新北市立江翠國民中學 104 學年度第一學期第一次定期考查九年級英語科試卷 P2 8. (A) The Chens are going to sell their house. (B) The Chens have enough money to buy a bigger house. (C) Th

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新北市立江翠國民中學 104 學年度第一學期第一次定期考查九年級英語科試卷 P1 \ 測驗說明 : ( 一 ) 範圍 : 康軒版第五冊 Lesson 1 至 Review 1 ( 二 ) 本試卷含答案卷共 5 頁 ( 雙面印製 ) ( 三 )1-35 題為單一選擇題, 請以 2B 鉛筆將正確或最佳的答案代碼劃記在答案卡上 ( 四 )36-62 題為非選擇題, 請用藍色或黑色原子筆寫在答案卷上 ( 五 ) 答案卡班級 座號劃記錯誤者, 或答案卷未寫名字 未依規定用筆作答者, 皆扣總分 5 分 第一部分聽力測驗 (20 % ) 聽力測驗分為三大題, 所有內容都會唸兩次, 每大題開始作答前請先聽例題 一 聽敍述, 選出符合描述的圖片 (6 %, 每題 2 分 ) 例題 :(A) (B) (C) 答案是 (B) 1. (A) (B) (C) L1 2. (A) (B) (C) L2 3. (A) (B) (C) L3 二 聽敍述, 若符合句意選 A, 不符合選 B (4 %, 每題 2 分 ) 例題 :This road won t lead you to the train station. 答案是 (B) 4. I wasn t surprised to see my teacher in London. L2 5. The cheese cake is yummy but expensive. L3 三 根據對話或短文回答問題 (10 %, 每題 2 分 ) 例題 :(A) Only once. (B) Twice. (C) Three times. 答案是 (B) 6. (A) All roads lead to Rome. (B) The world belongs to hard-working people. (C) You ve already gone through the worst part of your life. L1 7. (A) You may get sick if you eat the bread. (B) Eating the bread may make people healthy. (C) It is good to have dark dots on the bread. L2 請繼續作答

新北市立江翠國民中學 104 學年度第一學期第一次定期考查九年級英語科試卷 P2 8. (A) The Chens are going to sell their house. (B) The Chens have enough money to buy a bigger house. (C) The Chens moved away last week. R3 (Questions 9~10) 9. (A) They don t know each other. (B) He has known him for several months. (C) He has known him for many years. L1 10. (A) The man was Jeremy s neighbor. (B) The man was Jeremy s classmate. (C) The man was Jeremy s basketball coach. L1 第二部分綜合測驗 (80%) 四 字彙及語法測驗 (30%, 每題 2 分 ) 11. Using chopsticks is part of Chinese. (A) culture (B) century (C) center (D) holiday L1 12. When a typhoon hits, you can feel the of the wind and the rain. (A) flour (B) power (C) planet (D) pool L1 13. The town has changed a lot. The old map is not at all. (A) blind (B) able (C) clearly (D) helpful L3 14. Amy is trying to clean up the tea on the floor. (A) glue (B) peel (C) spill (D) planet L3 15. We must to make a change, or a lot of sea life will be gone soon. (A) beat the clock (B) put up with (C) fall down (D) eat up L3 16. It s hard to believe that these old trees have our school for more than 30 years. (A) belong to (B) been to (C) gone to (D) been in R1 17. We have been good friends since. (A) five years old (B) last year (C) we study here (D) we have been here L1 18. Alice: Have you ever played bubble soccer? Jamie: No, never. Alice: Sure. It is my favorite sport. (A) Have you? (B) Haven t you? (C) Do you? (D) Don t you? L1 19. Mom: your sister folded the clothes yet? Son: Yes, she it half an hour ago. (A) Did; did (B) Has; did (C) Did; done (D) Has; has done L1 20. Charles told me that he to my dance party, but he didn t show up. (A) came (B) has come (C) will come (D) would come L2 21. I was in collecting teddy bears before, but now it doesn t me any more. (A) interesting; interest (B) interesting; interesting (C) interested; interest (D) interested; interesting to L2 22. Mom: Time to go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow, you? Nina: Yes, I have an important test tomorrow. (A) aren t (B) haven t (C) don t (D) won t L3 23. Not only my brothers but also my father to play online games. (A) like (B) likes (C) are like (D) is like L3 24. My brother doesn t live with us. He out after he bought his own house. (A) moved (B) has moved (C) will move (D) was moving R1 25. Girl: The flower looks pretty. Boy: Girl: Wow! It smells like candy. (A) Do you want to give it a try? (B) Does it look just like an ordinary one? (C) You ve made a clear point. (D) Hold it close to your nose and smell it. L2 請繼續作答

新北市立江翠國民中學 104 學年度第一學期第一次定期考查九年級英語科試卷 P3 五 克漏字及閱讀測驗 (20 %, 每題 2 分 ) (26~28) ( Jack is talking to his friend, Gina, on the phone. ) Jack: Gina, would you like to go to the movie Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials with me? Gina: Sure. Linda 26. the novel about the movie last month. She also recommended that I should see the movie, so I am thinking about who I can invite to see it together. Jack: Hey! Go with me! But it 27. for a month already. I m afraid it s going to be off. Shall we go see it this afternoon? Gina: No problem. Jack: No. I ll pick you up in ten minutes. Gina: Wow, Jack, it s so nice of you. See you later. Let s meet in front of the Happy Theater, OK? Jack: See you. By the way, don t forget to bring your jacket. It 28. always cold inside the theater. Gina: You are so sweet. Thank you so much. recommend 推薦 26. (A) read (B) reads (C) will read (D) has read R1 27. (A) is playing (B) plays (C) will play (D) has played L1 28. (A) was (B) is (C) will be (D) has been R1 (29~30) at Fortune Cookie Chinese Restaurant Friday, October 16, 2015 Come and see what we will give. Try Chinese Butter Chicken. You will love it. If you like fish, don t miss our Hot Lemon Fish. ALL is FREE this Friday!! 29. What kind of food does this restaurant have? (A) Butter. (B) Chicken. (C) Lemon cookies. (D) Fish noodles. 30. Why is the restaurant offering free food? offer 提供 (A) To present new dishes. (B) It is going to close. (C) To celebrate its opening. (D) We don t really know from the reading. (31~32) Today, our teacher asked us about marriage. He asked what kind of person we want to marry. Two of my classmates had the following answers. Allen said he would look for a sweet girl. She has to be really pretty and can cook very well. She has to take good care of his parents and will never say anything to make him angry. After hearing that, all the girls rolled their eyes and looked at him. Men, they said. Daisy said she wanted to find an interesting man to be with. He doesn t have to be handsome, but he mustn t be ugly. She added that this man should work hard. He has to get a good job and make much money. And he must promise that he will love her forever. All of the boys shook their heads. Women, they said. marry 嫁 ; 娶 promise 允諾 請繼續作答

新北市立江翠國民中學 104 學年度第一學期第一次定期考查九年級英語科試卷 P4 31. What were the students talking about? (A) What jobs they want. (C) The best pet to have. 32. What did the girls think of Allen s ideas? (A) They thought he was right. (C) They wanted to marry him. (B) The people to make friends with. (D) The perfect person to marry. (B) They didn t agree with him. (D) They weren t sure about them. (33~35) Sunland is the hometown of microfishers. Because the winter there is cold, they go to warmer places for their winter and go back home the next spring to have their babies. Every year, thousands of them visit Moonland and stay there with their families for several months. They usually sleep during the daytime and wake up in the evening to look for food. Small fish are their favorite. Microfishers were first found in Moonland one hundred years ago. Now Moonland has become their most important resting place for the winter. But this could change soon because people in Moonland want to build a theme park near the microfishers winter home. These friends from the sky are shy and do not easily change their way of life. What can they do? Can we do something to protect microfishers from being homeless? Though having fun is important, the lives of other animals are also important, aren t they? Let s work together to help them. homeless 無家可歸的 33. What may a microfisher be? (A) A bird. (B) A fish. (C) A park. (D) A land. 34. What does this mean in the second paragraph? paragraph 段落 (A) People first found microfishers in Moonland one hundred years ago. (B) The winter home of microfishers will be gone soon. (C) Moonland is a good place for microfishers to spend the winter. (D) The microfishers winter home is not a good place for a theme park. 35. Which is WRONG? (A) People should think about other living things before having fun. (B) Microfishers go back to Sunland in spring to have their babies. (C) Building a theme park near Moonland will scare away the microfishers. (D) A theme park will be good not only for the people in Moonland but also for the microfishers. 紙筆測驗, 以下答案請寫在答案卷上 六 文意字彙 (10 %, 每題 1 分 ) 36. Tom likes to read books about sea life. He has gotten lots of kn ge of sea animals. L1 37. A naughty boy threw a ball at the window glass, and it broke into p ces. L1 38. You should sh e the dough into a round before you bake it. L1 39. When you use a sh p knife, be careful and don t hurt yourself. L2 40. Mr. Li: Can you speak any f n languages? Ms. Wang: Yes, I can speak Japanese and English. L2 41. Without those lovely dolphins, this ocean park will be b ng. L2 42. Let s go to the country to enjoy the beauty of n e. L3 43. Mr. Black is a nice h d; he always helps his wife with housework. L3 44. Ms. White always asks her students to pick up the g ge on the ground. L3 45. Don t shout in p. It s not polite. L3 請繼續作答

新北市立江翠國民中學 104 學年度第一學期第一次定期考查九年級英語科試卷 P5 七 填入適當的時態或形式 (4 %, 每格 1 分 ) (1) New York City 46 (be) well-known as the "Great Melting Pot" since the early 1900s. L1 (2) Eric s parents think he 47 (become) a doctor in the future. L2 (3) The TV program is very 48 (scare). I don t think it is good for kids. L2 (4) He s never heard of Mr. Bean, 49 he? L3 八 翻譯填空 (10%, 每格 1 分 ) (1) 你是否厭倦每天都做相同的事呢? L2 Are you b 50 51 doing the same thing every day? (2) 藍紋乳酪強烈的口感和氣味使它受到許多美國人的喜愛, 但許多臺灣人卻因它上面的深色藍點而害怕吃它 L2 The strong 52 and smell of blue cheese make it popular 53 many Americans, but many Taiwanese are s 54 of e 55 it because 56 its dark blue dots. (3) 海洋以前曾經富含海洋生物, 但是它們現在正陷入嚴重的困境 L3 Oceans 57 to be rich 58 sea life, but now they are 59 serious trouble. 九 依提示作答 (6%, 每題 2 分, 分段給分 ) 60. How long have you studied in Jiangcui Junior High?( 用 兩年 詳答 ) L1 61. The story excited a lot of readers.( 用 A lot of readers 改寫 ) L2 62. Playing the flute is tiring.( 加入附加問句 ) L3 試題結束, 請細心作答與檢查 答案卷請勿撕下 新北市立江翠國民中學 104 學年度第一學期第一次定期考查九年級英語科答案卷 請用藍色或黑色原子筆作答 未寫名字或未依規定用筆作答者, 扣總分 5 分 九年 班座號 姓名 : 第二部分綜合測驗 - 非選擇題 (30%) 六 文意字彙 (10%, 每題 1 分 ) 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 七 填入適當的時態或形式 (4%, 每格 1 分 ) 46 47 48 49 八 翻譯填空 (10%, 每格 1 分 ) 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 九 依提示作答 (6%, 每題 2 分, 分段給分 ) 60 61 62 交卷時, 請將答案卷與答案卡一起繳回

新北市立江翠國民中學 104 學年度第一學期第一次定期考查九年級英語科試卷解答 01-10 C A C B B B A B C A 11-25 A B D C A D B A B D C C B A D 26-35 A D B B C D B A C D 六 文意字彙 (10%, 每題 1 分 ) 36 knowledge 37 pieces 38 shape 39 sharp 40 foreign 41 boring 42 nature 43 husband 44 garbage 45 public 七 填入適當的時態或形式 (4 %, 每格 1 分 ) 46 has been 47 will become 48 scary 49 has 八 翻譯填空 (10 %, 每格 1 分 ) 50 bored 51 with 52 taste 53 with 54 scared 55 eating 56 of 57 used 58 in 59 in 九 依提示作答 (6 %, 每題 2 分, 分段給分 ) 60 I have studied in Jiangcui Junior High / for two years. 61 A lot of readers were / excited about the story. 62 Playing the flute is tiring, isn t / it? 聽力測驗錄音稿 一 聽敍述, 選出符合描述的圖片 ( 6 %, 每題 2 分 ) 例題 :You can write down your feelings on a piece of paper and send it to me. 答案是 (B) 1. Elsa doesn t like the taste of the medicine, but she has to take it because she has been sick for three days. 2. Lily is tired of eating the same food every day. 3. The girl is touching her pet on the head. 二 聽敍述, 若符合句意選 A, 不符合選 B ( 4 %, 每題 2 分 ) 例題 :Go along this road, and you will get to the train station. 答案是 (B) 4. I met my teacher in London by chance. I didn t know she was on a trip to London, too. 5. The cheese cake is not only delicious but also cheap. 三 根據對話或短文回答問題 (10%, 每題 2 分 ) 例題 :Woman: Have you talked to the tall girl, Coco? Man: Yes, I have. But only twice. Woman: I see. Is she a nice person? Man: Yes, she is. She is polite to everyone. Question: How many times has the man talked to Coco? 答案是 (B) 6. Man: Let me read the saying in your fortune cookie. Aha, it is very true. Woman: I don t think so. Why? Man: You re too lazy. You need to do your best on everything. Woman: All right, I ll try. Question: What saying might the woman get from her fortune cookie? 7. Boy: Mom, why are there many dark blue dots on the bread? Mom: Oh, no. The bread has already gone bad. Boy: But why do people in Italy enjoy blue cheese so much? Mom: Well. It may be good to have dots on cheese, but you may get sick if you eat this bread. Question: What is true about the bread? 8. Man: The Chens have sold their house, haven t they? Woman: Yes, they sold it a week ago. Mr. Chen has made a lot of money, so he is able to buy a bigger house. They will move away next week. Man: That means we will have new neighbors soon. Woman: Yes, you re right. I hope they will be friendly to us. Question: Which is true? (Questions 9~10) Listen to the dialogue and answer questions 9 and 10. Man: You know what? Jeremy Lin was short when he was little. We often played basketball together then. Woman: I can t believe it! You know the famous basketball player, Jeremy Lin? Man: Yes, we ve been friends for many years. Woman: You re the same age, right? Then, were you classmates before? Man: No, we were neighbors when we were in high school. We lived in the same building at that time. Question 9: How long has the man known Jeremy? Question 10: Which is true?