2007.5 0 0 48 2004.5-2007.5 0 0 57 2004.5-2007.5 0 0 57 2004.5-2007.5 0 0 48 2004.5-2007.5 1000 1000 49 2004.5-2007.5 1000 1000 52 2004.5-2007.5 5324 5324 50 2004.5-2007.5 2001 2001 43 2004.5-2007.5 2000 2000 48 2004.5-2007.5 1000 1000 1, 2 ( )

3 4 5 6 7 2001-06 8 9 ( ) ( ) 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18

1 2 3 : : 740,739 211,280 342,243 90,000 0 4 5 45001 --80000 2 80001 --110000 3 110001 --130000 3 1,874 116 1 830 63

213 21 258 2 14 111 252 87

1 2 9 3 3 5 2 4 1 9 9 0 0 6 6 0 0 1 1 0 0

2004 9 6 1 1 2004 5 19 1 2004 12 24 2003 6 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4

1 2003 OO 1 2 3 2003 4 2003 2004 5 2003 2003 6 2003 6 326.63 7 2003 674.48 8 2004 2003 80 9 2.5 3 ( ) 10 11 12 2004 5 19 1

2004 12 24 1 2004 15,000 2 381 381 4,703.85 3 2004 12 25

2004 2004 118,381.27 15,898.32 13.43% 1,115.27 1 2004 2 2004 EJK211 EJM971 EJM138JL EJK211 2004 9 6 3 2004 2004 EJM168 EJK211 4 2004 4 100%

2004 OA 16 1317 1 (1) (2) : : (%) (%) 1. 1,208,383,508.80 66.18 142,426,900.91 88.92 2. 0.00 3. 12,035,673.30 0.66 1,229,013.32 0.77 4. 2,326,168.05 0.13 2,025,074.97 1.26 5. 603,269,772.60 33.03 14,497,747.24 9.05 1,826,015,122.75 100.00 160,178,736.44 100.00 : 75,121,961.30 6.35 14,463,273.15 9.10 1,826,015,122.75 / 160,178,736.44 / 642,202,440.82 / 1,195,513.32 / 1,183,812,681.93 158,983,223.12 (3) : : (%) (%) 957,822,316.02 52.46 117,544,864.62 73.38 868,192,806.73 47.54 42,633,871.82 26.62 1,826,015,122.75 100.00 160,178,736.44 100.00

:75,121,961.30 6.35 14,463,273.15 9.10 1,826,015,122.75 / 160,178,736.44 / 642,202,440.82 / 1,195,513.32 / 1,183,812,681.93 158,983,223.12 7,512.20 (4) : : (%) (%) 417,087,130.34 22.84 12,592,137.06 7.86 4,752,829.87 0.26 118,820.75 0.07 13,486,945.21 0.74 269,738.90 0.17 1,732,478.63 0.09 190,572.65 0.12 769,071,934.74 42.12 12,718,901.48 7.94 215,740,124.23 11.81 51,277,325.30 32.01 28,061,675.28 1.54 5,407,484.83 3.38 13,872,514.24 0.76 2,532,957.97 1.58 335,388,647.48 18.37 70,143,808.70 43.79 26,820,842.73 1.47 4,926,988.80 3.08 1,826,015,122.75 100.00 160,178,736.44 100.00 :75,121,961.30 6.35 14,463,273.15 9.10 1,826,015,122.75 / 160,178,736.44 / 642,202,440.82 / 1,195,513.32 / 1,183,812,681.93 100.00 158,983,223.12 100.00 (5) 10% : : (%) 1. 1,208,383,508.80 1,065,956,607.89 11.79 2. 12,035,673.30 10,806,659.98 10.21 3 2,326,168.05 301,093.08 87.06 5. 603,269,772.60 588,772,025.36 2.40 1,826,015,122.75 1,665,836,386.31 8.77 957,822,316.02 840,277,451.40 12.27 868,192,806.73 825,558,934.91 4.91 1,826,015,122.75 1,665,836,386.31 8.77 (6) 2004, 2003 2004 29,889.08 2003 2

: : ( ) 100,000 290,997.65 ------ 3 : : 206,097,695.86 28.10 704,464,713.91 59.51 4 2004 1 2 : : 1,317,273,512.56 1,394,150,285.52-76,876,772.96-5.84 157,486,381.45 190,124,999.59-32,638,618.14-17.17 11,152,671.21 10,815,889.27 336,781.94 3.11 86,010,597.48-50,478,683.86 136,489,281.34 654,852,121.51 645,030,406.48 9,821,715.03 1.52 (1) 3335

(2) (3) (4) (5) 2005 1 2 3 4 1 (1) 2004 3 8 2004 3 10 (2) 2004 4 15 2003 2004

2003 2003 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 4 17 (3) 2004 4 21 2004 2004 4 23 (4) 2004 5 18 2004 5 19 (5) 2004 6 29 2004 7 1 (6) 2004 8 12 2004 2004 2004 8 16 (7) 2004 10 27 2004 2004 10 29 (8) 2004 11 22 381 2004 11 23 (9) 2004 12 24 2003 10 2004 12 90% 500 2005 1 1 2006 12 31 2

1,535.80 4,856.80 10% 162.79 5% 81.40 244.19 1,291.61 0.0228 2004 : 2004 : 1 2 2005 047 2005 047 2004 12 31 2003 56 2004 12 31 6,918.95 434.75 577.68 142.93

OO 999.11 6,483.63 484.70 5,998.93 0.57 0.71 0.14 2004 3 2003 56 1 50% 70% 2 3 4

2004 12 31 2004 1 1 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 0.00 0.00 3,784.71 3,784.71 799.11 53.85 0.00 923.44 869.59 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 305.88 577.68 0.00 271.80 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 75.02 0.00 2,979.02 2,904.00 53.85 380.90 0.00 577.68 4,708.15 2,979.02 4,654.30 3,175.80 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 0.00 4.72 296.41 301.13 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 233.11 235.24 190.41 192.54 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 10.61 2.23 20.86 12.48 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 0.00 11.31 0.00 11.31 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 189.34 189.34 0.00 0.00 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 6,050.5 0.00 34,970.23 28,919.66 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 0.00 41.86 172.01 213.87 433.06 6,050.5 442.84 41.86 507.68 35,142.24 517.46 29,133.53 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 0.07 0.25 9.70 9.88 2004 12 31 2004 1 1 0.50 0.46 0.04 0.57 0.00 0.71 0.00 9.74 0.00 9.88 0.00 487.48 6,431.4 443.55 619.54 5,225.57 38,121.26 5,181.64 32,309.33

1 2004 4 15 1 2003 2 2003 3 4 2003 4 17 2 2003 4 21 2004 3 2004 5 18 1 2 2004 5 19 4 2004 6 29 5 2004 8 11 2004 6 2004 10 27 2004 7 2004 11 22 1 381 2 2004 11 23 2004 7 10 1 2004 2 2004 1 14,679,783 (2) 381

1 57420 2 2001 3 2001 293 482.12 2002 8 2002 405 7.04 1 2004 6 29 14,679,783 8.03% 2004 6 30 2004 8 11 378.12 2 2004 12 24 381 381 4,703.85 2004 12 31 60% 1 2004 2004 1.5 2004 12 25

2 1 34,146,838.89 28,578,322.00 2 3 1 39,337,606.62 --- 35,784,354.68 --- 75,121,961.30 --- 2 1 2 3 685 14230 267.87 2004 11 23 4 : : 2004-03-01 60,000,000 60,000,000 60,000,000 ( 2004-03-01 2005-02-28 ) 60,000,000

60,000,000 60,000,000 9.16 2004 3 8 60,000,000 2004 3 1 2005 2 28 2004 3 10 5 6 5% 5% 2004 88 4 2001 6 260.56 14569 2001 11 30 2001 12 13 2002 6 12 2005 1 5,,,

2004 1 33,854,125.94 3,120,963.06-1,562,000.00 14,724,041.55 13,162,041.55 23,813,047.45 2 33,004,790.64 2,980,585.34-1,562,000.00 14,676,395.79 13,114,395.79 22,870,980.19 3 849,335.30 140,733.72 47,645.76 47,645.76 942,067.26 4 7,432.60 7,432.60 7,432.60 5 7,432.60 7,432.60 7,432.60 6 7 44,690,967.87 9,991,404.62 3,318,094.52 3,318,094.52 51,364,277.97 8 27,226,902.10-1,349,408.81 2,146,293.66 2,146,293.66 23,655,414.76 9 17,464,065.77 11,340,813.43 1,171,800.86 1,171,800.86 27,708,863.21 19 876,160.00 1,299,936.00 2,176,096.00 20 876,160.00 1,299,936.00 2,176,096.00 21 22 104,603,361.65 1,130,041.86 1,941,969.68 1,941,969.68 103,791,433.83 23 11,031,647.15 1,130,041.86 1,680,646.86 12,161,689.01 25 20,297,610.89 261,322.82 1,680,646.86 18,616,964.03 26 73,274,103.67 261,322.82 73,012,780.79 27 28 7,300,000.00 7,300,000.00 29 7,300,000.00 7,300,000.00 30 31 32 33 34 35 191,332,048.06 15,542,345.54-1,562,000.00 19,991,538.35 18,429,538.35 188,444,855.25 1 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 20 21 1 3 2

2004 30% 2004 12 31 2003 12 31 % 1 208,526,932.04 122,516,334.56 70.20 2 0 492,567.40-100.00 3 3,515,920.91 35,281,895.69-90.03 4 26,666.66 8,498.00 213.80 5 36,191,659.56 58,797,554.73-38.45 6 0 4,635,454.70-100.00 7 111,144,513.88 226,491,494.86-50.93 8 27.32 473,434.55-99.99 27.32 9 11,441,479.29-25,567,784.31 144.75 10 979,161.20 628,917.72 55.69 11 64,152,265.05 42,446,794.02 51.14 12 5,164,783.00 1,680,213.75 207.39 13 2,709,719.21 618,134.19 338.37 14 12,916,104.92 4,205,314.77 207.14 1 1,496,841.67 3,645,836.12-58.94 2 22,930,224.59 36,999,637.06-38.03 3 3,962,333.36 17,390,789.95-77.22 4 823,151.36 118,635.68 593.85 5 31,944,592.83 2,119,.592.83 1406.85 6 12,916,104.92 4,205,314.77 207.14

2004 2005 10333 2004 12 31 : : : 208,526,932.04 122,516,334.56 118,391,795.95 71,915,673.77 492,567.40 492,567.40 10,442,361.06 46,670,272.62 6,687,361.06 42,140,272.62 125,723,670.66 120,356,866.23 122,918,610.38 88,590,165.57 5,142,749.70 5,813,578.62 8,280,426.63 11,031,373.19 3,515,920.91 35,281,895.69 1,444,350.11 32,827,376.65 380,716,172.56 406,125,163.51 334,925,343.31 342,372,020.70 26,666.66 8,498.00 734,094,473.59 737,265,176.63 592,647,887.44 589,369,449.90 36,191,659.56 58,797,554.73 132,761,428.96 153,649,426.66 36,191,659.56 58,797,554.73 132,761,428.96 153,649,426.66-462,410.60-539,479.04 1,090,250,137.83 1,096,328,352.03 1,030,209,873.29 1,036,154,365.29 475,139,216.70 443,354,390.35 450,932,347.15 419,414,459.51 615,110,921.13 652,973,961.68 579,277,526.14 616,739,905.78 103,791,433.83 104,603,361.65 96,663,583.08 98,344,327.74 511,319,487.30 548,370,600.03 482,613,943.06 518,395,578.04 2,029,882.61 2,569,232.06 1,757,734.53 5,658,669.00

513,349,369.91 550,939,832.09 484,371,677.59 524,054,247.04 33,638,009.50 42,512,267.37 33,638,009.50 42,336,179.37 4,635,454.70 33,638,009.50 47,147,722.07 33,638,009.50 42,336,179.37 1,317,273,512.56 1,394,150,285.52 1,243,419,003.49 1,309,409,302.97 185,650,192.16 219,000,207.87 169,650,192.16 199,400,207.87 275,010.91 274,904.80 258,560,999.40 259,263,801.92 241,388,792.94 216,465,318.90 111,144,513.88 226,491,494.86 104,772,867.08 217,223,623.59 1,286,009.80 1,383,007.33 23,353.90 27.32 473,434.55 11,441,479.29-25,567,784.31 10,360,816.18-14,516,364.54 979,161.20 628,917.72 889,449.94 625,528.15 64,152,265.05 42,446,794.02 59,887,268.52 45,013,201.78 5,164,783.00 1,680,213.75 4,950,987.74 1,668,168.49 638,654,442.01 726,074,992.51 591,900,374.56 665,903,038.14 4,082,730.79 4,082,730.79 4,082,730.79 4,082,730.79 642,737,172.80 730,157,723.30 591,900,374.56 665,903,038.14 19,684,218.25 18,962,155.74 566,449,189.46 566,449,189.46 566,449,189.46 566,449,189.46 566,449,189.46 566,449,189.46 566,449,189.46 566,449,189.46 68,140,192.13 67,379,563.29 68,140,192.13 67,379,563.29 10,056,354.21 7,614,473.15 2,564,952.21 1,451,626.82 3,377,634.40 2,563,672.06 854,984.07 483,875.61

12,916,104.92 4,205,314.77 14,364,295.13 8,225,885.26 2,709,719.21 618,134.19 654,852,121.51 645,030,406.48 651,518,628.93 643,506,264.83 1,317,273,512.56 1,394,150,285.52 1,243,419,003.49 1,309,409,302.97 : : :

2004 : : : 1,183,812,681.93 1,027,163,105.30 983,317,003.16 870,025,634.84 1,024,829,458.81 833,392,269.59 871,661,180.38 720,761,204.73 1,496,841.67 3,645,836.12 517,791.36 2,894,216.37 157,486,381.45 190,124,999.59 111,138,031.42 146,370,213.74-4,834,370.33 6,091,060.66 471,718.03 3,607,271.62 - : 22,930,224.59 36,999,637.06 15,756,272.34 35,722,946.64 145,833,583.38 142,044,067.08 114,350,385.58 108,834,034.99 10,317,407.15 14,606,316.87 9,586,071.15 14,479,137.03 - - -16,760,463.34 2,566,039.24-28,082,979.62-9,058,633.30 3,962,333.36 17,390,789.95 7,651,578.16 20,601,976.46 823,151.36 118,635.68 302,000.00 31,944,592.83 2,119,958.56 31,496,334.19 2,002,235.33 4,387,395.73 5,703,178.82 1,525,690.85 1,319,196.13 15,582,218.48 16,492,244.61 9,841,241.88 12,226,382.36-5,590,195.40 5,102,703.15 2,589,506.62 2,548,870.28 930,936.89 578,640.65 ( ) - 2,091,585.02 4,988.46 11,152,671.21 10,815,889.27 7,251,735.26 9,677,512.08 4,205,314.77-235,858,360.32 8,225,885.26-232,818,559.95 232,818,559.95 232,818,559.95 15,357,985.98 7,776,088.90 15,477,620.52 9,677,512.08 1,627,920.72 2,380,516.09 742,216.93 967,751.21 813,960.34 1,190,258.04 371,108.46 483,875.61 ( ) 12,916,104.92 4,205,314.77 14,364,295.13 8,225,885.26

( - ) 1. 2. 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. 6. 12,916,104.92 4,205,314.77 14,364,295.13 8,225,885.26 : : :

2004 : : : 1,019,287,770.56 900,533,919.98 53,670,813.09 13,889,772.38 90,710,187.56 70,155,602.66 1,163,668,771.21 984,579,295.02 831,035,529.06 778,751,563.69 98,375,535.34 67,295,114.61 28,144,290.06 16,451,567.30 117,775,261.52 82,692,072.71 1,075,330,615.98 945,190,318.31 88,338,155.23 39,388,976.71 26,608,260.63 26,304,116.30 217,123.89 3,140,186.16 30,006,896.60 29,492,976.60 56,832,281.12 58,937,279.06 13,901,012.18 11,831,025.18 13,901,012.18 11,831,025.18 42,931,268.94 47,106,253.88 419,750,000.00 385,750,000.00 419,750,000.00 385,750,000.00 453,100,000.00 415,500,000.00 11,810,411.81 10,283,592.45 682,308.56 464,910,411.81 425,783,592.45-45,160,411.81-40,033,592.45

-98,414.88 14,484.04 86,010,597.48 46,476,122.18 1 11,152,671.21 7,251,735.26 ( - ) 930,936.89 2,091,585.02 15,542,345.54 11,489,323.14 44,180,437.13 41,103,241.97 1,001,910.36 969,894.36 1,178,275.02-18,168.66 3,484,569.25 3,282,819.25 ( : -30,145,942.15-31,424,169.58 ) 6,838.29 11,598,219.43 10,269,108.41-1,567,125.89-8,944,081.56 18,986,432.27 386,626.92 ( ) -127,032,428.68-78,674,980.46 ( ) 141,130,770.24 83,679,459.00 88,338,155.23 39,388,976.71 2 3 208,526,932.04 118,391,795.95 122,516,334.56 71,915,673.77 86,010,597.48 46,476,122.18 : : :

(2005) 10333 2004 12 31 2004 2004 2004 12 31 2004 OO

2004 1991 12 10 [1991]155 1992 2 92 5 A 1992 5 92 B 1 B 1995 10 4 019003 566,449,189.46 97 1047 1 1 12 31 1995 11 < >

1 2 10 3 1 2 3 1 5 1 2 10 2 3 20 3 50 100 1 2 3

4 5 1 2 10 2003 [2004]3 3 4 2004 2004 3 1 2 3 30

4 30 45 4% 2.1 3.2 30 45 4% 2.1 3.2 8 20 4% 4.8 12 8 20 4% 4.8 12 5 1 2 1 2 3

1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1

1996 2 2 17 5 15 2004 15% 12,418,000.00 11,176,200.00 90.00 90.00 3,180,000.00 3,180,000.00 100.00 100.00 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 100.00 100.00 32,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 15,000,000.00 24,000,000.00 75.00 75.00 1,350,000.00 90.00 90.00 15,000,000.00 100.00 100.00 8,000,000.00 6,400,000.00 80.00 80.00 10,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 70.00 70.00 3,000,000.00 2,100,000.00 70.00 70.00 30,000,000.00 22,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 27,000,000.00 90.00 90.00 18,700,000.00 85.00 85.00 1,675,000.00 83.75 83.75 2,000,000.00 500,000.00 25.00 25.00 2,180,000.00 218,000.00 10.00 73.00

1 1 2 2 10 2,344,552.08 0.18% 3,011,905.84 0.25% 84,863.61 0.82% 3 2 3,649,515.83 0.28 3,011,905.84 0.25 75,965.42 0.73-218,788.67 50 50 1 73% 372,676.84 480,348.24 205,673,562.91 118,283,202.34 2,480,692.29 3,752,783.98 208,526,932.04 122,516,334.56 580,999.21 346,481.29 8.2765 8.2767 4,808,639.96 2,867,721.69 98,972.00 418,969.00 0.0799701 0.077263 7,914.80 32,370.80 79,677.73 23,243.98 11.2627 10.3383 897,386.37 240,303.24 86,010,597.48 70.20

--- --- 500,000.00 7,432.60 1 2 500,000.00 100 10,442,361.06 46,670,272.62 36,227,911.56 77.63% 1 1 124,790,871.03 83.99% 5% 6,239,543.55 118,013,556.78 76.95% 5% 5,900,677.84 1 2 4,240,568.22 2.85% 10% 424,056.82 1,375,176.59 0.90% 10% 137,517.66 2 3 271,050.06 0.18% 20% 54,210.01 3,070,150.11 2.00% 20% 614,030.02 3 6,277,983.46 4.22% 50% 3,138,991.73 5,484,008.32 3.58% 50% 2,742,004.16 13,014,178.08 8.76% 100% 13,014,178.08 25,418,765.07 16.57% 50%-100% 23,610,560.96 148,594,650.85 100.00% --- 22,870,980.19 153,361,656.87 100.00% --- 33,004,790.64 2 73,158,106.38 49.23 3 40 61 13,014,178.08 100%, 33 6,277,983.46 50% 4 3 1,562,000.00 5 6 39 14,632,984.97 7 5 5 3,058,800.00

1 1 1,053,407.38 32.43% 5% 52,670.37 4,916,364.08 73.78% 5% 245,818.20 1 2 4,039,763.50 43.71% 10% 403,976.35 440,367.31 6.61% 10% 44,036.73 2 3 440,000.00 14.79% 20% 88,000.00 711,528.00 10.68% 20% 142,305.60 3 308,451.08 5.07% 50% 154,225.54 354,959.53 5.33% 50% 177,479.77 243,195.00 4.00% 100% 243,195.00 239,695.00 3.60% 50%-100% 239,695.00 6,084,816.96 100.00% --- 942,067.26 6,662,913.92 100.00% --- 849,335.30 2 1,692,823.21 27.82 3 40 3 243,195.00 100%, 15 308,451.08 50% 4 5 6 3 201,000.00 7 538,493.06 363,970.18 8 5 5 538,493.06 1 1 3,515,920.91 100% 35,205,977.69 99.79% 1 2 --- --- 75,918.00 0.21% 2 3 --- --- --- --- 3 --- --- --- --- 3,515,920.91 100% 35,281,895.69 100.00% 2 5 5 3 31,765,974.78 90.03

1 2 9,202,816.94 --- 3,747,860.37 --- 70,982,215.94 27,708,863.21 81,098,403.89 17,464,065.77 118,774,327.25 4,690,545.29 217,231,536.97 18,610,508.38 20,362.64 425.89 45,177.71 --- 2,016,766.50 64,477.00 2,471,588.10 --- 237,889,357.50 18,899,966.58 142,723,760.69 8,616,393.72 1,757,209.22 --- 4,599,185.60 --- --- --- 2,202,532.76 --- -8,562,605.46 --- -3,303,914.71 --- 432,080,450.53 51,364,277.97 450,816,131.38 44,690,967.87 8,498.00 80,000.00 61,831.34 26,666.66 18,168.66 213.80 38,367,755.56 2,176,096.00 59,673,714.73 876,160.00 1 1 --- --- --- --- --- 4,217,232.00 388,800 2.58 1,266,000.00 1,266,000.00 165,696.00 1,266,000.00 525,096 0.13 1,107,360.00 1,107,360.00 --- 1,107,360.00 --- --- --- --- --- 424,350.00 836,784 2.50 2,390,168.32 2,390,168.32 --- 2,390,168.32 2,083,388 0.45 7,584,000.00 7,584,000.00 --- 7,584,000.00 184,800 0.18 306,000.00 306,000.00 --- 306,000.00 74,052 0.04 170,400.00 170,400.00 --- 170,400.00 232,320 0.06 495,440.00 495,440.00 --- 495,440.00 450,000 0.02 840,000.00 840,000.00 --- 840,000.00 880,000 --- 3,040,000.00 3,040,000.00 2,010,400.00 3,040,000.00 362,946 0.11 440,988.80 440,988.80 --- 440,988.80 594,594 0.13 1,911,210.00 1,911,210.00 --- 1,911,210.00 --- --- --- --- --- 16,500,000.00 ST 535,500 1.00 1,605,000.00 1,605,000.00 --- 1,605,000.00 7,943,760 0.17 6,120,000.00 6,120,000.00 --- 6,120,000.00 337,500 --- 30,000.00 30,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 27,306,567.12 27,306,567.12 2,176,096.00 48,418,149.12

2 A --- --- 71,000.00 --- 71,000.00 B 1995.12 2002.12 2001.4 2021.3 2000.12 2020.11 2003.5--202 3.5 100% 289,861.94-289,861.94 --- -289,861.94 --- --- 2,100,000.00-2,100,000.00 --- 83.75% 1,784,571.48-5,927.95 --- 71,073.27 --- -77,001.22 1,675,000.00 103,643.53 1,778,643.53 100% 977,922.52-977,922.52-600,000.00-377,922.52 --- --- --- --- --- 83.06% 6,351,432.55-91,342.01 --- 330,414.29 225,814.31-647,570.61 5,563,520.25 696,570.29 6,260,090.54 100% 500,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 500,000.00 --- 500,000.00 9,903,788.49-1,365,054.42-600,000.00-266,296.90 225,814.31-724,571.83 9,838,520.25-1,299,786.18 8,538,734.07 C 2002.5--2017.5 49% --- --- -735,000.00 735,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 2002.7--2022.7 20% 956,349.37 1,307,257.10 --- 1,307,257.10 --- --- 1,000,000.00 1,263,606.47 2,263,606.47 50% 649,762.46 496.04 --- 496.04 --- --- 500,000.00 150,258.50 650,258.50 --- --- 1,606,111.83 1,307,753.14-735,000.00 2,042,753.14 --- --- 1,500,000.00 1,413,864.97 2,913,864.97 D --- 50% 214,144.33-214,144.33-250,000.00 35,855.67 --- --- --- --- --- 2 80,160.00 85,536.00 165,696.00 796,000.00 1,214,400.00 2,010,400.00 876,160.00 1,299,936.00 2,176,096.00 --- 3-1,381,424.36 138,142.44-828,854.60 610,740.00-61,074.00 366,444.00-770,684.36 --- --- 77,068.44-462,410.60

4 21,305,959.17 35.70 1 4,337,112.83 2 20,550,216.42 1 256,479,084.97 5,838,950.98 9,080,082.37 253,237,953.58 218,047,502.64 2,021,891.20 2,106,216.58 217,963,177.26 612,301,047.03 7,945,712.38 8,843,545.30 611,403,214.11 9,500,717.39 940,556.37 2,795,480.88 7,645,792.88 1,096,328,352.03 16,747,110.93 22,825,325.13 1,090,250,137.83 9,617,352.50 19,890,473.58 2 70,780,523.15 6,685,148.25 3,526,912.07 73,938,759.33 26,165,003.07 4,670,475.91 909,169.63 29,926,309.35 341,296,157.29 32,316,149.12 6,312,832.59 367,299,473.82 5,112,706.84 622,133.85 1,760,166.49 3,974,674.20 443,354,390.35 44,293,907.13 12,509,080.78 475,139,216.70 3 11,031,647.15 1,130,041.86 --- 12,161,689.01 20,297,610.89 --- 1,680,646.86 18,616,964.03 73,274,103.61 --- 261,322.82 73,012,780.79 --- --- --- --- 104,603,361.65 1,130,041.86 1,941,969.68 103,791,433.83 4 44,575,842.01 8,730,615.37 1,833,483.54 34,011,743.10 158,392,246.30 23,426,835.02 18,693,581.69 116,271,829.59 11,874,991.33 6,366,453.89 3,747,907.91 1,760,629.53 214,843,079.64 38,523,904.28 24,274,973.14 152,044,202.22 5 11,163,747.94 7,222,658.32 3,680,068.89 261,020.73 5,366,506.00 1,150,560.00 4,168,006.00 47,940.00 108,259,527.69 103,311,707.03 793,677.37 4,154,143.29 4,655,412.14 4,469,572.96 --- 185,839.18 129,445,193.77 116,154,498.31 8,641,752.26 4,648,943.20

541,163.06 325,506.37 --- 594,521.35 272,148.08 --- 529,734.53 --- --- 529,734.53 --- 520,873.00 --- --- 520,873.00 --- 428,337.00 --- --- 428,337.00 2,028,069.00 13,355,588.90 9,617,352.50 5,487,515.40 278,790.00 2,569,232.06 15,160,039.80 9,617,352.50 6,082,036.75 2,029,882.61 1-21,787,788.27 17,851,316.99 --- 435,838.56 4,372,309.84 17,415,478.43 504-8,135,026.90 7,890,976.07 7,728,275.51 162,700.56 406,751.39 --- --- - 14,495,383.83 10,190,015.71 --- 262,968.12 4,568,336.24 9,927,047.59 453-6,720,000.00 6,403,870.60 --- 108,387.12 424,516.52 6,295,483.48 708-576,288.00 176,088.00 144,072.00 32,016.00 432,216.00 --- --- 8,000,000.00 7,300,000.00 --- --- 700,000.00 7,300,000.00 --- 59,714,487.00 49,812,267.37 7,872,347.51 1,001,910.36 10,904,129.99 40,938,009.50 2 7,300,000.00 7,300,000.00 1 7,321,086.38 4,635,454.70 --- 3,457,179.68 1,178,275.02 3,863,906.70 --- --- 2 4,635,454.70 100 650,192.16 650,207.87 185,000,000.00 214,750,000.00 --- 3,600,000.00 185,650,192.16 219,000,207.87 78,558.83 8.2765 650,192.16 275,010.91 274,904.80 258,560,999.40 259,263,801.92 1 5 5

2 213,975.29 179,144.00 111,144,513.88 226,491,494.86 1 5 5 2 3 115,346,980.98 50.93% 64,152,265.05 42,446,794.02 1 5 5 7,991,158.90 2 3 20,006,482.71 3,823,277.03 1,856,330.68 4 21,705,471.03 51.14 27.32 4,768,554.87-28,204,451.16 17% 2,651,436.94 73,299.54 5% 606,934.01 6,454.74 7% 3,405,855.86 2,534,295.46 15%-33% 9,382.61 20,508.07 --- -685.00 2,109.04 --- 11,441,479.29-25,567,784.31 37,009,263.60 144.75 894,360.98 629,554.02 3% 84,800.22 1,572.77 1% --- -2,209.07 --- 979,161.20 628,917.72

350,243.48 55.69 1,285,249.52 1,285,249.52 2,500,000.00 --- 1,379,533.48 394,964.23 5,164,783.00 1,680,213.75 3,484,569.25 207.39 2,500,000.00 4,082,730.79 4,082,730.79 1 262,342,309.46 46.31 262,342,309.46 46.31 262,342,309.46 46.31 262,342,309.46 46.31 262,342,309.46 46.31 262,342,309.46 46.31 2 71,181,880.00 12.57 71,181,880.00 12.57 232,925,000.00 41.12 232,925,000.00 41.12 304,106,880.00 53.69 304,106,880.00 53.69 3 566,449,189.46 100.00 566,449,189.46 100.00 29,441,508.88 --- 29,441,508.88 218,201.00 --- 218,201.00 --- --- --- 7,664,260.41 --- 7,664,260.41 30,055,593.00 760,628.84 30,816,221.84 67,379,563.29 760,628.84 68,140,192.13 5,050,799.09 1,627,920.72 6,678,719.81 2,563,674.06 813,960.34 3,377,634.40 --- --- --- 7,614,473.15 2,441,881.06 10,056,354.21 4,205,314.77

11,152,671.21 1,627,920.72 --- 813,960.34 12,916,104.92 1. 1,208,383,508.80 1,025,340,175.67 1,065,956,607.89 850,728,255.84 2. --- --- --- --- 14,657,275.4 5 3. 12,035,673.30 17,890,623.50 10,806,659.98 4. 2,326,168.05 --- 301,093.08 --- 5. 603,269,772.60 173,298,917.09 588,772,025.36 157,373,349.26 1,826,015,122.75 1,216,529,716.26 1,665,836,386.31 1,022,758,880.55 642,202,440.82 189,366,610.96 641,006,927.50 189,366,610.96 1,183,812,681.93 1,027,163,105.30 1,024,829,458.81 833,392,269.59 417,087,130.34 222,721,231.38 404,494,993.28 199,698,087.76 4,752,829.87 3,491,584.80 4,634,009.12 3,313,108.79 13,486,945.21 --- 13,217,206.31 --- 1,732,478.63 2,420,683.76 1,541,905.98 2,014,008.89 769,071,934.74 332,969,332.06 756,353,033.26 284,532,333.92 215,740,124.23 594,263,291.68 164,462,798.93 482,792,519.57 28,061,675.28 17,175,811.97 22,654,190.45 14,273,099.75 13,872,514.24 4,002,908.82 11,339,556.27 3,354,237.68 335,388,647.48 24,262,735.04 265,244,838.78 20,162,332.82 26,820,842.73 15,222,136.75 21,893,853.93 12,619,151.37 1,826,015,122.75 1,216,529,716.26 1,665,836,386.31 1,022,758,880.55 642,202,440.82 189,366,610.96 641,006,927.50 189,366,610.96 1,183,812,681.93 1,027,163,105.30 1,024,829,458.81 833,392,269.59 704,464,713.91 59.51% 5% 212,291.47 265,777.40 1%-7% 865,826.82 2,358,528.41 3% 393,505.88 1,005,997.86 --- 25,217.50 15,532.45 1,496,841.67 3,645,836.12 2,148,994.45 58.94 82,297,273.53 87,785,524.95-5,488,251.42 119,587,123.75 117,926,328.79 1,660,794.96 12,315,597.90 5,548,142.86 6,767,455.04 8,976,429.29 5,703,322.20 3,273,107.09 3,717,261.94 --- 3,717,261.94 892,294.36 48,645.97 843,648.39 614,286.86 776,382.09-162,095.23 3,521,120.31 3,207,610.09 313,510.22 98,944,420.23 94,110,049.90 4,834,370.33 132,976,967.71 126,885,907.05 6,091,060.66

10% 10% 82,297,273.53 87,785,524.95-5,488,251.42 12,315,597.90 5,548,142.86 6,767,455.04 3,717,261.94 --- 3,717,261.94 11,269,827.38 15,564,659.53 1,381,444.05 1,281,174.28 356,885.02 293,687.72 38,485.16 110,241.50 110,623.96 139,385.40 10,317,407.15 14,606,316.87 1 27,165.93 --- --- --- --- --- 7,432.60 34,598.53 63,320.40 --- 7,100.00 1,377,655.43 302,882.75 3,476,712.25-1,299,936.00 3,927,734.84 90,486.33 --- 7,100.00 1,377,655.43 302,882.75 3,476,712.25-1,292,503.40 3,962,333.36 2 12,061.28 280,333.33 --- --- --- --- 64,467.40 356,862.01 664,800.79 --- 7,100.00 1,577,179.40 302,882.75 15,358,125.00-876,160.00 17,033,927.94 676,862.07 280,333.33 7,100.00 1,577,179.40 302,882.75 15,358,125.00-811,692.60 17,390,789.95 3 10 10 16,769,035.00 20,550,216.42 4,641,582.00 4,337,112.83 4 5 13,428,456.59 77.22% 105,840.36 118,635.68 200,000.00 --- 102,000.00 --- --- 415,311.00 --- 823,151.36 118,635.68 704,515.68 593.85

31,862,898.82 1,057,121.85 24,982.20 7,835.25 56,711.81 1,055,001.46 31,944,592.83 2,119,958.56 1 10% 10% 31,862,898.82 2 29,824,634.27 1,406.85 2,861,421.31 1,711,235.91 10,000.00 12,000.00 40,085.25 1,030.00 1,130,041.86 3,747,907.91 345,847.31 231,005.00 4,387,395.73 5,703,178.82 10% 10% 2,861,421.31 1,130,041.86 90,710,187.56 54,534,168.00 117,775,261.52 47,757,007.06 26,438,725.06 1 1 122,379,817.54 89.16% 5% 6,118,990.88 86,617,504.56 76.35% 5% 4,330,875.23 1 2 3,894,768.00 2.84% 10% 389,476.80 951,884.07 0.84% 10% 95,188.41 2 3 169,630.95 0.12% 20% 33,926.19 2,853,073.46 2.51% 20% 570,614.69 3 6,033,575.53 4.40% 50% 3,016,787.77 5,429,955.40 4.79% 50% 2,714,977.70 4,787,552.80 3.48% 100% 4,787,552.80 17,599,368.15 15.51% 75%-100% 17,149,964.04 137,265,344.82 100% --- 14,346,734.44 113,451,785.64 100% --- 24,861,620.07

2 28,934,817.18 21.08 3 5 4,787,552.80 100% 4 3 1,562,000.00 5 24 14,050,070.44 6 5 5 3,058,800.00 1 1 4,690,119.54 61.80% 5% 234,505.98 10,566,886.86 89.10% 5% 528,344.34 1 2 3,747,681.19 26.08% 10% 374,768.12 332,503.90 2.80% 10% 33,250.39 2 3 440,000.00 9.91% 20% 88,000.00 711,528.00 6.00% 20% 142,305.60 3 199,800.00 2.21% 50% 99,900.00 248,709.53 2.10% 50% 124,354.77 9,077,600.73 100.00% 797,174.10 11,859,628.29 100% 828,255.10 2 5,161,001.13 56.85 3 7 199,800.00 100% 4 2,331,119.79 1,893,419.49 363,970.18 5 5 134,937,524.96 2,176,096.00 154,525,586.66 876,160.00 1 1 --- --- --- --- --- 4,217,232.00 388,800 2.58 1,266,000.00 1,266,000.00 165,696.00 1,266,000.00 525,096 0.13 1,107,360.00 1,107,360.00 --- 1,107,360.00 --- --- --- --- --- 424,350.00 836,784 2.50 2,390,168.32 2,390,168.32 --- 2,390,168.32 2,083,388 0.45 7,584,000.00 7,584,000.00 --- 7,584,000.00 184,800 0.18 306,000.00 306,000.00 --- 306,000.00

74,052 0.04 170,400.00 170,400.00 --- 170,400.00 232,320 0.06 495,440.00 495,440.00 --- 495,440.00 450,000 0.02 840,000.00 840,000.00 --- 840,000.00 880,000 --- 3,040,000.00 3,040,000.00 2,010,400.00 3,040,000.00 362,946 0.11 440,988.80 440,988.80 --- 440,988.80 594,594 0.13 1,911,210.00 1,911,210.00 --- 1,911,210.00 --- --- --- --- --- 16,500,000.00 ST 535,500 1.00 1,605,000.00 1,605,000.00 --- 1,605,000.00 7,943,760 0.17 6,120,000.00 6,120,000.00 --- 6,120,000.00 337,500 --- 30,000.00 30,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 27,306,567.12 27,306,567.12 2,176,096.00 48,418,149.12 2 A 1998.8 2005.12 75% 10,891,313.99-719,722.75 --- -719,722.75 --- --- 24,000,000.00-13,828,408.76 10,171,591.24 1995.12 2002.12 70% 289,861.94-289,861.94 --- -289,861.94 --- --- 2,100,000.00-2,100,000.00 --- 1998.10 2015.12 70% 11,708,386.94-1,134,712.09 --- 1,058,052.45 --- -2,192,764.54 7,000,000.00 3,573,674.85 10,573,674.85 100% 9,489,327.41-1,533,508.62 --- -1,533,508.62 --- --- 15,000,000.00-7,044,181.21 7,955,818.79 1999.1--2018.12 90% 12,652,159.06 252,775.34 --- 1,059,875.34 --- -807,100.00 11,176,200.00 1,728,734.40 12,904,934.40 2001.5--2021.5 85% 24,398,178.64 3,739,303.11 --- 3,601,160.67 138,142.44 --- 18,919,458.40 9,218,023.35 28,137,481.75 1998.11--2013.11 90% 27,783,365.69 501,594.68 --- 562,668.68-61,074.00 --- 27,000,000.00 1,284,960.37 28,284,960.37 1999.1--2019.1 100% --- --- --- --- --- --- 8,827,800.00-8,827,800.00 --- 1998.11-2008.4 80% --- --- --- --- --- --- 6,400,000.00-6,400,000.00 --- 100% 2,554,760.78 349,232.56 --- 349,232.56 --- --- 2,500,000.00 403,993.34 2,903,993.34 1998.12--2014.12 90% 1,661,841.82-341,621.96 --- -341,621.96 --- --- 1,350,000.00-29,780.14 1,320,219.86 2001.4--2021.4 83.75% 1,784,571.48-5,927.95 --- 71,073.27 --- -77,001.22 1,675,000.00 103,643.53 1,778,643.53 299,635.44 286,139.30 --- 286,139.30 --- --- 299,635.44 286,139.30 585,774.74 2000.12--2010.11 100% 887,922.52-887,922.52-510,000.00-377,922.52 --- --- 510,000.00-510,000.00-104,401,325.71 215,767.16-510,000.00 3,725,564.48 77,068.44-3,076,865.76 126,758,093.84-22,141,000.97 104,617,092.87 B 2002.5--2017.5 49% --- --- -735,000.00 735,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 2003.5--2023.5 20% 100,000.00 --- --- --- --- --- 100,000.00 --- 100,000.00 2002.7--2022.7 20% 956,349.37 1,307,257.10 --- 1,307,257.10 --- --- 1,000,000.00 1,263,606.47 2,263,606.47 50% 649,762.46 496.04 --- 496.04 --- --- 500,000.00 150,258.50 650,258.50 1,706,111.83 1,307,753.14-735,000 2,042,753.14 --- --- 1,600,000 1,413,864.97 3,013,864.97 C -1,381,424.36 138,142.44-828,854.60

610,740.00-61,074.00 366,444.00-770,684.36 77,068.44-462,410.60 2 80,160.00 85,536.00 165,696.00 796,000.00 1,214,400.00 2,010,400.00 876,160.00 1,299,936.00 2,176,096.00 --- 983,317,003.16 870,025,634.84 871,661,180.38 720,761,204.73 1 27,165.93 --- --- --- --- --- 7,432.60 34,598.53 63,320.40 --- --- 5,299,814.54 77,068.44 3,476,712.25-1,299,936.00 7,616,979.63 90,486.33 --- --- 5,299,814.54 77,068.44 3,476,712.25-1,292,503.40 7,651,578.16 2 12,061.28 --- --- --- --- --- 64,467.40 76,528.68 664,800.79 --- --- 5,301,613.55 77,068.44 15,358,125.00-876,160.00 20,525,447.78 676,862.07 --- --- 5,301,613.55 77,068.44 15,358,125.00-811,692.60 20,601,976.46 3 10 10 16,769,035.00 20,550,216.42 4,641,582.00 4,337,112.83 4 5 12,950,398.30 62.86 1 1 554 2 2 100,000.00 --- --- 100,000.00 1,241.80 --- --- 1,241.80 318.00 --- --- 318.00

3 250.00 --- --- 250.00 3,200.00 --- --- 3,200.00 150.00 --- --- 150.00 1,500.00 --- --- 1,500.00 800.00 --- --- 800.00 1,000.00 --- --- 1,000.00 300.00 --- --- 300.00 60.00 --- 60.00 --- 590.51 --- --- 590.51 3,000.00 --- --- 3,000.00 2,200.00 --- --- 2,200.00 200.00 --- --- 200.00 218.00 --- --- 218.00 26,234.23 46.31 --- --- --- --- 26,234.23 46.31 1,117.62 90 --- --- --- --- 1,117.62 90 286.20 90 --- --- --- --- 286.20 100 250.00 100 --- --- --- --- 250.00 100 2,400.00 75 --- --- --- --- 2,400.00 75 135.00 90 --- --- --- --- 135.00 90 1,500.00 100 --- --- --- --- 1,500.00 100 640.00 80 --- --- --- --- 640.00 80 700.00 70 --- --- --- --- 700.00 70 210.00 70 --- --- --- --- 210.00 70 60.00 100 --- --- 60.00 100 --- --- 490.51 83 --- --- --- --- 490.51 83 2,700.00 90 --- --- --- --- 2,700.00 90 1,870.00 85 --- --- --- --- 1,870.00 85 167.50 83.75 --- --- --- --- 167.50 83.75 218.00 100.00 --- --- --- --- 218.00 100.00 1 2 1 34,146,838.89 28,578,322.00 2

3 1 39,337,606.62 --- 35,784,354.68 --- 75,121,961.30 --- 2 4 3,058,800.00 5,776,800.00-5,302,784.00-25,209,884.00 6,203,167.49 --- 538,493.06 --- 657.67 2,518.18 4,987.00 4,617.00 750,212.40 --- 7,437,421.65 2,386,538.24 7,991,158.90 685,026.90 900,027.97 350,030.19 5 2001 6 260.56 14569 2001 11 30 2001 12 13 2002 6 12 2003 2 12 2005 1 5 2004 12 31 60,000,000.00 2004.03.01 2005.02.28 2004 3 8 4000 2000 2004 3 8 2005 2 28

685 14,230 267.87 2004 11 23 381 142 6 3819 47,038,500.00 16,108,624.33 30,929,875.67 2004 12 31 28,223,100.00 9,407,700.00 18,815,400.00 18,815,400.00 2005 2004 2004 129 54,534,168.00 47,766,529.06 6,767,638.94 2005 6,794,000.00 57,420 2001 3 2001 293 482.12 2002 8 2002 405 7.04 32,479,888.36 823,151.36 27,165.93-314,238.55 1,562,000.00 115,843.40 4,718,628.74 29,743,494.96

2 27 2005 3 2 P02038 18 2001

2004 2004 2003 4 1,182,316 1,023,517 (1,024,829) (833,392) 157,487 190,125 5 46,565 27,469 (177,501) (180,941) - (3,687) 6 26,551 32,966 7 (11,699) (15,887) 2,101 208 16,953 17,287 8(a) (6,201) (6,315) 10,752 10,972 (931) (79) 9,821 10,893 9 0.017 0.019 8 27

2004 2004 2003 10 544,957 595,518 11 2,030 2,569 12 367 428 13 (829) (967) 14 11,453 11,331 15 25,201 47,613 583,179 656,492 産 16-493 17 380,716 406,125 132,823 186,749 7,455 41,097 21(c) 9,876 5,495-28,102 208,527 122,516 739,397 790,577 18 185,650 219,000 251,399 257,152 62,691 45,184 111,145 226,491 21(d) 21,631 28,632 11,441 2,534 643,957 778,993 95,440 11,584 678,619 668,076

2004 ( ) 2004 2003 678,619 668,076 18 (4,083) (4,083) (19,684) (18,962) 654,852 645,031 19 566,449 566,449 20 88,403 78,582 654,852 645,031 2005 3 2 8 27

2004 ( )/ ( 19) ( 20(b)) ( 20(c)) ( 20(d)) 2002 12 31 566,449 262,598 2,704 1,340 (198,953) 67,689 634,138 - - - - 10,893 10,893 10,893 - - 2,380 1,190 (3,570) - - - (232,819) - - 232,819 - - 2003 12 31 566,449 29,779 5,084 2,530 41,189 78,582 645,031 - - - - 9,821 9,821 9,821 - - 1,595 847 (2,442) - - 2004 12 31 566,449 29,779 6,679 3,377 48,568 88,403 654,852 8 27

2004 2004 2003 14,852 17,079 (70) (672) (1,381) (1,281) 11,270 15,565 46,474 47,821, 1,130 3,747 1,300 876 - (65) / (10,041) 7,096 (35) (292) (3,477) (15,358) - (2,234) / (28,851) 593 61 60 (364) (364) 30,868 72,571 / 25,409 (148,368) / 82,875 (105,643) / 36,137 (16,602) / (4,381) 5,327 / 33,549 (21,778) / (5,742) 135,909 / (115,346) 47,980 17,507 13,398 / (7,001) 26,794 93,875 9,588 (11,270) (15,565) (4,718) (4,711) / 77,887 (10,688)

2004 2004 2003 - (218) - (500) - (500) (30) - 870 7,774 24,619 20,358 (12,750) (20,267) - (4,000) 528 4,814 26,282 2,483-467 794 1,183 1,381 1,281 41,694 12,875 (453,100) (640,811) 419,750 589,100 (220) (955) (33,570) (52,666) / 86,011 (50,479) 122,516 172,995 208,527 122,516 8 27

2004 1. ( ) ( ) A B 1992 3 7 2004 12 31 25 2. 27 (a) (b) (c) / 2. (d)

10 2004 10 (e) 劵 劵 劵 劵 劵 劵 2. (f) 2.1% 3.2% 4.8% 12% 4.8% 12% (g)

2004 (h) 産 2. (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) 22.5% (n)

2004 2. (o) 2 (e) (j) (p) (i) (ii) (iii) (q) (r) (s)

2004 2. (t) (u) 3. (a) - 2004 90% (b) - 4. 5. 2004 12 31 2004 2003 748,486 800,950 435,327 226,213 (1,497) (3,646) 1,182,316 1,023,517 2004 2003 28,851-6,767 3,273 3,717 844

2004 3,477 15,358 1,381 1,281 823 119 70 672 35-25 8-1,660-2,234-292 - 65 1,419 1,663 46,565 27,469 47,039,000 7,728,000 2,500,000 6. / 2004 2003 46,474 47,821 61 60-82,788 72,895-15,859 15,549 / (10,041) 7,096 1,130 3,747 / 6,673 (1,247) 1,300 876-593 (364) (364) 7. 2004 2003 11,270 15,565 111 139 11,381 15,704 318 183 11,699 15,887

2004 8. (a) 爲 : 2004 2003 5,590 5,103 611 1,212 6,201 6,315 2003 爲 15% 2003 15% 爲 15% - 33% (b) 9. 9,821,000 2003 10,893,000 566,449,189 2003 566,449,189 10. 2004 2003 1 1 521,510 8,181 622,999 1,152,690 1,132,895-131 3,541 3,672 5,251 4,404 242 4,971 9,617 30,481 (19,897) (2,356) (9,283) (31,536) (15,937) 9,379 (98) (9,281) - - 12 31 515,396 6,100 612,947 1,134,443 1,152,690 1 1 139,734 4,911 412,527 557,172 511,522 13,536 443 32,495 46,474 47,821 (7,028) (1,569) (6,693) (15,290) (12,857) - - - - 6,939 1,130 - - 1,130 3,747

2004 78 (2) (76) - - 12 31 147,450 3,783 438,253 589,486 557,172 2004 12 31 367,946 2,317 174,694 544,957 2003 12 31 381,776 3,270 210,472 595,518 2004 12 31 2004 2003 10,926 13,280 14,228 16,291 5,761 7,246 30,915 36,817 11. 2004 2003 : 1 1 15,546 31,010 9,078 15,017 (9,617) (30,481) 12 31 15,007 15,546 : 1 1 12,977 19,916 - (6,939) 12 31 12,977 12,977 2,030 2,569 12. 2004 1 1 12 31 610

2004 2004 1 1 182 61 2004 12 31 243 2004 12 31 367 2003 12 31 428 13. 2004 1 1 12 31 1,381 2004 1 1 414 138 2004 12 31 552 2004 12 31 829 2003 12 31 967 14. 2004 2003 9,894 11,092 2,914 1,820 (1,355) (1,581) 11,453 11,331 2004 12 31 2004 2003

% % 2004 % % 84-84 - (i) 70-70 - (i) 14. 2004 2003 % % % % (i) - - 85 15 (ii) 30-30 - 49-49 - 20-20 - - 83-83 (i) - - - 50 (ii) 20 80 20 80 (i) 25-50 - (i) (ii) 15.

2004 2004 2003 71 71 6,150 6,120 21,156 42,298 27,377 48,489 (2,176) (876) 16. 25,201 47,613 2004 2003-493 17. 2004 2003-2,203 47,643 69,711 114,084 198,649 218,989 135,562 18. 380,716 406,125 2004 2003 - - 3,600-189,733 219,483 189,733 223,083 (185,650) (219,000) 4,083 4,083 19. 4.54% 5.72% 2003 5.04% 8% 2004 12 31 ( A ) ( B ). A B

2004 2004 2003 566,449,189 566,449 566,449,189 566,449 262,342,309 262,342 262,342,309 262,342 A 71,181,880 71,182 71,181,880 71,182 B 232,925,000 232,925 232,925,000 232,925 20. 566,449,189 566,449 566,449,189 566,449 (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 10% 50% 5% 10% (b) (i) (ii) (iii) B

2004 (c) 25% (d) 20. (e) 2004 12 31 12,916,000 2003 4,205,000 21. (a) 2004 2003 75,122-34,147 28,578 (b) 2004 47,767,000 (c) (d) (e) 2004 12 31 391,000 2003 236,000

2004 22. (a) (b) 2004 12 31 2004 2003 142 442 570 570 1,720 1,862 2,431 2,874 23. (a) 2004 12 31 2004 2003 60,000 40,000-10,000 60,000 50,000 (c) 2001 21,569,000 2,606,000 2001 11 30 2002 6 12 24. 22.5% ( 2003 22.5% ) 15,859,000 2003 15,549,000 25. 2004 12 31 爲 2004 2003

% % 2004 % % 産 100-100 - 70-70 - 90-90 - 90-90 - 100-100 - 90-90 - 75-75 - 90-90 - 85-85 - 産 10 90 10 90 80-80 - 26. (a) 18 (b) (c)

2004 27. 2004 12 31 11,153 654,852 (a) (2,092) - (b) 760-9,821 654,852 (a) A B (b) A B

2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 27


2004 2004 2005 3 3

2004 SHANGHAI ERFANGJI CO., LTD. Annual Report 2004 Important Notice The Board of Directors of Shanghai Erfangji Co., Ltd. individually and collectively accepts responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report and confirms that there are no material omissions nor errors which would render any statement misleading. Mr. Gao Yong, Independent Director of the Company, couldn t attend the Board meeting personally due to important official business and entrusted Independent Director Ni Di to vote on his behalf. Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. and Horwath Certified Public Accountants audited the 2004 financial report of the Company and issued an unqualified Auditors Report for the Company. Herein, the Company s legal representative Zheng Yuanhu, CFO Mei Jianzhong and Person in Charge of Financing Zheng Aihua jointly declare that the finance report enclosed in this annual report is true and complete. This report has been prepared in Chinese version and English version respectively. In the event of difference in interpretation between the two versions, the Chinese report shall prevail. CONTENTS. COMPANY PROFILE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHT AND BUSINESS HIGHLIGHT---------------

2004. CHANGES IN SHARE CAPITAL AND PARTICULARS ABOUT SHAREHOLDERS---. PARTICULARS ABOUT DIRECTORS, SUPERVISORS, SENIOR EXECUTIVES AND EMPLOYEES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE--------------------------------------------------------------------. BRIEF OF THE SHAREHOLDERS GENERAL MEETING-----------------------------------. REPORT OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS-------------------------------------------------------------. REPORT OF SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE------------------------------------------------------. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. FINANCIAL REPORT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR REFERENCE--------------------------------------------------

2004 I. Company Profile 1. Company s legal Chinese name: Company s legal English name: SHANGHAI ERFANGJI CO., LTD. 2. Company s legal representative: Zheng Yuanhu 3. Secretary of the Board: Li Bo Contact address: No. 687 Changzhong Rd. Shanghai Tel.: (86)21-65318888 ext. 2673 Fax: (86)21-65421963 E-mail: shej@public7.sta.net.cn Securities Affairs Representative of the Board: Wu Tao Contact address: No. 687 Changzhong Rd. Shanghai Tel.: (86)21-65318888 ext. 2673 Fax: (86)21-65421963 E-mail: wutao@shefj.com 4. Registered address and office address: No. 687 Changzhong Rd. Shanghai Postal code: 200434 E-mail: shej@public7.sta.net.cn Company s website: http://www.shefj.com 5. Newspaper chosen for disclosing the information of the Company: Shanghai Securities News and Ta Kung Pao Internet website designated by CSRC for publishing the annual report: http://www.sse.com.cn The place where the annual report is prepared and placed: office of the Board of Directors, No. 687 Changzhong Rd. Shanghai 6. Stock exchange listed with: Shanghai Stock Exchange Short form of the stock: Erfangji & Erfangji B Stock code of A-share: 600604; Stock code of B-share: 900902 7. Other related information of the Company Initial registered capital: RMB 303,986,900 Evolutive course of the Company s registered capital: RMB 425,581,700 on Oct. 7, 1993 in Shanghai Municipal Administration Bureau of Industry & Commerce; RMB 461,839,800 on Dec. 12, 1995 in Shanghai Municipal Administration Bureau of Industry & Commerce; RMB 514,953,800 on July 23, 1996 in Shanghai Municipal Administration Bureau of Industry & Commerce; RMB 566,449,200 on Jun. 25, 1997 in Shanghai Municipal Administration Bureau of Industry & Commerce; Business license registration No.: QGHZ Zi No. 019003 city bureau Tax registration No.: GSH Zi No.: 310042607225505 Name and address of Certified Public Accountants engaged by the Company:

Name: Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. Address: 61, Nanjing East Road, Shanghai Name: Horwath Hong Kong CPA Limited Address: Room 2001, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 2004 II. Summary of Financial Highlight and Business Highlight (I) Accounting data as of the year 2004 Unit: RMB 1. Total profit 15,582,218.48 2. Net profit 11,152,671.21 3. Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses -18,590,823.75 4. Profit from main operations 157,486,381.45 5. Other operating profit 4,834,370.33 6. Operating profit -16,760,463.34 7. Investment income 3,962,333.36 8. Subsidy income 823,151.36 9. Net non-operating income/expenses 27,557,197.10 10. Net cash flows from operating activities 88,338,115.23 11. Net increase in cash and cash equivalent 86,010,597.48 Note: Items of deducting non-recurring gains and losses and the relevant amount: Items of non-recurring gains and losses as of the year 2004 are as follows: Unit: RMB 1. Gains and looses occurred due to disposal of other assets except 32,479,888.36 for the Company s products 2. Various government subsidies 823,151.36 3. Short-term investment income 27,165.93 4. Various non-operating income/expense after deducting reserve for impairment of assets 5. Switching back various reserve for impairment allotted over the previous years -314,238.55 1,562,000.00-115,843.40 6. Impact on income tax -4,718,628.74 Total 29,743,494.96 (II) Explanation on difference in net profit audited in conformity to Chinese Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards The Company s net profit as of year 2004 audited by Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants and Horwath Hong Kong CPA Limited was RMB 11,152,700 and RMB 9,821,000 respectively.

2004 The Company s accounting statement of B-share as of year 2004 reported based on International Accounting Standards was audited by Horwath Hong Kong CPA Limited, and difference in net profit and net assets compared with accounting statement of A-share reported in line with Chinese Accounting Standards are as follows: (Unit: RMB 0000) Net profit Net assets 2004 2003 Year-end of 2004 Year-end of 2003 As reported as Chinese Accounting 1,115.27 1,081.59 65,485.20 64,503.04 Standards P&L reckoned in direct 76.00 8.20 Unconfirmed loss from consolidated (209.20) (0.5) subsidiaries As restated based on International 982.107 1,089.29 65,485.20 64,503.04 Accounting Standards (III) Major accounting date and financial indexes over the past three years ended the report period Unit: RMB Major accounting data 2004 Income from main operations 2003 Increase/decrease 2002 compared with After adjustment Before After Before the last report adjustment adjustment adjustment period (%) 1,183,812,681.93 1,027,163,105.3 1,027,163,105.30 15.25 744,592,580.13 744,592,580.13 Total profit 15,582,218.48 16,492,244.61 16,492,244.61-5.52 12,654,193.34 12,654,193.34 Net profit 11,152,671.21 10,815,889.27 10,815,889.27 3.11 9,002,102.84 9,002,102.84 Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses -18,590,823.75-5,923,816.19-5,923,816.19-213.83 6,515,404.01 6,515,404.01 At the end of 2003 Increase/decrease At the end of 2002 At the end of compared with Before After Before 2004 After adjustment the last report adjustment adjustment adjustment period (%) Total assets 1,317,273,512.56 1,394,150,285.52 1,394,150,285.52-5.51 1,251,765,210.42 1,251,765,210.42 Shareholders equity 654,852,121.51 645,030,406.48 645,030,406.48 1.52 634,137,870.11 634,137,870.11 Net cash flow arising from operating activities Major financial indexes 2004 Earnings per share (fully diluted) 88,338,155.23 2,480,307.75 2,480,307.75 3,461.58 63,152,694.70 63,152,694.70 2003 Increase/decrease 2002 compared with After adjustment Before After Before the last report adjustment adjustment adjustment period (%) 0.0197 0.01909 0.01909 3.20 0.0159 0.0159 Return on equity (fully 1.70 1.68 1.68 1.19 1.42 1.42

diluted) (%) Return on equity as calculated based on net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (fully diluted) (%) Net cash flow per share arising from operating activities Earnings per share (Weighted average) Earnings per share as calculated based on net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (fully diluted) Earnings per share as calculated based on net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (weighted average) Return on equity (weighted average) (%) Return on equity as calculated based on net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (weighted average) (%) 2004-2.84-0.92-0.92-208.70 1.03 1.03 0.1560 0.0044 0.0044 3,445.45 0.111 0.111 0.0197 0.01909 0.01909 3.20 0.0159 0.0159-0.0328-0.0105-0.0105-212.38 0.0115 0.0115-0.0328-0.0105-0.0105 --212.38 0.0115 0.0115 1.70 1.68 1.68 1.19 1.42 1.42-2.84-0.92-0.92 208.70 1.03 1.03 At the end of 2003 Increase/decrease At the end of 2002 At the end of compared with Before After Before 2004 After adjustment the last report adjustment adjustment adjustment period (%) Net assets 1.156 1.139 1.139 1.49 1.119 1.119 Net assets per share after adjustment 1.122 1.075 1.075 4.37 1.036 1.036 Calculation equation for major financial indexes: Earnings per share = net profit / total ordinary shares at the year-end Net assets per share = shareholders equity at the year-end / total ordinary shares at the year-end Net assets per share after adjustment = (shareholders equity at the year-end accounts receivable over 3 years expenses to be diluted assets loss (flow and fixed) to be dealt with organization costs long-term expenses to be diluted) / total shares at the year-end

2004 Net cash flow per share arising from operating activities = Net cash flow arising from operating activities / total n shares at the year-end Return on equity = net profit/ shareholders equity at the year-end 100% (IV) Return on equity and earnings per share are calculated according to the requirements of Regulations on the Information Disclosure of Companies Publicly Issuing Shares (No. 9) released by CSRC: Return on equity (%) Earnings per share (RMB) Profit as of the report period Fully diluted Weighted average Fully diluted Weighted average Profit from main operations 24.05 24.05 0.278 0.278 Operating profit -2.56-2.56-0.0296-0.0296 Net profit 1.70 1.70 0.0197 0.0197 Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses -2.84-2.84-0.0328-0.0328 (V) Particulars about change in shareholders equity in the report period Items Share capital Public reserve Surplus reserve Amount at the period-begin Increase this period Decrease this period in in Amount at the period-en Statutory welfare funds Retained profit Total shareholders equity 566,449,189.46 67,379,563.29 7,614,473.15 2,563,673.51 4,205,314.77 645,030,406.48 760,628.84 2,441,881.06 813,960.89 10,623,261.53 10,620,861.02 799,145.99 799,145.99 566,449,189.46 68,140,192.13 10,056,354.21 3,377,634.40 14,029,430.31 654,852,121.51 Reasons for change: (1) Reason for change of public reserve: canceling accounts payable over 5 years after verification (2) Reason for change of surplus reserve: allotting surplus reserve (3) Reason for change of statutory welfare funds: allotting statutory welfare funds (4) Reason for change of retained profit: increase of profit III. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders (I) Change in share capital (Unit: share) Increase/decrease of this time (+, - ) Items Year-begin Rationed share Bonus shares Capitalization of public reserve Additional issuance Others Sub- total Year-end I. Unlisted Shares 1. Sponsors shares 262,342,310.00 262,342,310.00 Including: State-owned share 262,342,310.00 262,342,310.00 Domestic legal person s shares