Contents Introduction 4 简介 6 Multi-gas O2 & CO2 Safety Monitor 8 多气体氧气和二氧化碳安全监控仪 10 O2NE+ Oxygen Depletion Monitor 12 O2NE+ 缺氧监控仪 14 Safe-Ox+ Oxygen E

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Contents Introduction 4 简介 6 Multi-gas O2 & CO2 Safety Monitor 8 多气体氧气和二氧化碳安全监控仪 10 O2NE+ Oxygen Depletion Monitor 12 O2NE+ 缺氧监控仪 14 Safe-Ox+ Oxygen Enrichment & Depletion Monitor 16 Safe-Ox+ 富氧和缺氧监控仪 18 Aspida O2 and CO2 Portable Monitor 20 Aspida 便携式氧气和二氧化碳监控仪 22 LC Commercial Control Panel 24 LC Commercial 控制面板 26 FGD3 Flammable Gas Detector Head 28 3000 SI Series Oxygen and Toxic Gas Transmitters 29 FGD3 可燃气体探测头 30 3000 SI 系列氧气和有毒气体变送器 31 3

INTRODUCTION ANALOX SENSOR TECHNOLOGY (AST) Analox is an acknowledged authority on gas sensors and is recognised internationally for its expertise. Since 1981 we have been producing systems for detecting potentially hazardous gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2). Our experience has shown that a reliable gas detection and monitoring system plays a crucial role in managing air quality. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is widely used as a laboratory gas in cryogenic applications, sample transportation and cell culture incubators. Other gases stored in laboratories include inert gases such as argon (Ar), nitrogen (N2) and helium (He) which are used as carrier gases, or in cryogenics. Whereas a leak of CO2 will cause a higher concentration of this gas in the atmosphere, a leak of any of these gases can lead to oxygen (O2) depletion. Laboratories also store and operate with high levels of O2; a leak of enriched O2 could also prove to be a fire risk. ACHIEVEMENTS FROM 370KM ABOVE THE EARTH TO 11,000M UNDER THE SEA. Providing your niche custom gas detection since 1981 With a growing need and interest from the laboratory market, Analox have designed and developed a portfolio of custom gas monitoring solutions to detect a wide range of commonly used laboratory gases including: O2, CO2, CO, H2S and flammable gases. In early 2015 our existing range was complemented by the Ax60, a CO2 detector and alarm which was shortlisted by S-Lab Awards and offers protection for people working in the proximity of elevated levels of CO2. LABORATORY INDUSTRY LABORATORIES A wide variety of gases are used in labs such as carbon dioxide, argon, helium, nitrogen and oxygen. These gases pose a serious risk should they leak, this risk can occur from fixed piped gas systems or individual cylinders of gases. STAFF SAFETY Your workforce is your most valuable asset and protecting them from risks in the lab is your number one priority. This means it is also our number one priority. Gas monitoring will help improve staff and public safety and mitigate risk of serious incidents; it also helps you to comply with local and international legislation on exposure limits. LABORATORY PROCESS SOLUTIONS Whether you have a scientific, medical, research or educational laboratory, process monitoring is key to your success. Analox Sensor Technology offer a wide variety of highly accurate process sensors which can be used with our control panels or integrated with your own systems for a true OEM solution. In the same year we also installed several monitors across laboratories at the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI), a UK-based technology centre. These were the A50, a fixed CO2 monitor, and the Safe-Ox+ an oxygen depletion and enrichment monitor. A total of 24 units were installed to keep personnel safe while trials and experiments are conducted in a laboratory environment. 4 5

简介 ANALOX SENSOR TECHNOLOGY (AST) Analox 是气体感应器领域的公认权威, 其专业性在国际上广受认可 自 1981 年以来, 我们一直在生产各种系统用于检测可能有害的气体, 例如二氧化碳 (CO2) 和氮气 (N2) 我们的经验表明, 可靠的气体检测和监控系统在空气质量管理方面起到至关重要的作用 在低温应用场合 样品运输和细胞培养孵化器中, 二氧化碳 (CO2) 被实验室广泛地运用 实验室中存储的其他气体还包括氩气 (Ar) 氮气 (N2) 和氦气 (He) 等惰性气体, 这些气体被用作载气, 或者用于低温场合 而二氧化碳泄露会导致其在周围空气中的浓度升高, 这些气体中的任何一种发生泄露, 都会导致缺氧 实验室的存储和工作环境也具有较高的氧气含量, 富氧气体的泄露也会带来火灾风险 从 370 千米的高空到 11,000 米的深海 为您提供精确定制的气体检测解决方案, 始于 1981 实验室行业 实验室 实验室中会广泛使用各种气体, 如二氧化碳 氩气 氦气 氮气和氧气等 这些气体一旦泄露, 将会带来巨大的风险 这种风险可能在固定的气体管道系统或各个气缸中发生 人员安全 员工是您最宝贵的资产, 保护他们免遭实验室中的各种风险是您的第一要务 当然, 这也就是我们的第一要务 气体监控可以助您提高工作人员和公众的安全性, 降低发生严重事故的风险, 还有助于遵守本地和国际法规对于有害气体暴露限值的要求 成就 随着实验室市场的需求和关注日益增加,Analox 设计和开发了一整套定制气体监控解决方案, 用于检测实验室中广泛使用的各种气体, 包括 : 氧气 二氧化碳 一氧化碳 硫化氢和可燃气体 2015 年初, 我们现有的产品线中新增了 Ax60, 兼具二氧化碳检测和警报功能 该产品入围 S-Lab Awards 候选名单, 可为在二氧化碳浓度较高的区域附近工作的人士提供保护 实验室过程解决方案 无论您拥有的是科学实验室 医疗实验室 研究实验室还是教学实验室, 过程监控都是取得成功的关键所在 Analox Sensor Technology 提供多种多样的高精度过程感应器, 可以与我们的控制面板配套使用, 也可以集成到您自有的系统中, 打造出真正的 OEM 解决方案 同年, 我们在英国一个科技中心 工艺流程创新中心 (CPI) 的多个实验室安装了若干监控器 其中包括固定式二氧化碳监控仪 A50, 以及缺氧和富氧监控仪 Safe-Ox+ 总共安装了 24 台设备以保证工作人员的安全, 同时确保试验和实验在实验室环境中进行 6 7

AX60+ MULTI-GAS SAFETY MONITOR Central Display 1 2 3 4 Cancel COMING SOON The is a wall-mountable, multi-gas safety device for monitoring oxygen and carbon dioxide. WHAT Based on the popular Ax60 CO2 detector, the new offers the additional functionality of a modular O2 sensor which provides an early warning of both oxygen depletion and oxygen enrichment. The CO2 and O2 sensors are interchangeable and can be fully integrated as part of a multi-point system. Each alarm unit includes an audible sounder and a high-intensity strobe light. The CO2 sensor is set by default to trigger a low-level alarm at 1.5% CO2, an evacuation alarm at 3% CO2 and a time-weighted average alarm of 0.5% CO2 measured over eight hours. The O2 sensor is set by default to trigger low-going alarms at both 19.5% and at 18% and a high-going alarm at 23%. The alarm setpoints can be changed by the user in line with their local legislation. WHY Users of incubators, gas chromatography machines, mass spectrometers and dry ice need to consider installing safety monitors as a small leak of pressurised CO2 could pose a lethal threat. Any laboratory using inert gases such as argon, nitrogen, or helium need to measure for oxygen depletion. Laboratories that store and use high levels of O2, also need to detect for a leak of enriched O2 as this could prove to be a fire risk. WHERE The central display unit is wall mounted in a convenient location, often a manager or supervisor s office. This monitors CO2 sensor units that are mounted at low level (around 450mm above the floor) in risk areas and O2 sensors positioned at normal working head height. Each sensor is connected to one or more alarm units which give audible and visible alerts to potential dangers. FAQ Q. What is the maximum number of CO2 sensors and alarms that can be connected to the central display A. An central display unit can be connected to a maximum of four sensors, of either CO2 or O2, and a maximum of eight alarms. Q. How low should the sensors be installed CO2 Sensor A. CO2 sensors should be installed at a height of approximately 305-457 mm above floor level. This is because CO2 is heavier than air and will collect near ground level. O2 sensors should be installed at normal working head height. The alarm set points can be easily changed by the user. Cycle Accept/Test +44 (0) 7917 764348 O2 Sensor KEY FEATURES Warranty - 5 year CO2 sensor & 18 months O2 sensor Multi-point, multi-gas monitoring system 4-channel flexibility allowing any sensor combination Central display unit for positioning in a manager s office TWA monitoring User-configurable alarm setpoints and relay outputs DID YOU KNOW 8 9

AX60+ 多气体安全监控仪 Colours Central Display 1 2 3 4 Cancel Cycle Central Display Accept/Test 1 2 3 4 Cancel CO2 Sensor CO2 Sensor +44 (0) 7917 764348 Cycle 即将面世 是一种壁挂式多气体安全设备, 用于监控氧气和二氧化碳的含量 Colours Central Display 1 2 3 4 Cancel Cycle Accept/Test +44 (0) 7917 764348 CO2 Sensor Accept/Test +44 (0) 7917 764348 O2 Sensor O2 Sensor 主要特点 质保 - 二氧化碳感应器 :5 年 ; 氧气感应器 :18 个月 多点 多气体监控系统 本产品的功能 新的 是在广受欢迎的 Ax60 二氧化碳检测仪基础上研制而成, 额外提供模块化氧气感应器, 可以尽早对缺氧和富氧发出警报 二氧化碳和氧气感应器都是可互换的, 可以完全集成到多点系统中 所有警报装置都可以通过声音发出警报, 还具备高强度的频闪灯 二氧化碳感应器的默认设置是 : 在 1.5% 的二氧化碳浓度下触发低级别警报 ; 在 3% 的二氧化碳浓度下触发疏散警报 ; 在八小时测量 0.5% 的二氧化碳浓度下触发时间加权平均浓度警报 氧气感应器的默认设置是 : 在 19.5% 和 18% 的浓度下触发缺氧警报, 在 23% 的浓度下触发富氧警报 用户可以根据当地法规的要求对报警点进行更改 为何要使用本产品 使用孵化器 气相色谱仪 质谱仪和干冰的用户应考虑安装安全监控仪, 因为加压二氧化碳的少量泄露就会造成致命威胁 任何使用氩气 氮气或氦气等惰性气体的实验室都需要进行缺氧监测 存储和使用高浓度氧气的实验室也需要检测富氧的泄露情况, 因为富氧泄露可能带来火灾风险 安装位置 中央显示器采用壁挂式安装, 可以安装在经理或主管办公室等便利的位置 该显示器可以监控二氧化碳感应装置 ( 安装在风险较高区域的低水平位置, 约为地板上方 450 毫米高度 ) 和和氧气感应装置 ( 位于工作时普通人头的高度 ) 每个感应装置都连接到一个或多个警报装置, 在有潜在危险时发出声光警报 常见问答 问 : 中央显示器最多可以连接多少个二氧化碳感应器和警报装置 答 : 中央显示器最多可以连接四个感应器 ( 二氧化碳或氧气感应器均可 ) 和八个警报装置 问 : 感应器应安装在多高的位置 答 : 二氧化碳感应器应安装在大约地板上方 305-457 毫米高的位置 这是因为二氧化碳比空气重, 会聚集在地面附近 氧气感应器应安装在工作时普通人头高度的位置 用户可以轻松更改报警点 O2 Sensor 具备 4 个信道, 能够灵活满足任何感应器组合需求 中央显示器可安装在经理的办公室 时间加权平均浓度 (TWA) 监测 用户可以配置的报警点和中继输出 您知道吗 10 11

O2NE+ OXYGEN DEPLETION MONITOR O2NE+ The O2NE+ is an oxygen deficiency monitor ideal for use in laboratories that use inert gases. WHAT The O2NE+ is an ambient oxygen depletion monitor comprising a wall mounted main sensor unit and a repeater. It is ranged from 0 to 25% O2 and has 2 audio/visual alarms. The sensor is long life and calibration is only required every 12 months which can be achieved using certified air. WHY Any laboratory using inert gases such as argon, nitrogen or helium as carrier gases or in cryogenics should use the O2NE+ oxygen depletion monitor as part of their safety assessment to comply with local legislation. WHERE The O2NE+ is installed in areas where an inert gas is being used or stored to provide a warning should the oxygen levels deteriorate to an unsafe level. The repeater is located at the entrance to the room, highlighting the danger to personnel before they enter. Most competitor O2 monitors need calibrating every 6 months. The O2NE+ only needs calibrating every 12 months saving valuable time. FAQ Q. Is the O2NE+ affected by atmospheric pressure change A. No, the O2NE+ has an integral pressure sensor that allows the device to automatically compensate for local pressure changes. Q. Can I fit two relays to one alarm A. Yes, this is possible. OPTIONS TO BUILD We offer several variations of this product so you can build your own to your specific requirements. Base unit Range % s % supply Repeater option Output options Display Language ANALOX ASKS DID YOU KNOW KEY FEATURES Long life O2 sensor Minimal maintenance Simple calibration - the O2NE+ can be calibrated on pure air Is an oxygen safety monitor the same as a nitrogen safety monitor Essentially, yes. When there is a threat of O2 levels being depleted due to a leak of nitrogen gas or liquid, then an O2 safety monitor is required. These are sometimes referred to as nitrogen safety monitors. 12 13

O2NE+ 缺氧监控仪 O2NE+ O2NE+ 是一款缺氧监控仪, 非常适合使用惰性气体的实验室 竞争对手的大多数氧气监控仪都需要每 6 个月校准一次 O2NE+ 只需要每 12 个月校准一次, 可为您节省宝贵的时间 您知道吗 常见问答 问 :O2NE+ 是否会受气压变化影响 本产品的功能 O2NE+ 是一款周围环境缺氧监控仪, 由壁挂式主感应器单元和中继器构成 其监测的氧气浓度范围为 0 至 25%, 具有两个声音 / 视觉警报装置 感应器持久耐用, 只需每 12 个月使用认证的气体校准一次 答 : 不会,O2NE+ 有内置的压力感应器, 可以自动补偿当地气压的变化 问 : 是否可以将两个中继器连接到一个警报装置 答 : 可以 可选型号 主要特点 持久耐用的氧气感应器 只需极少维护 校准操作简单 - O2NE+ 可以使用 纯净空气 进行校准 我们为此产品提供不同规范的型号, 您可以根据自己的特定需求量身打造 为何要使用本产品 基础单元 浓度范围 % 报警点 % 电源 中继器选件 输出选件 显示器 语言 任何在低温下使用氩气 氮气或氦气等惰性气体或使用这些气体作为载气的实验室都应在其安全措施中包含 O2NE+ 缺氧监控仪, 以符合当地法规的要求 安装位置 O2NE+ 应安装在使用或存储惰性气体的区域, 在氧气含量降至危险水平时发出警报 中继器应位于房间的入口处, 在工作人员进入房间前提醒危险情况 ANALOX 问答 氧气安全监控仪与氮气安全监控仪是否一样 本质上是一样的 在可能因氮气或液氮泄露导致氧气浓度降至危险水平的情况下, 就需要使用氧气监控仪 这种仪器有时也被称为氮气安全监控仪 14 15

SAFE-OX+ O2 DEPLETION & ENRICHMENT MONITOR Safe-Ox+ The Safe-Ox+ is an ambient oxygen enrichment and depletion monitor which is simple to use and maintain. WHAT The Safe-Ox+ consists of a wall mounted main sensor unit and a repeater. It is ranged from 0 to 25% O2 and has 1 low and 1 high audio/visual alarm. The sensor has a long life and calibration is only required every 12 months and can be achieved using certified air. FAQ Q. What is the maximum room area that will be covered by a single monitor A. Where large areas must be monitored, it is often advised that no single monitor should cover a volume in excess of 80m³. However, these specifications are provided as a guideline. We always recommend that a full risk assessment is conducted before purchasing our units, and that they are bought according to the suggested recommendations or specific local legislation. Q. Is the Safe-Ox+ affected by atmospheric pressure change A. No, the Safe-Ox+has an integral pressure sensor that allows the device to automatically compensate for local pressure changes. Q. Can I fit two relays to one alarm A. Yes, this is possible. KEY FEATURES Long life O2 sensor Repeater included Plug and play - the Safe-Ox+ is easy to install and operate WHY Laboratories that store and operate with high levels of O2 need to detect and monitor the levels of oxygen - should there be a leak of enriched O2 this could prove to be a fire risk. The Safe-Ox+ provides a high O2 alarm ideal if you are using pure oxygen in your lab to protect you from O2 enrichment. If there is a leak of inert gases the Safe-Ox+ can also warn of oxygen depletion. WHERE The Safe-Ox+ can be wall mounted at normal working head height in the gas storage room, or where enriched O2 is piped. The unit comes with one repeater as standard which is located at the entrance to the room. 16 17

SAFE-OX+ O2 缺氧和富氧监控仪 Safe-Ox+ Safe-Ox+ 是一款周围环境缺氧和富氧监控仪, 易于使用和维护 本产品的功能 Safe-Ox+ 由壁挂式主感应器单元和中继器构成 其监测的氧气浓度范围为 0至25%, 具备高低各一个声音 / 视觉警报装置 感应器持久耐用, 只需每 12 个月使用认证的气体校准一次 常见问答 问 : 一个监控仪可以覆盖的房间最大面积是多少 答 : 在需要监控较大房间时, 一般情况下单个监控仪覆盖的房间面积建议不要超过 80 立方米 此规范仅供参考 我们始终建议在购买我们的设备前进行完整的风险评估, 并且根据我们的建议和当地特定法规要求进行购买 问 :Safe-Ox+ 是否会受气压变化影响 答 : 不会,Safe-Ox+ 有内置的压力感应器, 可以自动补偿当地气压的变化 问 : 是否可以将两个中继器连接到一个警报装置 答 : 可以 主要特点 持久耐用的氧气感应器 包含中继器 即插即用 :Safe-Ox+ 易于安装和使用 为何要使用本产品 存储和使用高浓度氧气的实验室需要检测和监控氧气的浓度, 因为富氧泄露可能带来火灾风险 Safe-Ox+ 提供氧气高浓度警报, 非常适合使用纯氧的实验室, 以避免出现富氧的情况 在出现惰性气体泄露时,Safe-Ox+ 也可以提供缺氧警报 安装位置 Safe-Ox+ 可以采用壁挂式安装在气体储存室中或者富氧管道经过的区域, 须安装在工作时普通人头高度的位置 该设备标配有一个中继器, 可安装在房间的入口处 18 19

ASPIDA O2 & CO2 PORTABLE MONITOR Aspida The Aspida is an ideal solution to protect lone laboratory staff from the dangers of a leak of carbon dioxide, enriched oxygen, or inert gas. WHAT The Aspida is a robust, high specification personal monitor which can be worn on a belt or even wall mounted as a backup to a primary CO2 or O2 safety system. It offers audio/visual alarms, data logging and a man down alarm for individual lab workers. The Aspida is available as a stand-alone CO2 or O2 monitor, or as a dual CO2/ O2 monitor, ideal where a combination of CO2/O2 and inert gases are used. There is a multi-user function on the Aspida if you work back-to-back shifts with a colleague, to cut down on the number of units you need. FAQ s Q. Where can I download the Aspida software from A. You can download the software from our website on the Aspida webpage. Q. How long can the Aspida continuously run for A. The instrument operates using rechargeable battery technology, allowing it to run for more than 12 hours continuously between charges. It can also operate using standard AA-size batteries. DID YOU KNOW KEY FEATURES Available as a stand alone CO2 or O2 monitor or as a dual CO2/O2 Data logging Man down alarm TWA monitoring WHY Standards such as EH40 in Europe mandate that employees are not exposed to potentially dangerous levels of CO2 as it is a highly toxic gas in relatively small quantities. The Aspida is an easy to operate CO2 monitor and is ideal for ensuring personal safety in the areas of a laboratory where the gas is piped or stored. The same standards also require that consideration is given to asphyxiant dangers where inert gases such as nitrogen, argon or helium are used - therefore a portable, personal monitor such as the Aspida O2 may be appropriate following a risk assessment. WHERE The Aspida is usually worn on the belt of the user but can also be wall mounted as a backup to a primary fixed gas detection system. Easy to clip onto the belt of the user. 20 21

ASPIDA 便携式氧气和二氧化碳监控仪 Aspida Aspida 非常适合用于保护单一的实验室工作人员, 使其免遭二氧化碳 富氧或惰性气体泄露的危险 Aspida 具有多用户功能, 如果您与其他同事轮班工作, 这就可以减少监控装置的数量 您知道吗 常见问答 主要特点 本产品的功能 Aspida 是一款强大 高规格的个人监控仪, 可以挂在皮带上, 甚至可以安装到墙壁上作为二氧化碳或氧气安全主系统的备用监控仪 它提供声 / 光警报 数据记录功能, 还可为单独工作的实验室人员提供人员倒地警报 Aspida 既可以作为单独的二氧化碳或氧气监控仪, 也可以作为二氧化碳 / 氧气双监控仪, 对于综合使用二氧化碳 / 氧气和惰性气体的场合非常适用 问 : 在哪儿可以下载 Aspida 软件 答 : 您可以从我们网站 ( 上的 Aspida 页面下载该软件 问 :Aspida 可以连续工作多长时间 答 : 该仪器采用可充电电池技术, 充满电可连续工作 12 小时以上 它也可以使用标准的 AA 型号电池 既可以作为单独的二氧化碳或氧气监控仪, 也可以作为二氧化碳 / 氧气双监控仪 数据记录 人员倒地警报 时间加权平均浓度 (TWA) 监测 为何要使用本产品 欧洲的安全标准 ( 例如 EH40) 要求员工不得处于二氧化碳浓度可能导致危险的环境中, 因为二氧化碳是一种只需相对少量即会导致较高毒性的气体 Aspida 是一款易于使用的二氧化碳监控仪, 在存储或通过管道运送各种气体的实验室区域中, 该仪器能够很好地确保工作人员的安全 这些安全标准还要求在使用氩气 氮气或氦气等惰性气体的场合考虑窒息危险, 因此, 在进行风险评估后, 像 Aspida 这样的便携式个人氧气监控仪就可能是适当的选择了 安装位置 Aspida 可以挂在用户的皮带上, 也可以安装到墙壁上作为固定式气体检测主系统的备用监控仪 轻松挂到用户的皮带上 22 23

LC COMMERCIAL CONTROL PANEL LC Commercial The LC Commercial is a control panel that has a digital display and is ideal for laboratories which use a variety of gases or have multiple points to monitor. FAQ Q. Does the LC Commercial offer relay options A. Yes, the LC Commercial can operate 2 relays per channel. KEY FEATURES Easy to install 4-20mA per channel Available in 1, 2, 4 or 8 channels Digital display 2 relays per channel WHAT The LC Commercial series comprises one, two or four channel units for use with the various gas detector heads, such as the FGD3 and 3000SI. The front panel houses a digital display with associated keypad that shows simultaneously the current reading, sensor type and status (i.e., ) for each channel. The menu system can be used to programme various operational features such as the alarm levels and relay operating modes. WHY Many lab gases pose safety risks. There is a fire risk from gases such as methane, butane and propane. There is an asphyxiation risk from nitrogen (gas and liquid), argon and helium. Other gases can be toxic. The LC Commercial provides you with a display and alarms, from sensor readings in these areas. WHERE The LC Commercial control panel can be housed in the laboratory or in a central control area. It is easily wall mounted and simple to operate. ANALOX ASKS Why pay more for a simple, easy to use gas alarm panel 24 25

LC COMMERCIAL 控制面板 LC Commercial LC Commercial 控制面板具备数字显示屏, 非常适合使用各种气体或有多个地点需要监控的实验室 常见问答 问 :LC Commercial 是否提供中继功能 答 : 是的,LC Commercial 每个信道可以操作 2 个中继器 主要特点 易于安装 每个信道 4-20 毫安 可提供 1, 2, 4 或 8 个信道的不同型号 数字显示屏 每信道 2 个中继器 本产品的功能 LC Commercial 系列包含具有一个 两个或四个信道的设备, 可以与不同的气体探头 ( 例如 FGD3 和 3000SI) 搭配使用 前面板装有数字显示屏和相应的小键盘, 显示屏上可以即时显示每个信道的当前读数 感应器类型和状态 ( 例如警报 错误等 ) 菜单系统可以用于定制各种操作功能, 例如 警报级别和中继工作模式 为何要使用本产品 很多实验室都存在安全风险 甲烷 丁烷和丙烷等气体可能带来火灾风险 氮气 ( 气态和液态 ) 氩气和氦气可能带来窒息风险 其他气体可能带有毒性 LC Commercial 可以通过显示屏显示这些区域中的感应器读数, 还可以发出警报 安装位置 LC Commercial 控制面板可以安装在实验室或中央控制区中 它可以轻松安装到墙壁上, 操作简易 ANALOX 问答为何要花费更多资金来购买一个简单易用的气体警报控制面板 26 27

FGD3 & 3000SI FGD3 3000SI The FGD3 can detect a wide range of flammable gases. It is robust, accurate and easy to maintain - ideal for gas monitoring in laboratories. The 3000SI OEM analogue sensor is ideal for integration into a laboratory system. WHAT WHAT KEY FEATURES 4-20mA output Easy to maintain Highly accurate Robust FAQ Q. Where should I mount the FGD3 A. Mounting positions for sensors need to be considered individually, but you should ensure sensors for detecting gases lighter than air are positioned at a normal working head height and sensors for gases heavier than air are located below at approximately 450 mm from floor level. The FGD3 Flammable Gas Detector uses specialist technology to detect specific laboratory gases. The sensor can be set to detect either methane or general hydrocarbons. Pellistor sensors can be fitted to detect hydrocarbons over the range 0 to 100% Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) or 0 to 100% Volume gas. The detectors use the industry standard 4-20mA output to convey the gas levels detected to a control unit such as the LC Commercial. WHY Methane, butane and propane are commonly used in laboratories (e.g bunsen burners) and are highly flammable. The installation of the FGD3 is an ideal safety solution for your laboratory. WHERE The FGD3 is easily wall mounted in the room or area where the flammable gas is stored or piped. It then provides a 4-20mA signal to the laboratory s building management system or to the LC Commercial panel. The FGD3 is suitable for Zone 1 or Zone 2 areas. We can provide a ducting or wall mounting kit as an option where required. The 3000SI range is a comprehensive offering of robustly housed Zone 0 rated analogue sensors. The range can monitor (but is not limited to) CO, O2, NH3, Br2, NO2, H2, SO2, O2, HCN, F2, ClO2, H2S and Cl2 all providing a 4-20mA output. WHY Analox realise that not all customers require a complete monitoring solution and prefer to integrate sensors into their own system. The 3000SI range is ideal for this requirement if analogue inputs are required. WHERE Each 3000SI sensor housing has a gas port and by using a simple flow adapter they can easily be installed in series in a gas path. They are also used on inlets to compressors, particularly where H2S and NH3 are a concern. With a Zone 0 rating they can be used in harsh environments and are commonly used in chemical plants or integrated into vapour emission systems. FAQ KEY FEATURES Zone 0 rated Sensor body manufactured from 316 stainless steel Easy sensor change Simple to install Q. Does the 3000SI have any available outputs A. Yes, the range has 4-20mA output as standard. 28 29

FGD3 和 3000SI FGD3 3000SI FGD3 可以检测各种可燃气体 它功能强大 准确性高且易于维护, 非常适合实验室中的气体监控 3000SI OEM 模拟感应器非常适合集成到实验室系统中 本产品的功能 本产品的功能 主要特点 4-20 毫安输出 易于维护 高度精确 功能强大 常见问答 问 :FGD3 应安装在什么地方 答 : 感应器的安装位置应视具体情况而定, 但要确保 : 用于检测比空气轻的气体时, 感应器应位于工作时普通人头的高度 ; 用于测试比空气重的气体时, 感应器应位于地面上方 450 毫米的高度 FGD3 可燃气体检测仪使用专业的技术来检测特定的实验室气体 该感应器可以用来检测甲烷或一般的烃类气体 可以配备催化燃烧感应器来检测烃类气体, 检测范围为爆炸下限 (LEL) 的 0 至 100%, 或者 0 至 100% 体积浓度 该检测仪使用行业标准的 4-20 毫安输出将检测到的气体浓度传送给控制单元 ( 如 LC Commercial) 为何要使用本产品 甲烷 丁烷和丙烷在实验室被广泛使用 ( 例如本生灯 ), 具有高度易燃性 安装 FGD3 就是一种理想的实验室安全解决方案 安装位置 FGD3 可以轻松安装到房间墙壁上, 或者是存储或运送可燃气体的区域中 然后就可以向建筑物的管理系统或 LC Commercial 控制面板发送 4-20 毫安的信号 FGD3 适用于 1 区和 2 区等级的危险场所 根据需要, 我们可以提供导管或壁挂安装套件 3000SI 系列是一整套全面的模拟感应器, 结构稳固, 适用于 0 区等级的危险场所 该系列可以监控 ( 但不限于 ) 二氧化碳 氧气 氨气 溴气 二氧化氮 氢气 二氧化硫 氰化氢 氟气 二氧化氯 硫化氢和氯气等, 全部采用 4-20 毫安输出 为何要使用本产品 Analox 认识到, 不是所有客户都需要一套完整的监控解决方案, 而是更想要将感应器集成到其自有的系统中 如果需要模拟输出,3000SI 就是这一需求的理想选择 安装位置 每个 3000SI 感应器的外壳都有一个进气口, 通过使用一个简单的气流接头可以轻松将感应器串联安装到气体通道中 它们还可以用于压缩机的入口处, 尤其是在涉及硫化氢和氨气时 3000SI 感应器拥有 0 区评级, 可以用于恶劣的环境, 常用于化工厂或集成到蒸气排放系统中 常见问答 主要特点 0 区评级 感应器主体采用 316 不锈钢制造 感应器更换容易 易于安装 问 :3000SI 的输出范围是多少 答 : 它的标准输出范围是 4-20 毫安 30 31

Central Display 1 2 3 4 Cancel Cycle Accept/Test +44 (0) 7917 764348 EXAMPLE LABORATORY 实验室示例 Example of how Analox Laboratory products could be set up within a lab environment Analox 实验室产品在实验室环境中的安装方式示例 Carbon Monoxide CO 一氧化碳 CO O2NE+ N2, Ar, He Propane 丙烷 Fluorine 氟气 O2 Sensor Pure O2 Safe-Ox+ FGD3 CO2 3000SI CO2 Sensor External Control Panel 外部控制面板 LC COMMERCIAL 32 33

Analox manufacture products not only for the Laboratory Industry but also a vast range of other industries. To see what else Analox have to offer, please visit our website at safety is at the heart of everything we do The Analox team understand how their roles impact on safety critical products. We have a dedicated team ensuring 1000 s of people s lives are safe and who have assisted Analox in winning various awards. 34

@analoxsensors analox_ltd analoxltd +44 (0) 1642 711400 US: +1 (714) 891 4478