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Alexander & Wyeth Dercon 1995 ECM - Johansen Goodwin 1992 VEC Asche 1999 Gonzalez 2001 ECM Goodwin




4 6 Vol. 4 No. 6 2013 12 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Dec., 2013 1, 朱秋劲 2*, 张进 3, 张孝刚 2,4 1,, 许龙 2 1,, 黄丹丹 2 1,, 叶春 2, 陆宽 (1., 550025; 2., 550025; 3., 550018; 4., 563003) 1, 2 摘要 : α- (ALA) (DHLA), (CS) ALA/DHLA, CS, ALA-CS (MIPs),,, 关键词 : ; ; ; ; Research progress in anti-oxidative and thermo-sensitive lipoic acid molecularly imprinted polymers ZHU Qiu-Jin 1, 2*, ZHANG Jin 3, ZHANG Xiao-Gang 2,4, XU Long 1,2, HUANG Dan-Dan 1,2, YE Chun 1, 2, LU Kuan 1, 2 (1. School of Liquor & Food Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Agricultural & Animal Products Store and Processing of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550025, China; 3. School of Chemistry and Life Science, Guizhou Normal College, Guiyang 550018, China; 4. Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563003, China) ABSTRACT: The mutual transformation process of α-lipoic acid (ALA) and its reduction state called dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) constitutes a good free radical scavenger in the organism. Biopolymer chitosan (CS), meanwhile, has excellent membrane-forming ability and biocompatibility. Therefore, the preparation of ALA-CS molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) with ALA/DHLA as template molecules and CS as functional monomer or the immobilization of MIPs on plastic films will prevent or delay the food deterioration by taking advantage of the characteristics of temperature-sensitive compounds MIPs. A review on the research progress in anti-oxidative and thermo-sensitive lipoic acid molecularly imprinted polymers was presented and the prospect of these MIPs were proposed in this paper. KEY WORDS: stimulus response; lipoic acid; molecularly imprinted polymer; controlled release; active food packaging GAIKER 2011 MIPFOOD, : (MIPs) /, 基金项目 : (31360373) ( 201004) Fund: Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (31360373), and Governor special fund of Guizhou Province for Excellent Scientific (QJKB 201004) * 通讯作者 :,,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: ZHU Qiu-Jin, Professor, School of Liquor & Food Engineering, Guizhou University, No. 14, Xiahui Road, Huaxi County, Guiyang 550025, China. E-mail:

1786 4 [1,2] α- (ALA) ( )/, ALA OH H 2 O 2 1 O 2 NO OONO HClO ALA ROO O 2-, ALA (DHLA) 1 O 2,, ALA DHLA, [3], 2007 ALA 70, (NOAEL) 61.9 mg/kg bw/day [4], ALA [5] 35%,, 7.1%, 2013 17 [6] (CS),, CS [7-10] (MIT),,, ALA/DHLA, CS,, 1 硫辛酸及其抗氧化功能 ALA, DL-6,8- (DL-6,8-dithioloctanoic acid), DL-ALA,,, DL-ALA [11] 20 80, ALA DHLA [12] ALA DHLA ( 1), C E, ALA DHLA DHLA OH ONOO- DPPH ALA, DHLA [13], DHLA, O 2- OH H 2 O 2 1 VE VC R [3] Fig. 1 The oxygen cycle of VE, ubiquinol, VC, glutathione and R-lipoic acid in the organizm [3] 2 MIPs 及其缓释功能 (molecularly imprinted technique, MIT),, MIPs, [14-17] [18] S-,,, MIPs, MIPs S-, MIPs 10, [19,20] MIT /, -,, ph [21], [22], a- Moritani [23] 5- -1,3- (disodium

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