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大葉大學 2019 年春季班外國學生申請入學招生簡章 Da-Yeh University, Taiwan 2019 Spring International Student Admission Handbook 1. 申請日期 Application Deadlines 2018 年 10 月 15 日至 2018 年 12 月 28 日 (2019 年 2 月入學 ) 15 th, October, 2018 ~ 28 th, December, 2018 (registration: February, 2019). 2. 報名方式 How to Apply 請至本校外國學生線上申請系統報名 :https://eis.dyu.edu.tw/is/ Please login DYU International Students Online Application System for registration: https://eis.dyu.edu.tw/is/ 3. 申請資格 Qualifications 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍, 於申請時並不具僑生資格者, 得依外國學生來臺就學辦法規定申請入學 具外國國籍並符合下列規定, 且最近連續居留海外六年以上者, 亦得依本辦法規定申請入學 但擬就讀大學醫學 牙醫或中醫學系者, 其連續居留年限為八年以上 : 一 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者, 應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍 二 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍, 於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者, 應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年 三 前二款均未曾以僑生身分在臺就學, 且未於當學年度經海外聯合招生委員會分發 依教育合作協議, 由外國政府 機構或學校遴薦來臺就學之外國國民, 其自始未曾在臺設有戶籍者, 經主管教育行政機關核准, 得不受前二項規定之限制 第二項所定六年 八年, 以擬入學當學期起始日期 ( 二月一日或八月一日 ) 為終日計算之 第二項所稱海外, 指大陸地區 香港及澳門以外之國家或地區 ; 所稱連續居留, 指外國學生每曆年在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日 連續居留海外採計期間之起迄年度非屬完整曆年者, 以各該年度之採計期間內在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日予以認定 但符合下列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 ; 其在國內停留期間, 不併入海外居留期間計算 : 一 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部 ( 以下簡稱本部 ) 認定之技術訓練專班 二 就讀本部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心, 合計未滿二年 三 交換學生, 其交換期間合計未滿二年 四 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習, 實習期間合計未滿二年 具外國國籍並兼具中華民國國籍, 且於本辦法中華民國一百年二月一日修正施行前已提出申請喪失中華民國國籍者, 得依原規定申請入學, 不受第二項規定之限制 A person of foreign nationality who has never held Republic of China ( R.O.C. ) nationality and who does not have overseas Chinese student status at the time of their application is permitted to apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with these Regulations(Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan). A person of foreign nationality who meets the following requirements and who in the immediate past has resided overseas continuously for at least six years is also permitted to apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years. 1. A person who at the time of their application also holds dual R.O.C. nationality shall have never had household registration in Taiwan. 2. A person who before the time of their application also held dual R.O.C. nationality but no longer does at the time of their application shall have renounced their R.O.C. nationality with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior on a date at least eight full years before making their application. 3. The persons referred to in the preceding two subparagraphs must have never previously undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student nor have accepted a placement by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in the current academic year A foreign national who was selected by a foreign government, organization, or school to study in Taiwan in 2

accordance with the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement, and who has never had household registration in Taiwan may be given exemption from the restrictions set out in the preceding two paragraphs if the competent education administrative authority gives approval. The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 2 shall be calculated using the starting date of the semester (February 1, or August 1) as the end date of the period. The term overseas used in Paragraph 2 refers to countries or regions other than the Mainland Area, Hong Kong, and Macau; the term reside overseas continuously means that an international student has stayed in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days in each calendar year. When calculating the number of consecutive years spent overseas, if the initial or final year of the period is not a complete calendar year, any time spent in Taiwan in the initial or final year must not exceed 120 days. However, time that a person has spent in Taiwan is not subject to this restriction and it is not counted when calculating how long they were in Taiwan in a particular year if the person has documentary proof that they: 1. Attended an overseas youth training course organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or a technical professional training program accredited by the Ministry of Education; 2. spent a total period of less than two years undertaking Chinese language classes at a Chinese language center at a university or tertiary college which has Ministry of Education approval to recruit students overseas; 3. spent a total period of less than two years in Taiwan as an exchange student; or 4. spent a total period of less than two years undertaking an internship that they came to Taiwan to undertake with the approval of the designated central competent authority; A person who held both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and applied for annulment of their R.O.C. nationality before the date of effect of the February 1, 2011 amendment to these Regulations may apply for admission as an international student in accordance with the provisions in place before the amendment and is not subject to the restrictions set out in Paragraph 2. 具外國國籍, 兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格, 且未曾在臺設有戶籍, 申請時於香港 澳門或海外連續居留滿六年以上者, 得依本辦法規定申請入學 但擬就讀大學醫學 牙醫或中醫學系者, 其連續居留年限為八年以上 前項所稱連續居留, 指每曆年在國內停留期間, 合計未逾一百二十日 但符合前條第五項第一款至第四款所列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 ; 其在國內停留期間, 不併入前項連續居留期間計算 曾為大陸地區人民具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍, 申請時已連續居留海外六年以上者, 得依本辦法規定申請入學 但擬就讀大學醫學 牙醫或中醫學系者, 其連續居留年限為八年以上 前項所稱連續居留, 指每曆年在國內停留期間, 合計未逾一百二十日 但符合前條第五項第一款至第四款所列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 : 其在國內停留期間, 不併入海外連續居留期間計算 第一項及第三項所定六年 八年, 以擬入學當學期起始日期 ( 二月一日或八月一日 ) 為終日計算之 第一項至第四項所定海外, 準用前條第五項規定 An applicant of foreign nationality, who is eligible for permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macao, who has never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided in Hong Kong, Macao, or elsewhere overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years. The term resided [ ] continuously in the preceding paragraph means that a person did not spend more than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year. However, this restriction does not apply if a person can present documentary proof that any of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the previous article apply. The time that they spent in Taiwan in the ways listed is not counted when calculating the period of continuous residence referred to in the previous paragraph. A person who was formerly from the Mainland Area and who has foreign nationality and has have never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years. The term resided [ ] continuously in the preceding paragraph means that a person did not spend more than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year. However, this restriction does not apply if a person 3

can present documentary proof that any of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the previous article apply. The time that they spent in Taiwan in the ways listed is not counted when calculating the period that they resided continuously overseas referred to in the previous paragraph. The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 1 and in Paragraph 3 shall be calculated using the starting date of the semester (February 1, or August 1) as the end date of the period. The definition of overseas given in Paragraph 5 of the previous article also applies, mutatis mutandis, to Paragraphs 1 to 4. 外國學生依前二條規定申請來臺就學, 以一次為限 於完成申請就學學校學程後, 除申請碩士班以上學程, 得逕依各校規定辦理外, 如繼續在臺就學者, 其入學方式應與我國內一般學生相同 An international student applying to study at an educational institution in Taiwan in accordance with the provisions of the two previous articles is limited to only applying once [English note: a person may apply to more than one educational institution, but if one of these applications is successful and they then study in Taiwan, they cannot subsequently apply to study at another educational institution for a course at that level]. After completing the course of study at the educational institution to which they applied, unless the student is applying for admission to a program for a master s degree or a higher degree, which may be handled by each university in accordance with its regulations, if the students wants to continue studying in Taiwan, their application shall be handled in the same manner as the admission procedures for domestic students. 請參考外國學生來臺就學辦法 https://law.moj.gov.tw/lawclass/lawall.aspx?pcode=h0110001 ) Please refer to the webpage https://law.moj.gov.tw/eng/lawclass/lawcontent.aspx?pcode=h0110001 for more information about regulations Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan. 外國學生畢業於教育部採認之國外高中 大學或獨立學院者得申請入學本校 ( 請參考教育部國際及兩岸教育司網站 http://www.edu.tw/default.aspx?wid=409cab38-69fe-4a61-ad3a-5d32a88deb5d 或 http://english.moe.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1) 外國學生具國外高中畢業資格或已完成高二學業者, 得申請入學本校學士班 ; 具學士學位者或具有與我國學制相當之同等學力資格者, 得申請入學本校碩士班 ; 具碩士學位者或具有與我國學制相當之同等學力資格者, 得申請入學本校博士班 International students who graduated from a high school, college or university recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China can apply for admission. (Please refer to the webpage http://www.edu.tw/default.aspx?wid=409cab38-69fe-4a61-ad3a-5d32a88deb5d or http://english.moe.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1 for more information). International students with a high school diploma or have completed two years of high school education are eligible to apply for undergraduate programs; Bachelor s degree holders for Master s programs and Master s degree holders for Ph.D. programs, or with equivalent qualifications to that of Taiwan s academic degree system. 4. 修業期限 Length of Study 學士班 :4-6 年碩士班 :1-4 年博士班 :2-7 年 Bachelor s program: 4-6 years Master s program: 1-4 years Ph.D. program: 2-7 years 5. 招生名額 Admission Quota 學士班 :446 碩士班 :45 博士班 :18 4

Bachelor s program: 446 Master s program: 45 Ph.D. program: 18 6. 申請費用規定 Application Fee Guidelines 申請費 : 免收 Application fee: None 7. 申請時應繳交資料 Required Documents (1) 最高學歷畢業證書影本及中文或英文最高學歷之在校成績證明 ( 由原畢業學校加蓋戳章或鋼印後 ) 各 1 份 A copy of the original official diploma of the highest degree and an official transcript of academic record in Chinese or English are stamped by the original graduation school. (2) 財力證明書 1 份 ( 美金 3,000) Documented evidence of financial statement by bank.(usd3,000) (3) 切結書 1 份 A recognizance. (4) 推薦書 1 份 One Recommendation Letter. (5) 讀書計畫 ( 申請研究所者需繳交 ) A study plan (needed only for those who apply to graduate school). (6) 各系所規定之其他文件, 請參閱招生系所表格 Other documents may be required by certain departments or graduate institute, please check on. 所有申請文件概不退還, 請自行保留備份 All application documents will not be returned for any reason. 8. 獎學金 Scholarship Information (1) 臺灣獎學金 Taiwan Scholarship 外國學生得於入境前向中華民國 ( 臺灣 ) 駐外單位或代表處申請政府核發之 臺灣獎學金, 有關獎學金訊息請參考教育部國際文教處網頁 : http://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/scholarship.aspx International students can apply for the Taiwan Scholarship, which is granted by the government, through a Taiwan Overseas Mission before their arrival in Taiwan. For further information, please visit the website: http://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/scholarship.aspx (2) 大葉大學外國學生獎學金 Da-Yeh University (DYU) Foreign Student Scholarships 博士生可獲得學雜費全部減免及 2~4 萬元, 碩士生及大學生則可獲得學雜費之全部或部分減免 以上獎學金金額是以一學期計算 獎學金之獎勵期限, 大學生最多四年 ( 大學轉學生最多三年 ), 碩士生最多二年, 博士生最多三年, 博士生第四年得減免學雜費 Each scholarship winner for Ph.D. program will be exempted from paying all of tuition fees, incidental fees and receive NT$20,000 ~ NT$40,000 each semester. Each scholarship winner for Maser and undergraduate program will be exempted from paying all or part of tuition fees, incidental fees. Scholarships are awarded on a semester basis. Each student seeking a Bachelor s degree may be offered a scholarship for at most four years (at most three years for transfer students). Each student seeking a Master s degree may be offered a scholarship for at most two years. Each student seeking a Doctor s degree may be offered a scholarship for at most three years, and the tuition fee, incidental fee for the fourth year may be exempted. 大葉大學外國學生獎學金種類如下 : The following are the classes of DYU Foreign Student Scholarships: 第一級 : 當年度公告之一學期學雜費金額, 另加助學金新台幣四萬元 ( 限博士學位生申請 ) Class 1: Award holders are exempted from paying tuition fees; incidental fees for one semester and awarded additional NT$ 40,000 (applicable to new Ph.D. students only). 5

第二級 : 當年度公告之一學期學雜費金額, 另加助學金新台幣二萬元 ( 限博士學位生申請 ) Class 2: Award holders are exempted from paying tuition fees; incidental fees for one semester and awarded additional NT$ 20,000 (applicable to new Ph.D. students only). 第三級 : 當年度公告之一學期學雜費金額 ( 博士 碩士及學士學位生皆可申請 ) Class 3: Award holders are exempted from paying tuition fees, incidental fees for one semester(applicable to all new students) 第四級 : 當年度公告之一學期學雜費總金額的二分之一 ( 博士 碩士及學士學位生皆可申請 ) Class 4: Award holders are exempted from paying half of tuition fees, incidental fees for one semester. (applicable to all new students) 第五級 : 由獎助學金委員會決議 Class 5: The Scholarship based on The International Student Scholarship final decision of the scholarship recipients. *Notice: Scholarship depends on the newest school announcement and the Scholarship committee. 申請獎學金時應繳交資料 : Required documents for applying DYU Foreign Student Scholarships (1) 申請者原就讀學校教師之中文或英文推薦信 Recommendation letters written in Chinese or English. (2) 若有參加所屬國全國性統一考試者, 須附一份統一考試成績 A copy of score of any national examinations, which have been taken by the applicant 除上述 (1) ~ (2) 項外, 研究所申請者還須繳交以下文件 : In addition to the above items (1) ~ (2), the following materials are also required for graduate program applicants: (1) 中文或英文最高學歷之在校成績證明 ( 由原畢業學校加蓋章戳 ) 申請研究所就讀者畢業成績平均需達 76 分或 GPA 3.0/4.0 以上 若畢業日期在當年五 六月份, 則僅需繳交在校總成績 ( 加蓋章戳或鋼印密封 ), 惟成績平均需達 76 分或 GPA 3.0/4.0 以上. A copy of official transcript of academic record in Chinese or English is stamped by the original school. A grade point average (GPA) of at least 76 out of 100 or at least 3.0 out of 4.0 is required. If the graduation date is in May or June of the applying year, only the original copy of official transcript showing all the courses taken is required, but a GPA of at least 76 out of 100 or at least 3.0 out of 4.0 is still required. (2) 非英語系國家申請研究所就讀者, 須附 TOEIC 或 TOEFL 成績單,TOEIC 成績須達 650 分, 新 TOEFL-IBT 成績須達 70 分 ( 或電腦 TOEFL-CBT 193 分或 TOEFL-ITP 紙筆測驗 523 分 ),IELTS 5 級分, 方可申請本校外國學生獎學金 TOEIC or TOEFL score is required for graduate program applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. For TOEIC, a score of at least 650 is required. A TOEFL-IBT score of at least 70 (or a TOEFL-CBT score of at least 193 or a TOEFL-ITP score of at least 523) is required or IELTS, a score of at least 5 is required. 6

9. 審查時間表 Schedule for Admission & Scholarship Decisions 自即日起至 2018 年 12 月 28 日提出申請 The following schedule applies to applications submitted before 20 th, June, 2018. 活動時間 1. 獎學金審查 Scholarship application examination 2019 年 1 月 4 日 4 th, January, 2019 2. 公告錄取名單, 寄發通知 Results posted on DYU website, and acceptance letters sent to applicants. 2019 年 1 月 5 日 5 th, January, 2019 註 錄取名單公告於本校國際暨兩岸交流處網頁 https://fa.dyu.edu.tw/, 入學與獎學金通知單以掛號信件寄發 Note: The list of admitted students will be posted on the website of Office of Foreign Affairs: https://fa.dyu.edu.tw/. The acceptance letters of Admission and Scholarship will be sent by registered mail. 10. 報到註冊 Registration 錄取生依錄取通知之規定辦理註冊手續, 並繳驗以下資料, 始得註冊入學 : Admitted students should arrive at the university prior to the date specified by admission letter for registration. Passport and the original highest-degree diploma should be presented (and will be returned to applicants after examination) (1) 護照 Passport (2) 簽證 ( 居留簽證 ) Visa (Resident Visa) (2) 經駐外單位驗證之畢業證書及成績單正本 ( 驗後發還 ) Verified Diploma and Transcript in English or Chinese by Taiwan Embassies. (3) 海外保險證明 ( 入境當日起至少六個月效期 ) Health insurance certificate (at least 6 months form the date of arrive Taiwan). (4) 健康證明書 Items Required For Health Certificate. (5) 財力證明 ( 美金 3,000)Documented evidence of financial statement by bank(usd3,000). 7

11. 學雜費 Tuition fees and incidental fees 以下是 2019 年春季班學雜費收費標準, 僅供參考 (32 元台幣 1 美元 ) For your reference, the followings are tuition fees that apply only to the Spring semester of the 2019 academic year (NT$32 US$1). 學群 College 工學院 College of Engineering 管理學院 College of Management 生資學院 College of Biotechnology and Bioresources 設計學院 College of Design and Arts 外語學院 College of Foreign Language 觀光餐旅學院 College of Tourism and Hospitality 護理學院 College of Nursing and Health Science 學雜費 / 學期 Tuition and incidental fees per Semester 大學部 Undergraduate s NT57,490 NT50,612~ NT57,490 NT57,490 NT57,490 NT49,960~ NT59,122 NT50,612~ NT57,490 NT50,612~ NT60,642 研究所 Graduate s NT49,033~ NT54,723 其他 Other NT1,842~ NT4,742 住宿費 Housing (per year) NT25,000~ NT46,000 生活費 Living (per month) NT6,000~ NT10,000 * 材料費及書籍費用會依據不同科系所有所變動 Cost of material and textbooks will depend on each college and department. 8

12. 招生系所 Academic s 12.1 Academic s College of Engineering Mechanical and Automation Engineering Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral Remarks of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Electrical Engineering Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral Remarks of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Fire Protection & Safety Engineering Technology Remarks 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Environmental Engineering Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral Remarks of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to 9

Computer Science and Information Engineering Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. Remarks 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Industrial Engineering and Management Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are familiar with the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Materials Science and Engineering 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Bachelor of Green Product Design Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral Remarks of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is mainly taught in Chinese, teachers are able to give the course tour by English. However, we recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You are recommended to pass the L3 test of Chinese before joining to department course for better understanding. 10

College of Biotechnology and Bioresources Ph.D. of Biotechnology and Industry Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. Remarks 2. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. Food Science Biotechnology Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. Remarks 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Molecular Biotechnology Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Bioresources 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Medicinal Botanicals and Health Applications Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to 11

College of Management Ph.D in Management Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants Remarks from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. 3. Work experience for 3 years after your Master degree. Graduate Institute of Professional Development in Education Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral Remarks of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. Business Administration Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral Remarks of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor are taught in Chinese. Some courses are taught in English. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after International Business Management Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral Remarks of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after 12

Human Resources and Public Relations Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Accounting Information 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Information Management Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants Remarks from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Finance 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after 13

College of Foreign Language Department of English Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral 1. A certificate of TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOCFL or other proofs of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants Remarks from non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in English. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in Chinese language for other University required courses. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Department of Applied Japanese Language 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to European Cultures and Tourism 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the mandarin Remarks Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Bachelor for International Professional in Cultural and Creative Industries (English ) 1. This is English. 2. A certificate of TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC or other proofs of Remarks English ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking country. 3. Other University required courses are taught in Chinese. 14

College of Design and Arts Graduate of Design and Arts College Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Chinese courses are provided for non-chinese speakers. Plastic Arts Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Industrial Design Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Architecture and Interior Design 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Visual Communication Design 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after 15

Communications Arts 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If Remarks the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to department course. Multimedia Digital Content 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after 2. Students are allowed to specialize in animation, comics and game development. 16

College of Tourism and Hospitality Tourism and Travel Management 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Hospitality Management 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly Remarks language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Leisure and Recreation Management Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native English-speaking countries. Remarks 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Bachelor for Wedding Planning and Festival Management Remarks 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Bachelor for Baking and Beverage Modulation Remarks 1. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to 17

College of Nursing and Health Science Sport and Health Management Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2.A certificated of Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCF)or other proofs of Chinese ability is required for applicants from non-native Chinese-speaking countries. 3. Bachelor and Master are taught in Chinese. It is Strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. (Bachelor:If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to ) Bachelor/Master for Design and Materials for Medical Equipment and Devices Degrees Bachelor Master Doctoral of English and Chinese ability is required for applicants from Remarks non-native English-speaking countries. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after Nursing Remarks 1. A certificate of TOCFL or other proofs of Chinese ability is required for applicants. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is strongly recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test than just can join to Optometry 1. A certificate of TOCFL or other proofs of Chinese ability is required Remarks for applicants. 2. Bachelor is taught in Chinese. It is recommended that students are proficient in the Chinese language. If the TOCFL is less than Level 3, you need to take a year intensive Chinese course from the Chinese Language Center after attending DYU. You have to pass the L3 test before you can join to 3. Applicants who have visual impairment, abnormal color vision, hearing impairment, physical handicap, mental disorder, language problem, should consider deliberately. 18

12.2 招生系所 系所 工學院 機械與自動化工程學系 學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所電機工程學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所環境工程學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所資訊工程學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所工業工程與管理學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 19

系所材料科學與工程學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流備註利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所 綠色產品設計學士學位學程 學制 學士 碩士 博士備註 1. 非英語系國家申請研究所就讀者, 須附英文或中文語文能力測驗證明 (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOCFL or 其他可證明能力之考試 ) 2. 學士班主為中文授課, 教師均具備英文課程輔導能力, 但建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 以協助課程理解 系所消防安全學士學位學程 ( 學士 ) 學制 學士 碩士 博士備註 1. 非英語系國家申請研究所就讀者, 須附英文或中文語文能力測驗證明 (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOCFL or 其他可證明能力之考試 ) 2. 學士班主為中文授課, 教師均具備英文課程輔導能力, 但建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 以協助課程理解 20

生物科技暨資源學院 系所生物科技與產業博士學位學程學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 系所食品暨應用生物科技學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所分子生物科技學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所生物資源學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所藥用植物與保健學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 21

管理學院 系所 管理學院博士班 學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 非英語系國家申請研究所就讀者, 須附英文或中文語文 能力測驗證明 (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOCFL or 其他可證 備註 明能力之考試 ) 2. 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 3. 碩士畢業後需有三年以上工作經驗 系所教育專業發展研究所學制 學士 碩士 博士 系所企業管理學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所國際企業管理學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所人力資源暨公共關係學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所會計資訊學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流備註利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 22

系所資訊管理學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 非英語系國家申請研究所就讀者, 須附英文或中文語文能力測驗證明 (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOCFL or 其他可證明能力之考試 ) 備註 2. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所財務金融學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流備註利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 23

外語學院 系所英語學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為英文 中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所應用日語學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學備註後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所歐洲文化與旅遊學士學位學程學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學備註後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所文創產業國際人才學士學位學程學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 全英語授課學程 備註 2. 非英語系國家申請就讀者, 須附英文或中文語文能力測驗證明 (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOCFL or 其他可證明能力之考試 ) 3. 非專業科目為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 24

設計暨藝術學院 系所設計暨藝術學院碩士班學制 學士 碩士 博士 系所造形藝術學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所工業設計學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所空間設計學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後備註須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所視覺傳達設計學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學備註後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所傳播藝術學士學位學程學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學備註後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 25

系所多媒體數位內容學位學程學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須備註至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 26

觀光餐旅學院 系所觀光旅遊學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學備註後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所餐旅管理學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學備註後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所休閒事業管理學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所婚禮企劃暨節慶管理學士學位學程學制 學士 碩士 博士 備註 系所 1. 學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 烘焙暨飲料調製學士學位學程 學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學備註後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 27

護理暨健康學院 系所運動健康管理學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班 碩士班皆為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力 學士班的學生, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所醫療器材設計與材料學士 / 碩士學位學程學制 學士 碩士 博士 2. 學士班為中文同時授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力, 如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所 護理學系 學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 申請者需附中文語文能力證明 (TOCFL) 或其他可證明能力備註之考試 2. 護理系學士班為中文授課, 強力建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 系所視光學系學制 學士 碩士 博士 1. 申請者需附中文語文能力證明 (TOCFL) 或其他可證明能力備註之考試 2. 視光學系學士班為中文授課, 建議申請學生擁有聽說讀寫流利之中文能力如華文檢定能力未達 L3 者, 入學後須至華語中心修習一年華語課程, 待通過 L3 檢定者, 方可入班就讀 3. 有視覺障礙或辨色力異常 聽覺障礙 肢體障礙 精神障礙 語言障礙者宜慎重考慮 28

13. 保險 Insurance 學生平安保險費每學期約新臺幣 500 元 Student Insurance About NT$ 500 per semester 全民健保 ( 入學後第七個月開始 ) 每學期約新臺幣 5,000 元 National Health Insurance (starting from About NT$ 5,000 per semester the seventh month of enrollment) 備註 : 學生於註冊時應檢附下列文件 : Remarks: (Required documents at the time of enrollment): (1) 海外保險證明 Insurance Certificate 於國外投保自入境當日起至少六個月, 並經駐外館處認證且得於臺灣使用之保險 ( 外國學生在臺滿六個月後須加入全民健保 ) International students should purchase their own health insurance for the first six months of their stay in Taiwan. Starting from the seventh month, they should enroll in the National Health Insurance program. Overseas insurance should be certified by the Taiwan Overseas Mission in their country or the nearest Taiwan Overseas Mission. (2) 健康證明書 Health Certificate 最近三個月內之健康證明書 ( 包括 HIV 抗體檢查 胸部 X 光檢查肺結核 腸內寄生蟲 ( 含痢疾阿米巴等原蟲 ) 糞便檢查 ( 採用離心濃縮法檢查 ) 梅毒血清檢查 麻疹及德國麻疹之抗體陽性檢驗報告或預防接種證明 漢生病檢查 ) A health certificate is required, which is dated within the past 3 months and contains Serological Test for HIV Antibody, Chest X-Ray for Tuberculosis, Stool examination for parasites including Entameba histolytica, Serological Test for Syphilis, proof of positive measles and rubella antibody titers or measles and rubella vaccination certificates, and examination for HANSEN S disease. 14. 住宿與生活費 Housing and Living Expenses (1) 住宿費每學年約新臺幣 25,000 元 Housing Costs: about NT$25,000 per Academic Year. (2) 生活費每月約新臺幣 6,000 元至 10,000 元 Living Expenses: about NT$6,000 to NT$10,000 per month 餐廳照片 Photos of Restaurants at DYU 29

宿舍照片 Photos of DYU Dorms 15. 本校提供收費停車場 ( 機車與汽車停車費每學年新臺幣 500 與 3,000 元 ) Da-Yeh University provides a pay parking lot. (Parking fees of a motorcycle and an automobile are NT$500 and NT$3,000 per Academic Year, respectively.) 16. 大眾交通工具 Transportation to DYU: 從員林火車站 ( 或大村火車站 ) 到大葉大學, 乘員林客運約 12 分鐘到校, 每 30 分鐘發車一班 There are local buses from Yuanlin train station (or Dacun train station) to DYU that takes about 12 minutes for one trip with departure every 30 minutes. 每週五下午 3:30 由大葉大學發車, 行程停靠 台中高鐵 ( 烏日站 ) 台中朝馬轉運站, 搭乘票價 100 元, 請於每週星期三前至校門口 守衛室 登記購票 There are shuttle buses on every Friday leaving from DYU at 3:30 PM to the Wuri station of Taiwan High Speed Rail. The fee is 100 NT$ for one trip and the tickets can be bought at the gate of DYU. 每週一上午 11:00 自 台中朝馬轉運站 台中高鐵 ( 烏日站 ) 大葉大學, 搭乘票價 100 元, 請於前一週星期五前至校門口 守衛室 登記購票 There are shuttle buses on every Monday leaving from the Wuri station of Taiwan High Speed Rail at 11:00 AM to DYU. The fee is NT$100 for one trip and the tickets can be bought at the gate of DYU. 就醫專車 : 星期一至星期五每天 08:20-16:20 發車, 一日四班公車 For students who need medical cares or want to go to hospitals, DYU provides four shuttle buses a day with departure time from 08:20a.m. to 16:20 p.m. every weekday. 30

17. 大葉大學校園地圖 Campus Map of Da-Yeh University 31

18. 大葉大學交通位置圖 Location of Da-Yeh University 19. 其他申請注意事項 Other Application Guidelines (1) 外國學生申請時應備之文件及相關規定應以中華民國教育部網站公布之最新 外國學生來臺就學辦法 之規定為準, 請隨時查閱教育部網站 : http://www.edu.tw 或全國法規資料庫 :https://law.moj.gov.tw/eng/ 或本校網站 :http://www.dyu.edu.tw/ The application process and submitted materials should meet the requirement described by MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan. For latest updates, please visit the website of Ministry of Education: http://english.moe.gov.tw/ or website of Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China: http://law.moj.gov.tw/eng/ or website of DYU: http://www.dyu.edu.tw/ (2) 依教育部規定, 凡曾遭國內大專校院退學者, 不得再向本校申請入學, 若違反此規定並經查證屬實者, 撤銷其入學資格 In accordance with Ministry of Education regulations, those who have been expelled from any university or college in the Republic of China are not eligible to apply to Da-Yeh University for admission. Violation of the regulation will result in immediate revocation of DYU student status. 32

(3) 大部分學士班課程皆以中文授課, 申請人應具備華語文聽 說 讀 寫能力 ; 研究所課程的語文要求因系所而異 Most of our undergraduate courses are instructed in Chinese. Applicants should possess adequate listening, reading, speaking, and writing proficiency in the Chinese language at a level necessary for university academic pursuit. For graduate programs, requirements for language proficiency diverge. (4) 已報名或錄取之學生, 如經發現申請資格不符規定或所繳交之證件有變造 偽造 假借 冒用等不實情形, 未入學者即取消錄取資格, 已入學者開除學籍, 亦不發給任何學歷證明, 如在本校畢業後始發現者, 除勒令撤銷其學位證書外, 並公告取消其畢業資格 Admission shall be revoked and/or the student shall be dismissed from DYU if any information provided in his/her application or any of the supporting documents has been found to be falsified. Those who have graduated shall have their diploma revoked. (5) 本申請入學係依據 大葉大學外國學生入學辦法 辦理 International student applications are handled in accordance with DYU Regulations Governing Foreign Student Admission. (6) 本簡章若有未盡事宜, 依相關法令規定及本校審查會議決議辦理 Any application matters not stipulated here shall be handled in accordance with DYU Regulation and Admission Committee decisions. 20. 聯絡資訊 Contact Information Office of Foreign Affairs 電話 Tel: +886-4-8511888 ext.1828 傳真 Fax: +886-4-8511007 電子信箱 E-mail: dyu.internation@gmail.com or csae2950@mail.dyu.edu.tw 33