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草書 龍 字龍款識 : 焯槐印章 : 清河 ( 白文方印 ) 卓槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 水墨紙本横軸 140 x 30 釐米 The Character "Dragon" in Cursive Script Dragon Signature : Zhuo Huai Artist s seals : Qing He (White lettering in a square seal) Zhuo Huai (Red lettering in a square seal) Horizontal scroll, ink on paper, 140 x 30 cm 97

草書七言詩 雨昏石硯寒雲色 庭下已生書帶草 風動牙籤亂葉聲 使君疑是鄭康成 ( 註 : 作品第二行之 傳 字應為 使 字 ) 款識 : 乙酉錄蘇子瞻文與可書軒焯槐印章 : 東官張氏 ( 白文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸 34 x175 釐米 Poem in Cursive Script The ink-slab moistened by the rain shows the colour of gloomy clouds. Bamboo slips blown by the wind produce the rattling noise of leaves. Realizing that the court is barren and overgrown with weeds, With doubts I wonder whether it is you, Zheng Kang-cheng who has arrived. (Annotation : The character"chuan" of the second line of the work should be"shi".) Signature : Extracted from Su Zi Zhan Wen Yu Ke Shu Xuan Zhuo Huai in the year of Yi You (2005) Artist s seal : Dong Guan Zhang Shi (White lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 34 x 175 cm 98

楷書節臨北魏鄭道昭青烟里題字其居所號曰白雲鄉青烟里也款識 : 北魏鄭道昭雲峰山青烟里題字乙酉仲夏焯槐試臨一遍於詒畊堂印章 : 卓槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 清河 ( 白文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸 34 x 175 釐米 Regular Script after the style of Zheng-dao-zhao-qing-yan-li-ti-zi of the Northern Wei Dynasty His house is titled as the Village of White Clouds in an alley of blue smokes. Signature : Zheng-dao-zhao-yun-feng-shan-qing-yan-li-ti-zi of the Northern Wei Dynasty Zhuo Huai tries to copy the calligraphy once at the Blessings and Cultivation Hall in the summer of the year of Yi You (2005) Artist s seals : Zhuo Huai (Red lettering in a square seal) Qing He (White lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 34 x 175 cm 99

行草格言小品 讀理義書 學法帖字 澄心靜坐 益友清談 小酌半醺 澆花種竹 聽琴玩鶴 焚香煮茶 泛舟觀山 寓意奕棋 雖有他樂 吾不易也 款識 節錄明陳繼儒小窗幽記句 癸未深秋天氣悶熱迫人 久未執筆 手指曲硬 寫來未如己本意 奈何 焯槐識 於詒耕堂 印章 東官張氏 白文方印 焯槐 朱文方印 水墨紙本立軸 47 x 138 釐米 A Mo o in Running Script To read books about righteousness, To learn characters of the copy-slip style, To make the heart pure by sitting in silence, To chat casually with good friends, To taste food and be half-drunken. To water flowers and plant bamboos, To listen to the lutes and raise cranes, To burn incense and cook tea, To sail in a boat and watch the landscape of mountains, and To entertain a thought and play chess. There may be other ways of amusement, I would, however, not exchange for the above. Signature : Extracted from Recollections at My Study Window by Chen Ji Ru of the Ming Dynasty. The weather is very hot and stuffy in the late autumn of Gui Wei (2003). As it has been a long time since my last picking up a writing-brush, I find that my fingers are becoming stiff and fail to attain the standard intended. Alas! But what can I do! Calligraphy by Zhuo Huai at the Blessings and Cultivation Hall. Artist s seals : Dong Guan Zhang Shi (White lettering in a square seal) Zhuo Huai (Red lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 47 x 138 cm 100

行草詩句紅荷一點清風印章 : 清河張氏 ( 朱文方印 ) 焯槐 ( 白文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸 28 x 100 釐米 Verse in Running Script A little breeze touches the red lotus. Artist s seals : Qing He Zhang Shi (Red lettering in a square seal) Zhuo Huai (White lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 28 x 100 cm 101

行草詞 彩雲深處 紅土伴玉龍 臨風望海 煙霧有無 但見群山朝閣下 古城流水夜 盡泛燈紅酒綠 意 似秦淮 卻勝秦淮 款識 錦文兄以月當窗一詞見示焯槐即草於燈下 印章 張卓槐印 白文方印 水墨紙本立軸 50 x 100 釐米 Poem in Runing Script Amidst colorful clouds and accompanied by red earth, O snow-capped Jade Dragon you preserve! Facing the wind, I love to gaze at the waterfalls and the sea. Whilst smokes and mists lingering faintly alone above the valley I smile to find the hills kneeling below me. O lovely night in the beloved old city of Li Jiang Crowned with streams which are fully dyed red by lanterns And green by wines. It is there one must visit, it is there one must enjoy the romantic air That resembles the feel of River Qin Huai Yet the resonance surpasses Qin Huai. Signature : Poem composed by Jin Wen according to the poetry tonal pattern and rhyme scheme of Full Moon above the Window Calligraphy by Zhuo Huai at night Artist s seal : Zhang Zhuo Huai Yin (White lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 50 x 100 cm 102

行草曲 遠是非尋瀟灑地暖江南燕宜家人閒水北春無價七品茶五色瓜四季花款識 : 戊子春日錄元張可久四塊玉東莞張焯槐印章 : 清河 ( 白文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸 35 x 137 釐米 Poem in Running Script Away from what is right or wrong, I feel light-hearted taking residence at the southern provinces where the climate is warm. For settling a home for me and for the swallows, Compared to what I used to live in the northern areas, I have now found leisure which is priceless. Day after day, I would enjoy life by Tasting the seven kinds of green tea and Planting the speciality five-colour melons As flowers bloom during the four seasons. Signature : Quoted from Four Pieces of Jade by Zhang Ke Jiu of the Yuan Dynasty Wirtten by Dong Guan Zhang Zhuo Huai in spring in the year of Wu Zi (2008) Artist s seal : Qing He (White lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 35 x 137 cm 103