46 Sophie Legrand

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2014 3 45 * 130012 KEY WORDS Shang culture Eurasian Steppe Metallurgical region ABSTRACT The research illustrates that the Early Shang was the period when the Central Plains and Northern Cultures integrated with each other. Starting from the Late Shang Northern bronzes developed rapidly and even spread out to Mongolia Minusinsk and other areas. In fact the advanced bronze manufacturing technology of the Shang Culture was the important reason driving the rise of Northern China bronzes. During the Early Western Zhou period the growth of Steppian cultures also influenced and feedback to Northern China. These communications consequently led to the formation of metallurgical regional center in Northern China and the Mongolian Plateau Metallurgical region which even laid down the foundation for later Hun alliance. 1. Sophie Legrand 1973 10 1 3000 2 1 2 * 10JJD770001 12CKG006

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