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Myelogram A myelogram is an x-ray test used to view the space around your spinal cord. It is done to check for problems aecting the spinal cord and nerves. To Prepare Certain medicines may need to be stopped or changed for several days before this test. Tell your doctor about the medicines you take, including prescription and over the counter medicines, vitamins, minerals or other herbal supplements. If you are taking blood thinners, talk to your doctor about when you should stop taking the medicine before the test. These medicines include: aspirin, high dose clopidogrel (Plavix) enoxaparin (Lovenox) warfarin (Coumadin) If you have diabetes and take metformin (Glucophage) or any medicine with metformin in it: Stop the medicine the day before the test. Do not take the medicine for the first 2 days after the test. Restart the medicine on the third day after the test. An adult family member or friend needs to come with you to take you home after the test. It is not safe for you to drive or leave alone. Plan to be at the hospital for the test for up to 6 hours. The test will last about 1 hour. You may also have a computerized tomography (CT) scan after the myelogram. 1

骨髓 X 线造影 脊髓 x 线造影是一项用于查看您脊髓附近区域的 x 线检查 它检查是否存在影响脊髓和神经的问题 准备工作 可能需要在检查前数天停止服用或更换某些药物 将您服用的药物告知您的医生, 包括处方和非处方药 维生素 矿物质或其他草药补充物 如果您正在服用血液稀释药, 询问您的医生是否应当在检查前停止服用这些药物 这些药物包括 : f f 高剂量阿司匹林 f f 氯吡格雷 (Plavix) f f 依诺肝素 (Lovenox) f f 华法林 (Coumadin) 如果您患有糖尿病并服用二甲双胍 ( Glucophage) 或任何包含二甲双胍的药物 : 检查前一天停止服用药物 f f 检查后前 2 天请勿服用药物 f f 检查后第 3 天恢复服用药物 您需要一位成年家庭成员或朋友在检查后陪同您回家 独自驾车或离开不安全 请安排在医院停留最多 6 小时以进行检查 检查将持续大约 1 小时 您可能同样需要在脊髓 x 线造影后接受计算机断层 (CT) 扫描 Myelogram. Simplified Chinese. 1

The Day of the Test Do not eat or drink anything for 4 hours before the time of your test. Take your regular medicines, except for blood thinners and metformin, with a sip of water. Wear comfortable, loose clothing without snaps or zippers for the test. Do not wear jewelry. This includes watches, wedding bands, and any form of body piercings. Tell the sta if you have ever had a reaction to the contrast medicine used for this test. If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, tell the sta before the test. During the Test You will wear a hospital gown. You lie on a table on your stomach. The doctor cleans part of your back. This may feel cold. Numbing medicine is put into the skin of your back. When the skin is numb, the doctor puts a needle in between the bones of your back. If you feel any pain, tell the doctor where and how it hurts. Some spinal fluid is removed for testing. Contrast medicine is then given through the needle into your back. It allows the area around your spine to be seen using x-rays. The x-ray table will move, and you may be asked to move into dierent positions at times. Try not to move while the x-rays are being taken. At the end of the test, the needle is removed and a band-aid placed over the site. Test results are sent to your doctor. Your doctor will share the results with you. 2

检查当天 检查开始前 4 小时请勿进食或饮水 用一小口水服用您的常规药物 ( 血液稀释剂和二甲双胍除外 ) 检查时穿着舒适 宽松的的衣服, 不要有搭扣或拉链 请勿佩戴首饰, 包括手表 结婚戒指和任何需身体穿孔才能佩戴的首饰 告知医疗人员您是否曾经对本检查使用的显影剂产生过敏反应 如果您是孕妇, 或者认为您可能已怀孕, 请在检查前告知医疗人员 检查期间事宜 您将需要穿上病人衣服 俯卧在扫描台上 医生清洁您的后背 您有可能会感觉到凉意 在您后背皮肤上注射麻药 当皮肤麻木时, 医生在您后背的骨头之间插入针头 如果您感觉到任何疼痛, 请告知医生疼痛的部位与程度 可能取出一些脊液以供检查 通过针头向您的后背注射显影剂 这将使您脊髓附近区域在 x 线下可见 x 线扫描台会移动, 并且将会数次要求您变换身体的位置 接受 x 线时尽量不要动 检查结束时, 将取出针头并在针眼处贴上创可贴 检查结果会发送给您的医生 您的医生将会把结果告知您 Myelogram. Simplified Chinese. 2

The CT Scan You may have a CT scan right after the myelogram. When your CT scan is done, you will be taken to a recovery area. The CT scan is an x-ray test with a scanner that shows pictures of your body. You may be asked to hold your breath while the pictures are being taken, based on the part of your body being scanned. During the test, your vital signs will be taken and you will be asked some questions. After the Tests For your safety, you must stay in the hospital for 2 hours after your tests. You will be checked often during this time. You will need to lie in bed with your head up for 6 to 8 hours. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of liquids over the next 24 hours to replace the fluid removed during the test. Water and caeinated beverages such as cola, tea and coee are best. This will reduce the chance of a headache and help to remove the contrast from your body. If you get a headache, take a non-prescription pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Have a family member or friend stay with you for the next 24 hours. When you are home, rest and limit your activity. Do not drive or do physical activity for 24 hours. Call your doctor right away if you have: A severe headache Numbness Loss of feeling or motion in your legs or arms Confusion or less alertness Swelling, warmth or redness at the needle site 3

CT 扫描 您可能需要在脊髓 x 线造影后立即接受 CT 扫描 当 CT 扫描结束时, 您将被带至恢复区 CT 扫描是一项使用扫描器的 X 线检查, 可以显示您身体的图像 当采集图像时, 可能要求您屏住呼吸, 具体取决于您身体被扫描的部分 检查期间将监测您的重要体征并向您询问一些问题 检查后 为了您的安全, 检查后您必须在医院停留 2 小时 在此期间, 将经常对您进行查看 您需要卧床 6 至 8 小时, 头部垫高 在随后的 24 小时内, 您需要饮用 8 至 10 杯液体以补充检查期间流失的液体 水和含有咖啡因的饮料 ( 如可乐 茶和咖啡 ) 最佳 这将降低发生头痛的可能性并有助于从排除体内的显影剂 如果您发生头痛, 服用一片非处方止痛药, 如对乙氨基酚 (Tylenol) 或布洛芬 (Advil Motrin) 随后的 24 小时中, 您需要一位家庭成员或朋友陪同 回家后, 请休息并控制活动量 24 小时内请勿驾驶或从事体育活动 如果出现以下情形, 立即致电您的医生 : 剧烈头痛 麻木 腿或手没有知觉或活动能力丧失 意识模糊或警觉性降低 扎针部位肿胀 发热或发红 Myelogram. Simplified Chinese. 3

Bleeding that will not stop at the needle site Drainage of clear fluid at the needle site Seizure or convulsions Weakness Vomiting that will not stop If your doctor is not available and you are having problems, visit your nearest emergency department. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2005 9/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 4

扎针部位出血且无法止血 扎针部位流出澄清液体 中风或抽搐 虚弱 呕吐不止 如果您出现这些问题而又无法联系到您的医生, 请前往离您最近的急诊科就诊 如有任何疑问或担心, 请告知医生或护士 2005 9/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Myelogram. Simplified Chinese. 4