Shop for Melaleuca products with the convenience at your fingertips 选购美乐家优质产品仅在弹指间 Melaleuca customers are smarter than the average grocery store cust

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Shop for Melaleuca products with the convenience at your fingertips 选购美乐家优质产品仅在弹指间 Melaleuca customers are smarter than the average grocery store customer. They have found a simple way to shop for safer, healthier products. They can shop for more than 350 exclusive wellness products with convenience at their fingertips, anytime, anywhere, 24/7. Melaleuca s website provides preferred customers with a customer-oriented shopping experience that s fun, fast and easy. 比起一般卖场消费者, 美乐家会员显得更聪明, 因为他们找到了最简单的方法, 买到更安心, 更健康的产品 全天候, 无论您身在何处, 在美乐家网站选购超过 350 项独家优质产品仅在弹指间, 省时又便利 美乐家网站为优惠顾客提供以客为尊的购物环境, 带给您无穷乐趣 便利及快捷的购物体验 Providing Kids the Nutrition They contents 本期内容 November 2016 / 2016 年 11 月 04 Need to Grow Up Healthy and Strong Koala Pals Shakeables is the Key to a Balanced Nutrition 吃对营养孩子当然健康茁壮! 关键就在熊宝宝的均衡营养里 08 10 November Web-only Specials Promotion 11 月网上独家产品促销 *Valid from 1st 30th November 2016 / 只限 2016 年 11 月 1 日 30 日 12 Body Satin Moisturizing Body Wash (any one) 莎庭沐浴乳 ( 任选一 ) SKU2812 普通售价 : $20.00 SAVE节省 36% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $12.90 (5pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $2.00 Promotional 促销价 : $10.90 (4pts) Attain GC Control Twin Pack 安恬葡安素双瓶装 SKU2353 普通售价 : $129.00 SAVE节省 34% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $85.00 (26pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $12.80 Promotional 促销价 : $72.20 (20pts) Toothbrush Pack + Whitening Tooth Polish Twin Pack (any two) 美乐家健齿牙刷 4 支装 + 净白洁齿牙膏双套装 ( 任选二 ) SKU1646 REGULAR PRICE 普通售价 : $42.20 SAVE节省 32% PRICE 优惠价 : $28.60 (7pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $5.60 PROMOTION 促销价 : $23.00 (5pts) 02 Melaleuca Web-only Promotion 美乐家网上促销 04 Koala Pals Shakeables 熊宝宝营养补充饮品 08 Triple Up Collagen 三重美肌元素 10 CellWise + Sei Bella Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink 活力思维锭 + 水. 贝娜纯萃. 白亮采馥莓饮 12 Sol-U-Mel 3-in-1 Cleaner + MelaPower 6x Laundry Detergent Fresh Scent 三合一去污剂 + 强效清香洗衣剂 6x 14 Renew Intensive Skin Therapy + Hand Wash + Body Wash 活肤乳液 + 活肤洗手液 + 活肤沐浴乳 17 CounterAct Cough Drops 止咳糖 18 Sei Bella Timeless Age-Defying Serum + Wrinkle Release Eye Serum + Night Firming Treatment 水. 贝娜时光多酚精华液 + 抗皱眼部精华 + 紧致晚霜 20 Bonus Program 产品红利迎宾礼计划 21 Lifetime VIP Promotion 尊荣忠诚会员特惠 24 List (English) 产品价目表 ( 英语 ) 28 40 Promotion 满点数, 享折扣 Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd 150 Changi Road Guthrie Building #01-01 Singapore 419973 Tel: +65 6737 0020 Fax: +65 6737 0050 Showrooms: 133 New Bridge Road, #03-07/08, Chinatown Point, Singapore 059413 Blk 135 Jurong Gateway Road #02-315 Singapore 600135 2016 Melaleuca Southeast Asia. All rights reserved TERMS AND CONDITIONS For Preferred Customers only. Valid till end of month for in-store and web purchases. While stocks last. Promotional items are not returnable/ exchangeable, unless for product quality reasons. Customer may exchange the promotion Melaleuca products (for the same products) only if they are defective. The Melaleuca customer satisfaction guarantee does not apply to promotion-based products. Some products on promotion will carry a minimum of 1 month of shelf life. All images are for illustration purpose only. Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice. Decisions are final and binding. 条款及条件只限优惠顾客 陈列室与网上购物只到本月底为止 售完为止 促销产品无品质问题, 恕不退换 只有促销产品被发现为残次品时, 顾客方可进行更换 ( 限更换同种产品 ) 美乐家顾客满意保证不适用于促销产品 某些促销产品保质期最短可达 1 个月 所提供图案只供参考 新加坡美乐家将保留更改权并有权不事先通知, 对此活动有最终的决定权 2 3

Calorie-Rich, Nutrient-Poor It's strange to think that malnutrition is an issue for children today after all, kids are constantly surrounded by food and are gaining weight at unprecedented rates. The average modern diet may be rich in calories, but it's poor in vital nutrients. The processed, instant, and cheap foods that fill our plates often have little nutritional value. Even fruits and vegetables can leave gaps in your kids'diets. Due to over-farming, essential trace minerals are being depleted from the soil. And since food is only as nutrient-rich as the soil it is grown in, the value of fruits, vegetables, and grains is diminishing. Do You Know What s Fueling Your Kids? From junk food to picky tastes, it s no wonder the nutritional needs of kids are often unmet. Filling the Holes in Your Child s Diet A staggering number of children lack the nutrition they need. A chronic deficiency in any nutrient can lead to lasting health problems that can affect a child well into adulthood. Dr. Anatoly Belilovsky, a renowned pediatrician in New York City, says, Lack of iron can cause a sufficient delay in cognitive functions. Not enough zinc can cause dermatitis and weakened immunity. Vitamin D deficiencies can cause obesity, weakened immunity, and weakened bones. A daily multivitamin and mineral supplement will help fill in the gaps in your child s diet and ensure he is getting the amount of vital nutrients he needs to avoid the detrimental effects of nutrient deficiencies. 10% of kids do not get enough iron 13% of kids aged 7-12 years do not get enough vitamin C 48% of kids do not get enough vitamin D 70% of kids aged 7-12 years do not get enough calcium WHY KIDS ARE PICKY EATERS? Kids have more taste buds than adults. This anatomical difference can explain why strong or bitter foods like broccoli are commonly disliked among children. You re not eating your veggies. Kids take their cues from you. If they notice that Mom passes on zucchini, more than likely they will too. They are exercising their agency. Young kids don t have a whole lot of control over what happens in their lives. Choosing what to eat is one of the ways they can exert their autonomy. Food equals punishment. Threatening to take away desserts if vegetables go uneaten reinforces a child s perception that greens are bad foods. It s in their genes. Gene TAS2R38 is a gene certain people have that makes them more sensitive to bitter flavors. Children with this gene are less likely to enjoy robust flavors. 5 Ways to Help Your Kids Eat Right Frosted cereal. Hot dogs. Snack cakes. Fruit punch. It s the stuff of childhood. It s also the stuff that contributes to childhood obesity, attention issues, poor physical and mental performance, and malnourishment. As a parent, you know how important it is to provide a healthy diet to your children to keep them happy and thriving. But you certainly have your work cut out for you. 1. Kids will mimic what you do, so eat how you want your kids to eat. 2. Never let your child skip a meal. 3. Keep exposing your kids to healthy foods. Studies show it can take up to 12 times of offering a new food before the child even tastes it and 20 times before a child likes the food. 4. Cut out empty calories, especially sugary drinks. 5. Fill in nutritional gaps with a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement. 4 5

空有高热量却只有低营养 现在的孩子竟然还会有营养不良的问题, 听起来或许很奇怪 毕竟, 孩子不仅不缺食物, 而且体重更是以前所未见的比例在上升 一般速食或许热量很高, 但缺乏关键性营养 那些加工 速食 廉价的食物, 营养价值也都很低, 连蔬果都可能在您孩子的饮食中产生漏洞, 因过度耕种, 土壤中的关键微量矿物质已经耗竭, 因此水果 蔬菜和谷类的营养价值也逐渐流失 你知道是什么喂饱你的孩子吗? 从吃垃圾食物到挑食的嘴, 也难怪多数孩子老是营养不均衡 弥补您孩子饮食中的不足 有越来越多的孩子缺乏他们所需的营养 长期缺乏任何营养素可能会导致持续性的健康问题, 一直影响孩子到成年 美国纽约市知名小儿科医生安纳托利 贝里罗夫斯基就表示, 维生素矿物质摄取不足, 会影响发育中的孩童健康 每日补充综合维生素和矿物质, 能帮助孩子补足所需的关键营养素 10% 的孩童铁质摄取不足 13% 的 7-12 岁孩童维生素 C 摄取不足 48% 的孩童维生素 D 摄取不足 70% 的 7-12 岁孩童钙质摄取不足 先了解小孩为什么这么挑食 孩子的味蕾比大人多! 大人自己也不爱吃青菜! 孩子想发挥自主能力! 食物等于惩罚! 基因使然! 这项人体结构的差异, 解释了为什么小孩通常都不喜欢重口味或较苦的食物, 像是芥兰花 小孩都是跟大人有样学样 如果他们注意到妈妈自己都不吃青椒 苦瓜, 那么他们很可能也不吃 年纪小的孩子能够主掌的事情不多 选择自己想吃的食物就是他们发挥自主权的机会 大人威胁小孩不吃蔬菜就不能吃甜点时, 就等于让小孩更深信蔬菜是 坏 食物 有些人体内有 TAS2R38 号基因, 使得他们对苦味较为敏感 体内有这号基因的孩子会比较不喜欢重口味的食物 5 个好方法帮孩子吃对营养 糖霜玉米片 热狗 小蛋糕 含糖饮料或果汁 这些都是孩童的最爱, 但也导致了孩童肥胖 注意力不集中 身体和心理方面的表现较差, 以及营养不良等问题 为人父母, 您知道健康的饮食对孩子的快乐和成长发育是重要的关键, 但要做到的确非常困难 1. 孩子会模仿大人的饮食方式, 因此您想要孩子怎么吃, 就先以身作则 2. 绝对不要让孩子跳过某一餐不吃 3. 让孩子不断接触健康食物 研究显示, 想要孩子尝试新食物, 最多需要花上 12 次, 而要孩子喜欢新食物则可能花上 20 次的时间 4. 拒绝垃圾饮食, 避免空热量的食物, 尤其是含糖饮料 5. 天天补充维生素矿物质及蛋白质, 来弥补摄取不足的营养 6 7

Great Absorption Youthfulness Restore 高效吸收青春回弹 What is collagen? Collagen is a protein produced by our cells that helps to hold the skin together, giving it firmness, suppleness and elasticity. When we re young, our skin stays plump and smooth because it constantly regenerates itself. But as we age, especially after age 25, collagen production slows and existing collagen can get damaged due to sun exposure and bad skincare habits. This lack of collagen results in droopy eyelids, crow s feet, wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, gray hair, hair loss, flabby arms and buttocks. Hence, replenish your collagen daily to restore the youthfulness of your skin. Precious skin beautifying ingredients that restore youthfulness 珍贵美肤成份找回逝去青春 10,000mg marine collagen Extracted from fish, every bottle of Triple Up Collagen contains 10,000mg of precious marine collagen with smaller molecules for better absorption. A bottle daily helps keep your skin firm and smooth. 3 Beautifying botanical extracts + Vitamin C Japanese basil extract, coix seed and pfaffia extracts help restore radiant youthful complexion, while Vitamin C act as an antioxidant, stimulating the production of collagen in skin. 10,000 毫克海洋胶原蛋白 萃取自法国珍贵深海鱼, 每瓶三重美肌元素含 10,000 毫克海洋胶原蛋白, 分子小易吸收, 一天一瓶, 肌肤紧致柔滑 3 大美颜植物萃取 + 维生素 C 日本罗勒萃取 薏仁萃取 巴西人参萃取帮助赋活美颜 维生素 C 抗氧化, 促进胶原蛋白形成 什么是胶原蛋白? 胶原蛋白是由我们人体细胞生产的一种蛋白质, 作为支撑皮肤构架的主要 黏合剂, 让肌肤紧致 丰盈 有弹性 当我们还年轻时, 我们的皮肤能够保持饱满 光滑, 因为皮肤会不断自我再生 但随着年龄的增长, 特别是在 25 岁后, 胶原蛋白的生产放缓, 而现有的胶原蛋白会受到日晒和不良护肤习惯的影响而损坏 缺乏胶原蛋白会导致眼下垂 鱼尾纹 皱纹 细纹 皮肤松弛 白头发 脱发 手臂和臀部松弛 因此, 每天补充胶原蛋白让您的肌肤重拾青春润泽! Enhance absorption efficacy for supple and resilient skin Extracted from deep sea fishes from France, high-tech small molecule (2000 Dalton) speeds up collagen absorption and instantly replenish collagen to restore skin s suppleness and softness. 小分子高吸收, 肌肤瞬效膨弹 全萃取自无污染法国深海鱼, 水解科技微粒分子 (2000 Dalton), 吸收更快速, 立即补充流失的胶原蛋白, 恢复柔嫩弹润 Triple Up Collagen 10,000mg 三重美肌元素 Molecular Weight Unit: 2000 分子量单位 :2000 Small molecules, speeds up absorption 微小分子 超快吸收 Collagen drink derived from animals 动物性胶原蛋白 Molecular Weight Unit: 30,000 分子量单位 :3 万 Big molecules, unable to be absorbed 大分子 难吸收 Added protection to maintain younger looking skin CoQ10 aids in repairing collagen fibers, with the addition of L-Carnitine, it helps restore skin s natural firmness and elasticity. Purchase 40 and Save $34.80 消费满 40 点省 $34.80 Triple Up Collagen Triple Pack 三重美肌元素三盒组 SKU1157 普通售价 : $250.80 SAVE节省 34% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $165.00 (45pts) 加强保护维持青春 CoQ10 修复胶原纤维, 同时添加 L- 卡尼丁, 维持肌肤紧致有弹性 Mel-Up 1000 Boosts your energy level and promotes healthy glow with royal jelly. SAVINGS 折扣 $34.80 Promotional 促销价 : $130.20 (32pts) 8 9 果汁饮品 蜂王乳让您补足元气和唤醒红润气色

Inside Out Protection From the Effects of Free Radicals 由内而外全面保护身体 Drink a bottle daily to enhance your beauty 天天一瓶随时为美丽加分 14 varieties of berry phenolic compounds brightens skin It contains 14 varieties of berries like the unique Maqui Berry, as well as Acai berry and acerola. Powered by high concentrations of Anthocyanins and rich in polyphenol compounds, it activates phenolic power to reveal beautiful, radiant skin. 14 种莓果多酚 - 越喝越透亮 精选拥有极高浓度花青素及多酚的智利酒果, 及添加黑醋栗等共 14 种莓果, 启动天然多酚能量, 重现光采 Two patents exclusive skin-beautifying benefits Lotus seed germ extract, patented in Japan and ellagitannia, patented in the U.S. these natural phenolic compounds help promote skin radiance. The effects of aging can compromise your ability to stay healthy. The question is, how well will you age? The choice is yours. CellWise not only helps you look younger, but it can also help you feel younger and be healthier by helping counteract the effects of free radicals in your body. 岁月增长让健康状态每况愈下, 关键在于您如何强化营养保护, 帮身体维持良好健康状态 活力思维锭提高健康保护力, 让您看起来不只年轻, 由内而外感觉更健康 CellWise is a supplement that: Help to reduce wrinkle formation Naturally fight free radicals throughout the body Contains a blend of olive extract, lycopene, mixed tocopherols and carotenoids, grape seed extract, and vitamin C 活力思维锭 : 帮助减少皱纹 天然对抗全身的自由基 含橄榄萃取 茄红素 天然维生素 E 类萝卜素 葡萄籽萃取及维生素 C 2 大专利 - 美颜独享 含日本专利莲子胚芽 美国专利红石榴成份, 天然多酚透亮有光泽 Skin-beautifying nutrients brightening amino acids and vitamins It contains brightening amino acids (Cysteine monohydrochloride) and vitamins B and C. No preservatives, sweet and tangy just like juice. 多种美丽营养 - 亮采胺基酸 维生素 含亮采胺基酸 ( 半胱氨酸盐酸盐 ) 及多种维生素 B C, 不添加防腐剂, 酸甜好喝如同果汁般的口感 POWERFUL and PROVEN ingredients that make a difference for 强而有效的成份, 独树一格的功效 Broad-Spectrum Antioxidant DNA Muscle Skin Digestion Vision Brain Heart CellWise, with its broad-spectrum formula, significantly boosts your antioxidant intake and helps you fight the effects of aging on a cellular level. 活力思维锭的全方位抗氧化配方, 大幅提升抗氧化剂的摄取, 在细胞水平上帮助您对抗衰老迹象 Purchase 40 and Save $11.50 消费满 40 点省 $11.50 CellWise + Sei Bella Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink 活力思维锭 + 水. 贝娜纯粹 白亮采馥莓饮 SKU2546 普通售价 : $89.00 SAVE节省 33% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $59.40 (20pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $11.50 Promotional 促销价 : $47.90 (14pts) 10 11

Add a Capful of Sol-U-Mel to Supercharge the Cleaning Power of MelaPower 洗衣时加一瓶盖三合一去污剂 洁净威力无穷大 Sol-U-Mel Tackles Even the Toughest Stains MelaPower gets your clothes amazingly clean with powerful, natural stain fighters- but it s also gentle on your clothes and skin, fresh-smelling, superconcentrated, and effective in cold water. 强效清香洗衣剂的惊人去污力让衣物超乎想像的干净 同时温 和对待衣物及肌肤 它的清新香氛及超浓缩配方 即使在冷水 三合一去污剂 对抗难缠顽垢 中也有极佳洗净力 HIGHLY DANGEROUS ACIDIC ph 高危险强酸pH值 Safest 最安全范围 HIGHLY DANGEROUS ALKALINE ph 高危险强碱pH值 With Sol-U-Mel, you can defy stains easily and let kids have all the fun they want. Battery Acid ph0 电池酸pH值0 Children s imaginations run wild. As a result, messes happen. And that s OK. Whether it s a bad stain or a bad odor, let Sol-U-Mel handle the daily messes of life. As a smart mom, you ve got more important things to focus on. 家有三合一去污剂 轻松去垢 让孩子玩得够 孩子的想像力无限 难免会造成混乱 但没关系 无论是顽垢还是臭味 聪明妈妈选择三合一 去污剂帮忙处理日常的脏乱 让您能专注更重要的事 Let Sol-U-Mel handle all kinds of messes! 各种脏污 交给三合一去污剂 Full-strength: removes tough stains 未稀释原液 去顽强污垢 Diluted: general cleaning and deodorizing 稀释后使用 一般清洁及抑味 Pure Water ph7 水pH值7 MelaPower 6x ph7.5 6倍强效清香洗衣剂pH值7.5 Bleach ph13 氯性漂白剂pH值13 MelaPower has natural stain fighters that take on tough stains like grass, mud, chocolate and blood. Plus, MelaPower works effectively in cold water- saving energy and CO2, emissions. Its powerful Rinse Guard formula keeps dirt from settling back onto clothes, and all scents rely on the natural goodness of essential oils. 强效清香洗衣剂的去污力能对抗顽固 如草渍 泥渍 巧克 力渍和血渍等脏污 此外 强效清香洗衣剂在冷水中也能发 挥极佳洗净力 节省能源 并减少二氧化碳排放量 抗再沉 淀剂配方可避免衣物在清洗过程再次沾污 清新香氛来自 天然精油 Natural stain fighters specifically target tough stains 强效 天然去污力 瓦解衣物上难缠污渍 6x-concentrated-just 15ml cleans an entire load 6 倍浓缩 15ml 即洗净高水位衣物 Chlorine bleach-free, non-alkaline, and gentle 不含氯和碱 温和更安全 So unique it s patented- and only found at Melaleuca 独有专利 美乐家会员独享 Purchase 40 and Save $10.60 消费满40点省$10.60 Sol-U-Mel 3-in-1 Cleaner 273ml + MelaPower 6x Laundry Detergent Fresh Scent 三合一去污剂237ml + 强效清香洗衣剂6x 12 Spills: juice on the carpet/food stains Markings: marker/ ink/nail polish 洒 地毯果汁/食物污渍 涂 马克笔/墨水/指甲 油污渍 Stickiness: oil and grease/residual glue on the walls 黏 厚重油污/墙上残胶 Odors: eliminates pet messes 臭 抑制宠物尿便异味 Laundry: boosts the cleaning power of your laundry 洗衣 提升洗衣洁净力 SKU8395 普通售价: $72.00 SAVE 节省 32% Preferred Customer 优惠价: $49.20 (18pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $10.60 Promotional 促销价: $38.60 (12pts) 13

Before using Renew 使用活肤前 Two days after using Renew 使用活肤后的两天后 The difference was amazing. I was absolutely floored. At about six weeks old, twins Alexis & Layla Kahoohanohano began to suffer from severly dry skin. Their mother, Jaime, tried everything she could get her hands on. Then she discovered Renew. 使用活肤乳液后的差别, 简直令我惊讶! 约 6 周龄的双胞胎,Alexis 与 Layla Kahoohanohano 的肌肤开始变得急剧干燥 他们的妈妈,Jaime 使用了无数的润肤乳液都不见效, 直到她发现了活肤乳液 Renew is scientifically proven to: Provide the right moisturizing ingredients at the right amounts for lasting, dry-skin relief Leave even severely dry skin softer, smoother, and better hydrated in just 24 hours Perform better than the #1 dermatologist-recommended lotion in moisturizing dry skin 活肤乳液经科学证实 : 完美调配比例的滋润成份, 为肌肤提供长效润泽效益 使用 24 小时后, 极干燥肌肤将恢复润滑 柔嫩与润泽 活肤乳液经证实比皮肤科医生推荐的第一品牌更有效滋润干燥肌肤 Moisturizing Relief for Every Member of Your Family 适合全家人使用的保湿舒缓效益 Soft, healthy skin doesn t just look better, it feels better. And nothing helps your family keep their skin as soft as Renew Lotion. With a proprietary blend of proven ingredients, you ll see and feel noticeably softer and smoother skin in just 24 hours. 健康的肌肤不仅让您更有自信, 而且还能明显感受肌肤更水润滑嫩 唯有活肤乳液能为全家人的肌肤提供超级保湿润泽效益 独特的瞬效滋润吸收科技, 在 24 小时后将让您见证与感受肌肤明显恢复润泽柔嫩 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Moisture Retention Moisture Barrier Improvement (TEWL) RENEW 保湿功效改善肌肤保湿力 (TEWL) 7x After 2 Weeks 2 星期后 the moisture retention 肌肤补水度 7 倍提升 OTHER BRAND 其它品牌 After 2 weeks, moisture loss has decreased and it s 7 times the improvement vs. the other brand in its ability to retain moisture. 使用 2 周後, 水份流失减少, 补水度比其它品牌高出 7 倍 20 16 12 8 4 0 RENEW Moisture Improvement Improvement in Skin Hydration Change vs. Baseline (Corneometer) 改善肌肤保湿程度 OTHER BRAND 其它品牌 After 24 hrs. 24 小时后 改善皮肤水分变化对基线 ( 肌肤水分测试仪 ) RENEW 5x the moisture improvement 肌肤含水量 5 倍提升 OTHER BRAND 其它品牌 After 2 Weeks 2 星期后 Improvement in skin hydration is up in just 24 hours; and it s 5 times the improvement vs. the other brand after 2 weeks. 使用 2 4 小时内, 含水量提升 ; 比使用其它品牌 2 周後更高出 5 倍 14 15

Change How You Feel About Your Skin! 改变您对肌肤的感触! Petrolatum 脂质精华 A light, pleasantfeeling moisturizer 清爽舒适的滋润感 Glycerin 甘油 Renew s Moisturizing Technology A unique combination of the right ingredients at the right amounts The perfect combination powered by technology: Natural glycerin provides long-lasting hydration. Moisturizing petrolatum locks in moisture. Melaleuca scientists came up with an innovative method of combining the two, plus allantoin penetrates deep to provide healing properties, creating a lotion that provides long-lasting moisturization and helps heal dry skin. 瞬效滋润吸收科技独一无二的完美调配比例 高科技完美融合 : 长效保水的天然甘油, 及锁水滋润的脂质精华, 美乐家研究人员以独特技术将两者结合并添加深层修护的尿囊素, 使其发挥极致保湿力 长效锁水, 更可帮助修护干燥肌肤 Purchase 40 and Save $7.60 消费满 40 点省 $7.60 Renew Body Wash + Renew Intensive Skin Therapy 活肤沐浴乳 + 活肤乳液 SKU1194 普通售价 : $52.00 SAVE节省 33% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $34.80 (14pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $7.60 Promotional 促销价 : $27.20 (10pts) Super Value Promotion Save $3.30 本月特惠省 $3.30 Renew Foaming Hand Wash + Renew Intensive Skin Therapy 活肤洗手液 + 活肤乳液 SKU3942 普通售价 : $45.00 SAVE节省 34% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $29.80 (12pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $3.30 Promotional 促销价 : $26.50 (10pts) Silence and Soothe the Toughest Coughs 舒缓难缠的咳嗽 CounterAct cough drops are made with proven, natural menthol (7mg each drop) to ease sore throat pain and clear nasal passages, plus traditionally beneficial vitamin C and natural sweeteners. And only CounterAct cough drops contain the soothing touch of T40-C3 Melaleuca Oil. Each drop quickly helps calm a cough and soothe a dry, sore throat. This product is kosher and comes in Orchard Cherry and Honey Lemon flavors. 止咳糖含有效的天然薄荷脑 ( 每粒含 7mg), 能舒缓咽喉疼痛, 解除鼻塞, 同时含维生素 C 以及天然甜味剂 同类产品中, 唯有 止咳糖含 T40-C3 茶树精油的舒缓效益 每粒止咳糖有助止咳 润喉, 有助舒缓咽喉干痒 疼痛 此产品属犹太洁食 可选择蜂 蜜柠檬或田园樱桃口味 Super Value Promotion Save $1.50 本月特惠省 $1.50 CounterAct Cough Drops Triple Pack (any three) 止咳糖三包装 ( 任选三 ) SKU4027 普通售价 : $18.60 SAVE节省 32% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $12.60 (3pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $1.50 Promotional 促销价 : $11.10 (2pts) 16 17

Revitalize and Renew 修复与赋活 Specially designed for the delicate skin around the eyes 眼周专属抗皱保养 Wrinkle Release Eye Serum 抗皱眼部精华液 Superior hydration keeps skin supple at night 夜间高保湿. 柔嫩肌肤 Night Firming Treatment 紧致晚霜 Reduce the First Signs of Aging 减缓老化的第一道痕迹 Dark spots on the face and hands are one of the first signs of aging. As a natural reaction to sun exposure, pigment builds up to protect the body. Melaleuca scientist combined proven alpha hydroxy acids with unique ingredients that neutralized their irritation properties. They also utilized a superior form of vitamin C to fight free radicals. Lightens dark spots and evens out skin tone The cutting-edge ingredients in Timeless Age-Defying Serum target sun spots, discoloration, and uneven skin tone while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Stable antioxidant vitamins C and E and patented AHCare remove dead skin cells, allowing skin to more rapidly renew, reducing the appearance of dark spots for a luminous, even complexion. Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. An infusion of cucumber, green tea, and aloe delivers antioxidants and conditions skin as silicone blurs signs of surface wrinkles. Powerful peptides boost collagen and improve the appearance of skin firmness. Effectively reducing the perceived length and depth of lines around the eyes. 减少眼周细纹与皱纹, 即可减少眼部老化 富含小黄瓜 / 绿茶芦荟等能抗老化并滋养肌肤, 抚平表面皱纹 强效紧束定位肽可赋活并改善肌肤紧实 有效抚平眼周长且深的皱纹 Super Value Promotion Save $9.80 本月特惠省 $9.80 Sei Bella Timeless Age-Defying Serum + Wrinkle Release Eye Serum 水. 贝娜时光多酚精华液 + 抗皱眼部精华液 SKU3770 普通售价 : $135.00 SAVE节省 33% Preferred Customer Combat the drying effects of age and rediscover supple, touchable skin. Night Firming Treatment empowers skin to replenish itself while you sleep. Scientifically advanced tetrapeptides: restore the appearance of skin firmness, tone, and elasticity. 3 superior moisturizers: glycerin, shea butter, and aloe quench hydration. 对抗熟龄肌干燥问题, 找回柔嫩滑顺的肌肤 紧致晚霜在您的睡眠时期补充肌肤所需的养分 高科技紧束定位肽 : 恢复肌肤紧致光采与弹性 3 大高效保湿成份 脂质精华 / 乳油木果 / 芦荟能润泽干燥肌 Purchase 40 and Save $19.30 消费满 40 点省 $19.30 Sei Bella Timeless Age-Defying Serum + Night Firming Treatment 水. 贝娜时光多酚精华液 + 紧致晚霜 SKU4704 普通售价 : $137.00 SAVE节省 34% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $90.80 (29pts) 淡化瑕疵均匀肤色脸及手上斑点, 是老化最初征兆之一, 肌肤受到阳光照射, 身体会 时光多酚含尖端成份能淡化瑕疵, 改善肤色不均, 更减少细纹皱纹 稳优惠价 : $89.80 (24pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $19.30 Promotional 自然产生黑色素, 聚集并保护肌肤 美乐家科学家结合经实证果定型抗氧化维他命 C 及 E 协同 AHCare, 去除老废角质使肌肤快速焕新, SAVINGS 折扣 $9.80 酸及独特成份, 能中和刺激性, 添加稳定型维生素 C 保护肌肤 Promotional 促销价 : $71.50 (22pts) 给您光采又匀亮的肤色 促销价 : $80.00 (21pts) 18 19

PRODUCT BONUS P R O G R A M 产品红利尊荣迎宾礼计划 The Bonus Program is opened to all New Melaleuca Preferred Customers who enrolled between Apr 1st 2014 to Feb 28th 2017. New Preferred Customers will be rewarded with FREE products after they fulfill their monthly product point commitment in Month 2, 4 and 6 of enrollment. 此产品红利计划是公开给所有推荐于 2014 年 4 月 1 日至 2017 年 2 月 28 日的美乐家优惠顾客 每位在第 2, 第 4 和第 6 个月符合产品消费点数的新优惠顾客将会获赠免费产品 Extended till 促销延至 28.2.2017 Be a Lifetime VIP member to be eligible to purchase exclusive specials! 成为尊荣忠诚会员独享购买精选产品的专属折扣! Lifetime Silver VIP 尊荣忠诚银卡会员 Lifetime Gold VIP 尊荣忠诚金卡会员 Shop for 6 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 45 product points monthly (65 points monthly for Senior Directors and above). 连续 6 个月, 每月消费点数达 45 点 ( 资深总监以上 65 点 ) Shop for 6 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Senior Directors and above). 连续 6 个月, 每月消费点数达 50 点 ( 资深总监以上 70 点 ) The FREE products 免费产品 : Month 2 第 2 个月 Month 4 第 4 个月 Month 6 第 6 个月 Lifetime Platinum VIP 尊荣忠诚白金卡会员 Shop for 30 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Senior Directors and above). 连续 30 个月, 每月消费点数达 50 点 ( 资深总监以上 70 点 ) SKU 3650 T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil - 15mL T36-C5 茶树精油 - 15mL SKU 3600 Renew Intensive Skin Therapy - 237mL 活肤乳液 - 237mL SKU 8589 FiberWise Drink Citrus Orange 活力宝纤饮品 ( 鲜橙 ) November 2016 2016 年 11 月 Eligibility for the FREE products: 免费产品的合格月份 : Lifetime VIP Specials 尊荣忠诚会员特惠 Month of enrollment 被推荐的月份 Eligibility for Month 2 free gift 获赠第 2 月免费产品 Eligibility for Month 4 free gift 获赠第 4 月免费产品 Eligibility for Month 6 free gift 获赠第 6 月免费产品 Apr-16 May-16 Jul-16 Sep-16 May-16 June-16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Sep-16 Nov-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Dec-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Nov-16 Jan-17 Sep-16 Oct-16 Dec-16 Feb-17 Oct-16 Nov-16 Jan-17 Mar-17 Nov-16 Dec-16 Feb-17 Apr-17 Dec-16 Jan-17 Mar-17 May-17 Jan-17 Feb-17 Apr-17 Jun-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 May-17 Jul-17 Limited to 2 sets per promotion for each Lifetime VIP member. 以下两项特惠产品, 每位尊荣忠诚会员分别限购两套 Terms and Conditions 条例与规则 To be eligible for the FREE products, there should be no cancellation or change from a Preferred Customer to Direct Customer in the month/months prior Monthly product point commitment must be fulfilled with no Back-up Order No product point will be awarded for the FREE products FREE products are not eligible for return or exchange for another product. The only exchange permitted is if the product is faulty 以获赠免费产品, 优惠顾客不可在当月 / 前几个月内取消该顾客资格或从优惠顾客更换为基础顾客 必须符合每月消费点数, 不包括预备订单 免费产品不附产品点数 免费产品不可退或换取其他产品 有瑕疵的产品除外 Other Program Rules 其他条例 Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) reserves the right to disqualify any participants that are deemed to have violated the Company s policies & procedures. If there are any discrepancies between the information provided in English and the translation of that information, the English version shall govern. Any such discrepancies are not binding and are of no legal effect. Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice. Decisions are final and binding. 若事业代表于此活动中触犯了条规, 美乐家东南亚 ( 新加坡 ) 有权取消其参与资格 如中英版内容有任何不符, 请以英文版为准 美乐家东南亚 ( 新加坡 ) 保留在不另行通知下更改条件与规则并对此活动保留最终之决定权 Koala Pals Shakeables Twin Pack 熊宝宝营养补充饮品双瓶装 普通售价 : $80.00 SAVE节省 34% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $53.00 (16pts) SKU5207 Lifetime Silver VIP SAVINGS $8.00 SKU5235 Lifetime Gold VIP SAVINGS $10.60 Lifetime SKU7743 Platinum VIP SAVINGS $13.30 折扣 促销价 : $45.00 (12pts) 折扣 促销价 : $42.40 (11pts) 折扣 促销价 : $39.70 (10pts) T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil 30ml T36-C5 茶树精油 30ml REGULAR PRICE 普通售价 : $27.00 SAVE节省 34% PREFERRED CUSTOMER 优惠价 : $17.90 (6pts) SKU505 Lifetime Silver VIP SAVINGS $2.70 SKU5918 Lifetime Gold VIP SAVINGS $3.60 Lifetime SKU8152 Platinum VIP SAVINGS $4.50 折扣 PRICE 促销价 : $15.20 (5pts) 折扣 PRICE 促销价 : $14.30 (4pts) 折扣 PRICE 促销价 : $13.40 (4pts) 20 21

7 Exclusive Privileges for Lifetime VIP! 尊荣忠诚会员 7 大优惠唯您独享! Achieve Lifetime VIP status and be rewarded with exclusive discounts and gifts available only for esteemed Lifetime VIP members! 成为尊荣忠诚会员, 就能独享尊荣忠诚会员的专属优惠与礼品! Become a Lifetime VIP member and enjoy exclusive privileges: Lifetime Silver VIP: Shop consecutively for 6 months, reaching a minimum of 45 product points monthly (65pts for Senior Directors and above) Lifetime Gold VIP: Shop consecutively for 6 months, reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70pts for Senior Directors and above) Lifetime Platinum VIP: Shop consecutively for 30 months, reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 pts for Senior Directors and above) 只要您成为尊荣忠诚会员, 立即享有多重优惠礼遇 : 尊荣忠诚银卡会员 : 持续 6 个月每月消费点数达 45 点 ( 资深总监含以上达 65 点 ) 尊荣忠诚金卡会员 : 持续 6 个月每月消费点数达 50 点 ( 资深总监含以上达 70 点 ) 尊荣忠诚白金卡会员 : 持续 30 个月每月消费点数达 50 点 ( 资深总监以上达 70 点 ) 1. Shop for 6 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Gift! Lifetime Gold VIP Japanese Ceramic Knife Set Lifetime Silver VIP 7-Piece Chef Deluxe Kitchen Cooking Utensils 消费满 6 个月尊荣见面礼送给您! 尊荣忠诚金卡会员和风御品陶瓷刀组 尊荣忠诚银卡会员全能料理七件组 2. Shop for 12 consecutive months and receive a Bonus Gift! Lifetime Gold VIP Natural Ceramic Cooking Pot Lifetime Silver VIP Pure & Healthy Water Filter Pitcher 消费满 12 个月尊荣礼带回家! 尊荣忠诚金卡会员天然陶瓷精致锂瓷锅 尊荣忠诚银卡会员健康纯净滤水壶 Shop for 6 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Gift! 消费满 6 个月尊荣见面礼送给您! Welcome Gift Gold Ceramic Knife Set 和风御品陶瓷刀组 Welcome Gift Silver 7-Piece Chef Deluxe Kitchen Cooking Utensils 全能料理七件组 Shop for 12 consecutive months and receive a Bonus Gift! 消费满 12 个月尊荣礼带回家! 3. 5. 7. Shop for 18 consecutive months and receive a 2nd Bonus Gift! Lifetime Gold VIP Thermal Bag Lifetime Silver VIP Fleece Blanket 消费满 18 个月加码礼立即享! 尊荣忠诚金卡会员保温保冷外出袋 尊荣忠诚银卡会员温馨舒柔随身毯 Get a 10% Loyalty Shopping Dollars and save more! A Lifetime VIP member can receive up to 10% of product point purchases as Loyalty Shopping Dollars. 最高 10% 的消费回馈超优惠 每笔订单享最高 10% 的消费回馈, 为您省更多 4. 6. Maintain your Lifetime Gold VIP status for 24 consecutive months and receive a Welcome Platinum Gift! Enjoy up to 25% Exclusive Lifetime VIP Discount on selected products Lifetime Platinum VIP get to enjoy 25% discount on selected products Lifetime Gold VIP get to enjoy 20% discount on selected products Lifetime Silver VIP get to enjoy 15% discount on selected products 精选商品特惠折扣最高 25% 尊荣忠诚白金卡会员, 独享精选商品 25% 折扣 尊荣忠诚金卡会员, 独享精选商品 20% 折扣 尊荣忠诚银卡会员, 独享精选商品 15% 折扣 Exclusive discount on new products Enjoy special discounts on selected new products. 新品上市特惠 部分新品独享优惠价 维持二十四个月 [ 尊荣忠诚金卡会员 ] 籍, 可获赠白金欢迎礼! Bonus Gift Gold Natural Ceramic Cooking Pot 天然陶瓷精致锂瓷锅 Pure & Healthy Water Filter Pitcher 健康纯净滤水壶 Shop for 18 consecutive months and receive a Bonus Gift! 消费满 18 个月尊荣礼带回家! 2nd Bonus Gift Gold Thermal Bag 保温保冷外出袋 Bonus Gift Silver 2nd Bonus Gift Silver Fleece Blanket 温馨舒柔随身毯 Lifetime Platinum VIP Stainless Steel Vacuum Flask Set 尊荣忠诚白金卡会员不锈钢真空保温罐套装 22 23

SKU s FOR YOUR HEALTH - VITALITY FOR LIFE 400 401 402 405 410 Vitamins, Minerals & Phytonutrients Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral for Women 60 tablets Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral for Men 60 tablets Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral for 50+ 60 tablets Vitality Calcium Complete 120 tablets 12 46.00 29.90 12 46.00 29.90 12 46.00 29.90 8 35.00 22.90 Vitality Pack (Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral & Vitality Calcium Complete ) Vitality Pack for Women 16 68.00 44.90 411 Vitality Pack for Men 16 68.00 44.90 412 Vitality Pack for 50+ 16 68.00 44.90 1106 Vitality Essential Nutrition Pack (Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral, CardiOmega EPA, Cellwise, & Florify ) Vitality Essential for Women 22 113.00 74.00 1107 Vitality Essential for Men 22 113.00 74.00 1108 Vitality Essential for 50+ 22 113.00 74.00 860 Peak Performance Pack (Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral, CardiOmega EPA, Cellwise, ProvexCV, Recover AI, & Florify ) Peak Performance for Women 42 214.00 142.90 861 Peak Performance for Men 42 214.00 142.90 862 Peak Performance for 50+ 42 214.00 142.90 7326 Mel-Up1000 (Pack of 10) 14 62.00 41.90 3124 Brain Health Vitality Omega-3 Crème Delight Peach Mango Tango 340g 8 39.70 27.00 1545 Vitality Coldwater Omega-3 90 softgels 7 36.50 25.00 499 Children s Health Koala Pals Multivitamin Supplement 120 chewables 7 44.00 28.90 1057 Koala Pals Shakeables 15 servings 8 40.00 26.50 8408 Children s Nutraview 60 softgels 8 35.70 25.00 2155 Heart Health Phytomega 120 softgels 14 70.00 45.90 2000 ProvexCV 60 capsules 18 77.00 51.90 1411 Provex-Plus 30 capsules 11 40.50 26.90 2195 CoQ10+ 30 softgels 15 67.00 46.90 3068 Digestive Health Calmicid 60 tablets 6 26.00 17.90 8589 FiberWise Drink 810g/30 servings 10 59.00 36.90 8583 FiberWise Drink Sugar Free 600g/30 servings 10 59.00 36.90 4304 Florify 30 capsules 12 51.00 33.00 1691 Condition-Specific Health Needs Replenex 90 tablets 10 40.00 26.90 1693 Replenex Extra Strength 90 tablets 15 72.00 46.90 4120 Replenex Extra Strength Drink 20 packets 15 72.00 46.90 2056 ProstAvan 30 softgels 10 42.00 27.90 3900 LiverWise 30 tablets 11 39.90 26.90 2380 Luminex 90 capsules 10 40.00 26.90 2390 EstrAval 60 capsules 10 42.00 27.90 4545 Activate-C Immune Complex Drink Mix 20 packets 6 28.20 18.60 2562 Activate Immune Complex 60 capsules 6 28.20 18.60 Suitable for vegetarian diet Halal certified Singapore List November 2016 SKU s 2855 NutraView 60 softgels 10 48.20 31.30 3055 RestEZ 60 capsules 8 31.00 20.90 6025 CranBarrier 60 chewables 10 40.00 26.90 7780 CellWise 60 tablets 10 42.00 27.90 3682 DNA Plus 500mL 17 110.00 72.90 3499 DNA Plus Twin Pack 31 210.00 139.90 5542 Grapeseed Oil 4 25.50 17.50 222 Grapeseed Oil Twin Pack 7 46.50 31.50 8741 Weight Management Attain GC Control Shake Caramel 14 servings 13 64.50 42.50 8991 Attain Shake Milk Chocolate 14 servings 9 56.00 36.90 8992 Attain Shake Vanilla 14 servings 9 56.00 36.90 8993 Attain Shake Strawberry 14 servings 9 56.00 36.90 8891 Attain Bar Chocolate Caramel Nut (Pack of 6) 5 29.70 19.20 8893 Attain Bar Sweet and Salty Nut (Pack of 6) 5 29.70 19.20 9199 Vitality for Life Blender Bottle 11.90 11.90 5348 8620 8621 Vitality Weight Lose Pack (Attain Shake Twin Pack + FiberWise + Access Bar Triple Pack) Simply Fit Baked Cookies - Multigrain (Pack of 16) Simply Fit Baked Cookies - Cranberry Multigrain (Pack of 16) 48 260.00 171.90 2 10.50 6.90 2 10.50 6.90 9550 NutraTherm 60 capsules 14 68.00 46.90 4256 4203 Sports Nutrition Access Exercise Bars Chocolate Raspberry Rush (Pack of 10) Access Exercise Bars Chocolate Peanut Butter Krisp (Pack of 10) 10 46.00 30.90 10 46.00 30.90 8436 Sustain Sport Lemon Blast 20 packets 6 26.00 18.00 FOR YOUR HOME - ECOSENSE 1212 Cleaners Clear Power Glass Cleaner 473mL 3 15.00 9.90 1213 Clear Power Mixing Spray Bottle 2.50 2.50 201 MelaMagic Heavy Duty Cleaner 473mL 2 14.00 9.00 1427 4020 Rustic Touch Orange Scent Furniture Care w/sprayer 237mL Sol-U-Guard Botanical 2x Concentrate Disinfectant 473mL 3 16.50 11.20 6 30.00 19.90 8901 Sol-U-Guard Botanical 2X Mixing Spray Bottle 2.50 2.50 292 Sol-U-Mel 3-in-1 Cleaner 237mL 10 33.00 21.90 130 Sol-U-Mel 3-in-1 Cleaner 473mL 18 59.00 39.90 1209 Sol-U-Mel Mixing Spray Bottle 2.50 2.50 1218 Tough & Tender Multi-Purpose Cleaner 473mL 3 15.50 10.50 1219 Tough & Tender Mixing Spray Bottle 2.50 2.50 4074 Tough & Tender Wipes 30 wipes 2 11.00 6.90 4075 Tough & Tender Wipes Twin Pack 3 17.00 11.90 1214 No Work Daily Shower Cleaner 473mL 3 15.50 10.50 1215 No Work Mixing Spray Bottle 2.50 2.50 1216 Tub & Tile Bathroom Cleaner 473mL 3 15.50 10.50 1217 Tub & Tile Foaming/Mixing Spray Bottle 2.50 2.50 1280 Harvest Pure 473mL 3 15.00 9.90 To order, call 1 800 800 8080 or go to All prices are in Singapore currency and include GST where applicable. Information is correct at the time of printing. While Stock Last New SKU 2854 1210 s Dish Care Lemon Brite 473mL 2 12.00 7.50 Laundry PreSpot 4x Laundry Stain Remover 237mL 4 17.00 11.80 7625 PreSpot Instant Stain Remover 1 5.80 4.00 1211 PreSpot Mixing Spray Bottle 2.50 2.50 4333 MelaPower 6x Laundry Detergent Fresh Scent 1.42L 8 39.00 27.30 9770 MelaBrite 6x Color-Safe Brightener 1.42L 7 34.50 24.00 267 MelaSoft Fabric Softener Spring Breeze 1.42L 5 26.00 17.50 3008 EcoSense Pump for Laundry Bottles 4.00 4.00 4848 EcoSense Drain Back Cap 2.00 2.00 FOR YOUR BODY MELALEUCA BATH AND BODY 5281 Affinia Facial Care Facial Cleanser + Toner w/pump 150mL 4 19.00 13.00 5283 Facial Moisturizer w/pump 120mL 5 23.90 16.50 5284 Facial Scrub 113.4g 3 15.00 10.00 4152 Affinia Hair Care Moisturizing Shampoo 355mL 2 11.00 7.70 4153 Ultra-Moisturizing Shampoo 355mL 2 11.00 7.70 4154 Volumizing Shampoo 355mL 2 11.00 7.70 4155 Moisturizing Conditioner 355mL 2 11.00 7.70 4156 Ultra-Moisturizing Conditioner 355mL 2 11.00 7.70 4157 Volumizing Conditioner 355mL 2 11.00 7.70 4141 Styling Hair Gel 163mL 2 11.00 7.70 4140 Natural Hold Hairspray w/sprayer 296mL 2 12.50 8.70 9746 Body Satin Moisturizing Body Wash (Original Scent) 207mL 5 20.00 12.90 9748 Moisturizing Body Wash (Pear Raspberry) 207mL 5 20.00 12.90 9742 Body Lotion w/pump (Original Scent) 237mL 6 24.00 15.90 9743 Body Lotion w/pump (Pear Raspberry) 237mL 6 24.00 15.90 9755 Foot Scrub 163mL 3 15.00 9.90 9750 Foot Lotion 163mL 3 15.00 9.90 9754 Foot Spray w/sprayer 187mL 4 17.00 10.90 9760 Hand Crème 59mL 2 8.00 4.90 146 2664 Body Care Moisturizing Liquid Soap Grapefruit Splash 237mL 3 15.00 9.90 Sol-U-Guard Botanical Hand Wash - Tropical 237mL 4 18.70 12.50 2665 Sol-U-Guard Botanical Hand Wash - Mint 237mL 4 18.70 12.50 9351 Liquid Soap Pump 1.00 1.00 4013 Clear Defense Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer 70mL 1 6.20 4.20 4117 Melaleuca Herbal Shampoo 237mL 6 21.00 14.20 4905 Melaleuca Herbal Shampoo w/pump 946mL 10 37.50 25.50 4118 Melaleuca Original Shampoo 237mL 6 21.00 14.20 4906 Melaleuca Original Shampoo w/pump 946mL 10 37.50 25.50 4602 Green Tea Body Shampoo w/pump 6 34.60 23.50 1180 Exfoliating Mesh Sponge 2.00 2.00 2465 2466 117 Sheer Confidence Antiperspirant & Deodorant - Moonlit Orchid Sheer Confidence Antiperspirant & Deodorant - Caribbean Sunset 3 16.00 10.30 3 16.00 10.30 Bath Bars The Gold Bar 2 7.70 5.20 3308 The Melaleuca Platinum Bar 2 7.70 5.20 108 Renew Bath Oil 118mL 5 22.00 14.90 5540 Exfoliating Body Bar 2 7.70 5.20 3620 Renew Body Wash 355mL 7 30.00 19.90 Suitable for vegetarian diet To order, call 1 800 800 8080 or go to While Stock Last Halal certified All prices are in Singapore currency and include GST where applicable. Information is correct at the time of printing. New SKU 5400 s Alloy for Men Antiperspirant & Deodorant 64g 3 14.60 9.90 5457 Body Wash 210mL 3 13.60 9.20 5458 Cologne 65mL 12 72.00 48.90 5459 After Shave 65mL 3 14.60 9.90 6455 Bath Bar 2 8.00 5.20 FOR YOUR KIDS CHILDREN PRODUCTS 499 Koala Pals Multivitamin Supplement 120 chewables 7 44.00 28.90 1057 Koala Pals Shakeables 15 servings 8 40.00 26.50 8408 Children s Nutraview 60 softgels 8 35.70 25.00 3909 Koala Pals Character Toothbrush - Blue 1 6.20 4.20 3487 Koala Pals Character Toothbrush - Pink 1 6.20 4.20 1297 Koala Pals Fluoride Tooth Gel 108g 2 10.00 6.50 4910 Koala Pals Training Tooth Gel 108g 2 10.00 6.50 4911 Koala Pals Hand Wash w/pump 237mL 3 15.50 10.50 4912 Koala Pals Hand Wash Refill 444mL 6 25.00 16.90 4913 Koala Pals Tear-Free Hair Wash 325mL 4 15.00 10.20 4914 Koala Pals Tear-Free Body Wash 325mL 4 15.00 10.20 FOR YOUR PETS PROCARE PRODUCTS 623 ProCare Pet Shampoo 296 ml 5 19.00 12.90 FOR YOUR MEDICINE CABINET 199 First Aid T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil 30mL 6 27.00 17.90 3650 T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil 15mL 4 15.00 10.20 2164 T40-C3 Melaleuca Oil 5.8mL 12 40.00 26.90 3847 MelaGel Topical Gel 14g Tube 4 14.60 9.90 7440 Dental Care 4-pack Toothbrush 3 21.00 14.20 3080 Classic Cinnamon Whitening Tooth Polish 108g 2 10.60 7.20 5395 Fresh Mint Whitening Tooth Polish 108g 2 10.60 7.20 5780 Cool Mint with Fluoride Whitening Tooth Polish 108g 2 10.60 7.20 8697 Fluoride Tooth Polish For Sensitive Teeth 108g 3 13.50 9.40 5781 Breath-Away Mouth Rinse Classic Cinnamon 473mL 3 14.00 8.90 5782 Breath-Away Mouth Rinse Fresh Mint 473mL 3 14.00 8.90 3082 Breath-Away Mouth Rinse Concentrate Fresh Mint 237mL (makes 946mL) 3 14.60 9.90 3085 Classic Cinnamon Dental Floss 50m 2 11.70 7.90 3086 Fresh Mint Dental Floss 50m 2 11.70 7.90 5121 Exceed Sugar-Free Mint Wintergreen 1 5.30 3.70 5127 Exceed Sugar-Free Mint Strawberry 1 5.30 3.70 184 6608 6609 3600 Pain Relief Extra Strength Pain-A-Trate Pain Relieving Cream 89mL Tube 6 22.00 14.90 Cough, Cold & Flu Relief CounterAct Honey Lemon Cough Drops 30 Drops 1 6.20 4.20 CounterAct Orchard Cherry Cough Drops 30 Drops 1 6.20 4.20 Dry Skin Relief Renew Intensive Skin Therapy 237mL 7 22.00 14.90 6317 Renew Pump 1.00 1.00 6616 Renew Travel Pack 30mL/2 Tubes 1 6.20 4.20 8887 Renew Travel Pack 30mL/6 Tubes 3 17.00 11.50 24 25

SKU s SKU s SKU s SKU s 3748 Renew Hand Wash w/pump 237mL 5 23.00 14.90 6781 6795 6790 6789 6793 6792 6794 1434 5163 Reflect Acne Prevention System Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Foaming Cleanser 133mL Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Foaming Cleanser Pump Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Deep-Cleaning Astringent 130mL Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Deep-Cleaning Astringent Pump Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Oil-Free Moisturizer 35.5mL Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Acne Treatment Cream 14g Reflect Clear Skin Essentials Acne Spot Treatment 8.9mL Sunscreen Sun Shades Hydrating Sunscreen SPF43+++ 60g Insect Repellent Natural Insect Repellent w/pump PURE ESSENTIAL OILS 9316 Essential Oil - Purifying and Refreshing PURE Eucalyptus Essential Oil 15ml 4 17.50 12.20 1.50 1.50 4 17.50 12.20 1.50 1.50 4 17.50 12.20 4 16.90 11.80 4 16.90 11.80 6 32.50 20.90 4 18.50 12.00 6 24.00 17.50 9327 PURE Geranium Essential Oil 15ml 11 45.40 31.80 9279 PURE Lemon Essential Oil 15ml 5 17.00 14.50 9339 PURE Lemongrass Essential Oil 15ml 5 17.00 14.50 9276 Essential Oil - Relaxing and Balancing PURE Lavender Essential Oil 15ml 9 36.00 26.50 9353 PURE Patchouli Essential Oil 15ml 12 50.00 35.00 9349 PURE Sandalwood Essential Oil 5ml 25 118.00 72.00 9359 PURE Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 15ml 14 51.40 36.00 9333 Essential Oil - Revitalizing And Rejuvenating PURE Bergamot Essential Oil 15ml 11 45.40 31.80 9296 PURE Frankincense Essential Oil 15ml 25 118.00 72.00 9326 PURE Grapefruit Essential Oil 15ml 7 27.00 19.50 9293 PURE Peppermint Essential Oil 15ml 9 34.00 25.50 9318 PURE Rosemary Essential Oil 15ml 6 24.00 17.50 9362 Exclusive Oil Blends PURE Armor Protective Blend 15ml 13 44.00 36.00 9366 PURE Blue Heat Soothing Blend 5ml 13 55.00 36.00 9368 PURE Peace Tranquility Blend 15ml 13 51.00 36.00 9363 PURE Vapor Respiratory Blend 15ml 9 34.00 25.60 9370 PURE Vitalize Invigorating Blend 15ml 7 25.00 20.00 9382 9406 Carrier Oil PURE Sweet Almond Oil 118ml 5 20.00 14.80 Accessories PURE Carrying Case 0 $35.70 $25.00 9405 PURE Ultrasonic Diffuser & Humidifier 0 $102.90 $72.00 FOR YOUR BEAUTY SEI BELLA SKIN CARE & COSMETICS 5495 Triple Up Collagen (Pack of 10) 17 94.00 62.00 7684 Triple Up Collagen (Pack of 10) 3 Boxes 45 250.80 165.00 4679 Luxury Skin Care Luxury Toner 140mL 31 180.00 120.00 4678 Luxury Serum 30mL 64 300.00 199.00 4687 Luxury Crème Concentrate 50mL 60 300.00 199.00 6672 Luxury Hair Care Luxury Volume Shampoo 296mL 8 32.00 22.00 6670 Luxury Moisture Shampoo 296mL 8 32.00 22.00 6674 Luxury Ultra-Moisture Shampoo 296mL 8 32.00 22.00 6673 Luxury Volume Crème Conditioner 237mL 8 32.00 22.00 6671 Luxury Moisture Crème Conditioner 237mL 8 32.00 22.00 6675 6683 Luxury Ultra-Moisture Crème Conditioner 237mL Intensive Treatment Repair Hair Masque 118mL 8 32.00 22.00 8 32.00 22.00 6685 Detangling & Smoothing Spray 237mL 8 32.00 22.00 2573 Cleansing/Toning/Moisturizing Skin Care Necessities Set (Save over 20%) (Includes Cleanser, Toner, & Moisturizer) 22 132.00 85.90 2701 Skin Hydrating Facial Cleanser 200mL 11 52.00 33.90 2702 Skin Refining Facial Cleanser 200mL 11 52.00 33.90 2703 Hydrating Facial Toner 200mL 9 48.00 30.90 4845 Clarifying Facial Toner 200mL 9 48.00 30.90 2704 Daytime Delivery Crème 50mL 15 73.00 47.90 2705 Daytime Delivery Lotion 50mL 15 73.00 47.90 2706 Night Firming Treatment 50mL 17 76.00 49.90 2715 Skin Revitalizing Serum 30mL 18 78.00 51.90 2708 Fortifying Vitamin Lotion 30mL 16 73.00 47.90 2714 Renewing Exfoliator - 50mL 12 60.00 39.90 8439 3114 3116 3091 3092 3126 9883 9884 7547 7548 Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink (Pack of 10) Pure Essence Purify Cleansing Foam EX 120mL Pure Essence Purify Softening Toner EX 100mL Pure Essence Purify Whitening Lotion EX 50mL Pure Essence Purify Whitening Serum EX 30mL Pure Essence Purify Whitening Cream EX 50mL Perfect Care Fresh Necessities Set (Save over 20%) (Includes Cleansing Oil, Facial Wash, Toner Fresh & Serum) Perfect Care Rich Necessities Set (Save over 20%) (Includes Cleansing Oil, Facial Wash, Toner Rich & Serum) Perfect Care Fresh Complete Set (Save over 20%) (Includes Cleansing Oil, Facial Wash, Toner Fresh, Serum, Day Cream and Night Cream) Perfect Care Rich Complete Set (Save over 20%) (Includes Cleansing Oil, Facial Wash, Toner Rich, Serum, Day Cream and Night Cream) 10 47.00 31.50 11 58.50 35.00 12 63.80 38.00 15 83.00 49.50 20 112.00 67.20 17 100.50 60.00 28 147.00 99.90 28 147.00 99.90 44 233.00 149.90 44 233.00 149.90 7540 Perfect Care Cleansing Oil 150mL 8 40.00 26.90 7541 Perfect Care Facial Wash 120g 10 46.00 30.90 7542 Perfect Care Toner Fresh 150mL 8 40.00 26.90 7543 Perfect Care Toner Rich 150mL 8 40.00 26.90 7544 Perfect Care Serum 30mL 14 64.00 42.90 7545 Perfect Care Day Cream 30g 12 55.00 36.90 7546 Perfect Care Night Cream 30g 12 59.00 38.90 3281 Specialty Skin Care Items Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask 5 pc/box 18 98.00 59.00 4930 Complete Radiance Clay Facial Masque 70g 12 52.00 35.00 1429 Eye Care System Dual-Phase Eye Makeup Remover 111mL 8 46.00 29.90 2711 Bright Eyes Soothing Gel 15mL 12 54.00 35.90 9827 Wrinkle Release Eye Serum 15mL 12 74.00 48.90 9861 Night Recovery Crème 15mL 12 72.00 46.90 3970 Timeless Age-Defying Serum 30mL 12 61.00 40.90 6232 Luxury Lip Colors Mauvelous 8 34.00 22.90 6233 Pink Sorbet 8 34.00 22.90 6234 Plumberry 8 34.00 22.90 6241 Coral Reef 8 34.00 22.90 6246 Currant 8 34.00 22.90 6235 Politely Pink 8 34.00 22.90 6237 Rosewood 8 34.00 22.90 6244 Peach Silk 8 34.00 22.90 6378 Sienna Terra 8 34.00 22.90 2710 6392 Lip Treatment Perfecting Lip Treatment 7 30.00 19.90 Brilliance Lip Gloss Flirt 8 34.00 22.90 6396 Rumor 8 34.00 22.90 6397 Moonlight 8 34.00 22.90 6398 Clear 8 34.00 22.90 3870 Eye Shadow Single Shiny Pearl 7 39.50 26.40 3871 Coral Pink 7 39.50 26.40 3872 Gold 7 39.50 26.40 3873 Olive 7 39.50 26.40 3874 Brown 7 39.50 26.40 3409 Eye Shadow Duo Shell Pink & Burgundy 9 50.00 33.00 3410 Honey Beige & Coffee Brown 9 50.00 33.00 3411 Lavender & Plum Brown 9 50.00 33.00 3412 Wisteria Blue & Navy 9 50.00 33.00 5641 Enhance Mechanical Eye Pencil Black 7 33.00 21.90 5643 Dark Brown 7 33.00 21.90 5658 Dual-End Brow Pencil Brunette 7 33.70 22.90 6560 Sable 7 33.70 22.90 8226 Defining Lash Mascara Waterproof Black 7 32.00 20.90 8227 Black/Brown 7 32.00 20.90 7735 2230 Lengthy Lash Primer Lengthy Lash Primer 7 30.00 19.90 Age-Defying Liquid Foundation Natural 10 50.00 34.00 2181 Cashmere 10 50.00 34.00 2215 Fawn 10 50.00 34.00 9820 Moisture Cake Foundation SPF40 PA++ Pink Beige 15 77.00 50.00 9823 Light 15 77.00 50.00 9824 Natural 15 77.00 50.00 9481 Powder Foundation Pink Beige 9 40.00 26.90 9483 Natural Beige 9 40.00 26.90 9485 Powder Foundation Compact 6 34.00 19.90 4789 Powder Foundation Sponge (Pack of 3) 6.50 6.50 9090 Loose Powder Light 10 50.00 33.90 9089 Medium 10 50.00 33.90 9092 Dark 10 50.00 33.90 9231 Age-Defying Concealer Light 8 37.00 24.90 9232 Medium 8 37.00 24.90 9233 Dark 8 37.00 24.90 9067 Powder Blush Compact Peach Satin 8 42.00 27.90 9068 Soft Rose 8 42.00 27.90 3177 Persimmon 8 42.00 27.90 3302 Complexion Corrector Luminous CC Cream SPF30 PA++ 10 48.00 31.00 ESSENTIAL & VALUE PACKS 360 Value Pack* 100 298.00 363 Home Conversion Pack* 140 398.00 TRIAL SIZE PRODUCTS 638 The Gold Bar (Trial Size) 1.60 1.60 PRODUCT INFORMATION & SALES AIDS 6017 EcoSense Safer For Your Home DVD 10.20 10.20 711 Oligofructose Complex DVD 10.20 10.20 8810 8811 Business Kit Business Kit (Customer Membership Booklet, Building Your Melaleuca Business Booklet, Delivering Wellness Booklet [English/Chinese/ Malay] & DVD, Your Preferred Customer Benefits Booklet (English/Chinese/Malay), Discovering Melaleuca DVD, Forms and Catalogue) 29.00 29.00 Business Kit Materials Seven Critical Activities Booklet 7.20 7.20 9947 Building Your Melaleuca Business Booklet 5.20 5.20 2180 7509 9530 7293 Delivering Wellness Booklet (English/Chinese/ Malay) Delivering Wellness DVD (English/Chinese/Malay) Your Preferred Customer Benefits Booklet (English/ Chinese/Malay) 5.90 5.90 10.20 10.20 2.90 2.90 Forms Customer Membership Agreement 0.30 0.30 7373 Independent Marketing Executive Agreement 0.30 0.30 7294 Interbank GIRO Authorisation Form 0.15 0.15 3104 Publications Melaleuca Country Catalogue 4.90 4.90 3502 Melaleuca Country Catalogue (5 Pack) 18.00 18.00 991 4731 Leadership In Action 4.90 4.90 Miscellaneous Business Card (200 cards) 30.00 International International Sponsorship Program 100.00 3925 Australia/New Zealand 40.00 5160 Europe (United Kingdom/Ireland/Netherlands) 40.00 1970 Japan 40.00 4498 Korea 40.00 1925 Taiwan/Hong Kong 40.00 3948 USA/Canada 40.00 Backup Order prices are as follows: 35PTS, $93.00 55PTS, $145.00 26 27

40 满点数, 享折扣 Promotion Period: November 2016 特惠期间 :2016 年 11 月 Enjoy these promotions when you spend at least 40 points (for Preferred Customers) / 60 points (for Senior Directors and above) in a single receipt. Limited to 2 sets per promotion for each customer. While stocks last. 同张订单消费点数满 40 点 ( 优惠顾客 ) 满 60 点 ( 资深总监或以上 ), 即可享满点优惠价 以下特惠产品, 每位优惠顾客分别限购 2 套 存货售完为止 Save up to 共省下 S$ 83.80 Triple Up Collagen Triple Pack 三重美肌元素三盒组 SKU1157 普通售价 : $250.80 SAVE节省 34% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $165.00 (45pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $34.80 Promotional 促销价 : $130.20 (32pts) CellWise + Pure Essence Whitening Multi-Berries Drink 活力思维锭 + 水. 贝娜纯粹 白亮采馥莓饮 SKU2546 普通售价 : $89.00 SAVE节省 33% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $59.40 (20pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $11.50 Promotional 促销价 : $47.90 (14pts) Sol-U-Mel 3-in-1 Cleaner 273ml + MelaPower 6x Laundry Detergent Fresh Scent 三合一去污剂 237ml + 强效清香洗衣剂 6x SKU8395 普通售价 : $72.00 SAVE节省 32% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $49.20 (18pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $10.60 Promotional 促销价 : $38.60 (12pts) Renew Body Wash + Renew Intensive Skin Therapy 活肤沐浴乳 + 活肤乳液 SKU1194 普通售价 : $52.00 SAVE节省 33% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $34.80 (14pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $7.60 Promotional 促销价 : $27.20 (10pts) Sei Bella Timeless Age-Defying Serum + Night Firming Treatment 水. 贝娜时光多酚精华液 + 紧致晚霜 SKU4704 普通售价 : $137.00 SAVE节省 34% Preferred Customer 优惠价 : $90.80 (29pts) SAVINGS 折扣 $19.30 Promotional 促销价 : $71.50 (22pts) Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd 150 Changi Road Guthrie Building #01-01 Singapore 419973 Tel: +65 6737 0020 Fax: +65 6737 0050